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The Toyota Tailgate Phenomenon Tuesday, July 12, 2005 • read strip Viewing 50 comments:

I can not see a toyota pick-up truck without thinking about this comic strip.
You know a strip is good when it changes your perception of the world.

achewood will do that to you.

Achewood will do that FOR you. It's a charitable gift and you should all respect it as such.

It's like enlightenment, but without the arrogance.

I remember when I went to Thailand and thought, "All these monks are so arrogant ".

all with their bowls, just expecting people to feed them once a day

Not too many Toyota trucks, this seems like on of those instances of Beef channeling Onstad.

In Mexico, I mean.

I just saw one the other day! Hey, do you think the 'OYO' stands for 'HOYO' and thus beef thinks what he thinks? I Can't make sense of this comic otherwise. Back me up, fellow spanish speaker!

I think the weird ideas stem from the image of a primitive gringo ripping off letters from his van while trying to achieve some sort of sense of identity and manhood.

You saw one? Goes to prove again my theory that Cuautitlan izcalli is a weird place.

No Oyo's in Chilangoland.

I agree, I've been living in the DF for a while (attend college in CU) and no OYOS around here

..wait, wait, how do you know I'm from Izcalli? are you like Japan Man?

Ive seen a bunch of these in the Midwest.

The version I've seen most often, also in the Midwest, is "YOTA," which is almost awesome.

i'd do either 'toy' or 'yo'...'cos i think that's rad.

'YO', was, in fact, in TOY Story.

I think it's meant to be a cock and balls... but the cock is so small dude, so small.

i have aways thought it was supposed to be a crude representation of breasts, I remember kids at my school would write things like that that only looked very very vaguely like breasts because they had weird ideas about what it meant to be a man

See, I'd never seen this done before Achewood mentioned it because I don't live close enough to the Midwest. Not that I'm complaining. Anyway, most I'm just seconding the notion that it's supposed to be boobies and cleavage.

It is a woman sitting down, from the waist down, and her legs have been amputated above the knee. She is facing you. (And knows you lied.)

Jesus Christ.

This is pretty much a perfect comment.

She looks at you knowing full well you are a man who would shoot a baby.

I saw one that said "TOY" once

That's pretty accurate.

It's certainly comprehensible.

I've seen that a few times too.

I think OYO depicts breasts.

A comment left by cleave was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Jesler729, SaintTim, HeyMan, empy, Direhaggis, Mastronaut)

DOn't you mean "bazoombas"? I thought a bozack was a dick here in Achewood.

I have always assumed it was slangified "ballsack."

Don'y you mean gazungas ?

Same for me, fella.

( o Y o )

i like how whenever beef is about to have a tangential thought there is the big gathering of the thought balloon.

A friend of mine did this to his truck. He also wanted to get one of those truck nut things, and I had to explain to him the image that would create. My friends are terrible people.

a friend of mine changed his Jetta TDI to say JEDI. my friends are awesome people.

this needs to be a bumper sticker

Escalade EXT



Do any humans still drive or have cats taken over?

Today's Blogs

Molly: Butte on FoodStation...

It's clearly an owl.

That's the excuse I thought of if my boss caught me sneaking those characters into our unit tests.

It could be a shortening of boyo. He could be irish.

The word I think you were looking for was 'Welsh'.

...No, no, I'm quite familiar with "boyo" as an Irish term of endearment/patronisation.

Right y'are, boyo.

"YO" is the most common, meaning "I" or "me" in Spanish.

I always thought it was the preterit he/she/you (formal) conjugation for oir (to hear), minus the accent on the second o.

I've never seen this and I refuse to believe anyone can be bored enough to actually do it.

"OYO" looks like cock and balls aha :D

Maybe he's saying "ta-ta"

Mammary intercourse, of course