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The Kazekzakis Card Company. Friday, April 25, 2008 • read strip Viewing 2168 comments:

A comment left by heccibiggs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jollysaintpete, Combustache, Tolth)

A comment left by lawbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, JimTS, Dovey, straw, Norsef, Lolsworth, divot, madnes, possums, The_Prophet, ifergott, waddie, gladi8orrex, FineMusk, invidious, blastradius, capnb0b, dizneedave, dismas, MadMangosteen, rudegrrl, nobodyhome, cmjhogan, lamelliform, LordHumungus, buzzylinguardo, abj, RoboticAgent, SealMan87, Shurimpu, jollysaintpete, Tagrineth, Conn, atticusonline, Jopon, LordPretzel, Firehawk, d3athcann0n, lk, sonicscream2, ravindra108, indolent, lateadopter, whiteturtle, GunsOfRay, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, Charlottien, smilebuddha, scraggg, Tashara, Combustache, Doc_Rostov, synapse, SurelySmack, perhapsmaybe, clintisiceman, DerSquirrel, Mastronaut, alchemicnirvana, morbo, aperson)

You're getting all the lames that the first post usually gets

That was very nice of you, lawbot.

It's because I just drank too much water.

Now that's what I call Reaganomics!

Haha, eew.


"The Kazenzakis Card Company" Comments (04/25/2008): And now, a little something for the ladies (featuring lawbot and theirateturk). Plus the continued flaying of the icon/avatar deceased equine. (300 posts, PG for strong language)

* 402 posts

For those who read this thread in the future, the "hot hands on faces" discussion may seem confusing to you if they have changed their avatar/icons to follow the newest craze...
we are all sorry for this.

... we are not sorry for this--it was hot while it lasted.

This is why the tapestry I am working on can only be a good thing!

YES! for... HISTORY!!

Man....I was away for like a week and now I don't know what the FUCK is happening.

It's tempting to put my personal picture as my avatar and join in the fun. But I'm at work and can't be shitted doing so, so what can you do.

I'll see if I can scrounge up a picture of me wrapped in barbed wire, from my backyard wrestling days - if it still exists (possibly lost in the ether of CyberSpace. Or something else.

We'll see.

Nope. Google searched - you muthafuckas miss out on seeing a circa 2001 photo of my pasty white, shirtless and bleeding, barbed-wire covered, backwards hat and grinning like a mental patient 17-year-old self.

Besides, given the overwhelming manliness involved, I couldn't have guaranteed against spontaneous pregnancies, or any such case of the vapours amongst all you ladies out there.

Skradley, your homework is to make an animated gif of yourself doing the Ash head-nod.

That's dr skradley to you, 'boy!

But seriously, drskradley, you must do this--before I make a PDF archive of this Gamera-sized, 1800-plus-postings leviathon (an early test ran 292 pages!). Immortalizing that chin-butt would be S-mart.

Skradley, your homework is to make an animated gif of yourself doing the Ash head-nod.

Oh, I know it. It's the necessary thing that comes to mind. I'm working on it, I assure you. I have to call in a few favours, and offer some favours in uncomfortable ways, but I must make it happen. I must.

And Hamscout - don't you dare do it. You know you shouldn't. There's no point in being That Guy. That Guy That Ruins The Page For Everyone. It's just masturbatory meta-humour.

For this sake, I must do my thing.

....now I've made too much hype about it and it'll suck big floppy donkey dick.

You muft.

And if you could somehow include your hand, well, that would just be The Most Awesome Avicon Ever In The History Of Avicons Which Isn't Really That Long Of A History Because We Basically Just Made That Word A While Ago.


And I will.

I think the new pics are great fun. Here's my real mug.

Oh my. Now there is someone I would vote for.

I was about to ask what state he was a senator for. I stopped because I thought it was mean.

I didn't mean it to be an insult, though. He totally rocks the gubernatorial look.

Id like to think you put that suit on just for us. But you probably had that photo lying around I guess.

The hell everyone else is getting in on this action. No handface but I do have one where a camera takes up half my face! Tada!

I'm sorry I said tada when I posted a picture of myself on a messageboard
(Inside) I mean Jesus I'm not an established poster I mean no one has been silently wondering what I look like for 2 years.

I just dug your screen name, and didn't think about the image part.

I'll jump on the bandwagon-since I don't have a handface pic, I'll have to try and at least match the well-dressed pogo...

the name is Scout... Ham Scout...

Go away for a weekend and all the kids play. Now I'll feel like a creep unless I have something current up there instead of hiding behind the veil of the cute baby duck. Male pattern baldness. Fear it.

I fear it more than I care to put into words, lest I summon it.

Okay, I'm in. This is me. Aren't I a catch? I look like I'm channeling the spirits of both Lyle and Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

Had to change it. Too stupid even for me.

Gee, you don't look like a slice of ham anymore. Now you're beefcake.

Now you're back to ham -- this is hella confusing.

Let's not forget the amazing tale of Poison Ivy/Dorian Gray/The Girl Who Sexually Gratifies Literature Fans. It might have been the best part!

Essentially, everybody on Assetbar knows everybody else on Assetbar a bit better than they did on Friday.

True, but what about those of us that went away for the weekend, and came back to this lovely "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" moment? What the dickens have you kiddies been up to? Has there been loud music? Dancing? Cigarettes? Necking ?


It looks like I missed something big! Damn having to go to interviews and have many drinks with friends later! (Both went well, by the way).

I got my bone on like six times!

Six times!?

It's a Ray quote. I think my honeymoon record is five.

I knew that, I was just supplying you with the appropriate Teodor response.

I knew you knew, but wanted to brag.

this may have been covered in a previous post... but I have SO MUCH CUBBIES FOR YOUR AVATAR, it brings great joy to my dreary existance :D

Tekende, for some reason I pictured you fatter. Don't take that the wrong way. Your new avatar is just surprisingly dashing, is all.

Ha, now that's an idea. I am the absolute antithesis of fat. I weigh less than 120 pounds.


Now what about you?

Tekende eat a sandwich
would you like me to make you a sundae? PUT WEIGHT ON I COULD CRUSH YOU

Be sure to have extra cheese, Tekende.

Some men would pay handsomely for that.

My creepy comments are extra super creepy with my grimacing mug next to them.

The tiniest Tekende!

Personally, I can't shake my impression of you as Gordon Freeman's younger, yet even more educated brother.

Though it'd work even better if your comments were all "..."

I had to look up Gordon Freeman on Wikipedia. And then I laughed inside.

Whoa, for serious?!

I have a really big thing for Gordon Freeman and in fact my boyfriend looks remarkably like him, as in people have remarked upon it, quite often. And I- I- I keep typing the beginning of this sentence and then backspacing out of there because it is far too weird to write about, even on this, the craziest of assetbar comments pages.

Anyway yeah I hadn't actually made the tekende-Freeman connection in my own mind but now edwell says it, it totally makes sense. And I already mentioned tekende being damn hot, so I'd better not creep him out further by saying it again.

It's not creepy. It's quite nice. It's giving me an Ego though.

You weigh more than me SCREW YOU!


Mike Gravel does not talk about trickle-down! Don't shatter my perfect image of him!

A comment left by jollysaintpete was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FineMusk, Thorfinn, lateadopter, achilleselbow, tessebatt)

did anyone else spend a couple seconds wondering how long it was before this started happening?

To the men of assetbar's eternal credit, only jollysaintpete and the guy with the 2000 sunglasses have done this so far.

I like to think they're being post-modern. Pomo, if you will. It makes it a lot easier to swall-THATS WHAT SHE SAID

I assumed they'd use more language like "hai wanna cyber lol"

Yea, but that hardly makes it better. It's like "hey I'm gonna say this really forward thing in a kind of ironic way so that it can seem like I'm just joking and don't really mean it but I'd still be thrilled if you were actually to comply."

A comment left by jollysaintpete was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, lateadopter, Landstander)

A comment left by jollysaintpete was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by luckypyjamas, lateadopter, Landstander)

I was personally disgusted by your post because you spelt "bizzAY" wrong.

I think we should all be celibate, no matter how lovely we find the pictures of those to whom our sexual preference pertains.

If we were all celibate, maybe there would be world peace. I say this genuinely; hand on face, hope to die.

No, we need to have more sex and the world will be a better place. Do you know what people do when deprived of sex for long periods of time? They find god and then bomb the shit out of other people for suggesting that their way isn't the only way. Definitely needs to be more sex happening in the world.

Not simply "sex," but mutual intimacy is what's needed. If we all felt loved and cherished, why would we want to kill anyone?

You make a very good point sir, I tip my hat and raise my glass in salute! Chubbied as well.

Thanks, my chubby/lame ratio was getting down to 2:1 range.

This comment filled me with warm fuzziness. Hug and smooch for you!!!

at the last second i decided to go with the less generally accepted spelling. i was wrong to do this.

Dude, chill. Reading too much into everything is kind of a running theme on Assetbar, and the obvious irony is that I could only make such an observation based on an extrapolation of my own inner thoughts in similar situations. We're all guilty of this in some way shape or form, you just happened to be the most direct about it which is why people saw fit to just mention it. No one's offended - let's not ruin the general vibe.

Ok, I just realized the irony of my using irony as an excuse for pointing out the pointlessness of your irony. I'd make an apology card out of this, but it would probably be more like an apology essay. So yea, sorry about that, carry on.

it's okay. now, achilleselbow, let us get really bizzay

That was the closest I've ever gotten to having two dudes fight over me! Next time, I hope for more fisticuffs.

*punches jollysantpete in the rad chillies*

*knocks over a chair*

*attempts to hold back tekende and while shrieking "he's not worth it"*


*carefully rights chair before professorhazard notices*

*chants fight repeatedly at top of voice*

*walks in unaware of what's going on and gets hit in the face by a flying beer mug*

"promptly sits down on the floor, closes eyes, and takes a deep breath"

*knocks a table on it's side, hides behind it, brandishes two nickle plated revolvers*

*lets out a good eight second scream in strix22's meditating face, causing him to suffer a heart attack*

*rolls for initiative*

*wants to be part of whatever is going on*

*chats up the girl while the fellers nurse their wounds*

*walks in and trips on a carelessly discarded rollerskate*


MMmmm whacha say
MMMMmm that you only meant wellll
well of course you did

This is the best possible ending.

Ahhhhhh that is exactly what I was thinking!

*throws a beer bottle in a perfect spiral through the heads of all other suitors.*

But the rest of us have thought it. BTW, you're hot.

BTW, she's also 19...

I appear to have given you two chubbies at the same time!

If I were attempting to conceive for a child, tonight would be a good night.

A comment left by lawbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, sassacrass, Marcus_Brody, gmontag, perhapsmaybe)

I tried to find what you said funny but I really couldn't. I'm sorry. :(

I find your apology strangely heartwarming. A chubby it is.

I find your icon strangely heartwarming. That is what they get for their actions being so badly conveyed.

Thank ye. The way I see it, Violence Females Cuteness = a worthwhile icon, even if it's silly in essence.

There was supposed to be plus signs in there. I'm not sure if I forgot them or they were eaten. Just pretend they're there.

They were eaten. Welcome to the A.B., bitch.

dudes..... Putin is on the assbar.. that's really him! it.. it must be right? don't get him mad

Quick! Hide the journalism!


I least I now know what to name my band.

"They Were Eaten"?

Actually, that's kind of cool.

Ha, actually "Violence Females Cuteness" was what I was referring too, but now I can't decide between the two.

Thank you for trying.

That, and the lames that the first psot usually gets.

It brings a tear to my eye.

A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, InspectorGadget, trout, stop, Metanoia, HollyBones)

A comment left by heccibiggs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rudegrrl, InspectorGadget, Marcus_Brody, trout, jollysaintpete, Magb)

it's cause your icon looks like kari from mythbusters. everyone likes HER. and you too though.

I don't really think that she looks like Kari from MythBusters.

But that is a compliment from me, because I hate Kari from MythBusters with a burning, firey, somewhat abnormal passion.

So hey, that's a goood thing!

wait what's the problem with kari?

I actually like Kari, she used a parasol in one episode for sun protection and that's all it takes to win me over.

But I think the fact that you said "actually" kind of lends to the fact that there might have originally been some hesitation?

I don't know. To me, she just sort of seems like the type of girl that girls love to hate.

Not to mention the fact that she's begging to let Tory (and, not to mention, Adam) into her pants on a regular basis.

Are you saying that she's a slut? That girls love to hate girls who are sluts?

Coz I'm all about sluts.

No, I dont' hate her because she's a slut. I have many friends who pride themselves in their whoredom, and I support them to the end.

I dislike her because she's annoying, and everything that comes out of her mouth sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

When she speaks, is it the sound of glass breaking and birds burning in a shoebox?

I just imagined an eight-year-old Macaulay Culkin saying that and had my first laugh of the day. Thank you, thank you so much. A chubby to you.

A comment left by jollysaintpete was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, FineMusk, flazisismuss, loneal, IronDave, lateadopter, achilleselbow, NumberKillinger)

Thegoodwillgirl's foxy handfacebabe photo says NO to you, eyeball.

I will sacrifice foxiness to know that she is a piece of garbage, and I am not.

Maybe you should do what men do when confronted with such a woman, don't pay attention to anything she says

I might take this opportunity to note that I wholeheartedly regret sharing the fact that I don't find her appealing.

I apologize, comrades. I knew not what I did.

Kari is nerdbait, and you insulted her on the internet.

I do not condone peoples' reaction, but I must say you should have seen it coming.

I am just sorry I brought her up in the first place. Sighz.

That's ok, I'll back you up. Fuck Kari. There it is done. I may love me some "loose women" but she is not the girl I want to be gettin' mad rutty with in the library.

There should be more people who are all about sluts.

i looked her up on the internet and the second result is a topless picture of a lady that is supposedly her. is it for real?

I'm not certain but the video of her heiny sure is!!

The people on digg or reddit mostly thought not.

For somebody who was away for the weekend without an internet connection (me), what the fuck happened here?

One lady decided to do a pastiche of Heccibiggs avataricon, then another, then it snowballed.

To run with the cool crowd, you need an avataricon of your face being touched by your hand.

Basically, I rule Assetbar now.

Welcome to my kingdom.

(I am kidding, by the way. This whole thing is very overwhelming and I'd be a terrible ruler.)

You should have taken the free fawning while you could.

I'm having the same reaction, jsut trying to figure out where and when this whole thing started, musta been on Saturday.

oh because those are some rude titties.

But thegoodwillgirl! Look!

Outside: I'm Sorry That I Said I Don't Like Kari From Mythbusters.

Inside: I Mean Clearly That Was Ridiculous She Is Actually The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To Modern Television.

Apology accepted, now are you interested in my new venture achewoodparasolbabes.com Y/N

GoodwillGirl circles: Y.

im a year late for this bus, but im going to throw this out there anyway: when AFI played warped tour, davey havok walked around with a parasol to protect his creepywhite gothy skin from the sun.

Kari from MythBusters is God's Miracle and this is the last thing anyone should have to say on the matter.

My feelings on that Mythbuster are pro, for the most part. Every now and then she will say something and I will think oh my god she is a idiot , and I will dislike her until I forget that incident.

To quote lawbot:


Girl can cold build a rocket-launcher and fire a machine gun at a tree until that tree is in half.

I'd totally tap Kari. C'mon, you guys telling me you don't find MythBusters the least bit erotic? You know, in that elegant, classical way.

Man you can say what you want about ladies as long as you add on the caveat "elegant classical way" in the postscript.



...in that elegant, classical way.


That one James Bond special, she was wearing a dress... I totally shut the blinds and lit some candles.

seonded. I'm all about Grant. Science is hell of sexy.
Please don't tell my mom i said this.

What she thinks you're a lesbian? Or she hell of hates science?

She's hoping i'll take up with a normal dude. I met my last boyfriend in Theatre Tech. She only wants grandbabies that don't get wedgies.

Side Note: Girls seem to dig me more than guys do. It is a serious problem. Would that i were a lesbian.

I have the same problem with guys. But I am not gay. It really doesn't help me at all. But I guess it is flattering, in a weird way.

Not in a wierd way, just flattering. I'm flabbergasted that anyone takes offense to being hit on by anyone at all. It is a complement.

The few times I have been hit on by dudes (raves are good places for this, it seems) I have been happy. "Yay," I think, "someone likes me!"

It just annoys me, but not because I have an inherent problem with being hit on dudes. The situations where this happens, I will be at a crowded party and feel someone cop an ass-grab. I turn around, and I can't identify the culprit, and all the guys immediately behind me are dudes. And I'm like "awww"

It's not the idea of being hit on by guys, it's just that the situations build my hopes up and turn out sort of disappointing.

When I say "guys immediately behind are dudes," guys = people.

I hated that snow monster SO MUCH it creeped the fuck out of me how he'd just come running out of nowhere and kill me when I just wanted to ski and avoid trees and rocks and stuff

Charchar wants to kiss scientists on the titties!
(I know titties really doesn't apply here, but I'm not about to suggest that an innocet assetbabe wants to kiss a TV dude on the dingdong)


...Are you Pete Cox: Football Hero?

I was, once. So long ago.

this meeting, this is fate

rabbidpanda, you are a good egg.

Thirded? I loves me some Asian nerds.

Actually, thegoodwillgirl, you kind of loook like Kari from MythBummers.

And yours looks like something Mythbuster's ran over with a tank.

A comment left by jeet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, orvel, PhoenixUltima, Marcus_Brody)

A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Absurdist, envika, synnah, scrumpton, Marcus_Brody, equinn2006, eileens_wetwipe, FablesandBlues, Jeet, gardenhead_)

I think assetbar can just tell when you're being an asshole.

v-chub for both the comment and the "dr. strangeglove" name.

but i don't (usually) feel like i'm being an asshole on assetbar, seeing that i only lame comments that really deserve it. my lame-to-chubby ratio is okay (chubby-to-comment, not so much) but i have been only allowed lames few and far between.

and don't even get me STARTED on my lack of spam marking privileges.

I wish I had a chubby left.

I feel like I should lame her, to be rebellious.
But what has she ever done to me?
Nothing I tell you. Nothing.

besides, you are the good will girl.

Yes. I will pretend that I actually possess some good will, and that I don't just work at a Goodwill store.

Although that's the case. *smile emoticon.*

i figured as much.

A comment left by theirateturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, putamare, mortshire, loneal)

Please do not commingle breasts and shit in the same thought process: who knows what sort of conversation you might start, and I think Assetbar has been through enough this week.

It is a wonderful thing when breasts enter folds, though.

Or exit them.

I wonder what would happen if hecci's avatar wasn't a picture of her. How would people respond? What would happen if I made mine a picture of myself? I'm gonna do it!

these are the famous last thoughts of a lot of women who get abducted on the internet. On the INTERNET !

Autre, I think we have to use cute picture of ourselves with our hands on our cheeks now. Do you have one of those? Coz I don't. Maybe you can lend me one.

Unfortunately, I'm only capable of sneering, scowling, and leering. :_(

I've got a patented self-conscious smirk. Between the two of us, we can make this work.

Man if all the ladies used cute pics of ourselves we could run this joint! Or at least the part of it that likes cute pics of ladeez. I don't know what we would do with it though.

My avatar is a picture of myself, but I am not a lady.


that is an odd thing to make a sad face about. Did your parents want a girl or something?

are you really Bill Hicks?

is your head that small?

and yellow.

perhaps he just wishes he were a lady. being a lady is fantastic.

Yes, yes, it is.
I love having boobs of my very own.

WOAH you went back!

Well, I did say that Kitty Nom Nom would return Monday (today).
I know some people want to keep theirs up longer, but I am feeling a bit exposed anyways. I need to hide behind my corn!

Corn? You live in Iowa?

Haha, NO
I live in Southern California. My usual thumbnailavataricon is a cat eating an ear of corn. That would be obvious if I didn't keep switching my pics around. Bad, bad me.

the cat eating the corn is one of my favorite things

It is cute though. All peeping in the windows of a tiny house, a look of malicious glee on your face...

My avatar is a machine gun covered in christmas lighting that i saw through a window in New York.

<---my avatar is a picture of my self...

I want to play!

Cute girls of Assetbar unite!

Looks like a face avatar party to me.

And I'd like to join.

Please to be touching face with hand.


and a high-five for your extreme lack of punctuality!

True dat.

I ain't got wimmins junk down round my nethers, and I also have a hunch changing my profile pic away from the esteemed Mr. Fry may result in a backlash of surprising proportions. Otherwise I'd do it.


Dude, you startled him. Now it's gone back in.

Boooo I want to see SpinyNorman's face!

I know! Me too!

Norman, the girls of AssetBar have spoken...

Goddamn, that got noticed quick. All right, consider the profile pic reloaded.


Changed it too a slightly more distinct picture... Am I just criminally retarded, or is it impossible to get these things to upload right?

If it's 50px wide but less than 50px tall when it displays it looks like a less-than-sightly arse, if that's what you mean.

You need to get a picture taken of yourself with Mr. Fry as this would meet everyone's needs. Possibly just photoshop him in there. Even better, photoshop Stephen Fry with his hand on your face.

Yes, this would be excellent.

Well, if Fry's gone, I may as well do away with Laurie.

Why are so many of you fellas good-looking? This is ruining my whole image of the internet.

Hey. Turns out Spinynorman's hot. I suspected as much.

Barrymorefm do you think that it is bad for a man to give another man kisses? Or do you agree that it is okay?

I think Spinynorman should help me work it out in a thorough and scientific way (ie. tongues).

Man I'd've chubbied you so much today 'Bot if that NO thing didn't remind me of a terrible human I once knew. I am morally wrong on this, I expect. But seriously, he was awful.

Y.... yay?

Luckily, the handface picture available to me is fairly lascivious (accidentally, of course). Now you must decide what to believe, Spinynorman. The picture or the floating box information? THE PICTURE OR THE FLOATING BOX INFORMATION? You can take this opportunity to review some stuff if you want. Either way works for me.

this is getting so hot.

This is about as confusing as when blahmargarky changed her icon to her dressed like Prince. All these different parts of my brain are arguing with each other over the evidence and whether it's rockin' man-dangle or not, sort of like an episode of Homicide: Life on the Street . There is nothing more sexual than a bunch of overweight, under-paid men standing around chainsmoking and yelling at each other.

Then there's always that one kind of weird detective with a big grin on his face who keeps saying, "Does it even matter anyway? Would you still go for it?" but yeah no one pays attention to that guy

so to answer your question yes

norman, i really thought your old avatar was you.

i'm sad that it isn't.

Naw. It's Stephen Fry.

What's funny though is that at least in every other strip one or two people ask who it is and if it's me. Then about sixteen people explain who Stephen Fry is.

Killinger too, all usually hiding behind Hypnotoad...
Oh, who am I kidding? A bunch of you all are hot.
And Loneal, I hope that's a real pic of you, cause it's awesome.

yeah i'm really pleased with what a good looking crowd we've got going here. was totally not expecting it.
also: agreed on the spinynorman cuteness.

Seconded. Kind of an 'aw shucks' sort of restrained ruggedness.

"Aw shucks" are indeed the words that have been circling in my head for the last hour or so.

I mean come on gang you guys are gonna make me go all pink and such, some fellows need a day's worth of preparation to accept a compliment out of fear of appearing Prideful

I know!! Seriously, Assetbar boys, why are you all so damn cute?!

I like to think I'm cute the same way a baby raccoon is cute - it's adorable and you want to cuddle it, but you don't because it's probably been going through your garbage all night and might have rabies.

...wait. That's not adorable not all.

it is adorable through the internet, because i can't smell you or catch your diseases.

We're developing that technology.

I've cheated.

I came late to the party but here I am in all my ned glory. I took the pic just for Assetbar and I should explain that I only recently saw Amelie so I will be making that face for a while.


Ned is a nerd. Fuck that guy.

Ah, I was wondering. For a minute there I thought you were wearing a faded Celtic shirt in your photo or something...

(Explanatory note)

Some guys like California
Some guys dig Baltimore
I been with chicks in both locales
They all say that I snore

Hellofyellin Gets With Ladies But In The End They Do Not Like Him!

Yesss , I had a chubby left for you!




All right, there! An unpixelated handface picture! What do I do now? Just sit back and wait for the chubbies to roll in?

This was a silly project, Achewood Ladies.

This is a fantastic project.

It is a perfect...project!

Falseprophet, you look like the exact opposite of what I imagined you. I thought you'd be all gangly white kid, shagged hair all tumbling, all horn-rimmed glasses, a touch of contentment in your overall displeased demeanor.

The internet teaches you to stereotype?

It does indeed. I do have glasses but they are not horn-rimmed. I removed them for the picture because of the inevitable glare from the laptop screen beneath my webcam.

If it is any consolation, more than a few black people in my community mistake me for a white person after meeting me face to face.

I always figured falseprophet's first avatar (which be had up for a few months a while back) was a picture of him, and if I recall correctly, it wasn't a picture of a gangly white kid.

Plus he's renowned as the representative of Black America on AssetBar. How do you not know this .

Yeah that was me, from back when I had dreads. Had to cut em off after graduation. Then I did an interview for an internship at a tiny weekly newspaper and the other intern who had already been hired was a high school classmate who still had his massive jewfro. And I felt foolish.

I think it's because the jews have connections.

is ironic antisemitism still cool?

Much like ironic racism only works if you're black, I imagine ironic antisemitism only works if you're Jewish.

Otherwise they'll come in the night and drink the blood of your unborn children.

Sweet, does this mean I can make dirty wetback and fag jokes?

On the f*g end, you join the ranks of such as Scott Thompson.
On the w*tb*ck end, Carlos Mencia.
Choose wisely.

People sometimes think I look Jewish, so I can be like the Carlos Mencia of Jew-jokes!

I wish no one would be the Carlos Mencia of anything. Including and especially Carlos Mencia.

Maybe it's just the picture, but you look a lot like Jeff Goldblum to me.

Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park 1 or 2?

Err, I suppose the first one, since he was younger.
It was a compliment, by the way.
Well, as long as you aren't also freakishly tall.

awesome. I think 5'11 is an acceptable height for me to have.

achilleselbow, how you jewin'?

and by this I mean are you in the Jew crew? and by this I mean are you a Jew, because I am. Me and my brother constantly use 'jew' as a verb, usually in place of 'do' ( what did you jew last night? are you jewing anything good at the weekend? and so on)

gah, I mean 'my brother and I'.

I feel sort of oddly... almost guilty for contributing further to the absolutely ludicrous number of comments on this strip. When people come to read it later they will be all 'WHOA TOO MANY COMMENTS', so I dunno, I... I feel like I shouldn't comment unless I have something really funny to say? Does anybody else feel this way sometimes?

Yes, I do. I would hate to add another frivolous comment...

oh my dogg I do believe from your avatar that you are a good friend/coworker of my roommate. tell Billy I said hi >_<

Ha ha OK... mystery man.

Ha ha OK... mystery man.

I jew, but hey, what are jew gonna do?

I for one will practice my Mexican jewdo.

that's the stuff! Now you can move on to level 2, make ridiculous puns and claim that you want to start a tribute band called The Get Up Yids. Or Yid Row. Or The Kikey Kikey Bosstones. Jewey Jewis and the Jews was a good one too.

Vchub for Jewey Jewis and the Jews.

I'm always reluctant to answer this question because of the failure of most people to distinguish between the religion, the culture, and the ethnicity (if there even is such a thing). So I'm forced to say I'm an agnostic atheist who's half Ukranian jew, half Tajik... and all action.

Agnostic and atheist at the same time... That's a good trick

One word means you don't think it's possible to know for certain if there's a god, and the other means that you don't believe there's one - that is, you don't think it's likely and don't live your life as if you think that one exists.

I thought atheist meant that you believed firmly that there's no God, but I'm okay about being wrong now and then.

I wonder if there's a word for when you think that, instead of wearing a crucifix/star of David/whatever, you think you should be wearing a question mark, because you just don't know? Not that you think it's inherently unknowable , just that you personally haven't got a clue and aren't ever going to.

