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Jack White Monday, July 11, 2005 • read strip Viewing 93 comments:

A comment left by nabeel84 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, monstermovie, sevenarts, dismas, instantkarma, PohlHoud, toughasnails001, Madoushi, I_Love_Kate, veck, Archon_Divinus, Pigs)

Hilarious looking back on this post and seeing that it garnered lames because people don't know that back then you couldn't see the alt-text in AssetBar.

A chubby for your valiant effort

ray's hair and face in the 6th panel

He bears an uncomfortable resemblance to a Hanna Barbera character when in mid-hiccup.

Hey-ey boob! (imagine i am talking like yogi bear here. this is key.)

What Hanna Barbera character had a face that was constantly in the process of melting?

All of them, if by melting, you mean "suicide." Nobody wants to be a Hanna Barbera character.

Aw, come on, now. Hanna Barbera characters are pretty awesome.

This strip is incredible, by the way. 5'd so hard.

nice try... Bensington Butters!

That is cartoon shittyfaced.

Oh God, the 10th panel. Definitely one of my favorites.

I like panel 9 better.

A comment left by andyk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Bredtt, Pox, ButterMoths, hellofyellin, riotdejaneiro, snowman, mashisoyo, The_Dude, Howard, brzbee, fattypneumonia, Rocket6240, zaer, scraggg, HellaEdgar, campincarl)

You're right, White plays that shitty-ass airline.

Have you actually played one of those airlines? They have incredible, fat, textured, beefy necks, and ridiculously rich, mid-rangey, quiet, low output humbuckers that combine to make Airline/Supro/et als sound better than almost any of the vintage guitars from that era. The bridges were pretty bad, the gears mediocre, but the guitars are among the best sounding of the pre-good-hardware era. Now, Rickenbackers are are some shitty, poorly intonated, thin-ass, too-treble-ey guitars. Thank you. It is now 4:39 in the afternoon, and I'm about to go to work. It has been one of those days

There are exactly 8 White Stripes fans on this board, apparently.

A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Bredtt, riotdejaneiro, The_Dude, campincarl)

Not only that, but there's also apparently one person who considers the very act of not liking the White Stripes lame-worthy.

Okay, two. Depressing stuff, Assetbar.


it's the main guitar ray has lying around

Ray's hair is an awesome touch. Also, Beef is such a rad guy for taking care of his friends.

A comment left by untilyouaresonude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by shammack, desdin0va, SoManyWhales)

To understand Jack White you must become Jack White. Not surprisingly, both require you to get hella slanted.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by worldbelow, atom, magnificentpoof, scraggg)

"Hella" appeared on South Park like a hella long time ago.

Even real alive people have been saying hella for years.

Yeah man "hella" was the phrase back in my elementary school.

There's a fucking No Doubt song called Hella Good. It's not that obscure of a phrase. I used it before reading Achewood (although my usage has significantly increased since).

Coming across this comment a week later, it sounds really bitchy and angry. Wasn't intended that way. Sorry. Sorry, everyone.

it's ok, you're still hella rad


heccibiggs is so bitchy. Did you see when she quit assetbar?

it is the gin in me talking heccibiggs, I do apologize

sorry apologise

This all reminds me of the aftermath of the aforementioned use of "hella" on South Park that caused a lot of people not from the Western US to believe that the word had been made up by Parker and Stone. Oddly enough I had a similar experience, not with "hella," but with "queef."

for noveltys sake, i started using 'hell of', rather than 'hella'. every now and again, anyway.

i remember laughing hysterically at this strip. what roast beef says in panel 4 is just perfect. when i'm drunk and jamming i pretty much always repeat the second panel.

I dont know which is more oft quoted by me and my cohorts "The guitar sound got to be so nasty" or "There comes a time" Total classic.

man he fell immediatly into those z's

Beef seems to exhibit an inexplicable terror of Jack White imitations.

It's explicable, with Ray doubly so.

This is a personal favorite

For some reason Ray in this strip reminds me of Peppermint Patty. There has to be some Peanuts from the 60s where her hair is all rumpled up like that and that's what I'm remembering.

Jack White gets into the bed so hard it kills a man

I gave this a real chubby, but it's so funny I'm going to have to offer a virtual chub as well. Hats off to you.

I also wish to offer a double-chub

I once saw a man go to bed in reno just to watch... him... d-die

my friends got me a signed copy of this strip for my 21st due to my tendency to get wasted, spew out a couple of ray's lines and then play some seriously sloppy white stripes on guitar. this strip would have to be at least top 5. But, as you all know, it is impossible to narrow down that much.

