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Apologies to Pat Tuesday, December 7, 2004 • read strip Viewing 47 comments:

Pat is a stone-cold dick to everyone .
Be interesting to see how he works out with Rod Huggins.

A comment left by rolotonybrowntown was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tttt, TTAGXAMM, sid, Audhumla, pquinn87, LocusCosecant)

Shrewd observation or reference to the alt text... or both?

Haha, Pat's all confused. "Why is everyone being nice to me? That's not how you treat people!"

I love how low to the ground he gets.

There's no gesture as romantic as yelling into your womans teeth.

Somewhere, Paul is wondering: Did Travis get my message?

No. No, he did not.


poor Paul.

"Oh crung" is the best expression.

The best song, played on the prettiest guitar.

Apparently people do not agree, or are ambivalent. I am of ambivalent agreement.

Especially when Pat says it

Why are people so quick to forgive Pat? Pat is the worst.

You have no faith in the essential decency of the white man's culture.

Hunter S. Thompson would be proud.


Pat has some hell of supportive friends. They know he's tryin' to get anger management to work out.

I sometimes forget that Pat is a california boy, because he always uses phrases like "what the devil" and such, so I imagine him with an old english accent.

And then he uses a word like "ain't" and it throws my whole perception of him out of whack.

I get the idea that Pat intentionally says things like "what the devil" to sound sophisticated (think one of those douches that spell "color" with a u, even though they are american), and when he goes and says "ain't," that's him slipping.

I have so many British friends and play so many British games that words like colour and armour are spelled that way. I am American. I'm not a douche, I just am exposed to that spelling more often, so I use it more often.

I've always wondered what anger management issues Arthur could possibly have had.
It's just so hard to imagine.

He just sucks a furrrrrrrrrrious dick.

I have never actually laughed so hard at an assetbar comment. Mostly because I heard it in my brain being bellowed in the voice of Richard Griffiths.

Okay, tell a lie. It's really more of a Wilford Brimley.

Vans don't buy themselves.

Is the alt text some sort of talk about The Critic?

This is also what I am wondering.

I love the way only Pat's eyebrows move while he's listening to his messages.

This strip makes me want to call random numbers and leave interesting messages on answering machines. It could be a new performance art.

I actually got payed to do this very thing for quite a while.
Then my boss found out and I needed to cold telemarket.
It was Hell.

Could Cornelius be British? He's not back "from the hospital".. he's back "from hospital".

He's a bear of the world.

Our Nigel gone shop, buy booze, get mad bobbinsed. Gotta chip, pay lecky.

Wait, what?

The last panel, with Pats change of expression and everything, pushed this comic up from a 3 to a 5.

A Fun Thing to Do: Flip through the phone book and choose three or so numbers at random. If a machine picks up, leave the text of panel 6 as your message. Repeat until you sober up or are threatened with legal action.

You can tell by Pat's eyebrows that he's still hella pissed off at Roast Beef for having is Aibo, but is otherwise confused about his messages.

Pat blames Beef for Pat shooting Cornelius.

Beef's message makes this a 5

I had not one but two instances such as panel 6 happen on my answering machine in my college apartment. Our answering machine just said "Hey, leave a message" in my roommate's not so distinctive voice, so I guess people didn't think twice about whether the number was right.

1) "This is Chang. Wednesday will work; you bring the money and meet me where we talked about, in the parking lot in front of the warehouse."

(I had not talked to anyone about exchanging money in front of a warehouse, nor do I know a Chang)

2. "Marty, this is Ron. Listen, I have to go out to the store, so I need you to call April, and talk to her, and do your best to convince her to hang in there until I can get back."

(I am not Marty, and I do not know Ron or April. Unfortunately for Marty [and April?], we didn't have caller ID and were unable to tell Ron that Marty hadn't gotten this apparently very time-sensitive message)

Hella Rockford Files...

Pat's glasses just kind of hang on his face in the most delightful way

I love that Roast Beef remembers the number of days that have passed.

Pat's confused on how Paul got his real number, but not his real name.

Man Pat's answering machine is HUGE.

My latest marker-comment.