I always thought the difference was that one had a beard.

Even the women.

But here on the faith Venn diagaram do the beardnecks sit?


Where , not here. I am obviously incapable of typing now, so I'm just going to stop

That's okay, I thought you were writing poetry.

Wearing a question mark would make you one of the lesser Dr Whos.

M... me?



Oh wow, remarkably similar to me sort of! And yeah I know what you mean, I hardly ever meet anybody who ticks all the boxes of jewry (i.e. practising and by upbringing and so on) so I'm totally down with the idea that that's a difficult question and usually doesn't have a quick answer. Hecks, this is why we have Wikipedia: Who is a Jew? (Answer: your mum).

My own mum is a convert so there was always quite a bit of the ol' religion around when I was growing up, now I do not go to shul or believe that organised religion is particularly healthy or that it is possible to believe in an interventionist god, and so on, and wait a minute I'm not about to start discussing my intellectual outlook on religion on Acheworld, that ain't right, why did I even-

I'm Sorry I Asked You About Judaism On The Internet
(Inside) Oy gevalt, am I right bro?

Cutie picture space race! Uniting is for the 5's, divide and conquer for the 10's.

Well done Assetbar. Only a year to get the ladies of the community to reveal something real about themselves. A new internet record!

*flex the sexy muscle*

They ain't no lady
Like an Achewood Lady
Cause an Achewood Lady don't stop

Hellofyellin, you have the kind of face that a person can be enthusiastic about.

That was a very kind thing for you to say. You gets a chubby.

I'm really enjoying this face-thumbnail gig. Makes me feel closer to you folk. If any of you all are in New York City, we should hang.

I also love the regal manner with which you contemplate the ever-elusive mysteries of a slowly deepening Universe.

Yes. I think I am enthusiastic about your face, hellofyellin. And you look pretty stoked about it too! Hurrah!


(that is what my pic is saying)

You know, man or lady, I didn't really have any visual expectations about anybody here. But I'll be damned if I didn't [i]always[/] think that hellofyellin probably just happened to look exactly like Anthony Bourdain.

Always seemed to fit his comments really well, all talking about fine food and drink.

oh damn always

Fuckin' always .

(if I had Photoshop I'd have that picture of Shatner from Wrath of Khan all screamin' ALWAYS!!! right here )

Ok, this is gonna come out creepy no matter how many layers of self-conscious irony I pile on top of it, but...what the hell, people? How are all these girls who come on the Internets and partake in our bad Photoshop jokes and lengthy discussions of stupid white trash names also attractive? This undermines the very foundations of my view of society. How many more of you are there? I must know!

I am an attractive lady. No, wait - I'm a 32 year old man. Ah, it's the internet. I'm whatever you want me to be.

Is he...Is he mixed race?

You are named after a card game in the Star Wars universe. That earns you a v-chubb.

...the who the what now?

Not that I don't appreciate the unintentional Star Wars tie in, but I got it from a funny little thing in a mostly serious movie--the 'Ham' costume that Scout wears in the moviefilm of "To Kill A Mockingbird". I laughed so hard at that...

Ohhh I haven't seen the movie of To Kill A Mockingbird but I recently read the book and loved it. People talk about what ana amazing, must-read book it is, which I agree with, but no one ever mentions how damn funny it is. Like, the bit where Jem tells Scout to be a gentleman. That made me laugh out loud on the train for God's sake.

I'll have to watch the film.

Yes--deliciously sweet and funny. As a "read the book first" guy, it makes me happy that you have done so, but I do encourage viewing the film, because it is very good in it's own right. ...and just try not to laugh at the costume...

That scene in the book, with the costume, and Scout running onstage late and the old man laughing so hard he had to go outside and take his pills, is in my opinion one of the funniest scenes in American literature to date.

Second to when Appleby and Orr are playing table-tennis.

Not you buddy, but I love the avatar. I was talking to sabbac.


Didn't realize that that was most likely not what his username was referring to. SO... I'm just going to nod my head to the music, hold my drink in front of my chest and head back to the kitchen of this house-party of a thread and lean on the Counter of Self-Imposed Obscurity.

ahhh soooo! I couldn't trace that one back properly...
and for you, a virtual "chubby of situational apology"...

It's totally what my username was referring to - I'll join you in the kitchen. Got (blue) milk?

All out. I'll pick some up at the Tashi Station. I've got to grab some power converters anyways, so it's no problem.

i knew it! my name is scout, and i've been looking for another scout my whole life. thank you... sort of.

A geek-chub? Accepted with thanks.

Yeah, this is...this is nuts! when I got on here last night only thegoodwillgirl and heccibiggs had cute girl photos as icons. Now it's like Assetbar has been taken over by attractive females!

Not that I'm complaining.

Er, margargaret, not thegoodwillgirl.


I was famour for approximately one Assetbar minute in a tekende post.

Wow. Harsh.

you have misunderstood, he wasn't implying that thegoodwillgirl did not have a cute girl icon (the dude is not blind). He was was just correcting his timeframe error.



Yes, numberkillinger is correct.

Sorry, it didn't even occur to me that it might look like I was saying thegoodwillgirl as unattractive.

You are all very attractive, ladies

Keep up the good work

Yes, ladies. Keep up the good work.

Keep havin those genes.


Yo, being hot is not just genes, it is an art, and we Achewood ladies are masters of the trade. We could teach this shit at a professorial level, only they won't let us coz they know society would totally fucking explode if there were too many girls who knew how to be hot. Classes combining sexy teachers and sexy schoolgirls would end the institution of higher education as we know it.

Daaamn! I guess my answer could use some work!

I know that, silly. I was just pointing out the possibility of that interpretation for everyone's discomfort.

oh... well now i feel discomfortable.

You.. you look like Neil Patrick Harris in this picture. I saw Harold and Kumar recently.

Man, I am in the group. Hardcore. I get NPH and Conan O'Brien like no tomorrow.

i get astroboy from the hair anomoly

That's the corner of a picture behind me.

oh rats

Hahaha, vchub.

I started a revolution!

This is so fucking weird.

I mean, don't get me wrong, this is cool and all, but understand that for the past year or so I've thought of all of you people as basically small magic goblins living in my computer off of Internet, a natural resource farmed or possibly mined somewhere in rural Ohio. To have a face to match with comments and understand that you're people like me and thus are capable of living, breathing, being prosecuted for one to several counts of first degree murder, or maybe even getting a boat loan, is sort of a trip.

Paradigms have shifted. Schisms have been rewritten. Handles have been vigorously jiggled. Tomorrow I wake to a new dawn, yet I believe it may just a better one.

Hear hear.

I plan on calling you Stephen Fry from now on, just for comfort's sake.

Yeah, there ain't no easy way out from behind that shadow

Oh Stephen Fry, ain't that the truth?


Quick! Somebody get in a fight with me about feminism! I need to find out if people will take me more or less seriously now that they know I'm a marginally attractive girl!


I'm not sure what it means to be taken seriously on a board where people spend time making fake apology cards and hastily photoshopped buggery.

You make a fair point, Macauley. A fair point, indeed.

...hastily photoshopped buggery...

DAMMIT. I hate that I spend so much time with SPSS that I cannot even remember the difference between html and bbcode thingits. Is most basic thing!

Brackets, not carats.

You're so cute when you talk about sociology which doesn't have baking in it.

I predict that you will in some instances be taken more seriously. Example: certain feminist policy prescriptions can be taken as certain feminists trying to force men in general to do things to benefit them because no way in hell would these women be able to get particular, individual men to do things to benefit them.

This post is not to imply that you are one of those women or have made those sorts of arguments. It is just to say that it would be much harder to dismiss you as an embittered man-hater.

I doubt anyone thinks it through that far.

Attractive women can enjoy witty banter AND comics you know.

Attractive women can enjoy witty banter AND comics you know.

Damn you assetbar.

I'm sure you don't make silly mistakes like that in the kitchen. You know.

Where you belong.


You shouldn't have yelled at her. Not about this.

Do you cherish our faces? Say that you cherish our faces.

Also, I would join in with the self-portrait avataricons had I a suitable photo on my computer. Till then, my avatar remains...The Queen...with a bloody-faced corgi.

I cherish the heck out of them.

The funny part of this comment, to me, is that you are not an unattractive fellow yourself.

Which guy are you talking to WHICH GUY ARE YOU TALKING TO

She is talking to achilleselbow shesh just put your thumb on the screen and scroll up (it is easy to do)

I have never found this easy.

Man, I thought I was the only person that did that. My screen is so dirty because of that.

Wouldn't that tear your thumb off?

I can't figure out how this makes any sense but this made me laugh so much.

I just use my cursor most of the time.

Well on my mac the cursor disappears when I scroll. (but my thumb doesn't)

When I read this comment, I unplugged my computer and buried it in the backyard for fear of being thought arrogant by my roommates. I assure you, it's just an uncharacteristically good picture, but thanks - you just gave me a month's supply of self-esteem.

Outside: You Really Didn't Have To Bury Your Computer, We Will All Stop Being Real People Soon and Go Back To Avatars I Hope Because This Is Kind Of Odd

Inside: I'msorryIhaveaninternetcrushonyouachilleselbow

I...I am also a lady. But I've said this before.

You're a very good-looking lady at that.

At least judging by this tiny picture of you.


aw shucks to you too.

Aw shucks.
By the way it is not a tiny picture of me; I am actually that small.
Kidding of course:

Well, hello!


Yeah, you can't do that. We're all jut snapping pictures of ourselves on the couch or in recliners, you can't dump all that beautiful on us with no warning. That's like spending four hundred dollars for a birthday when everyone else agreed to spend twenty.

<---- Twenty dollar beauty. Right over there. ^^^ I'm not sure what amount of beauty that is, it's probably in a currency that ain't American, tho. (Talking to abendsonnen.)

Oh man sheesh. Why do you have to go and say things.

And you aren't any twenty dollar beauty. We lookin' at a six hundo-you are class money.

Mine was snapped by someone else when I was so drunk I could hardly walk, and was drinking out of a tiki mug I had just bought because it came with more free alcohol (also I am pretty sure I paid with the wrong denomination because who can tell the difference anyway)

How many other girls in here just developed all-consuming dislike of abendsonnen, all of a sudden?

(Just kidding abendsonnen, but I do feel a genuine pang of envy about your looks)

Oh. Oh no! :(

Every lady in here is gorgeous. We are basically amazing.

You look like a doll or a mannekin.

I think I'm gonna haveta agree with thebcm. His theory makes sense.

I'm sad I'm long out of chubbies.

Whoa! abendsonnen's so pretty, a dog barks!


What a neck whataneck whataneck. What the hell. What time is it? Why not the best? Aw hell .

hell of gorgeous!

Are you a model, or does that windblown hair thing just happen whenever someone takes a photo? You are gorgeous!
Ps. ibetso I totally know what you mean but working in an industry where I'm surrounded by models a lot has slowly reduced this feeling out of necessity hahaha. There's always someone out there better looking so why compare?

you could probably achieve a similar effect by standing in front of a fan. maybe?

I just had a fan in my dorm room. But thank you for the compliment!, however I really am thinking it is just a nice picture.

You can't blame your hotness on a nice picture girl! YOU ARE HOTT.
.....is what I would have said 1 day ago except my computer has blown up :(

Ah abendsonnen, we would look good together, if only I were rich and not just good looking.

You are best song, played on prettiest guitar.

I have a theory that the sort of person who reads and enjoys achewood is a higher caliber person than the common man.

Thus, it is of no surprise that we are genetically superiority to the vulgar crowd.

Anyway, back to lurking!

Agreed. I don't understand how there are so many damned hawt laydeez on this board.

All you fellas ain't bad, neither. Hey, I call 'em as I sees 'em.

"I'm a whale biologist."

I tried to chubby this and my browser crashed. that is how out out of chubbies i am.

sounds like a certain politician...

a heh heh heh

this could be a thing



Nice =D

Now I connect your handle strongly with margarine. I did not do so when it was an insect.

Yes, many people associate me with margarine because of my yellowish color and fondness for toast.


Oh my god... I just realised, your handle is margargaret, mine is mcgorgomagan! They're both absurd lengthenings of our real names!

Okay, shit, my handle is actually gormster. NM

I wondered about that, but the point made in the post below is still relevant.

Lol! I chubby both of your posts because this kind of mistake humors me tremendously.

SEE! People respond very positively to an actually image of a person. You never would have noticed my name if I hadn't changed my image.

I think that everyone should put a real picture of themselves. Or is that creepy?

It might be, this is assetbar remember.

I mean, MY face for example...

A comment left by theirateturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, lawbot, falseprophet, loneal, abendsonnen, HolyQ, bixschmix, I_Love_Kate, Teabag_Mel)

dammit I should have made the background chubby green for when the threshold is surpassed.



A comment left by theirateturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, lawbot, falseprophet, scrumpton, loneal, I_Love_Kate)

This is not actually true.

Also, is there a reason why all our assetbarians who just adopted realface avataricons are on one side, while heccibiggs in on the other?

Yeah actually I think it best if you stick to club soda


"heccibiggs loves me the most" is also a good reply

A comment left by theirateturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, lawbot, falseprophet, scrumpton, mortshire, loneal, I_Love_Kate)

Shit, its only a matter of time before you people do a calendar aint it?

You are the "Alice" in this scenario. This pleases me.

wait wait what what what? I am the Alice. It is my name .

Alice is Alice today. That is special. Stop being on coke!

It only took me nine hours to get that reference. I was stuck on Alice in Wonderland for a while.




I'm sorry I referenced an American TV show from the 1970's on a webcomic forum with international denizens

but seriously woman it's so kitschy and wonderful everyone should watch it

That Alice. I was all confused.

I am sorry I did not get your reference
This discussion has been most enlightening

Um... but I... I still don't know which one is Alice

Or what the TV show is for that matter



I think the puppet kind of looks like you. Sorry.

But...but...that is awesome.

At least theirateturk is making his 'tapestry' out of girls' internet avataricons rather than making a suit out of their skin.

As someone who appears in the tapestry, I am worried about the state of my skin. I would prefer it in the state of being on my living body, and I'm afraid the Internet is fast becoming antithetical to that...

I'd stay out of direct sunlight then, doll

um... yea... I found out recently that I'm related to that guy...

I can't tell which post you are responding to. Are you related to some guy who kills women and makes a tapestry out of their skins, or Jan Svankmajer?

the, uh, skin one... ed gein...

Why would you say that though.

Why would you say that.

Or mounting their heads on the wall a la "Sin City."

This was just creepy enough to get me to put up my old icon for the weekend. Kitty Nom Nom will return Monday.

I volunteer.

Someone tell me why this is lame.

"There is no worse sickness for the soul,
O you who are proud, than this pretense of perfection.
The heart and eyes must bleed a lot
before self-complacency falls away"

~Jalal al din Rumi

That refers to the ottomans btw, as a reply to happys chubby-worthy exclamation.

any excuse to quote some rumi.

I don't wanna burst your bubble, but people respond positively to an image of a specific type of person whom people that spend too much time on the Internet are not likely to encounter much. I hope this doesn't shatter your youthful idealism.

By contrast, no-one responds positively to sea life.

Have you tried using a picture of a manatee?

I don't feel that a manatee is really me.

I miss the horrible squid thing, actually.

It is me, however. And no, I didn't add the avatar specifically for this occasion.

Hehe...chomp chomp.

ITYM "nom nom nom."


A comment left by alreadyinuse was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, lawbot, Ihmgard, Margargaret, Doc_Rostov)

Did that say something? Because I am not so sure.

I see it now. Not funny. I would lame you, but I don't believe in that process.

I don't think why if not you see funny! Is thesaurus definitions us laughings!

Yeah, no but seriously folks... lolcats is... is a terrible thing... The first lolcat was probably funny. But ever since then, it's been the same damn joke over and over and over and over. Once and again, by and by, ya might find some stain of originality in a lolcat, but generally, lolcats are the top-40 of internet humor. The Lolcat formula is the worst meme ever. Okay. Second worst if you count Trickle-down...

Looking sharp, dude. I hope I look that good when I reach your age. And gender.
Catching up with the lolcat is the inspirational poster meme. Which is a shame, because I liked that one.

thanks! yes on a different subject I.. I just don't follow that second to last sentence at all? Are you from England or Whales or some such and that is some vernacular or something? Some speech pattern that we lack stateside?

your avitar is kind of.. a hell of a lot different now... quite pixelated so I can't see your face at all but still I imagine in my mind's eye a rather gentle sort of happy fellow, whereas, that other avitar, was sort of intimidating, you know.. made me feel kind of like Sigourney Weaver.

I look like this. The other avatar, well, that was me as well in a hairier capacity.
I am Canadian, and my linguistic patterns are somewhat an anomoly that I really cannot justify.
I was stating in that second sentance as an addendum to your idea of the lolcats for irritating memes, was those images with the black borders you may see at a dentist office or place of business.

oh! I gotcha now! Yeah that was standard grammar, just a little more complex than 4th grade reading level is all. Canadian huh? You lucky bastard! Adopt me!

I can actually read what he said. This is the saddest thing.

For those who need a translation:
"I'm in your ocean, tasting your seaweed."

i see! in that case it was quite funny.

that's actually adorable in a way that i'll never quite figure out.

Whatever, sea cow!

You need to get on a program.

-But...but I live in the ocean!

-You live in the ocean cuz you ain't got no job!

Chubby for appreciating good comedy.

Hoooot pockeeeeet ...

ya know, achilleselbow's face avicon is errily reminiscent of his sneering dinosaur avicon. It's got that same cool mixture of irreverence and class and je ne sais quoi! As the dinosaur and as yourself, achilleselbow, I vote you sexiest assetbar user on here. bar none. in a platonic way, I mean.

My feelings on this asset are uncomfortably pro.

But why be my real face when I can be transmorgafied tiger Calvin? I'll get further in life this way...

Alas, the life of a tiger was just not what Calvin was expecting.

If I had any more chubbies to give, I would give one unto you. Alas, I am all out and our exchange no longer makes sense.

I have been working for basically the entire weekend and came back to everyone having their faces up! It's nice, I agree.

it's weird all right. I'll give it that. Acheworld went from a population of avicons to people. Now this soup cloud of ideas is being automagically organized in my mind around my mind's eye's index system of the visage.

god.. imagine if they were animated people. One day the web cams will be able to automatically track your face as you move about, and stream a live animation of you... weird...

imagine if there were like, a neural network connecting all of our brain stems via blue-tooth and ethernet and 802.11.

If we ever get taken over by the Borg, I think y'all would make for fine company, I'll like to be in y'alls immediate local net.

You wanna be a tertiary adjunct of my unimatrix?
*playful wink*

A question that, in a better world, every man on the internet would get asked once.

That...that might be the sexiest question I've ever heard.

Ah, but those of the less photogenic variety blanche at the prospect.

(Is anyone else wondering about Manflesh? Who is the Man behind the immediate anal play?)

Tekende wonner this too!

Maybe you and me is amigos!!


HE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh, that explains everything. You're actually Tim Russ.


My life is complete, I might as well just die right now.

This is the funnist thing that could have happened. How I wish I fuckin' had a chubby left. I'm sorry, dr_manfeltch.

I died a little bit inside when I realized I was about 20 hours past having a chubby to give.

No fair Tuvok!

Why do you always make toast fall butter-side-down? WHY?!?

(Yes, I know we were discussing margarine. But "margarine-side-down" doesn't quite have that witty ring to it.)


aw wow it's even the same arm-suspended-in-mid-air pose!

Also, did you flip your avataricon to fuck with us all?

In the original post I was not facing the right way. I flipped it in Photoshop, but it didn't save the first time I posted the picture. I corrected it, but it is still showing up as the original angle on my screen.

In other words: I'm not sure what you mean.

I'm sure if you refresh it, it will be fine. When you first changed your avataricon, I was still seeing the housefly for a second and then suddenly it was magically delicious.

I have refreshed many times and alas, it remains the same.

Hey don't fret about it I mean it is just an avataricon located on [IMGS OFF]

I've done far worse than kill you, thread. I've mangled your posts. And I wish to go on mangling.

It makes me glad that people like a thing I did.

Indeed, all glory to straw.

Join us straw, joooooin uuuuus...

Okay, straw, I wanna know what you look like.

I want to see the face of the man I've been chubbying so often for the past few months.

"I want to see the face of the man I've been chubbying so often for the past few months."

So going to take out of context.

"giving chubbies to"? No, you're fucked either way.



a lone "heh" makes little sense when not in proximity to tekende's comment.... I shall apply it to t-rex instead!

Here you go:

I'm keeping the llama, though. It is far too dear.

Oh my that is hot.

heh. Get it? Eh? EH??

I see what you did there.

The dividends pay to this day!

I am trying to get a handface picture going, but I can't get the dimensions right, and it's all pixelated all the time. I feel a little left out, I'm not gonna lie.

Yeah, I don't have a handface pic at all. How do you think I feel? I'll never be a cool girl of assetbar at this rate!

On the plus side, you are not using my LJ icon as your avataricon anymore, which cuts my confusion down by a factor of about 2.7.

But in the dark days of democracy, when all hope is gone and the people cry for a hero-- Washington may return.

I heard that motherfucker had, like...thirty goddamn dicks.



Now try it in caps!


they were made of wood

And the teeth of his slaves.

The classic "Wooden toothcock" generally affected by American gentlemen of that era.

Somebody rang?

While the Washington video itself (and the quoting of it, by extension,) is hilarious, lawbot's comment here is the funniest thing I've read today.

Had a pocket full of horses, fucked the shit out of bears.

Drove an ice cream truck made of human skulls,

Threw a knife into heaven and could kill with a stare;
He made love like an eagle falling out of the sky;
Killed a sensei in a duel and he NEVER SAID WHY.

He'll kick you apart, he'll kick you apart.

Twelve stories tall, made of ray-di-ay-shun.

Really, no one is going to say "He saved children, but not the British children?"

It's true.... I will.

Yeah, I have no handface pic, either.
But I do have a gun! Muahahaha!

There is an important line from the movie "The Whole Nine Yards" that I will refrain from quoting. It refers to your gun. Some of you will know what I mean.

Sorry, clothes stay ON. But, I thank you for the compliment.

Yeah, I didn't want to give the wrong impression. You have a gun.

Way to avoid nomenclature controversy!


Yep, all the assetbirds must have pictures of themselves. <- Check it out! although I regret that in this picture I do not have my hand near my face.

i found one with my hand on my face, but it's a more "Notes About the Author" pose than a sassy cute one.

man i did it too, but i feel so exposed

Do it! Themed avatars for a day for all!

I like the idea of scrolling through a bunch of thumbnails of women with hands on their faces. I've been trying to get that domain registered for a few years now, but if I can't have the Number 1 Spot on the Net for 50x50 Handface Babe Coordinations , I'll take whatever I can get.

Oh man! I want to join you but I don't think there is a single picture of me in existence with my hand on my face. Also, you are both sassy and cute.

YAY TO THAT! I am a big self-portrait ho, so I tried to find the one that most closely resembles my regular one -> [IMGS OFF]

What's all this then?

https://www.handfacebabes.com/ remains free.

this is the best i could find. and i don't know how to or if its possible to scale in ms paint, which is all this computer has -- so, my head barely fits in this box.
i just may try again later.

Seriously, don't any ugly girls read Achewood? Now I'm going to be even more self-conscious when posting.

I know a relatively unattractive woman who reads Achewood.
You can sleep easy now, friend.

Me too.
But, uh, I'm not ugly!
I'm just not playing this "picture of yourself" game.
... ihavenoselfesteem:(



dude, come on. it's fun.
and everybody's doing it.

man fuckin' peer pressure

you're all skinnier than me. I am going to change this back tomorrow. or whenever I remember.

Good interpretation of the theme. You're fine.

Oh please, you're pretty, mira. Do you want my deathtastically curly hair? Lets not turn this into "ohmigawd im so fat". LOVE YOURSELF! I love your cute little nose. o(^.^)d <-thumbs up smiley

I always play that game, though. Istillhavenoselfesteem :( but thank you. and I LOVE deathtastically curly hair!

Hehe o(^.^)d

...I like that.





oh dude whatever.
i must say, we got a fine crop of achewomen going. that's pretty cool.

Awesome. At least you didn't have to take your handface picture using the builtin camera on the XO. And I bet you didn't have to deal with a spider on your towel, either.


i caved in too, it's ok.

Assetbros! Are we gonna let the ladies' bid for power go uncontested?
Dudefacehand solidarity!

It is totally weird seeing myself here for some reason. I'm... I'm not sure I like it.

I'm not sure assetbar is ready for a bunch of dudefacehands. I'm not sure if this is a thing that is wanted or desired.

(I mean at least I had the good sense to be dressed as Dr. McNinja with a viking helmet on in mine)

This cannot end well. I predict that by the end of the weekend we will have identified at least one furry in our community, and more than a few guys who look like they write He-Man fanfiction.

I see you've been reading my livejournal, and it's not fanfiction it's expanded universe novellas, you goddam whore!

Alright, alright. Mind you, this is for a limited time only; I can only survive for a short time without my gasmask of anonymity.

Your picture is quite dark and tiny, but, HELL O , baryonyx.

Actually the Assetdudes are all looking pretty cute so far, too. WHAT THE HELL EVERYONE THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE AS FAR AS WEBCOMIC READING GEEK STEREOTYPES GO.

i know, it is awesome.

I am laughing so hard right now. You flatter me, my dear.

This whole movement is so amusing; I'm not sure where I stand on it. Up until now, a lot of these posters were just distilled personalities; now they're people. Assetbar may never be the same. I mean, unless it is.

I KNOW! It's weirding me out. Where are all these cute, achewood-loving boys in, you know, real life?

in their bedrooms

Aww, you switched back. Is this thing over now?


if you're asking me, explanation is below. somewhere. i looked like a tool, so yeah.

No kidding...

I'm fairly certain I'm a webcomic reading geek... curly hair in a ponytail, glasses, and, of course, a mustache that is so wispy that a spider covets.

To be fair, the only reason I haven't shaved the 'stache is because I'm far too lazy to do so.

alright, this is an oldish pic, back when my mutton chops existed. It's pretty bad... not to say that there's any good pictures of me. *shrug*

Wait, we have a male winner of the "Typical Geek Reading Online Comix Look" contest the rest of us have apparently failed. Now if we can just fine that female with heavy glasses, lanky hair and braces!

I giggled when I read 'gasmask of anonymity'. In my circle of friends a gasmask is when you surreptitiously fart into your cupped hand, close it, and then immediately place said hand over the mouth and nose of an unsuspecting friend, opening it as you do so.

These are the kinds of people you meet when you go to special nerd high school.

In my circle of friends it is known as a "cupcake" and when you perform a "cupcake" you have to yell the word "cupcake" as you open your hand in front of the person's face.

It all started with a friend and her dog, who used to lick her palm when she did it to him. Poor, dumb dog.

Same thing, but replace "cupcake" with "Cup of Soup".

...and a packet of crisps. Makes me see Noddy Holder in a different light.


Right... exactly what I meant. I can't survive for extended periods without inhaling someone's fart. Like a sort of methane vampire.

Note to self: Fartgas is portable.

baryonyx are you in a band?

Yes, it's called "Methane Vampire".

No, actually. If you've ever been in the room as I attempt to play any instrument in Rock Band you will understand the reasoning behind this (the sound of me singing, oh, it is to shudder).

You have Adam's haircut, rabbidpanda. Is your cat called Cringer, perchance?

Oh great, everyone else is likened to Demetri Martin, or James Bond, or Some Dude Who is a Sex Symbol, and I have the dashing looks of He-Man's alter ego...
I hate days like today . At least I have gotten older and out of shape enough that I am no longer told that I look like Macaulay Culkin.

Oh, and Cringer died of renal failure a year ago. Thanks.

