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Ray Covers His Bases Monday, February 4, 2008 • read strip Viewing 281 comments:

as long as he is in some sort of public office, I'm happy

A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by biomusicologist, unklmnky69, TapaidhNaomh, Overmedicated, Thorfinn, kylank, Deusoma, tibcoolbreeze, Toast, lamelliform, LordHumungus, mortshire, seanpskelly, mustconcentrate, Scarfy, sigmacoder, aHatOfPig, ravindra108, Fcannon, lateadopter, sncether, Epicurus, prowle4763, BjorntD, AidenS123, DerSquirrel, gowerski, Panserbjorne, Centipede_Damascus, wotown, Nictusempra)

A comment left by earendil was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, mabel, NeoNaoNeo, redion, Pseudochron, slickshoes3234, shades, hogfat, psykeres, AidenS123, HistoryAndMetal)

A comment left by evolume was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by unklmnky69, Spoon, Deusoma)

A comment left by fallom was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, Vee, Smartacus, SpinyNorman, Crater12, BjorntD)

^^^ good old "old female" accounts :)

Strips Viewed: 5

Yeah, yeah. But five strips viewed doesn't apply to all of us ladies.

yeah, hold your cursor over MY avatar. i dare you.

Mine, too ;-; You should comment more!

The account is called "sock_puppet." Does this not imply that it is a "sock puppet account" for someone? Perhaps someone who has viewed more strips?

So I saw that this totally became a thing in later strips. Sorry, I am late to the comments sometimes.

A comment left by poing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lamboyster, Deusoma, Cypher, heckuba, SpinyNorman, BjorntD)

A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, apocowarg, lamboyster, biomusicologist, unklmnky69, TapaidhNaomh, Spoon, Thorfinn, glorify, Deusoma, tibcoolbreeze, envika, Toast, cuntpills69, wargasmic, cmjhogan, farqussus, mustconcentrate, DrSkradley, mistlethrush, Crater12, aHatOfPig, charchar, Epicurus, Audhumla, clintisiceman, gowerski)

the point of replying to a comment on assetbar is to actually reply to it.

not to just see how high up you can get your comment on the page.

distinctions .

I am an adult and enjoy anime.

My father once knew a man!

theres a reply button there, I don't necessarily need to make a comment pertaining to the one I am replying to.

That's the stupidest fucking argument I've heard.

oh, i didn't know there was a quote function...


It turns me on, sure.

This little three-post-chain has the smell of irony about it. It is a distinct smell, rather similar to the smell of menses.

Man, everyone is being way to hard on this guy.

I'm a stickler for bad arguments. Have whatever opinion you want, but dude, back it up well for goodness' sake.

I feel that everyone is being far too hard on him due to the fact that this is just a forum on the internet, with no grave importance. This is not senate. He is not jumping to the head of a line for the toilet. He is just making a non-offensive post on the internet.

A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by UncleRifle, apocowarg, lamboyster, atom, tibcoolbreeze, StagnantDisplay, aHatOfPig)

Wow, all this vitriol because one of your posts was lamed into oblivion.

Yep, and since I've had people following me around. Almost makes reading a webcomic I like WORK. Almost.

Feel like work that should be. Lack of edit function is frustrating.

Listen, dude - I can't speak for everyone here, but it seems to me that the reason the lames rain down upon you has a lot to do with your reaction to those lames. Someone might lame you just off-the-cuff, not thinking much about it one way or the other (I have done this), and that could be the end of it. But then you get all whiny and over-defensive about it. That only makes people (like me) feel better for having lamed you in the first place. Then everybody else sees what's happening and they throw theirs in, too, 'cause it really has become as lame as can be. Then you make another petulant comment and the flood gates just open wide, man. And you opened them.

Or it could just be your anime avatar. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. You're avatar from a Japanese-made video game which looks exactly like anime. See, I pay attention.

Point is, take your lames like a man and think for at least a few seconds about what you're submitting. Ask yourself - Is it lame? Is it something that a child would write? Will every fake person here hate me for this?

