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Vlad's Latest Subway Venture Thursday, January 20, 2005 • read strip Viewing 38 comments:

This idea has erotic potential.

Somebody catch Teodor, he's falling.


Thanks for pointing that out, it made me give this strip a clear 5.

He's been falling for a decade or so. Right now, "catching" him would require a time machine or a gun.

i'm wondering how andy drinks one of his many stacked beers. perhaps vlad is pourink one down his robot throat.

A comment left by chaesar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lamelliform, _cheesekayke, Siah, PoodleLucy)

I think the insensitive organics in the room have mistaken Andy for furniture and are placing their empties on him.

Perhaps robots don't fall down when they pass out from drinking too much.

He had the bottles on his head in the previous strip as well though.

Beef's evaluatation reveals flaws in Vlad's Virtual Subway.


I've given every strip in this arc so far a 5. I feel like a kiss-ass, but I really, really love this arc.

I feel pretty confident that this is the only webcomic out there that would use the phrase "maternal succor" in the alt text.

Molly really has a way of getting the worst jobs where she is treated in the worst way possible.

Andy is rocking three cold ones on his "head." A solid wingman for any night of debauch.

I'm sure Vlad was never that short before.

Mmmmmm. Mop closet.

Until you are soooooo nude....

Wednesday Blogs

Philippe: I need advice.

Beef raises an eyebrow of interest in panel #3. He must know more.

Answer to the alt-text: virgin/whore complex. Supposedly it structures the sexual psychology of all males to some extent, but perhaps Russians such as Vlad and myself are particularly prone to it.

Are you admitting to enjoying the debasement of women, achilleselbow?


It looks so wrong, yet feels so right

Whoa, I would never have noticiced

Say it with me, boys: "Chew the sandwich, you nasty dame!"

i admit i read this strip superficially and missed many important details. upon re-inspection, i cannot give it less than a 5.

Vlad just steamrolled over Ray's weird sandwich concept in the "I've had enough of listening to this crap" style!

Beef's transitions ("not interested", "not interested at all", "intrigued", "aroused", "excited", "distraught") really make this strip.

Am I the only person who has never encountered 'you drive' with respect to who sits down and types/clicks when multiple dudes are about to do something on the computer? Am I the only only mindblown by this turn of phrase?

only one*

Aww man....

Is Ray rubbing his nipple in panel 3?

Thumbs-upping, yo.

He's giving Vlad his thumpuppance.

Too much?

Oddly enough, I think my favorite part of this strip is totally perfect way Vlad's awkward diction is conveyed through punctuation:

'You are Vlad's mama-bird, tonight!'

Without that comma, I'd say this last panel would've been maybe 50-60% less funny.

I am actually... pretty disturbed. Thinking of Molly putting on her best false-erotic face to eat a sandwhich to boost sales at a Subway. I... I need to go cry.

I love Ray's sad face in the last panel. Roast Beef's pain is his pain :(

i think his face is just expressing his doubts about the erotic power of the whole exercise, really.