I feel terrible now. I am guilty of perpetrating the exact act that made me change mine back after ten minutes.

I am of low mind.

Meh, I have no shame, I'll leave it. No wukkas.
Farqussus, you are rad! You...are...rad!

wait did you say no wukkas? so many australians here.

Australians.... is there anywhere we don't go?


I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but I thought that you looked like Thurston Moore a bit:


Also, baryonyx looking like Johnny Greenwood


And achilleselbow looking like a latter-era Jay Farrar


achilleselbow, you should meet my friend's cousin, who looks just like Jeff Tweedy.

I think I'm forming a habit.

So we're all indie rock musicians. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Considering that you listen to At The Gates, Wolfsheim, Thursday, the Mars Volta, the Postal Service and Rammstein, you should feel fucking ecstatic that you got associated with something that is good music .

but whatever you know listen to what you like that's what I say.

You forgot to mention Apoptygma Berzerk for the full embarrassing effect. I feel so...exposed.

I think I just missed the memo that was sent out when everyone decided that the only acceptable music is jangly folk wankery and 20-minute ambient drone tracks. I do like the requisite indie bullshit like Arcade Fire and Les Savy Fav, but nine times out of ten I'd still rather listen to the stuff I picked up in middle/high school.

Yeah, but you're just subsituting indie wankery for overlong neo-prog and metal wankery. It's a lateral move at best.

But I don't buy your excuse, because you do list some of the most obvious "indie" bands on there, right? Flaming Lips, Bright Eyes, Postal Service.

Alright, enough, it sounds like I'm cussing you out, that was not my point. You're a young guy; enjoy these, your salad days.

If the prog-metal wankery of BTBAM is wrong, then I do not want to be right.

I am with you on this one achilleselbow. pitchfork bands are all very well (some are even good) but at the end of the day I basically prefer to have a slab of Meshuggah or Dillinger in my ears.

I kinda like Wolfsheim and Apoptygma Berzerk as well, dude.

I do not.


Maybe a little .

I consider myself more of a cross between Adrien Brody and Murdoc Niccals.

you're pretty good at this.
now do the ladies!

Oh, I can't, I'm too taken aback by the beauty. Surely, you girls are incomparable.

OK, soupkaty, before I was just trying to get an easy out, but now that you've changed your pic it's easy:




what the fuck how did i fuck that up!

i was thinking more like

didn't that guy with the furry avatar already pretty much out himself? also girls are notorious for peer pressure strengths. So welcome to the handface coven, brolocks (like warlock but more casual)

Now the dudes are in on it. This was the best possible thing for me to wake up to.

Achilleselbow, why do you look like Demetri Martin?

I don't know, but I get that all the time. The last time I heard it was from a girl who was staying at the same hostel in Munich. Her exact words were "You look like Demetri Martin... and you're funny too!" Somehow even after that and an intense two-hour conversation about The Cure and LSD while hunched over pitchers of strawberry margaritas at a seedy 'Mexican-themed' bar where all the bartenders were strapping Aryan men wearing ill-fitting sombreros, I still could not muster the courage to make any sort of move, and she eventually left with a friend. I don't know why I have so many of these stories or why my life resembles some sort of depressing existentialist novel.

Yeah, basically if a girl likens you to Demetri Martin, it means she wants to bone you.

That's what it would mean if I said it anyway.

Traveling to a seedy, faraway bar and talking about music and drugs with a hot woman you never see again sounds more like Kerouac than Camus.

No, traveling to a seedy, faraway bar and feeling no guilt after killing a hot woman you have been talking to about music and drugs: that is Camus.

In fairness, Kerouac was a pretty existential fellow himself, as evidenced [url=https://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/02/opinion/02brooks.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=Sal Paradise&st=nyt&oref=slogin]here[/url].

It's an interesting article, even if David Brooks is usually an asshole.

Sigh. Here?

David Brooks is still an asshole.

Camus is my philosophical babydaddy.

Does Camus even count as philosophy? Really?

Oh, you Brits with your rigorous logical requirements.

Really, anything's philosophy if you look at it properly.


I love you.

Also I just received your Facebook friend request by e-mail, but then Facebook had a spaz and suddenly it won't allow me to look at my requests page.

But know that I'm trying as hard as I can to accept it with just the power of my mind.

It just occured to me that perhaps Demetri Martin is much better known in the States than over here.

But it's still fly.

I just realized that you liking Jeff Lewis and Demetri Martin is kind of like people in America liking obscure British comedy. Do other British people ever find you pretentious for it?


Do you get Comedy Central in England? I hear it's called The Comedy Channel over there or maybe BBC 69 Comedy or some shit, but yeah, anyone who watches The Daily Show on a regular enough basis will see his Trendspotting segments, which are often hilarious.

Also, Demetri Martin: Person, was enjoyable.

Eternia was dark that day, and cold. The spring rains had come, bringing vague shadows of winter's grim chill back to haunt the Kingdom of Eternos. Prince Adam shrugged his heavy velveteen cloak forward to better warm himself, but it did little good. He was caught unawares by the shower on his morning ride and the cloak was already sopping and slapping him uncomfortably on his tanned, well-toned thighs as he rode Cringer toward Castle Greyskull. He would have to disrobe and stay a spell in the ancient citadel if he was not to catch a death.
Leaving Cringer to sleep in the great hall, Adam set his clothes out to dry and began to explore Castle Greyskull. He had been there so many times, but always in a rush to call on He-Man, always with the tunnel-vision that panic brings to sight, the memories of his hundreds of visits blurred to one thin line that began- and ended- with his alter ego. The air in the castle was somehow warm, and it felt good on his bare skin. He had wandered for a time, and quickly realized that he was in a room he had never seen before, a room of mirrors. His reflection doubled, tripled, manipulated and repeated a countless number of times.
One mirror was different, however; the largest in the room. It was placed directly opposite of the door Adam had stepped through, and was ornately filigreed with skulls and flowers. The reflection it presented was not Adam at all, but He-Man himself. The man who he was and yet, was not, stared back at him, Sword of Power in hand, as Adam stood, so nude, across from him. Chest muscles bulged powerfully and equally on each side of the room. The image lingered where it was a moment longer, then stepped out of the very mirror, striding powerfully with bulging calves until he stood not a foot from Adam, hot nostril-breath tautening the skin of his chest, giving him goose-pimples. He-Man regarded his other self severely, but not unkindly, and slowly lowered his face...

If you want Adam to stay, just to see what happens, turn to page 60.

If you want Adam to slowly back away, crying, turn to page 145.

If you want purchase The Demon-Mirror of Greyskull%u2122 Playset, tear out this page and pages 38, 79, and 12, stapled and COMPLETELY filled out with $34.99 in cash, check, or money order to-

Office 67, Building 3
333 Continental Boulevard
El Segundo, CA 90245-5012

With apologies to Dr. Manflesh.

After three days of this trip being up, and who knows how many comments, I would love to know who actually had a chubby left to give you. Someone more patient than most, I would guess.

In short: v-chub!

That'd be me. I often like to hold back a chubby in case somebody posts He-Man fan fiction.

Damn this is latest to party I am ever being

You look so metal, you should have a warning label that says "non-microwaveable".

That's a compliment, btw.

Thanks to both of you. I thought that I replied to the actual "He-Man Fanfic" comment all the damn way up there, but either I got pushed down by too many comments or I just posted wrong.

Welcome to the party! We are friends now! Assetbar!

Announcing: www.facehandstuds.com from the people who brought you www.facehandbabes.com, the home of the erotic high five!

I STILL DON'T THINK THIS IS A VERY GOOD IDEA (but I don't want to be left out either)

i agree that it is a bad idea, without hypnotoad, my posts are exposed as garbage.

Which is weird, because I feel that my posts have improved and I have gained confidence in posting since I changed my avataricon.

I think it is a good idea as my avataricon doesn't seem so out of place. Although I may have to replace it with a proper handfacedude pose.

I feel the same way as faits. I am uneasy about this, but I'm gonna go along and see how it goes. At least until the next strip.

Stop it. You look fabulous.

At least your picture and gender aren't in conflict.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. You know they only made it legal in the 60s.

Looks like you've glued your hand to your face... also... I'm in...

In the movie of Assetbar, Woodenteeth will be played by Robert Downey Junior

and gmm will be played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

although i'm still a pederast and you're an awesome actor. damn.

woodenteeth, you're a cutie.

Okay I will play now too!

This is so wacky.

Hooray, tekende!

Don't take this in a bad way... You have a kind of hot professor thing going on. When you mentioned at some point that you had a beard, I didn't know what to think. But now I see, and it's a good beard.

These are very rare.

oh no this is weird this is weird

tekende, didn't you used to have a picture of Christian Bale (in American Psycho I believe) so that whenever I saw one of your posts, almost regardless of its content, I kind of reacted favourably to it because I quite fancied the person in the picture? Well now it's like you have a picture of you and...

i still feel that way

Reader, I LOLd

I feel the same way about numberkillinger. Even without hypnotoad.

All right. Thank you. Cute girls on the internet think I am good-looking.

I wonder...what is the temperature in Hell right now. It must be pretty damn cold.

A virtual chubby for a soul-piercing glare, tekende.

The newest fashion wave through assetbar..."Being the Real you Now" by Joel Osteen teaches us to embrace our identity in this medium of anonymity. Joel helped me, he can help you too.

You tell 'em steev_dayv!

dang tekende, way to bear a resemblance to Dave 1 from Chromeo.
This is intended as a compliment.
(i find your 50x50 icon to be aesthetically pleasing (You is cute. Keep it up.))

I concur.
I do think tekende is much purtier than that guy, though.

I looked at that picture once more, and that glorious choiral flourish from the 'Remergence' suite of 'Atom Heart Mother' began. I thought I was about to die.

i am furious that i can't chubby you right now

You spoke well of "Atom Heart Mother"! I thought no one else would ever do that!

(In lieu of chubbies, please have this tight, 4-minute radio edit I did of the main theme.)

Holy fuck, guy.
A chubby does this no justice. I thank you.

i realize not everyone goes for jewish academic types who have hell of sexy singing voices.
but oooh, dave 1 -- i'd let him teach me undergraduate French courses anyday.

no he is hell of sexy i agree.

Oh by the way, soupkaty, I can sing too. Really I can.

Let us form a barbershop quartet, tekende.

This is a good idea. But we will need two other guys.

Also, I play the ukulele. We could be a barbershop quartet with ukulele accompaniment.

Wow, I just had a great idea for an activity at the Achewood meetup.

These last few days I too have been having great ideas about possible activities to enjoy with other Achewood readers. The activities do not include singing.

Not at all?

Yea me too, I mean I even found a second controller for someone to play Turtles in Time with me.


I play the ukelele as well! Let us rejoice in this small moment!

Uke high five!

Re: singing at the meetup: Why the hell not? Maybe we will get drunk enough that singing will seem like a Good Idea.

Re: Turtles in Time: HELL YES.

I play the baritone ukelele. If you know "Sloop John B", or can fumble your way through "Don't Fence Me In" ,jump right it, brother.

I play soprano uke (for now. I would like to get a tenor and a baritone at some point). I don't know either of those songs, but I should learn Sloop John B. That's a great song.

I play the guitar and I am fucking getting the tabs for both of those IMMEDIATELY.

Excellent. I have a theory on this. Granted, with modern music, gentlemen are more apt to learn and play songs that appeal to the ladies of their generation, like that execrable "She Talks to Angels" by the Black Crowes. My opinion is, you find a nice, short, truthful song like "Don't Fence Me In" and it's catnip to the ladies. Of course, you being of a slightly older genera than myself, it's a moot point, but they're both fun to sing and play.

Please do this thing

I too can sing. Mid-High range in the house. I may have to appear via Skype.

That will be quite a feat for the two of you.

i tried to message you on aim. it told me you were not online, even thought you were.

ps: what is up with that

I don't know what's up with that. Actually it may have been because my internet connection (brought to me in part and in whole by my neighbor's unsecured wireless) was hella crazy and I kept losing connection.

Anyway, try again sometime.

i realize now that the facial structure is wicked different, but like i said -- resemblance.

ok. just a little bit of academic Justin Timberlake. just a bit

right back at ya. back slap back slap back slap.

Yeah I feel super-lame, since only now did I check to see if I had a picture that included both my hand and my face. So three days out of the gate, I've changed it.



In Soviet Russia, self esteems you!

It took a Soviet Russia joke to make me join up. There is my face. It will probably not be here long.

Another question of interest: Are there any non-white girls who read Achewood? We are a pale bunch, indeed.

Oh my God. What have I done.

I have to say, I didn't look at this thread for like eighteen hours or some shit, and I come back and find you all with handfacepose avatars, which I saw before reading the comment thread, and had a few moments of genuine horrified " Oh God are they all making fun of me oh no oh no oh no... ", but, from reading what you all have to say, I think you all mean it in good spirits.


Outside: I Am Sorry We Made You Feel Like We Do Not Like You Because Our Pictures Are Similar To Yours In Many Ways.

Inside: I Do Not Know What We Were Thinking That Was Hell Of Inconsiderate Of Us You Are Actually Very Cool.

You shouldn't worry. If anyone is being satirized by this movement, it is the rest of us. I can take it, though. Satirize me some more, ladies.

I am virtually supplying irondave with chubbies at this time.

They're all gonna laugh at you!

Shut up, Ma, you're making the night too damn special!

I hope I got the right reference there.

If that's a That 70's Show reference, then no. If it's a Carrie reference, then yes.

Ah. Well, in my defence, I've only seen Carrie once and I watch That 70s Show all the God damn time.

Sorry I Wasn't Cool Enough To Get Your Reference.

I'm A Product Of Society And Too Many Sitcom Re-Runs.

I thought it was an Adam Sandler reference. boo to that

Me too. Although I think Adam Sandler was probably referencing Carrie.

I started it because I wanted to see how to male assetbarians would act differently if they felt like they were talking to a bunch of girls. A social experiment of sorts. All in good fun!

Yes, the ramifications of this move might be far-reaching.

Outside: We're Sorry Our Pictures Made You Feel Self-Conscious About Posting On The Internet

Inside: We May Be Cute Girls But Inside We're Just As Nerdy As You Are

It's a Hot Chicks Take Over Assetbar Weekend.

ladies read free 'til 11!

Hahahaha. You're right, margargaret, this is a fun experiment. Reading this is some of the most fun I've had on Assetbar in a while. And I usually have quite a lot of fun on Assetbar.

Also, your copy of my pose is exemplary . Although having recreated it, you probably think I'm the weirdest ever for posing like that, so you should know that I had my elbow resting on a desk, and then my face resting on my hand. So it's a lot more natural and comfortable than it seems.

That seems much more comfortable than leaning awkwardly against my bathroom door.

I can't find any. Maybe it's just that sitting in front of a LCD will bleach the holy hell from your skin. I've never had a tan in my life. I will not marry a white dude because dammit, my children will know what it's like to play in the sun.

They will also read Achewood, assuming the internet has not not yet a) collapsed under the weight of lolcats or b) eaten the world. Patience, m'lady; the day will come...

In other news: I had only one picture of myself. My hand is not on my face and it is hella pixelated. The Funny Walk avatar will return before the week is out.

aye. we just don't comment on assetbar cuz sum ppl said U hate Asians.

p.s. i've kidnapped phillipe. his hand is on my face and he feels scared but important.

No one hates asians. They can fly! Also they are our first anti-Godzilla line of defense.

We love Asians! Huuuuuugs! I practically am Asian. For reasons too long to go into.

Oh, please tell. Nothing is too long-winded in Assetbar!

I tried, I really did, but assetbar rejected my face and made it blurry :(
Also this is the only photo of me I have on my computer where I am neither wearing sunglasses nor dressed as poison ivy. WTF? I need to reconsider my lifestyle.

dressed as poison ivy is awesome, though!
I mean everyone else might be all like "cosplay wtf" but come on that is awesome.

I think the whole "cosplay is somewhat weird" angle is negated by the fact that Poison Ivy is usually depicted as a smokin' hot redhead in a green one-piece.

Negated. Totally.

I know i'm in a tank top, but i think i got close.

My hair is also no longer this colour.

Acheworld is ready for Poison Ivy.

Last year I was at a Halloween party in some loft/warehouse deal. I was dressed as Dorian Gray and no one was getting it at all , even though I was carrying a picture of myself that had been photoshopped with wrinkles and everything. Then out of nowhere this riduclously beautiful girl dressed as Poison Ivy, red hair and all, comes up to me and asks if I'm supposed to be Dorian Gray. I say yes, and she replies "I visited Oscar Wilde's grave in Paris and kissed it...so now I have to kiss you." Which she does, then turns around and promptly disappears into the crowd. After I recovered from my mildly catatonic state, I spent a good half hour traversing the maze of rooms and rooftops looking for her, but to no avail.

I don't think it was cantilever though.

You live in New York, right? I gotta ask a friend what her Halloween costume was last year.

Yea, I live in Williamsburg, which is where the party was. And by last year, I meant this most recent Halloween.

I have a gorgeous redhead friend who lives in Manhattan (but goes to parties in Brooklyn sometimes) and has spent extensive time in Paris. She sexually rewards people for having good taste in literature (she once slept with a guy just coz he liked Camille Paglia), and I know she's dressed up as Jessica Rabbit before, which is kinda like dressing up as Poison Ivy. If she is not the person who kissed you, she is at least her evil twin.

Small world. Small, awesome world.

Seeing as how achilleselbow only got a kiss rather than getting a shag, this may almost be bad news for him.

Also, achilleselbow, I'm so jealous that you live in Williamsburg. Mainly because of [ur=https://youtube.com/watch?v=NSdZ_yZP8bk]Jeff Lewis[/url].


By the way, if anyone here has heard of, or even better, LIKES Jeff Lewis, I will know that I have found my spiritual internet home.

I hadn't heard of him until you posted that, but it was fairly awesome. Anyway, don't be jealous, the primary pastime of everyone who lives here is complaining about being surrounded by people who look and dress exactly like them even though that was precisely the reason they moved here in the first place. I'd like to think I'm not part of this big post-ironic circle jerk - I mean I'd still rather listen to At the Gates and Blind Guardian than pretend to worship Bob Dylan any day. Besides, I don't qualify as a starving artist - the only art I create is unnecessarily long-winded messageboard posts. I just moved here because it was close to my school and better than the alternatives, and I'd rather walk into a bar and hear Dragonforce than hip-hop, even if said Dragonforce is being played half-jokingly by some bearded douche.

If it helps, I've got mad respect for Blind Guardian.

More fans of the Bards on the Acheworld? Oh my god if someone says they like Streetlight Manifesto I might just wet myself.

I had never heard of them until they came to Melbourne to tour with Less Than Jake and Reel Big Fish.

The first night I was amazed, the next day I went out and got their cd's so I could sing along at the second show.

so thanks for introducing me to Jeffrey Lewis, that video/song was pretty much the song i'd been waiting to hear all day, and i didnt even know it.

He's so damn good. You are VERY welcome. Be sure to try and check out more of his stuff, I think there's at least four songs on his MySpace.

I... I like Jeff Lewis! Quite a bit. Pandora made me aware of his existence a few months ago and I haven't looked back.

Do you want to be musical friends with me heccibiggs?

I feel that would be rad bixschmix.

I like the dudes angry beatnik ranting.

Thanks. I need to click on more people's suggestions. That man is rad.

I spent a lot of time thinking about the things that man said.

Hello! I like Jeffrey Lewis and he is playing a festival this summer that is about three minutes walk away from my college.

I heard that song on the radio and I never found out who sang it. THANK YOU.

Very welcome.

Ohh, I've provided so many services on Achewood today/yesterday. Showing people Jeff Lewis, inspiring everyone to get their faces out... What else have I done? I need a hat-trick for it to be really good.

G'gosh Heccibiggs, I am listening to Roll Bus Roll as I read this. *open arms*

Ok, this might start getting weird, but are you talking about that girl from the1585? (Full disclosure: I looked at your livejournal once and you had it linked). I read some of their articles and thought they were right on for the most part, but I'm not sure how I feel about the whole promiscuity as female empowerment thing. Anyway, my first reaction was no, it wasn't her, but now I'm looking at the site again and it may very well have been. Really, I just posted that story as an entertaining example of Poison Ivy hotness, not because I actually expected to find out who it was. But shit, if you solved this mystery how awesome would that be? So yea, ask your friend.

I am talking about that girl...and this is getting weird!

this is why i am so afraid to put my picture on the internets! the world is so small- what if someone knows me.

Yeah, but it's not like people will say hey...I didn't know that you were that squid from the internet who says "NO" to people all the time, and shun you.

this was the coolest story i read on the internet today!


any of you babes with avatar pictures wanna kiss me???

Sure, who wouldn't want to make out with Macauley Culkin?

jesus how can you tell i look like him its a tiny picture

The hell! What, is Assetbar a matchmaking site now?

I am pretty happy my throwaway reference to poison ivy brought on such a good tale.
Also, I feel I need to point out it was for my party, I don't have the balls to cosplay in such a costume!

This feels like a sitcom plot or something. The best sitcom EVER, clearly.

This is the greatest thing to have happened on Assetbar since the alt text was restored.

It's definitely a Thing. I'm wondering if it'll stick!

I knew that was an underline, they look different from links, I know that.

I know that.

But I tried to click it, as if hoping hard enough would make it real.

I was genuinely disappointed when it didn't work.

Okay, now mine is me showing off my rad plastic bat ring. Sweet.

I was a little disappointed when I realised you weren't talking about a Batman ring, I think I'm irreversibly nerdy. I'm still enthusiatic about your rad plastic bat ring though!

Well, gee, thanks! I am one half of the Wonder Twins in that, though, if that flexes your geek muscle any. My friend had this plastic spider ring that she got for Halloween. It was awesome.

That is awesome!

i do it like, daily. i wake up, shower, and the hating begins

(Shhh, you weren't supposed to tell...)
Beef just MAKES it look easy, right everyone?
*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

Oh, balls!
You know, when I posted that, you could actually tell it was responding to Hecci's.
The past 8 hours have put them into different continents, and mine into the mystery bin. *sigh*

it would be great, but it is made difficult by the clients . you watch out for them, my girl! they will say things like 'it needs to be simple and clean and effective, but also cram all this crap into it' or 'don't make it look too cool' or 'it needs to be different but I don't know in what way ...'

Acheworld: where the graphic design ladies hang out?

I can claim such as being one of the cute gals on here, but I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no graphic designs.

God, I love your avatariconimation.

I love it, too. All endlessly "nom nom nom". Endless nomming.

Why have I never seen the parallels between my avaconitard and Techiebabe's before? Food on a string and... some other stuff.

Nice Gone With the Wind reference.

I went to Design School, but I am not a graphic designer.

Well done you! I did not go to design school but I keep getting called upon to do small pieces of graphic design, dammit

That seems to happen to a lot of people. I guess that I don't talk to enough people for graphic design to turn into a career accidentally. I'm a bit of a recluse.

I know I'm hell of late, and also a newcomer, but I'm changing my iconvatar.

oh shit it's like hell of blurry, but my camera is hell of dead.

Don't worry about being a newbie, man. I'm a relative newbie myself. The best way to deal with that situation is to just go for broke and post like crazy.

But only when appropriate. And funny.

Otherwise we'll rip you to shreds.

I usually only post when I have something REALLY funny to say, that is appropriate to the conversation.

Also, that is a hell of old picture, I haven't taken anything since I got my wisdom's removed, since my face is still a little bruised.

The best way to deal with [being a newbie] is to just go for broke and post like crazy.

As we all know, theguitarhero really took this advice to heart.

Actually, it's an assetbar issue. Save your photo as a 50x50 pixel picture, and reupload it. Use "cubic" or similar level interpolation if your programme has such a setting.

*shrug* I had no issues, and the image I uploaded was 237x276. I saved it with the JPG compression setting on "highest" quality too in case that helps. It might have to do with the java implementation on a given platform? I'm not sure what interpolation is.. I'm not a graphics nerd or anything.

Put glasses on and you get 1/3 of Stella:


uh not the beer by the way

I love that sweater.

thom yorke's brother, but with dignity? you guys know who I'm talking about, right? the guy who sung that ol' song 'creep'?

he sang some other ones, too

ah yeah! karma police. i think pete wentz did a hot cover of that one recently.

(ps- this is a gag- i am well aware of radiohead, its just an old last.fm routine wherein the prankster acts as if they do not know about radiohead outside of creep. you would be shocked out loud at how angry radiohead fans get about this.)

i've never been big on last.fm, but, yeah. i almost responded more emphatically, but i figured there was little to no chance you were serious about the 'creep' reference. i get to see them live for the first time in less than a month and i cannot fucking wait

i'm going to miss them this time around because i will still be in classes god damn it . my boyfriend gets to go two days after his twenty-first birthday and get all belligerent, when i will be in the library reading about russian history. >:[

I would not be shocked at how angry radiohead fans get about anything.


I'm a fan of them too anyway, but you proved my point with your rage!

Yeah, I'm a bit late at this too, but was actually browsing through some old photos and found this one. Which is awful, but does at least fit the necessary face/hand criteria...

P.S. Just to stop anyone from being more disgusted than necessary, I am not picking my nose in this picture.

My camera rucking fules!!!!!

Hands on camera, camera on face, do I conform to the rules?

No. Cut down on the neon meate dreams, and try again.

Of an octo-fish? Is this comment a clue to the identity of that mysterious creature you used to be?

That photo was not taken in a polyethylene bag, nor was any dough consumed that day.

just marking my place

Avaricon duly changed, the neon meate dreams remain.

My god, I could look at that all day.

You have joined th ranks of such as the PNDT and Kitty Nom Nom. Well done, you.

By the way, guys, getting this first post has turned my inbox into a non-negotiable post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Seriously, O Assetbar Gods, we beseech you! Bless us with the option to delete messages from our inboxes!

As for this comment I'm writing... I'm directly replying to my original post. I have no idea where this is going to end up on the page.

So far away, that it would actually give everyone RSI trying to find out who it was you were replying to if you hadn't told us. So, er, thankyou, I guess.

Assetbar may be collapsing under its own weight. Is anyone else getting large gray rectangles over different, random parts of the page on each reload? (I'm using the latest Firefox for Windows.)

For the last two days I was getting strange ghosting, where some posts would not scroll with the rest of the page (and it made reading things difficult.) I think that was a RAM issue though, because it was happening on my woefully under-memoried mac, and my windows laptop (still running firefox) displays the page perfectly fine.

I get that too, edwell. I thought it was my shitty laptop.

I get that in Firefox all the time, edwell. Doesn't seem to matter how many posts there are, it just does that with Assetbar. I don't know why.

I'm replying to heccibiggs's comment so this won't be all the way at the bottom, and also to further clutter her inbox.

There is an Achewood chatroom on irc.

irc.slashnet.org. Join #achewood. Come join us, we are having fun!



God dammit, I barely even know what an irc is. Don't all non-He-Man-fanfiction-writing people use AIM? Y'all some nerds.

Yeah, I read about registering and all that, and while I'm all for fun... That's a lot of hoops to hop through.

IRC is... is... a dying place.

I'm in a different timezone from most of you.

But maybe I'll come join in tonight. I haven't IRC chatted in long.

And then maybe we can all play iSketch which is like my favourite thing to do ever which I also haven't done in ages!

I'm not sure what you mean. I don't know if what you're saying means anything.

Dear. God. I. Am. Not. A. Religious. (Wo)Man. But. Please. Help. Me. See. The. Connection. Here.

man, people were actually playing isketch last night. so oldschool!

I am a huge nerd and yet for some reason IRC scares me. So feel free to IM me on AIM, assetbarrians.

AIM is far more terrifying than IRC

this is a solid truth

I hope you like ramen noodles and grape drank, that's all we graphic designers can afford. On the plus side though, you'll be able to identify fonts, leading and kerning, and I am boring myself typing that out.

Inside: I'm sorry Kim Jong-Il.
Outside: You are not actually God.

