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Todd the Squirrel: Prayers Tuesday, November 20, 2001 • read strip Viewing 44 comments:

Lie Bot sure does like to lie.

i miss the stutter. :'(

Lie Bot doesn't really lie - he taps into the unseen truth. Or something.

Todd does get a plane. I propose [url="https://achewood.com/index.php?date=10302001"]that he's traveled to the future[/url] and seen everything that'll happen.

dang, click here.

That's actually a really cool theory. It would also explain how Lie Bot knows the date of Téodor's death .

But wait.... Teodor's still alive.

Someone wasn't paying attention.

lie bot always tells the truth


liebot is cruel...

like so many of my own prayers.

Dosen't Todd end up running a chartered airplane? Maybe it wasn't a lie at all...

Lie Bot also accurately predicts Teodor's "death" with the whole bottle-cap-in-the-throat thing.

Creepy psychic robot, or creepy robot that's good with lucky guesses?

conveniently omniscient plot-device character to advance Onstad's canon, actually

Again with Todd showing off a certain childish trait in these early years. Then he gets heavy with the smack and gets hardcore!

This is the best Todd on Lie Bot action

Hopefully the ONLY Todd on Lie Bot action we'll ever see. Thankfully Achewood doesn't seem to interest the slash fic writers out there.

Well, the characters aren't exactly slabs of beefcake.

Pun connecting the word "Beefcake" to the fictional character name "Roast Beef" not found.

Internet celebrates.

Lie Bot does not have a dang.

Though it should be reflected that Beef's is intermittently invisible (cold weather?).

Yeah, Todd eventually gets the plane and Lie Bot knew the date of Teodor's death, but he still LIES -- the uncle is STILL DEAD. Knowing the future just enables you to LIE MORE EFFECTIVELY.



how did the robot know the squirrel wanted an aeroplane?

Because everyone wants an aeroplane.

Not Anthony Kiedis. He already has an aeroplane.

Aw Lie Bot, you so crazy. Crazy jerk more like.

Harsh, Lie Bot, harsh.

Todd has a tragic history!

There should be more interactions between Lie Bot and Todd. This is great.

Todd just really doesn't have good luck with the longevity of his relatives, does he?

He's a squirrel, what did you expect?

Lie Bot can read anyone like a teleprompter.

Todd has a rough time in the early strips. You can understand why he'd turn to drugs.

Lie Bot is very good at reading people. Hats off to his creators for making a very effective lying robot. He even mixes his lies with the truth!

Poor, poor, Todd. He will never learn, and that's why we love him.

I think it's funny that the first two appearances of Todd have him mourning the death of a relative. I really can connect with that

Man, I don't get how he always knows the best lie to tell. I want that program in MY brain.

I like how Todd actually has an airplane.

I love how Lie Bot makes fun of Todd in the first panel.

LB tells the best lies. He tells people what they want to hear.

This one is funny cuz it's about how the poor and uneducated try to solve their problems through prayer!

Oh come on that was a good one