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Bedtime Wednesday, October 10, 2001 • read strip Viewing 72 comments:

One of the classic early strips.

The first 5 rating strip for me.

(well ok "Phillipe is Standing On It" got a 5 as well, but you kind of have to, don't you?)

Fo shiz

Just cast the 1000th vote. It was a 5

Philippe is truly lovable. This was established early on.

In deed . The world would be much nicer if we were all in touch with our inner Philippe. Huuuugs!



Way to destroy AssetBar's text wraparound.

Phillippe is constantly the adorable 5-year-old that every adorable 5-year-old is occasionally.



The first Achewood strip chronologically speaking to make me laugh out loud. The first of many.

And here we have the fist example of the "Lots of chubbies for apologizing for a basic mistake" phenomenon.

So, should we chubby you for "fist example?"

I never apologized, but if you wanna come up with reasons to chubby me you will not be stopped.

I chubbied you because I felt like it. Thats just how I roll.

I usually roll downhill.

Or should we fist you for the chubby example?

"The first Achewood strip chronologically speaking to make me laugh out loud"

Yes, me also! At work, naturally.

(crap, what is that earlier post? gah.)

It is a traditional three-panel punchline-based strip, yet it is incredibly, indefinably Achewood.

I think this is my favourite Achewood strip. I will read the others to be sure, though.

Like others here, this is the first Achewood I laughed out loud at

I find the early days were full of forced togetherness.

This is a sweetie. Though I like it much better when Phillipe is traumatized tremendously.

sleeping in the same bed with two much older men? i think his trauma has already begun...

3, since a speech bubble is coming from off the screen, either from Lyle or Onstad or something.

YOOOOOO you're right! O-O

my sense of comedy might be corrupted, but the same joke appeared in my favorite martian (199_). it was better executed then. :[

hey, SHUT UP

sheer cuteness


I sometimes wish Philippe would regain this level of innocence.

This was the strip where I realized "Shit. I'm gonna waste a lot of time here."

this has always been a favorite

Three panels and a spot on punchline. Onstad had something even early on.

When did they all get different beds?

Philippe does not understand the concept of time and words.

Actually he's in an RPG, his HP/MPs are full.

I see this strip as providing a ridiculously early glimpse at the often misbehaving and selfish Philippe best represented by his blog. Bad otter. Bad.

To me, this is the 1st "Achewood" that captured the spirit of the strip that it would eventually become.

Is Lyle in bed with them?

Also, my god, Téodor's eyes.

And this is the strip where Cornelius and Teodor's ears are finally attached to their heads, instead of stuck on as an afterthought.

Pre-cats Phillipe!

It's perfectly natural for several male animals to sleep in the same bed together.

Philippe takes his nose off before he goes to sleep

Definitely one of the better earlier strips. I remember a similar joke appearing in Father Ted.

This strip is the first real sign of Onstad's affinity for comics, in that he uses a completely blank second panel to brilliant effect.

Who else is in the bed? Teodor looks cute and cuddly with his eyes closed. Phillipe doesn't need to sleep, does he?

Lyle's not cool enough yet to be featured on-screen.

Except he's been in strips before this.

[url=https://penultimate-panel.blogspot.com/[/url] does not do Achewood.

Too soon.
Much too soon.

no nose

Just fantastic.

My favorite strip of all (so far!).
I wish I could give it a new 5 every day!

The Burns and Allen of Achewood.

Phillipe no man you gotta think about thisoooooohhhhh nooooo....

Do Teodor and Cornelius still sleep together? It's kind of weird.

having actually said this dufring a night cap. It does make you feel like special boy.

i have just started reading this. i am in love

Philippe does not make a good alarm clock.

So cute I could puke. I'm starting to become endeared to this strange little strip.

"No, Philippe! Too soon!"
Probably the line from Achewood that I quote the most.

This is easily my favorite strip. Ever.

This comic shows that Phillipe doesn't understand the connection of time with words. He thinks you're only supposed to say "good morning" some amount of time after you say "good night", not actually say it at morning. So he sits and waits and then judges the right time.

He's so silly.

If my five year old child does not do this I will be most upset : (

I love all strips with Philippe. Without fail.

For me this is a joke and observation about the comicstrip-medium itself. Onstad can´t draw 50 panels all dark just to give us an impression of time moving, and seeing how we don´t really get an impression of how long it has taken from panel 1 to 3, Onstad makes a point of just that. I could ofcourse be wrong. I often am