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Klansman Subway Thursday, February 20, 2003 • read strip Viewing 42 comments:


A comment left by juancarlos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Fcannon, theplaidknight, valuedan, J-Man)


Seriously. Strip does not deliver titties, I object.

man i wish you'd come back to assetbar deimosrising

A comment left by delzhand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, Homepie, unquotable, mighty_pit, Zem, clembot, Shinkicka)

Well, he is a robot after all. He probably has some sort of familial bond with computers. Like how at age 5, your little brother would do anything you say

what the hell kind of little brother do you have? I want one.

I was that little brother.

Sam: "You know, if you tell that chick over there that her boobies are big, you'll be the coolest little brother ever."

Me: "Your boobies are big, unknown lady!"

I was exactly the same, only in sister form.

One of two brothers, one nine years older than me and one eleven years older: "Hey Rebecca go and do this (sticks up middle finger) to Mummy!"

Me (age four or five): "Why?"

Brother: "Just do it! It means I love you pr something whatever ."

Me: "Okay!" [ continues to go and flip own mother the bird, both brothers literally prance with glee. ]


What is Sturgis? I can only assume it is bad. I would look it up but I don't want the office network admin to think I am a nazi pedophile or whatever.

Sturgis is the biggest biker rally in the U.S. The question is, though, did Pat really go to Sturgis? If not, he might get the idea to go one day from Steve's Bike Party .

Sturgis is a town that has a holiday every year that is like Mardi Gras, only with thousands of giant hairy biker men.

The beads are not worth investing in.

Sadly, typing www.pats-subway.com into your browser yields no results.

Vlad is Russian, yet thinks in English with a Russian accent.

Close, he's a Russian Robot

Actually, I believe he is Polish

... really?

Well shit.

Perhaps you're being sarcastic, I'm not sure. I've always wondered why so many people think he's Russian, but I just realized now that the tips to his former country might all be in the "special" strips you only get as a subscriber and/or book owner; I'm thinking of the one in particular in which he mentions both Krakow and Z%u0142oty, the Polish currency. Have there been any other mentions about his Polishness?

Anyways, for all I know, he could be an ethnic Russian who was living in Poland (like how Teodor's family is from Belarus though a last name like Oresczu normally makes me think Romania first; though I'm hardly an expert in Eastern European ethnology and social distribution). Or he could just be a cartoon robot.

ok, it didn't like mike special character: zloty is the rough reworking in english of the of Polish currency

mike? what the fuck. "my special character"...

you would have gotten a chubby if you had made a correction of a correction of a correction.

People obviously assume he is Russian because "Vlad" is a name we more closely associate with "Vladimir" and Russia. Though the name may be common all over eastern Europe, Russia still a reasonable assumption until learning otherwise.

If he was called "Kowalski" or "Vaclav" or something like that, then it would not be cool to assume he was Russian.

Actually, I answered my own question as I was typing: I wondered why people thought he was Russian despite the fact that certain strips hinted at Polish roots, then I realized the strips that pointed to his Polish roots weren't available to the "average" reader. I understood that, not knowing this, most people would probably assume he was Russian. I would have, too.

You sure you don't just want to be like Mike?

>Z%u0142oty, the Polish currency.

I had no trouble believing the Polish currency contained a percentage mark. You could have just left well enough alone.

Did you ever think that maybe I care about Poland and not about your entertainment you little shit.


jesus christ, that was intense

intensely awesome

Heavens above.

Vlad is a Robot, yet thinks

A comment left by m3funkyb was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, Thorfinn, Jesler729, king_of_pwns)

RIDICULOUS vs. ridiculous
The inherent difference between Pat and Vlad.

wladyslaw the robot

That homepage's typography is so very Geocities. You just know that those flags are both animated, too.

Wow, I just realized I had been assuming all along that they were animated, even though no animation is suggested in the strip. The association is just that strong.

Who doesn't like big ole titties?

Pat. Pat does not like big ole titties.

I loves me some big 'ol titties! Really though, who doesn't?

They're like the truffles of the lady-body community!