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Mini Cooper / Laphroaig Tuesday, November 4, 2003 • read strip Viewing 86 comments:

I imagine Ray speaking with a pronounced Kentuckian accent in the first panel.

I've never had a good cognac, anyone care to define its attributes in opposition to other liquors?

Laphroaig, it is a whisky, my tiger friend. But on the off-chance you were just asking, a fine cognac makes one unafraid of having a pleasant conversation with the police.

The alt text is "Modified catalytic converter warms fine cognac"

From Laphroaig.com:

"The award winning family of Laphroaig Whiskies ranges from the rich, pungent 10 Year Old to the smooth and exceptionally rare 40 Year Old. But whatever Laphroaig you choose, you can sense 200 years of loving care distilled into every bottle."

oh I wasn't claiming Laphroaig was a cognac, I was just explaining why I asked a question about cognac in a strip that doesn't mention it.

Well, there are a bunch of switches, right? Some of them I bet shoot cognac.

Laphroaig is my favorite Isle.

Also, when scotch drinkers describe why they love a scotch, it sounds abominable to non-scotch drinkers. "You can taste the tang of sea water and the musk of sea weed, and there's a rich, malty taste of dark peat and perhaps even a slight hint of manure in there."

When someone says that he tastes manure in his booze and you do not immediately think it is a bad thing, yes, you probably like scotch a little bit too much.

Sipping Laphroaig is essentially tantamount to licking the inside of a chimney. That's what you get when you it's fermented with smoked peat moss. I love it, though.

get rid of a "you" or "it's" in there. Huh.

Yeah, it's a bizarre sort of love. I can't explain it to someone unless they have the same disease.

I've always thought a glass of Laphroaig was what one might expect a liquid band-aid to taste like.

You have touched my heart. The inability to explain Scotch, it is a bond between men.

Actually, my "chimney licking" description was deemed quite accurate by all 10 (granted, non -scotch-drinking) people I introduced to it.

Granted, if I had wanted to be a snobby connoisseur online, I'd be talking about bourbon. And not on the Achewood forum.

And some women.


The idea of a woman who likes scotch makes my knee start twitching, assuming I am about to go into "Propose Mode."

Such a rare breed.

Well, there are at least two women here on Acheworld that like scotch. This might throw you into a quandary.

Well, quandaries abound in the world of Glens and Isles.

"Quandaries Abound in the World of Glens and Isles" is my favorite Moody Blues album.

i often get a similar reaction when men find out i game. it's cute, in an endearingly geeky sort of way. [alt text: i loves me a geeky man]

It is a horrible thing to be a bourbon drinker, and to be invited to a beautiful woman's house for the first time, and have her serve to you a nice scotch. It made me feel that I was of Low Mind. Fortunately she has never told anyone.

At first glance, I thought that you had said "Porpoise Mode." I believe I would have preferred that.

I thought that was Tequila?

Laphroaig is a moderately priced but very peat-y scotch whiskey. The scotch of a serious scotch drinker.

One of my favorite Scotches. Good, peaty single malt.

Cognac is 80-proof (and higher) brandy. It tastes raisiny, since it's made from grapes. It burns a little more than other hard alcohols. Most of the good cognacs were perfected by Irish exiles who fled to France after a failed rebellion in the late 1700s. As such cognac is more or less an alcoholic's approach to brandy. Good stuff.

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, proof_man, Doc_Rostov)

Also cognac is like champagne in that it technically has to come from some certain corner of France.

Cheap cognac goes pretty good with chocolate milk. No kidding.

Liquor and dairy...hurrrrrgh

Well that's just like, your opinion, man.

is that anything like the 'cement mixer' shot?
(kaluah(sp?) or baileys and vodka)

Ray got the 22" rimz....and Cornelius has his little bond-mobile.

I bet Cornelius's little car would put the Bond-mobile to shame, actually. Cornelius Bear = badass

A comment left by lastlarf was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by evolume, we_eat_vitamins, STUART)

A comment left by moraiat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by king_of_pwns, yingkaixing, STUART)

*gasp* That IS awesome.

