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Guinness Book Thursday, November 8, 2007 • read strip Viewing 242 comments:

Six days is a long time.

today's strip gets an automatic 5 from all German people

Dude! What the fuck is wrong with German people!

That would be French people: https://www.blog.ca/srv/media/media_item.php?item_ID=1273960

Guys, I am disappointed in you. I would have thought you had all seen and loved the South Park movie.

Indeed. 'Twas a grand film.

I saw it. I loved. And sadly I missed the reference.


A comment left by belgand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, Spoon, Wolfensti, lordofring, jake11, gormster, Weretrout, ih8jonmayr, JimmyK, Fathington)

Or Xanadu with Olivia Newton John, all feathered hair roller skating god-daughter YUCK!

a disembodied brain in a jar
forever that is what you are
a disembodied brain in a jar

South Park is awesome and if you can't realize the brilliance underlying the (admittedly) layers of shock and slapstick humor, you must be one of the worst things.

Here's someone who obviously doesn't understand that belgand doesn't like anything.

Unless it's that they don't understand that South Park hasn't been good or funny in years and years.

Sometimes I wonder if freakywonton understands anything.

A comment left by roomba was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, blastradius, Marcus_Brody, mortshire, atticusonline, Buster, scraggg, Audhumla, joamiq)

Although the woman got the record for Longest Amount of Time Putting A Single Breast Through a Flap Door. This is, of course, published in Guiness Book of World Records Max, available when you send in Proof of Being a Breast Man.

Comment left by towl ignored.

A comment left by johnbarleycorn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by CaffeineWolf, Moraiat, Semiquaver, Jesus)

Are breast men allowed to over-analyze their status as breast men? Do they pompously discuss the rude titties, or do they just enjoy them. Sorry, it's classical music's fault

Seeing as the most common rating you have for strips is currently "1," I'd say you do normally have a problem finding Achewood funny.

Exactly how can you tell that someone's most common rating is 1?

A comment left by fjak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Ocarina654, rowboat, NDCaesar, josher)

(that's teodore there looking at the breast. pat would not be interested.)

balls, i meant teodor.

fuck, teodor. why can't i lame myself?

I forgive you, because your avatar happens to be one of my favorite albums of all time.

Hell, you strapped down to stare at one thing for six days? Tit or not, it would drive you insane. You would begin to associate the discomfort you feel from the restraints and lack of movement with the image.

Teodor has lost his Breast Men membership. He has proven weak. He has proven to be less of a man.


This is what happens when you ignore the advice of Philippe.

Do not go into a mania.

y'know, i don't see teador looking away, or closing his eyes. dude has been awake for 6 days, he's probably just hallucinating that tit is growing toothy mouths that want to gnaw his nards off. i'd scream NOOOOOOO! too.

Teodor stares into the eye of madness, and it is horrifyingly nipply.

When you stare into the tit, the tit stares into you.

A comment left by killingthejay was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, mortshire, ElZilcho, Appers)

To be honest, when you're staring at something... even something awesome... for that long, your mind starts to lose all concept of what it is staring at and will just begin to imagine a mesh of meaningless colours and shapes.

Teodor isn't yelling in horror because he is sick of staring at the tit... but rather because he isn't seeing it any more.

Don't worry... he is still a breast-man.

There should be more circumstances in which the phrase "horrifyingly nipply" can be used.

Areola Dentata?



This actually happened to me once. It was in Amsterdam, though, so it wasn't too alarming.

This is a True Story, I was There, it was a good time had by men.

A comment left by myrrdisparo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Spoon, mortshire, lastlarf, Appers)

In all fairness it's not a particularly nice breast. The nipple appears to be OK, but the breast itself? I'd definitely pass on looking at it. Maybe show me something in a nice C cup instead. Something around 32-36. With some good size to it, fills out a sweater or tight t-shirt nicely, but not so big as to be saggy, floppy, and needlessly juggy in that bad sort of way.

I was about to lame this because of its horrifyingly creepy attention to detail, until I noticed the words "needlessly juggy".

I feel the smallest amount conflicted now.

Since when are three characteristics "horrifyingly creepy attention to detail"? Actually, probably even less than that. You've got a rough cup size and bust measurement and then the stipulation that good breasts ought to be able to fill out tight clothing in pleasing fashion. Really, that's only two things. Not at all creepy.

I appreciate the compliment however. I offer a variety of phrases through my business Smith and Sons: crafters of finely hand-turned phrases since 1892. We also do a limited business in puns and axioms, other concepts might be available by special order. I suggest you come by and discuss what you're interested in and we'll see what we could do with it.