Also, you may find that if you change your avatar to a picture of someone shouting (preferably a character from this comic) you'll see a substantial increase in your amount of chubbies and maybe a corresponding decrease in your amount of lames. It won't even matter what you say, just as long as you have your caps lock on. These people eat that shit up.

I'm just trying to help.

Now I will take all the lames which I, myself, will justly garner from this over-long and condescending comment. I will allow them to run over me and through me, and I shall become a better fake man. This is the True Path.

A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by atom, Cypher, StagnantDisplay, puguglypress)

Ah crap. I meant to chubby you too but I ran out.

By the way, vast improvement on the avatar front with Jemaine and Bret, if my opinion means a god damned thing.

yeah, are those the flight of the conchords guys? They are quite rad.

Yis. Again, I'd chubb but as I mentioned don't have the POWARRR on this page

The fact that you've replied to this calmly and with a rational argument confirms for me that you're a real guy somewhere. For whatever it's worth, I'll remember that.

hey man, do you know how stupid I feel every time I make one of those comments?

Hey, chochacho. That wasn't meant as a personal indictment! Don't feel stupid just 'cause you picked a good avatar! I was just making a observation about how people react toward it, which is fine, too. You...are...rad!

"... an observation..."

Now who feels stupid?

Me (I do)


I wouldn't worry about it that much, the internet is full of opinionated assholes. The fact that they can anonymously talk shit on the internet with no repercussions (I.e. punched in the nose) makes them feel safe from their mother's basement where their pasty skin grows mold. Remember kids, Will Wheaton says "Don't be a dick!"

Important announcement: pasty children living underground are not the only sorts to benefit from internet anonymity when mouthing off. Cliche-toting nubs like yourself seem to enjoy it too, and there is no telling what sort of a person you are beyond the monitor... besides a cliche-toting nub.

Could you become... the first user on Assetbar that I actually use the "ignore" function for? (after Retardo)

he just became the fourth.

and you both are being way to dickish.


I support you 100% bro. Because I don't care!

who are you talking to in these posts?

Do you understand the definition of the word "reply"? DO YOU MOTHAFUCKA? DO YOU WANT TO TASTE THE FUCKING CURB?

...Whoa, I don't actually care. I got a whiff of a reference and it just ran away with me. I have to lie down now, I'm a bit dizzy. Sorry, everyone.

why on earth would it be the "reply" button if it wasn't meant for replies? if it was for high-posting, it would be the "cut in line at the assetbar forum" button......duh

To reply is to respond. No more and no less. There is nothing in the word that mandates relevance to the original topic. Nothing . Only that it follows after the original.
The guy is within his rights.


I am concerned that you may be turning into the next asherdan.

You give him too much credit.

Come on triple n, don't go laming the messenger.

A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lamboyster, atom, Thorfinn, tibcoolbreeze, envika, cavebaby, earendil)

man asherdan was a dick but at least he was mildly interesting. you're just a straight-up dick.

A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lamboyster, atom, Thorfinn)

yes, i meant to call you a raging phallus. that is exactly what i want out of life, is to call someone on the internet a tumescence.

A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lamboyster, atom, Thorfinn)

Heh. Comedy troll.

It really is a poor slogan. See?


Would you vote for that? Be honest.

I would, but I think that's more a personal issue thing that I need to work through.

Thank you everyone for your cards and prayers.

And he let Tony Hawk down.

Project 8 let me down. i'm kind of mad at Tony Hawk at the moment.

Everything after Tony Hawk's Underground 1 has been a let down.

...good point. i played AW and wasn't enthused and i'm glad i never got THUG2..but yes, grinding and shredding around The Vet and Moscow (as well as School II) is much fun.

Holy crap, the fact that Tony Hawk's UnderGround spells THUG has never occurred to me. It is perhaps the most meaningless revelation I've had all year! WAHOO! Ketel One for all!


more like Calm you down!

anyways..i broke down and got American Wasteland the day after this exchange but the used copy i got was scratched to oblivion so i have to take it back and make the shop work their descratchitizing magic on it.

