+0 -0
A comment left by barrylegg was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pmoney187, Vice, wargasmic, theoneyouwant, abbaZaba, atticusonline, IronDave, gbeaton, lastlarf, Mastronaut)
A comment left by barrylegg was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pmoney187, Vice, wargasmic, theoneyouwant, abbaZaba, atticusonline, IronDave, gbeaton, lastlarf, Mastronaut)
+0 -0
I...I don't understand. I wonder if the lamers do understand and don't like it, or if they just dislike what they don't understand.
I...I don't understand. I wonder if the lamers do understand and don't like it, or if they just dislike what they don't understand.
+3 -0
I understand perfectly. Barrylegg is being picky about debatable BMX terminology.
I understand perfectly. Barrylegg is being picky about debatable BMX terminology.
+0 -0
For some reason I had never read the alt-text until now.
For some reason I had never read the alt-text until now.
+0 -0
I grudgingly gave him a chubby because our avatars are closely related.
I grudgingly gave him a chubby because our avatars are closely related.
+6 -0
Not that close. Is not like they are speakink at Christmas.
Not that close. Is not like they are speakink at Christmas.
+1 -0
nobody likes a "knowitall"
nobody likes a "knowitall"
+0 -0
Classic Brick.
Classic Brick.
+11 -0
not the mayor!
not the mayor!
+32 -0
phillippe must be losing his shit.
phillippe must be losing his shit.
+5 -0
Yeah, we've got to hope for some sort of arc based on Phillippe's grief over the loss of the old Mayor and massive excitement about Ray becoming the new Mayor.
Such mayoral emotion must be difficult to deal with at any age.
Yeah, we've got to hope for some sort of arc based on Phillippe's grief over the loss of the old Mayor and massive excitement about Ray becoming the new Mayor.
Such mayoral emotion must be difficult to deal with at any age.
+17 -0
If you're having trouble with mayoral emotion, may I humbly suggest:
If you're having trouble with mayoral emotion, may I humbly suggest:
+0 -0
Is this strip the fascination or the fallout?
Is this strip the fascination or the fallout?
+2 -0
The fallout. Just observing mayors no longer satisfies; you've got to become one to get a buzz.
The fallout. Just observing mayors no longer satisfies; you've got to become one to get a buzz.
+3 -0
You got to become the ruling body. There comes a time.
You got to become the ruling body. There comes a time.
+0 -0
Phillipe will most likely lead a coup to take over the office.
Phillipe will most likely lead a coup to take over the office.
+1 -0
By shocking Ray's dick.
By shocking Ray's dick.
+0 -0
The reply/avatar/name combo here is truly magnificent.
The reply/avatar/name combo here is truly magnificent.
+0 -0
Pesky free papers messing with my grocery stores...
Pesky free papers messing with my grocery stores...
+0 -0
Man, this is not a problem in my area. I guess I should be pleased?
Man, this is not a problem in my area. I guess I should be pleased?
+0 -0
You should write your local representative and thank him or her.
You should write your local representative and thank him or her.
+0 -0
I guess according to this comic I should credit the mayor. Thank you, Michael Bloomberg! Enjoy your quixotic quest for the presidency!
I guess according to this comic I should credit the mayor. Thank you, Michael Bloomberg! Enjoy your quixotic quest for the presidency!
+0 -0
I wonder if Ray will be able to reinstate Philippe's mayor fascination. I do hope so.
I wonder if Ray will be able to reinstate Philippe's mayor fascination. I do hope so.
+1 -0
Ray is somewhere near 500 points up in Kenya right now...
Ray is somewhere near 500 points up in Kenya right now...
+5 -0
Holy Shit, Ray is my mayor.
Holy Shit, Ray is my mayor.
+2 -0
I suppose this bears explaining: I live in Palo Alto, which the Achewood map is based on, so I always figure that Achewood=Palo Alto, because I'm self-important that way.
I suppose this bears explaining: I live in Palo Alto, which the Achewood map is based on, so I always figure that Achewood=Palo Alto, because I'm self-important that way.
+2 -0
Has Larry Klein had any heart problems recently?
Has Larry Klein had any heart problems recently?
+1 -1
To be honest there is such little civic identity in this town that I do not even know who my mayor is.
To be honest there is such little civic identity in this town that I do not even know who my mayor is.
+0 -0
We share a mayor, bjorntd. I don't know who our mayor is in real life, either, but I do know that it is Ray Smuckles in my heart.
We share a mayor, bjorntd. I don't know who our mayor is in real life, either, but I do know that it is Ray Smuckles in my heart.
+0 -0
I believe I just got lamed for not knowing who my mayor is.
I believe I just got lamed for not knowing who my mayor is.
+0 -0
Or maybe for accusing Palo Alto of having little civic identity. Like,, there's all those Persian rug stores. And a weird sculpture of an egg outside Pizza My Heart. And zero parking places! See? TONS of civic identity.
Or maybe for accusing Palo Alto of having little civic identity. Like,, there's all those Persian rug stores. And a weird sculpture of an egg outside Pizza My Heart. And zero parking places! See? TONS of civic identity.
+0 -0
Do you also suspect that all those persian rug stores are fronts for illegal activities, which is why there are so many?
Also: a policeman once told me not to knock on the egg.
Do you also suspect that all those persian rug stores are fronts for illegal activities, which is why there are so many?
Also: a policeman once told me not to knock on the egg.
+0 -0
I have been told that one of those Persian rug stores is a front for a Sufi mosque, which is not at all illegal, but I guess kind of cool offbeat religious things need fronts, too.
I have been told that one of those Persian rug stores is a front for a Sufi mosque, which is not at all illegal, but I guess kind of cool offbeat religious things need fronts, too.
+2 -0
This is true. And you know that restaurant "Pasta?"
Front for the church of the FSM.
This is true. And you know that restaurant "Pasta?"
Front for the church of the FSM.
+0 -0
Of course! It all seems so obvious now!
Of course! It all seems so obvious now!
+0 -0
It's the one on California Ave, next to Med Wraps.
It's the one on California Ave, next to Med Wraps.
+0 -0
Awesome. I can get a shawerma wrap and my mystical Islam on at the same time.
Awesome. I can get a shawerma wrap and my mystical Islam on at the same time.
+11 -2
That Finmish guy believes Ray to be Raymo Smookels, famed inventor.
That Finmish guy believes Ray to be Raymo Smookels, famed inventor.
+1 -0
damnit FinNish. I even double-checked my spelling...
damnit FinNish. I even double-checked my spelling...
+11 -1
I think we all just need to agree that misspelling something here isn't that critical. I keep seeing people correcting their spelling, but it's okay, guys. This isn't serious writing. It is just some notes on a comic.
I think we all just need to agree that misspelling something here isn't that critical. I keep seeing people correcting their spelling, but it's okay, guys. This isn't serious writing. It is just some notes on a comic.
+3 -0
but he said that on the internet . If he can't take it back , he better make sure it is at least spelled correctly.. dammit .
but he said that on the internet . If he can't take it back , he better make sure it is at least spelled correctly.. dammit .