Perhaps the exact numbers are what unnerved me.

Do you sell crude slang for genitalia in bulk? It doesn't need to be top-quality or anything, just incredibly misogynistic and offensive to basically everyone around me.

Is that a cat-hand on a lady-breast? There's something very unsettling about all of this.

It's Norris McWhirter 's hand.

A boob being held by a man who's been dead for three years...yeah, that's unsettling.

Comment left by towl ignored.

My my, what sass!

do you see any claws, idiot?

One "idiot" away from making a reasonable, non lamed comment. Instead you chose to be lamed.

Comment left by towl ignored.

Comment left by towl ignored.

I think towl has had whoper.

also pizza

it's not clear that the breast belongs to a human.

The Internet loves rock hard cat... tit.

Teodor could have gone for at least a fortnight were it not for that hand on the breast but there is something about that hand trying to push it up and make it easier to see, reminding you that that breast belongs to someone who is giving up their time to help you win a world record that will cold drive a man to a Shakespearean suicide, all sippin' on some syzzurp called hemlock or gettin' shot up with arrows like Toshiro Mifune at the end of "Throne of Blood" ...

Goddamit you spoiled the ending of Throne of Blood!

If you knew it was an adapation of Macbeth, why are you surprised that the protagonist dies?

Goddamit you spoiled the ending of Macbeth!

That scene is excellent .

So I'm not sure Teodor is gonna beat this record. Who d'ya reckon is the current holder?


During his "Ass-man" period it was downright easy.

Steve Fossett

Wallace Shawn.

In fact, it's a fellow teddy bear .

That tit is enormous

If Ray was going to do this, he was going to do it right.

Casually sitting in a chair, sipping a martini, listening to new talent.

so do you suppose that ray stopped what he was doing to put an end to the tit-gaping? or rather, do you suppose that the well-being of teodor was important enough to ray to pass up the opportunity to identify raw skill?

I'd go with the preservation of Teodor. That guy can only handle so much. No reason to break him

Speaking of the setup, the whole room looks like it might have been rigged initially for making a snuff film. no?

I've seen bigger. My cousin knows this girl in Canada that has J-cups.

that is a terrifying mental image. D:

Oh my god unbelievable

Um...uh...it's OK, missbee! Listen, hateandwar was just makin' up about those J-cups! He was just tryin' to impress you!

the rudest

A comment left by rogergs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lawbot, annachka, dejavroom)

A comment left by matt_bohr was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mcowgill, decagon, chivalress, rowboat, habnabit, troutman)

Oh dang man, actually reading other people's posts should be MY friend...

gooooooood tiiiiiiiits

This really should be the alt-text.

I must agree.

what about the woman the tit is attached to? Whats the record for having one tit shoved through a small wooden door for the longest time?

It's probably one of those circumstances where the records are broken simultaneously, like "fattest man to ride a unicycle" and "unicycle capable of sustaining the most weight before breaking."

Six days. She's in.

Who said the tit is attached to a woman?

This is really an event where women have an unfair natural advantage.

Other men would be filming it or taking notes. In the last panel, Ray simply stares on, in blank detatchment from his friend's Titty Psychosis...

...unless if his hands are where I think they-...no... couldn't be ...

He's practicing his golf swing.

Ray has said on his blog that he never "golfs alone", even when the only alternative is to pay a high-school teacher in a crappy little car.

He could be crossing his arms! You don't know!

A comment left by dejavroom was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, biomusicologist, rotating-dog, phthoggos, entropyends, RogerGS, rowboat, mortshire, Cantilever, love_hz, earendil)

A comment left by cpnglxynchos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mortshire, cale, LuckyG, clembot)

A comment left by earendil was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by missbee, Jewpacabra, dejavroom)

Man, what were the circumstances the record was set under?

Two words: Cartilege Head.

The sweat stains are a nice touch.

A comment left by moolah was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by missbee, apocowarg, silver_lake, Jesler729, DESTROY_YOU, estutius, michellemarie, HollyBones, Zoe)

Teodor is extremely rad

Ray is the evillest now. I feel like T is really gearing up to become some kind of super-spy, or similar occupation.

Yes, Ray is the evilest he is ever being. Until he is SO evil.

Agreed. This strip is sold by the final frame - Ray looking all Philip Zimbardo.

I had to google Zimbardo, and it turns out you read my mind.

And you know, I watched his show? I was taking a tele-class, and it was part of the curriculum! Zimbardo! Whoo!

The first '5' I've given in quite a long time. I'm really hoping this is the start of an arc where all the characters attempt world records.

This is the first time I have hoped that Onstad takes ques from the assetbar messages.

