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Vlad Figures Pat Out Friday, April 18, 2003 • read strip Viewing 42 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cashprizes, usversusthem, yingkaixing, Wolfslice, dropkickpikachu, SotiCoto)

IT WAS NOT RAY AT ALL. We might have known that it would be the Russian who would be most familiar with old American cinema, and with prison.

A Russian robot at that, he is like walking IMDb.

He is knowink the classic movie tough guys.

He's watched over two hundred DVD's at Andy's place.

He rape my hand, he rape my face.

Russian robot prison is a different game.

I don't usually go for direct strip quotes, but this one made me laugh.

Perfectly timed comment. It took me like five tries to spell "Perfectly" right... I am so tired right now.

Do I cry? No.

But did he cry?

He rape my old American movies

Vlad is stone cold.

Does Pat still work at subway/did he ever really? Pat serving customers seems like fertile ground for some comics, but we never saw ny.

the slogan on Pat's name tag is the best segue into the Mile High Club.

So he thanks Vlad but not Roast Beef? Fuck Pat, man! Fuck him in the ear!

Man, that fixation on business ownership. That *is* Pat.

And fuck him in the ear.

Uh, I mean apologizes. Is there any way to delete posts? Like, this one and the one preceding it?

No. Your shame, much like urine is on the internet where, much like the community pool, it will stay. Forever.

ohhh my god the SYNTAX

You sound like someone with a really bad fetish having a really good time.

yea. Except for the fetish is for very good syntax and I am having a very bad time.

Hey, you're preaching to the choir; my libido is totally dependent on the quality of nearby grammar.


Oh yeah, baby, me and you are gonna get our bo- URK URGGHHH UGK


you see, wha had happened was...

on tine mah gurfrend wrotes me a sooper sex-e txt msgs. o bby so hott an sexi an yes o o o yes i lyke it so much ok. Something like that anyway.

I told her, "I would be so turned on babe, but your grammar is atrocious." We broke up shortly there after.

i once dated a girl where every few days she'd send me an email utilizing the wrong use of your/you're. i'd just stare at the error, eyes twitching every few seconds, for hours.

Oh man, I hate seeing that mistake.

I'm so sorry.

The sheer, calculating logic of Vlad. He even engraved the name-tag beforehand.

and thus the humiliation of Pat is complete.

yeah! nat shermans!

If this arc were a movie, it would be my favorite movie.

so...so this is your favorite arc?

I am not sure if it is my favorite arc but it is the one I would enjoy most as a movie. That's not even true, but the Great Outdoor Fight can't be fairly counted because it throws off the scale.

robotic sandwiches

Junior sandwich artist? Man, Vlad just cold PLAYED Pat like a punk. A punk from prison !

Oh Vlad was sooo in the gulag.

you cannot see the cats' claws until you zoom in on their hands.

Vlad's the kind of robot that will punch you in the nose while he's simultaniously boning your girlfriend.

"What Do You Need Me To Do Today?" just kills me. Every time.

Pat is fluffing Vlad's hogg.