Tell them to put it in the espresso machine. Do it for your children.

it's a fun enough game. it's kinda lame they stepped it back down to, like, playstation 1.5-style graphics 'cos they did too much with it, but it was fun. just being able to do the ridiculous natas spins to a 1440 truckstand to one-footed manual to primo to casper to anti-casper to casper to 360-flip

...to skitchin'

The other clap-worthy moment of that film was James Bond snowboarding to the Beach Boys.

A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, gussiejives, hogfat)

It's 1985's "View to a Kill". She's blown up by Christopher Walken while saving Roger Moore's life.

I'm not sure if Grace Jones dying so Roger Moore may live is necessarily a net gain for the human race.

I second that emotion. Does Moore rate above 4th place on anyone's list of Bonds? To quote a friend "Roger fucking Moore? He never even kissed a girl!"

The sad thing is, George Lazenby could have had most of Moore's movies. They brought Moore in because Lazenby, on the advice of his agent (who was convinced that a good old-fashioned chauvanist like Bond wouldn't play in the hip and forward-thinking 70's), abandoned his contract with Eon pictures.

Lazenby was in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" and is probably the 3rd best Bond ever, after Connery and Craig.

A comment left by thorfinn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by hawaiian_robot, hogfat, shounenhero)

A comment left by samcc was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, equinn2006, clintisiceman)

Are you kidding? Brosnan was a great Bond... he just got some of the shittiest movies.

Brosnan, I think, embodied the literary character of the sort of rough-and-tumble but classy guy that Ian Fleming wrote about. But you are right. He had the shittiest of shitty movies. (Except I have a special place in my heart for Goldeneye, which was my first experience with the Bond universe, and has colored my approach to women, fast cars, and alcohol ever since).

On a somewhat unrelated note: I was so pissed that Clive Owen was not chosen as the new Bond. However, Mr. Craig is doing a bang-up job of it, so I'm not complaining.

I liked the Brosnan movies. I didn't expect them to be works of art, just some cool gadgets, some fights, saving the day, and that's what I got.

Go back and watch the old Bond Movies. The acting is terrible and the stunt fights, falling, etc., is ridiculous. They are still cool movies but I find it hard to understand how Bond fans can call the new ones crap. Glass houses.

I like them all. They all have their strengths.

Keep in mind, Godzilla aficionados will call bullshit a thousand times on the 1998 American film. But seriously, were Tokyo SOS or Godzilla 1985 any better? I postulate that no, they were not; people just like a certain kind of poorly made film, and usually such films improve with age.

But yeah, "Tomorrow Never Dies" was a total pile of shit.

As both a fan of Godzilla & 007 I have noticed a similiarity in both those franchises: Big budgets/quality in the 50's/Early 60's; Some decently made films in the new millineum; and a few decent ones in between (surrounded by lots of just plain shit)

man oh man am I a geek

Goldeneye spawned the greatest multiplayer console game of the nineties. I can't actually remember the film.

Every time I watch the film, I can only think of how different scenes are different levels and how many more baddies I had to kill. The final fight scene was good, from memory. Lots of kneeing.

outta chubbies...but that game is exactly why i got an n64 again. the used copy i picked up had all the cheats acquired. totally cool. i want to thank you, whoever you are.

Isn't your file saved on a memory card...

Not necessarily when it comes to cartridge-based games, my friend. It can save on the game cartridge, a memory card (N64 only - wasn't invented by the time of the SNES and Genesis), and sometimes, on the console itself. Depends on the game.

I, personally, bought an N64 again just for one game and one game only: WWF No Mercy.

And yes, it stomps massive ass. No wrestling game, to this day, can compare.* And sadly I'm not joking here.

*Def Jam: Fight For NY came pretty damned close, but arguably almost not a true wrestling game. Still, amazingly good game.