Like how long Chris can put off having this wedding?

Once people get engaged the wedding doesn't happen for like a year or two. Just hang in there and enjoy the mammaries.

Well, neither saying every word in the dictionary doing a different sex position every day of the year worked out for Ray.

You know what would really accentuate those tits? A necklace made of jewelry.

sorry to give everybody so much primo j/o material at work

The tit-to-hand ratio is absolutely preposterous. Then again, what do I know from small hands? I'm 6'1''.

Somebody mentioned Salma Hayek up there, but I would bet she has about the same hand tit-to-hand ratio.

That hand barely even covers the nipple. Salma Hayek would have to have nipples roughly 5 inches in diameter, or severely disproportionately small hands to have a tit-to-hand ratio like that faceless, big-tittied cat.

If we had a very tight focus on the nipple, it could have been extreme foreshortening, like in those pictures where the nose of the dog/cow/whatever is bigger than the rest of its body. That is not the case, so it must be a five-liter mammary.

Or maybe it is shown in psychological perspective. We are seeing the breast through Teodor's eyes. His reaction to and obsession with the breast magnifies its importance, and therefore its apparent size. Like a Hitchcock movie or something. This would be consistent with the fact that panel 7 is a repeat of the image in panel 5, only larger.

Nah, that's just bullshit I made up. Onstad drew a gigantic tit because he wanted the tit to be gigantic.

I think it's just a human tit and a cat hand.

That does not explain the size of the breast in relation to the shoulder.

I sort of wish he had employed that eye-opener set-up from A Clockwork Orange.

The Ludovico Technique! It would have been most cool.


That is exactly what I was singing before I sat down and brought up today's Achewood. Creepy.

Why would I write this.

Welcome to my exact thoughts about anything I've ever written here.

or in this case,


ah dammit, can someone tell me how to do bold/underline/italic crap on here?

use regular brackets [ or ] in place of those greater-than/less-than signs and you should be in business.

cool , thanks

Alternately, there is a link at the top of every comment section in the initial comment box that says "learn how to use these." If you can't seem to find it, I will reproduce the link here.

Good try, T. I would have failed too. Not knowing what the component left tit looked like would be the thing that sent me into madness.

I mean, you can see the edge of it. It seems to be nestled in the crook of her arm. Is it uncomfortably wedged against the outside of the wooden structure, further distorting its symmetry? What manner of sling or "half-ssiere" is being used? Or is this trooper of a tit-model stoically standing there naked and unsupported by the requisite devices? WHAT DOES THAT DAMN LEFT TITTY LOOK LIKE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

i love how the hand on the breast just doesn't move!

Maybe there's another Guiness in progress --same hand on the same breast for the longest time? I tried for that one in Jr High School, but I didn't even break the state record.

but now you have a record with the state. time served. back as a productive member of society.

no inverted V under rays nose = a bad bad man

No true breast man can win a staredown with a tit. The tit always wins.

The tit will never blink.

Man, now there's an image for a horror movie I don't want to see.

The Blinking Tit: Horror novel, or English pub?

At least he broke the top 20.

That better not be Molly again...

Molly's not nearly as rude as this. In either sense of the word.

Recently a JH Butterworth claimed that he had stared at the same tit for 37 days. However he was disqualified as it was felt that technically Rob Schneider was not an actual tit.

"Rob Schneider is, A Stapler." I don't usually watch Southpark anymore, but that episode captured Rob Schneider's career perfectly.

Rob Schneider durp dur durp. Durp dur durpudee durpee durp until one day durpa durpa durpa durp! Rob Schneider is Da Derp Dee Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb. Rated PG-13

(Shamelessly referencing the South Park episode norrin quoted from before someone says Hey Guy, That From South Park, Thief! etc)

Hey Guy, That From South Park, Thief!


The IV and catheters running through Teodor's body are cleverly hidden. Doctor Andretti was going to mix in a mild sedative with the saline hydration formula, but the Guinness Anti-Doping Agency said no. Too bad.

How come Ray is talking to Teodor all the time? Is there some beef between Beef and Ray?

It was only six days ago that the "best friends" were walking and talking, if you remember, so I wouldn't be too concerned. Perhaps Ray is still on the fence about kings, and is waiting until he's decided before getting back to his dogg.

Ray's just busy taking stock in whether he likes kings or not, Beef understands this.

Is this the first Achewood bare breast?

I think this is the first non-penis nudity in all of achewood. Unless you count butt nudity. Then it would be the second non-penis nudity.

It'd depend on whether or not you counted the fun little tits Teodor himself was sporting last September.

