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The Playboy Advisor Thursday, October 21, 2004 • read strip Viewing 63 comments:

A comment left by anomalous3 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thedice, riotdejaneiro, sevenarts, tttt2, relaxing, fmercury, motts)

I think he's making jokes to himself

A comment left by psykeres was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, riotdejaneiro, pwb, bug, fmercury, pulkbaby, aperson)

More likely Emeril.

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wildcat, 7th_shot, Taidje_Khan, Tragic_Johnson, clembot, Audhumla)

"We did do the sex acts and shout terrible oaths therein"

Sex acts... such as the Isosceles Lock?

Not so much, given that there are not three man-folks present. Hopefully, anyway.

Well, one of them could just lick.

kate. your my girlfriend now. congrats.

What a surprise! I win!

A comment left by tragicone was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Cyberbob, 7th_shot, mistlethrush)


why would 3 people lame this?

ya beard

you posting your picture is just the cherry on top of the extremely awkward sundae that is this whole thread

i would like to say "that was my point" but i would just be lying. I am crushingly lonely zem.

But you have that... weird black guy to keep you company!

I swear that guy is a cardboard cutout of John Travolta's lovechild with Lil Wayne

Hee hee! Oh, hee hee!

I don't get the politics angle. I mean, I see where you're coming from, but I'm far more likely to vote for a dude or a lady who is totally into making the most of their sex. I'd probably even put it in the campaign literature. A dude who has had hella hot group sexings? That's a dude I can trust to look after my interests and get things done .

I don't buy it though. Molly seems a bit more conservative than that and I think she'd probably balk at the idea. Beef would be far, far too nervous to bring it up let alone go through with it.

roast beef barely has enough confidence to have sex with molly. i sincerely doubt that he would be cocky enough to add someone else in the mix.

IMO, Beef is DEFINITELY joking. Beef has not had a three-way. This is God's Law.

Beef has been in a 3-way. He was driving while Ray was sexing the hottie in the backseat.
The end.

No wonder last Saturday was such a disappointment

YES. The missing person from what could have been a great four-way was *Molly*.

Beef, you were in a three way? How come?

Beef's been in a three-way. Twice. Couldn't stand it. All that commotion . Dear lord spare him from that awful group sex.

Nice one, except thats his grandpa.

Good catch, except that it's Ray's grandpa, and I am a bitter lonely virgin.

I don't even remember making that comment, have no idea why I would have left the apostraphe off of 'that's', and it was a dick thing to say not to mention being wrong.

Success with the ladies does not preclude massive depression.

Just so, srikamarja.

It would be apt to say that, for your hetero-type guy, success with the ladies is a necessary but not sufficient condition for not being massively depressed.

Science styles.

the playboy advice columnest is actually quite perceptive

the playboy advisor is the most columnest.

Beef reacts in the same way any guy would who saw a letter from his girlfriend in Playboy Advisor.

The Playboy advisor arc, short though it is, is a good'un.

The Playboy Advisor qualifies as a recurring character, I think.

He's definitely just being sarcastic about three-ways vs four-ways. For him, it's similar to the best kind of caviar to serve on your private jet (didn't you know, high-altitudes dry out baluga!)

Also, I wouldn't think that the Playboy advisor would be syndicated, so I guess we know that Molly's the kind of gal who would pick up a playboy. Neat.

I tried using the phrase "well I'll be diddled" but I did not get a good reaction.

There's an easy joke right there...

Today's Blogs

Ray: What's goin' on with Tina, etc

How is this not rated higher? Have we not all been in this situation?

I will pay five dollars to see the text Chris Onstad typed in the other column.

it is of my opinion that three-ways never actually happen. It is suggested, somebody freaks out, and either break ups ensue, or somebody sleeps on the futon for a while.

You assume that 3-ways always occur between an established couple and an add-on. I assure you, this is not the case. Sometimes, there are no break-ups to be had or futons to be slept upon, even in the instance of a three-way not being a unanimous success.

Where the fuck were these three-some-having singles when I WAS SINGLE GODDAMNIT.

hey, if you have a comfy futon you can crash on and/or ever want to be single again, give me a call.

Sometimes they happen between three very drunk girls who are all very close friends, and remain close friends after the event and still are to this day.

mmm, put butter on what she said!

or baby oil

Wait wait wait

What was I thinking writing this here?


haha oh wow i didn't even get the chance to read that juicy little piece of lore until you commented again and it showed up on the recent comments!

oh brother wait til everybody on the current strip gets a load of this

I am from the currentest strip. *snigger*

The internet begs to differ. Vehemently.

I want to know what's going on in the next column. Here are the words I can make out: I, crav(e)(ing), this, the, does, with, person(s), business, ethic(s), appolog(y)(ise), advance, am, John, attorney, law)

Apologize only contains one p, though, so I'm not sure what the "appol" would be.

Also, "induce(d)(ing)", and "send". And I think the second word might be "hunger".

Last saturday?

This is my worst nightmare.

No. Really. I have terrible, terrible dreams about someone asking advice about me in a publication. But in my dreams, I'm not even allowed the comfort of the publication being Playboy. It's always O! By Oprah.

This is why I try not to sleep anymore.

Beef has always read Playboy for the articles.

Why not? It's not real porn.

Though it's not up to the quality it used to be I'd be much more likely to subscribe if they increased the Advisor (Onstad gets it right, it's the best thing in there) to three or four pages and picked out the best of the various articles and short fiction and just ran it as it's own magazine without the soft-core shots of cheap, largely unpleasant-looking women and celebrities who want more attention.

If you had a magazine where I could look forward to a lengthy interview with a significant cultural and/or political figure, an article by Hunter S. Thompson, some short fiction from Chuck Palahniuk, and about 4 pages of the Advisor it would probably be one of the best magazines that could ever exist. Instead it's a shadow of its former self and basically a slightly classier version of FHM with actual rather than implied nudity.

A truely sophisticated man makes Groucho Marx references no matter the context.

four-versus-three: truth.