I would send this card.

I realized a few minutes after I posted that I accidentally put "Inside" where "Outside" should have been, and vice versa.

But that actually just makes it even more awesome.

Yes, yes it does

v-chub and handfacebabe high-five!

It has just occurred to me that it might be difficult for handfacebabes to engage in high fives, what with our hands attached to our faces and all.

Yeah. And I did lose that other arm in 'Nam.

I just remembered.
I wasn't in 'Nam!

High-five for handfacebabing. And for not being in 'Nam!

Day-um. Although I guess if we try and press together the hands that are on our faces, it could get pretty sexy...?

Either that or we'd smack all our heads together and end up in a pool of skull blood.

(I am just trying to negate some of the sexual imagery here, because I think we have overwhelmed the dudes in this forum, and I'm afraid you might send them over the edge, never to return.)

What about people who find that attractive?

Yeah, I suppose we should've realized that might be a possibility here.

It is our cross to bear, and will be handled accordingly at the next council meeting.

Curse you, handfacebabes. Now I'll be comparing every girl I meet in real life to you, and they will doubtless all come up short.

Well obv. They don't like Achewood.


They may like Achewood and just not post on Assetbar (with a handfacebabe avataricon). In fact, yesterday I saw a girl in the city wearing a 'Dude and Catastrophe' hoodie.

but you love kate!

i_love_kate loves kate. Not that I don't love kate! i don't want to step on anyone's toes. I mean I love you all. I have a lot of love to give! love. everyone. me. love. you. surprised. hammer. exactly. help.

I want to BE Kate!

That's interesting, because I want Kate to be a fan of Achewood.

Maybe we can work something out.

Cue creepy Ray Bradbury-style lifeswapping plot.

I mean, I was making a Ben Folds reference. Because that Kate's pretty fucking awesome.

She's everything I want
She's everything I'm not

Yeah, I mean, she wears the same thing everyday, and I think she smokes pot...

At least half of that is true.

I know, jeez, poor Kate. I hope she does not lose his love just coz she can't measure up to the Achewood Handfacebabes.

A man has needs besides maintaining a platonic relationship with a girl who feels nothing for him beyond affable companionship.

By the way, i_love_kate, where is your handfacepic? GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME. Quite literally, a-hahaha, I'm so droll.

One, I just got this avatar. It was a gift from an old friend, and I cherish it. Two, my capacity for taking pictures of myself and then transferring said pictures to the internet is close to R.E.M.'s capacity to disappoint. Three, I haven't shaved in days.

But fine, whatever.

Good boy.

You look older than 17.

Seeing my stupid posts associated with my faux-sleaze sneer is making me squirm. I'm going back.


alright i cave

It's from all the stress.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play video games.

Outstanding synergy.

hold on, where is blargamagarky? she was the first girl with a face icon that i can remember. or she was concurrent with heccibiggs.

def pre-hecci.

Oh yeah, she was hell of pre-me (uhhh... not born prematurely...). I mean she's been on Assetbar tons longer than me. Many of you probably have as well, I've only been here like three months or something.

But yeah, I too was wondering where she was for all this malarky.

blarghamagarky should be joining in the malarky.

blarghamagarky should be joining in the malarky.

yeah that was the intent of my post. i don't want you to think i was trying to discredit you or anything.

i must say now that everyone's done it i feel much more comfortable. it feels....friendlier in here. laming will become difficult.

Yeah, man. How can you lame someone when they're looking you right in the eye...

Oh, oh, THAT'S the secret to my success.

well that's enough to get me back on board!

Being socially inept, I feel like I'll have to qualify every chubby with "..y'know, like, if you want it, you can, like, have it, i guess, you don't have to though, it's cool, i know that you probably get a lot of these, because you're, like, cool and all"

V-chubbed for being awesome. You kinda remind me of the older brother from Pete and Pete, except not ginger.

Yeah he does a little bit. V-chub for even remembering that show.

We'll just awkwardly swing our elbows into each other.

Awkwardly...or erotically?


A comment left by hanrahahanrahan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rainbowbrite, chivalress, abj, thebarbarian, perhapsmaybe)

It seems I have entered a world where the only activity that exists is tasting your lames

I like how a welcome burst of nostalgia seems to make us forgive all. That was a good strip, though.

First taste lames, then taste chubbies. Which one tastes sweeter?

neither--lames would be bitter.

chubbies? salty.

Taste the happy, Michael.

Why does the title completely mispell RB's last name?

Dude, Onstad did not misspell his name. That is what he always had intended to have did done do.

It is foreshadowing.

Also the copyright line misspells it a different way. I don't know why this is.

The hell the copyright line misspells it.

Well, don't I feel like the illiterate asshole? For some reason I never noticed the second 'z.'

Chubby for a very subtle reference to A Few Good Men .

The copyright line is right. His name has always been Kazenzakis.


Man, I don't really get what is up with this response that you often make to people's posts. All replying NO when it seems to make no sense to reply that way.

It symbolises the fact that I disagree with them strenuously, and reject what they say. As it happens I did so in error here.

It really loses its effect without the starfish eye thing whatever it was though. Blue is such a calming colour.

I thought it was an armadillo "sleeping with the fishes".

Close - it's a deep sea giant isopod. As lobsters are to scorpions, the isopod is to woodlice.


This is pretty horrifying. It's pretty much exactly how I pictured Gregor in The Metamorphosis.

oh -- oh god.
i've been studying all night for a biology final. something tells me when the test gets passed out, this is going to be the only image in my mind.

We were examing horseshoe crabs in a biology lab and they are quite similiar. Not as creepy though.

I posted the original Dorito image on MySpace and in retaliation my friend sent me an even worse of one.

[url=https://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Bathynomus_giganteus. jpg
]Only click here if you really really want to be horrified and never sleep again.[/url]

Uhhh... here, I mean. Click here. Except don't.

Waah! I saw it for about two seconds. I daren't go back to see if it was as bad as I thought.

Whoever it was who was complaining about the megamouth shark should not look at that, ever.

Nooooo!! I had to look at it again to close the window!

Why can't things just stay in the murky depths where they belong?

I...it...it's looking at me !

I'm not sure that that isn't rubber. The eyes look fake.

I don't know, like the others I closed it very very quickly.

oh my fucking god someone got a compass out and that's how they decided to arrange it's legs, it's just not fair.

I want to kill it. I need to know that that thing is dead so I can sleep.

I think it's kinda cute. its antennae are all down like "aww look at me I am just a harmless crustacean"

That's what they want you to think. Right before they lay eggs in your trachea.

I was about to have another slice of bread to cap off my lunch. I don't think I'll bother now.

seriously though why does this exist

at first I was like, "oh well, at least it's a partymonster. it likes doritos, and any friend of chips is a friend of mine."

and now it's terrifying underbelly is revealed, quite literally. I think this thing honestly has come through a inter-dimensional portal.


Thank you, tekende, that is exactly the sound I made upon viewing this image.

I think many people did/will.

Why is everybody hatin' on the giant isopod?

Oh god, I am actually eating Doritos at the minute. What are the chances of one of those things being under my chair, waiting to creep out and steal them off me right now?

About 50:50.


Looking this underbelly photo suddenly makes me want to eat the giant isopod.

Supposedly their meat is similar to crab.

Supposedly our meat is similar to veal.

I would have guessed we taste like ham.

...hey guys, what's everybody talkin' ab.. OhMyGodWhatAreYouDoing?

Oh my God guys y'all just reminded me of a dream I had last night about cooking some sort of crustacean that was similar to lobster but wasn't quite.

I bet it was because of all the isopod shennanigans going on here.

Also a couple of nights back I had a dream that all my posts on this page had like over five lames and no chubbies and I was getting really upset about it. How outrageously pathetic is that.

Whoa, who chubbied this? Who still had a chubby remaining? Did you just do it to try and negate my nightmares? Well, thanks.

Yes, we taste like ham, and were called "long pig" by the cannibals.

Aww, whos a little freak of the sea? YOU ARE! yes you are!

There used to be armadillos all over New Jersey, but they couldn't keep their mouths shut and so the remaining ones were Witness-Relocated to Texas. (in lieu of a chubby, I present you this idiotic story)

Is any part of this true?

it's true that I ran out of chubbies, and that I've probably been reading too much of that John Hodgman The Areas of My Expertise book.

You can never read that book too much! If you closely inspect the list of hobo names, you might find my handle there...

Hooray! I will go forth and do this.
that is all

Also, other fact about giant isopods is that they go into a feeding frenzy when they are netted with fish. They become so engorged that they find it difficult to move properly, and females may prematurely lay eggs.

Lately I have been hearing a lot about giant isopods for some reason, but this is the most interesting fact yet!

i thought they always died when they came up to the surface?

I don't think so. I've seen more than one photo of them hanging around being alive, attacking doritos packets, sitting in buckets, that kind of thing.

This is The Best Picture


Dude, I just threw up! I threw up because I looked at your picture!

(I don't know why this is. I am generally alright with insects and sea beings, horrible as they may be, but this particular species elicits queasy fear within my gut. I can't look at it.)

Is it because of the Doritos?


That's the worst thing ever. I'm serious, that's so horrible, oh God I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about giant woodlice with flippers who like Doritos.


I will send you one for your birthday.


An exuberant v-chub for this.


Once again, a song of joy.

One of the cool parts of showing up late to a new strip is still being able to hand out deserved chubbies at the bottom of the posts.


Did anyone else collect these cards when they were little?


A virtual chubby doesn't quite seem enough, so have two.

And yes! Finally I am the star of an Assetbar photoshopping! Wait 'til my mum hears.

Hey, y'know, there's a person with a bag of Doritos as their avicon, so if someone with tighter Photoshop skillz than mine was to do the same thing alreadyinuse did, well, that would be downright peachy! So purty please? With a cherry on top?

*grumble*if you want anything done around here...*grumble*

If you really want to see the worst thing ever you need to look at the wikipedia entry for the megamouth shark.

But whoever does, do NOT post it here, I beg of you. I looked at it once and it gave me nightmares for three days. I have not looked at it again, and I can barely remember what it does look like. I do not care to remember. I do not want to go back to that place .

hecci, your response just made me laugh so hard that I elicited the strangest laugh I've ever heard come from my own mouth.

You're giving me that nervous tick where I keep rubbing my neck because I can't stop imagining the tiny claws of scurrying and carapaced feet probing the soft, vulnerable flesh there .

why did you say such a thing, I can't even so much as look at a cartoon spider scuttle without that EXACT FEELING

I think they are cute. All tiny legs grabbing the chips. Hehe...chomp chomp chomp.

I think you are an odd adult.

I like their eyes, actually. Quite pretty, in a horribly cthulhuesque manner.

By contrast, I think their eyes are the worst thing about them. Although, the only good thing about them is that you can slow them down with fish.

Chubbied for 'cthulhuesque.' I must do this, the Elder Gods demand it of me.

In a vaguely-related story, i got my ass kicked at Munchkin Cthulhu at a LAN-Party over the weekend. Other geeks here may now bask in the knowledge that they are slightly cooler than me.

That's disgusting!

EEEEEEEE!! What the hell is that-- a trilobite??

Oh my god they are like giant roly-polies but they have a sheen to them and they are crustaceans. I have hermit crabs but this is where I draw the line.

Tell those things that I hate them.

I was trying to ignore this, but try as I might, I must thank you for the futurama reference.

Oh, hee hee hee, look at them, all NOM NOM NOM

is it weird that i want a pet giant isopod more than almost anything right now? The odd thing is that they seem able to survive out of water, but are apparently found in the depths?

Yeah. They probably need water though - a lot of marine arthropods use gills that need to remain wet.

just water, or will blood work also?
"ocean vampires"


wow, i fact-checked and you're right. very impressive that an animal used to such high pressure, low light etc. can make it up on land.

very disturbing to read that these creatures are carnivorous; also that they themselves are eaten in taiwan.

Now who's being a dick about terms?

Maybe Mr. Dick Termes ?

Seriously, i've been dying for a way to tell people about this dude. Thank you, and a chubby for your name.

That clears that up. Thanks!

It is misspelled so hard it became correct.

That's pretty hard!

Hurrah, falseprophet has gone heccibiggs! THIS IS AWESOME (Y)

Indeed, although in my version of the pose I think I kinda turned out looking like I'm imitating Hulk Hogan.

Yeah, I kind of love it that now all the boys are getting in on the handface fun.

Are you SURE!?

You kind of look like you're about to perform some kind of wrestling move on yourself there, irondave.

Oh, wow, my icon looks like it's looking at the icon of the person who posted before me.

This could lead to amusement.

Aikido, maybe. Or, I could just be propping my head up with my arm while I distractedly refresh Assetbar.

Aikido is the friendliest of martial arts.

I dunno, that may be kind of a misconception. But, since there is no widely-practiced sporting form of it, and you can't really spar, it seems to attract people who value cooperation.

"Will you cooperate in me learning to defend myself by never touching you?"

"Of course! This is very friendly!"

I, uh... I don't get what you are saying. About the never touching part.

Aikido has a lot to it. The fundamental principle of redirecting your opponent's physical energy is extremely potent. "Throw" in another discipline focused on giving blows and you have a more or less well rounded education in violence .

Physical violence.

Unless you get some lincoln action...

Samurai Lincoln what are you smoking?

That's a fine Wayne Gretzky.

It's not Samurai Lincoln. It's Abe-kido.


Camp Anawanna, we hold you in our hearts...!

And when we think about you, it makes us want to do a :(

I can do that front roll, but probably not as well as The Sixteenth President.

This is the best of pictures.

Zadig, I'm a little disappointed that you apparently are in Tulsa but have never joined "gin_ocean". Please consider it.

What is this GIN OCEAN? A secret bar for people with offensive lawns? A social gathering? I must know.

It is a Yahoo group for the purpose of arranging the Great Southwest Achewood Meetup. Coming soon to a Southwest near you!

Man, we got to get that sucker up and running... Not too long ago some buds of mine were discussing heading to New Orleans. Strikes me now that, well, why not, and what the hell?

yes thank you, i'm rooting for NOLA.
or somewhere that is not a 9 hour drive away from me.

If you will notice, I posted to our beloved gin_ocean earlier tonight.

I did notice, and thank you. Very helpful.

And I responded. I admit, I had my doubts as to whether gin ocean would really survive.

It is not coming to any Southwest that is near me.

Maybe not, but you can probably get a ticket to DFW with whatever GBP-denominated change is in your couch cushions.


DFW is the airport code for Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport, Gateway to the American Southwest. GBP is an assetbar-acceptable abbreviation for the monetary unit of the UK. Many British people come here for leisure travel because of the present exchange-rate situation, even though they have the impression that America is extra-violent.

I get you now. I thought there was something happening in the home of aforementioned currency. I had hopes up. :(

You know, this almost makes me wish that I lived in the southwest. And by almost, I mean slightly more than I do now, which is not very much at all.

I'd start one of these for people in the northeast, but I imagine that everyone here is busy and has better things to do. Except me, of course. So yea, you folks have fun, I'll be there in spirit.

A. You should start one for the Northeast.

B. I had been meaning to ask you if you have ever lived anywhere outside of there. I'm getting a sense that a change would do you good.

I'd be up for one in the midwest, if any such fans exist...
...and if we could get some smegging SUN...

I will bring cheese to this.


Ooooo, fellow Red Dwarf fan?

Red Dwarf = Chubby.
I am a weak fan (since I haven't seen all that many), but a fan nonetheless...
I wonder how this Acheworld thread looks in the Parallel Universe ...

In the parallel universe I have a cat instead of a dog and am an attractive lady (But In The End She Does Not Like Me)

I nearly married a woman who sent me the entire Red Dwarf series, but then the more of them I watched, the weaker the attraction became. My son like them a lot, though.

i'll drubby any red dwarfiness.

Please to be visiting .

Okay, so I had to googleimage Hulk Hogan because I wasn't really sure what he looked like.

So, falseprophet, you think that you kinda turned out looking like you're imitating...
this man?!

... do you mean imitating really, really poorly?

I forget people don't all live immersed in US pop culture 24/7.

Hulk Hogan does this thing where he preens and poses for the audience when he is wrestling, and it involves twirling his hand in the air and then puts it up to his ear as if to say "I can't hear you, cheer louder."

I love that that is the image you found of him, though.

Yes, thank you for clarifying this norrin.

aliiis, I'm Sorry I Referenced Something That You Did Not Understand Because You're From Across The Pond

(inside) Now You Know How I Feel When I Read Alexander Pope.

Who does that?


Sorry. Sorry! Oh god I'm sorry. That was dog shit.


Thank you norrin!

And yes, I sometimes think it is sort of strange the precise amount, or nature, of exposure to American culture or generally stuff that I and my British peers get. Because we share a language and watch lots of your films and television programmes, and listen to lots of your music, and because your news is quite often in our media and your history is in our education and so on, I think it's like I have pretty good knowledge of a selection of mid- to high-brow items worthy of cultural capital; I know an acceptable amount about things like your major political parties and The Constitution and The Senate and Vietnam and Native Americans and Civil Rights, and bits of Chomsky and Howard Zinn, and aaaall about rhotic and non-rhotic /r/ accents in New York (Labov), and you know, I know classic movies like Scarface and Rambo, and modern Important or indie movies like Magnolia and American History X, and I know from Philip Roth and Walt Whitman and Ernest Hemingway... but I have no way of knowing things that are Basic, like this hilarious wrestling pose, or you know, 'Twinkies' and 'Ding Dongs' (ding dongs are a foodstuff ??) or Cathy or Marmaduke or that game show mentioned above with Alice and the squares.

In other news this strip is taking up, like, nine pages of my inbox.

Hulk Hogan the pasta chef and The Brady Bunch as a game show, these things are almost too delightful for words. All I regret is that I have but one chubby to give.

how did you still have a chubby this late in the day?! and also, thanks, I am glad my ignorance was pleasing for you. I don't know how I got that thing with that programme being a game show in my head from. I think I thought maybe it was like Celebrity Squares ...?

For just those type situations. Actually because I am probably a stingy person.

And it isn't 'ignorance' so much as a completely valid interpretation of that title screen, which while iconic and instantly recognizable in America, totally could be misconstrued as being from a game show.

Holla for being a Brit that knows all about America. My knowledge is also helped by the fact that I dated an American for a year and a half (he lived over here). It's funny to see differences in education - do you know they teach American kids that WW2 started in 1942, because that's when they came into the war. Fucking crazy.

(Nine pages? Nine? Try having your inbox has tripled in size.)

As an Australian in London I was disappointed by how much Stateside telly there is over here. It's as bad as home.

I'm disappointed by how much Stateside TV there is in America.

I was never taught WWII started in '42. I was taught that's when the US entered, yeah, but not that that was when the whole thing started.

Right, and we know all about Dunkirk and the Blitz, dear Brits.

Marmaduke still appears in the Daily Mail, afaik. Now you know what you need to know.

The Daily Mail is worst newspaper, typed on ugliest typewriter. In fact, the very idea of me reading the Daily Mail makes me make the face pictured in my icon. The current one, I mean, with Philippe...

Alice died today because she read a copy of the Daily Mail. She was 24.

I was in it once though, true facts , sort of!

Does anyone else (I'm talking to the Brits here, really) know more American Presidents names than our own Prime Ministers? Is this wrong? I mean, I couldn't tell you who came before Thatcher. And why, when I've never seen it, do I even know what Gilligan's Island is ? Or a twinky? Or cooties?

Y'all got some pervasive culture there, America. Congrats.

Some of us are Anglophiles. England is the only European country I've visited -- yes, there was a romance involved. And we're really the same culture separated by a common language, as some wag said, so Brits can take credit for a lot of so-called "American" culture, thanks to the Beatles, Stones, Who, Zepplin, and the films and the remakes of shows like The Office.

Ding Dongs are hell of awesome. If you ever get to try them, try 'em frozen. Yum!
Damn, you got me wanting one now. I rarely go for stuff that's that bad for you, but once in a while...

you may know more than you think, aliiis--since they refuse to hire writers with original ideas here in the US, a good portion of our programmes on the telly are just shameless ripoffs of good, honest British hard work. Some work (The Office), some don't (Coupling). Just know that there are fans here willing to spend time downloading anything that doesn't get shown on BBC America, so they can see the original , and not some yank failure that "had a good pilot in the UK".
...also, 'Life on Mars' was quite good.

...also, if Alice from "The Brady Bunch" was playing any games, it was with Sam the Butcher... *fin*

I'm like Sam the butcher, bringing Alice the meat.

Oh, man, Coupling didn't work in an American setting?

I totally love Coupling.

Also, I too have no idea who came before Thatcher... But a lot of people my age don't even remember who John Major is, so I guess I have that.

I was taught that before Thatcher it was David Bowie. I might be mis-remembering that, though.

And before David Bowie it was George Formby, I believe...

I love the original Coupling (I have it on DVD) but the American version Just Wasn't Any Good. It wasn't the setting so much as the writing and the acting (it needed at least one of the two but unfortunately had neither)

Is that the set that had "The original UK version of the SMASH NBC HIT!" stickers on the packaging?

Those stickers were funnier than the remake.

I don't know if y'all are aware that an american remake of Spaced is in the works. Simon Pegg is pretty pissed about it, seeing as none of the original creators are remotely involved.
And yes peep show is hilarious.

No, no such stickers anywhere on there. (there is a quote from the seattle times on the box though which is funny to me because I am from seattle and the times is not a paper I really think of as being worth pulling quotes from)

Peep Show is in fact the most hilarious thing I have ever seen.

Wow. Everyone on assetbar is so much prettier than I am.

Hush now, no one is prettier than Billy Corgan.

If it makes you feel better, I totally misread the zeitgeist when joining Acheworld, and used the least visually appealing picture of myself in an attempt to more succesfully blend in with "The Internet Crowd".

Little did I know that every achewoman was a babe, and the dudes did not all have neckbeards (bloatees if you will). Sadly, now I cannot change my avatar, for fear of being accused of whoring.

So anyway, I just realised I didn't adress your point at all, and probably did not reassure you whatsoever. Think of it this way- Axl Rose has gotten laid more than once, and he is a less than attractive man, so there is hope for uggo's everywhere.

Note- I do not believe you are an uggo. More like a Canadian Billy Corgan!

Wow. Billy Corgen.
I could do worse. And have.
Thank you cantilever and linning.

if you changed your avatar i would not accuse you of whoring. also it's too pixelated to really know what you look like, so it would be a legit decision.

let's not be so self-conscious here broheims! young hearts run free!

Sorry. I have posted a full size somewhere around here that gives you the proper idea, but all I have to go for as far as pictures go is from a webcam built into a laptop. I do appologise.

no worries! also you are handsomer than billy corgan.

That is absolutely wonderful of you to say. Thank you.

In the little pixelly one you really remind me of my younger brother, so obviously I don't want to say you're too sexay, because that would be weird. But yeah my brother is, and therefore you are, pretty hot. Good genes, nu?

Now there's a taboo!

You've got to admit. The cat is right. That really is the best damn graphic design in the world.

Yes little bird. Yes it is. I cannot disagree with you little bird. A little bird like you is more convincing than anything else.

So, how do you feel about honey today?

I'm certainly not a godless shirtlover who rogers people in stairwells, if that's what you're askin.

Shirt lifter .



avatar/icon synergy is just too much fun with that plus the riff on my mistake.

glory to you, sir. and a chubby.

The irony is that my avatar is now different, but you cannot retract your chubby.

Comment and chubby still stand. Now you just look like you're contemplating your love of shirts fiercely.

Man nearly every time i scroll past one of your posts i am forced by my brain to put on some Mingus, and for this i thank you.

I kind of hope this happens to somebody with my avatar. All, "Is that Bill Hicks? I should listen to relentless"

I have now guaranteed that we will both become facehanddudes within the hour.

No! I won't do it, bill!

Bill who?

I'm sorry I didn't make it to your party.

(inside) The morning routine was like Zeno's paradox today, maybe tomorrow will be better.

Shorty what you drank

I wonder if it actually took CO 6 minutes to create the first panel

If he's still using Flash to draw the comics, no. If he's using Illustrator, yes, that kind of shit is easy as.


*Ahem* *Deep Breathing*

Easy as what, may I ask?

Shit...you are really freaking out.


Calm the fuck down


theirateturk's ex-girlfriend


Oops Pow Surprise!

Daaaaamn! Mira has got some SASS!
Somehow that was far more shocking to me when you have a picture of yourself up, looking all innocent.

it's easy to be sassy when I hide under the anonymity of Hindu religious figures

I desperately wanted to chubby this - alas, I am all out. My only choice is to chubby a less chubbiable post of yours at some future date.

LOL yeah I did it...

A comment left by catgrl131 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, _cheesekayke, jollysaintpete, Margargaret)

SHITSHITSHITSHIT please pay no attention to the above post, please just lame it away, I meant topress the cancel button oh shit I'm so sorry, please just lame it away please don't read it, please.

There's, like, a good eight millimetre space between those buttons.

it's relative. maybe she's using a 5" monitor.

Or a dicky touchpad. All we know is, this could have been averted if she had been properly equipped. [i]And isn't that always the way.[/]

I submit that I am using a dicky keyboard.

I submit that Assetbar's dickery trumps the dickery of your keyboard.


It is important that you know: I lamed your post because you asked, not because I hate you and think that you suck.

Thank you. I'm sorry, I just feel all...exposed.

you're like 16 right? dude, i know what it's like to be the youngest active member of an internet community. it fills you with constant self-doubt and insecurity. i don't wanna be patronizing here; i'm just empathizin'.

Yea, seems like a contrived narrative device, which is fine because I like David Foster Wallace and such.

I don't mean to be patronizing, but I can tell you something I've realized recently that it would have spared me a lot of grief to realize earlier in life: EVERYONE IS FAKE. There is no such thing as authenticity. From your childhood, you learn your actions, words, and mannerisms by mimicking others. Then when you realize that other people have minds just like yours through which they perceive you just as you perceive them, you inevitably orient yourself towards being perceived a certain way in order to function in society. And that IS who you "really are", because after all, you've still made the choice that you want to be perceived as one thing and not another, and in your striving to achieve the image that you've chosen you ARE being 'yourself' in the fullest sense that anyone can be. All you can hope for is to be more introspective and aware about the choices you're making.

God I sound like Dr. Phil or something. Um...omg stfu ur posts r 2 long!

True dat! What Catgrl is describing however sounds like a sort of intensity that is seen in such extreme conditions as bipolar disorder, or an LSD trip. This really complicates the task of gaining introspection and self-awareness.

I wonder if perhaps people who are hyper sensitive to their own emotions and emotional perceptions are not, perhaps, somehow, by definition, inherently less fake than the average Joe?

On this subject, lately I have been reading this book. I totally dig it. It's changed my life. I would send a copy to Roast Beef if I knew his address.

I would like to chubby it. This is sincerity.

Same here.

Yeah, I'm out of chubbies, but it was really quite endearing.

catgrl, you are rad! You...are...rad!

I agree. I'm glad Catgrl posted that. That experience sounds very familiar. Not many people can understand an experience like that; fewer still can be aware of it enough to write about it so lucidly.

you rock, catgrl. for serious.

I read it and chubbied for empathy, sorry!

....haven't you mashed post when you thought you were mashing cancel in recent history, catgrl or was that someone else..?

Yep, that was me. I'm the chick who's mouse sucks, plus I accidentally posted a bad tribute to whoever's avicon used to be "It's never lupus".

V-Chub for the post adolecent iconoclastic. Shine on you crazy diamond.

I read it and I wished I had a chubby left. You just described me in secondary school.

calmer than you are

Did he really use flash to draw them? That's ridiculous.

I Am Sorry I Kept Asking You Out And You Kept Saying "I'm Busy This Weekend But I'll Get Back To You."

(inside) Although It's Really Not That Hard To Just Say No I Mean Jesus Christ We're Both Adults I'll Eventually Get Out Of Bed After A Few Days.

