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Roast Beef's stomach needs a name. How about Greg? Or Nick. Or Nestor. Saturday, February 21, 2009 • read strip Viewing 752 comments:

My stomach's name is Fernando Escobar Chavez and he gets down right grimy if I don't throw down some fajitas every second day.

Onstad is proposing something interesting here: Are our stomachs always a different race than ourselves?

How do you know the commenter is not Latino?

How do you know Roast Beef is not black?

Kazenzakis is a common black name? I did not know that.

A comment left by fallow_fields was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, NixNada, woodenteeth, Cracklewater, tripleG, aHatOfPig, gorrioncita, Footbullet)

I assume this is intended as some form of joke.

"Kazenzakis" is a Greek name (in Acheworld, at least).

"Cassandra" is also a Greek name.

I didn;t know Africa is a nation.

Sure it is, I can see it from my front porch.

Who said it was common? My last name is Scottish, which is because the slaveowners who owned my family in the 19th century were Scottish. I went to school with a black second-generation Caribbean whose last name was Chinese, which is because the descendants of Chinese immigrants actually make up a considerable portion of the population there (this was confirmed by my sister-in-law, who is from Guyana, who was explaining the cross-pollination, if you will, of Chinese and Caribbean cuisine).

Given all that, is it really such a stretch of the imagination that somewhere in Beef's lineage, a white Greek dude married a black woman?

A white man marrying a black woman? Why, I never!

Oh, wait. You said Greek. Carry on.

(I don't even know what this post means)

Sje why are almost all your comments jokingly racist?
I'm not sayin, but I'm just sayin

I too have noticed this. I think he maybe thinks, incorrectly, that racism is funny.

I'm sorry guys >_<
I don't really make racist jokes. I'm an idiot. >_<

Ain't no thang, just pointin it out.

It is a myth that Gaelic surnames come from slave-owners. Please see this NY Times Article

Not that there is any love lost. The Draft Riots during the Civil War are one of the most shameful displays of racist rage (perpetrated by the Irish). The Irish and Blacks being co-equal at the bottom of society should have been fighting the WASPs that oppressed both cultures.

That's a good article--I'll have to show it to my Dad.

We know that Beef is Greek. Or, at least, to the degree that any third or so generation American can claim any ethnicity.

I guess it's pickles on parade if I tell you that he is a Jew as his father did lay with a Jewess those many years ago

Hello. My stomach's name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Be truthful Pogo. Bad puns killed your father. He just couldn't stomach them anymore.

My only problem with this strip is that I won't get to utter the words "Daaamn, motherfucker! It be some Friday up in this drag!" for another week.

That and I really ain't too sure what's going on in the last panel.

Mhmm. "Hits the head" is not an expression I am familiar with...
I can see Roast Beef on stage, spelling his little heart out, speaking barely above a whisper so even with the mike th judges can't hear his attempt to spell "disequilibrium".


Daaaaaaamn, Beef! It'd be an honor to get some emesisup in this piece! Is that cherry on the trim? WOHARHARHARGH!

That was supposed to be a picture of a ship's head. I'd try again, but I'm afraid .

Beef's stomach is a navy man.

To "hit the head" is to use the restroom for urinary purposes.

Though that doesn't help me understand what that last panel is about. I mean, I don't see why Beef would run outside while Molly's distracted so he can take a dump in the bushes.

Well, he's not taking a dump. Stomachs typically work like thus-
Return to Sender, Address Unknown.

Yeah, he's puking.

begonias are pretty much the main flower to puke in around here. easter lilies are also quite receptive.

No such number.
No such zone.

BiBut what does it all mean!?

I'm puzzled by the plural use in the term 'urinary purposes'.

I know a fair few people who talk shite, but I've yet to come across someone who talks piss.

"Hit the head" is old military term for going to the toilet, or as they call it, the "head."

Presumably Roast Beef had a nervous bowel on spelling bee day and had to hustle out to drop trow in the bushes after a burger and poppers disagreed with him.