An excellent lecture question. Or "talking point," if you prefer.

Achewood Community College Course Bulletin
Fall Quarter - enroll now! E-mail acc178@verizon.net

Titillating Titties: A Literary Device
M-W, 3 units

The female breast is an interesting thing to read about and see. Our instructor explores the many ways in which nude "boobies" can be used as a fun, socially acceptable way to enhance a narrative. Appropriately endowed students are invited to bring their "jug-a-lugs" into the discussion as extra credit.

A comment left by relaxing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by BoscoStacy, troutman, lastlarf, billybrice)

Here is that amount, though.

(thank you)

This is one of those records Guinness refuses to list because of the danger element.

An appropriate comic for today being Guinness World Records Day.

Now the question is...
Will I get fired for looking at a comic about looking at a breast at work?

Maybe - but what the hell are you doing surfing the internet at your job! GET TO WORK!

I think the real issue is that MORE people should be reading Achewood at work.

If had a computer in the entire joint, I would.

for some reason, i get the impression that ray was looking for as long as teodor was

nah, ray left after day 3 to get some more ketel one

So how does he know Teodor didn't stop looking while he was gone? Is he filming? Are he and Beef taking it in shifts?

Of course they are filming, this is for the Guinness Book of World Records. They are very serious about their people looking at tits.

Ray watches in silent judgement

last panel, ray goes about this recording with cool, detached professionalism.

The alt text made me feel very sad.

There have been many ding-dongs and now a one bosom. Surprised, though. I'd have thought Teodor had better boob look skills.

My favorite aspect of this strip is that Teodor needs no time to answer the question. Ray asks him what record he wants to break, and he immediately knows; he has probably thought of this before.

Well, we know he's quite lonely. Hell, he was probably just waiting for someone to ask the question.

Has this experience turned Teodor gay?

Ray isn't sadistic. He just doesn't understand how six days of looking at the same tit could affect someone adversely. He is behind his glass panel thinking, "Boy. By about the fourteenth day, I'd be getting anxious."

When Ray became a breast man, he became a breast man all the way . Dude has patience.

I wonder if Teodor knew Ray was going to strap him to the wall. He should think these things through.

I think this is Achewood's first instance of lady-nipple!

Nipples were clearly delineated, under a shirt, here . Shown nudely, I think you are right.

Yes, I should have been clearer. Exposed lady-nipple.

after 6 days, a tit that size would have sagged a great deal - this is not shown.

Another gross Teodor tit thing?

This boob looks so much better than the ones depicted in Ray's breast/ass-man arc. Whatever drawing class Onstad has gone to in the interval, it must've been a fun one.

Is this the first naked tit in Achewood? I believe it might be, after a long run of man-crotch!

I hope that this doesn't either turn Teodor into an ass man or turn him gay.

Actually, wait, that is exactly what I hope it did.

A comment left by doctor_pickles was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, ezcmac, swanny614, supadupa, rowboat, Bertson, mikeleffel2, Jeef, mrblank91, sabata00, daverud)

Doctor_pickles, you are fake. You are not real. It is true what you fear. It is true that no one in this world - in the computer or elsewhere - gives a fuck what you say, think or do with your worthless words in your worthless life. You're not edgy. Yes, you have compelled me to waste one minute of my time to write this. If that is your victory, relish it. But do this....listen. Listen for a moment....shhhh....listen to the silence of your world. Get used to it.

Yes, relish your victory. Doctor_pickles. Relish it.

Ha! Good on ya, seanbad. Wow. Posting when you're drunk and grumpy is such a rad idea!! That's it. Five shot minimum before commenting from now on.

How come everyone deflector for when they post something risque or stupid they say "Oh, I was drunk!" afterwards.

Not saying your lying, just commenting on the trend.

It is an interesting trend. Like alcoholism.

rowboat is a cool name!




come on do you like 2 eat pizza

I cat titty or a human titty? Very unclear.



A small start in balancing the number of dicks drawn for this comic.

Philippe follows up this incident with an interesting blog entry. I will always think of Rocket Man when looking at a breast for extended periods of time.

WOW. I wonder how long he would've lasted with TWO tits!

Twice as long.

Or is it half as long? I never was good at math.

Am I the only person wondering who's tit that is?

Yulia Nova. Duh.

Yes. Well, you and about thirty people farther up the page. But basically, yeah - just you.

Wow, I first read this comment as "Am I the only person who's tit that is?" That kinda blew my mind. Because if the answer was yes, then the answer would HAVE to be yes.

It blew my mind so much I won't even point out the who's-whose mixup. Whoops.

