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Scrabble Monday, November 19, 2001 • read strip Viewing 87 comments:

Is there any other kind??

Illegal Ghost Bikes was one of the rejected titles for Raidohead's last album.

I'd like to point out that I can spell Radiohead and I'm not some old man trying to think up bands that you whippersnappers find hip. "Radiopants? Radishiohead? You know that band from the future."

So I'm just going to go ahead and start a band called Radiopants now.

Oh please God, do. And let me be in it.

Radiopants shoves your ears full of thick bass steaks.

I would be a hardcore screaming, underwear-throwing, out-putting groupie for a band called Radiopants. Although such actions would be demeaning and uncomfrotable fr evryone concerned.

Sorry, my hands seized up. Demeaning and uncomfortable for everyone concerned.

I do not recommend this.

It does not get you fresh with the ladies.


..i'm sorry, please don't hurt me.

Everyone will love bass steaks, but they won't want them in their ear, they need them in their mouths

It helps if they're cut into manageable portions with THESE KNIVES

really people? only two chubbies? what has the world come to?

Or, [url=https://achewood.com/?date=05182006]RF Interference Cancer Pants[url].

...Or, RF Interference Cancer Pants .

I think Radioface would be a great band name

one time when i was playing pictionary with my sister i had to draw radiohead. i drew a boombox and a smiley face and my sister guessed radioface. i could not continue to play pictionary after that.


They are fronted by Raimo Yoorke.

I think Thom Yorke would eat a salmon sandwhich. With all like garlic mayo smothered on wholemeal bread like he was laying mortar, y'know?

And where did you hear that?

It's in the liner notes to Houses of the Holy .

It's more of a Motorhead album title.

with [i]authority[i]

A comment left by snatch22 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by MollyBloom11, abe, Kwyndig)

A comment left by nsrdude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by abe, TheQuietYou, Kwyndig)

Most awesomest.

Sometimes a bike is just a bike you guys. Not this time though, this time it is an illegal ghost bike.

I know what I am asking for for Christmas. A Ham.

A comment left by tellumo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ElVaquero, Overmedicated, GeyserShitdick, rowboat, hikikomori, SkiddyFisk, howl, patiently56, Johnfen, hellofditties, HollyBones)

Man, you're the dude who just linked to Penny Arcade in an Achewood thread. You may be That Guy, but still, balls, brass balls.

A comment left by tellumo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, blastradius, rowboat, howl, mistlethrush, aHatOfPig, Afkpuz, midgetron, hellofditties, Kwyndig)

A comment left by mighty_pit was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, biomusicologist, Semiquaver, Crater12, Vreeeee, abe, clintisiceman, DeathwishJones, tellumo)

The Acheworld in mighty_pit's eyes: for pretentious, easily lamed pricks.

If the Iron Giant had balls....that's pretty much you. Don't know if I'd necessarily consider that an "upgrade," though.... Penny Arcade is kind of the Saddest Thing. And your second link was my introduction to Questionable Content and I'm not sure I feel O.K. about you doing that to me, either.

To be fair, Penny Arcade is often a much better comic if you cut off the last panel. Try it sometimes, it is like nature intended.

Everyone else, just go back to reading XKCD.

Sometimes I think Penny Arcade is a pretty misunderstood comic. I mean, it can get pretty surreal, almost to an Achewood level sometimes, and if it's not surreal, it's usually subversive. I get the feeling people are kind of instantly dismissive of it because it's about video games, never mind the fact that it's really fucking witty, incredibly consistent and absolutely gorgeous to look at.

I don't play video games, but PA is still one of my favourite comics because it is good enough to transcend game-geekdom.

A comment left by glandwich was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, Deusoma, ntopp, Bartleby, ravindra108, mugi, tellumo)

I agree, Penny Arcade is good.

As something of a gamer nerd I enjoy Penny-Arcade on occasion for the conventional reasons, but the real draw of the site is the delicious writings of the madman Tycho Brahe.

I never meant to shit on Penny Arcade. I'm just trying to say that what he did was bring a shark to a gun fight. Ballsy.

I enjoy things about video games. That's not it. I've just never laughed at it and I hate the way it's drawn.

lyle's expression is priceless.

