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Support Group...Did Pat Cry? Friday, July 8, 2005 • read strip Viewing 84 comments:

man i am getting voting fatigue how do you figure one strip from the next when they are all basically golden.

also i find myself adopting roast beef's tone in my comments.

It is pretty tempting to give 5s all the time, but then the truly special strips go unrewarded. Solid 4s, occasional 3 or 5

This is what I try to do too, but it is just so hard to not hit 5. And the commentary definitely gets more and more "Achewood" as you read along during the day.

Do you compare Achewood with other Achewood, or with everything else in the world, that is the eternal dilemma.

you've got to start getting inter- with it, because it's so consistently better than everything else it can only be judged against its own previous form. there is probably some kind of sporting analogy i could use here.

I generally use Beef's face to decide, rather than the numerical value. Whatever face I made, I rate it accordingly. Beyond that, if it's a strip which I know I'll want to see regularly (there are many), I'll give it a five so that it appears on my profile page.

when the scale is from 3-5, it makes 1 and 2 meaningless. Why not use the full scale? 3 does not mean 'bad'

3 is meant to be average for a reason.
Most get 3 from me.
Better ones get 4.
Ones with Philippe or Roast Beef suffering generally get a 5.
Ones where Onstad cops out from actually comic-making get a 1.

And comments like this deserve chubbies. Well played.

You haven't explained 2!

Here you go .

Did You Find This Comment Helpful? (yes.)

What would we do without you, 2?

Voting for which is the best comic would be hard.
Thankfully, that is not what we are about.
Solid 5's. Don't stop.

"Solid 5's, Don't Stop" will be my next blip-hop masterpiece.

I decided I'd go with my urges to give fives the first time around, and then, when I've rated them all, I'll start over, re-evaluating, and leaving fives only the best ones.

Subtract two or three from your first votes until you can curb your enthusiasm a little.

anything with Lyle, Nice Pete and Todd should get maximum points

Agreed. Sadly there be lots of haters who are not down, it would seem.

Arthur is a delight!


You can haz chubbie.

He is kind of a gay Bootsie Collins.

Oh my God that would be awesome

Doesn't that describe elton john?

It's OK to call Nice Pete crazy. Just don't ever ever call him "of low mind."

Yeah, he was just mildly outraged by Pat's comment. He expected to inform the group about his crazyness at a more convenient time. Probably after destroying everyone with his van.

Here are some of their hands!

Pete was miffed, but he's a veteran of Group. There will be plenty of Time later. For the Reckoning of Pat's Lifeline upon anonymous palms.

Does Nice Pete talk the same way as Roast Beef? They both have that little font and no punctuation...

I figure they both talk very quietly, but in a different way. There's the kind of quiet talker that is easy to half-ignore, and then there's the quiet talker you find yourself straining to hear because you get the vague impression that it is really fucking important that this guy doesn't think you're ignoring him.

They are both from Circumstances.

I get the sense that Roast Beef talks very fast, as if he were afraid you'd stop listening any second, while Nice Pete just talks... very... slow... and... deliberately.

'Bad Problem' gives it a 4. And Pete's expression in the 9th and 10th panels.

Anger Counseling has become couples counseling. Nice Pete feels so betrayed! He is so nice, and this is how he is repaid!

"Crying is nature's gas station" is now a phrase I commonly use.

And sad songs are like nature's onions.

I'm pretty sure onions are nature's onions.

it's not easy singing sad songs / when you can sing the song to make me glad

lizzy mercier descloux songs are like nature's awesomes

That no one got this joke is like a mouthful of sores.

Mr. Show.

I'm sure many people "got it" but did not say so.

I can't even discern what that means. Gas stations evoke no special reaction o0r feeling in me.

Just that you "refuel" by crying.

this is why i don't go for anger management sessions. that, and the fact that i do not have anger management problems *cough*


Do you think it's rad to have anger issues, nihraguk and boredom_man? Do you?

Nice pete's capitalization always creeped the fuck out of me for some reason. Especially in his second book's description in the store.

This is the best strip for pointing out how Onstad draws human hairstyles with the ears moved on cats but not the parts cut for them, because of all the side views, as well as Pat's gravity-defying glasses.

(Arthur's glasses stay up because of the shape of his head)

Pat's glasses are part of his face. Also I imagine Tom Kenny doing Arthur's voice.

i'm imagining more along the lines of bruce mcculloch from kids in the hall.

mmn...i think he's more Scott Thompson.

You know, weird as that sounds, I gotta agree. Kind of high pitched and nasal, but a real forceful, angry Scott Thompson, not like, Scott Thompson as Buddy Cole.

Buddy Cole is the voice I attach to Arthur.

I'm kind of picturing Kevin doing one of his more lady-like voices.

it is significant that "bad" is capitalized, indicating that Bad Problem is a proper noun.

And that there might be such a thing as a Good Problem.

Ah, wait--meeting someone shiny would be a good problem. A problem I enjoy.

Someone who is alive, with eggs and/or testicles?

Having three women interested in you could be a good problem. Or having two nice job offers.

Good points. I have never had either of these things happen to me.

I have had three women interested in me at the same time. It was a kind of complicated dilemma, and not necessarily good.

Is this the only time Nice Pete has shown emotion?

No way man The Mister Band Arc has hella Nice Pete emotions.

They are all bad.

He did not Accept that he cried.

The capitalization of Accept is what persuaded me to hit 5. Perhaps it was because I had just watched the video for "Balls to the Wall".

IS Pete's dialog capped at the beginning of each line like a poem, perhaps?

He capitalizes words that have Importance


Nice Pete looks frighteningly like a real dude in Panel 10. ...ya know, minus the cat ears.

Nice Pete is so mad, he can't think to go with his usual response to being insulted. Emotionlessly disemboweling the offender. He is so mad, he simply pouts.

Pat's an eco-geek because he's a crying Humvee.

Today's Blogs

Pat: There's a REASON barbers shouldn't make much money!
Lyle: right allbout pssd outta fn poems linin up new gig

Damn it. Just as I was starting to re-evaluate Pat based on his decent poetry (lame away), he goes of on this sort of crazy, I'm-the-kind-of-guy-who-should-have-his-face-sawn-off tangent again. I suppose I should have known better.

I wouldn't dream of laming you for it, but... 'decent poetry'? Really?

What I'm trying to imply is that Pat's poetry completely sucks.

5 just for Nice Pete's look of indignity

Pat and Nice Pete have a peculiar friendship. Nice Pete for seemingly being concerned about Pat's denial. Pat because he stone cold disrespected Nice Pete without a hint of hesitation. There is something going on here.

Just Nice Pete's look of indignation at being called crazy is "5" worthy

Well...Pat is a dick.

Will we ever meet Mr. Gary?

is the alt-text subtly foreshadowing pat's pictures from the magical realism camera? probably not, but it's fun to think about

Any strip that has Aaaaaarthur in it gets a 5 from me
Incidentally, for the longest time I thought HE was Mr, Gary.

I sincerely hope we meet Mr. Gary someday.


how dared he? it wasn't a triple dog dare, so the implications are frightning