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Fluff my hog Friday, November 12, 2004 • read strip Viewing 75 comments:

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, sevenarts, Pseudochron, tttt2, equinn2006, jollysaintpete, motts)

Okay seriously even I'm getting sick of the word vernacular by now.

I would lame myself if I could.

Not a big thing. In this case it is totally justified.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, pjalne, randombeing, mawk, StoatLad, equinn2006, rhymesforkids, farqussus, Art-Vader, godfatherofsouls, TTAGXAMM, aHatOfPig, Zem, nutmeg, Epicurus, heatbag, Madoushi, icecube)

A comment left by untilyouaresonude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, equinn2006, TTAGXAMM, heatbag)

Chubby for Roman Polanski. Pedophilia or no, Chinatown is the best detective picture I've ever seen.

Chubby for Phil Spector too! Shooting that lady in the face or no, he made ... some music.

Also, not quite sure if 'paedophilia' is quite the right term for 'drugging and anally raping a 13-year old'. I mean, while there's clearly a lotta [ilove[/i] going on there...

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dri-ft, ButterMoths, mawk, chivalress, equinn2006, farqussus, godfatherofsouls, Zem, nutmeg, heatbag)

w for weldon

The PG Wodehouse has Beef calling Pat a right sorry blighter and that he'd ought to be prepare to defend his remarks with a bit of a scuff. Come on man, have at you!


A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Pseudochron, Zem, sncether)

Are you at all concerned by the possibility that at one point fandom transitions into simply not having any imagination for original dialogue?

You don' know me, gringo .

Also, a little.

Treasure of the Sierra Madre?

YES!!! Beef grew up in bad circumstances, he's been shot at least twice at this point, his girl leaves him, he's suffering from terrible depression, and there seems to be no end to his misery. Then he gets Weldon, who's such a cheerful and useful dog that he begins to regain a little bit of self-respect. And when Pat tries to beat that back down... Beef finally learns to stand up for himself. "You dis my dog, you fluff my hog." This is the turning point of Roast Beef's character. After this he may still get depressed, but he's no longer the guy who feels like going up to the moon and leaving it all behind. This strip is the very essence of redemption.

Second best part? Pat, shrinking down and taking it like the bully and coward he truly is.

A comment left by hollis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JuanCarlos, Shabadoo, j_a_s_e)


Chubby for the ever-satisfying phenomena of Avatar/Comment synergy.

By which I mean I heard a heavily rolled 'r' when I read 'agreed'.

The thing I like about Achewood is that there is PLENTY to think about. When there's a character change you better believe it happens for a reason. Even if some of the plot points fall by the way side...


A comment left by shmuckeles was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, mercuri0us, equinn2006, _cheesekayke)

Excellent. Truly, an important strip. About fluffing hogs.

I enjoy the single, menacing paw he places on Pat's shoulder in the last pannel. Beef is not fucking around.

Angry Beef is the best kind of Beef.

Pat is a dick.

Obviously. Only a dick would use a bulgur salad as a reward for anything.

a reward for reviewing HIS fuckin' tax return !

Pat thinks with incentives, obviously. He's one of those rare birds that TOTALLY gets economics before he gets taught the theory behind it - that is, a Dick.

Special bonus: he made the salad for them as a reward. No sense letting Beef have all the salad; without Pat, after all, there'd be no tax return at all.

Extra super special bonus: Look at the look on Pat's face in the fourth panel. So smug. Jesus Christ.

I was going to say that he can't be that much of a dick if he at least offered a reward (that is, if he were a real dick, he'd just demand that Beef do it for free). Then I looked up what Bulgur was and changed my mind. I would fill out a tax return to NOT have to eat a freaking Middle Eastern oat grain salad.

I just wanna toss this out:

Bulgur is some of the blandest, nastiest shit ever.

A zealous bulgur fan lamed you.

Man, whatever happened to Weldon? I don't think we've seen him around lately.

batteries :-(

Pat is the sort of prick who says 'How DARE you?!1 in that way that you just want to dare some more until he's unconscious and inside-out.

Pat's three bestitute meals away from using the phrase "What is the meaning of this?!"

Ugh, bestitute. Mo' like destitute.

pat is never anything besides a huge dickhole. i want him to die.

Your post/avatar combo could never be better.

Panel five alone is possibly the funniest Achewood panel ever.

pat is such a dick that even when he is being nice he wears a cape

I don't think that Beef is going to help review Pat's tax returns anymore.

Reminds me of : "Don't knock my smock, or I'll clean your clock."

YES! That is my favorite Calvin and Hobbes ever. I'm so glad someone else knows it!


Damn, man! Yes! Yes! Old school! OLD school!

I read this strip when I was maybe ten years old, and almost immediately considered harassing my parents for a smock.
Also, who the fuck has lamed these comments; have you no soul?

I wouldn't knock the smock of the artiste that produced Symphony in Orange #1.

this phrase can still get me to burst into laughter

Pat often sounds like the Monarch in my head. All finicky and indignant. I can't decide if I like that or if it's appropriate, I just can't get the voice out of my head.

Hmm, yeah, I can hear that. I think of it as a little less nasally and whiny than the Monarch, more prepared and authoritative, in a failing attempt to cover his anger issues. Finicky and indignant, though, are right on the money.

Look at how mad-jutty the cats' chins get when they are ornery.

Today's Blogs

Ray: Fine, then.
Lyle: grins from the cowgate
Onstad: Pork trend.

If anyone were to diss my dog I would in fact shake them violently and threaten them with forced cunnilingus.

Forced burritolingus would be harsher.

Ummm...since your profile says you're a guy, forced cunnilingus would mean they wouldn't be fluffing your hog if they dissed your dog.

I imagine you would still be terrified and intimidated even if the inverse were true.

True enough

Even though I've only read this strip once before, I'm very familiar with the phrase "You dis my dog you fluff my hog", because it's pretty popular all over the forums - and rightly so.

However, the text from panel seven is so face-meltingly fantastic , I sort of think panel five slightly pales in comparison.

I laughed louder and longer to panel seven than to any other panel in any other comic ever.
Obvious statement is obvious, but I love how Achewood's humor isn't just a funny joke, its the characters, and if you don't know the characters its only half as funny.

Why is Pat doing his taxes in November? He seems like someone who would either do them the second his W-2s showed up or possibly never at all.

there's absolutely no way to describe my laughter after the fluff my hog thing. flippin' priceless.

pat hates having animals in his house, and yet he is vegan.

Just because he's gay, doesn't mean he's open minded.

To me, the italics in the last panel suggest that Beef isn't shouting. He is speaking in a quiet, calm, measured voice but with an edge that Dennis Hopper would stew himself over.

like nice pete

This is like the Roast Beef version of "you are entering a world of pain, Donny." Freaky.

Man I didn't even see this comment and totally made one down further about it reminding me of The Big Lebowski.

Hell of lame of me.

Naw, there's room for us both.

It took me a few reads, but now I know what truly pisses me off about this strip, and it's not just that Pat is a dick to Weldon. It's that he's a dick to Weldon after he's brought Beef over to look over (read: DO) his taxes for him. Fuck this guy!

That's exactly how I feel about my cats.

ironic that pat uses the word 'aint', considering his elitism and superiority?

Does this strip remind anyone of the "mark it zero" rant from The Big Lebowski? If it weren't for Beef's weird monotone, that's how I'd picture him sounding.

You do not diss a man's dog. That is the action of a jerkwad.