No Mercy was fantastic, my only problem was that I had a first release copy of the game with the bug that tended to erase all your saved data every month or so.

not Warzone..? Warzone was pretty rad..

Warzone didn't have the crispness of No Mercy, with its beautiful textbook-perfect Japanese moves. Motion capture just can't compare.

Warzone was fun, though. And much better than Attitude, which was very silly.

I love Clive Owen. You have no idea how much I love Clive Owen. But he is not Bond. Not only that, but the fact that he's not Bond leaves him open for future supervillain roles. How would that be for tasty?

Where James Bond has to face someone trained from birth to believe that he is James Bond, but an EVIL James Bond, who commits terrorist acts all over the place, sullying the Bond name, forcing the REAL James Bond to face down his doppelganger in a wide-ranging international battle royal...

One second, I'm opening Microsoft Word. I think I've got something going here.

Non seq: a Pulp Fiction video game, the purpose of which is to survive a battle royale with cheese.

I like this idea a lot, bjorntd.

Have you written any more on this?

A comment left by i_love_kate was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, aHatOfPig, psykeres, clintisiceman)

Craig's character in Casino Royale is sort of a reboot of the franchise, imo. He's presenting a rougher, unfinished Bond yet to become the precise spy we know and love.

True, that. I did kind of get the same impression from the last scene, but it didn't help me enjoy the rest of the film any more.

When you apply the name James Bond to a film, you make certain promises.

You are right about this. This is the order of things...
... Except perhaps leave Craig off altogether, as the guy has ruined James Bond forever.

Lazenby and Brosnan really looked the part. Connery and Craig are the two best Bond actors.

In correct.

1. Craig
2. Connery
3. Brosnan
4. There were no other bonds...

Craig is the first bond I feel like could unequivocally beat the ever liquidy piss out of someone.

That isn't really the point.

Daniel Craig lacks finesse. The man basically just plays a thug. He is the Homo habilis of Bonds, all smacking things with chipped flint and swinging his burley arms around. He has turned James Bond from a thing that men aspire to into a thing that men evolve out of.
And while Casino Royale was passably entertaining... Quantum of Solace (even the title is the most pretentious drivel imaginable) was just a modern art abortion of a film. It was plotless, pointless, senseless, horrifically abstract, and by several miles the worst James Bond film ever made. EVER. When it was over, I thought I'd just watched the pre-intro to the scene and was understandably confused that the ending credits were not actually the intro credits.

Daniel Craig should step away from James Bond... permanently... and leave it in the hands of someone who actually has style.

this comment lamed by asherdan and retardo.

I happen to LIKE Roger Moore, thank you! I hate exactly half of Brosnan's movies, and although I hate two of Moore's as well (Man With The Golden Gun and Moonraker...urgh) the ratio is still much bigger. You can't tell me Live And Let Die or For Your Eyes Only are bad movies.

Moore is third on my list (behind Dalton and Connery, IN THAT ORDER). I'm not ranking Craig until after I see Quantum of Solace.

But flash 1087, Timothy Dalton is silly!
It is silly to like Timothy Dalton!

I like Timothy Dalton. But he is the third best Bond by some considerable distance ( behind Connery & Craig ).

Don't. Just don't.
Quantum of Solace will ruin James Bond for you forever.


Brosnan before Connery? You've got some balls.

I am.

It was in the alt text.

Wow... she is a cold lady! That being said I dont know who Grace Jones is so hell maybe she deserved it.

A comment left by drskradley was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cblaines, NeoNaoNeo, wittyname, hogfat)

Well, considering the amount of stuff I did, the fact that I only fucked up one link is pretty good, I think. Gold Star.

Keith Haring is having second thoughts about painting her bony ass.


This will stay with you until you die, Keith.

This is what happens when you decide the lyrics to a Big Black song are appropriate to your post, not bothering to look up whether the person in question is dead before hitting the button.

Yeah, that was a while ago, too. Notice, though he did paint her ass, here - he went ahead and painted two large penises on her back. Good for you, Keith!

