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Todd's KISS Tattoo Thursday, February 5, 2004 • read strip Viewing 50 comments:

Hint that Todd is the one who stole Ray's Nachos.

Holy shit.

SO then...Who stole Ray's laundry?

nachos feature prominently in achewood. is this because they are awesome?

i think it is.

In this case, I think it merely indicates that some of the research was to just ask people at the Nacho place what they thought of Todd.

There is probably a Venn Diagram of People Who Read Achewood compared to People Who Like Nachos

It's just one circle, that's all

Well, lots of people like nachos, I mean they're pretty hard not to like. But not everyone likes Achewood because, as has been discussed previously, some people just don't "get" it.

So, I think the venn diagram would should that all Achewood fans are people who like nachos, but all people who like nachos are not Achewood fans.

A comment left by heccibiggs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by littlecat, d3lvn, gmontag)

I chubbied both of your comments just to make up for the lame, uh, lames from others.

Good idea.

Better than being slapped in the face with a chubby, I'd have thought.

I find that it really depends on the chubby.

I don't understand, therefore I'm intimidated an dislike this...
But I sure do love nachos.

So you're saying it's a circle within a circle.

What I'm saying is that I failed the living shit out of geometry and most of math.


Congratulations cpnglxynchos

You are the

equation of the week

Mirrors reflecting mirrors!


I would code it, but I'm impatient and uneducated.

I like it a lot.

It is difficult for me to believe I learned this skill from my Math class. What do Venn Diagrams have to with Math, really.

They depict the logic of sets.

What does logic have to do with math? Logic is so illogical. If ex equals why then Vee is still a cheating whore.

Don't be all like X is Five if Five is what you mean
If Five is what is on your mind then baby just come clean

Some guy quoted a song I heard and I...


...in my pants.

... Just what is a "nacho" anyway?

the two panels are across his chest

the perfect tattoo.

It is a perfect... tattoo!

I'm getting that tattoo this weekend at the bachelor party.

Much like the yams, the you-know-whats of KISS are, in fact, candied.

I always figured that they painted their you-know-whats to match their faces.

That was the tribute band. Kiss-up.

I need to see this tattoo.

you cant see it because it is in black ink

i'm sure i've seen someone's drawing of it posted here

weird that it wasn't in the comments for this comic

It was during the arc wherein Cornelius gets a horrid Star Wars tattoo....or does he???


While the artistic value is somewhat diminished by keeping it PG-13, this could not help but earn a chubby from me.

Your username is frighteningly similar to that of someone I used to know on Kingdom of Loathing...

Phillipe's stare in panel 5 is priceless.

"I'll make him the Secretary Of Kiss Tattoos"

Philippe's face in panel 5. He's just...listening, concerned.

I think maybe Philippe doesn't know what


I only compare my you-know-what to Labatt 50

How could you get a tattoo that detailed on a squirel?

Does he have to shave for you to see it? Or is it some kind of fur-tat?

Roast Beef is a model for civil servants.