+1 -0
That strip is nowhere near rated highly enough.
That strip is nowhere near rated highly enough.
+0 -0
Well, panel five merits a five from me, just for the imagery, so nicely bolstered by the alt-text. Gotta give those decomissioned BMX kids something to do or else they'll turn to collecting vig for the newspaper.
Well, panel five merits a five from me, just for the imagery, so nicely bolstered by the alt-text. Gotta give those decomissioned BMX kids something to do or else they'll turn to collecting vig for the newspaper.
+18 -0
Is that leander's hat in the bottom right of 3 4?
Is that leander's hat in the bottom right of 3 4?
+0 -0
Excellent catch. A chubby for you.
Excellent catch. A chubby for you.
+0 -0
Dang, I KNEW I had seen that hat before. Well done sir, well done.
Dang, I KNEW I had seen that hat before. Well done sir, well done.
+0 -0
To me it looked like that really serious political hair part. Like the type John Edwards.
To me it looked like that really serious political hair part. Like the type John Edwards.
+0 -0
I agree. John Edwards is a type.
I agree. John Edwards is a type.
+0 -0
man I was right accidentally here.
man I was right accidentally here.
+0 -0
Oh damn. Brilliant get. My kudos and chubbies and stuff.
Oh damn. Brilliant get. My kudos and chubbies and stuff.
+0 -0
Not only is that slick observation, your icon is an impossible tower of dice! Doth my eyes deceive? NO! So, chubbies.
Not only is that slick observation, your icon is an impossible tower of dice! Doth my eyes deceive? NO! So, chubbies.
+0 -1
Ray gets Achewood's priorities in order. He gets things done.
Ray gets Achewood's priorities in order. He gets things done.
+1 -0
Oh God, so good to get back to actual Achewood. I don't care if Onstad did last week on purpose just to make today feel so right; it feels so right for Ray to be acting mayor today.
Oh God, so good to get back to actual Achewood. I don't care if Onstad did last week on purpose just to make today feel so right; it feels so right for Ray to be acting mayor today.
+0 -1
This totally would happen.
This totally would happen.
+2 -0
Britney Spears has gone fucking nuts
Britney Spears has gone fucking nuts
+0 -0
A comment left by sevendaughters was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robotman, Sortelli, yingkaixing)
A comment left by sevendaughters was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robotman, Sortelli, yingkaixing)
+0 -0
A comment left by ibetso was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robotman, Sortelli, yingkaixing)
A comment left by ibetso was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robotman, Sortelli, yingkaixing)
+0 -0
A comment left by sevendaughters was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by scrumpton, ajg, Sortelli)
A comment left by sevendaughters was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by scrumpton, ajg, Sortelli)
+0 -0
A comment left by taco was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sevendaughters, DrSkradley, Baryonyx, Fielding, Audhumla)
A comment left by taco was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sevendaughters, DrSkradley, Baryonyx, Fielding, Audhumla)
+1 -0
I felt like "temerity" redeemed him, but to each his own.
I felt like "temerity" redeemed him, but to each his own.
+1 -0
May God bless all your children with Rolexes and the entire back catalogue of John Coltrane.
May God bless all your children with Rolexes and the entire back catalogue of John Coltrane.
+2 -0
Times are changing these days I think, man. If you be quotin' strips, the classics won't do (except "never be a cock to a stranger." That one has frequent Internet Context).
These days, it's gotta be a kind of quote that makes people who know the quotes feel like they don't know the quotes
I'm not advocating it, I'm just sayin' I see the change, man. I see the change.
Times are changing these days I think, man. If you be quotin' strips, the classics won't do (except "never be a cock to a stranger." That one has frequent Internet Context).
These days, it's gotta be a kind of quote that makes people who know the quotes feel like they don't know the quotes
I'm not advocating it, I'm just sayin' I see the change, man. I see the change.
+1 -0
The quote business is suffering from inflation, essentially.
The quote business is suffering from inflation, essentially.
+1 -0
I'd like to articulate my inner pain in the best way; a haiku.
Now entered into
The irony cycle where
The zeitgest owns me
I'd like to articulate my inner pain in the best way; a haiku.
Now entered into
The irony cycle where
The zeitgest owns me
+3 -1
In Soviet Russia, zeitgeist owns YOU! *buried by flurry of lames*
In Soviet Russia, zeitgeist owns YOU! *buried by flurry of lames*
+0 -0
+0 -0
Ray is the breath of fresh air so badly needed in every municipal government in every town and city in every country in the entire world.
Ray is the breath of fresh air so badly needed in every municipal government in every town and city in every country in the entire world.
+2 -0
Rule us like a King, Mayor Smuckles.
Rule us like a King, Mayor Smuckles.
+6 -0
+1 -0
"thus ever (or always) to tyrants" -courtesy of wikipedia, for those who were as confused as me.
"thus ever (or always) to tyrants" -courtesy of wikipedia, for those who were as confused as me.
+0 -0
+1 -0
Did Ray ever decide if he liked kings, anyways?
Did Ray ever decide if he liked kings, anyways?
+0 -0
I think he's on board with telling chicks straight up that he likes them. Now that he's Mayor, I bet his position on punching hell of suckers in the mouth will be reconsidered.
I think he's on board with telling chicks straight up that he likes them. Now that he's Mayor, I bet his position on punching hell of suckers in the mouth will be reconsidered.
+0 -0
With Philippe as a running mate, he'd be unstoppable!
With Philippe as a running mate, he'd be unstoppable!
+4 -0
Just.. anyone but Todd.
Just.. anyone but Todd.
+1 -0
Matt Drudge reads Achewood for source material.
Matt Drudge reads Achewood for source material.
+0 -0
A comment left by kingsleymc was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by KilroyWasHere, silver_lake, sevendaughters, MR_Wilson, HurfusDurfus)
A comment left by kingsleymc was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by KilroyWasHere, silver_lake, sevendaughters, MR_Wilson, HurfusDurfus)
+35 -0
+0 -0
If only this could be a real ticket, considering.
Chubby for the idealism.
If only this could be a real ticket, considering.
Chubby for the idealism.
+0 -1
But those who lurk in silent malignity might lame him for the use of a comma in a Beef-like context. Besides, the other reading of "CHANGE DOGGS" is perhaps more appropriate for a political slogan.
But those who lurk in silent malignity might lame him for the use of a comma in a Beef-like context. Besides, the other reading of "CHANGE DOGGS" is perhaps more appropriate for a political slogan.
+0 -0
change them how?
change them how?
+1 -0
As in swapping out old for new, or acquiring for oneself some new doggs now that the old ones have shown that they do not have your back. I supposed you could take the ones you currently have and try to change their characteristics, but you really can't teach an old dogg new tricks.
As expected, I have been struck by a lurking malignancy, but one that is not always silent. The guy has it in for me.
