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Rockford Fosgate II Tuesday, November 15, 2005 • read strip Viewing 57 comments:

Ray is the kind of guy who can convince himself of almost anything as long as you try just a little too hard to make him.

Not even that. Just don't say anything, he'll think up an explanation in his head and think you gave it to him.

Life is hilarious!

A comment left by katal was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by brynito, farqussus, shogun, alcxxk, clintisiceman)

The chicks in Cozumel are much like birds; they have distinct mating seasons.

He read it in the Playboy Advisor...

There should be a city by city quick-reference chart for this

Something like The German Grammar Wheel. You spin the outer wheel to the city, and the inner wheel to the month, and the marker on the outer wheel points to the percentage chance of scoring in that month, and the inner wheel points to a quick-reference thumbs up or thumbs down.

Someone just do me a real quick favour and get all the data and create this.

I'd pay $8 for this device.

I bet between all of Assetbar, we could get the pot up to at least six hundo. Any takers?

Totally, except I have no way of getting any money ever.

have you thought about suicide?

In this case lucracide might bebthe way to go.

It just might beb.

id pay a cool $50

It never occurs to Ray that the contradiction between his knowledge and Roast Beef's claims stems from the fact that his best friend is lying to him. His trust is that strong, and RB has betrayed it.

I think it's the other way around. In panel 6, Ray figures out that Showbiz lied to Roast Beef about why he was leaving, and he doesn't want to tell his friend that his brother lied to him. But by panel 7, Roast Beef has figured it out, too. Then neither one of them wants to say it, and we get the awkward silence in panel 9.

Chubbies to both of you for the close reading.

y'know, i never really looked a that panel 9 silence until now. it is pretty cool

Now Ray covering his mouth makes sense! "whoops"

I think you guys are on the Nice Pete end of assuming that Ray is deeper than he seems.

I think the hesitation in Beef's "He uh he is partying..." line shows that either a) Beef just came up with this lie on the fly in order to cover for his embarrasing failure of a brother or b) if Showbiz came up with this lie and told Beef, I'm pretty sure that Beef is fully aware of its nature long before panel 7. Beef can read Showbiz like a dog-eared Rockford Fosgate catalog.

professorhazard (above) makes a good point, also.

That does make good sense, but I think lateadopter had a point too - look at the difference in Beef's expressions between panels 5 and 7: genuine surprise, changing to annoyed realisation. Also, Beef's already hesitating in panel 2. I think Beef may just be embarrassed about the whole fact of Showbiz' visit (and that he hasn't mentioned it to Ray), but he doesn't actually work out the lie until he has the benefit of Ray's local knowledge.

Damn. Scratch that, I just read the next strip.

I think they both realize Showbiz is full of it, but neither wants to come out and say it since he's beef's brother. So they're both playing along.

Dudes just trying to give his friend a letter. See how he points?

A comment left by turnabout was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Vondicus, nogadas, nutmeg)

More than anything, it's to demonstrate the awkwardness and latent tension of the situation. Haven't you ever hesitated in a situation where the obvious course of action just somehow seemed wrong ?

yeah, you can see that ray doesnt want to give him the letter, in the first four panels he leaves Beef hanging until he just gives up trying to accept the mail... he just doesnt know how to pass on the bad news

Ray is such a cool guy, I could of seen him just paying the bill. Six hundo worth of equipment.

i love panel 9.
it might be there to make the strip seem more cinematic.

I think the humor is that while saying, "Here's the letter," Ray is not handing the letter to Roast Beef. He is instead pointing at the letter. Just pointing. Like an asshole. It's nice.

panel 8: Ray points at the letter
panel 9: Ray continues to point at the letter
panel 10: (soon) RB gets the letter

Bookofsand's explanation may not be the sexiest option, but that's how I've always read it.

There's the letter. It's right there.

He's nothing if not grammatically sound.

refer to lateadopter, i am sure he's right

I just noticed that this strip tells us Showbiz's real name, how did I miss that?

So does [url="https://achewood.com/index.php?date=01142003"]this strip[/url]

You see it all around you, wandering through these message boards, thinking, "There but for the grace of god go I..." and then it happens to you, and it's never the same again, is it?
Here it is again.

It's okay to be dumb, Little Michael. The world will always need people who buy magazines about car stereos.

That letter would've been 10x better if there was a Polaroid of Showbiz going "pow!" in it.

Ha! Very "Goodfellas." And the smoke clears to reveal ... Showbiz Pesci, taking his final revenge.

Dutch ovens actually throw rude parties.

You're thinking of Dutch covens.

You're thinking of Hugh Hefner.

Panel 1 totally predicts panel 11... assuming prior knowledge of Showbiz.

Of course Roast Beef chews his nails. It makes perfect sense!

The migrating flocks of Wild Chicks are actually bedded down in El Salvador for most of the winter months.

land of my heritage...

"Awesome danger" is an excellent concept

I love how they include his nickname in the address

Different year, same old bill.

A comment left by kenthegod was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JenH, fakead, daidai, heccibiggs, SirFrederick, dumase, TonyHighwind, Scorpio_nadir, coffeecoaster, atticusonline, sp1derbaby, Cagliostro, Myre, I_Love_Kate, aperson)

14 lames were never given to a truer statement.

But RB gave him like a grand last time, to pay those dudes off! Showbiz is playing him like a fool