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Finland. Tuesday, May 13, 2008 • read strip Viewing 837 comments:

its lutefisk time!

If lutefisk is outlawed, only outlaws will have lutefisk.

Outlaws are the only people who deserve lutefisk.

A comment left by dr_strangeglove was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, LordHumungus, talgkjertel, milkpants, perhapsmaybe)

Those are some polite titties.

hehe hehehe hehe... hehe... hoo.

That... that is just like Hank.

A comment left by crumpetsandtea was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, divot, lawbot, waldo913, Jopon, TheSoulBear, Boyd, Omegatron, I_Love_Kate, Pigs)

A comment left by crumpetsandtea was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Jopon, ravindra108, Omegatron, Pigs)

he got gout from eating lutefisk; ergo I love Mike Judge

No, he gets gout from eating at that deli too much (he then is too fat to goto the prom).

Eating lutefisk causes him to burn down the church (which is funny because that's what Norwegian black metallers do and lutefisk is a Nordic dish so wow this has come full circle really).

well let's be fair; it was an accident. he was just trying to get rid of the horrible, horrible smell lutefisk gave him.

I think it was more he didn't want to go to prom in the first place, and when he had his change of heart his legs had become too weak from continuing to eat livermeats and riding around in a Rascal all day.

oh my god, the rascal. And the fun little character he made with his toe bandages!

Oh god yes! Now, what did he name it? That's gonna bug me...

"My name is Madame, I'm here to start ze show..."

For at least a year I've had Bobby shouting "I've got gout!" as my ring tone. (The one he shouts when Connie walks away from him in the school hallway- fans of pedantacy.)

A comment left by blastradius was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, InspectorGadget, LordHumungus, troutman, NYL)

I'm Canadian. I still gave it a 2. Solid "meh."

Canadia: Finland's natural ally against the Arctic-hogging Danes

Like a plague seeping across the land, the solid black avatar trend has begun to spread.

Now you had to go and change your avatar ddgoec. I feel so abandoned.

Ooo i know what you're tryna say, you're tryna say it's time for lutefisk it's lutefisk time OOO

Flight of the Conchors are coming to my school on Friday and I got free tickets. Is this awesome y/n?


What the hell, man? The only people that came to my school were there to tell us marijuana was the devil and that you shouldn't pick on the handicapped. Yeah I was surprised anyone needed to be told that second one too.

Point being I hate you.

Being handicapped, I noticed as a child, that they need to be told that MORE.

Limpin' ain't easy.

"Limpin' ain't easy but it's necessary / So I'm chasin' crutches like Tom chases Jerry."

I am originally from El Paso, Texas. El Paso is 90 pervent hispanic. In Mexican culture it is very, very taboo to mess with the handicapped or the sick. Making fun of someone for a disability would get you beat the fuck up.

The city is full of gangsters, many of which would just as soon stab you as look at you, and many passersby wouldn't even care. But these same gangsters and passersby would beat you till they broke their hands if you messed with a disabled person.

When I moved to Nebraska and heard people make fun of the handicapped students I was mortified. That would not stand where I came from.

Limpin' ain't easy.

I had leg braces from age 2 to 12. My only regret is that i knew not this phrase. You have retroactively corrected my childhood.

I should have worn mine longer...when I'm tired, I make Verbal Kint look like Devin Hester.

Is it bad that I thought of Robbie Williams?

'Limpin ain't easy, most of them fleece me, every night...'

we had a guy who had severe cerbal palsy..making jokes about it and all drooling at the same time. it was a sad but true.

that's me, without the severe and the drooling. more like "mild" and "tripping over things"

Don't try to blame your debilitating disease for your clumsiness.

Do you think it is rad to be a cock to a stranger, gormster?

Do you think it is rad not to understand irony, featurelessvoid.

I don't understand it's broad appeal, if that counts. Fairly rad?


Yes... yes I do.

Part of my teacher certification included a special education class that you could test out of taking if you passed a ridiculous multiple choice test about dealing with handicapped people. One of the questions was "T/F--You should talk to every person in a wheelchair as though they are mentally retarded". This is the kind of rigorous testing you have to undergo to be allowed to teach children.

True right?

I would say true, because I do not feel that one should speak differently to the mentally retarded. One should speak to them with respect and courtesy like anyone deserves.

I on the other hand speak to everyone like they are mentally retarded.

Clearly as a teacher you were supposed to talk to the mentally retarded as though they were in wheelchairs.

Clearly as a teacher you were supposed to talk to the mentally retarded as though they were in wheelchairs.

and say things twice.

The anti-marijuana speaker at our school kept telling us stories about times he smoked pot, and it was AWESOME. And then he'd remember the point of his speech and warn us all about how it might not have been awesome, and, don't do it, because...because.

There was also a weird story where he stole car parts and was chased by the cops and totally got away with it. No one knew what to think.

Dude was high talkin' at you.

That's not hate, norrin. That's envy.

yep. go to the show. i saw it last week and it was straight up blumpity.

Just saw them on Sunday-they boomed the boom. (Kicked ass!)
Unfortunately, some ass-hats behind us talked through the entire fracking show!!

The appropriate response in this situation would be to stab said asshats, not in the face, neck, or torso, where likelihood of stabbing death is high, but a knife to the calf or forearm would get the point across nicely.

hamscout - was this in Milwaukee? On the right end of the theatre near the front?

Except the people next to me only started talking over the show about halfway through, after returning from doing cocaines in the bathroom.

Yes, it was--right side, near the front of the balcony.
Did you mean the balcony? Because I remember them making multiple coca-excursions, as well. And there was a woman with a piercing, horrible laugh, who would exclaim "I love this song!" and proceed to tell everyone in her party when every joke meant.

*stabbity stab stab*

We were on the main floor, not the balcony. The women ruining it for us would sing along for one line of a song and then tell her friends how it reminded her of something that happened to her the other day.

My feelings on loud-mouth coke fiends at Flight of the Conchords concerts are con

The audience Thursday night at Turner Hall for Devotchka and Basia Bulat was much better behaved. Mostly beered and stoned, I guess.

Milwaukee loves Achewood and our resurgent downtown concert venues!

If only I could meet Onstad at the Police concert in July...
...would be most happiest thing...

The web comic nerds that made Milwaukee famous!

oh dood. I scream and drunk singing people until they shut up or try and fight me, then I get the security guys, and they usually don't believe the drunk guy....

fuck letting some ass ruin my times.

I am just furious with jealousy.

That's why they're called lutefisk socks.

oh, if only lutefisk was finnish.

Poor finns.

Yeah, I was thinking it was Norski, but then I wondered if all those Baltic area folks got into dried cod. Course, if they did, they would not call it by the Norweigian name, I guess.

I thought it was Swedish. Damn you, Nothing Nice to Say.

I eat it for Christmas as part of Swedish heritage, they eat it too...quite happy that we started preparing it in a less than fully traditional way since the real deal is fish that has been cured in lye, nasty .

A comment left by kayakcabble was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mcowgill, blastradius, Doc_Rostov, gowerski)

this must be true - for one of them wears a top hat.

He must be a Lord of some type.

I was trying to come up with a Lordi pun, but I couldn't think of a good one. Neither could you.

I love you Lord Daftwager?

Mmyes, and I you.

One the one hand, Simon.

On the other, Bombay Sapphire.

Bombay Sapphire wins my ugly mug.

Neither could I.

Man is lordi blatantly ripping off Gwar or is it just me?

At least Gwar's musicianship is, you know, sexcellent .

MEAT - duh da duh da duh da da - SANDWHICH!!

They both admit to ripping off KISS. Still Gwar and Lordi have a little friendly-ish rivalry thing going on.


Has nothing on Finntroll...

If you've never heard folk-polka-metal, you have not lived.


Finntroll means "Troll from Finland" or "a spotty troll" since the word for spot (acne) and a Finnish person are the same in Swedish.

I just read that Wikipedia article too.

Lack of citation (plus) Copy-and-paste plagirism = Lame.

Finland, Finland, Finland!
The country where I quite want to be.
Your mountains so lofty,
Your treetops so tall!
Finland, Finland, Finland.
Finland has it all!

You're so near to Russia
So far from Japan
Quite a long way from Cairo
Lots of miles from Vietnam

Finland Finland
Some words I cannot remember
And a few more

Is reminding me of joke from Sankt Petersburg:

Vladimir Putin commissions big study to determine Chinese threat to mother Russia. "What will the situation on Chinese-Russian border look like in 50 years?", he asks. "Will the situation be tense?"

"We are not sure about condition of Russian-Chinese border", says head of commission. "But Finnish-Chinese border will be very quiet".

(cue balalaika)

Am here all night, my friends.

With all the metal talk, the mention of the balalaika made me think of "Wind of Change"
The wind of change blows straight
Into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring
The freedom bell for peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say

Take me to the midgic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me

Because Scorpions are what I think of when someone says metal. I don't know why.

Hey, man, I'll have you know Sibelius is pretty balls-out awesome.

The Second Symphony and Valse Triste are great, but I'm amazed at how much he is just plain venerated in Finland.

One composer does not a culture make. (Although I really dig his "New World")

I'd say Sibelius gives Finland a leg up on all the other tiny European countries whose location and language are pretty vague to us.

Too bad he left Finland and studied in Germany, then moved to USA, and never really considered himself a 'Finnish' composer...

Im just sayin' is all.

I think you and pogo are talking about Dvorak. Sibelius was a proud Finn and was a real catalyst for nationalism, but was a little intimidated by his own reputation and it made it harder for him to compose as he got older.

That sounds about right, Dvorak wrote the New World Symphony for America, right? I think so...

Right, sorry, I am going back to school on Sibelius. I have requested "Sibelius for Dummies" and "Finlandia" from our excellent public library.

Well... Dvorak wrote Symphony #9 "From the New World" after being inspired on trip to... Iowa, of all places. Despite its title, however, the melodic and harmonic material of the symphony is very Slavic in nature. If anything, it's a homesickness piece: Dvorak recalling fond slavic memories and writing the piece FOR his Slav homeland "from the New World."

Apparently the ruff'n'tumble of the ocean journey inspired the heavy piece that we recognize today as "UHH DUH JAWS THEME"
It's not the same but ol' Antoine did inspire it.

I thought Dvorak was a keyboard?

Is one of few times I am using Doctor of Music part of brain

You mean you never heard of the great Latvian composer, Jimmmi Hendrixxe?

wow. you guys know a lot about finland. i dont know anything clever about finland. aren't finnish girls pretty hot? do they slam?

i was just reading about sibelius in a john le carre book. it is what the unfaithful wife was listening to as she broke the heart of the lovable hero.

dude FUCK sibelius.

You are talking about George Smiley. George Smiley is the greatest character in Cold War or Espionage history.

He was also fond of Shostakovich and Mahler. Poor little fucker had amazing taste.

Hey, History != fiction.

That is unless you really, really like the opening of Braveheart.

Or like the idea that Thermolylae was fought by the Celts and the Orcs.

a far second to Belgium\ when going abroad

Thank you, Contractual Obligations!