Genuinely, no sarcasm. Gleeeeee.

"Oh! I keep forgetting I'm driving in the colonies!"

Especially because that's totally illegal on American roads.

So is cats driving, I'd wager.

"There's no rule in the books that says a cat can't play!"

Mailmen do it.

Maybe not, then?

Is that an Aston-Martin Cornelius is driving or am I just horrible with cars?

I think it is the second one.

the grill looks kind of like an aston martin, but the body of the car is too weird. could it just be an old mini?

Cornelius has confirmed it's a Mini.

yikes, try reading the title of the comic.

Cornelius has come a long way from his "vodka," "bourbon," "tequila" days.

Indeed. From the first sip to liquor-mobile driving tavern proprietor in under a decade. He never hurries but wastes no time.

Cornelius Bear's car makes me so happy!

My feelings are as uncomplicated as that.

A comment left by caduceo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, cdl146, Darthemed)

Literally - that car is in no way street legal.

Ray looks pissed! He wants to find his little buddy Phillipe and maybe kick Nice Pete in the mouth?

Cap him with his piece.

But what'd they expect, letting a stone cold killer into their lives?

does Cornelius think it's rad to drink & drive?

I bet he just thinks it's rad to have warm Cognac as soon as you get there.

Cornelius is a man from olden times, when it was still cool to make a short trip home sozzled, and John Law didn't give you no trouble as long as you weren't makin' shenanigans

Ah, the good old days, where you drink drive and beat up your wife and not hire black people, and no one would say a thing about it.

Where does the time go?

Forward, usually, depending on whether or not one has a flux capacitor lying around.

Lie Bot has one...or does he?

Where have all the flowers gone

Long time passing...

It's racing around to come up behind you again.

Laphroaig was my favorite scotch before I read this strip, and has hence solidified its position.

I wouldn't have expected Roast Beef to be so stoked about going to confront a serial killer.

Maybe Nice Pete can shoot or stab him in a way that won't have him waking up to the taste of Ray on his lips or a gigantic horse condom in his hands. Roast Beef's feelings on Nice Pete killing him range from neutral to slightly positive.


A New Hackers' Dictionary chubby for you.

Ray is either really insensitive or totally oblivious if he is making Lyle and Cornelius ride together.

Mr Bear prepares for every scenario years beforehand.

Why is it that Ray looks cat-sized in his Escalade (and Beef to a lesser extent) but C. and Lyle look like humans do in Minis - like squished, uncomfortable poseurs?

In the light of Phileppe's predicament, this strip is so uplifting. Scramble the rescue party!

I may not drink (I'm a Mormon), but I think I would install a cognac warmer-type device in my car for my friends that do. As long as I was driving. :)

If you are in the United States, that would still be illegal no matter who was driving.

Oh, of course, LAWS... They're so stifling sometimes. I guess my friends will have to warm their own damn cognac somewhere that isn't my car.

I bet Batman doesn't have to worry about the liquor-related devices in the Batmobile.

Batman doesnt have to worry about wearing pants most of the time.

He's got himself one sweet gig.

woah........ i thought i was a lone wolf in that department....

I liked the bits with the Achewood posse here.

Remember back in 2001 when they tried to knock out that pizza delivery guy and none of them could drive anyway? How times change.


Cornelius's vehicle runs on drunk driving!

Could get ethical.

Cornelius had that car imported from England, didn't he?

DAMNIT! Why can't America care less about alcohol being transported in the mail?

I want some Laphroaig.

Cornelius is rocking the mean streets in a Right Hand Drive Mini - how cool is that? And Ray ... sucks.

Did I *really* cap that one off with a dis on Ray? Let me correct: his choice of hoopties sucks. Reality is, a player like Ray would lose all street cred rollin in a hybrid Lexus RX 400h.

It's an Escalade.

I know it's an Escalade - point being no other mack-daddy hooptie-ride would do, even a RX 400h. Ray's best 2003 choices of ride would have been a G-Wagen ... or a hovercraft.