Even though I'm into traditional oil painting, I still have good memories of Haring. I went to art school in NYC, in the late '80s to early '90's, and his stuff was still on the walls of subway stations even though he was already a huge name in the NY art scene. The Pop Shop opened up right across the street from my school, too, so I saw his stuff constantly. Simpler times, my friends.

Chubby for the Big Black reference alone.

I mean, wow.

Dang, I just noticed I was listening to them while talking about a lady a good 4" taller than me as well. Anyway, hooray for great music!

lost_bouy, that is pretty cool! Sometimes I get nostalgic about the 80s, even though I was only conceived in 1989.

Now I'm gonna go hock myself on Antiques Roadshow.

The only thoughts going through Haring's head are those of the Conqueror Worm.

That's one of the scariest-looking women I've ever seen.

She's basically the living embodiment of the lady from the cover of Abraxas, in my estimation. Uncomfortably alluring.

she is a handsome woman...
a handsome woman.

Wait... Grace Jones is black?
Does this mean Ray's mom is a racist?

Just wanting someone dead doesn't make you a racist. I would assume it was Jones' blistering androgeny that upset Sondra far more than her complexion.

Especially considering the amount of jive that Ray talks. He had to learn that from somewhere in his childhood.

We're talking about the woman who is permanently banned from Disney World because she flashed her tits during a massive performance.

And I'm talking about Grace Jones here, not Sondra. Though I'm sure her girls are worth looking at.

Ramses Luther Smuckles would never be with a woman whose girls were not worth looking at.

Dude. It's his mom.

You don't debate the finer points of your friends' mothers' breasts? Often right to the face of said friends?

I almost got punched in the face once because I described one mother as being in ownership of a "Latina-grade ghetto booty" with great enthusiasm. Totally worth it.

The absolute best part about this story is that I pictured Stephen Fry saying "Latina-grade ghetto booty" on account of your avatar. Thanks for that.

No, it's his wife .

It seems appropriate to quote other Achewood comics (in lieu of something original) on these boards, so here's my contribution:



Thank you, that is all.

In order to do right by his Momma, Ray will constantly be in the Mayor's Ceremonial robes.

Never forgetting to also wear his tie.

"Okay, mom. I will try to be mayor instead." Much like having your face turned into processed dogfood, this too is a thing all boys must say to their mothers some day.

I am sorry I am not the mayor, Mom. I really am.

I sense a revival of Philippe's Mayor Fascination.

"Overcoming Your Mayor Addiction: Ray Romano Testifies"

Welcome to Mooseport was not a very good movie.

Then again, nothing with Ray Romano in it was ever very good.

That's right, I went there! Everybody does NOT love Raymond. I do not love Raymond.

I hate Ray Romano in the face. Verily, I chubby thee.

It's one of those shows that you have no intention of ever watching, but if you ever do it's not bad. But then you still don't care about watching it again.

I disagree. Every time I've watched an episode I get overwhelmed by shame. Shame that this country made such an utterly disposable work of fluff, a comedy with no laughs, the #1 show for all those years. I know teevee can't always be good, or even often be good.

It can't all be the A-Team. However, is it too much to ask that when it is bad that at least it be bad in an interesting way? The victory of the lowest common demoninator that Everybody Loves Raymond demonstrates is never surprising, but endlessly shameful.

I posted this previously in the Star Wars Tattoo comments, but goddamn it, I'm going to post it again.


The tattoo is so fresh, so raw, still glistening with completely shaven skin and antiseptic cream, that I dare say the regret hasn't sunk the fuck in yet.

There's no regret here, my good Doctor. Only the the righteousness that can only come from a just cause, the purity of a mission, of a purpose . Its statement is loud, and proud, and an affirmation of everything good and decent on this Earth. Her declaration is clear; her faith, absolute.

Ray Romano Must Die.

How does she not realize that one day her grandchildren will ask who the hell Ray Romano was and why she wanted to kill him.

