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The Party: Day XXV: Todd is Faded Monday, April 15, 2002 • read strip Viewing 45 comments:

I wish this would happen to me someday.

I once saw my friends car parked a block from my house when coming back from university one afternoon. Knowing he was a fan of achewood, I ran home, used photoshop to extend the last strip into a regular-size ticket, then put it under his wiper.

To this day I deny that it was me.

Everyone should do this at college campuses and the like worldwide.

It would be a good guerilla marketing campaign to start up for the launch of the GOF book.

Seriously. This could be a thing.

You are a good friend. I wish I had a friend like you to do a thing like that.

A comment left by dj_douche was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by re5urgam, kalensc, morbo)

no you didn't

Squirrel police are way cooler than real ones

I think they just run around getting drunk and checking out people's cars.

A comment left by sexualhomeboy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by phthoggos, Vondicus, dizneedave, HSE, robbingdog, Talbain, zeromyerz, retinarow, VictoriaW, I_Love_Kate)

whaddaya mean, "real" cops? are you some kind of jerk or something?

this deserves more chubs

it would make someone's day to have this on their car

I want to make these and distribute them.

Too bad Todd can't read.

more tickets need to be notices of how frikking awesome a car is.

How did the officer expect to recieve a reply?

Well, you gotta figure it has his badge number and a court date on there. Court date's gotta be worth some free beer, at least .

The fricken awesomest bit is: no question mark on the officer's comment.

A comment left by flynn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FuckYou, Ravenmancer, tetrisattack, boswelljn)

Squirrels are the best things.


what qualifies yout o write alt text? I'm thinking of going into the field.

You have at least a Master's in English Literature, right?

And three years' related experience? With references?

Poor Teodor, passed out at the bar.

A friend of mine actually made some of these and distributed them around town.

And how'd that work out?

Is it weird that i only just noticed that Blister's arms are ALWAYS like that?


shit, yeah. Even when he isn't talking...

I don't think the cop will be too jazzed when he finds out that suckin' dick paid for this van.

that's WHY it's frikkin awesome.

I don't think the squirrel police are going to buy the van origin myth. Todd's in trouble.

The Squirrel Police have given out 37,852 notices to frikking awesome cars.

All this talk of 'Squirrel Police' has lodged 'Jazz Police' by Leonard Cohen in my brain, with a slight change in the lyrics.

...naturally, it's all sung in 'Alvin & The Chipmunks'-style, and it's the death of God.

Okay guys I've had this sitting on my computer for six months now: [IMGS OFF]

I have this conversation all the time:
"Wanna take?"
"Wanna take?"
Look which informs me that they don't think im of high mind.
"...take off? Wanna leave?"
"Ooooh. Uh...I dunno."

I wish I got parking tickets like this

I have to stop being able to read this strip, read the punchline, and enjoy it. It seems so limiting, but this really is one of the funniest comics ever created.


Long time reader, first comment ever! Peace yo!

I wonder if the squirrel fuzz noticed the licence plate holder?

This reminds me of a Toothpaste For Dinner strip.

It's my firm belief that Todd somehow wrote that ticket out himself

I always assumed it was Blister. Maybe it's his all caps no punctuation speaking manner and his lack of alternating stances, but I felt like he was feigning surprise at Todd having received a ticket, particuarly because he asks "What's it say?" rather than "What for?".

But on the first reading I didn't notice the squirrel police department and the thought of squirrel polie hadn't crossed my mind.

Sooo... How did the van go from apparently being inside in the last strip, to outside in this one? I mean, there were just working on it, decided to leave, and walked outside to the van...