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Forever Hold Your Peace. Wednesday, June 18, 2008 • read strip Viewing 304 comments:

A comment left by kharmsengine was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dayvancowboy, Yossarian, StagnantDisplay, milkpants, vermy, Afkpuz, ralgnar, musososeki, jmmfgd)

Roast Beef has failed at being a failure

A comment left by nabeel84 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JTTuba, kylank, lamelliform, mania3)

The guy didn't give his personal DNA, but the DNA of his bug collection.

Duly noted. Poor Beef is a cat made from insect pieces.


You have changed this.

The very best science finds transport in a Buick.

I made the same mistake on first reading. I thought it was like Twins , where Danny DeVito learns that he is the product of all the shitty genes left over after the cream of the DNA was used to create ubermensch Arnold Schwarzenegger. I always felt kind of bad for DeVito about that. Can't have been a great role for the little fella's self-esteem.

Then he played Vern Troyer in Austin Powers 3.

Vern. Troyer.

Look at his damn theatre headshot.



I...what? That is not Danny DeVito.


I wonder if any of your readers have noticed the remarkable resemblance between famous midget actor Verne Troyer and famous midget actor Danny DeVito? Are they by any chance related?

Yours sincerely,



(Dang, they got a wiki for everthing nowadays!)

I should have incorperated those pictures, but then my post would have been as long as one by alreadyinuse, and I'd shit myself to death

on purpose.

four times?!

It is how we control the element of our society that would otherwise be holding wealthy children to ransom.

Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Now I see what you were going for.

I saw that movie on TV a few days ago. It was an obscure reference, and I took a risk.

:( I'm sorry.

Private Eye reference? You sir are a man of wealth and taste!

I've been waiting almost a year for someone to spot that :)

I can't think of this as anything other than Metal Gear Solid, only with all of the roles being played by Achewood characters.



oh god. what a terrible idea.


He's made millions of dollars playing ugly short fat people. I think he's used to his niche by now. It's not like he needed to make Twins.

I believe "shambling mockery" is the term used in scientific journals.

Cornelius and Teodor had been dropping hints to Beef about how he should row a boat out to the horizon for years to no avail. You'd have thought that Beef would've begun to suspect after having found Nolan and Nightlife analyzing Venn diagrams of his various post-coital complaints in the pub that one night ("My neck is all dry" intersects with "I know I left that Chandler novel on the nightstand, dangit" an astonishing 48% of the time), but no.

The final strip.


~ Fin. ~

Thanks for reading Achewood guys.

...That's it. Go home.

Mr. Stark...are...are you trying to seduce me?

Camera all between lexenthur's legs.

Is this sort of like the whole show was in the imagination of the little retarded boy with the snowglobe?

Or, conversely, the episode of NewsRadio where it all turned out to be in the imagination of Mr. James, playing the little retarded boy with the snowglobe, who was inexplicably the son of Dave and Lisa even though he was clearly far older?

Dave all adorably blue-collar with his metal lunchbox and hard hat.

(in before autistic != retarded rants)


i'm going to hell for what i say on the internet.

The Internet IS hell.

Jimmy James: Macho Business Donkey Wrestler

James James, the man so nice they named him twice!

I am replying to this post to say that Newsradio is an excellent show full of funny people, that Jon Lovitz blamed Andy Dick for Phil Hartman's death, and that I have a lust bomb in my pants prepared to blow up in Maura Tierney's face if she's EVER interested (and I'm saying even if it's 50 years from now and she's like 93... still).

Also I'm a little drunk so that explains those things I just said. They're all true though.

Roast Beef's subconscious is kind of a dick.


But I'm terrified by the fact that I've had a similar unreasonable truman show-esque fear for a number of years. Scientists all observing me from behind numerous cameras.

The way I talk myself out of it by realizing that my life is not interesting enough to constitute a sociological experiment. But that makes me worry that my rationalizations are themselves self-deprecating.

hmm. Sometimes subjects exhibit the pathologies you describe due to an allergic reaction to their mind-probe. You might want to ask your doctor about getting a hypo-allergenic replacement.

The nozzle is still calibrating.

Beware... THE NOZZLE.

Do not look away from... the nozzle.

Standard operating... uh...

Oh dang I got the form of the reference but failed to produce the substance. Creeps me out when that happens, like I've blown a turing test and I'm going to get my sentience license revoked.

Chubbied for Veebs love.