Pop culture breeds a spawn of the foulest kind.


man, i'd totally go to the bathroom all over that guy.

(no, i lie. i wouldn't. he already has people.)


... I... I need to know where this tattoo picture is from. I gotta know the story behind it. Holy crap. Wow. I am amazed .

Philippe will be able to have all his questions answered at the source.

I want backstory on Ray's siblings. Little Nephew had to come from somewhere, and the previous strip made it seem like maybe Sondra had already lost one of her babies.

I am ashamed to say that A View to a Kill has my favorite James Bond theme song. Also: blonde Christopher Walken is completely applause worthy.

I read that as "applesauce worthy", and somehow it made sense.

A comment left by chuvak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by patkun, ElZilcho, HollyBones)

Me, too. Weird. I didn't think it could be anything else until I saw your reply.

I thought Christopher Walken and Grace Jones were pretty OK and very attractive bad guys. The incidental music was quite cheesy 80s though.

As long as it was better than Tomorrow Never Dies . That movie SUXXIT.

TND was pretty bad, but it was Citizen Fucking Kane compared to the shivering anus of Bondfilms, Die Another Day .

I heartily concur. Duran Duran is the finest band to ever perform a James Bond theme.

I must admit that I went to see "A View to a Kill" on its opening day just because Duran Duran did the theme song. I was a teenage girl at the time, which might be a mitigating circumstance?

But with my adult wisdom I can now say that no Bond theme song can beat "Goldfinger." He loves GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!

I say "I love goooooooooooooooooold" on a pretty regular basis. My students think I am strange. Wait, they know I'm strange.

Mrs Smuckles is (probably) referring to the Bond movie A View To Kill, where Grace Jones blows up in a car in order to save... Silicon Valley.

If by "a car" you mean while pushing a mine-car filled with an explosive. I would also suggest she's doing it more to screw over Christopher Walken than to save Silicon Valley.

Technically, she wasn't pushing it when she got blown up, she was merely holding the handbrake off.

Since that terrible event millions of independent IT contractors come out in force on May 22, to mourn the passing of their heroine, their protector, Grace Jones.


Man everybody knows the best thing Grace Jones ever did was have Conan's back in that horrendous "Destroyer" movie.

I think there was a Honda scooter commercial that was her best.

No movie starring Wilt Chamberlain should be deemed horrendous.

Actually, the best thing Grace Jones did was a song for the soundtrack to Toys. It would've been a completely insipid song, but it was _Grace Jones_ singing it. It changed everything. It makes music critics hide under their beds and cry.

"Let Joy and Innocence Prevail" is the name of the song, I think. Chubby for reminding me to pick up that soundtrack.

This is not a healthy parental relationship.

I firmly believe that Grace Jones is the proof that robot global domination will soon be upon us. I mean christ she's more chiseled than Lincolns statue. If her chin and jay Leno's chin touched it would rip a hole in space time. I bet fucking feels in everyway like someone filled a box with broken glass and barbed wire and carved a hole in the side.

I calp with you Sondra

We should all calp until it crescendos into thunderous applesauce.

never type dunrk



This is totally said in a Stewie Griffin voice right here. In fact, it helps if you imagine all four of these comments as said by Stweie Griffin.

What really catches me about these comments is wondering what in the world your avatar is supposed to be.

Ah. You went and changed it. Though I was partial to the inscrutable mass of white lines.

sondra is living in another age. gallivanting around with golf shirts and, you know, hookers has got to be the prime draw of becoming mayor.

Not if the bitch sets you up .

I guess Ray got the answer to his question .

I'm not a huge Grace Jones fan, but I'd probably have been happier if Tanya Roberts' character was bumped off in A View To A Kill. It's probably not her fault, cos she's fairly amusing as Donna's mother in That 70's Show, but all she does in AVTAK, especially the second half, exclaiming "James!" (if danger is imminent) or "Oh, James" (when he saves her, again).

A low point in the history of the Bond Girl.

