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Third Anniversary Strip Friday, October 1, 2004 • read strip Viewing 27 comments:

Good dickens.

Incredible, that post has been her for 2 years and was first post.

Yet not a single chubby or lame.

It must have stirred quite an ambiguity amongs people.

It is odd in Assetbarland, but I'm reading comments for the first time and I don't find myself compelled to chubby or lame it... so perhaps it's just Nature.

The Ice Cream Man is rocking the bloatee.

The idea of a party going bankrupt is quite the thing.

Phillipe stood on it exactly three years ago.

The faceshot of the ICe cream man makes this

I really feel like a face shot is not the same thing as a head shot. I really feel like these are very different things and only one of them is going on above.

Why the heck did I say 'faceshot' anyway? Sounds like a word that flashes onscreen in big letters when a player is good at a pornographic fighting game.

I would know.

also "Multi Cuddles!" "Ultra Cuddles!" "Maximum Cuddles!!!"

I actually tried looking these strips up. Silly me.

yeah, me too...i just really wanted to read more about the lady with the brass cans....sigh...

I wonder what other recipes can be constructed solely from fast-food ingredients? Seems like something Phillipe would really get into.



this gets a 5 for the alt text

i'm guessing the vehicle ray is crouching next to is the gothic arch window bus?

The two stuffed animals stand in awe of the Chicken Smiley.

Today's Blogs

Ray: Friday Night's Party - Get Into The Gnome
Molly: Annoying and Hopeful Things.

Fourth Donald Trump reference?

To be referenced by Onstad does not mean that you are merely an icon of the pop-culture. It means that you are a fixture in his mind .

The man is thanking us, this should be a 5!


I tried to eat it, but I ended up throwing it all into the garbage. It was so terrible in my mouth.

Thank you for falling on this sword, sir.

I jumped

Are you not Man?

<He is not devo>

What man?
Which man?
Who's the man?
When's a man a man?
What makes a man a man?
Am I a man?
Yes. Technically I am.

Late '02 had not much happening in it.