Yes yes YES.

I hate it when girls do this. They keep making up excuses or saying "let me think about it" or whatEVER. Just fucking say no if you don't want to!

I'm Sorry I Lied And Said "Yes" After You Said You Weren't Interested And Asked If We Could Still be Friends.

(inside)I'm Not Too Comfortable With The Idea Of Having Friends That I Can Only Think About Boning And Regret Not Being Able To Bone Every Time We Hang Out.


I'm Sorry That When I Said 'Be Friends' I Meant 'Hopefully This Way One Night We Can Get Really Wasted And I'll Say Hey You Can Crash At My Place, We Are Friends And Then You Know, Perhaps One Thing Will Lead To Another'

Oh my god.

I have been living an incorrect life.

Seriously, this kind of thing never even occurred to me. All those cell numbers I deleted and Facebook friends I de-friended...chubby for completely blowing my mind and proving me to be a callow youth unskilled in the ways of the world and the wiles of womenfolk.

I'm Sorry That I Didn't See Through Your Asininely Roundabout Manner of Appearing to Blow Me Off When Secretly You Were Actually Interested In Me But Didn't Want To Admit to It Openly Out Of Fear For Losing Social Standing.

(Inside) I Do Not Actually Intend This To Be Apologetic, I Just Wanted to Make My Own Attempt at a Reply in This Manner Before It Went Out of Fashion.

I'm Sorry I'm Not A Depressive Paranoiac With A Cripplingly Hyperactive Imagination That Affords Me The Skills To Come Up With Interesting Greeting Cards

(Inside) Thanks For The Sex! Let's Do That Again!

HA--a v-chub for you

yes! so much v-chub.

You're cute.

This is exactly why we should all go back to our old icons/avatars. I am so uncomfortable with this.

I agree, mainly because no-one's said that to me. waaaaaaaaahhh.

yeah i can't do this anymore.

awww, farqussus! don't be that way--you know we all cherish your face!

There is no way I can explain my actions without going into therapy, so I'll just say I prefer to look at Mr Hammer and Mr Screwdiver slug it out.

You looked like a Gap Model, we were all just really intimidated about bringing it up

Or at least I was.

fortunately most of my thinkin ain't so pretty.

He does doesn't he

To be fair, he does have the look of a young Robert Downey Jr. You cannot be blamed for your outburst.

To be fair people used to pay me to look pretty. In keeping with this here gang though I used to be the guy they'd call when they didn't want to pay for the dude with the rock abs and the perfect everythings. I was a Clayton's Model. hee hee hee...

Stop being an ex-model! Today is SPECIAL!
Farqussus, come back, we promise to cherish your face more.

I'm Sorry I Had Pretty Genes, Farqussus.

[inside] I Called My Parents And Yelled At Them A Little.

[back] I've Been Disowned Because Of ASSETBAR!

I can't even LOOK at you anymore, you gorgeous bastard!

Oh, farqussus, you are one sexy bitch.

come feel the heat radiating from my deep sunburn.

Are Australians allowed to get sunburned? I thought the sun was like your thing.

well I'm not actually sunburned. I have an awesome Greek Island tan. Sadly, my digital camera LOVES red and I am quite shiny so I look sunburned. Was that worth the eight seconds it took to read?

It was worth it to feel the heat.

I am glad you returned, farqussus. *cherish cherish cherish*

so am i

so am i *tear*

I would buy this card in bulk as I seem to have this conversation with far too many people.

In my younger and more formidable years I actually believed such nonsense. I would actually await such return phone calls instead of immediately contacting one of the other two Ladies Who I Thought Glanced At Me A Little Too Long In Science Class. And what's worse I would be like "Oh man what if she calls me back and I am already going on this other date with this slightly less interesting lady man what should I do what do I say?" but Remember this my young assetdroogs, if she is struggling to make up her mind it's her own fault for not having already studied up on you.

Remember this.

I read "I am already going on this other date with this slightly less interesting lady man" and imagined things that probably should not have been imagined. I am sorry for this.

Sleater-Kinney had a ballad about that.

Falseprophet owes you a card.

All sayin I'm Sorry My AssetBar Post Made You Imagine a Naked Shemale Because I Really Did Not Mean To Do That

I Am Sorry I Did Not Get Around To Writing This Card Myself And Left You As My De Facto Card Writing Intern

(inside) I Hope The Union Does Not Get On My Ass About This.

You are wise beyond your 22 years, chum.

[random grammar audit] I think you meant impressionable, not formiable. [/]

yeah I read that like 5 times, while scrolling, and never caught that till now.

I read it a couple of times, I think he may have been going for "formative", but I never bothered to correct it. I don't know why, I love correcting people's spelling and grammar errors.

hey, would YOU feel comfortable insinuating to someone who likes you enough to ask you out that they suck?

(that was some seriously fucked-up syntax in that last sentence)

Well, it's not like you have to tell me I suck. "Thanks, but no, I'm not interested" is really all it takes.

I can take a hint

Well I dunno, I would still take that to mean that I suck in some way. Though I am generally inclined to think such things anyway.

Dude honestly what would make you think you suck worse:

A lady directly rebukes your advances with "No I'm not interested"


A lady says "I'll get back to you" because she is not only not interested but she thinks you are dumb enough to think that she is


It's incredibly hard to look someone in the face and say "No thanks." Also, girlchildren are often raised to be meek and mild, and to always be looking out for the interest of others. Mostly, that is.

The more you ask people out, the more you get rejected/have to reject, the easier it is to do it/read others. So if it is a couple of people who don't date all that often, it's going to be a lot of awkward hemming and hawing until one of them gives up.

The best tip for ladies OR gentleman is to just not return phone calls. There isn't any misreading that, and you aren't leading anybody on. Of course, I'm speaking on would-be-courters that you don't really know. If it's a friend or something, I guess the situation would be much different.

Also, when you say, "No thanks," (or, "I have a boyfriend," or "I'm just going to dance with my friends right now, if you don't mind") and they keep persisting, then what do you do? I'm too awkward to get firm about it, and it has led to some really uncomfortable situations. The uncomfortable quality of those sorts of interactions probably should make me want to be more direct, but instead I end up being indirect in an effort to avoid the whole mess.

How about you print cards, and if necessary you just hand them one? I'm thinking business card-sized, with the message:

face: I Am Sorry I Do Not Wish To Know You Better Or Otherwise Interact With You (Sorry).
reverse: I Am Not Especially Sorry About This. All The Best.

Rejection Hotline
it's a handy number to have.

The secret to these kind of situations is to never speak to anyone or look anyone in the eye ever. Avoiding social situations all together gets you out of some awkward ones. Take it from me, it works!

amen, sister.

Double amen.

Totally! You can either be really firm and upfront about it-- in which case, it'll turn out that the guy was really nice and sensitive and you'll see his heart break when you shut him down. Or you can be nice about it, in which case he'll turn out to be a creepy stalker who has no concept of social interactions, who follows you everywhere and won't take a hint.

As a dude who regularly talks to girls he does not know (what can I say, I love tits), whenever I get a "thanks but I'm not interested" (or anything from the same ballpark), I usually (if I think it won't come off as too odd) ask what it is that creates the lack of interest. This serves the important purpose of not having "not interested" be the last thing that is said between you two, and is sort of the closing equivalent of an icebreaker, a less abrupt, more conversationalist way of finishing a chat.

Occasionally there is also the secondary purpose of sparking a conversation, which is always nice. Amongst the many "have a boyfriends", "I'm gay" and "no hablo ingles", there is the off chance that a conversation will bloom, and then later, make-outs.

At the very least, I won't feel like I got shut down, which is a feeling that sucks.



That sounds like an interesting, almost scientific technique in theory.

In practice it just sounds like it will make for incredibly awkward moments.
"I said no because you look like you might be a rapist. Also you smell like hardboiled eggs."

Yeah I had to shut a guy down a few weeks ago and he pulled that on me-- as if it wasn't horrible enough to have to look at a guy that I could tell liked me and tell him I wasn't feeling it (NOTE: I am not a bitch, I did not use those exact words), but then instead of letting us both go our separate ways and end the awkwardness, he just stood there with puppy dog eyes and wanted me to explain it. Really? You want me to tell you that I am in no way attracted to you? You want me to tell you that I can't look at you without thinking of my oldest friend who I've known since I was 10? You want me to say that your lack of impetus is unattractive, you aren't that good at conversation, I don't like having to shoulder 70% of the conversational burden, and neither your job nor your hobbies are interesting to me?

I don't even remember what I ended up stammering out. Boys, when you ask this question, do you actually want an answer?

The answer is always sad and terrible. The only time a girl asked me that all I said was "You can not possibly want to hear the answer to that."


Because otherwise, the reasons that we imagine in our heads will be far worse.

Seriously . If you are being forward enough to be picking up women and not in "making friends" mode, be forward enough to walk away. It shows you are needy to be all "why don't you like me?" If you're so uncomfortable with yourself that you need your personality evaluated by a stranger, you really shouldn't be looking to hook up with someone until you figure that shit out.

Respect yourself more than that ...

I agree, cromar. Just shrug it off, say something like "well it was nice to meet you anyway" and walk away.

You just got to grin and say, "Well, that sucks, because I'm completely awesome," and move on to allow the next person to bask in your glory.

Well, I don't say that to myself. What on account of how it's true and all.

heh, you could say that to the girl in question. That would be pretty funny except she'll turn around and laugh at you with her friends, all going "man, what a dick , I bet he has a really small dick ."

"Would you like to see it?"

Hey, you're not saying to impress her. You're saying it for you and whoever's next. She doesn't want anything to do with you anymore, so you just keep on rolling.

Once you realize that about 80% of the people you meet will never reappear in your life or ever weigh in on any major decision or experience, you gain a lot of freedom. I mean, she could say you're gay, even though you're straighter than John Wayne voting for Reagan on a horse, but you'll still be sitting there being straight. It's her problem now. Not yours.

Just shrug it off, say something like "well it was nice to meet you anyway" and walk away.

That would be the coward's way out .

But what if it's something stupid that you could easily remedy, like what if you smell like squirrels but because of a childhood incident you have some kind of disability that prevents you from sensing squirrel smells, or you've had toilet paper stuck to your shoe for the past 5 years and no one had the heart to tell you because they thought it was intentional? Then you could just peel it off your shoe and be like "oh man, no wonder you didn't wanna go out with me!" and you could both have a good laugh before proceeding to make out.

This is statistically unlikely.

yes. also statistically unlikely is that as a large SUV comes to a stop before a cross-walk where several blind nuns are crossing the street while pushing a baby carriage, some frightened squirrels scamper such that one squirrel each, for a total of four, arrives under each tire of the SUV, resulting in an out-of-control skid on all four tires.

Given enough squirrels, blind nuns, SUVs, and time, sooner or later this should happen.

"What if I'm not really a nerd? What if I have been dragging a mattress under my car this whole time?"

Not sure if you were referencing Brian Posein but I will tell myself you were.

Yeah, the only thing worse than being asked that is if, after you have that awful conversation, the guy asks if you could go out just one more time because he really thought there was a connection.

...What I'm saying is that this is what that guy said to me, after he asked me to explain why I didn't want to date him. And it was bad. And none of you should ever do that. Achillesbow, if you're concerned you smell or whatever, ask a dear friend that's a girl that you don't plan to date. Ask her to be honest and she will tell you the truth, if it's something that can be changed. But it's *never* good news to pull these shenanigans on someone you're dating/being rejected by.

Well, joking aside, the things you hope to find out could be things that only people whom you approach romantically and who haven't known you for a long time would notice. The way you interact with your friends is completely different.

And seriously, I mean why not ask? I mean all I've heard so far is ladies complaining about how uncomfortable it made them , but if the girl's already said she's not interested, it can't really get any worse, so what do I care how she feels? It's not like I'd want to be 'friends' with her (see above). I guess that means I'm partly motivated by a need for a passive-aggressive form of pathetic faux-revenge, which isn't something to be proud of, but hell, it's true.

As for the other argument, that you don't want to hear her reasons because they will make you feel bad, the point is that you already feel bad and already assume that she's thinking bad things about you. Plus, I'm the kind of guy who looks at things like 2girls1cup and swap.avi even after people tell me "trust me, you don't wanna see it" because I figure if it's out there, I might as well know. So the same would apply here.

I guess the point is that I think it's legitimate to ask the question if you have reason to suspect that there's some kind of common pattern to your romantic failures that you can't figure out on your own. Like for example, some of you are hella feeding my ego and telling me I'm attractive and whatnot, which is nice and all, and though I may not fully agree I must admit I don't see anything horribly wrong with how I look, but then in REAL LIFE it's seriously like I have something stuck to my shoe all the time or like I'm completely ignorant of some rule of conduct that everybody else knows. And I know that by now you're probably looking at this post and thinking I'm a little crazy and over-analytic and maybe that's actually the problem, but I don't think I really express this in everyday life, and if I do, I'd like to know how so I can stop or hide it better or whatever.

So yea, I mean obviously if you are too bothered by the question you can always just walk away and choose not to answer it and there's nothing we can do to force you, so I don't see why there's a problem with just asking, but also I think it's a legitimate question that people could consider answering more often and not just dismiss as something ridiculous. This is all theoretical, by the way, because I've never even had the balls to ask that question - I usually just break off all contact immediately so as to forget my shame. But it doesn't mean I wouldn't like to know.

The amount of things we do or avoid doing to avoid being or making others uncomfortable has crippled gender relations under its weight.
I know we've been raised to be positive, if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all, think about other people's feelings etc, but we (and by we I ESPECIALLY mean the group we seem to have here) seem to spend so much time thinking about the possible ramifications of possible[/] permutations of [i]possible conversations with people we catch passing glimpses of on public transport, that friendships and life passes us by. All because it's the height of rudeness to be honest about each other, or about ourselves. It's aberrant behaviour to reveal anything true or real about oneself.

It's OK to be rude, and it's not rude to be rude.

Vulnerability is a wicked cold bitch.

In some ways you're right, in some ways you aren't. Even though she's rejecting you, you are effectively torching any chance you might have of ever getting with her in the future. But I go back to what I said about female friends, because though I agree with you on the "nothing to lose" front, if you ask a girl who's just dumped you to tell you why, her mind is still going to be tied up with her carefully worded dumpage and her imminent need to flee. The vast majority of things that might be scaring off a girl, a female friend will be able to see and tell you. Plus, if she's a good friend she's probably seen the way you act around girls anyway. You *are* good-looking so there *may* be something you do socially to turn girls away, I have no idea. But whatever it is, if it is something at all, I bet a good girl-friend will be able to tell you in a much more productive and less painful way for all involved.

On top of this, sometimes, there is no explanation other than "not interested in you at this present moment in time."

A person shouldn't have to explain their every thought and feeling to every Joe Schmo who walks in and out of their life. I'd like to know what exactly about me it is that some people have found ungirlfriendable throughout the years, but I'll handle it like everyday people; crying in the shower until I pass out.

Wait, wait wait. People found you to be not girlfriend material? People weren't interested? I find this hard to imagine.

Perhaps she has a very shrill laugh?

Too much the opposite, I sound like a smoky little dude. Quite disarming, I'm pretty young looking and sound like a tough old bird, seen a lot of things in my day GOT ANY SMOKES KID HACK HACK

also, I just have a very masculine personality. Meh, it's a whole thing.

That would delight me. Probably because I would have to break out my sleazy cabbie voice.

I think that was just for comedy.

Perhaps from the waist down, she is actually an isopod...

(This is also statistically unlikely)

And thank you for that nightmare image.

Oh Tekende! you charming rogue! you say the things that the rest of us fear would make us sound creepy! its a good thing all the ladies think you're cute, or you would totally not get away with this.
(i am glad you get away with this)

Was that creepy? I didn't think that one would seem creepy. Hm.

Well, I'm glad I get away with it too and that it is amusing to others. Thanks for the support.

It was not aimed at that one especially, but you are generally pretty good at saying the things which I may have been thinking but cannot phrase in a way I am comfortable with. so... props!

This is true as far as it goes, and like someone above said, if you're just going up to girls you don't know and asking them out then you really have no right to inquire further. I'm just thinking that maybe you might owe some explanation to a guy with whom you've hung out on more than several occasions and whom you've gotten to know pretty well and whom you just maybe might have been leading on without fully realizing it and he kinda knew that deep down but was still willing to go grocery shopping with you and accompany you to see terrible experimental theater productions where the actors just read out of a book and change roles FOR NO GODDAMN REASON, all because he was desperately smitten by you and hadn't learned his lesson even though this same thing had happened to him at pretty much every stage of his life. Maybe.

Having never needed to pick up a girl in a bar in my life -- I think you are all way overthinking this whole dating thing. You can hook up at closing time with the drunkest woman left, sure, but what sort of life is that? Why not go for quality, someone who has the same interests and who you meet in a non-threatening situation? And if that doesn't work, online dating works great, at least for older people who can be a bit honest about themselves. Just be your charming self and never be predatory and she will appear.

So predators can't find other predators out there for romance? Will the world never see something as awesome as Bonnie and Clyde again? That's pretty harsh.

"Picking up" women at clubs is great because I know they share two of my favorite pastimes - drinking and dancing. Heh.

Well, I was raised too white to dance much, although I can twitch and shuffle my feet a little. And as for drinking, sorry, it killed my mother and sort of ruined my adolesecence before she kicked, so I don't get snotfaced.


You knew this was coming...

And yet, there was nothing we could do.

Keep doing what you do Beef. Pave the way for the rest of us, brotha!

What started as Beef just trying to get a card to apologize to his woman became a way for him to express his frustrations through Art became his delusion that this will be a viable business model in The Underground when really they would only be purchased by the people who spend all their time refreshing this comic.

or at least they would if we had the money for things other than computer games, pot noodles and internet porn.

I am sad to say that I must forsake two of these to afford to support my debilitating hat obsession.

and the third one is free. hooray!

that was probably your point! hooray.

oh.. I assumed a lapsed comma there.. you're speaking about three things, not four. I have slightly less in common with you than I initially suspected.

A lapsed comma is much better than a lapsed colon.

Which betters a prolapsed colon by 3.

Well, that explains what the pot is for.

Oh, terrible !

Your icon syncs very well with your post.

Man, his biceps are getting ripped. Card making is a strenuous business for Roast Beef.

Seriously he's Magnus Kazekzakinianius nowadays.

Your pic, it just changed. It freaking changed, while I was reading your post. It is now telling me to be quiet, as if it were our little secret .

I'm sorry, though, autrepoupee. Such an event as a magical pic-change is creeping me out way too much to not comment on. I may have nightmares.


haha, what are you talking about budenhagen? i think you are having the Sunday Crazies! you saw nothing!

never tell anyone what you've seen
s h h h h

r i s o t t o

my cat actually has special powder for the kidneys

Renal failure is a very common cause of death in cats.

Wow. When I read back over that it sounded really mean and like I was telling you that your cat is going to die. I'm sorry. I actually had a cat that died slowly of renal failure because we couldn't bear to put it to sleep. I don't want your cat to die. Really.

It was sweet of you to express your concern. Regrettably, her cat is going to die. So is mine. So are we all.

We now return you to your regular programming.

P.S. Nice avatar.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Your cat is going to die of renal failure.

Rhyme scheme = A A B :C

C is for Cat!

A A B =^..^=

or Cassandra .

My cat's name is theethee...

v-chub for "I haven't thought about that skit in years, and you just made me LOL"

aww, but what if YOU die of renal failure?

it ith pothible

oh gracious! mad chubbies for taking the words outta my mouth. ..except for "lol". I would never use "LOL".

There is a hint of menace to that statement when combined with the Nice Pete pic.

Only a hint?? Well apparently this Nice Pete pic just ain't hard enough.

Outside of card: I'm sorry that you cat died of renal failure

Inside of card: One day you will join him in death.

I like how the last :C looks like a really sad emoticon. It fits very well with the poem. It also made me feel pretty sad about the rhyme scheme.

My cat actually died of renal failure today. So it's really true.


That is very sad. My condolences on your loss.

What is it about this comic? I had been barely aware of renal failure in cats until today, and now everybody's fluffy hug bomb is failing?

I am sorry, I just hate hearing about cats dying. You also have my condolences.

I'm sorry that you kitty died. It is a sad thing to happen.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Why are you still a llama though

Join us straw

Join us

Seriously though, sorry about your cat, that sucks. HUUUUGS!

It's cool. He was 16 and when he was a kitten he had some weird-ass condition wherein his kidneys made a threat to turn into crystals ( seriously ) so it's been about a 14-year gear up for it.

Mine went a while back aged 16 or 17, just died of old age. Sorry to hear about your cat.

I'm really sorry about your cat (genuinely so).

Know what might make you feel better? Handface...

(front) I Am Sorry I Turned a Robert Frost Poem Into a Joke About Cats Dying of Renal Failure While Your Cat Was Dying of Renal Failure, I Had No Idea.

(inside) God dammit.

(back) CRAP.

good alt-text today.

Pour on out for Elmo, pictured to the left. Acute renal failure got him too.

Mourn ya 'til I join ya.....across the rainbow bridge. (from one cat to another)

I am terribly sorry to hear about your reprehensible lush of a cat.

I agree, I didn't laugh at the comic till the Alt-text popped up and said "Hello, I'm funny."

I'm Sorry I Didn't Buy Any Toilet Paper But You Know That When a Woman Buys It She Could Just Need to Urinate But If It Is a Man Then The Cashier Just Knows He Is Going to Drop a Deuce.


I'm guessing you speak from experience.

Man, that could be five minutes of legitimate stand-up, and you wasted it on AssetBar.

Thank you.

Five minutes? He pointed out a difference between women and men, he could very well be president of Comedy Central within a matter of days.

That's how it works at Comedy Central. The closer to stereotypical stand-up topics you are, the higher up you are in rank.

Jerry Seinfeld is the emperor.

(Note I do in fact find him funny)

Needs more pointless and/or obnoxious racism for Comedy Central stand-up.

(inside) Besides There Were Some Black Guys in Baggy Pants Hanging Around the Front of the Store and You Know How That Is

Their pants are so low nowadays.

And the piercings that kids get! Why don't they just get regular earrings?

And let me tell you about how incapable I am of asking for directions.

I saw a girl a few days ago who had pierced the TIP of her nose, smack bang in the middle. On the same day I saw a youth whose jeans were so low he had to pull them up ever other step. HELL IN A HANDBASKET, I'M TELLING YOU PEOPLE.

why would someone pierce the tip of their nose
why would they even think of that

Chubby because I have had this exact thought while buying toilet paper. (this lady knows I am going to poo she knows it)

god I hope I remembered my bbcode

fuck that is what I get for direct linking

I do not like the checker at the grocery store to know I am going to go home and make pickles, it is none of their business (it makes me uncomfortable)

Apples poop?

You...didn't know to clean the poop out of your apples before eating them?


even the apple poops?

Beef is gonna be a millionaire.

If RB can broaden his horizons and appeal to not only the renal-failure-phobic but the diabetes-phobic as well, then I foresee a heavily-funded, world dominating team play with Ray.

"WORDS cannot express my HORROR at making pickles in your bed."

Once again, I am proved a coward.

All Hail the Rotating Elvis Army (wow, what a great band name)

Elvis is Everywhere!


Michael J. Fox has no Elvis in him.

Although, he's full to the brim with Jerry Lee Lewis. A Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On! ((badabum-ching))

If only Mojo Nixon had known, he could've worked such a thing into his song. Maybe I'll write him a letter.

return of beefs furious triceps...
" i find it so funny the depressed cat hates the greetings card industry "

They should have cards that you give people you dont like or need to employ any more.

Something like a pop up Donald Trump saying "You're fired"

I remember a good example of this was when a dude I used to work with sent another dude I used to work with internal mail but marked it security level "Restricted - Eyes only"

And inside it there was a piece of paper which wrote "You are a loser"


What did he do?

He kind of looked dejected the way Ralph does when Lisa announces that she does not want to court him live on TV.

Then he tried to style it out like he was expecting it all along. Unconvincingly.


and if you run it in slow motion, you can see the exact moment that his heart breaks

all with a tape inside explaining how you meant to make them a mix tape but didnt.



i was going to photoshop something similar to this...but you got here before i did.

you are win.


Cabs are a penny right?

Oh crap, I just wasted my 100th comment on that.

And you wasted your 101st comment on that instead of, say, a reference to Nineteen Eighty-Four.

"You know what's inside comment 101, hellofditties. Everyone knows what's inside comment 101."

Dang, now you get all my chubbies. Well played.

(outside) I'm sorry I dumped you while you were pregnant.
(inside) My mom was giving me panic attacks.

True story.

That is terrible. I am sorry to hear about that. I almost lamed you until I saw you were a female.

Sorry, this is what I get for posting when I have not slept. I did not mean to imply this involved me.

Ah. Still quite bad that your friend had to deal with a dithering wuss with a mommy complex.

I hope Roast Beef can make at least a six hundo off this endeavor. I figure it is about what he owes Molly after whatever he did.

I Am Sorry About Whatever It Is That I Did That You Think Is So Reprehensible But You Won't Tell Me You Just Expect Me To Guess

(inside) Here Is Six Hundo Don't Spend It All In One Place

(back cover) I'm Talking About Bed Bath And Beyond Dammit Woman We Got Enough Soap In This House

I Am Sorry I Tried To Apologize For My Wrongdoings By Giving You A Card With Money In It

(inside) I Treated You The Way An Absentee Great Aunt Treats A Recent High School Graduate In Her Extended Family That Is Much Less Than What You Deserve

Man, you are raking in the Chubbies today!

I would like to buy shares in falseprophet, inc.

That's actually a superbly good company name.

The past few days I have not been able to post within the first ten minutes of the posting of the strip but tonight I Paid Attention.

That is all the difference! Once the post count hits 100 it's all scroll scroll scroll. No-one reads anything not backed by green. You want chub you gotta be quick and near the top.


Dammit, boy! Get your head in the game!

I Am Sorry You Are So Indecisive

(inside) But Dammit Woman, You Can't Get Mad About The Six Hundo And Then Expect To Keep It. And What Did I Say About Soap?!?

I've always really liked how he can use "baby" and not sound terrible. When I try this, It sounds terrible.

But that is not really "not sounding terrible", because it is just in your head. You are just imagining an abstract concept of someone saying baby and not sounding like a douche.

I [i]guess.

Sounding terrible is a fake idea.

___ is a fake idea is a fake idea.

Quine ftw.

Fact: Quine is an antiquated word for harlot.

No statement is immune from revision...

little know fact: Kim Jong-Il gets mad pussy

Most figurehead communist leaders do.

he sure as hell does not get any sane pussy

Or any happy pussy.

Or well fed pussy.



I wish I could chubby each one of you but I am out. Virtual chubbs all around!

Whenever I see someone do the CLITS: LOVE THEM meme I think of this old Looney Tunes short, where Yosemite Sam is a jailer named Schultz and whenever he fucks up you hear the warden yell "SCHULTZ! OFFICE!"

oh man i know what you're talkin about- i just bought the golden collection on DVD.




...and a vChub for you.

A vChub for you...

Samm Levine reads achewood? and touches his face?

Are you saying I look like that hilarious dude from Freaks & Geeks?

Man if you look closely you'll see I got a little too much melanin and not nearly enough Judaism to be Samm Levine. But thanks for playing.

As I scroll down and your pic catches the corner of my eye I keep thinking it's the lead singer from Fine Young Cannibals.

...I...I don't know what to do with this information...

Thank you?

In that elegant, classical way

destroy_you != snick

This is so strange, I just had an insurance salesman call me and ask how my kidneys are functioning...


or, "it is a perfect...logo!"

The man on Wheel of Fortune, after winning $5,600, just said to Pat Sajak, "Hey, fifty-six hundo."

And I was soooo happy.

That is class money nine times over, with two hundo to spare.

V-chub for division.