One can only wonder what horrors would have unfolded had the Finnish government decided to produce that automobile.

It would look like a cross between a zeppelin and a tank.

Look up 'Flying Elephant' on Wikipedia. It's a British design, rather than Finnish, so naturally we never actually made one.

The British like to talk a lot of smack but they haven't actually beat anybody up since Jr. high when they were bigger than everyone else.

Your block's not hot you just sweat a lot.

It's because we've stopped drinking tea. I drink 20 cups a day, I could beat up a small Eastern European splinter state, piece of piss.

I had a sociology professor in college who was Finnish and used Led Zeppelin lyrics to try to illustrate the difference between "the people" and "the system". It was a dreadful class.

True or False:

"There's a lady who sure that all that glitters has numismatic concerns and will appreciate considerably over time. Therefore, she believes she's buying a Staiway to Heaven."

Please show your work. Use a number 2 Krakkamikohollluki partakkalak suuuns.

Guitar stores all over the world now post "NO STAIRWAY" signs, and this is a big part of the reason why.

*scoff* Denied !

Oh, don't get me wrong: Maximus's comment was HILARIOUS (duly chubbied.) I was thinking about a college course featuring similar content.

What was your afternoon class, "How to Slide a Beer Mug All the Way Down the Bar and Make It Stop at the Right Place"?

Ray should totally make that next week's Super School lesson.

Finnish do come from the land of ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow. So you know, its in their blood.

Hammer of the Gods!

Teodor has two monitors so he can have Winamp open in one. That way he can admire the handiwork of his 1024x1024 high-res scans of all those album covers of The Cure.

Beef dropped that muscle mass pretty darn quick. Are muscles a thing only of rich people?

I guess that would explain Richard Branson.

Nah, nothing an explain Richard Branson. He is like a pickle derived black hole of money and Virgins.

He's like if New Labour and pepsi had a baby.


Too late... :(

This seems harsh. I've never met a Finn who seemed to have even one negative quality. That is, unless you consider paprika in the hair a negative. (I don't.)

Maybe you would if you had hair.

Low humor rules! Chub 4 u!

Looks like flazisismuss is getting sympathy chubs as well, so the love is getting spread around.

The system works.


Oh snappity snap


I bet his beard is just delicious though.

I'd be mad if I wasn't too busy not spending money on haircuts.

That's the perfect comeback to bald jokes.

I'll have to remember it in case God ever curses me like He did to you.

My favorite is to say "this has been worn off."

Saw a great t-shirt once that had a red arrow pointing up; underneath the arrow was printed "I'm not bald - that's a solar panel for a sex machine"

I cut my own hair. So I get to spend all of my not spent haircut money on paprika.

The best part about cutting your own hair is that the haircut actually gets cheaper every time you do it. If my $24.95 electric razor lasts 10 years, and I cut my hair every two weeks, that means each haircut will cost 9.6 cents.

Let me tell you, calculating the tip is complicated.

Hahaha... haircuts! I remember haircuts! They're what I used to have before I became a penniless uni student.

Gormster has just been made Flazisismuss's bitch

"i'm not bald, i'm just to tall for my hair"

so good so funny

so lol

This man apparently believes that barbers should not make much money

[url=https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=x2U&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=hireikko pikko&spell=1]Something is amiss[/url]!

You go ahead and you scream.

Assetbar claims us in our pride.

Whoa, huge slam on Finland out of nowhere

Chubby for the huge Pictures for Sad Children Reference out of nowhere.

Actually it was MST3K . But thanks!

I have suspicions that PfSC was referencing MST3K.

Onstad took Finland to school in the car of pain

A comment left by cyberia was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, blastradius, Latterman, DrSkradley, scott_335)

Are you sure that reference was necessary?

Are you sure that it... wasn't ?

I am.


I disagree.

You mean the disagreement that I... boned?

Yeah, unnecessary references are just annoying.

Hearing you say that is the saddest thing.


I would not talk to him again.

Why even I read these comments is permanent mystery.

I have known since I was twelve.

Dear lord spare me from those awful unnecessary references.

SHUT UP! Shut up, all of you! God, I've never wanted to read a comment thread less in my life!

This thread is so poorly conveyed.

Phillippe is standing on it.

I made a ripoff of this with 'clits' but my linux boxrefuses to upload to photobucket

do you think it is rad to have xenophobia onstad?

I don't think he necessarily considers xenophobia rad, just one of those guilty "sometimes" pleasures, like reading Chick tracts or having two slices of pie: something that should not be indulged in often, but when done, should be cherished.

I don't know why you aren't ascending a giant chubby to heaven. This is hilarious.

I am glad that this reference has been made more than once on AssetBar. You guys are pretty alright.

Hey, c'mon, give Finland a break...please?

Having listened to that album many times I can conclusively say that it FUCKING TEARS!

Hey achilleselbow, have you heard their new album? It also is adept at tearing.

As much as I hate to be one of those "their old stuff was better" dudes, I kinda stopped following them after Hate Crew Deathroll. I liked the copious keyboards and Mozart riffs better than the chug-chug heavy badass thing they adopted to break into the American market. It does still beat the crap out of almost everything else though.

Man I just couldn't disagree more with this strip. Norther, Stratovarius, Amorphis, Sentenced, Nightwish...I'm guessing about one third of my music collection is from Finland. (The other two thirds are from Sweden and Norway)

So is it safe to say that heavy metal is not over, and that people have not stopped doing that?

Heavy Metal is not over, and people have not stopped doing that.


Same with swing music, right!?

The Squirrel Nut Zippers and Cherry Poppin' Daddies are still popular somewhere, right?


No? I'm still a freak? Oh...ok.

I like them, swing is fun music to listen to.
Another great old music style that has seen revival in the last decade or two is Rockabilly. A new form, Psychobilly, has evolved, combining Rockabilly with some aspects of Punk for a great new style.

I like how at the end, you make it sound like a shampoo commercial.

Try Psychobilly! Our special nutri-gloss formula ombines pearl-protein Rockabilly with Punk shine-booster for a great new style!

...the Cherry-Poppin' hoarseness of the Bosstones with the firm Maverick hold of Dapper Dan!

Interestingly, I write Swing Metal.

I'm not joking. It works....sorta.

A comment left by davey-boy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rechelon, mortshire, DrSkradley)

Onstad has to mock the genres of Metal and Rap because he likes the Cure and he feels pretty bad about it.

I...I think I love you, achilles...

A girl who is impressed by my encyclopedic knowledge of metal? Where were you during my high school years?

I just got some deja vu here, and checked back to a couple of weeks ago, seems you and I had this same conversation in reverse, but about Maiden. I did have an actual pic of me up for that weekend, though.

Yea I was gonna bring that up, but I didn't wanna be creepy. Uh... not that you're creepy... I didn't mean... um... hey, do you like At the Gates?

At the Gates...to quote a friend of mine who, I think, puts it best -so good they broke up because they couldn't make a better record!- I'm listening to Manowar at this very moment. Oooo, you like DragonForce! I...I need to go lie down for a bit.

A cat and a unicorn have prompted Achilleselbow to reconsider the morality of bestiality.

Dude, At the Gates got back together for a summer tour! (no new album though unfortunately) I'm seeing them at Irving Plaza with Darkest Hour in July and you should definitely go see them wherever it is that you happen to be.

Erm, for anyone else that happens to read this, the supporting band's name is "Darkest Hour," not "Darkest Hour in July," which is probably the name of an emo band somewhere.

In July!

Impossible! Meaningless!

if meeting nerdy dudes who like DragonForce makes you all weak in the knees, I recommend a place you should really check out.

It is called... the internet

I really, really wish that I did not hate Nightwish so much. It makes it hard for me to spend time with a lot of my friends. They're going "Ooooooh listen to this track, it's beautiful! It's like they wrote it for meeeeee!" and I'm sitting there thinking "I thought self indulgent operatic rock died out in 86?". I can't bring myself to lie to them, and I can't tell them what I really think. It just ends with me sitting there in steely silence which is actually kind of worse than the other two options.

I was sad to hear about the Stratovarius split though. Not really my scene but they did some pretty decent stuff.

'88. After Operation Mindcrime .

let's be honest, that one Dream Theater album was pretty sick.

But just the one.

Oh Jesus, someone else bought that album? I thought the 'ryche (not even trying the special characters) would never show up here. Good god, I thought the reason I can't pleasure a woman was because I owned this,, when it turns out women THEMSELVES all listen to this album (true for the given sample size).

I... I need to think about this a little while. I need to take stock.







Add a couple of go go dancers in crocheted mu mus and you might just win yourself the Eurovision song contest!

I speak fluent English, therefore I can't possibly write decent heavy metal lyrics .


Anything sounds metal when you yell it loudly and angrily.

This is quickly going downhill, the last two lines are only there because I had to make something rhyme with line 6, and I was too lazy to go back and change it. The ghost of Helen Keller seemed like a good topic at first, but didn't work out as well as planned.

This fits perfectly to the rhythm of "Devil Went Down To Georgia". I can even hear the fiddles.

Don't forget Poland.

My. That's quite....erm...

who could forget Poland?

Where did my picture go?

Let's not forget the mighty Finntroll (beware: music autoplays when site loads), kings of troll-themed polka-metal. That they aren't the only troll metal (beware: myspace!) band from Finland is reason enough to love the place!

Awaken, Awaken, Mustakrakish...the lake troll!

Weak will die and land will all be burned
Musta-Krakish king and death to worlds.

I command you to
Rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise,
Rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise,
And awaken.

How 'bout some songs about, you know, cars, girls, beer, trains? The major themes? Would it KILL these fellas to lighten up a little?

How about:

""Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle"

Do You Folks Like Coffee?
Real Coffee,
From the Hills Of Colombia?

The Duncan Hills awake you
From A Thousand Deaths.
A Cup Of blackened Blood.
(Die, Die)
You're Dying For A Cup.

Guatemala Blend,
French Vanilla Roast.
(Die, Die)
You're Dying For A Cup.

Prepare For Ultimate Flavor!
You're Gonna Get Some... now
And Scream... For Your Cream


Duncan Hills,
Duncan Hills,
Duncan Hills Coffee"

This made me snarf milk. I was not drinking milk at the time.

You should possibly see a doctor about this.

They may be a cartoon death metal band singing about coffee, but it does not stop that solo from being 10 kinds of wicked.

"Underwater friends" remains my favourite

Underwater friends
You are my underwater underwater friends
Yeah, you're my best friends
now let's all cheer
Yeah, I'll live in liquid oxygen
And drink my own pee
It tastes like coffee
'Cause I had some effen' coffee before
I comes down here, to say,
Underwater, Underwater, Underwater Friends...

Your icon speaks to me.


Songs about trains are my favourite.

Also: MURDER on trains.
It's a mystery!