Oh my god! I am not the only person who feels like this! Although I'm fairly sure this kind of delusion is the originating factor for most religions. I think, in not having a god to blame, I need someone, and for some reason it's a shadowy cabal of sociologists and television producers. Same thing, really.

I think we share a desire for a sense of purpose, I suppose.

I also thought for a long time that I was destined to be a superhero. I would walk around my elementary school and feel superior. "What's that Eric? You got a Sega Genesis? Oh well I am a pre-super superhero. I'm going to be able to fly, bitch." I realized later that I was just better because I went to college and didn't end up doing heroin with hookers. Maybe not better, but more comfortable certainly.

I don't know, after all that heroin, I think I would be fairly comfortable wherever I was.

Technically not a lawful objection to the marriage. Not a good time to let people know.


Ray Smuckles is a dire sin indeed.

A comment left by catjumpjohn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, sirptom, amadaun)

In the words of the wise poet lawbot, NO

I'm afraid I must disagree with all of thorfinn's post except the "NO." Todd is reincarnation as a lower form every time, always moving away from nirvana. And you die frequently, so your regression is very rapid, but neverending. You always find a way to come back as something worse, until eventually you come back as Lyle.

Molly is a voice actress. Roast Beef's subconscious knows she is not attractive enough for visual formats.

That is *insight*.

Only a voice actress? For that level of deception, bump her up to the big screen.

The can't go big screen, as she has done a ton of oral for this role, and her reputation is not good

Chubbied for "done a ton of oral" because that took my mind to a place in Achewood that it never should have visited.

It was probably a reference to Beef's aggitation to buying a sandwhich from someone who had done oral on him.

Or perhaps that she had a stint performing Subwaylingus on a webcam.

Is that the act of eating a public transit... with your mouth?

If only!

there was that guy who ate a airplane

like that time you ate a train, piece-by-piece, after you had just derailed it with your penis?

If only I could phrase the quarter-on-the-rails joke that just fell into my head.

You're closer now... i know, you belong on the Radio...

chubbied for great reference.

I swear, I'll give it back tomorrow, but for now, I think that I'll just borrow. . .

aw HELL naw!

were you saving that bacon?

I make this suit look good.

Brrr. Jeez. Also, what the heck kind of earring is that?

it's a native american amulet given to ray at the completion of beef's bachelor party by their life counselor at the top of the forested hill.
the real goal was in the journey to the top, not the tacky feather-amulet they received.

I can't picture anyone but someone with a very brown car interior and overly tight jeans to wear a feather earring like that. They have an interest in incense and crystals and take themselves far too seriously..

I jnow realise I could have just said 'Steven Seagal'.

I can tell you the kind of person who wears that sort of thing, and where they get it.

Answer One: A man who is planning on later smoking some grass.
Answer Two: A small county fair's balloon dart game.

For you see my friends, that is a common prize at Lincoln Daze, my former local fair. It's a roach clip with a feather attached to it, and I had quite the collection as a kid.


misty watercolored memories

oh precisely , autre. Mine were purple and white and my mom thought they were unspeakably tacky. Are you from Lincoln, NE, or a stop along the Lincoln Highway?

"The Land of Lincoln" was my residence, the region between Illinois and Indiana. Affectionately known as Chicagoland. [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roselawn,_Indiana]Roselawn[/i] was my particular burg, and it's notable for it's two nudist colonies that have been open since the 30s, and roach clips that run wild and free.

oh damn my first bbcode error it's from all that kidweed


One's first BBCode error is a time-honored rite of passage. An Assetbar Mitzvah , if you will.

(Hey, I'm not gonna wait for a guy to give me the same setup.)

And be sure that when you are making the brisket, you always cut the tip off...

You, sir, deserve respect.

autrepoupee smoked hell of weed when she was a kid

I'm sorry I'm Ray Smuckles

You're forgiven.

"grew up"

the minister's anxiousness to get to the point of Ray's interruption leads me to believe he may ALSO be a voice actor (it is not Cornelius, either)

Wait, he's saying Beef was made up of insect DNA? That, well, um, shit... I think that's taken from his morbid fear of moths.


If more vestibules held T-Mobile gift certificates, I certainly would be a bigger fan of vestibules, and to a lesser extent, church.

one nation, under god, in the vestibule, with T-mobile gift certificates for all

What strange dreams have Roast Beef...