As in swapping out old for new, or acquiring for oneself some new doggs now that the old ones have shown that they do not have your back. I supposed you could take the ones you currently have and try to change their characteristics, but you really can't teach an old dogg new tricks.
As expected, I have been struck by a lurking malignancy, but one that is not always silent. The guy has it in for me.
+1 -0
Become the ruling body, dude!
Become the ruling body, dude!
+4 -0
Mr. Smuckles Goes to Washington
Mr. Smuckles Goes to Washington
+0 -0
Right up there with Stewart/Colbert and Calvin/Hobbes.
Right up there with Stewart/Colbert and Calvin/Hobbes.
+1 -0
Make this bumper sticker happen.
Make this bumper sticker happen.
+2 -1
Ray is a member of the Mayor's foursome.
Ray is a member of the Mayor's foursome.
+1 -0
Ray only got "made" into the Mayor's foursome after Leo Fontanette croaked
Here you go...
Ray only got "made" into the Mayor's foursome after Leo Fontanette croaked
Here you go...
+0 -0
Ray looks an awful lot like Beef in that strip and he is on the phone to himself.
Ray looks an awful lot like Beef in that strip and he is on the phone to himself.
+3 -0
The Anarchist's Cookbook has yet to address a countermeasure for high-pressure lemon juice.
The Anarchist's Cookbook has yet to address a countermeasure for high-pressure lemon juice.
+12 -0
It's in an addendum under "Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs," contributed by some guy named Watterson.
It's in an addendum under "Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs," contributed by some guy named Watterson.
+0 -0
Kudos for a wonderful C&H reference!
Kudos for a wonderful C&H reference!
+1 -0
right after his instructions on how to plan and commit a 'noodle incident.'
this is hilarious.
right after his instructions on how to plan and commit a 'noodle incident.'
this is hilarious.
+1 -1
Holy Shit, I need to get laid.
I read that as Chocolate Frosted Sugar Boobs.
Holy Shit, I need to get laid.
I read that as Chocolate Frosted Sugar Boobs.
+1 -0
Defederalized BMX Black ops riders are the Boy-Scout charity weenie-roast's most feared enemy.
Defederalized BMX Black ops riders are the Boy-Scout charity weenie-roast's most feared enemy.
+0 -0
Ray has a lot to reccomend himself over almost all real politicians. Should I be trying to elect Chris Onstad? Maybe kidnap him in the middle of the night and put him behind a podium somewhere and make him run for office?
Ray has a lot to reccomend himself over almost all real politicians. Should I be trying to elect Chris Onstad? Maybe kidnap him in the middle of the night and put him behind a podium somewhere and make him run for office?
+1 -0
If this is the start of an elaborate arc where Ray ends up running for president, I am so totally hyp't.
If this is the start of an elaborate arc where Ray ends up running for president, I am so totally hyp't.
+0 -0
and it'd be quite fitting, especially at this time, yeah?
and it'd be quite fitting, especially at this time, yeah?
+0 -0
... against Philippe .
... against Philippe .
+0 -0
would Ray still fund Philippe's campaign? that would be pretty funny. Ray is totally someone that would give his opponent a helping hand, the way he throws money around like when Lyle asks for a hundo. (too rushed to link at the moment. someone else up for it?)
would Ray still fund Philippe's campaign? that would be pretty funny. Ray is totally someone that would give his opponent a helping hand, the way he throws money around like when Lyle asks for a hundo. (too rushed to link at the moment. someone else up for it?)
+3 -0
Lyle's baseball card
Lyle's baseball card
+0 -0
chubbied. thanks!
chubbied. thanks!
+0 -0
ah heck i cannot chubby you proper.
ah heck i cannot chubby you proper.
+0 -0
Did it for you, man. Because that's just the sort of guy I am.
Did it for you, man. Because that's just the sort of guy I am.
+0 -0
A comment left by kodiakclock was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, divot, phthoggos, robotman, odei, DrSkradley, Miku224)
A comment left by kodiakclock was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, divot, phthoggos, robotman, odei, DrSkradley, Miku224)
+6 -0
Mayor C. had a heart-attack because he was so mad over it always bein' Hammertime.
Mayor C. had a heart-attack because he was so mad over it always bein' Hammertime.
+0 -0
I mean, the man's fifty.
I mean, the man's fifty.
+3 -0
I don't care what you guys think%u2014the last three strips were incredible and entertaining and a thoroughly refreshing view inside an artists crazy mind. I'm a little sad to see us back in Achewood "proper."
Good ol' black and white funny type familiar strips like this are good too. But I'm just saying.
I don't care what you guys think%u2014the last three strips were incredible and entertaining and a thoroughly refreshing view inside an artists crazy mind. I'm a little sad to see us back in Achewood "proper."
Good ol' black and white funny type familiar strips like this are good too. But I'm just saying.
+2 -0
You just wrote "proper" under a post that mentions "Hammertime." That's 2 legit.
You just wrote "proper" under a post that mentions "Hammertime." That's 2 legit.
+1 -0
It would be best not to even ask what I do when a post mentions "Pumps and a Bump."
It would be best not to even ask what I do when a post mentions "Pumps and a Bump."
+0 -0
yeah and it's nice to see some strips about teodore now and again. He is way over-shaddowed by ray/beef ongoings.
yeah and it's nice to see some strips about teodore now and again. He is way over-shaddowed by ray/beef ongoings.
+0 -0
When full-time mayors aren't enough.
When full-time mayors aren't enough.
+0 -0
Ray's connections never cease to amaze me.
I really think this strip will be the start of something beautiful.
Ray's connections never cease to amaze me.
I really think this strip will be the start of something beautiful.
+0 -0
When you can give away pricey vehicles for random favors, you can make friends in high places pretty easily.
When you can give away pricey vehicles for random favors, you can make friends in high places pretty easily.
+6 -0
Was the heart attack caused by being drenched in hot bloody fat?
Was the heart attack caused by being drenched in hot bloody fat?
+0 -0
A comment left by mrclarinet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, eatmorekix, Wulvaine, SPECTRE)
A comment left by mrclarinet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, eatmorekix, Wulvaine, SPECTRE)
+5 -0
lamed for "President Huckabee"
lamed for "President Huckabee"
+0 -0
I can no longer lame (why? It's not like I'm doing it all the time. I would love to know the inner workings of Acheworld, Onstad.) so I chubby you instead. President Huckabee? Haha, you're out of your fucking mind. The odds on a Republican being elected are, last I looked, 12:1.
I can no longer lame (why? It's not like I'm doing it all the time. I would love to know the inner workings of Acheworld, Onstad.) so I chubby you instead. President Huckabee? Haha, you're out of your fucking mind. The odds on a Republican being elected are, last I looked, 12:1.
+1 -0
What's a short-term heart attack as opposed to a long-term heart attack?
What's a short-term heart attack as opposed to a long-term heart attack?
+0 -0
It means he will soon be springing back to relieve Ray from the stress of all that responsibility... Although I have this idea he might have to fight a little...