Driver 8, by R.E.M.
The walls are built up, stone by stone,
The fields divided one by one.
And the train conductor says
take a break driver 8, driver 8 take a break
Weve been on this shift too long

And the train conductor says
take a break driver 8, driver 8 take a break
We can reach our destination, but were still a ways away

I saw a treehouse on the outskirts of the farm.
The power lines have floaters so the airplanes wont get snagged.
Bells are ringing through the town again,
Children look up, all they hear is sky-blue, bells ringing

And the train conductor says
take a break driver 8, driver 8 take a break
We can reach our destination, but were still a ways away

Way to shield the hated heat.
Way to put myself to sleep.
Way to shield the hated heat.
Way to put myself, my children to sleep.

He piloted this song in a plane like that one.
She is selling faith on the go tell crusade.
Locomotive 8, southern crescent, hear the bells ring again.
Field of wheat is looking thin

And the train conductor says
take a break driver 8, driver 8 take a break
Weve been on this shift too long.
And the train conductor says
take a break driver 8, driver 8 take a break
We can reach our destination, but were still a ways away

Yes yes yes, shit dude I just had this exact same thought.

This is one of my favorites. Also very nice.

I'd give you a chubby for this, but if I did it would just be because I wanted to point out how much I love this song. So I'll just say it.

I love this song!

Enfilade, by At the Drive-In

"Hello, mother leopard. I have your cub. You must protect her, but that will be expensive. 10,000 cola nuts, wrapped in brown paper. Midnight, behind the box. I'll be the hyena, you'll see."

This could last us all a lifetime
Limbs intact, untouched
On the screen of a video tape
Confined to bedposts
We wait as lepers
Upheld at knife's reach
We covet all the status quo
This syringe will take a lifespan
It's filled with bait and tackle
Try and catch us if you can

Sacrifice on railroad tracks
Freight-freight train coming
Freight-freight train coming
Un-un-unconscious tied and gagged
Freight-freight train coming
Freight-freight train coming
Sacrifice on railroad tracks
Freight-freight train coming
Freight-freight train coming

Meet us at the corner
Of fifth and pontiac
Make sure that no one else
Is with you
If you wish to see them alive
Then humor me with this request
Humor me with this request
In basements we will hide
Amnesia in our alibis

Sacrifice on railroad tracks
Freight-freight train coming
Freight-freight train coming
Un-un-unconscious tied and gagged
Freight-freight train coming
Freight-freight train coming
Sacrifice on railroad tracks
Freight-freight train coming
Freight-freight train coming

They kept a close eye
On your get well incentive

Sacrifice on railroad tracks
Freight-freight train coming
Freight-freight train coming
Un-un-unconscious tied and gagged
Freight-freight train coming
Freight-freight train coming
Sacrifice on railroad tracks
Freight-freight train coming
Freight-freight train coming (2x)

I was listening to this on the way home, just now !

Coincidence?? Yes.

Song about a train ? OK.

Motorhead, Ridin' With The Driver

Iron child out of Vulcans forge, metal scream and thrash
Red steel in the driving wheel, hear the pistons clash
Dragon breathin' big black smoke, howlin' up the tracks

I'm ridin' on the Thunderchief, spit in the devil's eye
No force on earth can stop me now
Like to see 'em try
Hey, hey ridin' with the Driver

Juggernaut comin' down the line, hear the banshee cry
Engineer like to lose his mind. glory in his eye
Too fast to live this way, too young to die

[Repeat chorus]

Hold tight, feel the drivers bite, hear the whistle moan
Engine rockin' to the left and right, vibratin' in my bones
Once the locomotive steals your soul, you got a Casey Jones


I'm ridin' on the Thunderchief, spit in the devil's eye
No force on earth can hurt me now, kiss your ass goodbye
My my, ridin' with the Driver

RECOMMENDATION: do not image search "orgasmatron" at work. Safe Search can only do so much to protect you.

I am the one!

There can be only ONE!

Orgasmatron? was that the techno artist that Jez almost sucked off in that peep show episode?

Let me just take this opportunity to THANK all of Assetland for introducing me to 'Peep Show'. I acquired it from an intertube, and the wife and I digg it hard core.
You have filled us with joy, and for that, VIrtual Chubbies for all!
(Real chubby to comrade_tom for giving me this chance to speak)

It is a delightful show!

It is the most funny show, played on the happiest screen.

Peep Show is the swellest of programming. I might almost go as far as to say that I prefer it to That Mitchell and Webb Look, their other work. And the first season of that was purest genius.

Very nice.

Johnny Cash:
Dead on the rail was a passenger train blood was a boilin' in Casey's brain
Casey said hey now look out ahead jump Sam jump or we'll all be dead
With a hand on a whistle and a hand on a brake north Mississippi was wide awake
I see railroad official said he's a good engineer to be a laying dead

And of course the great Jethro Tull (The band not the agricultural pioneer. BTW am I the only person who thinks "seed drill" sounds a bit dirty?):
In the shuffling madness
of the locomotive breath,
runs the all-time loser,
headlong to his death.
He feels the piston scraping --
steam breaking on his brow --
old Charlie stole the handle and
the train won't stop going --
no way to slow down.

Take the land that must be taken!

To reward Toki for great work today, I should like to give him something the rest of you may one day earn.

The banana sticker!

That episode totally made me go out and try to find banana stickers. I TOTALLY want one.

Wasn't it the frist Velvet Underground album that had a banana sticker on the cover? Or was that the Stones? God, the '60s are such a blur.

Velvet Underground

"Peel Slowly and See," the cover read.

Hey, that's the guy that knocked out my DSL.

I saw Bodom two nights ago, and my ears are still fucking ringing. Finland rocks!

Just so you know, that damage to your ears is permanent and progressive.

Thank you, resident Old Guy, for the sound advice.

i'm going to assume the double entendre was intended, and take my hat off to you...

It was, it was!

Eh? What's that you say, young lady? Sorry, been to too many rock and roll concerts, he-he.

What I love about those concerts is that everyone is wearing earplugs, including the band and sound guys. If they just pulled the level down 20dB everyone could pull them out and the concert would sound much better.

But yeah, seriously, two days is too long for your ears to be ringing. You've done serious, irreparable damage.

I am never wearing the earplugs. I take my ear damage like a man.

I don't wear earplugs either. If I have to, I will turn my hearing aids off, which probably serves pretty much the same purpose as earplugs.

I can actually see the ball he's holding.

That would be pretty advanced for Finns to even have a postage stamp in 1833, considering that stanps weren't actually invented until a few years later.

well why do you think they were unsuccessful

poor punctuation and I'm fairly certain there's poor grammar in there. Good- night .

You should have left it alone, if Roast Beef had ever said such a thing you would have been quoting him.

damn there must be a lot of finnish achewood readers huh

I'm guessing there is a lot of overlap between fans of that type of metal that murders it's own bassist and preserves the body in the trunk and Achewood.

Seriously though guys it is silly to like KyysvAr Tyruuk Deathpromotion.

Please don't have made that up.

Euronymous. Dead. Mayhem.

And off to Google you go.

(Not exactly Finland, however.)

Norway: Not Exactly Finland.

Also, Dead was actually a Swede (he just played in a Norwegian band).

Scandinavians: they're equal-opportunity nihilists.

No, Donny, these men are nihilists, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Their new vacation destination advertisement slogan? I hope so.

Haha, I never noticed that "TREE < LION = KENYA WINS" bit before.

funny loop.

I wikied the last time they came up in the comments.


Bonus points for using actual pictures from the death on the bootleg!

Onstad should really be making fun of Norway.

where did my picture go!? WHAT IS HAPPENING. i hate this. it makes me look like a huge nerd.

He's totally ready to LARP.

That would be fun except that Varg Vikernes will stop at nothing to kill you.

which makes him the perfect man to unleash upon a group of LARPers

True. Also: Christians.

I just read the wikipedia article about this Vikernes creep, and all I can say is, "Wow. He sucks." I hope his time in prison has involved him being sodomized with that stick-thing he's holding. He's earned it.

Are you saying that you disagree that brown eyes are a sign of impure racial stock, benfromtenn. Is that what you are saying.

(n.b. MY eyes are brown!)

Read Lords Of Chaos for the full story on this black metal craziness. These are the kids who actually DID much of the garbage maladjusted teenagers talk about doing.


Ahhh, everyone loves a Carpathian!

...There are many many perks that come with being the mother of a living god...

Can someone ever be totally ready to LARP? Some LARPers do (whatever they do) in the trees by my flat on sundays and they seem to take a long time to get ready.

90% of pictures of Varg Vikernes are hilarious.



Special Olympics.

If by special you mean the 1936 olympics....thats the sporting event i tend to think when i see a skinhead bloke with a german eagle on his shirt....

Sometimes Metal is silly. Yet it dominates.

I think everyone should check out Infernal Combustion, a Metal parody site now tragically defunct. Had to get on the Wayback machine to find it, but here's the link:


If you like that one check out the past issues.

It was the great Finnish Project when they presented pencils to the Finns.
Apparantly there was not much to learn.

Old but meh

A comment left by hbaranov was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, RogerGS, DrSkradley, smilebuddha)

A comment left by hbaranov was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, lamelliform, DrSkradley)

Oh now it works...

Apparently my stolen pcture has bandwidth issues. I'll quit fucking replying to myself now..

*is soo gonna get lamed into oblivion for this*

Too bad you can't have multiple avatars each chiding the other like The Brady Bunch opening credits

The chubbology of the series of posts above is.. intruiging

It is a study in societal behaviors in a state of confusion.

Really? I just think they wanna make the second one go away.

Probably the biggest shame in Russian military history was being driven back by a bunch of dudes on skis.

Oh you think I'm kidding, don't you?

The Finnish had a sniper with over a 1000 kills...
Hard core DoD player there.. ^^

He is the white death - not the other guys. He got 1000 [plus] kills.

Finland's three greatest exports: metal, hockey goalies, and death from afar.

Never heard of Nokia?

Five hundred-something confirmed kills, seven hundred something approximated including the use of other weapons.

Also - the guy on the left looks like his face was copypasted on..

God damn...it didn't show up the first time I posted. Assetbar has gone from simply thwarting our posts to deliberate trickeru. I suspect pretty soon it will start changing our icons to goatse and inserting "penis" at random intervals in long posts.

Or worse.. maps of nordic nations.. (which look like penis.. obviously)

There's something wrong with your penis.

It looks like that thing that I heard some S&M guys do where they basically get their penis split down the middle lengthwise.

Now imagine it vividly.

Extreme scarification. I for real saw a picture of this in a book called 'Modern Primitives' about a decade ago.

That's called Metotomy (spelling?). Except there's more... activity involved. I'm sorry I know this.

Damn - I probably shouldn't Google that at work, huh?




I am sure mira has some pictures for us so we don't have to imagine.

Oo!! I like your spinny color wheel.

I preferred the hot girl, to be honest, but then I am of Low Mind.

Shhh my plans are that my spinning palette will hypnotize everyone into forgetting that I posted a picture of myself on the internet.

If you look at it long enough you can make it go the other way, too. Optics!

I like yours too. We both kind of have some sort of spinning going on.

the green says...


hey penis mutilation what kind of freak do you think I am? penis mutilation is gross

Why bother imagining it? You can find the videos online if you want to see that shit.

Don't though. Don't want that.

now that is an idea for an animated avitar

ugh...am I ever going to be able to eat kielbasa again? Thanks achilleselbox.

aaaaaAAA!!!! why?