Re: Ray's adventures down under: Ray is going the right way to get run out of Australia. I have been run out of a country before. It makes for good stories later on, but I don't recommend it.

It's pretty difficult to get run out of Australia. Snoop Dogg was, technically, never allowed in, so you can't cite that one. Apart from that, if you've got a visa, you're fine.

What Ray is doing is getting run out of one of our many fine hotels run by dickheads, and making a huge error in judgement about our northeast. Remember, Australia is upside down - our far north is your deep south, Sydney is your NYC (Newcastle your Jersey), and Victoria your New England. Tasmania is, of course, Newfoundland.

Chubby for incisive analysis.

I don't believe Teodor deserves to order off the secret Taco Bell menu from this point forward.

Eh, what happened to Todd? You know, the one whose head... uh... eh... TITS!

I think that this strip is magnificent. The focus on the mysterious hand on the tit (there to keep it in place? Such endurance!) and the final shot of Ray are perfect. I imagine that he's wondering if [url=https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uua7qDzSs]some class money would cover this.[url]

Sorry, here's my simpleton link: https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uua3gJVlq

As an aside, if anyone knows a fix for my Firefox's habit of truncating longer alt-text, I would be most grateful.


Um, I guess I've kind of been assuming this role, of late. I don't mind. I remember being driven mad by it until someone deigned to answer it for me. So without further ado - RIGHT CLICK ON THE STRIP. SELECT "PROPERTIES" FROM THE MENU. THE FULL ALT TEXT WILL BE REPRESENTED AS THE "TITLE."

Or, install the "Long Titles" add-on for Firefox.

yay firefox addons!

And it's gonna be a long long time

i know what little nephew's answer to ray would be: https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uuad65dss

These blogs are FANTASTIC.

i don't get the role the hand is playing.

it is a stabilizer. straight up stopping the boob from wobbling earthquake style.

Rowboat, you're a star. Many thanks

At first, I did not really understand why this is funny. It gave me a light chuckle, but nothing more.

Tonight, while severely inebriated, it made me laugh (out loud) for nearly a minute.

Chris you draw the ugliest tits man.

Your avatar matches this comment nicely. That guy in your picture obviously just reads Achewood for the tits.

that breast looks swollen from lactation and the areola enlarged. should this lady be using it to feed babies instead of abet silly, anti-erotic record breaking attempts?

She is saving for their college funds.

Personally I would like to congratulate Teodor, I think eight hours is a pretty good amount of time to just hang out on a wall, with a view full of breast. One titty would get dull after about ten, maybe fifteen minutes tops! Go Teodor!

Well, you'll be even more impressed since T was there for six days time.

the tit to shoulder ratio is absolutely magical. I want to know this woman.

Today's Blogs

Ray: Problem at the Hotel.
Pat: Soytopia.
Philippe: A naked lady made Teodor crazy!
Onstad: Bedding and Breakfasting with the Bohemians
Nice Pete: Cold Noodles.

After a while the tit becomes nightmarish and surreal. The areola begins to swirl hypnotically; the nipple points towards you like a finger, calling you out, underlining your shame. Maybe even flipping you off. Teodor's reaction is unsurprising.

I love that Ray is standing behind protective glass.

After I finish university, I want to be rich enough to set up things like this.

Now, i've seen Achewood lots of times before this strip, but its this one that made me check out everything and follow up on its progress.

Also, it made me spend time on the assetbar.

I lasted 3 minutes looking at that tit.....im a disgrace

Why did Teodor specify "the same tit"? I think if he had asked Ray would have facilitated looking at the most tits simultaneously.

On the sixth day after he cracked, the tit did gaze into Teodor's soul and saw his inner-most secrets.

Beef muscle meat can be 1D0-475 cut into steak, roasts or short ribs. Some cuts are processed (corned beef or beef jerky), and trimmings, usually mixed with meat from older, leaner cattle, are ground, minced or used in sausages. The blood is used in some varieties of blood sausage. Other parts that are eaten include the 1T6-222 oxtail, tongue, tripe from the reticulum or rumen, gland (particularly the pancreas and thymus) referred to as 000-284 sweetbread, the heart, the brain chmm exam (although forbidden where there is a gre exam danger of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE), the liver, the kidneys, and the tender testicles of the bull (known in the US as 1D0-532 calf fries, prairie oysters, or Rocky Mountain oysters). Some intestines are eaten as-is, but are used more often as natural sausage casings. The lungs and the udder are considered unfit for human consumption in the 000-342 US. Beef bones are 1T0-035 used for making beef stock.

000-887 l 000-889 l 000-897 l 000-901