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Holiday Gift Preview 2005 Thursday, November 17, 2005 • read strip Viewing 47 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, TripperDay, madnes, apocowarg, getset_go, riotdejaneiro, Cyberbob, jdhenry105, Dusty, Thorfinn, tibcoolbreeze, sevenarts, DiamondMonster, chivalress, GMM, bug, trisha, regrepnsnefpoh, TheLoneliestMonkey, NDCaesar, JuanCarlos, Sargasm, atticusonline, HolyQ, mustconcentrate, DrSkradley, mira, TheMackTruck, lk, fmercury, chatterjee, regrepsnefpoh, Magb, ravindra108, Setzkin, Fcannon, Afkpuz, cathaoir, achilleselbow, eRiUukFJk, Epicurus, scraggg, dropkickpikachu, Audhumla, DerSquirrel, Madoushi, mrn, Mastronaut, cuneocapo, Milo, Pigs, tragicone)

This is hella racist against stirrup pants ?

It's ok you guys, asherdan just doesn't know what words mean.

Actually, I took another look at the strip because asherdan's comment just made no sense to me at all. I think he's implying that because Eric is from Glasgow and has no job, that's kind of being racist against Glaswegans, or the Scottish. However, I actually live in Glasgow, and seeing recognition of the dear green place did not make me think that Onstad was being at all racist. I guess asherdan's just sensitive.

p.s. The name 'Glasow' derives from the Gaelic for 'dear green place.' This is not actually as ironic as many people think.

A comment left by greenkoolayd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by CygnusX-1, Mangtastic, Deusoma, trisha, jezebel, fuzzyshoo, fakedaisies)

READ the comic, don't just look at the pretty pictures.

A comment left by caduceo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mountain, VictoriaW, Panserbjorne, Satyr)

So is getting on your high horse about an internet comic, apparently.

This is the first time I haven't been motivated to defend this guy. I must have the world's highest AD tolerance threshold.

It is racist to imply that there is any unemployment ever in any part of the world except your own, and that people from other countries can also be morons

hella not making sense just to be a dick

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, madnes, jdhenry105, Dusty, Thorfinn, DiamondMonster, GeyserShitdick, GMM, Moraiat, bug, TheLoneliestMonkey, Sargasm, atticusonline, HolyQ, mustconcentrate, DrSkradley, Carrot, luckypyjamas, TTAGXAMM, TheMackTruck, lk, woof, fmercury, ravindra108, cathaoir, Epicurus, dropkickpikachu, Audhumla, mrn, Mastronaut, Frankreich)

Hello? Invoking MLK Jr and Bangs? Raise your li'l' fist, a.d. and speak truth to power. Carry forward the proud legacy of Civil Rights and, er, what, the right to rockcrit?

huh. it is MLK day to-day.

hella racist against sysadmins

...and uninsured motorists with mullets and wrap-around Oakleys

...they're the predominant ethnic group in my homeland (North Central Florida) although they do tend to stay in the shallow end of the gene pool, so maybe A.D is on to something...you know, a stopped clock is right twice a day...



Christ this explains a lot.

Hello, I am the other person who understood this. It's funny!

Don't worry, in a few months everyone will understand it. Because he'll be Prime Minister of the UK. AND I WILL KILL MYSELF.

Yeah how's that going for you

What I can't hear you from BEYOND THE GRAVE

Thank you, thread of comments. Thank you, comment writers.

I honestly have no idea what you are saying, but damn , check out Ray's package.

Hella justifying your reputation in one fell stroke, you gigantic dick.

A comment left by skiddyfisk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, riotnrrd, Connellingus)

alt text: Women with prescription aviators can also be seen on C.O.P.S.

"the strip from 1/21/03"


Strips with panels and shirts do not mix. People ain't gonna spend sixty seconds starin' at your chest if your name is Eric.

Eric = 20 seconds.
John = .01 seconds (John has one of those unfortunate concave varieties).
David = 20 minutes (David frequents Day Clubs and wears those shirts with electronic logos on them)
Pamela = 60 seconds. It is not because she wears comics on her shirt. Wait... what shirt?


I was classifying how long people look at a group of fictitious people's chests and for what reasons.

this is all very funny after a number of beers and a three fingers of bourbon

Chris' Treble-clef "S" is in fact a stylized G.


The left half is really the funnier half in this strip.

It really does suck when you colon comes off in the wash. (I imagine it also sucks when your period sticks to problematic areas.)

Those sound like some serious, non-punctuation related problems.

Sounds like someone needs Knowing Smile Area Wipes .

Bucked-tooth Cats: The bastards of evolution.

The Uninsured motorist drives around in a small pickup truck, like an Isuzu Pup or Cheverolet S-10, the tailgate replaced by one of those rubbery webbing things, streaks and squiggles of rust running along the edges of the hood and fenders...the space inside behind the seat is filled with old burger wrappers, empty pizza boxes, half-full bottles of soda and empty packs of either Camels or generic cigarettes. The uninsured motorist has another set of Oakley's in his glove compartment.

Man those stirrup leggings are hell of hot items

Well, ballet is hell of expensive these days, so there you go.

wait, so buying the woman is an option?
god bless achewood.

Ray is packin! Moms know that.

An "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" reference, lost in the laundry! THIS STRIP ROCKS!!!

Everyone gets down with Treble Clef Chris.

What terrible women.