I'm sure the trickeru is haphazard, elbox.


I'm not razzing you for a typo, by the way. Who would do that?

Crap. Was I a cock to a stranger? It was all meant affectionately.

Where's that guy with the Chairman avariconifacehand? He would be the absolute perfect person to chide you

Don't worry, talix18. I hadn't even seen your post when I posted mine.

It's all good. Actually, I was giving him a bit of a ribbing, but (ironically) because of someone else's typo. He warned me not to make it a thing and I did not heed the warning. That he ignored my poke instead of reacting took all the fun out of it, and I have since slunk chastened back to my corner.

I would have, but then I couldn't decide whether to respond to you or i_love_kate so I just decided to do neither. I guess achilleselbox is a Thing now, which is ok, I mean remember what Oscar Wilde said about being talked about...

I hide my handface in shame.

And didn't they have like a 10 to 1 dissadvantage against the Russians? And inferior tanks?

My mother in law is Finnish so my father in law is always making fun of Fins. He says they ate the Russians.

Actually more like 200 to 1. Stats for Winter War:

Finland USSR
250,000 men 1,000,000 men
30 tanks 6,541 tanks
130 aircraft 3,800 aircraft

26,662 dead 126,875 dead or missing
39,886 wounded 264,908 wounded
1,000 captured 5,600 captured
2,268 tanks captured

In USSR's army's defense, Stalin made some VERY bad tactical decisions on the Finnish front. For example, because of Stalin's xenophobic paranoia, the troops largely originated from southern parts of Russia, and were thus completely unprepared for the harsh winter conditions.

Meh, stupid auto-edit.

Yea we basically sucked.

Please clarify for me who the "we" in that sentence refers to.

Erm, the Russians. I was born there. I suppose that's far from being obvious, though.

It was not obvious to me, and I feel relieved. Thank you.

If it makes you feel any better, Shostakovich still rules all over Sibelius.

I am sorry that my people on skis beat the shit out of your people in tanks.

(inside: but not that sorry because Russia has kind of been a dick to Finland over the years anyway)

Sorry but I have to go dream about tridents now.

Its quite hard to find a country that wasn't a dick towards another country at some point in the 20th century.

Even Belgium was a wanker when it came to africa.

Yes people, even Belgium.

Switzerland was never a dick to anyone, they just hang out making watches and chocolate, and skiing. I don't think Monaco or Luxembourg were dicks to anyone, but they are small and insignificant so I don't know much about them.

In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed %u2014 they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

500 years of brotherly love and peace? only because you'd end up on the business end of pike if you messed with them, plus those guys were badass mercenaries when they chose to be (the popes swiss guard being a modern day vestigal remnant of this)

"Switzerland is extremely well armed and as a result is extremely free"
- Niccolo machiavelli.

Well the cuckoo clock was actually invented in Germany, but who the fuck am I to mess with Harry Lime?

no. it doesn't. assetbar hates you tonight. assetbar is perpetually on the rag. assetbar has not gotten laid since 1996 and in my opinion all it needs is some good dickin' and that would fix the problem. Until then.... no picture for you.

no i feel like an ass because i see the picture.. twice... damn YOU Pauly Shore!!! (I like to imagine assetbar is a female Pauly Shore on the rag, it makes it not so bad when it fucks with us all.

Hmm. In compensation I reveal the grand nordic defense plan
No enemy general can look at the map and not fail to laugh so hard he forgets about invading

Hello all, longtime reader, first post because I just had to show you the map of Northern Europe as it appears on all 1-euro and 2-euro coins , i.e. excluding Norway (not part of the European Union[/i]:

It's penis-er. That is all.

awwww, he's sad. he's pouting...

Welcome! Bless you. Thank you for educating me about the status of Norway and this ridiculous map.

That looks goofy. That's the way we see weather maps in the good ol' USA, too. They cut off the people's republic of canadia, as if the northern border is the longest, straightest coast in the world. I always think, they have the damn data already anyway, would it kill you to display how hot or cold it is in Toronto or Vancouver? We might want to know, that is, if any of us could afford to visit...

I'm going to Montreal this summer, where I will beg in the street for food.

Hmmm...Good luck with that!

Unfortunately, I still can't fathom what went wrong in my recent tangle with assetbar.

Classic Finnish Design.

The Finns have had it too good for too long, I sez.

I think it was because your Google URL contained assetbar's favorite lunch, the plus symbol. For showing us Google search results, TinyUrl is your friend.

sorry for all the Personification guys

I always wondered what those little green dudes from Number Munchers did later in life... apparently they formed Assetbar.

Oh shit! Number Munchers. I forgot all about that. That was the best thing to do in computer class.

I've been trying to remember the name of that game for years!

Bandwidth exceeded. Look what we did.

Obviously this makes no sense here, and the problem was already mentioned by the original poster way way way upwards past the map/penis comparisons. My apologies for aiding Assetbar in its continual mission to royally fuck itself.

Voroshilov... what a douche.

...The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia ( err, Europe )

You know, the first time I saw The Princess Bride I was in high school and had just been studying WWII. I heard that line and thought it did, in fact, refer to Germany's defeat in the USSR, because the USSR is technically in Asia? And Hitler was so foolish to think he could defeat the hardy Soviets in their own wickedly-cold country. I realized my mistake upon a repeat viewing.

I also never considered the fact that we LOST in Vietnam until it was spelled out by John Cleese in A Fish Called Wanda. I mean, they really did whip our butts!

I generally get most of my knowledge through movies. It's worked out pretty good so far.

Does this explain your instinctive antipathy towards german scientists and 20 foot martian war machines?

An actor in a comedy is not the best place to learn history, grasshopper. If we lost in Vietnam, then why is it an open, capitalist country today instead of a communist shit hole? Vietnam was a holding action, a proxy war between the USSR/Red China and the West, fought to a draw, saving the rest of southeast Asia and Indonesia from going commie.


The Americans undoubtebly lost in Nam, saigon fell to northern forces, the huge exodus of boat people, the whole ho chi minh city thing. However following the collapse of communism in the USSR vietnam stopped receiving aid from Russia (which is why the vietnamese hate Russia far more than the Americans or the French, sure the Americans bombed them, but the Russians stopped coughing up, far worse when you're dealing with the 3rd world) as a result the economy had to be liberalised, basically its not America's victory, it's the communist bloc's blunder that means vietnam is essentially capitalistic.

I'll take a win any way I can get it.

Well, that's one way of looking at it, pogo, another way of looking at it, as indicated by Comrade Tom, is that the people of the country wanted to be communists when they thought that was in their best interests, and capitalists when that was in their best interest.

By you way of thinking, it had nothing to do with the choices of the people in that country. It was U.S.A. all the way.

In the global conflict between the forces of democratic capitalism and totalitarian communism, the wishes of small countries are hardly ever considered, I guess.

I think that they are, to an extent. The U.S.A. would not have lost if the partisan forces in Vietnam were not so strong. Similarly, market reforms would not have much success if the peoples didn't support it.

Vietnam is still communist, at least on paper. Yes capitalism is now finally beginning to win out but American forces and the French before them lost the military war.

Kudos to the military tenacity of the Vietnamese. They have a tradition of defeating invaders that goes back to Genghis Kahn days.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by St_Elmos_Fire, straw, lamelliform, lux, nathanielperson)

shut [/i] UP [/i], man! There are babes below!

awww shut UP you idiot ham, unless you can type a éééé-ing line!

Aww, little hamscout! You are not an idiot ham! You are a very special and unique ham!

Yes, we are all beautiful and unique snowflakes.

But out of the two of us, only you are teh hott.

you were twelve when she was born

the fact that I am old does not change this fact.
also, I am married. and not that creepy. (really)

Well, that depends on one's tastes really. While you might more of a 'hot Britesque college-ager', I'm throwing chubbies left and right over slow cooked pig legs. Come Hamscout, let's make BBQ tonight. Let me love you.

Also, you can't have her hair, she promised it to me in the last strip, and I'm very hungry.

In spite of what he said before about having an ex-girlfriend, I am of the opinion that gladi8orrex is entirely asexual.

Either he tried to reach out to us and start a dialogue, but insecurity got the better of him and changed his mind before he could tell us what he wanted to talk abot, or he actually wanted to start a dialogue abot lol. Which I think we've already had.

I'm voting the former. Discussing asexuality with strangers on the internet can be the cause of much insecurity.

Also, I really like 'theordel'.

"You have fought many wars and slain many men, Theordel King, and made peace afterwards. Can we not take council as we once did, my old friend? Can we not start a dialogue lol"

I'm proud to be the first one to chubby this.

Am I the first to acknowledge that "roastered befez" is fucking genius ? gladi8orrex is rapidly becoming my favourite poster.

I just realised it should be pronounced "gladiator rex" but I always read it as "gladdy borex".

"Glad I bore Rex?"

Asexuality is okay only when it's on purpose.

A comment left by heccibiggs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by milkpants, Panserbjorne, kb)

Are you saying you don't want us to be your internet friends?

...Anyway, here's a link to the Photobuket album (hopefully)!



Does she have that whole husky-eye thing?

With the two colors? Huskies have that, right?

Dalmatians have that, too! But I don't know why you're talking about it. I think I missed something. But that eye thing is cool!

Because it looks like hecci has it. Right eye brown left eye not.

Nope. Both eyes are just hazelly-browny-green-ish. Must just be weird lighting or something.

Heterochromia I think. It might not be. That might be a sex position or metal band

When Heterochromia rocks your town, it is BOTH.

Such darlinks!

oh. i should have scrolled down. ignore me.

Ooh, there's some embarrassing ones in there! Like the one where I am staring at something extremely eagerly for God knows what reason. I am pretty fond of that one. Also the ones where my mannish chin is showcased. I'm not as fond of those ones, but you win some, you lose some.

It's just the same as the ones on Facebook.

I guess this time we're showing them to all of Assetbar as opposed to just everyone in the London network of Facebook.

Assetbar is far more judgemental.

Hey, milkpants! Milkpants! You lamed seven innocuous comments in this one conversation thread. How come?

I've stopped wondering things like this. I just assume that once in a while a manatee jumps out and somehow gets a hold of the aquarium director's laptop for a few seconds before it is caught and thrown back into the water.

Maybe he thinks that the handface thing is lame. Also he thinks that it is lame of you guys to post many pictures of yourselves doing facehanding. Most of all he feels that the "you are so hot" responses are lame. What he's really trying to say is: "TITS OR GTFO"

The views expressed in this post are hypothetical and do not necessarily reflect those of the poster.

But sometimes dogs have two different colored eyes and that has nothing to do with any of those things.

Additionally, falseprophet did not deserve to pay for our trendiness and/or vanity.

It's okay, loneal! I can manage here just fine!

You keep going and defeat Orochimaru!

And as for you, Milkpants... Your opponent is me!

V-Chubby for tenuous reference to Japanese mythology.

Or classical fictio, even. That's what I was going for.

Oh, he straight up hates dogs

My comment remained unscathed, though.