It means he will soon be springing back to relieve Ray from the stress of all that responsibility... Although I have this idea he might have to fight a little...
+1 -0
In Australia, a short-term heart attack (or other minor cardiac incident causing a few days missed work) is known as "chucking a cardie".
Longer-term events are more death-related.
In Australia, a short-term heart attack (or other minor cardiac incident causing a few days missed work) is known as "chucking a cardie".
Longer-term events are more death-related.
+0 -0
More deathy.
More deathy.
+9 -0
I love it when the big issues touch a nerve with those in power. Reminds me somewhat of Pitt the Younger's proposed policy of "tougher sentences for Geography teachers."
I love it when the big issues touch a nerve with those in power. Reminds me somewhat of Pitt the Younger's proposed policy of "tougher sentences for Geography teachers."
+0 -0
A comment left by mrclarinet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by VandenBos, biomusicologist, Moolah, Dezufnocosem, Thorfinn, odei, morypcaina, smugairle, foetus_punch, lastlarf, ibetso, rumblefish, SPECTRE)
A comment left by mrclarinet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by VandenBos, biomusicologist, Moolah, Dezufnocosem, Thorfinn, odei, morypcaina, smugairle, foetus_punch, lastlarf, ibetso, rumblefish, SPECTRE)
+2 -0
Lamed for attacking Rowan Atkinson's last shred of pride.
Low blow sir, low blow.
Lamed for attacking Rowan Atkinson's last shred of pride.
Low blow sir, low blow.
+0 -0
My Heros!
My Heros!
+0 -0
He brought it upon himself.
He brought it upon himself.
+1 -0
Blackadder is in no way hell of terrible. You are terrible. This strip was pretty good, the alt. text was killer.
Blackadder is in no way hell of terrible. You are terrible. This strip was pretty good, the alt. text was killer.
+3 -1
God fucking dammit, let the people reference Blackadder. If it's not another goddamn quote from the goddamn comic we are reading to demonstrate basic literacy skills to impress a community of douchebags, it is an improvement.
God fucking dammit, let the people reference Blackadder. If it's not another goddamn quote from the goddamn comic we are reading to demonstrate basic literacy skills to impress a community of douchebags, it is an improvement.
+4 -0
I guess sortelli's status of sitting in a chair hating you is actually true.
I guess sortelli's status of sitting in a chair hating you is actually true.
+0 -0
Ray as mayor? thats the last thing Phillipe needs after his recent mayoral fascination. it's just one step to far. its just too far.
Ray as mayor? thats the last thing Phillipe needs after his recent mayoral fascination. it's just one step to far. its just too far.
+0 -0
thank you Onstad
I do hope Ray revises his policies.
thank you Onstad
I do hope Ray revises his policies.
+0 -0
Onstad is back! And it appears that he is starting an awesome new arc!
The future is bright, and Ray is the people's candidate!
Onstad is back! And it appears that he is starting an awesome new arc!
The future is bright, and Ray is the people's candidate!
+1 -0
Hmm, it's nice to have the usual format back, but I'm having trouble enjoying this one...part of my brain is automatically digging around for some heavy-handed commentary on modern day politics, while the rest of it is saying "C'mon man, knock it off. This is Achewood."
Hmm, it's nice to have the usual format back, but I'm having trouble enjoying this one...part of my brain is automatically digging around for some heavy-handed commentary on modern day politics, while the rest of it is saying "C'mon man, knock it off. This is Achewood."
+2 -0
Offtopic nonsense-
With the name baryonyx I have to assume you are the opposite of Barry White. Thus, you are pale white, have a high pitch voice, are stick thin and get nowhere with the ladies.
I hope I am wrong.
Offtopic nonsense-
With the name baryonyx I have to assume you are the opposite of Barry White. Thus, you are pale white, have a high pitch voice, are stick thin and get nowhere with the ladies.
I hope I am wrong.
+2 -0
Wouldn't the opposite of baryonx be darkmatterx ?
Although the Barry White joke was a bit humorous.
Wouldn't the opposite of baryonx be darkmatterx ?
Although the Barry White joke was a bit humorous.
+0 -0
Oh, to have a chubby left! I thin my new screen name will be "bosonx".
Oh, to have a chubby left! I thin my new screen name will be "bosonx".
+0 -0
Even if that's not him, I pretty much am that guy, so you're not completely off.
Hey, while we're taking stabs at baryonyx's online persona, is your avatar supposed to be The Sandman?
Even if that's not him, I pretty much am that guy, so you're not completely off.
Hey, while we're taking stabs at baryonyx's online persona, is your avatar supposed to be The Sandman?
+10 -1
My avatar is an unnamed, dapperly dressed man, his face adorned with a gas-mask (see fig. 1). The name "Baryonyx" bears no connection to the name or person of Barry White, and is instead in homage to Baryonyx, the most awesome dinosaur, ever (see fig. 2).
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
This concludes my presentation on the identifying characteristics of my Assetbar account. Any questions?
My avatar is an unnamed, dapperly dressed man, his face adorned with a gas-mask (see fig. 1). The name "Baryonyx" bears no connection to the name or person of Barry White, and is instead in homage to Baryonyx, the most awesome dinosaur, ever (see fig. 2).
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
This concludes my presentation on the identifying characteristics of my Assetbar account. Any questions?
+0 -0
Ah, nuts. I thought I was right on the Sandman thing. Close enough for me, though.
Ah, nuts. I thought I was right on the Sandman thing. Close enough for me, though.
+1 -0
Hm, with good reason...perhaps the fellow in my icon is actually dressed up as him and I didn't realize it. Either way, you just made me really want to start reading Sandman.
Hm, with good reason...perhaps the fellow in my icon is actually dressed up as him and I didn't realize it. Either way, you just made me really want to start reading Sandman.
+0 -0
DO IT! It's amazing. If you've got a halfway decent comic shop in town, the stuff you want is called Sandman Mystery Theatre. Each of the stories are contained within 2-4 part arcs so it's not hard to drop in wherever, but I recommend starting at the beginning.
DO IT! It's amazing. If you've got a halfway decent comic shop in town, the stuff you want is called Sandman Mystery Theatre. Each of the stories are contained within 2-4 part arcs so it's not hard to drop in wherever, but I recommend starting at the beginning.
+0 -0
Seriously, "A gas gun, prophetic dreams, highly honed detective skills and a fair knowledge of the martial arts"? I can get behind this. Unfortunately the closest-at-hand library only had copies of the Neil Gaiman Sandman, and I was not intrigued. No gas-mask. Where is the gas-mask.
Seriously, "A gas gun, prophetic dreams, highly honed detective skills and a fair knowledge of the martial arts"? I can get behind this. Unfortunately the closest-at-hand library only had copies of the Neil Gaiman Sandman, and I was not intrigued. No gas-mask. Where is the gas-mask.
+0 -0
Man, that's not even the same guy. Oh, and while we're on the subject, Gaiman wrote some half-assed crossover to try to link Dodds' dreams to his Sandman, and it's not good.