{Vincent Price Voice}


[[Laurence Olivier voice]]

"But Molly, all those things you said..."
"You have to believe me Beef, that was for real. Maybe not at first, but -"
"Time to go, Molly. We have a strike crew in here in fifteen minutes."

"Ray, what's happening to me? I feeeeeellllllllLLAAAAAAAUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!"

Good things bugs can't really get that big -- something about their exoskeletons not being able to support the weight.

Unless your father Rick Moranis changes the tables and shrinks you down to an incredibly small size, leading to wacky misadventures and pre-teen bonding!

Yeah, I hate it when that happens.

Of course, squeezing the atoms of a person smaller would make them still weigh the same, and crush their tiny legs.

if only Urkle had tried that for real, would have made an improvement to his pretty damn crappy miniscule adventures.

A comment left by thorfinn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by orvel, HolyQ, idsyen, gowerski)

Are you saying that just because a movie is directed to children that it has no responsibility to objective truth? That's a pretty awful position to take. If anything, I'd want children's movies to be more scientifically accurate because of their impaired ability to the difference between science and fiction.

That having been said, there's no reason that the magic that shrunk the kids couldn't have also reduced the weight of the atoms constituting the kids. If so, they should have pointed that out.

Wouldn't reducing their weight also change their properties?

This bothered me about Cloverfield as well. My nemesis and former Cosmic Asshole (a post he got from Sagan and passed to Dawkins) Stephen Jay Gould has a cool article about this. Basically everything is the right size for its design, and the bigger you get the less leeway you have. Bug's exoskeletons are not so much the problem as the fact they breathe through their skin. An animal's surface/volume ratio keeps shrinking as it grows (area is squared, volume is cubed) and it eventually doesn't have enough skin to breathe. Insects can much bigger than they are. Big animals (hippos, rhinos, elephants, bears, etc) all have generally the same body type because of the whole strength/volume stuff as well.

Okay, that's enough. Even though I'm agreeing with you you should still consider changing your avatar. It's a little too serious.

So my dreams of a nine foot tall, one ton weiner dog are completely misspent?

if he is emerging from a dirty tunnel, no

I guess as a 12-foot hedgehog, you're looking for a buddy?

such dreams are never misspent.

The whole of Clifford the Big Red Dog is a lie! I feel so used .

Chubbies for pointing out that 'everything is the right size for its design' (which is kind of unavoidably true, otherwise we'd be seeing a lot of dead carcasses of unworkable creatures from Spore by the side of the road), BUT ... I don't know about bugs, but the main reason humans and other large mammals can't have exoskeletons has to do with the structural support you need to keep your internal organs from all sitting in a pool in your belly (which is not needed by smaller, lighter creatures). You breath through a different organ known as 'the mouth'.

Breathing is always a problem with outsize things. The Bugatti Veyron is a sports car with a 1000 hp engine. There are definite engineering problems for a car that needs to inhale 45,000 liters of air per minute.

but imagine if the Bugatti Veyron was also a giant preying mantis, its internal organs would also be squashed in its trunk from the force of the acceleration. This is why the optimal sportscar-mantis hybrid demands an adamantium skeleton as well as a gill-like apparatus on its neck for increased air intake.

Interesting. All big things should look like elephants -- or brontosauruses.

That dude has the same last name as me!

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes,
and other science facts... *la la la*
Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show.
I should really just relax..."

It's less the support issue, and more about growing. They have to chuck most of their body every time they grow much, and getting from smallish egg to giant fucking mantis would require hundreds of moltings, which can only happen at a fixed frequency (time for the new exo to harden), so they would have to live like, a jillion years for this to work. However, given the mechanical advantage of muscles on the inside, this mantis could rape whole skyscrapers.

Also it's the fact that a muscle's strength increases with cross sectional area, but it's weight increases with volume. Guess which increases faster when you make something bigger.

That and I bet book lungs probably don't work so well past a certain size.

self-correction: book lungs are only found in arachnids. Other insects just rely on passive gas exchange. Even worse.

I'm so glad to have inspired such an erudite exchange of SCIENCE.

The Chrysler Building now feels violated.


It sounds like Molly's onomatopoeia is commanding Beef to laugh.

NOOOOO. margargaret has used my time spent fumbling around to find the correct spelling of "onomatopoeia" to ruin the credibility of my observation!

Women. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!

Mine was also better.

Also I think that was supposed to be Beef saying that...

Freudian slip?

No. Just a mistake.


This is why mine was better.

Maximus, that image is genuinely scaring me.

