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Pat Guthrie Friday, September 26, 2003 • read strip Viewing 52 comments:

A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, NeoNaoNeo, VictoriaW, Darthemed)

There are times we are not in agreement catachresis, but this is not one of them.

Ray was only looking out for Pat's self-interest...

Wearing a cape is SO bad that Ray will even care enough for Pat to tell him not to do it.

I agree much, this whole nice pat arch is one of my favs

That is what I told my friend on the phone when I read that panel. I hadn't read any of the others yet but I told her.

and pat is so happy to hear him say this

it makes for an excellent segue into his new mission in life

My sentiments exactly. chubby.

Yes and also the shock lines around his head when he spots the faux pas. Just looking out of the window, checking to make sure nobody's wearing a cape... I feel that sadly this strip goes downhill after the first two panels, not because the others are bad, but simply because those two are just so absolutely god damn perfect.

I bet Ray held the "contemplative Ray pose" all the way from his house window to his recording studio window.

I love that pose!

Pausing only to switch arms.

No, that's still his left arm(at least, it seems that way to me). He just switched which way he's facing the 'camera'.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present:
"Pat's license plate"

| California |
| The Golden State |


ah goddamn comment board script, erasing extra spaces, ruining my art

yes, but think about the anarchy that would ensue if we could do spaces!

You inspired me to fire up the old License Plate Maker and make such a plate. Behold!


I would get so mad rutty in a car with that licence plate. Maybe even second base...

That's probably just as well. Based on the few people I've known who may be inclined to buy such a plate, I'd have to assume that he would be curled into a ball on the floorboard and sobbing before you could get anywhere near third base. That is, unless you were dressed as Arwen Evenstar. But in that case, it'd probably be over way too soon, anyway.

I'm leaning more towards Galadriel...mainly because I want reason to yell " All shall love me and despair! "

Samus Aran would also be pretty sweet.


As do we all.

I'm assuming you, just as I, meant LIV tyler. Live Tyler, I think, is gonna be the title of the album Steven Tyler puts out in 2031, after the rest of Aerosmith is dead. Despite a cover of "Sweet Emotion" using synthesizers made out of substances that don't yet exist, I don't imagine I will have a huge crush on Live Tyler. No, I don't imagine so at all.

Well, there's always dead Tyler. Not my thing but you know, I'm not here to judge.

[wonder showzen] Tyyyyler! [/wonder showzen]

It is this court's opinion that this is a great site to waste time on. So Chubbied!


Pat writes songs about injustice, like how he doesn't get to park in handicapped spaces even though everyone knows he has a bum knee.

i would listen to Pat Reynolds.

I once knew a dude who wore a cape. A lot of our interations could be summed up by the first three panels minus the bunny and with more cheetos.

I had a dream this morning that I was getting married but instead of a dress I wore part of a tuxedo, a long skirt and a cape. I kept delaying the wedding for some reason. Could this have been inspired by the latest arc?

A comment left by nutmeg was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by chivalress, rowboat, catgrl131)

Pet rabbit. 5.

A lot of people need for panel 2 to happen to them.

Like Superman.

There are three types of people who can get away with wearing a cape. If you either:
a) have a throne
b) can fly
c) are Rick Wakeman
you can get away with it. For everyone else, capes are probably a no-no.

Rick Wakeman is actually all 3

I have a cape; it is purple and spakly and matches my wand. These were seperate gifts from seperate people. I fear I may have become predictable.


that is a nice... cape.

d) Frank Costanza's Lawyer

See, THIS is more like it. Though honestly, I think it would be even funnier if the whole strip was just the first two panels.

haha david crosby

Ray looks scared in pannel 4. Scared of a world where Pat isn't a dick. If that happens, then Roast beef will be the new Ray, and Ray will be forced to be Roast Beef.

"Nice Pat" has a certain ring to it.

nice pat and nice pete.

it's a good thing to listen to "peace train" while reading this strip. it ain't the byrds, but it endorses their messages of love and respect

Yesterday I was in the kitchen making Jello and my dad was clicking through the channels on the satellite. Suddenly, I heard the voice of Tim Gunn.
"Dad! Don't watch Project Runway!"

Pat doesn't even argue Ray's assertion that (prior to the electrocution of his dick) he was the biggest asshole Ray knows.

Did Pat bring Hollandaise into the recording studio, or is Ray looking out for him in the other room.

It is awesome how in the last panel, Pat is writing music against greed, which is being greedily exploited by Ray. How true to life.

Pat´s mission is to spread niceness through the world. It stands to reason you can only achieve this with a costume including a cape. How else would you do it?

Highly melodic folk rock is long overdue for a come-back.