Man, that's not even the same guy. Oh, and while we're on the subject, Gaiman wrote some half-assed crossover to try to link Dodds' dreams to his Sandman, and it's not good.
+0 -0
You mean the Doll's House storyline? That story was awesome.
Retract, dude. Retract.
You mean the Doll's House storyline? That story was awesome.
Retract, dude. Retract.
+0 -0
Oh my goodness. I just read the first volume of Mystery Theatre. I have a new favorite superhero.
I am in your debt. And your postulations about my icon have become correct.
Oh my goodness. I just read the first volume of Mystery Theatre. I have a new favorite superhero.
I am in your debt. And your postulations about my icon have become correct.
+0 -0
The best part of your dinosaur is that it was discovered in a city called Dorking.
The best part of your dinosaur is that it was discovered in a city called Dorking.
+0 -0
I always knew what you were, dude.
I always knew...
I always knew what you were, dude.
I always knew...
+0 -0
+3 -0
Hella back slappin'. We totally got this from the same place. Our minds, is connected.
I was gonna put up hella pictures of dinosaurs like a schoolkid showing my favourites, but then I didn't. Baryonyx is, indeed, one of the baddest. I always like Deinocheirus though, just for the mystery...
(Because that's all they found!)
The local museum has a copy of them, they're a good 8-foot long. They stopped showing them recently and thus have them up the back. I'm attempting to get a job there just to frequent the back storage area and sit and bask in the awesome on my lunch break.
This is the plan, anyway.
Hella back slappin'. We totally got this from the same place. Our minds, is connected.
I was gonna put up hella pictures of dinosaurs like a schoolkid showing my favourites, but then I didn't. Baryonyx is, indeed, one of the baddest. I always like Deinocheirus though, just for the mystery...
(Because that's all they found!)
The local museum has a copy of them, they're a good 8-foot long. They stopped showing them recently and thus have them up the back. I'm attempting to get a job there just to frequent the back storage area and sit and bask in the awesome on my lunch break.
This is the plan, anyway.
+3 -0
Damn. That thing could fight a truck. Obviously they were just too awesome for the public eye? Or did they just say, what the hell, as long as this much is left to the imagination, why not?
I'm totally down for an in-depth Comparative Dinosaurs discussion, right now. Some of the other greats:
Damn. That thing could fight a truck. Obviously they were just too awesome for the public eye? Or did they just say, what the hell, as long as this much is left to the imagination, why not?
I'm totally down for an in-depth Comparative Dinosaurs discussion, right now. Some of the other greats:
+6 -0
Oh hell yes!
We doin this!
Not a dinosaur, but much respect must go to the largest predator EVER:
The Lion of the Jurassic - Allosaurus
Pack hunter extraordinaire, Deinonychus (here, an artistic representation of that famous fossil find where a pack of them died while ripping the shit out of a Tenontosaurus)
And despite not being during the age of dinosaurs, the "terror bird" Phorusrhacos would freak the ever-loving shit out of me because such a creature should not, truly, exist.
Oh hell yes!
We doin this!
Not a dinosaur, but much respect must go to the largest predator EVER:
The Lion of the Jurassic - Allosaurus
Pack hunter extraordinaire, Deinonychus (here, an artistic representation of that famous fossil find where a pack of them died while ripping the shit out of a Tenontosaurus)
And despite not being during the age of dinosaurs, the "terror bird" Phorusrhacos would freak the ever-loving shit out of me because such a creature should not, truly, exist.
+0 -0
A comment left by peterjoel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by seven47, Thorfinn, foetus_punch)
A comment left by peterjoel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by seven47, Thorfinn, foetus_punch)
+0 -0
A comment left by foetus_punch was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, Ravenmancer, Comrade_Tom, slalvation)
A comment left by foetus_punch was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, Ravenmancer, Comrade_Tom, slalvation)
+0 -2
If you were near me in person and I heard you praising Golden Age Sandman over Gaiman's bullshit, you'd recieve the heartiest high-five of your life.
So if there's ever a Great Achewood Meetup, I'll owe you one. In the meantime, here's a CHUBBY!
If you were near me in person and I heard you praising Golden Age Sandman over Gaiman's bullshit, you'd recieve the heartiest high-five of your life.
So if there's ever a Great Achewood Meetup, I'll owe you one. In the meantime, here's a CHUBBY!
+0 -0
I can't add anything except right on. I even like Gaiman, but seriously, Wesley Dodds FTW.
I can't add anything except right on. I even like Gaiman, but seriously, Wesley Dodds FTW.
+0 -0
Not to be the voice of dissent, but Matt Wagner really retroactively made Wesley Dodds a great character with Sandman Mystery Theatre. Prior to that, the best thing he had going for him was the phenomenal pulp-hero outfit. And then he got the banana costume:
Still, I can't really hold the fact that it took fifty-some-odd years for a creator to come along and actually realize his potential against him.
(Okay, I'm finished. Sorry, can't resist jumping into a nice geeky discussion.)
Not to be the voice of dissent, but Matt Wagner really retroactively made Wesley Dodds a great character with Sandman Mystery Theatre. Prior to that, the best thing he had going for him was the phenomenal pulp-hero outfit. And then he got the banana costume:
Still, I can't really hold the fact that it took fifty-some-odd years for a creator to come along and actually realize his potential against him.
(Okay, I'm finished. Sorry, can't resist jumping into a nice geeky discussion.)
+0 -0
Alright, his pre-'acrobat outfit' stuff rules. I will concede that's a big problem with a lot of Golden Age dudes, they're all good concepts with hideous execution. Dr. Mid-Nite had the same problem, and I don't like any Starman except Jack Knight.
Did you ever read the SMT arc that introduces Hourman? Wagner rips into Dodds' other costume hardcore.
Alright, his pre-'acrobat outfit' stuff rules. I will concede that's a big problem with a lot of Golden Age dudes, they're all good concepts with hideous execution. Dr. Mid-Nite had the same problem, and I don't like any Starman except Jack Knight.
Did you ever read the SMT arc that introduces Hourman? Wagner rips into Dodds' other costume hardcore.
+10 -0
Life is more fun if how much you like things has nothing to do with who else likes them.
Life is more fun if how much you like things has nothing to do with who else likes them.
+0 -0
+0 -0
I am out of chubbies, friend.
I am out of chubbies, friend.
+0 -0
That should be on office walls and bumper stickers.
That should be on office walls and bumper stickers.
+0 -0
Alright, you lamed me. And I can only assume that you enjoy Neil Gaiman. But...that is a brilliant thing to say, and I respect you.
Neil Gaiman still blows.
Alright, you lamed me. And I can only assume that you enjoy Neil Gaiman. But...that is a brilliant thing to say, and I respect you.
Neil Gaiman still blows.
+1 -1
Are.. are you seriously saying that you neither like nor respect Dinosaur Comics anymore based on the sole criteria that other people like it? I mean, even if you neither like nor respect those people, that's just fucked.