I think it's the face. I hate it when bugs have faces and you can see them, ugh. Why do they have to have faces?

When spiders are large enough that their eyes are discernible.. and then you make eye contact (sort of) and feel a portion of your soul shrivel..
I hate that shit.

Maybe we can watch the mantis and Gregor Samsa in a no-holds-barred-apple-throwing-tag-team-to-the-death match.

Hey hecci,


Welcome to my hell.


::plink, plink::

I don't need intelligence drugs Thom, because I don't know what those are... OK Thom? But I will put anything into my mouth that is given to me...whether its supposed to go there or not...because...I'm different.

Is that clear with everyone?

Do you like....triangles?

That's not her mother, that's a packet of cream cheese she *calls* her mother.

Daaaaaaah!!! That's actually horrific. I'm all squirmy now.

If I were like, one MOLECULE more of an asshole, I'd bring back that old pic of a moth drinking a bird's tears. I want to do that so much, but that would be so asshole...

If Ramses Luther ever met an entomologist, the two would go out like matter and antimatter. This is how we know that Beef's dream is only an Opposite Land manifestation.

Actually, the one entomologist I knew was pretty much the baddest-assed of the badasses...in the course of his life he fought the communists, was President of a University, escaped from Vietnam in a boat, came to America, founded a martial arts style, and for good measure, ran 100 mile ultra-marathons into his sixties...

(I am not making this up)

Ramses Luther is not fit to hold his coffee cup.

Just saying, maybe exercise caution before you mouth off to an entomologist.

Who was this dude amongst men?

My good sir, allow me to introduce you to my nominee for the Badass Hall of Fame:

O Sensei Ngo Dong


The meaning of life is to not have your biography look disappointing compared to his.

Screw Chuck Norris jokes. It's this man who deserves to be the man we all think of when we think of impossible, unmitigated heroics.

...I mean, it's this man who deserves to have his memory quietly venerated when we visit his memorial oriental garden at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens in Gainesville, Florida. Don't hurt me, Ngo Dong!

Ahhh, the memory of dozens of Dong days down in Florida every years...

Parts: The Roast Beef Horror

Michael Bay will rip off Achewood for a would-be summer blockbuster in about 8 years.

it will mainly entail relatives of Todd 'splodin'

It's a good thing then that Michael Bay will die is 6 years, 2 months, and 11 hours

i was just thinking. im pretty glad it turned out that mr. rodgers was not a pedophile.

But do we know about Mr. McFeely?

A comment left by nbgreene was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by yearsinhotclaws, lawbot, colorlessness)


Because the best you can do is create a shtick where you annoy other people with trash posts until you are lamed back into the wilderness and then come back under another username so that we can lame you until you can't post again and then of course you come back under a different username, ad infinitum...

There is seriously enough garbage on this forum as there is, don't be that guy.

Stumbled upon a really big juicebox, then?

this party is going to be off the hook!

:( I think I want to quit assetbar.
Fuck THIS place.

Actually, this is probably one of Roast Beef's more positive dreams.

Molly had to take this gig cause there are disappointingly few voice-over jobs that call for a centuries-old Welsh accent.

I'm guessing you don't watch a lot of hentai...

Niether do I. Welsh accents? For serious? It was my understanding that bad anime basically used a stepped-upon cat for their voice actors.

Most of the rape-tentacles speak Welsh, or at least have the accent.

"Looks like we got a fiesty one boyo!"

not that i've seen "Desire school of distress super forbidden dream cronicle 2" or anything....

*flees through the secret passage to the billiard room.

Hentai is fucking hilarious, there is nothing wrong with watching hentai so long as you are watching it with pants on and not doing any naughty touching. The only time hentai becomes a problem is when you start to get turned on by it, it is only at this point where you become a sick fuck who is deservingly shunned by society.

Look at thorfinn, all having aggressive opinions!

My opinions are not agressive, I am just asserting that when society shuns people who are turned on by hentai, it is deserved. Furries are another group of people who are deservedly shunned.

I'm all for what floats your boat and all that, I wouldn't want anybody not to be able to get a job because they're into hastily photoshopped buggery between a cat with two sets of tits and a unrealistically long-necked dog that takes place inside of a 50 foot dragon, but damnit if they're fetish isn't totally lol.

So shunned, maybe not. Laughed at until time stops, most assuredly.

