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Ray's problem in the kitchen Thursday, January 31, 2002 • read strip Viewing 41 comments:

Why are the cooking-related strips so awesome? THey just are.

because you expect something funny/banal and instead get high end knowledge (which is funny)?

I, for one, never stopped laughing in my philosophy courses.

The maxim of my action is to laugh at Kant for being a silly little bullshit man. I sincerely hope this becomes a universal law.

Let's all take a minute to agree with this statement.

Let's leave this...bum.

Because they are always RIGHT ON

most people don't, but the stuffed bear DOES.

Only the manliest men can cook like that

This gets a bonus point just for Philippe spinning around.

Teodor is so eager to impress Ray, he wakes up from a nap, startlingly fast.

I dunno about that. It could also be more of a reflection of Teodor's unexpected food-attunedness - to me, it felt like his ears must have perked up and roused him from sleep when he heard Ray talking about cooking; that's the way the timing seems to make the most sense.

But what do I know - I'm going through the archives in order, so this isn't even my hundredth strip yet.

He was clearly masturbating.
I'm not making a joke here, guys.
He was masturbating. I am sure of this.

Teodor debugs a tartare.

A comment left by garyos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, rowboat, farqussus, J-Man, aperson)

Toasted sesame seeds are ALWAYS better.

A comment left by feetnotes was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rascaldom, aquamuffin, Sprog, wigglestick, mattylite)

A comment left by joeyramoney was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, rascaldom, aquamuffin, mattylite)

A comment left by _cheesekayke was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by SSDDR, VictoriaW, EndOfTheWorld)

A comment left by fineoakstructure was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Carpetbag, rowboat, nonstopdancer, rascaldom, Audhumla, peterjoel)

Have the people who lamed this comment not seen the Achewood Cookbook? This explicit instruction comes from the man himself, and it is completely honest and good.

Hey! Fuck you, rowboat and mattylite. (I don't recognize any of the other fuckers who lamed my two comments above.)

Also, bourbon is a good thing but limiting myself to, at best, 4 hours of sleep before my only work day this week is not a good thing but bourbon makes it seem like it is so. It'd be awesome if I was partying but I'm just sitting up here on assetbar and listening to uh Camera Obscura right now. Not partying.

yeah exactly it's these little slice of life strips that make us all feel like we know the characters as well as we do

joey was being sarcastic

I figured it was because it was showing how Teodor still has this sort of mancrush on Ray, and he may be dozing in bed but when he hears Ray's around and looking for his help, he immediately jumps to attention.

And that is what I figure.

Yes. Teodor is still haunted by the Ketel One Question

or, rather, this .

toasted sesame seeds would be better

Damn, that's a good idea. Gets me every time.

how many times has it got you?

Over 9,000!

come on tekende

you are better than that

If Ray

Anyone else weirded out by the order of the dialog in the first two strips?

Hey little guy, you seen Teodor?

Hi Ray!

I got issues with a dish I'm makin'.

Teodor is taking a nap.

Sounds about right for a five year old. Conversation is a mutual activity but it's more of a information-trade than a question-answer sorta deal.


I would actually not be bored if every strip was like this

Agreed. But. There are also so many other great strips that are not like this, that I would regret that lack.

I feel like I shouldn't be using the word 'regret' in this context, but there it is. What can I say?

I would certainly prefer it to some of the recent strips!

Sleeping is nothing to be embarrassed about, we all do it