If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
Philippe Babysits Wednesday, April 6, 2005 • read strip Viewing 89 comments:

A comment left by afastidioushat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, madnes, Ariamaki, rascaldom, luasn, Magb, empy)

If the second fart is not fully articulated, the baby runs a very real risk of developing quick onset diabetes.

Onstad's baby runs a very real risk of her head getting fucked with when she's older.

Onstad's a total bastard.

It makes the comic great, though, so I'll give him a pass.

onstead is a dick, but mainly because he let a five year old babysit his infant

Aw, I bet the Onstads just let him "babysit" while they were in the next room for a little while.

I'd be willing to bet he could hear the second fart from in there.

What a dick.

Oh man, that got me thinking. I imagined Chris in the other room, not just hearing the farts, but actually standing there with his hands on his mouth making them. All giggling making the super wet sounding ones while his wife is mad because she just got to sleep for the first time since having the baby.

Just really made this comic that much funnier for me.

He's being a dick to a total 5-year old!

Llewelynn Ash told Philippe not of this.

Philippe's worst fears come true in this strip.

A comment left by delzhand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Crowpaw, odaya, SPECTRE)

as seen on onstadickery.com

I'm not sure why I tried to go there; really what good could possibly come of a site with such a domain?

I'm pretty sure Onstad is the one who built Lie-Bot


Dammit guys we all know Philippe can't turn his head that far!

this needs chubbies. it is pretty much exactly perfect.

Apart from the fact that he is talking out of his groin. When we all know very well that Lie Bot talks exclusively out of his arse.

Why teh heck am I getting deja vu from this thread?

Actually, all the robots talk out of a small hole in the side of their heads.

Chubbied for "pretty much exactly perfect".



You. Are. Genius.

holy shit! I had to create a sockpuppet account to chubby this! [i]this is not something I really did[i].
But seriously, I've not yet wanted to chubby so many more comments on a page than I am allotted.

I did not close my tags. This is to prove I strongly suspect I know how to do it, I just forgot to do it.

I feel really bad for Phillipe. I want to punch Onstad in the knee.

Onstad made his mascara run and everything!

It looks like his eyes are bleeding...

in my driver's license picture it looks like my eyes are bleeding. the tear ducts are extremely visible red/pink.

My goodness!

"My goodness!" is like Phillipe's "Wow! signal."

Are you calling Onstad's kid an alien? 'Cause it sounds to me like you're calling Onstad's kid an alien.

I think he's the alien observer in this analogy. Like the alien observers have the "Wow!" signal, Philippe has the "My goodness!" fart.

Yes, Philippe is the alien observer, making the baby the observed alien, hence the reason it sounds to Fermetprime like Wilbur is calling Onstad's kid an alien.

Oh, hey, I completely misunderstood that. Oops, my bad.

Philippe's naivete is a lens which reveals how horrible and complex the universe is.

Instead of hating this comment, which was my initial reaction, I've decided that I love it. I'm not sure how that works or why it matters.


I love how Onstad is the horrible asshole.

oh my god thank you achewood for making me laugh again


Give Onstad a break. Having a baby is serious times, dogg.

Is Onstad wearing Vans?

I suspect Sketchers.

Onstad is a early/mid 30's white male and a former skateboarder (presumably). They're Vans. Trust me, we're suckers for 'em.

I'm not a big fan of buying the retro-looking Vans, though. It's okay to still wear the same brand of shoes from your childhood, but not the same design. That's taking nostalgia a little too far.

Ed's Vans

sneaky reference. nice.

Dare we ask what bought them?

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Connellingus, lux, goodgravy)

my goodness!

That's a talented five-year-old, what can write in cursive.

I think I knew cursive before I could articulate a graph of a sound wave.

it looks like deancain29 is calling to joeyramoney as Phillipe!
and then roast beef and lie bot turn up!!
man im stoned

Let the smoke clear, then reevaluate.

Its all the sweeter because your avatar is a stoned ray

his name also complements the stoned theme

How so?

Jesus I can't stop crying. You are so right. About everything.

best ever

Haha Onstad you fucking dick

Something about the juxtaposition of "Haha" and "fucking dick" makes this incredibly hilarious.

Tom Baker helps a lot too.

Tom Baker always helps.

I get far too upset when Philippe is unhappy.
The relationship between young children and newborns is always interesting. The kids treat the babies much like an adult would, all paternal/maternal.

I second that.

First time I read this, I thought Onstad was crazy overreacting to the information. Now I see he's just being a dick to Phillipe.

Which is okay, since Phillipe is not a stranger.

A comment left by dasilodavi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by erributtz, chivalress, unkle_bob, Art-Vader, BillyLK)

"the father?"

The dude with the legs. I guess it's actually Onstad.

chris is such a prick-

i LOVE this strip-

those two things are related to each other.

Onstad, why must you be so sadistic to your otters?

I suppose a better question is actually, "why do you leave said otter too look after your infant?"...but the first one seems more relevant, and what WOULDN'T any of us leave Phillipe in charge of? Really.

To many 'o's.

(There, I've canceled my mistake).

The Internet remembers. Two years later, it remembers

He is five.

the little boy in me absolutely LOVES the fart jokes!

Today's Blogs

Onstad: Chicken Stock, Chicken Stock

There's something very funny about anyone being a dick to Phillippe. Even though it is wrong.

Philippe is so silly...

I find this hysterical...which makes me cry. Poor Philippe. :*(

The fourth bell-curve fart has hella kurtosis.

this is actually probably my very favorite strip of all time. my goodness!

The true artist portrays himself as he really is; a dude who is sometimes mean to threatened species.

Also cognizant of his own hyper-attentive anxieties concerning said new born and possibly making fun of himself via comic with an exaggerated example..?

Okay, okay, I don't usually jump on the Psychoanalyze-Herr-Onstad train, but sometimes it's fun to think about.

Or, ya know, he's just being a dick.
(I'm.. so sorry everyone..)

Damn, even Onstad is a dick to Phillipe. You would think that at least the creator would have some sympathy for his creation.


Onstad isn't being a dick, he's worried! He's a very loving father and wants to know wether or not the baby farted the second time!

phillipe is going to have Circumstances if he grows up.

has anyone noticed how genius the phrase "seven-series gas panel" is?