Are.. are you seriously saying that you neither like nor respect Dinosaur Comics anymore based on the sole criteria that other people like it? I mean, even if you neither like nor respect those people, that's just fucked.
+0 -0
No, dude. I don't like dinosaur comics anymore based on the criteria that the author obviously thinks himself quite the clever fellow, and it shows, and everyone who reads it somehow believes themselves to have become intelligent. I recently gave it another chance, and although it can occasionally crack wise, it is for the most part a depressing ego trip.
No, dude. I don't like dinosaur comics anymore based on the criteria that the author obviously thinks himself quite the clever fellow, and it shows, and everyone who reads it somehow believes themselves to have become intelligent. I recently gave it another chance, and although it can occasionally crack wise, it is for the most part a depressing ego trip.
+1 -0
a magical Liopleurodon, Charlie!
a magical Liopleurodon, Charlie!
+0 -0
I showed that cartoon to my wife, who didn't find it funny. Perhaps because I was sitting next to her giggling at stupidity and thus there was far too much expectation.
I showed that cartoon to my wife, who didn't find it funny. Perhaps because I was sitting next to her giggling at stupidity and thus there was far too much expectation.
+0 -0
Some kids in the Digital Media class were watching that, and I sang along with the Candy Mountain song, and they accused me of smoking pot.
Not that there is anything wrong with smoking pot, but I don't do that any more.
Some kids in the Digital Media class were watching that, and I sang along with the Candy Mountain song, and they accused me of smoking pot.
Not that there is anything wrong with smoking pot, but I don't do that any more.
+0 -0
There is something wrong with it. You become an even more lazy bum than you were to begin with. And, in some cases, it's all you talk about.
There is something wrong with it. You become an even more lazy bum than you were to begin with. And, in some cases, it's all you talk about.
+0 -0
are you talking about pot or Neil Gaiman?
are you talking about pot or Neil Gaiman?
+0 -0
Correction: there is nothing wrong with smoking pot occasionally . Anything is bad if it becomes an addiction.
Correction: there is nothing wrong with smoking pot occasionally . Anything is bad if it becomes an addiction.
+0 -0
Not if you become addicted to HUUUUUUUUGS.
Not if you become addicted to HUUUUUUUUGS.
+0 -0
Tell that to my parole officer.
Tell that to my parole officer.
+0 -1
Holy shit man, that's some damn dedication for that long-ass post about dinosaurs. Also, that Liopleurodon looks fucking awesome, especially whilst leaping from the sea to devour that hapless dinosaur mindlessly strolling on the beach.
Holy shit man, that's some damn dedication for that long-ass post about dinosaurs. Also, that Liopleurodon looks fucking awesome, especially whilst leaping from the sea to devour that hapless dinosaur mindlessly strolling on the beach.
+0 -0
That picture of Lipleurodon just destroying a That is oh so very intense. I might want to hold on to that for future use.
Deinonychus is another favorite from old times, to the point where it just goes without saying. Velociraptor was too small, Utahraptor was too big, and Deinonychus was juuust riiight.
That picture of Lipleurodon just destroying a That is oh so very intense. I might want to hold on to that for future use.
Deinonychus is another favorite from old times, to the point where it just goes without saying. Velociraptor was too small, Utahraptor was too big, and Deinonychus was juuust riiight.
+1 -0
Deinonychus truly IS from old times. Back when we knew it was cool, before Jurassic Park came out. Utahraptor really was too big. I mean, 22 feet long? Kinda ruins the point, if you ask me.
Have you seen how they're portraying such as those sorta dinosaurs nowadays? With the crazy-ass Brazilian Mardi Gras feathers? It's not right, I tell you. It's not right.
I mean, sure, I see the science behind it - it may be scientifically correct , but morally and ethically, we all know it's wrong.
Fuck that meteor, man.
Deinonychus truly IS from old times. Back when we knew it was cool, before Jurassic Park came out. Utahraptor really was too big. I mean, 22 feet long? Kinda ruins the point, if you ask me.
Have you seen how they're portraying such as those sorta dinosaurs nowadays? With the crazy-ass Brazilian Mardi Gras feathers? It's not right, I tell you. It's not right.
I mean, sure, I see the science behind it - it may be scientifically correct , but morally and ethically, we all know it's wrong.
Fuck that meteor, man.
+3 -0
The feathers! Don't get me started on the feathers. Times are changing, man. These ain't your old man's dinosaurs no more. Give me a good old-fashioned unfeathered dinosaur any day. To prove the point:
Scaly, harbinger-of-death Thunder Lizard
Lead singer of some fucked up dinosaur techno band
I must say, Walking with Dinosaurs was a fondly remembered four hours. Ever watch it? I'm pretty sure the whole thing's on YouTube nowadays.
The feathers! Don't get me started on the feathers. Times are changing, man. These ain't your old man's dinosaurs no more. Give me a good old-fashioned unfeathered dinosaur any day. To prove the point:
Scaly, harbinger-of-death Thunder Lizard
Lead singer of some fucked up dinosaur techno band
I must say, Walking with Dinosaurs was a fondly remembered four hours. Ever watch it? I'm pretty sure the whole thing's on YouTube nowadays.
+0 -0
That, truly, is a Terrible Lizard. And not in the cool, Victorian way. It's just terrible. It. Is. Terrible.
Oh my yes, I watched Walking with Dinosaurs . Luckily even got it for Christmas (on VHS, alas!). I even saw the live show - not enough blood and sex for my liking, considering I was watching a live-action speculative nature documentary, but it was still pretty awesome.
Ever seen Walking with Monsters , about the time before dinosaurs, in the Paleozoic. Earth is a weird, weird place.
That, truly, is a Terrible Lizard. And not in the cool, Victorian way. It's just terrible. It. Is. Terrible.
Oh my yes, I watched Walking with Dinosaurs . Luckily even got it for Christmas (on VHS, alas!). I even saw the live show - not enough blood and sex for my liking, considering I was watching a live-action speculative nature documentary, but it was still pretty awesome.
Ever seen Walking with Monsters , about the time before dinosaurs, in the Paleozoic. Earth is a weird, weird place.
+0 -0
As a matter of fact I did see Walking with Monsters . Very weird indeed. Of course, it didn't get nearly the funding of Dinosaurs and it definitely showed, because honestly, who cares about monsters when you've got dinosaurs.
As a matter of fact I did see Walking with Monsters . Very weird indeed. Of course, it didn't get nearly the funding of Dinosaurs and it definitely showed, because honestly, who cares about monsters when you've got dinosaurs.
+0 -0
But... Dimetrodons, dude - Dimetrodons!
But... Dimetrodons, dude - Dimetrodons!
+0 -0
Well...I do like Dimetrodons...
But they were a prime example! All gliding crazily over the ground and having babies that you know are just adult Dimetrodons shrunk way down to save time...the execution could've been better. That is all I will say.
Also, I want to watch Walking with Prehistoric Beasts now to find out more about this so-called "Phorusrhacos." Indeed a thing of nightmares.
