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Philippe's Wedding Day Thursday, October 10, 2002 • read strip Viewing 60 comments:

Are there any regular cast members who do not, on occasion, mess with the little otter's head?

I think this may be an actual depression based hallucination, rather than a prank.

Actually, I think Roast Beef is depressed enough that even his imaginary friends commit suicide.

And it's all Beef's fault. :(

And one of his surviving imaginary friends is named after (or perhaps is ) the huge cemetery in Paris.

Ah yes, the Mr. Tears Memorial Cemetery. It is so beautiful.

Indeed! The perfect place to bury Mr Mojo Risin - he was getting stretch marks and starting to tear a little around the gut area before he died in that bathtub.

Hold on ... does 'Tears' rhyme with 'stairs' or 'fears'?


Yeah, this isn't a case of Roast Beef messing with Phillipe, but rather Roast Beef being messed up. and Mr. Bear's usually pretty straight with him.

Although Beef did not at any point tell Philippe that plants don't get pregnant when you touch them.

I don't think Roast Beef is going along with it because he thinks it's funny, more just that he's bored and lonely...

Beef just doesn't have the wherewithal to explain the situation to Philippe.

The very idea of imaginary friends named Woman-Man and Mr. Tears, given what we know of Roast Beef's undifferentiated state at birth, is absolutely fantastic.

Nice catch, I'd forgotten the connection there. But holy crap is that ever morbid and depressing. What do they look like, I wonder?

But strip is probably some of the worst insanity on Beef's part - I mean he knows they're imaginary right? Did he forget he's introducing them to Philippe while he "learns" of the suicides?

Just amazing.

what do they look like, I wonder?

When I think of Woman-Man, I always get the image of a total skeezed-out crack whore with heck of crummy boobs

No sir, ain't clicking that at work, thank ye kindly

Oh wait, it's just an asset bar link.

...mmm, still doubtful...

Holy Moses! You can have quotes on assetbar!
(That is the first one I have ever seen.)

The moment we put actual faces on them the moment this strip moves closer to Family Circus fame, all invisble Ida Know and Not Me runnin' away from a broken cookie jar. Naw man, just naw.

Woman-Man and Mr. Tears are finally at peace.

Small Talk is a great name for a person. I would like to meet someone with that name.

smalltalk is also the name of a programming language

That's some heavy duty depression when your imaginary friends kill themselves.

My older brother had three imaginary girlfriends when he was little. Their names were Lisa, Chisa, and Mareesa. One day he came into the house and said they had been run over by a car. He never spoke of them again.

This is an inexplicably beautiful story.

Inexplicably fucked up, more like.

this one.

(not this one.)

My sister sat on mine; my imagination was vivid enough to conceputalize the gore squishing out in every direction as he was unmercilessly crushed. It was a Pikachu named John James.

Looking back now, it was pretty hilarious.

also when you have six imaginary friends

It's even stranger when you consider that these characters, with their blogs, newsletters and other unbelivably detailed aspects of their lives outside the strip, are in most senses Chris Onstads imaginary friends.

Hell, they're MY imaginary friends!! I even imagine going to *live* there...
Damn, is that crazy or just lame?

where is Samuel H Invisible?

Dude, Samuel H Invisible was hella rude, he'd never turn up to Phillipe's wedding.

At the trailer, watching Beef's Granny.

You sound surprised that you don't see Samuel H. Invisible.

I'll tell you where he's not: At the Doctor.

Suicide as a verb. Props to the last panel.

Solid win from Thigh Bone to "suicided?"

Why is no one else impressed with 'Montmartre'?

A comment left by zeroasalimit was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by gogobrent, Julia, Darthemed)

Hee hee, three lames.


Freddie Fractions: The imaginary friend nobody likes.

Small Talk is a dick

If the names Woman-Man and Mr. Tears are any indication of their imaginary personalities, I'm not surprised they suicided.

I'd have suicided myself real good like.

And if they weren't indications of their personalities, the way people acted around them would pretty much cause the same thing.

Interesting little pieces of Roast Beef in each one of those names

haha suicide as a verb

Roast Beef's surprise coupled with the surrealist elements of the comic could make me almost believe his invisible friends really are just friends that are invisible, not imaginary. I realize that it's not really the case of course.
Brilliance either way going from a cute idea to.. panel 8. Hehe and poor Beef.

Philippe, as a wedding present to you, Montmartre has agreed to not slash his wrists during the toast.

that is a hell of good present. much better than a toaster. For shame, Small Talk! When is a flower and an otter ever going to need a toaster?!

Don't you slit your wrists at ME, you son of a bitch!
Philippe is five today! That is SPECIAL!

Philippe is married today! That is SPECIAL!

Woman-Man killed him/herself first, and Mr. Tears could not live without Him/her.

The fact that Roast Beef has an imaginary friend named Freddie Fractions is mind-blowing.

Imagining an invisible friend called Woman-Man is deeply frightening to me.

is it me or does Beef smoke alot throughout this arc

He is stressed because he wants to tell Philippe the truth about the flower but doesn't know how to go about it.

If Beef were a petunia , he would probably consider all these backyard herbs to be all kinds of folks.

SO GOOD STRIP. I just re-found this because I was having a really shit day and it totally cheered me up . I'm not sure whether that is healthy but it surely did.
Roast Beef's shaking in horror!