+4 -0
Lil Nephew must be a genius if he knows what actors his uncle incorrectly thinks are in movies.
Lil Nephew must be a genius if he knows what actors his uncle incorrectly thinks are in movies.
+1 -0
There used to be a link to some sort of fake classifieds when you clicked on this strip. Does anyone know anything about this?
There used to be a link to some sort of fake classifieds when you clicked on this strip. Does anyone know anything about this?
+1 -0
The link is still active from the main page version of the strip, it's to a mock-personals page of the Framley Examiner , apparently a British parody newspaper. Can UK readers elaborate?
The link is still active from the main page version of the strip, it's to a mock-personals page of the Framley Examiner , apparently a British parody newspaper. Can UK readers elaborate?
+0 -0
some of those fake personals are awesomely funny
some of those fake personals are awesomely funny
+0 -0
Oh, thank you for that link!
Must come up for air ... can't stop laughing.
Oh, thank you for that link!
Must come up for air ... can't stop laughing.
+0 -0
I always thought the guy in Twister was Dennis Quaid, and that the lady is the one from Jurassic Park.
I always thought the guy in Twister was Dennis Quaid, and that the lady is the one from Jurassic Park.
+0 -0
It was the dude from Aliens and the chick from INLAND EMPIRE.
It was the dude from Aliens and the chick from INLAND EMPIRE.
+0 -0
ezcmac, you are basically not wrong.
ezcmac, you are basically not wrong.
+0 -1
Ouch, man. The embarrassment is tangible. It is like a knife to the gut.
Ouch, man. The embarrassment is tangible. It is like a knife to the gut.
+0 -0
I love when Ray has his moments of thought. In panel 7, I imagine him sighing to himself before speaking in panel 8.
Just like in the strip featuring "Asleep Style".
"Who knows man"
I love when Ray has his moments of thought. In panel 7, I imagine him sighing to himself before speaking in panel 8.
Just like in the strip featuring "Asleep Style".
"Who knows man"
+0 -0
One of those rare occasions where I think the alt text is funnier than the strip itself. Not that the strip ain't hilarious, mind you.
One of those rare occasions where I think the alt text is funnier than the strip itself. Not that the strip ain't hilarious, mind you.
A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by shoesandhats, AndrewofDOOM, Tinhand, ezcmac, twntysevn27, Sleeps, Zefiel, madnes, zcross00, karljw, symbolsoup, stanshall, cherojack, riotdejaneiro, Edwell, Aaronb1215, cryztal, mikeronomicon, Overmedicated, hathandir, StoatLad, redion, Mangtastic, Jesler729, Deusoma, TPman90, aargh, Carpetbag, wittyname, kazad, jake11, goocifer, Catachresis, Moguin, mercuri0us, GMM, Moraiat, bug, clancine, trisha, barfighting, Connellingus, atypicaloracle, Kleptonis, FancyRat, jollysaintpete, TheLoneliestMonkey, NDCaesar, Sweetlips, JuanCarlos, Sargasm, atticusonline, HolyQ, mustconcentrate, Baryonyx, mira, luckypyjamas, nipsy43, mistlethrush, Crater12, aHatOfPig, LaserBlade, cognitonaut, regrepsnefpoh, Magb, profbobo, Warren, ravindra108, Fcannon, biznart, Wulvaine, FinnS, rodneystubbs, Herr_Modin, smilebuddha, Epicurus, Doc_Rostov, hausea, dropkickpikachu, apres, heatbag, holly_golightly, gonchoriffic, goopotato, mastema23, Twistedkidneys, ibetso, stormagnet, Dainbramage, sp1derbaby, cuneocapo, ouroboros, elmobeacon, icecube, afvbs)
Man you are getting yourself all kinds of worked up huh.