Ah, Assetbar. You make my trips to the YouTube comment threads ever so depressing.
Well...I do like Dimetrodons...
But they were a prime example! All gliding crazily over the ground and having babies that you know are just adult Dimetrodons shrunk way down to save time...the execution could've been better. That is all I will say.
Also, I want to watch Walking with Prehistoric Beasts now to find out more about this so-called "Phorusrhacos." Indeed a thing of nightmares.
Ah, Assetbar. You make my trips to the YouTube comment threads ever so depressing.
+0 -0
Oh, I found your video right here. *
Also, I don't believe it was on Walking with Beasts , I think it was on Prehistoric Park , which I found enjoyable enough.
*Some depictions are scarier than others.
Oh, I found your video right here. *
Also, I don't believe it was on Walking with Beasts , I think it was on Prehistoric Park , which I found enjoyable enough.
*Some depictions are scarier than others.
+0 -0
Nope, Wikipedia says that it was on both.
Prehistoric Park falsely claims that Smilodon forced Phorusrhacos into extinction, if the Wikifacts are anything to go by.
Nope, Wikipedia says that it was on both.
Prehistoric Park falsely claims that Smilodon forced Phorusrhacos into extinction, if the Wikifacts are anything to go by.
+0 -0
Walking with Dinosaurs was sweet. I own the book. If you liked that, mayhaps you might enjoy The Future is Wild. Another great production that makes me feel like a child. Also, I must say that I love this community. We just had an immense conversation about dinosaurs, comics, and online humor. We are all children. But that's okay.
Walking with Dinosaurs was sweet. I own the book. If you liked that, mayhaps you might enjoy The Future is Wild. Another great production that makes me feel like a child. Also, I must say that I love this community. We just had an immense conversation about dinosaurs, comics, and online humor. We are all children. But that's okay.
+0 -0
I heard about The Future is Wild! Really wanted to see that, looked great. What with twenty-story tortoises and bird-lizards with mouths within their mouths .
I heard about The Future is Wild! Really wanted to see that, looked great. What with twenty-story tortoises and bird-lizards with mouths within their mouths .
+0 -0
There is a book! The cover makes it look like a shitty fishing book, with a trout or something jumping out of some water...until your eyes catch onto the fact that the trout is a fish-bird monster with no place in god's plan. No place but awesome, that is.
There is a book! The cover makes it look like a shitty fishing book, with a trout or something jumping out of some water...until your eyes catch onto the fact that the trout is a fish-bird monster with no place in god's plan. No place but awesome, that is.
+0 -0
And hot damn, that Rainbow Squid!
And hot damn, that Rainbow Squid!
+0 -0
Ooooh, that Rainbow Squid! My favorite: the god damn MEGASQUID. The ocean flish? Also sweet.
Ooooh, that Rainbow Squid! My favorite: the god damn MEGASQUID. The ocean flish? Also sweet.
+0 -0
did you just refer to Carnival as "Brazilian Mardi Gras"?
shame on you.
did you just refer to Carnival as "Brazilian Mardi Gras"?
shame on you.
+0 -0
Chubbied because I had totally forgotten about Styracosaurus. I can't believe I ever forgot about Styracosaurus.
Chubbied because I had totally forgotten about Styracosaurus. I can't believe I ever forgot about Styracosaurus.
+1 -0
Styracosaurus: it's like Triceratops, but even better!
Styracosaurus: it's like Triceratops, but even better!
+2 -0
Precisely. Styracosaurus was always my fave, closely followed by Iguanadon, the most optimistic of all dinosaurs.
Precisely. Styracosaurus was always my fave, closely followed by Iguanadon, the most optimistic of all dinosaurs.
+2 -0
I wish I were not out of chubbies to give you both for the most accurate description of Styracosaurus. This is the exact sentiment of every 4-year-old boy and girl dinosaur lover in the world.
And Iguanadon - yes, perfect explanation. Still - dude, that thumb spike, he would fuck your shit up.
He was quick, like ninja. He took no shit.
I wish I were not out of chubbies to give you both for the most accurate description of Styracosaurus. This is the exact sentiment of every 4-year-old boy and girl dinosaur lover in the world.
And Iguanadon - yes, perfect explanation. Still - dude, that thumb spike, he would fuck your shit up.
He was quick, like ninja. He took no shit.
+0 -0
This totally looks like foreplay.
This totally looks like foreplay.
+0 -0
My first thoughts were that the Iguanadon was some sort of doctor and he was performing an examination.
I like yours better.
My first thoughts were that the Iguanadon was some sort of doctor and he was performing an examination.
I like yours better.
+1 -0
That's his "go-to shank"
That's his "go-to shank"
+0 -0
I assume Ray will be running on the Toilet Party ticket?
I assume Ray will be running on the Toilet Party ticket?
+0 -0
Will Blackwater be providing the BMX riders do you think, or will Ray be providing contracts to his own, brand new, security firm?
Will Blackwater be providing the BMX riders do you think, or will Ray be providing contracts to his own, brand new, security firm?
+0 -0
A nerve so great that Ray needs only to identify the asker by his profession. Good dialouge, as always.
Does anyone else hope this becomes an arc? I want Mayor Smuckles to be a thing.
A nerve so great that Ray needs only to identify the asker by his profession. Good dialouge, as always.
Does anyone else hope this becomes an arc? I want Mayor Smuckles to be a thing.
+0 -0
if this keeps up, it will only exacerbate Philippe's Mayor curiosity.
if this keeps up, it will only exacerbate Philippe's Mayor curiosity.
+3 -0
Or end it once and for all.
I imagine the mayoral mystique fades a little once you've seen the mayor watching Braveheart in only a thong, scratching as nature dictates.
Or end it once and for all.
I imagine the mayoral mystique fades a little once you've seen the mayor watching Braveheart in only a thong, scratching as nature dictates.
+10 -0
+1 -0
good one.
good one.
+0 -0
I could have sworn I chubbied this. But still, chubbies are due.
I could have sworn I chubbied this. But still, chubbies are due.
+0 -0
Thanks. Would you believe that was the first Achewood I ever read?
Thanks. Would you believe that was the first Achewood I ever read?
+0 -0
it may...or could make him see that hey, Ray can do it. and i'm a friend of Ray. i could be Mayor, too! totally cool!
a lot can come out of this comic.
it may...or could make him see that hey, Ray can do it. and i'm a friend of Ray. i could be Mayor, too! totally cool!
a lot can come out of this comic.
+0 -0
President Phillippe didn't work out because he had no experience. Mayor Phillippe first, then maybe Congressman Phillippe.
President Phillippe didn't work out because he had no experience. Mayor Phillippe first, then maybe Congressman Phillippe.
+0 -0
an easy 5
an easy 5
+0 -0
The main cat discovers that the best way to answer difficult questions is to suggest that they are e-mailed, and the best way to answer easy questions is directly.
The main cat discovers that the best way to answer difficult questions is to suggest that they are e-mailed, and the best way to answer easy questions is directly.