Perhaps he digs dudes.

The lame isn't there to create disorder; the lame is there to preserve disorder.

Oh man. Major chubby for Mayor fascination.

Excellent quote from dear dead Dick.

Looks like win-win from over here. Looks like it was a fun night.


i would like to give you moisture touches. My avatar is an udder, but i am actually very beautiful.

that was almost a haiku!

Is so hot.


Apparently I took a break from reading comments during whatever this handface thing was. This leaves me utterly confused as to all the avatar changes and references to it.


Go back to 4/25 and read the 2,000-plus posts.

To sum it up, everyone decided to be heccibiggs.

The world is not ready for such advanced handface technique, Hecci! I told you we should have worked on the prototype more, I told you!

This is the only pr0n I will ever need. Thank you and goodbye as I must go sin against my body now.

I am okay with you saying this, but only because you do not have a history of being an Assetbar creeper that I can immediately recall. But, yo, there is really some much more exciting stuff out there. You should look into it.

I'm glad you didn't take it the wrong way. I am much too jaded by the disgusting stuff the internet crams down our throats (seriously, who WANTED to see 2 girls 1 cup and who doesn't know what it is) to mean what I said.

I feel extra shame since you can see my face.

I'm so proud that I've avoided it. It was described to me, and I never ever ever ever ever ever want to see it. Ever.


There was this one evening where my "friends" were literally insisting that i had to look at this horrifying thing that would scar me for life. I am very proud that i have never seen this thing.

I dated one of those girls. To answer your questions, no, yes, about a quart, and we broke up over politics.

Was her name Mary?
Is your name Mary?
How much gin can you drink before you throw up?
Whatever happened to you and Hilary Clinton?

Oh man, HEE HEE HEE.

Heed the advice of young Teodor, norrin. If you don't have many resources for this kind of thing, just check out your dad's record collection .

This is the only pr0n I will ever need.

Perhaps I should keep that to myself.

Hee hee... you double pervert!

The second pervert has slightly more tact.

I thought I posted it then couldn't find it. I even did a search for my username to make sure. I fail at all things.

Typical double prevert problem.

Chubby for channeling "Bat" Guano. You'll get such a pranging, you'll be lucky if you end up wearing the uniform of a bloody toilet attendant.

Oh, nice catch. Didn't even see that one.

You'll have to answer to the Coca-Cola Corporation!

No! You are Radd, Norrin! You... Are... Radd!


double ouch

I wish that everyone got this reference, it needs so much more chubbies. I will post a hilarious photoshop as soon as I get to my home computer

Something like this...

Hasty, I know.

that's...that's pretty much what i had in mind. That is like chapter 2 photoshop, and I am working on the questions at the end of the first chapter right now.

Sweet! I was thinking that someone else probably made that joke already, but I couldn't resist.

Norrin - Is that the intended reference, or is it something else entirely?

No that's it. You got it. Been my e-mail and username wherever I go since I started the internets.

Can't see this at work but I bet it's just darling.

Isn't it a bummer? Curse these silly workplace computers.

That is a very apt description. They're smiling, a lot, and the air around them looks very British. At least one of them is wearing an Achewood T, presumably to facilitate recognition. Just mentally squish their usersigils together and you can fill in the rest.

Thanks! We now return to your regularly scheduled nerd programming.


Verry interesting. But what is the derivation?

I was trying to be witty and creative in the whole icon/avatar debate.
Plus, I'm a nerd, and we say "sigil".

No... I think that's pretty much just you!

Hey, you know it's only me that's British, right? loneal is from California, she's just studying over here for a term.

But you can't deny that the air around us was very British.

I did know, I think? We talk about nationality here.

Yes! You are channeling Stephan again!

That pleased me as well. His comments have more gravitas that way.

For a while I was thinking of changing my avatar just for the occasion of drinking on this. I see you've done so as well.

v-chub for hot sexy ladies

V chub? You're already out of chubbies? Wow.

Extremely cute. I'm sure we all wish we were there.


My mind is blown

oh this is ultra cute

Reminds me of friends.

My last friend stopped handface-handhangin' with me after I told her I'd give her ten dollars to vote.

Anyway, both of you also have very good hair!


I Am Sorry You Became So Desperate That You Were Patronizing Whores

(inside)...of Democracy

It was really terrible. I was just making a joke about how inactive the young people are these days, and suggested I'd give her money to vote if she'd just go do it.

She texted me back, "not for a 1000 dollars", and I haven't heard from her since.
No great loss.

I heard the youth vote was the biggest its been in a long, long time.

True, but that doesn't mean it was "big", necessarily. The voting turn-outs go up every year about, because the population continues to grow. Thus, exponentially, the youth vote would also increase. It still only made up 12 percent of the West Virginia block, and similar stats nationwide. No doubt Obama IS increasing these numbers, but...I don't know, I'm a hard case. They should be increased more.

I just am easily spurred when some girl can tell me which band out of millions she prefers, and take hours and hours out of her day studying up on guitar-pickers, but couldn't possibly just come to a conclusion about three candidates.

/end politics

It makes my blood boil when I hear the experts discussing the all-important "working-class white vote" and dismissing the fact that Obama has overwhelming support among blacks and people with a college education, as if they were third-class citizens and will vote for whatever crap candidate we give them as long as he or she promises to think for a few seconds longer than McCain before launching another war. They couldn't be more wrong - I've had so many arguments with peers who've insisted on not voting because "they're all the same" and would actually vote for the first time if Obama were on the ballot. I don't think any of them would be stupid enough to vote for McCain in protest, but it's very likely that a lot of the youth would stay home if Hilary manages to fanagle a win.

*cue jokes about chubbies being actual chubbies*

Uh, this is me right? Um, when I enjoy your posting style, it causes my genitals to become tumescent? And when I don't enjoy them, I um, have anal leakage? Is that right? Is this what you wanted?

Well, it's not the best, but i suppose it'll do.

Leave those Finns alone!

i dont think he's quite finnished. this pun is now null and void.


Excellent "Wall" reference.

Finland is the Island Capital of the World .

There are more islands in Finland than in any 10 countries put together. Including Indonesia.

Over 140,000 islands.

How are they for archipelagoes? Do they have the best ?

I am interested in fjords. Will there be any good fjords to visit if I go to Finland? How accessible are the fjords in Finland, if any? Are there any good resources for locating Finnish fjords online? Is there an email service I can sign up for that will notify me of new fjords every ten million years? Is it possible for me to ride a shark through the fjords while someone behind me plays Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song?" Is there ever a machine that is a chair that you sit in and a shotgun is placed in your mouth and the shotgun dribbles mints down your throat, but every time someone purchases a NUON, the shotgun blows your head off? If there was, I'd totally sit in it, because it'd be the safest place on the planet since you're never gonna move unit one of these NUONs. This crazy thing is terrible.

I like Finland!

It amuses me that I got a chubby for this. Did it come from a particularly patriotic Finn?

i think it was me. i went through and chubbied a lot of the pro-finland assets until i ran out.

i have no connection to finland, but for some reason i was really sad to see onstad making fun of them. for some reason it seemed mean-spirited and not funny.

it is possible i am in a particularly over-sensitive mood today, i don't know...

Yeah, it kind of saddened me, too. I didn't particularly like his jibe at England , either, and I'm not particularly patriotic.

I don't even know why I like Finland! I guess it's because I've heard a bit of Finnish electro-pop, which I liked.

I'm a Brit, and "One for the Brits" is one of my favourite strips. Onstad's visited the UK, has a fairly solid understanding of its main quirks and seems overall to be a bit of an Anglophile. But does he know shit about Finland? I don't know, man, I don't know.

On second thoughts, why the hell are we getting so uppity? It's not like he's hitting any Finnish nerves here; exposing discomforting truths about the nation's ever-growing trident problem.

As Dave said below, it works pretty well as a jibe at 'kipedia. Kinda like this Penny Arcade strip .

Yeah sorry I linked to Penny Arcade I know we're only supposed to like PBF, qwantz and Dr McNinja around here

That is one of my favorite Penny Arcades.


I had not seen that before. It's great!

haha, Oh man, that is quality .

Wait a minute, are you being sarcastic, or have you actually admitted that a Penny Arcade strip is funny?

Sarcasm is the wit of a fool.

Nyah nyah nyah! Take that 'claws.

Lol, no way man. I love He-Man. Anything with He-Man gets an automatic 5 stars from me. Especially if they take the characters and make them act like real people like when he calls He-Man a tremendous jackass. But yeah I really liked He-Man when I was growing up so when someone else brings it up its like we're bonding over common ground. As long as Penny Arcade is down with He-Man I am down with them.

Does anyone here like Robot Chicken?

In regards to random ethnocentic lashings, was any one here all that offended by 'Queblowme'? Or even uncomfortable enough with it to wait for an asset bar Canadian to voice approval of it before letting a chuckle out?

No, that was just funny, because it wasn't making fun of Canada, just implying that Ray knows nothing about Canada.

I understand your sentiments, but I think Onstad may actually be making fun of Wikipedia, and possibly metal, and also possibly a supposed Finnish penchant for metal. Not as serious as making fun of the entire nation. I am pro-Finland, myself.

If you diss on the Finns they they will get exceedingly drunk at you .

Also there are things that are good about Finnland .

In the last panel, notice that Teodor is typing ; he's definitely editing the article to include the fact that Beowulf was the result of the drunken ramblings of a Finnish man trying to recount the time his Uncle Bjorn got kicked by a donkey.

And then thish mother, *hic* mother, *hic* mother fucker 'sh said "You keep that bloody racket down B' B' Bjorn!" an he shaid, was jus' this little guy, little, you know, dwarf thingy, boogie boogie boo, an' then fu' fu' fucking DONKEY!!! ha he ha ha... Ahhh bunch a' ingrates wou'nt know a goo' story if it bit their... *passes out drunk*

krakkilloukkikii haistakaa jenkit iso paska krkakekekk üuleärorkk

I am Finnish-American and I disapprove of this message. If you were reading a post from an actual Finn, I would be saying this in Latin and listening to Jukka Tiensuu. Nokia rules, fuxxors![/omg]

A Finn broke my bed a few months ago, but it's mainly a fond memory.

This half-story requires more detail.


Bout it.

Tekende has very little imagination, I think.

I'm not as dumb as I may seem.


I realize this. I just want to know more.

alright. fair enough.

He was an energetic and muscular chap who I had a sensual encounter with, and, my bed is quite cheap. It's now propped-up with books on literary theory (I wasn't reading them).

Wow. "Energetic and Muscular Chap" just gave me a tingle. Congrats on your broken bed!

The only thing hotter than a girl who props up her bed with books on literary theory would be a girl who reads them. In bed.

I did once read 'Being and Nothingness' while nude but I wouldn't say it was a habit.

I read books naked. I tend to spend as much time as possible nude in my home...

I suddenly wish I was Finnish. Even your rainbow unicorn thing is starting to look hot.

Dude... How long was it since you got some? Seriously.

(I'm just smug because I got some less than a week ago.)

Was it with someone who is a fan of achewood?

And why didn't you post THOSE pics of you and loneal?