Autrepoupee, you are my favorite today.

send me a link to that picture you describe - preferably in a nondescript opaque black bag

Its available through www.E-pravity.jp (dear god i hope thats not a genuine website, please let it not be a genuine website), however purchasing aforesaid item instantly means excommunication from most major faiths, strangely enough not the Greek Orthodox church, and is seen as an act of international terrorism on 3 continents.

I do the 'Something Awful' thing from time to time, however, I cannot glorify my own depravity that bad.

There's nothing wrong with hentai. How else is society supposed to learn that all women, though initially resistant to the act, ultimately enjoy being raped (and by demons no less)

they could watch this...


i didn't read the rest of this thread for context, but chubbied for fav film.

Look man if it weren't for hentai I'm pretty sure all those tentacles would be out on the steets right now actually raping people. Do you support that?

Do you honestly support that?

if i had the skills i would post a photoshopped picture here of beef sporting a "what we need more of is tentacle rape" shirt
i must admit the program confounds me though...

the billiard room also has people who are judging you

Apparently Beef is 33, same as Onstad . (Although Beef's birthday is April 22 .)

edwell, you are just awesome.

Keep this quiet edwell, but I think you're tipped for promotion.


No, it is not.

That's like 200 in cat years.

A comment left by nbgreene was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by odei, whoper, Perilon, colorlessness)

Your jealous tears taste wonderful nbgreene!

it's not easy being nbgreene

it aint easy bein white...

now that i have my mind about me, i can admit that of course, yes, i am jealous. the guy is a frikin wizard. i dont even know how to open photoshop.

Of course. If you rearrange the letters in Chris Onstad you get Christ Donsa. Donsa means Jesus in a language!

I prefer cutting Donsa into two words, possibly "And so Christ" or "A Christ nods" or "No sad Christ" or "Christ da son".

"A Christ nods" is my favourite. You can just see him up there looking down on Achewood and seeing that it is good. He nods. That's all he needs to do.

T-Mobile would like to thank all of you who helped in our scientific experiment. We will next test whether or not one can truly know where one is at at any given point in time.

Oh, that's easy - you can, so long as you don't know exactly how fast you're going...

Oh I see what you did there. Which in turned changed the way you wrote it.

How quantum of you.

I wanna be on that babe who sells your phones.

So, 'Worhabus' is totally unknown to Google.

sounds Dutch


(dun dun dunnnnnn)


Can't be true. Ray would never wear a turtleneck.

it's a hellspun mixture of Ray and his brother with the weird mouth who's name escapes me at the moment.


Oh go eat a whole sack of baby dicks! I thought I had that one!

A whole sack? Some of us have diets to worry about.

Baby dicks are almost pure omega fatty acids, the healthiest kind of revolting cannibalism.

Maybe it's just because I'm kind of sleepy and insane from playing Final Fantasy X-2 all day, but that is HILARIOUS.

Final Fantasy X-2: The game so ugly, they slapped tits on it to get the boys to play it.

I would be careful about playing Square games for too long hec.

When we first got Final Fantasy VII and a PlayStation that long decade ago we forgot to purchase Memory Cards so we had to stave off playing until a trip to Best Buy could be made. But the allure of Materia was too strong and so I told myself I was going to play just a little bit to get a sense of the feel of the texture of the gameplay but Final Fantasy is like Pringles* man once you start youuuuuu can't stop and so I played for eight hours straight until I got out of fucking Midgar . It was well into the wee hours of dusk by then and my disapproving mother told me it was time to turn the game off and go to bed. She was not hearing my adolescent whinings but I was so dizzy and bewildered by the soft radiation from eight hours of TV screen that I convinced myself Maybe if I just take a mental picture really hard of where I was at I can use the electromagnetic waves from my brain and start from there tomorrow man it was worst concept conducted at shoddiest science fair. Needless to say when I woke the next morning, the progress of my journey had been lost to the winds of our constantly rotating world but I set out with newfound resolve to obtain the small piece of plastic needed to record my tales for the ages.

*Pringles are an American brand of potato chips, which in your country you refer to as crisps or maybe tallywackers or some other shitt.

Oddly enough I had the same exact issue.

We had rented a PSX for the first time and FFVII with it. We were unaware of memory cards at the time, so my resolve was to just leave the game running the entirety of my rental period.

It would have worked just fine if I hadn't put disc 3 in when it asked for disc 2. FMVs that should have been the meteor crater were showing scenes of the Golden Saucer and the weapon attack on Juno.

Man, what a trip.