What is going on with my use of English up there? It's been said before, but I'll say it again - you should be allowed to edit your posts.

I think you should be allowed to edit your posts if you can pass a basic aptitude test, to prove that you simply weren't paying attention, and that you're not just thick.

or dunrk.

I read that as "Tonya Harding" at first. My God, do I need coffee this morning...

I remember A View To A Kill . . . I remember thinking, "Grace Jones in a James Bond movie . . . can the Antichrist be far behind?"

Not all mayors need their hair combed just right:


All right, maybe this is too confusing. This is former Mayor of NYC, Ed Koch. It is not Frank Perdue. The examples here show a clear difference:



scope it, though, Perdue totally knows about Chicken and how Important it is...

Rated five for perfect character moment--Ray's mom does not approve of Grace Jones

Strangé is buck wild.

damn question mark...

Sondra definitely pronounces it RAAAAAY-monnnndddd.

Way back in 2008, candidate Ray Smuckles promised his mother, and Achewood, that:

"You won't see me gallivanting around in no golf shirt!"

But it seems Mayor Smuckles has a little problem remembering that promise.

Kind of makes you wonder ... just what kind of cat Ray Smuckles is. Just what other promises he intends to break in his second term.

So before you vote this November, just ask yourself: Can we trust our children's future to a man who lies to his mother about ties and combing his hair?

Paid for by concerned citizens for Philippe 2012

That last line was perfect Philippe POV. Chubby.

Plus some orange slices and 5 bucks towards the campaign.

But in 2012 he will be just five years old.

And he will be busy doing the freestyle HUUUUUUGS event in the Olympics.

I think everybody wants to see some new ideas! And, I think everyone agrees it's time this county was run by someone who is five!

A similar thing happened to Dennis Kucinich, except that his mother really wanted him to be president.

Also Dennis Kucinich has a wife who's ten billion times hotter than he is:
It's got to be mentioned whenever his name comes up on the internets.
Given that Ray Smuckles is like ten hundred times hotter than Dennis Kucinich, he would have to marry some kind of supermodel to match his baller-in'.


I feel like she probably married him for power, without realizing that he'd never ever get elected.

Bullshit. She's a super hot Brit socialist who loves him for his politics and personality. Really. There are hot chicks out there outside Britney's fascist state that are after more than ice and dick.

Steerpike66, you are my new favorite person.


Ice = expensive jewelry. Diamonds, specifically. You obviously aren't up on terrible American pop hits.

I'm not up on pop hits regardless of their nation of origin.

This query works so well with your avatar. Dear me. Is this a 'hip-hop' thing?

This is right up next to Australian Question Intonation in new fashions I simply cannot abide.

You are the kind of (fine) man who will put protective inverted commas around anything dated after 1945 in the OED.

Any verbal trend that originated in a period where tele-visions were the norm is, in my opinion, a passing one.


serious fact here: when they met he gave her a copy of his proposal for a Department of Peace, and she became enamored

I'll see your Elizabeth Kucinich and raise you a Jeri Thompson.

At least he's an actor, not a congresself.

She doesn't have feet... is she a mermaid?

You genuinely made me giggle. Thank you, was wonderful.

Were there chubbies to give the whole world, I would endow them all unto thee, Peterjoel.

this is exactly the first thing I noticed.

This is exactly the last thing I noticed and I'm pissed.

I call?

Ummm... Two Abdis and a Viklas?

The rhinoceri are playing poker for famous wives.

Well played, sir.

bimbo to the max

Um, guys, I think we all know the hottest potential first spouse is Bill Clinton.


Ohhhh yeahhhh.

Speaking as a guy, not even a 20-year-younger Bill rates with Dennis the Menace's or Fred's wives. Let's not think about the here and now.

Alas, now that Kucinic vs. Thompson 2008 is one for the alternate-history books. It would have been the hottest First-Lady-off since Sarah Childress Polk (sultry eyes, sausage curls) dethroned Julia Gardiner Tyler (winsome smile, demure bonnet).

