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Téodor and the Smut Door Thursday, April 27, 2006 • read strip Viewing 55 comments:

Stupid jerk fridge!

sweet sweet child memories!

I have to admit, I don't get what's going on with T�odor in panels 7-9.

The bear is coming to the disconcerting realization that his hands are now coated in stale semen.

A comment left by nathanielperson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Interestingname, unquotable, atticusonline, apres)

got to wonder what that door smells like... I can guarantee you it ain't lilies and summer rain

Depends on one's definition of the term "summer rain".

If your default definition of "summer rain" includes the smell of stale semen, tell me where you live so I can never visit.

Pennsylvania, home to Three Mile Island and Philadelphia, both of which are notorious for their radioactive filth. Makes the summer rainstorms all kinds of crazy.

Ironically, I recently moved from Pittsburgh. So-- sad as it is-- I know *exactly* what you speak of.

Everyone here seems to be proud of it, though. I just don't get it.

chubbied for godspeed you! black emperor icon.

doubly so.

GY!BE sucks and I don't care what anyone has to say.

They do not suck. You are just not one who is partial to that which is post-metal.

"Radioactive filth" -- great name for a heavy metal band.

how terribly boomer of you to think so

I see it as more of a punk band name, but I wouldn't complain either way.


i call it filth-adelphia. i dont know if its because i know enough about it, in general, or because i live in central PA(pennsyltucky)...

There's Pittsburgh, there's Philly and then there's Alabama in the middle...

word. a hole in the world, like a great black pit, etc...

I live in Northeast PA, and I love Pennsylvania. It's great if you're into nature and wildlife. Not so great if you're into having a job, driving on smooth roads, or buying alcohol.
*fistbump to my fellow PA peeps*

i like the culture a city has to offer and i enjoy the positive aspects of small-town life(because i resemble a caucasian, there are positive aspects), such as abundant nature, friendly people, and lots of guns.

I think it's more like a sudden realization that he is looking at trash porn instead of looking for the missing five-year-old.

That does not explain why he stares at his hands

He is smacking his open palm with his fist. DUH

he's realizing that he's losing focus. he came into this loathesome place with one single mission: FIND. PHILIPPE. FAST.

He's realizing Justin grew up to tear pages out of the sanctified Swedish Erotica #34 that they allegedly claimed joint ownership of.

Phillipe is always our friend! Phillipe matters!

Panel 11 makes me want to see Onstad do something like Watership Down.


Teodor's reaction reminded me of that scene in Jim Henson's Labyrinth, with the junk heap.

That's what I was thinking too! Awesome.

I gave this strip a 5 for Teodor's reaction after picking up that porn door. Hilarious.

Today's Blogs

First day on the new messageboard.

"Today Beef tried to get at my goat but that is his way and he is a joker always in new places that is how he makes himself express his anguish at the unknown."

A prime cut. Thanks again for your work here, xiaomimi.

This is not the only time that someone in Achewood has insulted the intelligence of a refrigerator.


I'm coming, [you]! I still love you! People care about you! You were always our friend! You matter!

Sometimes we all wish that such sentiment was directed at us. For someone to care so much.


I am now envious of an appliance as portrayed in a webcomic.
Thanks. Really.

And I just realized that I forgot it was a couch we're talking about. A couch is not an appliance. For some reason I was thinking about the fridge.

I was going to make fun of you but then I noticed you're named Pigeon Street and that show ruled so I sympathise instead.

OH OH OH ... glad I'm reading this in the archives and don't have to wait to see what happens after the cooler-boat lid clicks shut, making it a coffin.

It must have turned 8:30.

Only Justin knows for sure whether the pages were actually *pasted* to the door.

If you take the ninth panel out of context, it sort of looks like Teodor is planning something evil.

that is just too cute.

Anyone notice how Teodor says that that he and Justin had it when he was a kid? As in Teodor was the kid while Justin was not.

and then Justin made him touch his nintendo

With no sustenance save for a stick of chapstick, Philipe cannot maintain vigilance.

The upcoming generation won't appreciate porn the way we did. I had a mostly destroyed catalog of porn videos that I found by the road and it was sacred to my cousin and I, all it had was little pictures of the covers of the videos and an add or two with some nudity in the back. Now that a kid can see 30 high rez vaginae any time they have a computer to themselves for 30 seconds, and for that matter video of any sex act imaginable. The pursuit of porn has become as unromantic as the porn itself.

All I want out of life is to meet a toothless huffer-slut and make her my bride.

I don't know about Phillipe, but I was very aware that my couch was not something that could feel love when I was 5. Then again, I liked to break and burn things, so who knows.