It was a hell of a night.

4 character classes(Time it takes to play through Diablo II and expansion) plus 3(20-page paper)... all divided by zero.

But no, seriously, things were a lot simpler before handface weekend, when one just assumed that we were all losers hiding behind cartoon faces. Now all of a sudden there's all these real girls talking about how they got some and part of you just wants to go "AARGH shut UP!" and go back to a time when jokes about being sexually frustrated would receive vaguely universal assent instead of being contradicted.

Sorry, don't mind me, carry on. I'm just a little bitter, in the same way that Dr. Robotnik was just slightly overweight.

Hey man. Until last Thursday, I would SO have been with you on the sexually frustrated thing. I mean it had been a very, VERY long time.

Yeah, but you're a girl.

And we all know that no woman anywhere wants to have sex with anyone.

Amirite, guys? Huh? Huh?

I'll be here the rest of my life.

You must mean married women, who have the reputation of not wanting to have sex with their boring husbands.

Is...is this the Chap that you... boned?

I have to say.. technically, she was the "bone-ee", rather than the "bon-er".



Hee hee.. I giggled at that too. Try typing that with straight fingers.

I don't know about you, but my fingers swing both ways.

I don't know about you, but my fingers can't swing.

Weren't you the one talking about the Cherry Poppin' Daddies?

The best ones do, dear.

On this occasion it was a dude and I was the "bone-ee". If it was not a dude I would expect no boning, as the device needed just makes me laugh hysterically and is therefore not condusive to sensual delight.

A boning knife? Or am I misusing the verb here?

Is... is that a remote control on her hip?

Oh my God! Does that thing eject, micronauts style? Friggin sweet! Look out, Baron Karza!

Only on the Japanese version. The American one has the springs removed because a kid shot himself in the eye one time.

I'm really impressed with the decorative flowers, to tell the truth.

...for the lady-like "bone-er"...

Feminine, AND penetrative. Great tan by the way, really wouldn't have pictured you that tan these days Rainbow

Which days?

I am caucasian and British. The only colours that I have ever been are "pasty" and "cerise".

Hmmm, the picture would imply otherwise. Maybe just your legs are tanned? You might want to see a doctor about the discolored penis though

I have been told there is a device by which a woman may become the "bone-er".

It's called marriage.


Sadly I have no idea who this charming gentleman is!

He is a boxer from a video game! Also he can hurt you by throwing roses at you, an action which is not sanctioned by the IBF, WBC, or WBO.


Is he Finnish?

No, British. He is Dudley from Street Fighter 3.

Wikipedia wrote:
While Ukko mated with his wife Akka ("old woman"), there was a thunderstorm.

- Those finns, they know all about mom and dad doing it - it's even in their mythology. Broken beds/thunderstorms Ukko/Finn Akka/rainbowbrite

With it and For it .

man why you gotta be like that
why you gotta be down on our finnish brothers and sisters

You knew this was coming...

(Sorry to all if it gets "scroll-ified".)

Best part = the umlauts on "wood." Will not attempt in Assetbar.

and three 'u's in a row. this language is sweeet.

Wooood. There. done.

I am applauding very sloooowly.


Sweden and Finland aren't, like, interchangeable.

Finland: Somewhere at the Top of Europe.

Sweden and Finland: I am from Canada so I don't know much about either.

Sweden and Switzerland: I am always mixing these two up.

The location of any foreign country that is not Mexico or Canada: I am American, I was never taught this.

As a high school senior we had a class that was supposed to teach us this. I remember all the -stans (Uzbeko, Kazik, etc) being especially difficult.

I also remember the teacher passing everyone regarldess of how well they did.

Rhode Island, Delaware, and New Hampshire are all the same state as far as I'm concerned. The California school system failed me.

This makes me sad.

I know that New Hampshire is lame, but I live here, so I will defend it until the end!

We are not Delaware!

Actually, I once almost left a past boyfriend for an Internet boy in New Hampshire, and that state holds a special place in my heart.

Ooh, do you know where he was from?! I have friends who are internet boys to the max.

Yes, yes, when I went to visit him he was in Keene, but he is originally from Laconia. And he's closer to your age than mine, so...

Oh man I hope this turns awesome.


I know some people who went to Keene State though, I bet we could six-degrees-of-separation this if we were really motivated.

Which we probably aren't.

Well, he did go to Keene State. Let's take this to the Facebook streets some time when I'm not on Ambien and about to fall off my chair of sleepiness.

Dammit loneal, don't tell stories like that! You're just encouraging vain hopes among the Assetbar lads.

Delaware state motto: The First State
New Hampshire state motto: Live Free or Die

Delaware is the kid in the front row who has framed his perfect attendance certificate.
New Hampshire is the kid in the back of the room carving anarchy symbols into the desk.


i feel like there is a chance i have mentioned this before (?) but a girl on my freshman hall thought Louisiana was in the Midwest. [forehead smack of disbelief and consternation]

I met a British guy in a club a little while ago who thought Harvard was in Texas. Apparently he had confused Austin with Boston.

(Not that I expect Brits to know American cities intimately, as I basically don't even know where the fuck in England I'm sitting as I type this.)

How come you're in England? (you're more than welcome here in my opinion, I'm just curious!)

I am studying at Oxford for a term!

She's a SPY

She's part of the spy exchange program .

Isn't it? I mean it's somewhere in that big area you fly over, right? Right?

Oddly enough, it is west of Ohio, which is considered the most midwest of all states. This is because Americans cannot tell where the middle of a thing is.

Naw, man, the U.S. used to END at the mighty Mississip. Past Ohio were the Northwest Territories, which became Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana. "Midwest" has shifted some, but still includes Ohio in most definitions I am familiar with. (And I rode in covered wagons)

This sort of outdated thing eats at me because I am in Oklahoma, which is called the South for some reason. Despite being terribly near the exact center of the country. Using the Mississippi river as the west coast hasn't been true since we won Louisiana by defeating Napolean in a wrestling match in 1677, so why should we use the terminology today?

This is great. The Louisiana purchase occured in 1803. And the wrestling? Wow. The whole thing you've described is just so incredibly wrong.

Good thing you were here, or we would all be ill-informed now!

well to be fair, there is only one state south of you before the country runs out

sure, it's a really big state, but...

Man, Oklahoma ain't the damn South. Basic rules for the South: South of the Ohio River and Potomac, East of the Mississippi. Louisiana and Arkansas can count, too.

I have some chicken-fried steak and sweet tea that says you're wrong.

To say nothing of the moonshine and KKK meetings

I was trying to not scare the city folk.

And I've seen Confederate flags in Pittsburgh.

Rednecks know no boundaries, but I ain't gonna call Pennsylvania the South.

We mostly fought for the South in the Civil war. Okie flats was settled by southerners. The drawl is southern. The women have the same hair as the stewardess a few days ago. Southern social standards suffuse the state, and we inherited Southern Baptist religion. We aren't Deep South, but Oklahoma is far more southern than anything else. We even subjugated our own race into a near slavery state, just like the south. Our's are more red though, but we got the race riots just the same

Oh man, I ain't talking about being culturally Southern. I knew people in college who were from towns only an hour out of Chicago that had drawls, style/automobile preferences and casual racial prejudices normally associated with the South. I'm strictly talking geography here: as you would say, more the Deep South. Hell people in Montana can be very Southern, but that doesn't mean we should call it part of the South.

I suppose I'm thinking historically here, the original South, old South, Deep South, etc. What was always called the South before Manifest Destiny, etc. Basically, states with SEC teams in them (and North Carolina/Virginia).

We're socially, geographically, and (once we got settled) historically, Southern. There isn't much else that can really dictate being southern. The fact that we weren't really populated by honkies when the other honkies were complaining about the north doesn't really detract from being southern.

All good points, I suppose. But that doesn't change the fact that nobody in the real South is ever gonna think of Oklahoma as the South. I live in NC, and they don't even consider the town I live in to be Southern. Oklahoma ain't got a chance in hell.

It's country, for sure, but it ain't Southern. If you touch Kansas, you're in the Midwest . I think that's a rule somewhere.

Incidentally, I feel much better prolonging this really stupid discussion (of which I'm the majority of the stupid) now that a new strip is up.

SHUT UP! All of you, shut up! God! I've never wanted to clearly define the South less in my life!

Best to be movin' on tekende, or do you want me to take your preconceived notion
of your current residential location and its status in a general geographic
nomenclature and tear it a new one, you prick?

'Cause I'll do it.

aren't mexico and canada states?

no seriously my sister was maybe 8 or 9 and thought Canada was a state. I was saddened.

They're not states yet, but give it time.

Certainly. Why wouldn't America want to throw two more left-swinging states into the electoral draw?

Acutally, Mexico already has states, so it would fit right in. Those Canadian "provinces" would have to drop the foo-foo name and becomes "states."

Yeah, in Helsinki they shop at Iikkeaa

My best friend is Finnish, she is also lots of funnish! Anyway yeah she's amazing, and also she travels a lot and says that remarkably frequently, she'll tell someone she's from Finland and their response will be "Oh wow! I know someone from Sweden (or Denmark/Norway/Iceland...)". I think it makes her fairly angry.

In related news, Finnish swearing is [b]breathtaking[b].

Haista vittu Saatanan runkkari!
Krapula perkele!

Sorry to reply to myself, but just read this while checking my spelling...
Occasionally, one hears more colorful constructions, such as Vittujen kevät ja kyrpien takatalvi! (paraphrased, "Oh fucking shit!" or literally "The spring of cunts and the late winter of dicks!")

whoa! now those are some curses!

That sounds like a Cradle of Filth album.

Man, the Finns have cussin' down.

I'm part Swedish and i've been learning bits of Swedish lately (somebody forgot her heritaaaaage) . The more i learn of the language, the more i realise how unsexy it sounds. Anyways, "Shit biscuits" in Swedish in " Sket kexar! " which is just handy to know. I can also say "Happy birthday" and "I love you so hard" but they are very diacritically intense.

Can I get Finland to come to my little nephew's birthday party?

Oh man, I have been waiting for just this kind of opportunity to make my first post.

My dad's family is all Finnish, so he grew up speaking Finnish on the family farm in Michigan's upper peninsula and I've learned a number of fun phrases from him.

My utter favorite is "haista napa," which translated directly means "smell my belly button." This has been my favorite swear since I was six years old, and even if Finland had contributed nothing else to the world I would be satisfied with just this.

Also, the appropriate comeback is supposedly "paska housu," or "shitty pants."

And now I just learned that "Paskahousu" is also a popular card came in Finland. Thanks Wikipedia!

Would this be an extremely unfunny time to talk about the relative merits of the Sami noise-folk band Paarvohaarju?

Yes Daniel, it would.

Since my favorite band "Poets of the Fall" comes out of Finland, I just cant agree with this comic.
Just cant. Just wont.

At least no one has mentioned HIM so far...

Dammit .

man why you even got to do a thing

You mean no one had mentioned HIM so far.

Ew, ew, HIM! Yucky.