A comment left by oltanya was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DESTROY_YOU, rascaldom, Doc_Rostov)

excellent comment-icon synergy

I almost don't want to assimilate him into the handfaceborg but hey those fleshpods aren't going to melt themselves.

Her. My apologies, oltanya. I was thrown off by the special boy that was coming my way

All blastin rap music for his droogs...

A friend of mine once wrote the greatest birthday card. It went like so:

(front)[Name of recipient]!
(inside)Get a job.

I thought I was the only person who dreaded going outside when his neighbors are home. Especially when I'm taking out the trash. I feel as though I have to wait until the wee hours of the morning to do it. Also I Am Sorry I Spent My Birthday Crying (inside) But I Will Not Promise That I Will Make an Attempt to Not Dread the Passage of Time.


Well I know what I will be thinking about while unable to sleep tonight to.

Maybe...two sets of curtains per window?

People are always watching me through my venetian blinds I know they are (they are staring through the tiny holes)

Me too! But it is because they are ALWAYS chipper. Even at 6:30 in the morning when I am going to work. Talking to them is exhausting.

That doesn't happen to be a picture of home-made paneer, does it? Because that is the most fun thing to make.

How does one make paneer in the home? I would do it regularly if I knew.


* 1 gallon whole milk
* 4-6 tablespoons lemon juice
* cheese cloth (or a clean, non-terry dishtowel)
* colander


1. Bring the milk to a boil slowly (not a rolling boil), being careful not the let it burn. On my electric stove I turn it to the dead-middle heat setting. Stir constantly, scraping the sides of the pot to keep the milk from burning to the sides. The milk will foam a little. If it foams too much, scrap it off with a spoon.
2. Add the lemon juice, a little at a time until curds begin to form. Once the curds have completely separated, the whey (the liquid that is left) should appear nearly transparent.
3. Pour the curds into a cheese cloth set in a colander, and let the whey drain away. The whey can be discarded, or used in a recipe that calls for water to be added during cooking.
4. Once the curds have drained and cooled some, tie the cheese cloth around the curds and squeeze out as much remaining liquid as possible. If you are not satisfied that enough liquid has been removed, place the cheese cloth containing the curds between two boards with something heavy on top, and incline the boards slightly so that the liquid drains off.
5. Once all of the liquid is removed, place the cheese in the fridge to cool. Once it feels firm to the touch it is ready to be used in whatever way the recipe calls for. I like to fry it in oil or ghee and eat it as a snack.

Chubby for teaching me how to cook when all I expected to get here was a giggle.

Does it have to sizzle?

It's a muft.

Can I use those blue cloths? You know, the all-purpose ones. I once used them to make that lebanese cheese that you make by putting yoghurt in cloth over night.

Actually, I could just launder a dishcloth cloth.

I'm sure that a blue all-purpose cloth would be fine.

Really? Are you actually sure of that? I don't want to get this wrong!

I have to ask what is cheese cloth? Is it an american name for something common over here? (Irish) Oh, and I just found out cilantro is another word for coriander. I could have made salsa if I had internet at home to find that out dammit.

cheese cloth is a loosely woven cloth that allows things to breathe but still covers them
and cilantro and coriander are technically the same plant, but NOT the same herb, as cilantro is the immature plant. they taste different.

OK, but no store observes that distinction in practice. Good job on knowing it though. I hope one day to pass off such knowledge as my own.

Coriander is the seeds, cilantro is the leaves.

Except in places that aren't the US. It's coriander, and the seeds are coriander seeds.

Oh! I did not know that. I withdraw my statement, sort of.

Also for someone who thinks coriander (or cilantro) tastes terrible (i think its genetic something to do with enzymes) is there a good substitute?

Hmm, I think the answer is basically "no." You could just pick a herb you do like, like basil, and just use that.

Yeah I just don't want to mess up the recipe, I'll try basil. I used to work in a herb garden and Id come home with this revolting soapy smell on my hands which wouldn't wash off. Euch... I learned to wear gloves from that day.

I can't stand the smell of wet cilantro.

See, that's just bizarre to me. I tend to have a coriander leaf to chew on whenever I'm making Thai food. (Read: Often.)

Eating curds. I thought the Iraqis were bad.

I'm here all week. Try the veal.

"I'm such a fraud. This is so empty."

Imaginary chubby.

The whey is really good to use to cook couscous. It gets all creamy and shit.

Um, no. I wish it were, because that sounds fun to make and this sucked to make. It is plaster that was poured into a produce bag, with blush brushed into the cracks. I made a hundred and fifty of them for an art show. It was really hard work and they all ended up looking like buttholes and vaginas. Turned out pretty much like I thought it would.

It goes without saying that the art show was a smash hit.

Yup. Who wouldn't like a bright pink wall covered in buttholes and vaginas? WHO?

Buttholes and vaginas are pretty much essential to art these days.

butthole dim sum

Does it say something about me that when I saw your avatar the first thing I thought of was buttholes (and not food.) Because I think it says something about me.

It was a 50/50 toss up between some kind of butthole-related art and a block of paneer. I chose the high road.

The low road is good for art. Not so good for things you put in your mouth.

Coming soon: antipathy cards

i don't get why onstad expresses intensity in a chracters' demeanor as an angry facial expression.
see also any comic the features phillipe campaigning for president. he just looks fucking furious.

(and yes i am aware that dissenting comments tend to be lamed into oblivion instantly.)



Now what the fuck are you supposed to do?

Maybe I'm too eager to see Boogie Down Productions references and wind up seeing them where they're not?



neckbeard plus dreads equals ULTIMATE COMBO (I have learned from assetbar forefathers not to attempt actual pluses or equalses)

Are you sure that is a neckbeard and not just A Shadow?

Don't you question the neckbeard!!

Shit you stole my idea!

Oh my goodness. That is not a good question.

It is for sure a neckbeard. I cut it out of a pic posted on this very forum once a not overly time ago, after having been dared to make it my avatar. I'm thinking of switching up though. Maybe, I dunno... a dumpling that looks like an anus?

How will you neckbeard someone with that avatar? You can't anusdumpling someone. That is ridiculous. No-one can say "Oh, snap! You just got anusdumplinged!" That would be terrible. A terrible thing.

Or perhaps a very awesome thing.


Your mom's a terrible thing!

what the! who lamed krs-one? who would do such a thing?


'tis a sad day indeed.

Props to KRS-1, the only hip-hopper/rapper in my library.

I was about to ask why it is that, in your library, KRS-1 was the only 'hip-hopper' and then that word you made up answered my own question.

Come on man give him a break I mean he grew up during a time in which white people found it threatening when well-dressed black men with flat top haircuts did choreographed dances in shiny sneakers. I can only imagine how they would respond to the hip-hop of today.

No shit. I'm younger than Pogo and don't own any of that genre at all. The only reason I've even heard of KRS-1 is because he's on an REM record somewhere.

You're missing out. Yes, a lot of it is crude or simplistic, but the word play in the good stuff (I suggest looking for stuff considered more hip hop than rap) is wonderful, downright a work of art.

The only hip-hop I own is Mos Def.

Unless you count Justin Timberlake? 'Cause I have one of his albums. It is a Guilty Pleasure.

But Tekende! It is Silly to like Justin Timberlake!

It is Silly; and a little awesome. Dude writes better pop music than most, if not all. It's got a groove.

He did teach an entire generation how to bring their sexy back.

It's true!

should perhaps listen to a little bit of triple six, or maybe blackalicious or even girl talk or dj funk. wow, as i listed those it changed genres. still good tho.

Mos Def is pretty good (he gets together with a lot of good DJs). Hell yeah to Girltalk. [url=www.mickboogie.com]Mick Boogie[/url] has hella good re/mixes to download for free. I don't know much old stuff but I have been digging on Sloppy White's mixtapes the past week ... if you Google him he has some to download for free too. While I'm being long-winded: Deltron 3030, the new Public Enemy album, DJ Kicks' DJ mix series (especially Nightmares on Wax's)... these are good albums. Also checkout Zion I, Outkast, Gnarls Barkley, DJ Spooky, Paul Wall, hella Kool Keith (Dr. Octagon), Haiku D'Etat... (if you feel like it).

I have a mixtape up here ... it's not all the greatest raps (a lot of chart-tastic stuff) maybe you will like the beats.

Hip hop is more than rapping: the beat is hella important (i.e. girltalk).

Please pardon the rambling post.

I am keeping track of these suggestions, people. Thank you all.

This is very unrelated but I recently started working at a plant nursery and was stocking a variety of daylily named Bela Lugosi. Seriously. I half wanted to buy it just in case it happened to die.
Instead I might buy a lily named Apricot Sparkles, which kind of sounds like a good name for one of the strippers to which Ray offers money.

Come on baby! Take Ray's money! UNH!

Dang Ray don't tuck that money under your eyelids!

i saw a dude wearing an achewood shirt today. that makes only two students on my campus that i know of who like achewood. i was debating whether or not to give him props, but he hopped on a bike and whizzed away.

It is a well-known statistic that most college-age Achewood fans are skilled bike-whizzers.

Having graduated as of frikkin' today, I am loath to report that ne'er in my four years have I ever seen a fellow Achewood enthusiast on my campus in person. Clearly I need to hang out with more whizzers!

Wow jeez congratulations. Did they give you the secret whizzer number when you accepted your diploma? Or did you disappoint them too greatly?

I finally got my diploma in the mail. The first part of my whizzer number is 77d-aqua. Of course you know what would happen to me if I were to reveal the whole thing. Wouldn't be prudent.

Hey man, congratulations.

I got a place at university! An unconditional offer from Nottingham Trent to study Graphic Design (as mentioned above)!

Sorry. I'm very excited and it's all I ever want to talk about. HOLLA ARE THERE ANY ASSETBARIANS AT NTU.


Unconditional! What fortuity! Not only that, but Nottingham University is my insurance for next year! If I fuck up my German as badly as I think I'm going to, I'll be seeing you around.

Sprichst du Deutsch? Das ist denn doch die Höche!
I am currently giving up on my German major.

I know just one other person on campus who likes achewood. I tried to rope in some friends by showing them "the death sound", but they just laughed nervously and backed away. Maybe I should have started with the drum machine.

Let's try
*Das ist denn doch die Hoehe *

Sie wurde schon denken, aber waere sie unrechs.

Curse you, Assetbar, for making my favourite language look like sounds a vomiting chicken would make.

That's how you know you're pronouncing it correctly.


By contrast my flat smells like a vomiting dog.

Vielleicht könnten wir eine Achewood Deutschverein bilden :)




Vielleicht ohne umlauten.

German is simultaneously the scariest and most ridiculous of languages.

Oh, definitely, all ICH OCH VICH VOCH

I think this sums it up pretty well.


Be proud, catgrl. If only I had a chubby left.

I want to chubby that ICH OCH VICH VOCH so hard.



BIG v-chubby for that...

Also, for those who love/hate German, Mark Twain has some comments...

Ahh awesome! Fuck it up on purpose so we can become best friends.

I'm sorry, but if I do end up at Nottingham the last thing I'll be doing is associating with Trenties.

It's nothing personal. I won't get by if I don't play the game.

Well done! Is this because you have all your a-level results, or because you are actually too good for them?

It's because I've done my A levels and they saw all my artsy work in my portfolio at my interview, so it's not THAT amazing.

But it's still pretty fly. I'm resisting the urge to use emoticons but know that if I wasn't, there would be a colon and a capital letter d on your screens RIGHT NOW.

An intestine and the letter D? No doubt a depiction of death, and also a reflection of man's intensely corporeal nature, despite all his literary and intellectual endeavours, which is all the more relevant as fewer and fewer people in western society produce anything other than information and documents.

I fucking knew you'd deliberately interpret it like that.



aww I made it too wide. fail for me.

Open image gives you win.

You're amazing.

I sang a song of joy at this.

The D looks like it's politely smiling while actually trying to distance itself from the overly friendly intestine in such a way that would not hurt its feelings.

the colon has bad breath :(


I know a guy named Dusty who has no colon.

When he passed gas, did a large plume of dust form?



at my friend's art college, i saw a guy with a 'dude has no mercy' shirt and an achewood hoodie, too. (mayhaps the 'science' one. i don't recall now.)

i was very glad to see him wearing this stuff.

i wore my rabbit ambulance shirt today..no such response.

I pretty much wear the huuugs ballon shirt all the time to see if I can find anyone to talk about achewood with. No such luck either.

If you're wearing it all the time, maybe it's not that there are no Achewood fans, but that they just don't want to get too near to you.

I would post a scathing response but I've been wearing this for three days. And I did say pretty much.

iseedeadpixels - there is mention of Electric Picnic in your profile popup window thingy, so I'm guessing you're Irish. Do you reckon I'm right in thinking that we're Assetbar's only daoine Eireannach?

B'fheidir, i wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a couple more of us hiding out somewhere.

Ach taim cinnte nach raibh aon gaeilge ar Assetbar roimhe sin! (my grammar might be brutal there, sorry)

It occurs to me that in my life it would be more useful to know Irish than French. No-one I meet is ever likely to be impressed by my French (it is terrible, and often theirs is not, and even if it is, they know plenty of people who know it well, but no-one speaks it regularly such that a basic grasp is any use). By contrast, plenty of people in America like to imagine that they are Irish.

Like me! I like to imagine that I am Irish! Then when I go to Ireland, it turns out they've never even seen the version of the "Irish" last name I have. Fuck that noise, man.

is it O'Neal?


(That was a reference to a book by an Irish dude.)

Don't be bullied! O'Neal may be a rare enough variation of O'Neill, but it's not unheard of here.

I at least will not judge you if you become an irish citizen.

I am Irish. As in I live in Ireland. Not American and have some distant relative who was or whatever.

Your sentiment is commendable, but even if you spoke Irish to someone in Ireland itself (never mind an Irish-American) there's a fairly good chance they wouldn't have good enough Irish to answer you properly.

Even so, it's so unusual to see someone non-Irish speaking the language that you'd easily achieve your objective of impressing everyone.

It would be irrelevant to me to try to impress Irish people by speaking Irish, partly because I hardly ever go there, but mostly because Irish people are not being pretentious by being Irish. Also you can detect that I am English without being confused by and Irish I break out.

I pretty much am Irish. My great-grandparents on both sides of my family came from Ireland about a hundred years ago.

Cool, then you're a perfect candidate for Lawbot to test his theory. He can learn a few words in Irish, post them on assetbar, and you can tell us if you're impressed.

haha, I sort of would be, except that Gaelic is really one of the most horrible-sounding languages on earth.

Promh ag gabháil sin chuig cathróireacht cúram, comrádaí.

Irish has the same grammar as English, right?

I don't think Assetbar is too keen on Irish.

I wouldn't know. I'm from Donegal. ( cue Father Ted theme music... )

Deireadh ocht?

I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that you're all casting ancient Elvish spells.


A quick note: I find it interesting that the legally Irish folk among us are quick to call the language "Irish" where us norteamericanos (or at least where I'm from) for whatever historical reason call it "Gaelic". Gaelic of course also encompassing Scotland and parts of France. History! You fickle beast!

Actually, the name of Irish in Irish is Gaelige. "Gaelic" in English may refer to that language, or to the distinct celtic language of the Scots.

Might be because most of the Irish who emigrated to North America did so before the Irish Literary Revival, which closely associated the language with Irish nationalism. Before then the identities of "Gael" and "Irish" were less synonymous - the former applying more to the relatively poor, predominantly Celtic westerners on the island, and it was they who were more likely to head across the Atlantic. Many spoke Irish as a first language, and as "Gael" was the only word that then existed in that language to describe themselves, they stuck to it. Same with "Gaelic" for the language, many would never have used any other word. So it would've made sense that they considered it to be the more appropriate term, and kept it on in the new world.

Or it might be that Americans are just tryin to sound fancy.

i went my whole life thinking i was mostly irish. then i found out that red hair and freckles are also rare in ireland. and then i found out my last name is actually scottish, and that i'm more jewish than irish or scottish -- i'm only an 1/8 jewish and my irish greatgrandmother may not have been born in ireland.
so basically i'm just a white american mutt. but i aint no WASP, thats for sure.

They traced my family back and actually I am descended from the least glamorous peoples from all the least glamorous parts of the British isles.

Some people would find pride in that, somehow.

Were your relatives from the Home Counties, Spineynorman?

Havent spoken Irish since leaving cert, taim cinnte nach raibh mo muinteoir sona liomsa.
Lord that is terrible I meant to say I'm sure my Irish teacher isnt happy with me.

The two Irish teachers I had in secondary school were both geebags so I'm not too worried whether they'd be happy with me or not, but I do wish my Irish was better. Unfortunately, unlike Des Bishop, I can't just take myself off to Connemara for a whole year to improve it. Ah well.

Man that's pretty accurate, bar the fadai (which assetbar is too xenophobic to show anyways).

Never thought I'd see the mother tongue on here, maith thu.

(Btw, I'm Irish)
(No, this isn't my real face)

Is it true that the acute mark in irish indicates a lengthing of that vowel?

Yeah, though an acute on an "i" makes it sound like "ee". Don't ask me why.

Keeping your normal icon during this handface craze is bad form a chara... it's pure cat , hur hur hur. (Some very old-school slang there)

I'm kind of a n00b to be jumpin on bandwagons, but ok!

And they still say cat in Belfast, we're a bit behind the times.

and now that you've changed it to a handface icon, my "cat" comment doesn't make sense. maith thu all the same.

Yeah, throughout the archives, avataricon comments have stopped makin sense - all that's left are garbled statements about squid, dinosaurs and Stephen Fry. It's probably the beginning of the end for assetbar, but hey, at least everyone's nice now.

And go raibh maith mile maith agat.

Ta failte romhat. By the way, I don't reckon Belfast is behind the times with the usage of "cat", I probably called it old-school because here in Leinster it's a bit more of a culchie word. It's one of my favourite words but I don't think think you'd hear too many Jackeens use it.

Yeah, I'd commute to Dubland a lot as my girlfriend lives there, and I've never heard it used in the city. Not that I claim to understand half of what the Jackeens say (though they tend to think that I'm English, so our mutual unintelligibility doesn't bother them).

Well, it's a vacation from our normal thumbnailavataricons. When everyone goes back into the usual anonymity, it is this page that will make NO sense to anyone who originally missed it. But, perhaps some of this new friendliness will linger on.

I'm wondering now if we'll hit the 2000 posts mark. We seem to be getting close. So, I guess most of us had fun with this?

I did, if only because my old cat avatar now doesn't have to compete with your ridiculously cute one.

And because we all got to check out the assetbaristas' hawtness, of course.

Dude, Assetbar won't even show a plus sign . It's nothing personal. It's a user-vicious that seems to hat all human languages.

See that!? It stole the "e" from "hate."

You're probably right, I should just be grateful that the latin alphabet displeases it less than most. Although the way things are going, eventually assetbar won't let anyone speak ill of assetbar without stealing our vowels. And then only the Polish will stand in its way.

No - it will steal all of our fine Polish diacriticals.



Just in case you have any daughters who aren't your children.

Bring your daughter to the slaughter.
I know I would, had I a child.

Is that an Iron Maiden reference? Because if it is, I think I love you.


man, i have yet to meet another achewood person. i've introduced people to it, but i have yet to run into someone who is identifiably into achewood.
however, i'm pretty sure that when the day comes, i'm going to be in some kind of intoxicant-addled stupor and be unable to make a good impression.
i picture myself sort of pointing and mumbling, but not really getting ther persons attention.
it will be a sad affair.

the people i have introduced to achewood Just Don't Understand.

The worst is the people I've tried to get into Achewood, but they just "can't be bothered to get into the characters."

These people, on occasion, email me the latest toothpastefordinner. It breaks my heart.

Recently I have been somewhat into a boy I know, who, though he's been well presented with the best that Achewood has to offer, insists that xkcd is the best comic ever.

... What a turnoff.

Same exact thing happened recently with a girl I know. The first one I showed her was "Ray gets sort of stoned" and although she laughed heartily, she seemed confused as to why this was so.

Let's run away together.

yeah, the general reaction is, "oh uh yeah i guess this is funny."

It took me about 5 years! I'd find individual strips funny but it is asking a lot of someone to read entire story arcs about characters they don't give two shits about.

I guess what would happen is someone would link me to one, I'd find it amusing or strange, and be like "oh okay" and never consider looking again. It took a few discussions with friends who were more into achewood/ discovering it at the same time before we could appreciate it in its full splendour.

It takes time to realise that Philippe is a naive and innocent five year old, that Ray is a hardened veteran of the world, that Roast Beef is brilliant yet withdrawn etc. etc.

The Mountain and the Motorcycle
John J. Rambo
Chicken Allergy / Bubble Boy
The Isosceles Lock
Ray Covers His Bases
Philippe 4 Prez

The strips above are hilarious in their own right and should pique any intelligent human being's interest.

I generally find that the best two gateway strips are either "Lie Bot's Ass" or "Philippe's Birthday Party", depending on whether your friend is the Toothpaste for Dinner type or the Drawn Together type, respectively.

I like to show the one where Beef is so overcome with depression that he fails to bite through a piece of toast.

Shame on you:

I think that giving an Achewood virgin that example of Roast Beef's depression is like giving a magnum of Mouton Rothschild 1945 to a thirteen year old to go with their hamburger. You think you are doing them a favour but really you are depriving them of great pleasure!

meeting nice pete should be enough for most people surely?

I generally find that the best strips to introduce people to achewood are the simplest ones. Like these.
This is probably my favourite strip though. Or this one. (that one not so good an intro)
All Im wondering now is if I'm man enough to take on BBcode and survive...


Ok, since I'm a complete idiot the strips were (in order)
1. Lyle, pornography, rent
2. The break dance move that LB taught Phillipe
3. Jack white
4. The wise points of crudgens, considered.

mumbling, vague gestures, and addled intoxicancy is the very basis of a good first impression!

if that don work, start screaming at your introloquitor in Lolcat... And I do mean screaming...


source image: dribbleglass.com


I think I may be getting my sister into it. She seems to like the self-contained strips well enough.

My sister will only read strips with Philippe in them, for she loves him dearly. (the thought of him taking tiny bites of chapstick and going to sleep hungry, being turned into dogfood, &c. makes her sad beyond measure)

I could probably use every one of Roast Beef's cards, but not because I am like Roast Beef, but because I am a horrible dick.

Oh, and I can't go outside when the neighbors are home because I am a sexual offender.

Hey, parents. I'm a sex offender. Your kids around?

Is there a difference between being a sex offender and being a sexual offender?

I imagine in the former case, the word "sex" describes the type of offense, whereas in the latter you are just a sexual person who also happens to offend.

No wonder all the sexual people break out the Band-Aids and the Neosporin when I play "Sexual Healing."

Oh yeah, like that Dinosaur Comic about sexual basketball players .

She was there

And 12 sexual basketball players were there

And theirateturk was not the winner

I love Dinosaur Comics. Thank you for that link. It is a perfect...link!

Man, you are rocking some handface action. Chubby.

Was...was that claw there before?

Nope. Edwell is joining the new handface craze.

Oh dang. You win the hand on face contest mister lobster man.

Thats Dr. John Zoidberg to you.

something new has been added!! I wish I could chubby again for the new one.

Yes my good man, that is the difference exactly. You see, I killed a man while making sweet sweet love to a plump harlot outside a pub. The judge threw the book and a towel at me.

I wasn't expecting all the mad propzzz I get whenever I wear my 'What We Need More Of Is Science' hoodie. This is what goth kids must feel like when they see each other on the street, all part of a secret society of shared interest.

I get propzz every time I wear my "Here Comes a Special Girl" shirt, but they are never actually from Achewood readers. People just like the color pink and cute animals.

kinda one step forward and two steps back...but gives you opportunity to share the Achewoodian Gospel!

Even though I'm at work, that line about the kidneys had me cracking up!

Japan, having ruined me, has made me associate renal failure with Kana, Little Sister. It's a game where you play a guy whose sister's kidneys are experiencing renal failure. The goal of the game is to have sex with your sister before she dies. I wish I was kidding. (I'm not.)

So then what is the challenge of the game? Does it have to be consensual? I am intrigued and horrified.

i wish you were kidding. sadly i know that you are not. this is the Saddest Thing

I can top it. Princess Maker has made my childhood dreams of having sex with my own daughter into monarchical nightmares!

I think that you were a strange child.

No that's a pretty normal reaction from people who played Princess Maker.

Don't judge the author, judge the market.
No, I don't buy that either. Sorry, Mister Bear.

This is a game that I would play and enjoy, while wincing the whole time.

When the worst panel of the day mentions sex, freaking out, AND screwing up, it is a good day. Also, I can't look at panel 1 and not imagine the words in some awesome death metal song.

In this strip, the part of Roast Beef Kazenzakis will be played by me.

He's graphic designing so hard and fast, his muscles are hella flexed.

Baby I'm Sorry I Said I Loved You More
(inside) I Know That Love Ain't A Measurable Concept And Sayin' That Just Starts Fights

These might not be as successful as you're anticipating, Beef.

when is assetbars one year birthday? i just started noticing 1 year old posts n such. does roast beef have i forgot your birthday due to plain old negligence cards?

Dude is that a funked up version of the dharma logo as your avatar?

funk yeah!

i...i dont want to talk about it.. leave me to my shame while i change it lest someone realize its true origins.

no man respect to you, i'm ashamed to say i have a dharma logo desktop (the everest one was gettng old), its not like it was an animated gif of alvar hanso assuming the blustering braggadacio of a rap person.

Note:if someone can create this, that'd be awesome

its actually a feng shui mirror. google suggests what you speak of is from lost. i might go back to it i cant find any other good itty bitty pictures

"I Ching", fellas. This graphic is sort of similar to a dharma wheel.

Note to Assetbarrians: I am not making any variation of the "Ching Chong, Wing Wong" joke here, or any joke at all, really. Screw you for thinking that.

If you weren't, okay. (But if not, screw you.)

*awkaward almost Pinter-esque pause


I noticed the year change, too. Happy birthday assetbar.

I just remembered that Roast Beef's birthday was 3 days ago, 4/22. Happy Birthday, man.
Also, a question: Does anyone know what the size limit is on the signed strips? There are some awesome strips that I would love to own but they are like 21 panels long.

I have Ray Gets Sort of Stoned (signed and framed) which I got shortly before the color version was released. (I also got Alarm Clock Factory for a friend of mine because I knew he would take it to work and
put it on his desk which uh isn't a very long strip but I sure do like to imagine Onstad signing it)

Roast Beef's birthday is my sister's birthday.

Aaaaaand Beef has completely forgotten about whatever he said to Molly. But I don't think anyone's going to remind him. No sir. Not after how he yelled at Teodor.

Baby, I'm Sorry That I Suck At Having Comments To Say About Strips.

Plus: I saw Shatern upthread, and that makes me happy.

Take it from a guy whos had it, Renal failure is a rough scene.

a real rough scene.

I was 18 months old when I got chicken pox. It got bad and turned into acute encephalitis and renal failure. Ever since, I have distinct hallucinations when my body temperature goes past 99 or so.
Rough scene.

You guys read the blog update? So. Good.

%u201C...As the two suet pots bumble artlessly with one another, the viewer feels the urge to stir seeds and bits of chopped raisin into the deep, unctuous folds of their jobbly midriffs, thereby creating a nutritious place for birds to eat."

That certainly is a bit astringent.

I think I did many things wrong today.

I apologise to everyone.

This is an actual apology not a card suggestion even though I guess it could work as a card suggestion.

I would totally buy his cards.

Can someone explain the "Feeling my kidneys" part to me?

Oh, that was the renal failure thing. Gotcha. Thanks, slow uptake.

Babe, I'm sorry I spent the whole party talking to that Polish girl and then convinced you she was my friend's girlfriend.

It is good to have personal growth.

Was her name...Jadzia?


