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I am wissin' Monday, August 19, 2002 • read strip Viewing 41 comments:

Beef's nervous bladder doesn't get enough strips.

A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by The_Prophet, fakead, mikeronomicon, hastooo, Jesler729, lordatog, purplehaze, indiglow, wurlitzergirl, LordHumungus, songbirdspectre, mega_panda, catgrl131, Koremora, ActualTaunt, waldo913, differentdog, Carrot, luckypyjamas, twohats, ravindra108, Hyetal, kenyot, anitrophaeron, swatson, Mastronaut, tellumo)

wow. 12 lames just goes to show you what happens when you dare talk back to Onstad.

A comment left by molesticide was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, Tony, RedMange, TheGreatestCape)

Why is this lamed? This is an intelligent, correct comment.

I had to chubby it just because of that lame. That's not how things should be, and yet they are!

A comment left by relaxing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, jaredwilde, mikeronomicon, farqussus, ActualTaunt, IggyMoonbeam, HolyQ, lux, thegrayhoodie, idsyen, ravindra108, gardenhead_, cailetshadow, clintisiceman)

A comment left by lux was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by shades, ASaltySalute4, OnePaperTiger)

A comment left by relaxing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, mikeronomicon, lordatog, ActualTaunt, IggyMoonbeam, deliciousmuffin, cuttlefish)

Normally I'm more reserved in my approach to this topic, but you pulled out more balls in your comments than those machines at bowling alleys and for that sir, I give you a well-deserved chubby.

relaxing is doing just the opposite, he is busting out some serious sass and for that i want to touch his face maybe just a little bit.

Yeah dog, they all needs to get they headpiece checked. Aww shit I done dropped some gerunds.

I agree with this, and I've heard a lot of "good" rap that people have played for me (always with the assurance that this is "underground" rap) but rap, even in what I am told is its best form, just doesn't tend to do anything for me.

chubby means you said something positive, lame means you said something negative. most people don't give a shit if you're right, funny, relevant, or anything else that actually matters. i accept that i'm going to get lamed anytime i say something even as mild as "this strip just doesn't do it for me" and chubbied for something (equally meaningless) like "what a funny strip lol"

Somebody a few strips back got lamed pretty hard for using "lol."

beef can't take a good piss without someone screwin it up. "dude i was on the moon and still couldn't take a decent piss man."

Note the male sign next to the toilet door in the single-manned rocket. I have to wonder if there was also a female one just to show how 'open minded' Pat is.

And one for wheelchair users.

It is a relic of Pat's past, from the days before the family curse took hold. In those days he still dreamed of taking a fine lady up to the moon and christening it for all cat-kind. He kept it in the design as yet another cover for his new feelings once the curse took hold.

I have an alternate theory: Pat only installed one bathroom, the men's room, and decided on impulse to put up the "male" sign. He didn't know why at the time, but it comforted him.

Bad me for being confused by the "PSSSS" and assuming masturbation.

PSSSSSS is a sound associated with masturbation in your book?

I suppose it could be the sigh made having spent your wad into a fistful of toilet paper or whatever.

shit man.

it still says "Java" and it will so forever...

I imagine I'm on a lifeboat in the middle of the Pacific.

Also, I don't think he's imagining being ON a rocket ship. He imagines that he IS a rocket ship.

Why piss in the toilet when there's the word "JAVA" only a few feet away?

because you can't piss outside on the moon ... the vaccuum of space and all that. do you want beef to lose his trolley? do you? huh?

De-Yamming yourself in space would truly suck.

Yeah, but there's still gravity. It would fall in a perfect arc onto the lunar dust and seep in.

i imagine the piss sort of beading up into droplets on the lunar surface, like drops of water on powdered cornstarch

(chubby to the o.p. for the diss on java)

Oh dang now we have to test this. To the moon!

Ohhh shit he's peeing! For like 20 past reads of this strip I thought he was...um...fapping, as the popular saying goes.

Space toilets are really just vacuums for your goodies.

Hungry Gus...


alt-text pushed this one to a 5 for me.

I feel Beef's pain. Not a week passes without someone knocking on the bathroom at work, at which time my gasket locks up.

Rap *is* good music! But yes, I like Bob Dylan as well!

I like good music better than pretty much everything.

i rate this a five based on alt text alone