I would rather chill with Lordi, the Finn band who won Finland the last great European music festival.
But then again theyre just below Manowar on the levels of overdoing the metal.
Cept theyre like, good.
But yeah HIM is some pretty rough miles.

Finns are not to be trifled with. Their most famous technology company started out making tires and rubber boots.

Also, Esa Tikkanen and Saku Koivu.

Dammit, I was hoping no one would reference Saku Koivu before I got to. Sir, I bow my head in defeat.

(Next year we're going to win the Stanley Cup, though. Just watch.)

Don't forget those crazy Ruutu brothers, especially Tuomo:

I would rather have Andrew Ladd, personally (for the non-hockey fans, he's the player my Blackhawks received in return for Tuomo Ruutu).

I'm willing to be patient. I like 'em both, and you gotta respect any guy who gets traded, shows up to the arena with like 5 mins before game time after rushing from Chicago, gets that done to his face in his first game and then still plays the next game. He won over a lot of fans quickly.

I still kind of wish we had Ladd, though. Glad to see he kept playing well in Chicago for the rest of the year.

I knew Blackhawks fans had to exist in some capacity, I just never knew I would ever encounter one.

Wait. Are Kimi Raikkonen and Mika Hakkinen Finnish?


Oh, yes. I must love the country at least as much as I love saying those names.

I ranked this comic kinda low. This was... a bit boring. I feel kinda sensitive about a strip entirely ragging on another country. Kinda objectifying it. I know it's just a comic and silly humour. Still. Just my initial reaction.

i completely agree. i was excited when i saw it was gonna be a strip about finland, and then this . completely outta left field. i'm goin, "what?"

I'm kinda expecting the follow up comic to be about how Finland is actually quite awesome. Such as when Ray kinda talks about Chinese people being incredibly awesome even though it's inaccurate.

I think Onstad had a bad experience in a Sauna.

Finnland made my cellphone, wall clock, and pornography. They are very good at those.

Yeah Nokia!

Here's a nice cocktail the Finns invented...

Kaurismaki fans unite!

finland is basically just a plain country, no frills.

A comment left by tourach3 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mjfitzge, possums, Cycerin, KaMeT, techiebabe, jhaela, achilleselbow, hbaranov, colorlessness)

Odin has decreed that you must be lamed for this.

Sorry.. but.. Odin? Dude. That's utterly incorrect. Ukko the god of sky and thunder, decreed YOU lame..

And Auhura Mazda says that cataloguing irrelevant deities is a lazy attempt at humour.

Dude those visions in which Mazda told me to smoke drugs all day were totally true .

Freddy Mercury would be absolutely furious with you for suggesting Mazda was irrelevant. His spirit, after being devoured by vultures, may now compel Brian May to come to your house and lecture you on Astrophysics while energetically poking you with a homemade guitar.

Freddy Mercury, my go to guy for Zoroastrianism.

Artaxerxes the second..... my go to guy for Zoroastrianism!

There was a fantastic line in Zadie Smith's "White Teeth" where Mercury was referred to as "that nice persian boy".

I was referring to the god of metal, not necessarily the god of Finland, but I understand that you have outdone me this time.

As long as there are comic books, there will always be metal. It's a two-genre circle jerk.

I don't understand this. Explain.

This is the Internet. We use a little word called please , Margargaret.

On assetbar we use please. On the internet, not so much.

Yes, but I was trying to imply hostility and disagreement.

Oh, your icon! It is a perfect...icon!

You don't understand, so you get hostile and disagreeable? Relax, have some wine.

Liquor v. Wine. Who will win?! Stay tuned.

the opponent that comes in when one is on the mat: Water.

Possibly referencing the 'Heavy Metal Adult Fantasy' comics which make little sense as either fantasy or pornography?

See: Brian Posehn.

KISS comic books are an okay example of this.

All that I am saying is that I know lots of people who like comic books, and as far as I know, none of them also like heavy metal. This is all that I am saying.

I'd go into a detailed explanation, but I think autrepoupee summed it up nicely, above.

Also, I may have been exaggerating.

This conversation has been long and unproductive. Let us put it to rest.

Tourach3, I gave you a chubby for being a right-thinking individual in what has become a world of madness .

We may not produce a car of our own, but we do have a Porsche plant in Uusimaa (no umlauts):


I can't believe I actually registered just to say that.

I'm glad you did. Come and bask in the Finland-loving comments.

Beef's face in the last panel = S.O. S.A.D. Molly? Where is the lamp?

He is just brimming with genuine concern for the Finnish people.

Beef can sympathize with the Finns, having 20 hours of darkness in the winter. He is probably considering sending them the lamp so they can get over their cases of H.E.L.L. O.F. S.A.D.* and stop making Metal Death Trident Troll Rock.

* Helsinki Extreme Latitude Living Off Fish Seasonal Affective Disorder

if kids in Helsinki actually dress like this i'm sold on Finland.


double fuck!

Don't mind if I do!


People in general should dress this way more often.


at some point, on some day in Finland, two people were walking around just like this.

I saw something about Hel-Looks off of Something Awful one time.

Fashion SWAT.

Oh pissbones. Fashion SWAT.

Pissbones is a great expletive. Up there with 'bumflaps'.

Do they fight crime?

v-chubb although I thought perhaps they where more the holding hostages at the charity ball type. Accompanied by guys in tight vertically striped t-shirts.

Damn you, eatmorekix! I have spent at least an hour looking at these Finnish people and their excellent, excellent clothes!

(By "damn you" I really mean "damn you for having such awesome links that make me spend way too much time looking at clothes I long to have but can't.")

i have an entire folder in my bookmarks titled "timewasters."

I need to have a folder of those.

Any other suggestions?


...but i'd also need a gender reassignment to look halfway decent in any of it.

A thing I need to do more often is match my earrings and my shoes. I also gotta lasso up a plastic pony and hang that sucker on my neck.

That would be hot. You can trust me on this (maybe).

Aw. I used to have shoes like that.

I have those exact shoes (I think), but they are yellow.

Because I work at Goodwill. It is good.

where are you girls getting these shoes? I've looked for months now!

The Reebok Freestyle Reign Bow was the best I could find, but they don't come in size 'ridiculous asian foot', so... :0(

I got them from a friend, who got them from her mom, who got them from the 80s.

Yes, but they also dress like this.

Those legs....
Dear God, the legs....


I don't believe you that that's Finland. Them there's some Williamsburg jeans.

HOLY JESUS what the fuck is going on with the legs?! He looks like he has some variation on Nice Pete's Daddy Disease .

I'm frightened not only by the extreme skinniness of his legs, but also by it being so common that pants were created to fit them.

they are probably either girl's jeans or jeans that he has tailored himself/had tailored professionally.

Thank you for this, you have assuaged some of my fear.

yeah, the dudes all wear atrociously tight pants. there are plenty of people on there who just look ridiculous, for certain, but a lot of them look really good or their outfits are just fun to look at. maybe it's a reaction to the dreary weather.

He looks like Doshin the Giant.

Legs like that only look right in pantaloons.

I wonder why.

I don't think it's right for everyone to make fun of this man. He is clearly a man cursed with dual peg-legs .

She's cute.

The legs are there to distract from the choice of hand wear.

Does... does he have rickets?

you nearly made me snarf a waffle with this.
But after a cursory investigation...

" Causes and symptoms: Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by conditions that result in little exposure to sunlight. These conditions include: living in northern countries...and having little chance to go outside."

Damn! Somebody get that boy/girl some Vitamin D before s/he turns into Cartilage Body !

Photoshopped guys. get over yourselves.

are you positive? I've seen more than one hand's worth of guys with legs that thin. It's a worldwide crisis.

it's from a fashion blog , like the Sartorialist. why would it be photoshopped? geez chuvak.

also word autrepoupee. you know you go to a Liberal Arts College when you see dudes with those kinda legs ridin' around on rickety bicycles they picked for the 1970s look, scarves trailing in their wake.

goddamn i can't wait to go back to the unassuming tackiness of the suburbs.

Totally, eatmorekix.

The next time you see a young fellow with thighs as big as ergonomic water bottles, you may have just spotted world-class internet superstar, Bryanboy.

those are pants I think we can all get behind.

Hahaha, chuvak wants to get behind that guy's pants

dammit, massive v-chub for making me snigger childishly

I would like a pants so colorful. They'd have to be 2x bigger though.

also why do so many guys dress like Tom Baker now? I can never tell if I can strike up a conversation with an eccentric young professor with a heart of gold, or a guy who is just going to tell me about McQueen's new cruisewear collection.

*wishes he could dress like Tom Baker*

When I was in highschool, I looked up the yarn "recipe" for the Tom Baker scarf, hoping that my mom would knit a replica for me. It contained truckloads of yarn (some of them quite expensive). I never got that scarf. Probably better off. (even without it, I didn't do any bonin')

Jelly baby?

For some reason I see your lack of success with the ladies having to do with your offering them jelly babies at inoportune moments.

I started to make that scarf (the first one, because there were actually several versions). I got bout 3 feet in and gave up. Maybe this summer I will finish it in time for winter.

it could happen is all i'm saying.

Hmmm maybe I spoke too soon. I assumed it was cause it's so impossible looking. I just hate the internet tendency to jump all over people who dress funny. It's like going to high school in the midwest again (but with more boobs).

Christopher Lloyd's troubled youth.

That looks like Battery Park. Or am I just drunk?

He looks great. How do the Finnish women dress?

Did you just make two heteronormative jokes with the same punchline in the space of one minute?

Ambitious, pogo, very ambitious.

Yes, my ambition exceeded my grasp of Assetbar technology, unfortunately. But at least we had this little chat together, oh glorious co-queen of the HandsFacians.

Sorry, this got so far from the pink-shoe-lady picture that it will make no sense. (Not that most posts make much sense.)

Cuuuute! They should make a Fruits-like art book of the kids in Helsinki.

What's he talking about? This has been a GREAT year for metal.

Sure if you like dumb stoner bands like Down or Municipal Waste.....which I do.

Its absurd enough to be funny, but not educated enough to be gold.

Weekend Blogs

Ray: I'm Sorry.

What, nobody mentions Nokia!?

At least one other person did actually.

Ctrl-f, friend.

I wish I could use Ctrl F to find friends.

Put up a hand-face picture and you'll have LOTS of friends!

I knew I should have searched instead of just read. Oh well.

Contrary to the insistences of the Finnish propaganda machine, it was Switzerland that emerged victorious in the Postage War of 1833.

Hmmm. My Finnish friend is supposed to be ordering me an Achewood shirt for my birthday. What if he sees this cartoon? What might ensue?

Apart from hilarity.

He might not be much of a fan of the old country anyway. He got conscripted the other week.

Also, I'm lovin' on that "Tap... tap" onomatopoiea in the last panel. Suddenly, so... downhearted.

I like anecdotes that end in the subject of them being forced to join the army.

I enjoyed the way he threw it in there, as if conscription was on roughly the same level as having your car towed.

So apparently, according to some Nordic friends of mine, Onstad is a Norwegian name. And these guys are Norwegian, they also display outward signs of dislike to the Finns....

He has spoken of his Norwegian heritage before in relation to figure skaters and lutefisk.