I hope I wasn't the only person who googled Sarah Childress Polk and Julia Gardiner Tyler just now. For those curious: Sarah Polk was way hotter.

Agreed. Mainly because Julia Gardiner Tyler looks ridiculous. [img=https://www.nndb.com/people/410/000127029/julia-tyler.jpg[/img]

assetbar for the loss


i have never heard (or read) 'for the loss' before.

i will use this term tomorrow.

Three words; Angelica Van Buren.

She might not count as she was married to Martin Van Buren's eldest son, but she was a first lady all the same.


Man, I am just starting to notice how consistently awesome your comments are.

Oh God.

It's like Roger/Jessica Rabbit. I guess he's a demon in the sack, or something. Or can make her laugh.

It's totally like that...

Sir, Jeri Thompson is no Jessica Rabbit. But I get the idea.

Oh, I was RE: Mrs. Kucinich

I think RE:ing Mrs. Kucinich would be a lovely experience that Mr. Kucinich knows well.


It's rare that I hear people talking about how a girl is seriously hot and I feel that she lives up to the hype. But daaamn, that is one fine lady.

You should lower your standards. Not a lot of fine ladies looking for 107 year olds. And at least one of those ladies was taken by Kucinich.

ray's a good boy.

Ray Smuckles '12
The Mayor who Let His Mother Down

I aint gotta be told in what movie Grace Jones explode. i know this well, alt-text.

Grace Jones: Dude looks like a lady.

Other...other way around, dude.

HAHAHAHA! Chubby for deja vu!

I think thats the joke.

Grace Jones is a lady. But looks like a dude. Lady looks like a dude.

"Lady looks like a dude" = not as funny. welcome to comedy.

It's alright. I thought it was funny.

Beth looks like a dude.

Jamie Lee Curtis: Dude looks like a lady.

Here is someone who's clearly never seen Trading Places.

External testes make the dude, dude.

interesting fact: Grace Jones once recorded the hit single "Pull Up to the Bumper" .

assetbar is such movink target.


Your dedication is admirable.

the things i know depress me.

After the previous strip, I was feeling very depressed about Ray's relationship with his mother. This one, however, takes the disturbing feeling I had and turns it into heartwarming compromise. Ray's mom is the bomb.

Also, A View to a Kill was pretty good, and featured a young Christopher Walken as Max Zorrin, the villain, in a wonderful performance.

Another excellent example of avatar/message synergy! I can totally see Sparks holding court with Marco and Stormy on the best Bond super villains.

Sure, you've got your Strombergs, your Draxes, your Kamal Khans. They all had the required eccentricities and willingness to sacrifice subordinates and innocent life alike. But Max Zorrin, he had the intangibles. Like those crazy eyes that let the world know, "I'm the kind of man who booby traps equestrian courses." That, and the fact that he was a product of Nazi genetic experiments.

A comment left by hogfat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, silver_lake, Toast, Tucky, gussiejives, Jar, SpinyNorman, atomskiscariot, BjorntD)

Not to mention, Garfield is no longer Garfunkel.

I'm in agreement with you there. This strip is a solid 0.0/5.0, heh heh heh heh heh!

My dick requires a lick.


And now, for something really special!

Is he really gonna puss out?

Normally I like Ray's mom, but Jesus was this depressing to see. I guess a man who would listen to his mother on this subject wouldn't be a great president anyhow.

That Grace Jones line...priceless in combination with the alt text.

Does anyone else get upset when people mark their comments as 'lame'?

Sometimes, lames are performance art.

If anyone's an archivist, does this come before or after Ray's mom's flowchart, where she has a nightmare about him marrying that awful Grace Jones?

Ray needs to know when to tell his mum to fuck off.
It's a real kind of man who can love and respect his mum, and still be able to tell her to get out of his face.

Ray is not that kind of man.

Ray is realer than that man.

This should be way higher than what it is right now.

Rated 1 because Grace Jones is hotter than Mrs. Smuckles.