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Ben Stiller's concept about Emily Dickinson Wednesday, May 25, 2005 • read strip Viewing 62 comments:

A comment left by antsama was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by littlecat, stanshall, Cyberbob, pwb, Thorfinn, hypercube, jfenserty, purplehaze, wittyname, Housewife, TonyHighwind, morypcaina, BillyLK, luckypyjamas, jaypage, RBisme, Fcannon, EvilJoe, jonnylatron, toyoda, wehavemagnums, SotiCoto)

I'm just gonna come out and say it - Zoolander is a hilarious movie, if for no other reason than the dichotomy between Stiller the Younger and Stiller the Elder.

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by 7th_shot, GMM, yingkaixing, Panserbjorne, Appers)

David Bowie's cameo = yay. Especially the pumped fist when he says "Old school."

I just love the label when he shows up. "David Bowie".

"Old school rules."

the petrol fight is excellent


"even models can die in a freak gasoline fight"

probably my favorite quote from the movie

Man, I always thought the inability to turn left was pretty much the best thing.

Beef says "despite the script," but Ben Stiller actually helped write the movie. If I were a hallucinatory Ben Stiller in that situation, I'd be a little miffed.

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by UntilYouAreSoNude, Zefiel, madnes, littlecat, Sakana, riotdejaneiro, Thorfinn, VeniVidiEffluxi, NYU, wittyname, kazad, GeyserShitdick, NDCaesar, MortisInvictus, Sargasm, atticusonline, LordPretzel, Jeet, dracer2, alejandroadam, dropkickpikachu, heatbag, Pigs)

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A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, TonyHighwind, Satyr, Appers)

A comment left by quantumcasaba was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Unfun, NeoNaoNeo, Appers)

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Rhadamanthus, Thorfinn, fosters, GeyserShitdick, HeyMan, greenkoolayd, atticusonline, Jeet, bixschmix, Direhaggis, Mastronaut)

A comment left by cailetshadow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, Satyr, Appers)

I tend to think of it as 'grade school social dynamics'

ooh, I should so lame you for that!

Actually, it's sensible. I've chubbied asherdan comments without thinking and then realized later that they were incredibly offensive.

Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, 'Picurus?

Shit, 'Fessor.


That's "'go" to you. (Replace the first syllable, not the first letter.)

Comments like these make Achewood better.

Why does Ben Stiller look like the Scarecrow from the Wizard of OZ?

I thought it was Herman Munster at first. Still do.

Thank God, I thought I was the only one.

Alos looks a little like Tony Perkins in Psycho.

also, lou reed. also, lux interior.

Because he only wishes he had a brain?

oh, snap!

If Ben Stiller was imprinted on my car seat, I'd sell the car.

Man is anyone else feeling like riding in this car would be like being in the titular room from Stephen King's 1408 ? Because that is the feeling I am getting.

you mean the one that is the incredibly scary movie that I had bury my face in my companion's arm because I am a girl and was with a boy and that is how the etiquette is in such situations?

Your etiquette blows

I could never sell a car that appears to have seats that are actually old barber chairs, even with Ben Stiller imprinted on them. That would be like treasure.

It's not the imprint so much as the fact that the imprint talks that would bother me.

And no one comments on the Northern Exposure alt text? SHAME

I agree! I exclaimed "Yes!". I love Northern Exposure. I love Ed.

The Chigliak reference gave me a mental wedgie. Once upon a time I was a Janine Turner (Maggie O'Connell) fanboy, imagining the great life we'd have together as bush pilots. All that was ruined when I discovered she's one of the few "stars" who vote republican, thinks Palin's not a fraud and willingly appears on Fox as a pundit. F'ing politics. Messing w/ my shi*.

Beef's last line is so perfectly sinister.

A comment left by taiiga was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by professorhazard, wittyname, Art-Vader)

this should absolutely be rated higher.
'make their girlfriends dress like emily dickinson and push them off a cliff???
we'll find out when she gets off at 7???????
this strip is plain amazing.

I love that the phrase "dress like Emily Dickinson" conjures up such a perfect image, because there's no reason for it to.

How about the Virgin Mary coffee ring, looking like nothing so much as an old WWI or WWII recruitment poster? Something like this ? Awesome.

dannnng...I just got a powerful urge to defend Britain.

the strong arms of Canada has certainly killed a lot of animals for some reason

That eyeliner makes Beef look really, really alert. Like he just drank ten coffees or something.

ring finger / sever flesh and bone / and offer it to me

Not until seven!

I love Beef's line at the end. It's so scary-stalker, but he's saying it with conviction.

In this episode we find out that a cat's ass does a pretty good impression of Ben Stiller.

Heh heh, "impression." I get it.

why does ben stiller look like scarecrow?

I'm tempted to draw up a whole list comparing Achewood characters to Northern Exposure characters. Must... resist...

the impression of ben stiller for a second resembled ed gein, which would fit with the volvo and all but was not meant to be

ben stiller has depression.

Ben stiller is a depression

I never knew how much Ben Stiller looks like Herman Munster.

You sure are rocking some rough chuckles these days Mr. Stiller sir

Beef nooooooo