Thanks for pointing this out Loneal. I bow to your superior knowledge of our Chris here!

What did Finland ever do to anyone?

You go too far, Chris Onstad! Now Tove Jansson will place your drawing-room sofa on the midwinter bonfire!

The Groke. Oh god, The Groke.

Jesus Christ, I wikipediad this, misspelled it, and got fired from work. Turns out Tove Jensen is not the same as who you mentioned. FUCK!

jesus christ, i wikipedia'ed your misspelling. even knowing she was 18 that is majorly icky stuff

page does not exist?

One of these links will help you understand an Assetbar post, the other will get you a feature on Dateline.

What is your decision?

- S H I F T !

Oh god. I googled it and clicked the first link.

I'm afraid the FBI are going to bust down my door any second now.

Do they even have paprika in Finland?
Doesn't that get confiscated at the border?

Well, I can say that the paprika thing is not real

Stop lying.

I have to be very careful around paprika. If I get it anywhere NEAR my hair about five people in my immediate vicinity get married.

You could just shave your hair, but noooo

Heh, what?

The bear and the cat appear greatly downtrodden by the artistic shortcomings of Finland.

Your...your anus is bleeding.

The POV discussion for that page is over two hundred screens long.

Finland's best trait is that their president (female) resembles Conan O'Brien.

Conan and Tarja: Like Two Raspberries

Finns kick ass. It is a matter of historical record:


That's right, they beat the entire Soviet Union. Single handed. Who bad?

Yeah everyone brings up the winter war, but what they done since?

Also on a simmilar note ever since Thermopolyae and Salamis the Greeks have been having way to easy a ride!

What would you have them do? They are relatively comfortable, and probably not all that concerned with the issues concerning your entertainment.

Also: they have provided the world with Tom of Finland.

And, by extension, Dr. Manflesh.

Not neccesarilly my entertainment, but come on people, 60 years is a long time to come up with the singular achievment of.... Nokia.

In this day and age scandanavian countries should apply themselves more.


Man it has been a WHILE since I've watched a strong bad email. That stuff is like the Futurama of the internet: consistently partially hilarious. Not golden-era-Simpsons-piss-your-pants-and-couch hilarious, but it definitely does the job.
Props, dskim.

They're not quite as consistent as they used to be but they still produce more hits than misses. That particular sbemail is right up there with "dragon" and "japanese cartoon". And, yes, very appropriate to this discussion.


"I come for the wuggas, but stay for the jiggy-juggas!"

HEY! I'm gonna b online later playing an MMORPG, if you wanna join my guild!



As a huge fan of Finnish metal I couldn't be more amused by this comic.

Roast Beef is feeling pretty bad for Finland and Finns in panel 5. I imagine that's the face he wears when he sees a 9 year old with a harelip at the mall, all imagining him at his prom, kind of a stupid haircut, no date but trying to pretend that's cool, trying to sip casually at some punch but spilling it all over the rent-a-tux. Depression means never remembering that the Smile Train exists.

Thanks alot man.

I wouldn't take offense at this comic: the insults against Finland are just so random. As a whole it reminds me of Conan O'Brien Hates My Homeland, which is a very funny thing: https://conan.kary.ca/

A comment left by littlefatdog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, achilleselbow, colorlessness)


I pretty much do the exact same. Occasionally I give strip a 4, but oftentimes a strip I think deserves a 4 will have a score less than 4, so I give it a 5 anyways.

why do you feel like it is a good thing to have the ranking mean nothing? because of people like you we might as well not even have the ranking system. now because of you i am angry twice. angry at you for this, and angry at myself for getting angry at you for this.

because they all deserve fives. a 4 is an 80%, a B-, and I've yet to see an achewood that didn't blow away every comic strip on the funnies page on any newspaper that day, even the ones without jokes where like the characters just play scrabble. Also I'm sure there are a-holes that give every strip a 1, so that effect is compensated by 'people like me'

I can't help but notice that along with Beef's sudden wealth, his biceps have diminished completely.

Proving once and for all that if you've got money you're also built like a Greek (cat?) god.

Heavy metal is not over.
People did not stop doing that.

Finally someone puts their avatar where their mouth is.

where is the wikipedia entry on fake pornos from "The Finnish"?

Onstad has his blind spots. Finnish (American) musicians include this guy:

If you haven't attended one of his performances, you are missing something easily obtained but precious as treasure.

I know, I know, there is The Who, and then all the rest. I agree with him to that extent. Still.

Is that Jormo?

That's what I thought. I'm pretty sure I've seen that picture before, on the back of an album or something.

The text under "The Famous Drawing of Finland" sells it, and the comment about unsuccessfully fighting to include a reindeer on the postage stamp hammers it. I feel every bit of Roast Beef and Teodor's pity.

Postage stamps in Finland are plain blue squares. The man who wanted to put a reindeer on them was eventually hounded out of the country, forced to live in Belgium and never saw a reindeer again. It's Finland's greatest shame, and also its greatest triumph.

Wow, what a trite way to end the whole "Beef gets successful" arc. I feel like I'm watching every sitcom ever. Everything goes back to the way it was. Chris Onstad is sometimes amazingly good at continuity and character growth within this strip, and then sometimes so bad. At least he ended the arc, I guess.

I kinda agree. I was hoping for Beef to cheat on Molly. It just doesn't seem believable that someone who's spent his whole life not getting any would have that kind of restraint, especially when drunk. Does this make me a bad person? Probably.

Sure but he's also spent his whole life being shit on by women. It stands to reason that when things go unexpectedly well with one, he'll freak, cut, and run.

(I can't believe that I'm going this deep here.)

Beef, would you like to lie on my couch and tell me about your grandmother?

Anything that will get rid of the one female character in Achewood is not okay in my book.

There are other female characters. You can't forget Urrtra Peanut, or Sondra Smuckles, or the others that may or may not exist but I don't want to think that hard right now so I am including an ambiguous pseudo-statement so I can't possibly be made wrong by people who would go through the whole archives looking for a counterpoint.

I originally wrote "(Philippe's/Ray's moms and Ultra Peanut don't count)," but then I figured it would be sufficiently obvious that they're not really sufficiently fleshed out to include in the roster of "characters." How many strips are they in all together? Like, 30?

But I'll amend my statement for the purpose of total accuracy: Anything that will get rid of the one marginally three-dimensional female character in Achewood is not okay in my book.

Well I do like the Molly/Roast Beef interactions, but remember there was a couple of years before she even came into the picture, and I had no problem with the lack of female characters then. In fact one could say that the addition of Molly was a big factor in what made Achewood more story arc-driven (or vice versa). I just have a lot of nostalgia for the absurd non-sequitur strips (though it's backwards nostalgia since I only started reading last year). And I think a large part of what enabled that was that it was just a bunch of screwed up guys with no women in their lives.

I'm trying to figure out whether the addition of main female characters (except for mothers and such) always has to bring some kind of romantic element into the picture and make it more "real" in a sense. For example, Beavis & Butthead wouldve been totally destroyed if they tried to do that, but they did have Daria - do you think she was three-dimensional or was she just kind of a straight man (woman)?

As one who has lived past the screwed-up-male-roommates stage, I can tell you that the bonding of male friends continues and even deepens after marriages, divorces, and kids. There's something about guys that demands they run in little packs and tussle for alpha status and stick together through thick and thin. That viewpoint is what makes Achewood tick.

You know, last time I checked women ran in little packs, tussled for alpha status, and stuck together through thick and thin, too. Could be that the viewpoint that makes Achewood tick is a...human viewpoint?

I'm glad to know that. But it would seem that the burdens of childbirth and "the curse" would also make the feminine milleau different, a la "Sex in the City," a show I can't bear to watch.

I cannot bear to watch that show either. I think that is a matter of good taste rather than gender.

I had no problem with the lack of female characters then

Maybe you didn't, but for those of us whose gender is disproportionately underrepresented when it comes to protagonists or believable characters, it may have been more noticeable. I don't need female characters to be romantic. If Ray's and Philippe's moms were actual characters, I'd be totally down with that.

How often do "screwed up guys with no women in their lives" literally have ZERO women in their lives? No neighbors, no friends, no bosses, no unrequited crush? Even if you and all your friends are without girlfriends, the reality is that you still interact with and have relationships with women all the time, because women make up half the population. You can't avoid us! We are inextricably tied up in your lives! Portraying a world without women is at best inaccurate.

I've watched, like, three episodes of Daria. All I know about her is that she has a friend who dyed tiger stripes into her hair.

Anyway, I'm glad I'm making this comment two days late. I'll probably still get lamed for it, as I do whenever I start getting uppity about wimmin's issues.

Can't say I can disagree with the Bechdal Standard. However, Achewood has a hard enough time retaining the characters that it already has. Even Pat is verging on irrelevance, I can't see Emeril and Spongebath being used in the near future and Lie Bot has been MIA for over a year. The strip is, essentially, about Ray and Beef hanging around and being dudes, dealing with their insecurities, and let's face it, it is far more dialogue than story oriented.

It would be rather difficult to fit another female character into the mix without fundamentally changing Achewood as it currently stands, is all I am saying.

Fair enough, but I wasn't advocating for another female character. I was just saying I didn't want to see Molly go, which she probably would have if Beef had gotten with the peanut-slinger.

"Anyway, I'm glad I'm making this comment two days late. I'll probably still get lamed for it, as I do whenever I start getting uppity about wimmin's issues."

Don't give up the fight, sister.

I have no problems with Beef bolting on the peanut slinger, but I really wanted to see him be successful. I wanted to see him struggle with having money and being the opposite of in 'circumstances'. What is a rich Beef like?
I bet he would be awesome. Too bad we didn't get to see it.

I'm happy that morality won the day. You can always grovel in the tiger's pit if you want amorality.

Which reminds me, we need more Lyle strips. Few things made me happier than seeing Lyle puke on a football right after all the "AWWW" comments on the strip where Beef pops the question.

May I just point out that the Molotov cocktail is Finnish.

Not before I did.

I'vw got a bad feeling about this here Finland...

Be it positive or negative, I am always delighted to hear peoples' attitudes toward the Finnish language for some reason.

I too have wondered if metal was over on many a dull rainy day, or whenever I heard metal.

I wish metal and rap would fight and kill each other so reggae and folk rock could interbreed in peace.

What an idyllic vision!

Mind you reggae and rap can on occaisions produce enjoyable offspring (plus at its angriest and most bombastic the two share a lot of simmilarities).

Thanks, the vision came to me like a whiff of ganja.

And yes, reggae and rap are releated. The dudes in Jamaica and other islands were doing their "dj" thing long before rap, and many people consider "dj-ing" the origin of rap.

What a delightful sounding combination. The world would probably be better with more of it.

Yes, picture James Taylor with dreads.

Danggg I don't understand that rating.

I like how the whole country fought for this stamp and it was somehow rejected by a presumably non-Finnish force, like maybe Russia was just so enraged at the very idea.

I am a Finn, and therefore, I approve of this strip.
Seriously, it's darn funny.


Rated low in defense of metal and Finland. I must do this.