We fucking have Pringles.

Losing a huge amount of data due to lack of or shoddy memory card is pretty much one of my biggest fears. If someone broke into my bedroom in the night and threated to rape and kill me I'd be like, "Please, just take anything you want! ...But could you leave my memory card?"

They have Pringles I hear. On a few years the Britbarians will be dancing the tarantella under electric lights and firing six-shooters. It will be a revolution of sorts, a rise to the modern landscape. Maybe then they will stop boiling and canning all their meat.

Actually they made a game about that very thing happening. It's called Lost Odyssey

We know about Pringles over here. We have, in our primitive way, raised them up to a form of deity. A tasty, tasty deity.

He comes in many forms, from Paprika, to Sour Cream and Onion, to Salt and Vinegar, but always, he is the same. He pops. We do not stop.

DORNHEIM! FIRST!!! What do I win?

With no small touch of post-outing Pat.

Rough chuckles there Ray

Beef is going through a bit of a long dark night of the soul here. At night.

"Finally I can check stocks at Barnes & Noble without paying six dollars." -- A local, filing stiltedly down the church steps out of an area dream wedding and glaring expectantly into the dream sun

I want a couple feathers hanging from my ear!

Dude. Feathers represent stuff. You know this.

Okay, how many feathers for scalping your mom?

Let me ask her.


She says no feathers. She doesn't want you to scalp her at all, so she thinks it would be silly to give you an incentive to do it. Sorry!

Dream-Ray feels the need to apologize for the fact of his existence when addressing a man of holy means. Ray-Of-The-Real-World would never do that. He'd be most likely talking mad benevolence on Roast Beef during the ceremony, perhaps annoying a few relatives on both sides, but all in all being a wacky good friend.

Sometimes I worry that Roast Beef's paranoia might some day ruin a relationship or two!

I care.


Ray is a complex man.

I know. The feline is straight-up manifold . But like anyone with a brain that is not a Chaos Sphere, he has his predictable tendencies.


Nice Pete's recent arc proved, if nothing else, that Ray is mind jarringly linear and shallow.

I can't agree, I can't disagree. I don't even know anymore. Is Ray a perpetually twisting rubix cube, with every square the same color?

ray's blithe imperviousness to nice pete's homebrewed attempts at finaglin' his deepness could mean either that he's absurdly simple OR that he is impenetrably complex

Seriously, the way so many people here make absolute statements about the achewood characters and what they would or would not do really bugs me.

One of the great things about achewood is that so many of the characters are not talking stereotypes, but rather have enough to be situationally-driven, much like real people are.



He is the embodiment of David Gilmour's 'A Poketful of Stones'.

Roast Beef rolling in his sleep is going to be used in so many photoshop posts now.

Like, a zillion.

forgive my hastiness.

My god that is so much punctuation who do you think Roast Beef is huh do you even pretend to know about Achewood?

you aren't roast beef! You're just a Frynapple who loves Kate!

Actually, this made me think of a way to retell one of the first image posts I ever chubbied. Somebody accidentally said "Circus Peanut" instead of Ultra-Peanut.


oh god die die die die die



immediate shame-chubby.

The world will end when I learn to use Photoshop. Be thankful, all of you, for edwell.

Beef is so adorable when he has just the vertical line part of his mouth.

destiny. destiny. no escaping that for me! DESTINY. DESTINY. NO ESCAPING THAT FOR ME!

You were having a nachtmare!

Well, fantastic, between this strip and this one I learn that I was born on the same day as Roast Beef... except... except...

I was born in Dallas, and it was still 10:45pm April 21st California Time ! Out-bluesed every step of the way...

Actually, due to a little-known quirk in the treaty that ended the Spanish-American War, all babies born in Dallas are recorded using Pacific Standard Time. You're good.

Huh. That would explain why my driver's license says Jonathan but my birth certificate says Joaquin...

My friend at work got a call from his wife asking him what the race of their newborn child was. She wondered if he was Mexican. "I am not...Mexican." he said. She was also not Mexican. I do not know where she would get this idea.

I love that the officiant simply responds to Ray's opening statement with a curt "Understood". Clerics these days are so on the ball.

My favourite strip in a while.

Also, that is one giant candle behind the priest.

Unless it isn't a candle at all. Which would make sense, as flames don't tend to cast a shadow. Someone point out the flaw in my observation.

It's definitely a troll doll on a pillar.

Ray's sin is that he once made a bad mistake in sunday school.