+0 -0
Finnish Cousins: THE Worst.
Finnish Cousins: THE Worst.
+1 -0
"Mr.Mayor, how do you think Achewood citizens will react when they learn your home was profited by... ancient porn ?"
"Mr.Mayor, how do you think Achewood citizens will react when they learn your home was profited by... ancient porn ?"
+2 -0
That is a completely rad question. You get one hundred thousand dollars for asking it. Come by my house someday to pick up the check and to have some Ketel One with me.
That is a completely rad question. You get one hundred thousand dollars for asking it. Come by my house someday to pick up the check and to have some Ketel One with me.
+3 -0
Yay! Just finished reading through the archives. Is there a prize?
Yay! Just finished reading through the archives. Is there a prize?
+1 -0
You get to do it again in Assetbar, since according to this you have viewed a total of three strips.
You get to do it again in Assetbar, since according to this you have viewed a total of three strips.
+0 -0
Indeed. A Chubby. Well done.
Indeed. A Chubby. Well done.
+0 -0
Also, you should schedule regular rereadings. I try to do it at least twice a year.
Also, you should schedule regular rereadings. I try to do it at least twice a year.
+0 -0
Smuckles '08 - Year of the Cat! VOTE RAY!!!
Smuckles '08 - Year of the Cat! VOTE RAY!!!
+2 -0
you know what's funny about having a mayor? being able to say "mayoral". think about it.
ah, AH?? i see you smilin'.
you know what's funny about having a mayor? being able to say "mayoral". think about it.
ah, AH?? i see you smilin'.
+0 -1
Dude, cut down on the caffeine. You got the shakes somethin' fierce.
Dude, cut down on the caffeine. You got the shakes somethin' fierce.
+0 -0
just so long as ray doesnt write himself a "tell all" autobiography like Obama did, I'm not sure i could handle a 300 page volume of reminiscences about "tough customer" ham snack pockets.
just so long as ray doesnt write himself a "tell all" autobiography like Obama did, I'm not sure i could handle a 300 page volume of reminiscences about "tough customer" ham snack pockets.
+0 -0
I like the reference to the old political technique of deflecting a probing question by praising the insightfulness of the question itself. Ray is definitely charismatic and deceitful enough to be the next (Bill) Clinton.
I like the reference to the old political technique of deflecting a probing question by praising the insightfulness of the question itself. Ray is definitely charismatic and deceitful enough to be the next (Bill) Clinton.
+0 -0
Ray Smuckles... Mayor... holy shit, this is awesome.
Life is hilarious!
Ray Smuckles... Mayor... holy shit, this is awesome.
Life is hilarious!
+0 -0
Wait... what the crap. De-fede rail ized? Is this a typo, or intentional?
Wait... what the crap. De-fede rail ized? Is this a typo, or intentional?
+0 -0
That's you being wrong.
That's you being wrong.
+0 -0
But I could have sworn...!
Whatever. It was late. My contacts were dry. Some excuse that would adequately explain away the failure of my eyesight. This is the internet, I cannot take back my shortcomings, I can only hope that others learn from them.
But I could have sworn...!
Whatever. It was late. My contacts were dry. Some excuse that would adequately explain away the failure of my eyesight. This is the internet, I cannot take back my shortcomings, I can only hope that others learn from them.
+0 -0
It happens. I didn't mean to imply superiority.
It happens. I didn't mean to imply superiority.
+0 -0
What really made this strip for me is that Ray's only real qualification for the position was being a member of the Mayor's foursome.
What really made this strip for me is that Ray's only real qualification for the position was being a member of the Mayor's foursome.
+0 -0
Yeah...who are the other guys and how was Ray a better choice than any of them?
Yeah...who are the other guys and how was Ray a better choice than any of them?
+0 -0
Previously, Ray expressed similar feelings in a fuck you friday:
Previously, Ray expressed similar feelings in a fuck you friday:

+0 -0
I'm worse with computers than Ray is.
This is the best I can do:
I'm worse with computers than Ray is.
This is the best I can do:
+0 -0
Strips like this make me realize how infrequently you actually see the word "Achewood" in the strip itself.
Strips like this make me realize how infrequently you actually see the word "Achewood" in the strip itself.
beef is the shadow government of achewood
A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by hypercube, robotman, riotnrrd)
A comment left by wittyname was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rygarrett2, robobogle, wargasmic, atticusonline, SurelySmack, dairyquest)
Seems like the only person who chose Ray is the former Mayor.
But he's more popular than every candidate in every country in an election year. I'd say they all chose Ray.
I think that might change when he fails to repair budget discrepancies or prevent local merchants from being forced out.
That is a totally good comment. Could you email that to me sometime?
i Believe i can say that this phrase will be a Thing on Assetbar.
It's nearly a year later, and you're sadly wrong.
So sadly wrong that some got on the mayor.
Fortunately, he's only having a short-term heart attack.
Ray Smuckles is among the most successful businessmen in the world today.
Sometimes I think that Ray must be Lady Luck's booty call he falls ass-up into money so often.
The bitch set him up.
no ti ssap
we chose bill clinton, a party animal, as our president
Vote Andrew WK for president.
with track titles like "it's time to party", "party hard" and "party 'til you puke" it is no wonder.
party party
party hard
i view partying with
fond regard
party in a dude's backyard
i had strongly considered including that quote but i thought it might be a little obvious given my avatar
Behind every great man is a nervous man with a really high-powered brain.
And wireless internet lodged in his body.
Beef is there to make sure that Ray doesn't get blazed and show up at a press conference looking like Jack White, Marlon Brando, or perhaps the gentleman pictured below:
Noriega was always such a whimsical cat/
His shirts were oft kooky, not to mention his hat.
My brain aches for want of context!
To be honest, if memory servers, it has something to do with Britney Spears.
Probably complicates things more.
oh how memory severs
Memory servers just made more sense to me. I just imagined you tapping into one of your many external terrabyte-drives to dig up the required data and perhaps an accompanying story.
I have worked for the Florida Democratic Party through two election cycles. You do NOT know how true this is (except you missed out on the nervouc overweight woman BEHIN D the skinny guy).
Beef makes the trains run on time.
Funniest comic in a while, and I wholly agree with Ray's sentiments
I want this on a sticker, or maybe a button, all 1984 style
Let's try that again, shall we?
*Eighty* pounds?
Somebody better tell Guinness they screwed up.
Have you ever picked up a cat?
Well...DJ Ray got awful chubby this year.
Given that the titles appear to be in a Germanic language (which wasn't English) I would hazard a guess that the scale was in kilograms, not pounds.
[url= fattest cat pounds&btnG=Search&meta=]Nope![/url]
You guys insist that cats are filled with lead or something. I'm just trying to set you straight. Don't want to see a fellow AcheWorlder get stuck in Hell when the Friendly's menu asks how much most cats weigh.
Assetbar, you have problems with googling "world's fattest cat pounds" or something. Not my problem.
Ray Smuckles knew back then that this civil rights thing would be hott today. He pays attention.