Maybe it should have been.

my boyfriend owes me:

Outside: I'm Sorry I Spent the Whole Party Talking to My Female Friend...
Inside: While You Were Throwing Up In the Bathroom

You're not pregnant, are you? Because that would make your boyfriend even more of an asshole, and the story even more awesome.

P.S. Scroll up for discussion of 'female friends'.

hell no i ain't pregnant. (at least not to my knowledge.) i just had too much to drink, then someone was passing around a joint and i "took a bite out of that apple." then my body rejected itself.

and my boyfriend is really not an asshole-- he just didn't realize how sick i was and thought i was OK.

and it's actually karma, sort of. many years ago i met a dude at a party and HIS girlfriend was throwing up in the bathroom but he totally ignored her to keep talking to me. the next night i was blitzed on jd & coke and we made out, contributing to the end of their two year relationship. i am not proud of this.

they probably had problems already if he was making out with you. I would not kick yourself.

oh no they did. plus that was the drunkest i have ever been (i was sixteen, it happens to the best of us) so i was totally beyond moral control. i still can't drink whiskey.

Im the same with cointreau. I have no memory of St Patricks day this year.

<~~ not a whiskey girl.

and by that i mean blackouts and "mistakes."

i have never had tequila in excess. this is because everyone's worst drunk story seems to be due to tequila in excess.

...cue "not afraid of police etc. etc."

I feel like that after only a couple of tequila cocktails.

Tequila is great. One of the first times I got really fucked up was on cheap "El Toro" tequila and hash. I'll never forget those damned penguin leprechauns.

I woulda puked but I gotta gut like an iron barrel.

The most fucked up I've gotten is on straight vodka and weed (the first time I ever tried it) when I was... sixteen?

Basically over the course of the evening I was rocking backwards and forwards on the floor, curled in the foetal position, for about ten minutes. And then I climbed through a basketball hoop.


Cointrea and JD

Cointrea(u) The experience has left me nable to se the letter (u) .

a st. patrick's day when i was 17, got thoroughly slanted on cheap vodka at a friend of a friend's party.
at one point, made out with a total stranger in someones car.
at one point during the strangermakeouts, i realized i was about to throw up so i broke away, said "hold on," opened the car door, got sick on the asphault, closed the car door, turned back to him and said "i think we should go back inside."

oh man why did i post my trashiest story. please know this tableau is not a representation of my everyday life.

haha awesome. i forgot to mention that the night of the Whiskey Incident ended with me throwing up all over some guy's deck. oops.

Deck...or dick?

Oh, tee hee! Your avicon makes it look like you are intensely contemplating that question.


Oh man this is why I hoard my chubbies so jealously. This and the He-Man slash.

thank you sir!

that is the best possible response, and i am thoroughly impressed

This is the Greatest Thing.

I can't see enough of it to tell what it says though!

thats what makes it so juicy!

thank you for asking what i was thinking

Great game show, but what you get if you loose hardly balances out getting to sit on a big deck as a grand prize.

Deck...or dick?

man i dunno what el toro is but is it as bad as montezuma? i think tequila is some of the best proof we have of man's inherent masochism.

I haven't tried Montezuma, but El Toro comes with a sombrero for a lid - that's how you know it's so classy .

For my friends birthday last week we gave him 2 litres of tequila in a glass rifle. It was exactly as awesome as it sounds.

That sounds like it can only end in people getting hurt emotionally and physically. Mostly physically.

Jack Daniels when I was nineteen.

Woke up barefoot three blocks away from my apartment at four in the morning with two broken feet, ripped up clothes (no seat in my jeans anymore), dim memories of jumping fences all night, and one singular memory of socking my friend right in the jaw during rush hour in broad daylight of the city's busiest intersection.

To be fair, he was just as drunk as I was.

In my earlier days, I did the ad campaign that introduced Montezuma tequila to the world. It is imported in bulk and bottled in the U.S. We created drinks that correposnded to the symbols on the Aztec calendar.

Please list these drinks now.

At the moment, I am staring at a bottle of Montezuma triple sec on my shelf. It will eventually find it's way into either margaritas or Kamikazes. Share whatever knowledge you have on this subject posthaste, esp. with Cinco de Mayo at hand.

Let me then be the first to say, tequila is fine. Rum I cannot and will not drink. I think that club in Newport Beach is still cleaning up my puke and that was two years ago.

Once again, Beef's arms get all flexed and muscle-y when he's computerizing. This is amusing to me.

Currently sober. Still fiveworthy.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Zadig, lawbot, cyberia, cmjhogan, lamelliform, scrumpton)

Good point, gladi8orrex!

(Let's ditch this guy and go to the movies.)

Hey, first let's egg his house, so when he goes back dejectedly, he'll be all "omg mi houz iz eggd i hope it duznt git stiky lol"


A v-chub to you both!

I suffer from panic attacks, and honestly, I do find it hard to go outside if I know the neighbours are around. So I'll buy your cards Beef!

i was trapped in a fire once, i thought that something was wrong cause when i thought about it i had panic attacks. But it was actually ok, i asked some friends about it and it turns out i was just being dramatic. That was a relief.

I'm pretty sure that if you have been trapped in a fire that having panic attacks when remembering are not "just being dramatic." Sounds pretty normal to me.

i concur with and thusly chubby this comment.


if it was a fire in 'Nam maybe I'd buy that. Otherwise I'm gonna have to chalk it up to the same level of drama as a hang nail. After 'Nam, let me tell you, everything else is just a hang nail. Unless you actually had a hang nail while in 'Nam. Then it can be a little scarry.

i wouldn't go as far as to call it that, it didn't last that long and I didn't have flashbacks or develop a phobia of fire.

SPOT ON, BEEFY BEEFS! you make those cards. WITH APLOMB.

Roast Beef is Mr. Money in the Bank.

A comment left by mrchee was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Zadig, aliiis, DougTheHead, mira, Soulwound)

He hates his readers! he laughs when he tricks them into liking things which he himself does not consider to be any good!

your avatar picture/thing is basically a seagull and you know it.

...i don't quite know where i was going with this.

Some kind of slur against seagulls, I wager.

silly seagulls...all hangin' out in colorado where seas definitely do NOT live.

are from colorado too?

oh necessarily.

Do... Do you mean the compliments everyone is giving each other on their appearances?
You call that a circle jerk? People complimenting each other?

Man I am glad I do not live with you Mr. Chee.

I would make a comment about the strip, but seriously, does anyone involved in this board even remember its at the top of the page?

that strip is sooo two days ago.
no seriously what is your comment though

I don't even know!

Anyone catch Pat's blog?

yeah, I love that cornelius sucessfully retains his job despite writing utterly scathing and insulting descriptions of the films.

I kind of like how Ron didn't care either way, and left it up to Pat to champion the issue.

pat likes getting offended on behalf of others almost as much as he likes getting offended on behalf of himself

that was the reason why he didnt rent that hillarious sounding "Khalib is a lousy peasant" film.

What I really loved was how Pat decided to "punish" Cornelius by not inviting him to his next vegan dinner party, which basically helps Cornelius, as he's now the only person who doesn't have to come up with an excuse for why he can't attend.



I find it wierd that Pat feels the need to change foods that are already vegan and give them a stupid name. Tofuillle? Ratatouille is already vegan!

Except for the rats.

Pat believes that everything can be improved, and moreover, everything should be improved... by Pat . That is the joke of Pat.

By doing this, you are only encouraging him. By contrast, my contributions are so very cutting that they discourage such posting.

My condescension is subtle, man. Subtle. Two nights from now he'll wake up in the dead with a sweat upon his brow and mutter in disbelief to himself "Was... Was he... Mocking me?"

Then he will cry.

IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT, I mean. Damn you, Sunday dinner drinks!

Awww damn. I'm just glad to see Pat and Ron get more play is all. I don't need your hate crimes, put away that war machine.



I like how Pat is such an asshat that he feels totally ok about calling up and bitching at a kindly old fellow he once shot in cold blood. (cold... stuffing? do alive stuffed animals have blood?)

I think you'll find that it was in a rage, rather than cold blood, and that Cornelius was not the intended target.

Well it was actually in a coughing fit from drinking a wrong kind of alcohol but I still think my point stands.

Oh come on - I know if I had to give everyone I had shot accidentally a free pass, there wouldn't be many people I could get angry at.

He shot him in thinned blood.
There. The deed is done.

It being the same joke, is, in fact, the real joke.

babes rule

Git outta here, speth.



i have man i have more free time than a tree

Hang on what...you're some kind of loneal cipher?

I support this comment 100%.

2000 novelty glasses and partyboy status?
no no, YOU rule!

i.... i don't know what to say autrepoupee... thank you...

deeply moved,


Achewood comments are just getting hell of long. Where's the card for that?
I realize I am not helping.

(outside) I'm Sorry You Have To Scroll Alot.
(inside) But Maybe You Should Come Here More Often And There Would Be Fewer New Comments!
(back) I'm Sorry For Yelling. I Hope You Don't Get Carpal.

(inside of money flap) But, seriously, if you get carpal it's not my fault.
(below that) Though you cannot hold me responsible for laughing
(in pop-out tab) Sorry for not giving you money here, but seriously, were you expecting it?

Getting carpal is not at all like getting carnal.

Which, in turn, is nothing like getting carnival.
Unless you go to Big Rob's Adult Carnival

Okay, awesome story: There is a store near where I live called The Romantic Depot, which, for those of you that don't know, is an adult-type store, all late-night television ads featuring porn stars (fully clothed, mind you), and above it's storefront hangs a small billboard for a hardware-type place called SCREWS AND MORE. That always tickles my funny bone when I pass it.

Aw. I have no more chubbies.

Luckily I have chubbies saved up for comments like these.

time to take these comment pages.

stick 'em together.

hey onstad: free book

Volume One: The Finer Points of CLITS
Volume Two: Asherdan; Assetbar's Answer to Pat?
Volume Three: Things Sound Much More Sensible When Said By Stephan Fry
Volume Four: Holy Shit! That Tyranosaur is Blowing My Mind!
Volume Five: Possible Continuity Tie-Ins Suggested for Strips that are Not Immediately Funny

I hereby grant you one (1) virtual chubby.

i wish i could chubby you for real.

How real are we talking, here?

pshaw i don't use innuendo on the internet.

in your endo

*Todd high five*


What's that smell?

very funny.

...you make a lame 'scrubs' reference, and she does a :(

...slap yourself in the face, and tell her you were zoning out there, flashing back to theirateturk's girlfriend...

...As the actress said to the bishop.

Volume Six: Spelling and Grammar: The War Across the Atlantic

Volume Seven: The Manflasherdan Prophecies

I don't know if this has been said, but I am really hanging out for a Dr. Manflesh unveiling on this thread.

I fear it. I imagine a picture Manflesh would produce would almost certainly not be of his face. But it's a respectful fear, like one might show for his parents.

Me too, but it might be a bad idea to spoil the mystery.

You forgot volume six (if you had not forgotten volume six I would have given you a chubby)

(volume six is where all the ladies change their avatars to better reflect what they look like touching their own faces and epicurus complains about it)

Dammit, I knew I should have saved a chubby, but I always lose track...
Well, v-chub, my good man.

every time I see your avicon it makes the tone of your comment sound angry and yelling! All pointing that gun and all! If you had a cute fluffy teletubby instead it would be so much nicer!

Oh my. Is this better? Closest thing I have to a handface pic. I assure you, I am generally quite mild-mannered.

Man, I've posted here too much this weekend. I must go back into my lurk mode so I can pounce when it's least expected.

what no manflesh, i refuse to read this bastard text

Well that chapter has an ignore feature.

So, I decided to read through the assetbar comments today, and I think I have finally become one of those people who does not approve of assetbar.

The comments are now just a dicussion forum for people who have assetbar, and the halcyon dreams we once had of comments pertinent to the stip are gone. The comments are not bad per se, but I am agin' it all the same.

Of course, if I was really convinced, I wouldn't have bothered to write this, I suppose.

Well, if it is any consolation, I've taken to using the phrase "man who says graphic design is hard that logo took six minutes and its the best damn graphic design in the world" in everyday conversation!

Classic Assetbar.


Low blow, man. I been clean like two months now.

(cut to two weeks later: Epicurus is selling his ass on the streets of Seattle to support his newly-rekindled Achewood-quoting addiction)

Thanks a LOT.

Don't be like that, epicurus.
You used to be cool

Outside: I'm Sorry Our Posts Strayed From the Topic

Inside: Our love of Achewood combines with our boredom and turns assetbar into a cesspool of comedy and handface avataricons

I have found that trend to be an ongoing one, but I generally found this to be funny. Mainly because of the hilarity of getting to have the hand/face pictures. A elite club which I can join in with a grainy, poor quality sorta way.

You mean when people would repost lines from the strip and then other people would say "I say that all the time!" and then retardo would call Onstad gay and Asherdan would get lamed? Yea that was pretty sweet...

Anyway, I don't think today is a good example. It's basically been a 'let's get to know each other' circle-jerk, which is good because after all this blows over I expect we'll all be a lot more civil to each other.

P.S. Sorry for the obvious dig at you, I couldn't resist. I still think you're rad though.

K, I've been resisting this for a while, but I think I know you. Where do you live?

And I could not have put that in a creepier tone. I am sorry.

New Jersey until recently, and now Brooklyn. If you need to know more, my Facebook and whatnot are in my profile. I can't really tell anything from your picture :-(

Another case of mistaken identity, thanks for indulging though.

Granted: There were no fucking halcyon days. The rest of my comment is still apt though.

Aw you're just mad because you don't have a picture of yourself with your hand by your face. Try it and you'll find yourself at one with the world.

As much as I love trying to be cool on Assetbar, this is getting a bit out of hand. That is why I just made an IRC channel for achewood. If anyone wants to try this out, join #achewood on Slashnet. Hopefully we can move the less relevant ramblings there, and keep assetbar from getting further out of control. I used to have a nice little .txt file for explaining the intricacies of getting an IRC client and getting it working, but I lost it. If anyone is interested but is an IRC noob, uhm, I'd be glad to help, just let me know.

then you have to be there at the time, all the time, or miss the fun.

if i thought you guys were having fun without me I'd die inside.

Plus then we won't have the record of our important discussions that we can then show our grandchildren.

Also, I am not going on anything called Slashnet.

it's not slashdot, but i see your point.

Everyone is being real nice now. I don't know if I like it. The anonymity allowed for a freedom to attack and pull apart ideas which is the idea of an argument. If everyone's going to be polite, this is going to stop being funny pretty fuckin' quick.

I'm not sure if I can still lame people. I mean, I have to look into their eyes and tell them that they are lame. This may vasectomize assetbar as we know it. It can still sport wood and all, but man, things may not be the same.

Can we just resolve to lame the post, not the poster?

Probably not.

dammit, now you went and made it look like i harbour grudges! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!

I have a feeling that all this civil posting will disappear with the appearance of the next strip. I didn't see the strip til today and it was a nice surprise to see that an outbreak of pleasantness happened over the weekend, but I think it'll be like that time the German and English soldiers played football in No Man's Land one Christmas Eve during WW1 - we'll soon be back to fighting, or dishing out the lames in this case.

In the meantime, just soak up the lovely atmosphere, and enjoy the unforeseen attractiveness of your fellow Achewood enthusiasts. I know I'm enjoying it; some of you guys are just delicious.

Agreed. However, let us enjoy our Christmas Miricle for the time being.

Yes, it does seem we have a holiday truce and are out of our bunker, laying aside out iconic-avataric shields. Great observation, ibetso.

How sweet of you to say, pogo

Join hands and sing along with The Farm...

All Together Now...

It is not just pleasantness; sexual tension has increased eight- or ninefold up in here.

you can smell it.


It's only because you now no longer have to hover your mouse to know someone's gender.

if only it was that simple

There's always the Crocodile Dundee technique...



it's irc not telnet
just use mirc like the rest of the internet


Also, I was not aware that mirc shipped with a slashnet preset.

these bits are mythical, like rainbows or lollipops

port 6667 (which I think is standard? it's been a looong time since I've used IRC)

Slashnet hosts some pretty prominent channels(slashdot, sourceforge, Penny-Arcade). it's free, secure, and pretty robust.

Yeah, I know that it kinda sucks not having everything committed to the eternity of the internet, but I think having a place for more vapid conversation to exist could help keep assetbar strong.

i am all up in that shit.


Im the guy who sucks plus I need help with IRC

Panel #4 outstanding!

Guys this is really great and all- the sexy pictures, I mean- but I really think it should end at some point.
It's really intimidating to know that a bunch of possible underwear models are judging everything I say on here.

Also oh my god I said "really" so many times.

Taking the pictures away can't make you un-know it.

There is a shocking amount of good looking people here. Really, johnny is right when he says he's intimidated cause god damn!

but it can take away their knowledge of our inadequacy, hence Mr Hammer!

Seriously, man, this is almost like too much of a good thing. I scroll down the page and it's just like HOTNESS OVERLOAD . It was much more accessible when we were all just cartoon characters to one another.

It's a been a weird few days in Acheworld. How long before someone pulls out:
Dear pretty lady,
There is something about you. I realised your true beauty even through the internet. A fool would have missed it...

Uh isn't that what this whole thing has been?

Yes, actually. I was just surprised that in the thousand-odd posts we've had where people have been chatting each other up on the internet, not one of them had yet employed a quote from an Achewood strip about chatting people up on the internet.

Man, I leave to go drink all weekend, and now I have to show my face on the internet. This message board is the party where everyone gets really drunk and is like what do your boobs look like and then everyone is naked. I don't hate those parties, but there is always someone who ends up naked who is really uncomfortable with it. I am one of those people at this particular party. But, now I am showing you my face.

You liar! You're not a turtle!

I went to post a for realzies picture, (because I do not fear judgment on my looks) but it was all pixelated and terrible and I couldn't even stand it at all. Pixelated Paint is more tolerable to me.

You hate those paries? I live for that moment where just maybe we're in for nudity, with as little dudity as possible but if there is some oh well you can kind of ignore them plus everyone's drunk and no one will own up to remembering what your naighty bits look like anyway.

wow, we're getting close to a thousand comments. is it because of babes?

We are all shocked at the reproductive viability of the achewood readership.


i wonder if the repercussions of being #1000 and using it for nothing but saying 1000 will be similar to those of being first post and using it only to say "first"

I saw the moment was there. If I hadn't blurted out 1000! like some sort of pokemon, then fineoakstructure would have taken glory mine by the right of time and place. I ask only that you all use me gently. As you can see from my avatar I am not very healthy.

Fortune favors the bold, whitey. My first instinct was to post something like "OMG THOUZANND PSOTS RULZZZ" and then I thought shit I ain't doing a FIRST, but still, it's a threshold that hadn't been reached, and its significance is kind of worth pointing out. So I took 60 seconds to gather my thoughts and type a more benign marker.


No one cares anymore. Everyone's so caught up in this Assetbar revolution that chubbies and lames are completely forgotten.

Agreed, Mr. Onstad himself could complain about our reckless behaviour and I would regret nothing.

I'm terribly curious what he thinks of all this.

Also what he looks like.

I'm sure he's pleased to see the girls out in the open...
"(Girls, I'm counting on you.)"

And he looks pleased...

As I post this comment, I'm currently showing 999 comments on this page.

1000 comments. Good or bad? Discuss.

My opinion is what Samuel Morse typed into the telegraph when he got that little device up and running: "What Hath God Wrought"?

but something is wrong, I have read the entire thread and yet, i don't feel I have reached enlightenment.


The process that has lead to these 1000 comments is, in my view, very good. But this number is an aberration, for now. If you have a three-button mouse and the "middle-click" scroll function working, now is the time to use it.

I predict that tomorrow's total will be more typical for a weekday. I hope we can try to keep the handfaces for a week at least and see how we do.

Yeah, how does everyone navigate? I use ctrl-f, is that the common method?

Ctrl F for replies, pgdn for yellow.

Page Down until the right hand gets tired, then the scroll wheel on the mouse (which I keep on the left).
ctrl-F if I'm looking for who made a comment. Also, just holding the down arrow scrolls pretty well, too.

I just use 'Page Up' and 'Page Down'...I get my info. in nicely-sized chunks.

I just use the arrows conveniently located at the bottom-right hand corner of my keyboard.

too many no time read

I take credit for all of this. I DID THIS. I DID IT.

Have you ever wanted to know how it feels to be a God? I know now. I know.

Can god make a forum so big that even she can't scroll all the way to the end of it?

If you're a god, that makes Heccibiggs a titan.

Yeah, I still had a chubby left. I'm a stingy bastard .

Neonaoneo is kind of like Hermes or something. His comment was the catalyst for all of this.

Glad someone noticed ;)

I beleive I am was the first one to talk about instituting a virtual chubby system. It may or may not be true.
Someday historians will either credit me or oust me a a false prophet.

No, not that falseprophet.

Titan? Rad.

(It has taken me two days to get down here in the comments.)


Whoops, guess the text is a bit small. Sorry fellas!

Good try anyways.

I can't be arsed to fix it, but increasing the zoom level on my internet works just fine for me, if you really must see it. Also: JESUS CHRIST 1111 POSTS! DAY-UM!

Catgrl thinks that accidentally typing the text too small merits a whoo- OH GOD THE METANESS IT BURNS!

Those are Beef's thoughts exactly.

Plus, "alone and in sorrow" rates up there with "cellar door."

I think the same thing when holding in a piss.

In fact, I empathise with all of Beef's freak-outs.

Surely I am not alone. Surely.

Wait...is that your real grinning head?


come on Skradley, handface action. my band will tour melbs soon and i gots to pick you out from the rabble.

one of us. one of us.

I'm getting there - I've been out of the picture for like a week and then THIS SHIT HAPPENS.

Gotta be on your toes 'round here, I tell ya.

I'll hopefully have something tomorrow night, when my wife is free to show her mad Photoshoppin' skillz.

THERE, you scumbags! I've caved in to peer pressure!

God damnit this is going to turn out like the time those guys talked me into doing mushrooms by that pool.

This is fanfiction waiting to happen.

Why do people keep trying to tempt Dr. Manflesh into showing up? He'll make an appearance when he feels like it.

(I assume that's what you were doing. Sorry if it's not.)

(I assume that's what you were doing. Sorry UP YOURS if it's not.)

Oh he's waiting for his moment, don't think I don't know that. I just know it will be worth it when he comes.

Manflesh is coming, and when we see his magnificent ass as his avatar, our heads will explode.

Okay, you know if he ever does unveil himself, it's just going to be a picture of the goatse guy.

Manflesh must never unveil.

Especially if he's really Onstad in disguise THERE I SAID IT.

And when it finally came, it wasn't even that. I am crushed.

you... you mean... awesome?

I would like to say that since the handfaceavaicon craze. People seem to be acting waaay nicer, are still being considerably funny and some good old fashion bonding in general is going on. It is not compulsory, but man it's going well.

Someone else already pointed it out, but it's hard to lame someone to their face.

Normal person anonymity on the internet= giant d bag.

The faces get rid of some of the anonymity.

How can I forget that I need to type out the word "plus" and not use a symbol? How many times must I fail?

The shame continues until you learn.

Part of the internetness of the internet is being able to say "fuck you" in new and inventive ways and remain relatively consequence-free: the dude can't come over and rearrange your body parts and you conscience, if you have one, never takes a single hit.

Well, I don't think anyone is capable of reaching through the internet and strangling anyone else, but now that you have a face on a comment I'm willing to bet it's a little hard to smirk and say, "Aw, fuck you."

Not that anyone would ever do that, of course. I just note that there's far fewer lames today.

Aw, fuck you spinynorman! I can be mean when I want to....

Okay, I take it back and I am sorry.

I'm so proud to have inspired the "avaicon" terminology. (See my face, search for pogo2)

Actually, I decided to do the face thing as pogo, as you see

(outside) You All Look Better Than Me.
(inside) Here's Five Hundo. Pretty People Deserve Money
(back) I HATE YOU.

My step brother and brother are both teh hawtness. Imagine going through highschool always being with two dudes who autimatically make you third pick at best? And this "at best" scenario means the rest of the room is like cave trolls or something.

It was not good times. I describe my dating experience back then as being a sort of scavenger, picking off the weak and the foolish.

Scavenging is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

Yeah. All three of my best friends are hot and either D cups or double Ds. (Mine tend more towards vowelage.) My experience in high school was similar to yours...

There are so many boys who can order off the secret menu...

I think part of the problem of being an "ass man" is assuming you're a fan of enormous bootylicious rumps that make the patent-pending Tracy Morgan "badawnkah dawnk" motion when walking. No one speaks up for skinny white girl ass.

Well, consider it spoken for.

I have already subscribed to your newsletter, and have written a piece to the Op/Ed page.

Yesss. In lieu of the fact that I'm straight and therefore can't be an "ass girl" or a "breast girl," I hereby declare myself an "ass man girl." More men should think like you, Spiny.

Is that a round-about way of boasting of your derriere?


Yes. And also of lamenting the fact that I still have to buy bras from preteen clothing stores, where the mannequins are 4'6" with awkward plastic recreations of newly budding breasts. I am still waiting for mine to finish the uncomfortable but ultimately beautiful transformation into womanhood that I was promised in middle school.

Hey I've been waiting to turn into a swan too! Unfortunately, if posted information is correct, I am three years further along in this quest than you and no more successful.

I had already wanted to get a vodka after work... after reading that I feel the need to drink heavily. I do not know why...

My breasts drive men to heavy drinking.

This is why I prefer ass men.

Don't take it that way. Something about the description of the mannequins with pubescent breasts is revolting...

Yeah, dude, fuckin' tell me about it. I have to see those motherfuckers every time I buy a bra!

Revolting... or arousing?


As an avowed Breast Man, I must interject.

I mind not at all about size. Taste in shape is the true measure of a Man.

My last girlfriend, a gorgeous, red-headed dancer who broke my heart had a pair of perky "tart-and tinies" (Hilarious!) and I loved them.

If this is creepy, I am sorry, but I don't want you to think low of Breast Men, or feel bad about yourself, even in any minor way.

Looking at my avatarpic, it does kinda come off as creepy' though.


Was she a dancer as in "someone who actually dances" or a dancer as in "someone who is too ashamed to say what her actual job is"? Either way I'm probably jealous of you.

A dancer, as in a "dance major interested in modern dance and making a living in musical theatre" dancer.

Small breasts: great. Sickly mannequin breasts: ew.

Early canvassing suggests that there are those here who would classify you as ultimately beautiful already.

See conversation following my elegant, classical post on an organisation for such dudes.

As per an earlier Assetbar conversation about my tart 'n' tinies, it is not a thing I am actually worried about. I am just a fan of self-deprecating humor, and Assetbar is always talking about boobies, so I end up bringing it up more often and in more detail than is comfortable for anyone but me.


Be glad, you can find cute bras. That's the trade-off. It's pretty hard to find anything bigger than a C-cup that you'd actually want to wear (or have anyone else see). Manufacturers do seem to be catching on nowadays, although very, very slowly.
Plus, from the pictures I've seen this weekend, you are just about the hottest girl on assetbar. (Well, you and catgrl131).

(outside) I'm sorry I started talking about clothes on the internet.
(inside) I'm not normally that much of a girl.

Aww, thank you! o-(^.^)-o <-arms opened for a hug

Is that a cargo net, or a bra?

Tart 'n' tinies!!! BWAHAHAHAHA awesome.

I got that from someone else on Assetbar. I wish I could take credit for it, but I can't. Nor can I remember who it was that I got it from. Crap.

Okay, I just can't come up with a response that wouldn't quickly become the Creepiest Thing Tekende (Or Anyone Really) Ever Said on Assetbar.

So I'll just stick to I think you're really pretty and I like small breasts and okay yes hi!

I didn't mean to be one of those girls that's all "I'm ugly!" (I was mostly talking about my boobs with the swan comment and, like loneal above, mostly for their humor value.)

Tangentally, it probably shouldn't make me blush that somebody (or two somebodies) on the internet think I'm pretty. But it does OK yes hi!