It wasn't too fun.

T-Mobile? Is Onstad getting paid for that? I sure hope so.

Beef's contract may be up, but I think Onstad's unlimited talk and data plan just got extended for another year...

One would have assumed that by the age of 33, RB would have been crushed often enough to know that the very idea of success as a cosmic reward is a farce. But I guess that charming naivete is why he's getting married.

is anyone in this assetbarrio using firefox 3?

if so, do the comments look different to you, too?

Looks the same to me, but I am still using the release candidate...

It looks super fantastic in firefox 6.4 [future-proofing assetbar]

Yes. The avicons are all sittin on top of the comments, which is actually how they tend to look in IE.

Hm, I use IE and they've never looked like that to me. (yes yes I know I'm very sorry)

My IE puts the comments to the side of the images.

For some reason this strip reminded me of Solaris.

Only a 4.6? Come on people.

Roast Beef did not sleep well. Roast Beef does not sleep well.

Does, "bella leguosi's dead" play the crowd out in this dream?

Man, Achewood is always good. But this is the first EXCELLENT strip that i have seen in awhile.

I love how dream-world Ray dresses kind of like gay Pat, with a turtle-neck and vest. That seems to me like a great example of standard dream-logic; in your dream where your friend is doing something totally out of character, they are also in some ways like some other friend, or they get switched to be some other friend at some other point of the dream. I have a lot of dreams like that.

I also love that "grew up" is in quotation marks.

lol so roost is as selpin' allowed his dream maeks him unconstable as e selps, tossin' turn in as deh knightmare warshs ov' 'im, ray wit wierd coifs 2 finish up, lol

Gimme a Chubbu

I'm going to give you a chubbu.

lol me fale astbarrre? Thaz unconstable!


Later in the dream Beef will sink further into his depression, knowing that a dough hook was purchased for his fake nuptials, but that he will never use it.

Comment left by ______________ ignored.

Comment left by ______________ ignored.

Comment left by ______________ ignored.

That was more like creek of consciousness.

Yes, please e-mail the cartoonist whose name you can't spell to convince him that pictures are a "fucking lazy" means of expression. He'll be so moved by a petition from a dozen blank lines of varying lengths that he'll simultaneously free Tibet and fund another season of "Roswell."

and I think that is why people some people hate my assetbar posts so myuch, and why some people want to have my baby, is because I do it, and I get away with it... i am me, 100% , all the time...

I was bewildered by the claim that anyone here would 'have your baby,' until I remembered...


Did you actually take these posts at face value?! Did you just confirm all three things Bix called you simultaneously?!

i just let the nice pete bits and pieces of my tattered psyche hang out and all over like a pre-ripped gap blue jeans.. see.. what the fuck knd of image is that and how does it apply? well maybe it doesn't. so suck my wang y'all, suck it!

You should write for Pitchfork.

Dude, don't encourage him. Or Pitchfork.

Man, this was the high-point of his life. Recognition from Caesar? This encourages that idiot to register like, forty more crapass account. Edwell, you must be responsible with your powers, and ignore this guy.

I'm sayin'


This makes me thankful that Jack Kerouac never had the Internet

So is everyone in agreement that StupidFuckingBlank should be the decider of what constitutes a good post?

I am going to call him 'Dash'.

Worth a thousand words?

v-v-v-vchub! (double-stuf vchub for Mac user)

Something else on Assetbar is making me scroll a lot. I don't think I need to say what it is, but *Ignore User* seems a reasonable solution.

you fucking suck shit covered cocks spamfaggot

that was meant for _______ the fuckup

vcd for "spamfaggot"

QUOTE: "we should have more discourse, of course

we should have more prose, less verse"

I see what you did there.

Is it just me or has the assetbarrel been infested with aiu's? Please someone who has been here longer tell me that all these people are not just the figment of someone's imagination... this has been freaking me out all day .

Even revealed as one of the architects of Roast Beef's Circumstances, Ray is still Ray.

A good comic, for once

CRAP!! I meant to lame. Actually I meant to respond with a question mark but just missed entirely. Fuck it. I need a vacation.

Take the weekend off. I know I will.

haha. Padre knows *all* about Ray

ray dresses funny in beefs dreams.

There was a Far Side cartoon that was similar to this.

I picture Ray in a Catholic confessional, pleading for forgiveness from God for his crime of being Ray Smuckles.
Except that Ray would never do this, and I would never want him to.