I think Cornelius invoked the Illegal Ghost Bike, and this is why Lyle is freaked.

In which each character's soul is laid bare by the word they choose

I love how Mr. Bear almost looks bored with the game.

I want an Illegal Ghost Bike

If this was a shirt I would buy it in a heartbeat.

I think the idea is that Mr. Bear is really good at Scrabble. "illegal" is a pretty tough word to make with your tiles. It surprises the tiger and the younger bear.

yeah. he used six out of seven possible tiles-- vicious

not to mention his first hand contained hell of 'l's

See-- this is why we need commenting... As someone who hasn't played Scrabble in years, I couldn't for the life of me remember how many damn tiles you're given, so the shock and awe of Cornelius' play was lost on me...

I think that Teodor and Lyle are about to get their asses kicked.

I drive an illegal ghost sexbike

That was so on a triple word score, too.

"Ghost" has to be on the middle tile, so "illegal" cannot logically fit on a triple word score.

Could be two doubles, though.

(I'm not sure what scares me more, the fact that I used my first comment replying to a year-old post that nobody will see, or the fact that I didn't have to look up a Scrabble board layout to remember this...)

I saw.

You scare me.

No, "bikes" is on the middle because it was the first play, although we can't be sure which letter Lyle put on the actual double word tile so you can't really figure out where the other two would actually fall. If he put the "k" on the middle tile, then he would have 22 points, Teodore would have 17, and Mr. Bear would have 16. Not the tremendous play it seems as it also no opens the double word square immediately above the "A" for Lyle's next play. The real comedy here is that Lyle is better at Scrabble than Teodore and Mr. Bear.

I thought the joke here was that neither Lyle nor Teodor know that you're supposed to begin from the middle square, hence Mr. Bear's "illegal". But now that I think about it, that doesn't explain why they would look surprised in the last panel.

"I thought the joke here was..." you're thinking too much

Well, looking at the board, "bikes" doesn't look like it's centered.
Then again, that board looks to be 12x12 when Scrabble boards are clearly 15x15

Insert witty comment about Nicholas Cage here...


i like the idea that teodor and lyle are collaborating on something and the last panel is cornelius brow-beating them

Ghost bike's an old term for a bike that's painted white and left on a spot where a motorcyclist was killed by a car running him off the road or something. Maybe Mr. Bear really has something against the idea of ghost bikes.

Also bicyclists do them, like in big cities where there is a large, close-knit bike messenger community. Or so I'm told

I live in Seattle -- I didn't know that a ghost bike could also be a motorcycle

This is an exercise in incremental awesomeness.

i think that this might be the first indication that Cornelius is a little more badass than he seems; it really doesn't come out of nowhere when he wins the badass games if you know how to look for it...



On a shirt please.

If only we knew what Mr. Bear was looking at in the first panel.

I am not exactly sure why this is probably a top-three type of comic situation for me.


Can one Ghostride the Whip on a bike? If so, that would probably be illegal...

I remember Onstad mentioning that this strip generated more hatemail than anything he had created. And I believe he said this well after this strip first ran.

oh radiopants you bring me such joy.

Here's the thing. The people who hated the Star Wars prequels most were the most hardcore fans of the original trilogy. Making that relate to Assetbar, just because we're fans of Achewood doesn't mean we have to pretend that every single strip is hilarious and a touchstone of our generation. Onstad has made this comic his job , he doesn't need us to constantly remind him he's good at it. We should be able to say negative things without being lamed into another dimension.

My name is Deusoma, and I proudly admit that I don't like this.

I've said my peace, you can bury me in lames now.



After c, dude. After c.

Just some guys sitting around, probably bored. Yup.

I think that the punchline for this strip is way simpler than the scoring or who is browbeating who with what words on a scrabble board. I think it simply is that it led within 3 plays to the term 'illegal ghost bikes' which is pretty fricken' awesome. Onstad is chock full of things exactly like this. where he brings terminology out of his brain recesses and shares them with us. and so much of it sticks and becomes part of why Achewood is a cult classic webcomic for us all.

this is my favorite strip of all time....................................



I like my comics strips pure and free of any jokes. I read a lot of Family Circus (ba-dum-(cymbalcrash))