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The Hummer and the Damage Done Monday, July 12, 2004 • read strip Viewing 37 comments:

A comment left by hexjumper was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by _cheesekayke, SoManyWhales, VictoriaW)

It is certainly one of my favourite lines ever.

It's how he says it so conversationally that really makes it.

its clearly something he's said before - I love that hes not only on first name terms with the Captain, but that he shortens that to 'B'

Captain B's response was obviously quick, as he erased it without hesitation. He don't care what's on it - it's frikkin' Ray , man.

Ray Smuckles: He Pays For the Pings.

Captain B probably started accessing the relevant databases for erasing all evidence of Ray's recently committed crimes as soon as he heard who was calling.

Its the procedurally equivalent of clearing my firefox search history

Ray Smuckles: He Gets Pings DONE.

Life in Achewood must be hella nice if you know who to know.

> Life in Achewood must be hella nice if you know Ray.


There is a key on Captain B's keyboard that says "Erase all history of crimes Ray Smuckles has committed recently".

and also an option on my speed dial.

Although your comment urging the creation of a t-shirt containing text that you enjoyed is somewhat formulaic, you are chubbied nonetheless, as the line you quoted is such an enjoyable one.

Ray Smuckles: He Gets Things Done.
Even evading jail time.

Man, Ray must be hell of connected at the sheriff's department! Lucky bugger.

Ray is runnin' shit.

Without even getting out of bed, Ray effortlessly schools the Achewood Police Department.

It'd be easy to assume Ray gets away with crime because he's rich and unfluential, but in reality it's just because captain B knows that any 'crimes' commited by Ray were just high spirits, 'cos he's such a great guy.

ain't that the truth. b knows that ray's "good people" and he was just "horsing around"

I'm sure the free Hummer helped also.

Any man would say yes to anything after having been given a free hummer .


love the euro "FIN" at the end. Problem neatly solved.

For those who care, the second Neil Young reference in the strip titles. Also This one.

I care now.

Good call, dog that rotates! Both from the same song, too.

I like this one but he seems to kind of rush it.

This might just be my all-time favorite strip. Everything is there!

Notice Ray is only interested in erasing the history of crimes he's committed RECENTLY.

I get the impression that Ray just does this every once in a while, like, say, erasing your internet history so people don't know you've been looking at ladies sitting on birthday cakes.

Captain B? Please clear my felony cache. Thanks, dogg, you da man.

The sheriff's son can drive his new Hummer on such as grey rocks, if he so chooses.

Weekend Blogs

What a damn fine day.
I got to improve my game!

-Roast Beef-
kind of dull afternoon
S*itty afternoon.

Kleenex has just lost a customer.
Water Balloons are NOT Funny.

Iron Chef Risotto
That jackass.

Good Morning!
What happened to my fun breakfast!?
I'm getting up earlier and earlier these days!

-Mr. Bear-
An Uncommon Indulgence.
A Sudden Flush.

stan's in
adios stan the man

Wow too much barbecue
Uh, bye, Roast Beef?

Breakfast risotto
A day outdoors.

-Nice Pete-
Peter H. Cropes

Today's Blogs

Ray: I don't think too much of that dude down at Clancy's.
Roast Beef: Man do I feel dumb
Philippe: I got lost!
Lyle: new mexican place workin out alright
Onstad: No sign of Téodor today.

Is that former Sergeant Bill Callahan? If so, he's been promoted!

see the hummer and the Damage Done

This is the second time tonight that my music (on random) synced up with what the comic was referencing. awesome