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We attempt a knock-knock joke! Monday, January 7, 2002 • read strip Viewing 57 comments:

I miss those days of all the animals being stuck inside the house

I, for one, do not.

I just finished the archive and started re-reading for the hell of it, and I had actually forgotten that there was a time when they couldn't leave. Those days did make for some laughs that I will miss.

i meant to chubby you and i clicked lame.

i am sorry for this error. I'M SOOOO SORRRY!!!!

A comment left by kazad was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Jesler729, king_of_pwns, rascaldom, luckypyjamas)

My goodness!

I tell this one alllll the time

my friend teaches 6th graders in Camden, NJ. so far, this is the only Achewood strip he has shown them.

Camden represent!

REAL Camden represent.

(i.e. London )

America is essentially made of place names borrowed from other places, sometimes second- or third-hand.

Sometimes several times over.
The number of places called Swansea in america is disturbing... not least since the original... um... isn't.

(That being the roundabout way of saying its correct, Welsh name is "Abertawe", and only English folk call it Swansea.)

What's truly disturbing is according to Wikipedia, one half of the America Swanseas are ghost towns .

Up until just now I had only ever heard of the UK Swansea. I learned of it because apparently there is a university there, and in the 90s her student population had a substantial number of net users. Or maybe I only remember .swansea.ac.uk email addresses because it's sort of a funny name.

Swansea .

Sea of swans.

New Jersey has teachers?

Those are the best kind of jokes.

all emergencies should be reported in the form of knock-knock jokes

A comment left by dropkickpikachu was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, Crater12, miaou)

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Not the World Trade Center.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
9/11 who?

A comment left by orvel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, AndrewofDOOM, MrMojoRisin, dismas, reburn, rational)

Knock knock.

Who...who is there?


..Stalingrad who?

Orange you glad you weren't in Western Russia in 1942?

A comment left by akarroa was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by MrMojoRisin, zcross00, jaredwilde, mr_lostman28, woodenteeth, sharpdresseddan, atticusonline, TheSoulBear, RedJoker, usversusthem)

And only weeks before the guns, all came and rained on everyone.

Love that shit, man. Love it. Gotta throw that in when I get home. Been too long.

A comment left by catgrl131 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dismas, goocifer, jollysaintpete, lux)

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Your baby. You might want to sit down.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Chris who?
Chris Hanson, have a seat over there.

Here are their hands.

I like how Philippe presents facts - both in newsletter and joke form.

Phillipe is so disappointed that Cornelius didn't find the joke as funny as he would have liked him to find it.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard that one...

A comment left by dzieger was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by twentyfivepast, orvel, evolume, jollysaintpete)

My niece went through that too.

Knock, knock/ who's there?/ [noun] / [noun] who? / Lettuce in, it's cold out here!

God that was a long car ride.

We also watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure; she returned to her mother periodically exclaiming, "Sixtry-nine, dudes!"

I am a terrible uncle.

Correction, you are an INCREDIBLE uncle, and one which all uncles should aspire to be

"Stoner Uncle All The Kids' Favorite"
"Despite being the object of unspoken resentment from his siblings, who see him as the family's "black sheep," the habitual marijuana user has nevertheless cornered the market on nephew/niece affection.

"Uncle Gonzo isn't like my other uncles, who just talk about work all the time and won't let us make noise in the house," said Brad Dornheim, 8, who, like his siblings and cousins, is unaware of his uncle's marijuana use. "He makes us these awesome banana smoothies. And he has the coolest backyard, with these robot bird sculptures he made out of scrap metal. He even gave me one, but Mom said it has to stay in the garage. I want to be just like him when I grow up. Uncle Gonz rules!"

Niece Caitlin Halloran, 6, agreed.

"Uncle Hank [insurance executive and avid golfer Henry Dornheim] and Uncle Jer [tile salesman and devout Presbyterian Gerald Pivarnik] are totally boring," Caitlin said. "They wear ties every day, even outside church. All they ever do is read the paper and fall asleep in chairs. Uncle Gonzo makes mud pies and builds us tree forts, and he jumps in the leaves with us. I wish all my uncles were like Uncle Gonzo." "




A comment left by cdl146 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by MrMojoRisin, fakead, jollysaintpete)

I love Philippe's bemused expression in the final panel. What's going on in his alien otter brain?

Yeah, Phillippe is basically unreasonably happy the entire strip until BOOM a more hmm-that's-interesting-type face.

wow. best one in a while

Best knock-knock joke in the history of the comic.

Favorite knock knock joke=Tom Hanks in "Catch me if you Can":

Knock Knock.

Who's there?

Go fuck yourself.

Every time he speaks, he raises his little arm-flippers.

Phillipe's 5 year old mind cannot process the horrible reality of the car accident, so it translates it into something he can understand.

This is my all-time favorite knock-knock joke.

Philipe is so innocent, it breaks my funny bone

Hey, we're doing knock-knock jokes? Alright, man, I got one, here goes:

Everyone you know will one day be dead.

Oh, that didn't go so well...

This was the first Achewood I ever saw. A friend sent it to me. I laughed a little then. But I've come full-circle, and now I believe I appreciate it on a different level.

One of the early, punchline-based strips that is just as good today.

I sent a text to my friends, based on this strip. Ha.

noone knew i was joking.

Oh man, I hope I get to tell someone they have cancer this way. Or get told I have cancer.

Must every cruel thing have to have a joke?