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Ray's Music Video Thursday, November 14, 2002 • read strip Viewing 57 comments:

Beef just looks so expectant.

Yeah, the poor guy has such a look of cautious optimism.

Beef Shirt Tie never ends with anything good. It's like the opposite of a thinking cap.

This, I think, is my very favorite Achewood.

A comment left by billyamericana was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by TheLoneliestMonkey, Gumfish, nutmeg, TheGreatestCape)

A comment left by clintisiceman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ellameno, FVVS, fakead, heccibiggs, mattbeetee, Wolfensti, NeoNaoNeo, erributtz, bigtom, farqussus, gobot, DougTheHead, luckypyjamas, peppill, mystkmanat, joamiq)

It is NOT silly to like Arcade Fire. For shame, fellow indie-icon Bill Murray. FOR SHAME.

A comment left by gumfish was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, mattbeetee, Wolfensti, asobi, joamiq)

I don't understand why you'd choose to have a mario avatar of such boredom, jeez you could have at least used the mushroomed mario. Arcade Fire probably play playstation or have game gears on tour...

Mario has strong colours, a simple design, is associated with good times in general, and most importantly, he's instantly recognizable. Mario is a good avatar.

That is incorrect.

I totally disagree! I especially enjoyed seeing them live. The one guy with the drum just looks like he is having a disproportionately good time, and you can't help but get into it.
That being said, it took me a while to appreciate them. It's subtle, what they do with their music.

stop smoking all those marijuanas, Bill Murray.

Bill Murray smokes enough marijuanas to make women not want to be around him anymore. That is a sad thing.

"That doesn't sound too good, Bill Murray."

i guess if i'm really quoting the gza it should read "billghostbustingassmurray"

5 carrots

(carrots, etc.)

FUCK, I was just going to do that.

Chubby for like minds.

Isn't this a nod to the Morrissey video for "Sudehead?" Though James Dean is SO much cooler than Hellen Keller.

Yeah, I forgot about that one. What a terrible video: all Morrissey and some farm animals hanging out ... listlessly.

In Morrissey's defense he does everything listlessly. Including making grocery lists.

I am now imagining Morrissey having sex listlessly. In related news, I hate you.

All neglecting to specify if the grapes he wants are seedless, all getting home with a ton of pasta which a lack of sauce renders useless

I hate to admit that I remember this, but Sixpence None the Richer did a similar thing at the end of their video for "Kiss Me," placing a flower on Francois Truffaut's grave. But then again, the video itself was basically just a tribute to Jules et Jim , so I guess it's the least they could do.

I actually have no idea why I remember this. I was never a fan.

You know what's crazy? There are two music videos for Sixpence None the Richer's "Kiss Me". Why, I do not know.

I know of this because when this song was popular I was on vacation with my family and I got sick and stayed in the hotel room for a day watching MTV.

Ray is so apprehensive when the list is taken but so hopeful while it is being read

You mean Beef, and yes, so true. I think that that is what really makes it - because his initial apprehension was dead-on.

Alt text: "roast beef has only ever watched PBS"

was cheers ever on pbs?

A comment left by cheeks_jd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, rowboat, equinn2006, farqussus, waldo913, aHatOfPig, shoinan, kenyot, STUART)

Was this the first achewood you ever read?

Me too! I was all LOL in my room! L@FF! Would read again!

I think Natalie Merchant already has a video like this.

how about camping on a farm with a retarded child who enjoys helen keller noises?

A comment left by sumbitches was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by alphagator, cpnglxynchos, I_Love_Kate)



My friends and I occasionally play Apples to Apples. If you have the Helen Keller card, you can play it on just about any adjective and you are pretty much guaranteed to win that round. The more nonsensical or inappropriate the combination, the better.

I need to understand this comment. What is Apples to Apples?

The Great and Poweful Wikipedia sez:

"Apples to Apples is a fast-paced party game published by Out of the Box Publishing. It is designed for four to ten players. The name is a play on the phrase apples and oranges....

"Each player is dealt seven 'red apple' cards; on each is printed a noun or noun phrase (such as 'Madonna', 'Canada', 'The Spanish Inquisition', etc.). The judge (a chosen player) draws a 'green apple' card on which is printed an adjective ('scary', 'smelly', 'patriotic', etc.), and places it face-up on the table. From amongst their red-apple cards, each player (except the judge) chooses a card they think is the best match for the green apple card, and places it face-down. The judge shuffles the red apple cards, reads them (often aloud), and decides which noun is the best match for the adjective. The player who submitted that red apple card wins the round, and takes the green apple card to signify the win....

"The judge's decision is completely subjective; the official rules encourage the judge to pick the match that is 'most creative, humorous or interesting.' Some might think it ironic if Helen Keller is played for senseless, and might give that player the point."

I have played this game and it is rad.

Oh yeah no shit.

When have I ever lied to you?

I guess technically you don't know.

And I can't remember.

So we'll just say, "rarely."


one of the only games i like to play.

We love that game as well. We have a friend who will always play Holocaust- or Nazi-related cards at the worst times ("erotic," for instance). Anyway, your comment reminded me that when he is judging, a Nazi-related card will win, regardless of the green card. The end.

(At End: place a rose on her grave


alt text made this one a 5 for me.

Honestly, I think the retarded kid camping idea would make a rad video.

Kid all "I AM HELPING" and such

Ray's gown is the dogs.

How about the Frank Zappa classic "taking retards to the zoo?"

Uh, you mean the Dead Milkmen?

Zappa did it first!

How about he takes a retarded child camping to Hellen Keller's grave which is located in a farm that they explore?