[Notice: this comment is not intended to solicit or induce any further compliments from the assetbarrio, merely to express gratitude for those already distributed.]

Ah, what a thing we could have going if it weren't for society's taboos...

Wait...you're related?

Not that I have any knowledge of... I was a little confused by the taboo comment, myself. (And a little hesitant to ask.)

No, it's a line from King of Queens and it just seemed amusing to post it.

Yours was the superior riposte... A chubby to you, sir, and good day.

Good DAY sir!

you...you are mixed race?

you are an alive stuffed otter and she is a flower?


I genuinely laughed out loud.

it's too late now!
Hey, has anyone told you that you're really pretty?

I CAN'T TELL WHO'S SAYING WHAT TO WHOM! I just hope I'm not being compared to Rachel Ray. I just don't know if I could take that.

you're pretty too catgrl i like your batman ring i just read the killing joke last week and it was fucking amazing

goddamn straight it was


Man I hope that works.

Oh, well.



No seriously though. That's scary. Go buy The Killing Joke, assetbarrians, if you haven't already. Take it from a girl who is extremely selective about what comics she likes.

Yeah. Killing Joke is pretty good, though it doesn't have quite the re-readability some of Moore's other stuff does.

Also, if you want to talk scary, there's always our boy dressed like a nurse, right down to the hair.


Yeah, I'm almost exactly halfway through Watchmen right now, and it's incredible. I never took much to V, but possibly because I only had access to individual issues.

Watchmen is extremely awesome. putting it down was painful.

Holy crap, I didn't know hot chicks read awesome comics, and I work at a Comic Shoppe. (OKay, so I know this one but still, wow)

It's a little weird being a girl in a comic shoppe, I have to admit. All "excuse me is the newest amazing x-men collection out yet i've been waiting for months oh my why is everybody in here surriptitiously staring at me wherever I go"

That's because any woman that is in any way good looking is either there because their boyfriend dragged them or looking for Archies, plushies and/or bringing their kids. So to have a good-looking lady wanting a comic is so ridiculous it catches us for a loop.

Sidebar: Watchmen is something I have never heard any criticism for ever.

I gave Watchmen to my brother, and I could see the "Oh, shit, he gave me a comic book" look in his eye.

He was pretty blown away in the end.

I think this is your and Racheal Ray's year.

fingers crossed!!!

i am a breast man girl for the same reasons that loneal is an ass man girl. it's just that every girl feels that either her boobies or her booty is superior to the other, and knowing a man favors what she's got gives her a self-esteem boost. we are but fragile creatures.

That sounds depressingly like the process of elimination.

i don't follow.


Wasn't "Ass Man Girl" a Beefheart song?

Not me. I recognize the beauty of posteriors of all sizes, but given my druthers, I want something I can sit my mug on when we dance. Within reason, mind you, but to quote the Beatnuts, when I see fat asses I make hot shots like a quarterback.

And people say romance is dead.

Not so long as I have a breath left in my body.

As a skinny white girl who has "the rounds," I thank you. Someone needed to stand up for white girl ass.

I'd make a badge proclaiming my love of the skinny white girl ass, but my apartment is like right next to a junior high, and I'd prefer it if I stayed off of as many radars as I can. Proudly sporting that on your shirt when you go to buy Sierra Nevada and onions at the Randall's down the street is probably gonna be trouble.

But I'll wear it in spirit, right next to the ol' heart of hearts.

Also, "the rounds?"

It's what my dear female friend "Adogg" used to call it. Smaller than a badonkadonk, bigger than your typical skinny flat sorority girl ass. The rounds.


That sounds much more pleasant than the onions.

Also, I think I might have a crush on you.

Tekende and bixschmix sittin' in a tree!
First comes love, then comes marriage,
Then something really bad happens and Tekende's wife is in a coma.



Oh, oh I had a chubby left.

I... I wonder if it had anything to do with the taboo.

There is no taboo, bixschmix

Not if you don't want there to be

Wait, is bixschmix Tekende's wife at this point, or is he just cheating on his comatose wife with her?

I have never been prouder to have played a part in the creation of this Assetmeme . Chubby.

(Sorry to blow my own trumpet but I have to elbow my way into this party somehow. I ain't want to get stuck in the Acheworld equivalent of the kitchen while all the cool people dance in the living room and drink the beer I brought)

but everyone knows that at a houseparty the coolest people are hangin' in the kitchen. and the host is like hey guys forget the natty light, there's a 12-pack of sierra nevada in the back of the fridge. don't tell the others .

also the people in the living room are all puttin' on Journey, raising their cans and wailing "DON'T STOP BELIEVING!"

basically, the hottest people might be in the living room, but the wittiest ones are in the kitchen.

i was out of chubbies, so i lamed you. but it was a chubby lame, because i thoroughly enjoyed your post

Jollysaintpete, we gotta introduce you to a little thing called virtual chubbies.

i refuse wholeheartedly!

I need to sit down for a while.

"Badonkadonk" is now my favourite word.

Hopefully it's nothing like the onions.

I am familiar with a measuring system.

I wanna say something nice, but I can't think of anything that won't look like I'm hitting on you (not that I wouldn't hit on you, it's just not the classiest thing in this circumstance?)

It's not like you don't have a history thereof, Mr. Tekende.


Well...I...it...so's your mom!!

my best friend is half-japanese, petite, extremely pretty, funny et cetera. boys flock to her like hopeless moths to a flame. often they would talk to me so i could help them get to her.

all this, and yet i am a D and she is an A (i think).

Is... Is she mixed race?

Sorry about that.
But hey I can empathize with y'all. My older brother is taller, handsomer and smarter than me.
Try getting a girlfriend while being a scruffy comic book fan with a captain-of-the-football-team brother.

Yes, but she's Japanese. Many men think this is hot.

The hottest girl I have ever known was black, native american, and filipino.

Whether or not her hotness was caused by her multiracial background is unclear to me.

it often works out pretty well

She...She was mixed race!?

(Hey, you knew I couldn't resist)

I wonder if it is because they assume that japanese ladies are all into stuff seen in hentai, or if it is because they have spent so much time watching anime (and other japanese video productions?) that their image of a normal young woman is now more japanese, or of a woman who does japanesey things.

Or maybe they're just fetishists.

Assuming that someone was into hentai stuff would make me less attracted to them.
I do not like incest or octopoids.

But when you bring them together...!




but white chicks won't let me put my tentacles ANYWHERE

I have that exact same problem. It might just be because I am a female squid, though.

This has earned my first ever v-chub.

Mmm, no, I'd rather tend to think that there's something about petite, cute women that tends to make certain men more comfortable with themselves, as their size makes them seem less threatening and so a nervous dude opens up more.

no- tekende is correct. guys love japanese or half-japanese girls. they are, how do you say, en vogue . i myself conform to more renaissance standards- pale skin, a cushion-y bosom, "child-bearing" hips et cetera. to college-age white men, this is by and large unfashionable.

god damn you half japanese girls...you do it to me every time.

Goddamn those half-japanese girls. They do it to me every time.

P.S. The redhead said you shred the cello, and I'm jello, baby.

did you really reply to my song reference just now by referencing the same lyric, but changing one word to make it slightly less correct? or did you just not refresh before posting? i'm massively confused

Eerily, we both replied to eatmorekix with the exact same post, but mine was pronoun corrected for the proper object, as eatmorekix is not herself a goddamn half-japanese girl. I am at work, and did not refresh to check and see if some one was going to post the exact same Weezer reference

pronoun corrected, huh? i just wrote it like the song. but props all 'round, regardless!

How do you young folks even know who Weezer is are they still a thing

what I am trying to say is that they played an acoustic set in my high school cafeteria and I am 100 years old

I'm not into the whole Japanese girls are hot thing, myself. I mean, yeah, every now and then I'll see an Asian girl that's cute, but their Asian-ness doesn't intrinsically turn me on.

Eh, I don't think so. Maybe among a small group of people... Well, to be honest, the type of people who would dominate the internet.

this is so true. as someone considered conventionally attractive by the standards set forth by frat boys and lady magazines, the more time I spend on the internet, the more I think I'm an absolute dog for not wearing glasses, having brown hair, or being asian.

really though, no matter how unconventional or conventional your physical appearance is, someone out there has an absolute over-the-top thing for people who look just like you. your always someone's fetish object, somewhere in the world. which is...more or less just creepy now that I think about it.

I've got a fetish for 'yes', a fetish for 'no', a fetish for robert de-ni-ro-oh!

What, exactly, defines a fetish? Is it like phobias, in that it has to be irrational? Like, one can be frightened of spiders, yeah, that's a little irrational, but you can't have a crossing-a-highway-in-the-middle-of-the-night phobia, because that's completely rational.

So one can't have a "naked lady" fetish. That's like saying "I have a fetish for sex that I enjoy." (Conceivably, one could have a fetish for sex that one explicitly does not enjoy. That would be irrational.) So where exactly does one draw the line at rational and irrational when it comes to attraction? Certainly, there's physical characteristics (which are being heavily scrutinized at the moment, hem-hem) and emotional and mental characteristics which one person would find compatible and stable were the two to mingle every day life. Oftentimes the division between physical and mental characteristics isn't even there, really - stature of shoulders speaks of strength, the shape of eyes and cheekbones denote sensitivity, feet may, to one person, indicate delicacy, artistry, grace. But any of these attractive characteristics can be canceled out by another singularly unattractive quality, I should think.

A real fetish, then, cannot be canceled out. It doesn't matter who happens to be, say, naked but wearing tennis shoes and socks, if it's your fetish you're immediately attracted. It's irrational in that it persists against all reasonable indications of character or physicality.

Anyways, that's my small thesis about the line between a fetish, which is a minor detail that forces the attractee to ignore all major ones, and taste, in which physical and mental characteristics are translated back and forth by the viewer to denote stability, growth, and "beauty."

Also there's just the really good fuck. Which doesn't even need a thesis really, because one can't say enough for it.

goddamn where the hell did that come from

Been gettin' any?

What you are describing is either preference or kink, depending on where you go with it, but as far as I know (and I am a regular Savage Love reader who has also been interviewed in Playboy for my advice column) a fetish is a sexual attraction to an *object,* independent of its actual use in sex. I.e. you're kinky if you like your girlfriend to wear those tennis socks and shoes, but you have a fetish if just looking at the those socks and shoes turns you on, even when she's not wearing them. Etc. etc. etc.

Between my picture, me talking about my ass a little ways up the page and now this, I'm feeling mighty exposed! It'll be good when tomorrow we go back to being pictures that live inside the internet and not human beings with faces.

When I was a child Dan Savage had a radio show called Savage Love Live and oh how I would send him the stupidest emails about the stupidest problems (and one time he read one on air and I about had a heart attack)

No, we must not go back to hiding behind icons! I move that we all keep our photos up. It will be awesome.

Sigh. Really? I guess I'll change back. For now.


Area Man Has Naked Lady Fetish .

You're not an 'absolute dog,' it's just that us internet people are afraid to hit on you. Your boyfriend might come up in his Jeep after one of his keggers and smother us with his AXE deoderant-covered biceps.

I cannot for the life of me decide if you're talking to me or not. If you are, well, then you've just said one of the funnier things in life, considering my dating history.

Outside: I'm sorry my awesome handface picture intimidated you internet people
Inside: Not only do I not have a boyfriend right now but I have never dated a boy who drives a jeep or uses axe
Back: let's be honest the boys i date rarely even have biceps they usually like nerdy things like me or are in a band

As on old-school Marilyn Monroe fan, I love you!

i am flattered to be sure, but if you are really 59 you are the same age as my dad. this gives me a weird feeling.

Oh man, that reminds me of my job at a supermarket, I would get hit on by all kinds of ladies with white hair. One even grabbed my backside!

I have this same problem, wittyname. Old ladies love me for some reason.

(I think it's because their eyes aren't very good!)

Older ladies like me too! It is because I have curly hair. It's really weird.

One old (drunk, late at night on the streets of Glasgow, outside a chip shop) lady started chatting me up by saying 'You've got a lovely height about you.' What are you supposed to say to something like that?

Research indicates that ladies like tall, thin, blonde men a lot.

Well, that's good news for me, Bot.

Keeping thin is the goddamn trick, ain't it...

"Thank you?"

I am so glad other guys have had similar problems with elderly ladies chatting them up all the time, but I wonder if anyone can top being hit on by a middle-aged tranny? I am serious, this happened at my work and she even like grabbed my shoulder and laughed and walked away and why would she do that oh god oh god *cradles self to sleep*

when i was sixteen a fifty two year old woman tried in disturbingly blunt terms to get me to join her in her apartment. so, so wrong

You should all Google Ben Franklin's "Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of Mistress."

He's benevolent...but firm.

(Disclaimer: This is from pogo's floating box info. I am not actually that creepy. Usually. )

Wow, thanks, I never thought of it that way. I was thinking of the way I treat kids ... oh shit, that's creepy, too!

Hey, eatmorekix, I can't be held responsible for the behavior of your dad, young lady!

Hell yes for child-bearing hips.

Eatmorekix- I would just like to say I deem renaissance standards quite fashionable.

bless the baby angel who is in charge of boys with this mentality.

Breast men for petite ladies: An organisation whose time has come?

What, like, breast men who appreciate small breasts? I would sign up for such an organization in a heartbeat.

I believe this organization already exists. Membership to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee is highly selective.

Oh, hee hee hee hee!

I was trying to express that in an elegant, classical way.

On the subject of mosquito bites, I believe it best to be as crass and contemporary as possible, though I believe the IBTC has been around for quite some time.

I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe

that lo~ove is the answer


We at IBTCInc. appreciate your tact, lawbot.

I've seen bigger! My cousin knew this girl in Canada who had J-cups!

That sounds like a bad hentai waiting to happen.

There are Japanese people in Canada?

Also: I just noticed this, but do we even have any Asian people here on Assetbar?

There was one named poopcat who posted a rather cryptic message towards the top. Also, I think Xiaomimi (aka blog girl) is Chinese. Not that I keep track of these things...

Naw, I'm just bonin' one.

Either you are kidding or you have never heard of Vancouver.

(Vancouver is a city where Asian people are the majority. I just felt I should explain.)

Yeah, I was kidding. Thanks though.

GUESS WHAT. I'm going to school in Vancouver next year.

UBC? that school practically has its very own nude beach, you know. when i went there a dude was just walking around being like hey, want some 'shrooms?

Were you both naked at the time? This is important information eatmorekix, think hard.

Why do you think I'm going there?

I would be concerned but really that scenario sounds pretty much applicable to every college founded.

Man, British Columbia is like the stoner capital of Canada. There is a much higher "dude who wants to sell you shrooms" population there.

That population gets denser and denser the closer you get to Hornby Island.

Keep that in mind.

This English major grants you a handful-sized virtual chubby for your use of "vowelage". Also, some men prefer this region of the braphabet.

(this was for bixschmix, and you should now follow your thumb upwards towards her brilliant post...)

What's wrong with E-cups anyway? *ducks*

Nothing. Nothing at all.
*helps cromar back up*

Imagine going through highschool always being with two dudes who autimatically make you third pick at best? And this "at best" scenario means the rest of the room is like cave trolls or something.

It was not good times. I describe my dating experience back then as being a sort of scavenger, picking off the weak and the foolish.

Yeah. All three of my best friends are hot and either D cups or double Ds. (Mine tend more towards vowelage.) My experience in high school was similar to yours...

For me, the grass was no greener on the other side of the fence. My best friend was jealous of the attention I got, and yet I was mostly unaware of it. For you see, what females took for unflappable aloofness and raw, primal class-clownism was really such powerful cluelessness about human interaction that I couldn't even display timidity with body language, let alone flirt.

All I knew was that I meekly burned for the shy, bookish girls, and yet I only ever got asked out by the outgoing, popular ones, whom I summarily turned down. (I mean, what could I do on a date with that cheerleader? We would have nothing to talk about. )

So basically, I had the same set of problems in high school as every nerdy guy.

in bizarro world

I hate you now, edwell.

You sound so hot.

not all of us are pretty. don't worry.


i was talking about myself

i apologize for my previous post. self-deprecation is lame, i know.

dude whatever you are adorable.
i've been holding myself back from self-deprecating actually.

thanks girl. it's hard to resist that urge. but i think you look like shirley manson, who is in my opinion a total babe.

aww thank you -- my cousin looks just like shirley, and its said i look like my cousin.

i've kind of been using one of my best photos tho.
so i think, for a bit, i will use my madame trelawney faced picture.

the prophecy!


Nope, sorry. Still gorgeous. Not even the colossal glasses of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg could hide it.

Too cute. Looks like a small child trying on big people clothes.

actually, we were playing kidrobot-style dressup

Seriously you are so damn cute. Honestly, hot hot hot chick. You cannot negate the hotness with bigass glasses.

What hecci said. Wow.

Dude, where'd you get that giant crayon!? I want one!

aww you guys are sweet.
and the crayon is actually my sister's, no clue where she got it. also, she took most of those pictures, she is kind of awesome at working a camera.
but yes, thanks for the ego boost! :D

way to give up on holding back. you are foxy, soupkaty! do not go down that slippery sadness slalom slope!

i know slalom was unnecessary

naw was not giving up, just acknowledging that i have considered self-deprecation. it is a thing to do when a lady has low self-esteem. the key, however, is having a sense of humor about you when you do it.
i have, at one point, likened myself to woody allen but without the charm.

But...but extra alliteration is always necessary!

eatmorekix I think you especially are super pretty and have lovely big eyes! And you kinda remind me of Buttercup, the awesomest Powerpuff Girl . And your description of your body type sounded just like mine, and you know I think us pale, hourglass-shaped ladies are pretty hot actually.
Also thank you for apologising because self-deprecation IS lame.


That answer could use some work!

I don't know. I'm looking at us, and...all of us are kinda pretty.

I agree with Loneal.

I know, seriously! Day-um!
Everyone on Assetbar is sexy! How come?

Yes! We men of the 'wood ache for women of this caliber.
All who have been seen here are indeed fine.

...also, Kix are awesome.

a classic, underrated cereal. not too fancy, not too sweet, delicious when perfectly crispy or slightly soggy. especially tasty with sliced strawberries.

Wood ache. Sounds a little like blue balls.

Yeah, I'm still not entirely convinced that this entire "Achewood" thing is just a long, drawn-out scam that ends with me somehow being scammed out of my money or at least being humiliated in some fashion.

Heyo, is needs to be "isn't" there, goddamn it

Ha ha, like all of these "users" are actually a small team of unemployed late night talk show writers hiding behind a bunch of stock photos while they steal...
Awww Dammit! He figured it out, everyone!

*gathers credit card data into satchel*

Kim Jong-Il reference in a card about sex. Classy beef!

Graphic design is easy. That's why there are only like 5 graphic designers making all the stuff you see.

I would be insulted by your undermining of my career, except I am one of those 5. That's why I'm so late to comment and join this assetbar revolution.



I'm aseetloving your camera.



Love is just a game.

gettin' hungry for my game of looooving (my way of looooving) the reference so poorly conveyed it needs a youtube link to explain itself


Thank you.

1337 comments...I hate to destroy the motif but..*destroys*




1505... it would have been cool if it was right on the mark when I refreshed, but alas. What's funny is that 30 posts went up in the last 10 minutes.

I don't know if this was posted before but a young lady in England was beaten to death by a gang of teenage thugs who did not like that she looked like a goth. Her attackers have been sentenced to serve up to 18 years.

I mention this because she is wearing an Achewood t-shirt in her photo in the Sydney Morning Herald .

What fucking idiots.

I knew I'd seen that t-shirt somewhere recently in the media.

I now wish it was under significantly different circumstances.

I was about to post the very same story, it has been discussed here before. Here's hoping they serve every single day of those 18 years.

or, you know, get raped to death in prison or something.

Jeffrey Dahmer Justice, hmmm?

and resuscitated for further raping

Damn man. This is the exact thing to bring me down after all the positive energy squirting around this place.

A complete shame. I hope those guys get extended sentences for bad behavior.

I go away for a while and all of a sudden everyone has real faces for icons! OK, here's my...

Goddamn llama, get out of the frame! Frikkin' llamas are infesting assetbar!

you're infected.

Y'know, I've been walking around with a sizable chunk of glee in my heart due to all the positive energy on this page. So I am giving one huge hug, accompanied by assetbar's hugest, most all-encompassing metachub. Enjoy!



Okay, so... that would have played a lot better with a Philippe avatar.

Unnnngh, enough, need air! Whewwwwwww! You got on hella hug, catgirl!

cat...........g I rl?


Freudian slip, I guess. Sheesh, I sure thought it was you giving the hug! My bad fantasy, I guess. Here's a fatherly hug, no hips involved, thanks. I;m leaving now.

aw don't worry, she's flippin out because you spelled her username "catgirl" instead of "catgrl." i was Paying Attention.

Gotcha, like the Ms/Mrs/Miss thing. A "grl" is way different from a "girl." (Here comes the South Pacific male chorus singing): There is nothing like a dame! Nothing, in the, world. There is nothing you can name that is anything like a dame!

Wait, it was your meta hug. But I left the "i" in your screen name. Sorry, grl. I was up too late.

I FORGIVE YOU, POGO! o-(^.^)-o

Friends |:-)

Aw, Pogo's smilies have frown lines.

soon to be one thousand more comments than the second highest amount of comments. just wow. the hand face revolution is noisy. i welcome it

Already doubled the last one.

I've just seen an awful news article and feel as though a small part of me has died.

Kind of old but yes... sad...

Can we all stop the buzzkills?

a young woman dies a horrible death at the hands of some twisted cowards, for absolutely no good reason, and you don't want to hear about it because it's a "buzzkill." i don't even know what to say.

I respect what you're saying here, eatmorekix, but atrocities happen every single hour of every single day. We can't have time to hear about them all.

That said, shut up, yocum.

I think that philippe's blog on french fries is perhaps the cutest thing I've ever read. Esp the last line.

Nice to see people putting up their real faces. It gives me a good feeling. Definitely makes hanging out on a forum less weird. If everyone on the net had to shed their anonymity, it'd be a much better place.

I thought it was sorta sad that no one would buy him his own meal. I mean, if they got him a happy meal we would get a toy. Granted, he seems to enjoy his fries alot but it's the principle dammit.

"Spaghetti Philippo" is now part of my lexicon. It was very cute, and sort of sad, since he can't afford protein.

Also agree about the real faces making the Net a better place, if we could ever verify they are real.

Dang this photo looks like my first year Datastructures and Algorithms lecturer.

hello everyone, i have been reading achewood and assetbar for a long time but am usally too lazy/busy to post. but this whole avatar thing is really neat and i wanted to get in on it.

The Dude abides.


I put on my face eyes for you all, whilst sitting in my body chair.

I hope I win the Sternest Handfacepose Award.

This is...pretty damn stern.

Holy damn. I don't even recognize Assetbar at this point.

I don't think I trust you without your gas mask. This will take some getting used to.

It's getting hard remembering who everyone is/was with the new icons.

Good, who cares about the past. Viva la revolucion!

I'm considering putting it back on; I feel vain with my face on here and it's making me hell of anxious. Also holding my breath this whole time is starting to take its toll. Oxygen intolerance is a serious condition, kids.

The transition for you is rather less violent, seeing as you are more or less a younger version of your old avatar.

It's not vain if other people say you're sexy too! Pssst baryonyx is a cutie pass it on


Oh, Catgrl, you adorable spaz. You brighten my evening.

You need to go into the nearest Army Surplus store and take a picture of yourself with a gasmask and Fedora.

There is no other choice.

Fucking YES . To Google Maps!

And hey! Skradley! With a face and also a hand on it!

Nice suit, kid. Join my campaign?

Where are we conquering?

I had meant to use my "suit" picture, for which I created a separate pogo2 account, but Ass-bar won't let pogo2 post anymore, so the joke is screwed. See, way up top, some dudes thought I looked like I cold run for office, hence the camapaign ... not sure why I want to clear this all up, but it would have been better if I stuck with the suit pic. Oh well, no one will ever read this anyway amongst over 2,000 posts that day the earth stood still and hands went to faces. *Sigh*

I read this... and I will remember .

Klaatu Barata Nikto.

And I actually got the joke, after taking a moment to visually confirm you were not in fact Mike Gravel. I just thought I would ripost with a bit of wordplay relying on an alternate meaning of the word 'campaign', thereby instantly imbuing my response with what I believed to be a semblance of humor.

It's all good.

I commend your worplay, and raise you two clits.

I meant two "klaatu." (No, it was actually clits.)

well it was really neat at first seeing everyone's photo but now the novelty is wearing off, and the photos are actually, some of them, most of them, blurry masses of pixels that express less visual content than a well done avitar. I think that the mind must be programmed to absorb just tons and tons of information from a person's face... when that face is static and never flinching, never changing expression, then I think the mind kind of just stops seeing anything there at all. These damn face avitars need higher resolution, and if Assetbar won't allow that, well then, the face avitars need to be rotated daily to a new expression or angle of view.

so an animated gif of a slowly rotating head that constantly changes expression would be perfect?

I think we all know that a dancing tyrannosaur that constantly changes color would be perfect.

Hey, you're right. Where has miku been for all this?

oh yeah that would be awesome if it was my smiling mug, rotating and changing expression, the color of my teeth rotating through the spectrum values

yes! Brilliant! I shall make such a thing. I just bought a copy of Illustrator version 4 or something. Maybe it can do that.

C'mon, people, keep talking, let's put more comments on this page than years have been recorded since the death of Christ.


1983 is the year I was born in. Yay!

2019 is the year I will die! Awesome!

2115 sounds real futurish.

I'm Sorry I Bit You On The Face

(inside) You Looked Like You Tasted Good, So It's Really a Compliment

Renal Failure: The Destroyer of Men (besides maybe Prostate Cancer)

Do women not have kidneys?

In the future, kids, we surpassed this thread in total comments. But I came back to fool around with that. The race is with this one:

»Tattoo discussion, 11/01/2008, 2190 comments (as of 5:00 p.m. CT 11/11/08)

And yes, I had a handface shot or two that I may try to paste in, but I'm tired right now, being old and everything.

Come on guys! We can beat the future!
I call past party!

Whoo! Now we're getting this party started!
*drunkenly knocks over a chair*

I showed up late to the past.

I'm back, hand me a beer *knocks bottle over*

Hey, remember when Roast Beef had that greeting card company?

that is now

Whoa. Trippy.

Hmm, 2270 in the future vs. 2115 here. They're pulling away.

What the hell, I'll put in my two posts. Godspeed, gentlemen.

And another to top it off. I am going to go look at Asian pornography. Good luck.

the surprise of the CENTURY!

God's sake. You kids talk too much. I refuse to assist in this ludicrous movement of superfluous commenting.

Wait, fuck, no, hang on.

If I kill Pogo on this strip, will his comments in the future one disappear?

If I have a baby with Pogo in this strip, will that baby be my dad in the future?

Get that robot bastard out of here before I turn it into a can opener!

All is lost! Abandon ship!

I was only lurking back now. All dang and everything. Will it change the time-continuum if I post here then?
Will anything ever be the same if I hit "Post"?

Guess so.

C'mon, think! What'll make people stir into a commenting frenzy?























At first I read that as AIDS Sherpa. Like you had a little himalayan dude inside your balls.

Worst job ever, folks?



This is kind of a quietly weird effing strip, isn't it? Like you were scratching the underside of something fine.

Yes, words.

That was very nice of you, lawbot.
moncler coats

are you

are you backlink spamming assetbar

i'd Kill for a large set of these cards. one for the "I'm sorry I got so depressed I didn't get you a Father's Day gift until Christmas... Merry Christmas" type occasion, or the "I'm sorry I got so depressed I couldn't sex you up without thinkin bout problems and goin limp and basically sending you into the arms of another man after you got pregnant... So congratulations, mommy to be!" another good one would be "I'm sorry I moved back home and used all money unemployment money on alcohol for two years... Happy Father's Day."