A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, StoatLad, NeoNaoNeo, Taidje_Khan)
A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ezcmac, twntysevn27, madnes, symbolsoup, riotdejaneiro, mikeronomicon, StoatLad, Mangtastic, Jesler729, Deusoma, Carpetbag, wittyname, goocifer, mercuri0us, Moraiat, jollysaintpete, NDCaesar, JuanCarlos, Sargasm, atticusonline, caduceo, HolyQ, mustconcentrate, luckypyjamas, Crater12, aHatOfPig, profbobo, nutmeg, Wulvaine, rodneystubbs, smilebuddha, usversusthem, hausea, dropkickpikachu, heatbag, ibetso, Dainbramage, motts, cuneocapo, icecube, aperson, flynn)
A comment left by dropkickpikachu was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, StoatLad, NeoNaoNeo, achilleselbow, Audhumla)
A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, ezcmac, twntysevn27, UntilYouAreSoNude, madnes, symbolsoup, riotdejaneiro, mikeronomicon, StoatLad, Jesler729, Deusoma, wittyname, re5urgam, goocifer, mercuri0us, Moraiat, bug, jollysaintpete, NDCaesar, JuanCarlos, Sargasm, atticusonline, caduceo, HolyQ, mustconcentrate, mira, Crater12, profbobo, mugi, Fcannon, nutmeg, Plozza, Wulvaine, rodneystubbs, smilebuddha, usversusthem, hausea, heatbag, stormagnet, Dainbramage, cuneocapo, slalvation, icecube, aperson, flynn)
A comment left by caduceo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by StoatLad, NeoNaoNeo, salvagebar, Doc_Rostov, Tangram)
A comment left by straw was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by twntysevn27, StoatLad, NeoNaoNeo, achilleselbow)
I am not sure how alone on this I am...but sometimes I dig Pat. I never dig Asherdan. Ever.
You get a chubby for preaching the truth. Word.
You also have a delicious looking avatar
That....what's wrong with working at Dairy Queen and preferring adult diapers? Astronauts do, you know.
You just got lamed by the other person that everyone hates.
Has anyone noticed that there are a few people who always mark any comment by asherdan as lame or spam, no matter what it says?
Anyone has noticed this.
Asherdan don't care about no internet people. Dude is raw .
A comment left by mikeronomicon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mercuri0us, UndyingSong, Satyr)
Explain how what you said is productive.
Now, I understand the mindset of being more critical if things you like, but you really write such snide, hateful things about this comic. If it is supposed to be constructive criticism, maybe write an email to Mr Onstad (NOT 'Stad), because I'm pretty sure he would not have been spending a lot of time on the assbar waiting for help from us.
I'd hate to be the object of your affection. I have a feeling you'd verbally rape my face off. Your interpersonal skills aren't very good are they. Do you have Asperger Syndrome? It is OK if you do.
My sister has Asperger's, and the only time her interpersonal skills are nasty is when she has to encounter toolbags who assume being a nasty fuckwit correlates to Asperger's and not to the fact that some people are douchebags.
While I sympathise, I am also in a position to know what behaviour Asperger's can bring about. Your generalisation is as bad as mine, toolbag.
Yea, in retrospect I think my anger was more directed at the correlation between Asherdan's idiot commentary and anything personally related to me, which is not your fault. Your comment was amusing, it's just that he's such a freaking tool. I do apologize, humbly.
aww man. now I feel bad. we're gold.
you two get a room already.
Why do this? Why?
do you mean why put a sausage dog on a turntable?
A comment left by chaesar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jaredwilde, StoatLad, NeoNaoNeo, fattypneumonia, achilleselbow, Doc_Rostov, Satyr, AaronGStock)
He is like the person who goes against the grain just for the sake of going against the grain.
And as for the empty panels, of course no one says anything, Beef is letting Ray get out his thoughts on this Little Nephew situation.
I was all for laming asherdan out of existence until I realised he had snapped out of it somewhat and people were still just all on his back even if he just said "Damn I like this strip"
A comment left by caduceo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, fakead, NeoNaoNeo, shadowlink_97, achilleselbow, yaegmenthor, Darthemed)
I'm not sure of the political dynamic, but catachresis has definitely been spammed more often than asherdan. There must be a reason for this.
Asher is so full of furious, impotent rage.
Seriously dude, the way you write is worse than like a plague.
Hey look! A comment where asherdan pretends he's not actually a fanboy.
Does it have to be new? It is funny. Maybe he should also not have panels with drawings of characters in them anymore, because that is REALLY done to death these days.
Hey look! A cat wearing designer glasses and a thong.
That's new!
Hey look! Talking animals!
That's new!
Hey look! Raging hard cat cock!
Like that hasn't been done before.
man you crazy, Sting ain't interested in comedic devices at all
This 2004 run of strips where Asherdan being a giant cock is the first comment needs to be linked to every time someone expresses confusion over why we all hate Asherdan