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Mickey Mouse's Suicide Thursday, November 4, 2004 • read strip Viewing 73 comments:

Ray's commitment to this joke is impressive.

I don't think it's a joke, I assume they are doing it to spare the kid's feelings.

At least I like to think Lie Bot is using his powers for good for once...

I just thought it was the only reasonable explanation as to how Bush got re-elected.

I would vote for phillipe over bush if he were running again.

Bush did not promise us puppies named Mr. Poopytime. If he had, he would not have delivered them.

Obama should've named his new puppy Mr. Poopytime. It's really a lost opportunity.

Since Ray is in on it, I agree fully. Lie Bot may just be going along with it because it is a free opportunity to say some lies.

I just now figured out what the hell he was doing in that last panel.

Oh goddamn, me too. That brings this strip up at least a point.

Ray does not like to trot out this party trick very often at all.

Shiiiit, I thought it was a yo yo at first

It is Extreme Yoyo.

Wait, what's he doing?


Aren't his balls on the inside though?



For science!

Only when gymnasts speak.

A comment left by flim was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, johnnybaverage, missbee, coke_hakola, apocowarg, karljw, tasteful, mawk, riotdejaneiro, cryztal, layzerblade, Wolfensti, glorify, kylank, Yossarian, dizneedave, mashisoyo, rudegrrl, purplehaze, zpa, dumase, Jhunter, trisha, barfighting, sneechles, Fermatprime, Sleaw, LordPretzel, Art-Vader, obipam, heartofoak, mikerotch6, ih8jonmayr, tripleG, luckypyjamas, lk, fmercury, logic, LaserBlade, peppill, Njury, anewcede, sid, Brosaurus, biznart, shortside40, gorrioncita, Wite_Rabit, zaer, smilebuddha, prowle4763, Oranjer, holly_golightly, nilehus, peterjoel, Mastronaut, ouroboros, Zinggy)

A comment left by peterjoel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mysterymeat1001, greenkoolayd, Art-Vader, mikerotch6, shortside40)

I find it hilarious how flim has 1 chubby and 7 lames whereas you have 7 chubbies and 1 lame... NO ONE FIX THIS IT IS BEAUTY.

All you have to do is lame flim and chubby peterjoel, and the effect is consistent.


(sorry, flim :-/)


currently at 37/2, 2/37, as of 5/17/09. NO ONE MESS IT UP

omg i created something WITH MY WORDS

I helped!

Yes but lames seem to randomly run out. You would have to lame flim first, otherwise you might end up trapped having chubby'd the one guy and then getting nothing but that stupid "Do something nice for a change" message. SCREW YOU ASSETBAR!!! I AM ALWAYS NICE QUITE OFTEN!!! LET ME LAME SOMEBODY JUST ONCE PLEASE!!!!!

I see people complaining about running out of chubbies all the time. This is the first I've seen someone complain about running out of lames. Are you Pat?

I could not be more pleased that this is still going.

Its close to being 5/55,55/5

Acceptable losses , Philippe, acceptable losses.

A comment left by petitegitan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sirhan_duran, StoatLad, RBisme, Pigs)

Dick Cheney is to Lie-Bot what the T-1000 is to Terminator.


Each word puncuated by a jerk on the cord. I knew there was a reason Beef imagined Ray with a leather mask.

For the longest time, I thought that was a yo-yo, and then I was like, "Why is he jerking around a yo-yo to talk to Philippe? And why is it next to his jun--OH DEAR GOD WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"

Mickey did shoot himself. The CIA and Larry King covered it up. See the A&E documentary.

I heard that if you fold the Australian 20 dollar note in a certain way it shows a picture of Mickey shooting himself.

Not to mention that every Jewish employee of the Walt Disney Company was mysteriously absent from work that day.

Ray goes the extra mile for Philippe - he is a rad friend

A comment left by rogergs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, rudegrrl, Anderian, lux, fmercury, Xaxx)

It was a different Mr. Smuckles.

A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rudegrrl, goocifer, amandulence)


A comment left by lastlarf was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robobogle, rudegrrl, jthompson, smilebuddha, STUART)

And even it it WAS full castration, which it wasn't, you don't lose your manly voice after your characteristics have already appeared.

Lie Bot does not lie for evil, he just lies to lie.

He is Chaotic Neutral. A poorly played Chaotic Neutral, to be sure (Lie Bot's as likely to jump off a bridge as cross it! Well, metaphorically), but Chaotic Neutral nonetheless.

Ah, that clears things up. Thanks.

Why must Ray encourage Lie Bot?

Philippe is five. He needs the support at that age.

This was the first Achewood I ever saw. I have never been more confused.

I thought Ray was Onstad's honest attempt at drawing Mickey Mouse. Who was for some reason yanking on his own testicles. Yeah.

apparently i already chubbied this a year ago but i wanted to call more attention to it because i'm literally laughing out loud

It always makes me giggle that Ray managed to get "IS A GREAT!" out in one breath.

The first panel gave me hope, but the next panel shattered it.

Lie Bot is his name and shattered hopes is his game.

Phillipe has hidden in his treehouse because he has lost the election; Lie Bot and Ray craft a plan to spare his feelings.

Wednesday Blogs

Onstad: Tense week

Today's Blogs

Mr. Bear: Breakfast with Ekaterina (of sorts)

For some reason I wasn't really getting into Cornelius' Russian adventure, but this concluding entry is superb. My hat goes off to Mr. Onstad.

I can't believe I didn't read the blogs my first time through the archives; they're part of what makes Achewood so special.

Mr. Bear's blog is always by far my favourite, and this wasn't one of the very rare disappointments. The idea of a Russian bar united in disgust at the prospect of improperly-consumed consomme thrickled my pinctum. Literally.

everytime i look at that first panel, i see the treehouse being supported by a huge, gaping mouth of some kind. ahh i cant stop seeing it.

That is hella inflamed testicle.

Ray's party tricks make me feel queasy


Let the mouse die! Oh well. (It must have been so cool to read this strip on the day of the actual election.)

Oh. Dear... GOD!

what is ray doing to himself in the last panel? dear lord, makes me think of bme pain olympics... do... not... want!

It was a great-day for America- when this stip went-up.

I'll go out on a limb and guess that Ray does not sound anything like Mickey Mouse.

Unless of course you're a 5-year-old.

It takes a dedicated man to assault his left nut just to spare a kid's feelings.