I love how Roast Beef is so worried about Ray impersonating Jack White like it's some sort of deadly sin.

That's because it is, my friend.

That's because it is.

Even Jack White should avoid imitating Jack White.

Ray's bulge is present in his Jack White pants.

Jack White's bulge is present in Ray's pants.

If I had to choose one, it'd be this. There is no doubt.

Agreed in full. I'd give this 10/5 if I could.
Also, Notice that your avatar is awesome.
where'd you get it

Uh...stole it from somewhere on Myspace, I think. It was a page devoted to all things horror with specific reference to Evil Dead, and I pilfered it with reckless abandon. You, too, may take it, for this is what the internet is all about, baby. I don't know the original, nor what it was called, so I guess you can't get the high quality version :( Unless I figure out Photobucket, which I can't be bothered doing right now. Sorry, friend. It's just the way it is.

Jack White would never answer to a name that is not Jack White. It's just not stripely.

Great strip, or greatest strip?

I'm leaning towards greatest.

Weekend Blogs

Philippe: Didn't write any more haikus...yet.

Today's Blogs

Little Nephew: curpeter

I think Onstad really puts a lot into Li'l Nephew strips and blogs. He could just keep it at the BK chat room level and we'd eat it up with a spoon and clamor for more, but no, he has to go all Baby O'Riley and This Poem Deep... rarely has English this misspelled been so powerfully communicative..."Eat it? Dump it in thee water?" ... oh goody

I wish I could say I was as awesome a friend as Beef in this situation.

But, as far as being a good friend is concerned, I've never been in a situation even approaching this one in terms of importance.

Friends don't let friends imitate Jack White.

I am basically Roast Beef to my friend's Ray every time he gets drunk.

i am basically jack white to my friends

all the time

Who likes to smoke?
Enjoys a joke?
And wouldn't get a bit
upset if he were really broke?
With wealth and fame
He's still the same
I'll bet you five you're not alive
If you don't now his name

man this applies so perfectly to Ray and is also relevant such that I'd like to sprinkle you with hand-shredded chubbies

Horrifying, psychopathic, misandric violence in the name of a good comment.

(Also I just basically made up the word "misandric" apparently.)

Misandristic, I would guess.

The "heh", "whoah" and "hic" that are not pronounced but rather depict a state of mind do it for me.

That state of mind being, of course, hella drunk.

it is silly to be jack white!

The "there comes a time" bit in this strip made me listen to Neil young as opposed to the white stripes or the raconteurs,

subliminal messaging?

every time i see or hear the phrase "there comes a time" it is in the voice of Sam Elliott

The line "Now why would you say a thing like that to Jack White" stands out to me as being one of Onstad's all-time greatest. Pure classic.

You know your friends are too drunk when they are imitating Jack White.

Only Ray could pull this off.

And even he didn't quite manage it.

"There comes a time" made me bust up. Just the implication that every man, at some point in his life, has to imitate Jack White. Like it's some kind of rite of passage.

I don't see a strap. That guitar is glued to Ray's shirt.

There is also no cord going from the guitar to the amp. This is what makes the guitar notes so ...nasty...

I salute Beef's Solution

In media res.

...you've lost me somewhere, I'm afraid.

Just commenting on the fact that the strip starts "in the middle of an encounter" with Roast Beef and Ray. No exposition, no alcoholic run up to this, no back story establishing why Ray feels the need to imitate Jack White.

My Latin is shitty, but I do believe [in media res] means "in the middle things.

Oh! Well that's a totally relevant and legitimate comment, so I apologise for doubting you. Have a chubby.

(It is, technically, 'in medias res'. Just in case you're ever at a party with some Romans and want to look cool. It could happen.)

This is the strip that got me into Achewood.
I am getting into the bed because that is what Jack White does
Solid gold

how the HELL did I miss this strip while going through the archives

jesus, five'd

Crooked glasses to indicate intoxication (clever touch), plus how the hell tight are his jeans. This strip single-handedly sets the course of Drunk/Sober relations back a decade by being so accurate .

someone please explain to me what is so bad about jack white...

My interpretation is that no badness is implied. It is just antics gone too far for Ray to be imitating him.

This is so far my favorite strip, ever. In part because most of the comments on it are almost as hilarious as the strip itself, which alone nearly made me laugh so hard I blew snot out my nose.

It made me laugh so hard, that I almost snotted on my keyboard.

Not one of those long chuckles, of course. More like a "pffffffthahahaha" kinda thing. You know the one.

Your icon... it looks so familiar...


Jack White is a good person who you should imitate.