Ok... so a head is a nautical toilet (on a boat)

People get seasick on boats.

I'm pretty sure he means vomiting.

For God's sake, "Hit the head" refers to Molly. He's saying that when Molly goes to the toilet, Roast Beef must go outside and chuck the offending foodstuffs up.

Are we all okay, now?

" I don't mean your head head, I'm not gonna piss on your head, your hair an' all, just gonna piss in the toilet. "

I never thought I'd pee on a boat.

You were wrong.

What do you think Molly is doing in the toilet?

Obviously her stomach tells her to throw up the terrible food, same as Beef's.

Good save?

To be honest I haven't read the comic yet, so I didn't know it was referring to Molly.

But I like making excuses, so...

The comic has been up for a week almost!

Wh... Wha? Why would you be reading the comments if you haven't read the comic? How tangled must you weave this web of lies?

I browse on the crappiest internet known to man, I'm happy if I can get text to work.

But really, it's cause they're posted so infrequently that I head straight for the comments.

She's anorexic. Didn't you know they're a match made in Heaven?

Bernie Mac seems to have been reincarnated as Beef's stomach.

Samuel L Jackson.
Either way, he's black.

Some people have a stomach, Beef's been dealt a straight-up stomack.

If he's wise he'll put on some Dolemite and turn the volume up so it can hear.

chubbs for 'stomack.'

I feel like his stomach is as if a tiny -=Ray=- was stuck inside him. Ray would be quite ornery as well if he was stuck there.

With a wrestler's name:
Rowdy Roddy Upchucker. Or Hurrrghlk Hogan.

Have you ever seen a man with his face in the toilet, tremblin' on his knees?
If you ever seen a man with a toilet, then you seen me...
Have you ever seen a white man and a black man fightin' over sunglasses in an alley
if you ever seen a white man and a black man, then you've seen me...

Then you seen me... lyin facedown on a bathroom floor
Yeah you seen me...puttin ointment on my cold sores
Yeah you see me... sittin alone in my room fellatin a .44
Tell me friend, did they give the Oscar to Mickey Rourke?
Tell me did they give the Oscar to Mickey Rourke?

They did not, sir. Sean Penn got it.

The answer my friend
Is that Sean Penn won again:
The answer is that Sean Penn won again.



Oh poop. I confused David Bowey with Donovan again !

Sje, please, stop. My response to your musical inaccuracies is causing my keyboard to melt.

Took me just a second to realize that you were joking. Still, my head almost exploded. Don't do that shit, man. It's too early.

Wait, Sean Penn isn't the same as Sean Connery?

Black or blackguard ? Look to a late squirrel if wish to get to the bottom of this, I say.

I get more of a Boxy Brown


Now I know how to alleviate the discomfort and disgust of bystanders when my stomach decides to put on a show.

It's okay guys, he's just flexing his muscles a little biHBLURRRRRRRRRRRGH

Re bystanders. I was always taught that if she's a lady she won't look. If she's not, it doesn't matter.

Ok, so that was about urinating in the hunting field but it's advice that has stood me in good stead ever since.

A comment left by sje46 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rockstarsatemy, mortshire, Valorgigo, Awko, morbo)

A comment left by sje46 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JohnnyLandmine, rockstarsatemy, mortshire, _cheesekayke, Stonecrab, habnabit, Jorus, morbo)


I blame you, Onstad.

Stop being such a crazy racist, sje.

More like stop being such a lazy racist, sje.

You really think making hi-larious racialist humor is as easy as taking a simple N word and turning it into The N Word?

There are a lot more interesting insights into the relationships between the races than just who is allowed to say the N word and playing fast and loose with stereotypes. There's like ten hilarious jokes you could make just by being snarky in the back of a Black Studies class.

A true master knows his tools.

I am in a Black Studies class! Tell me some things I can say.

"Black people study Black Studies like this! White people study Black Studies like this ..."

A comment left by wolfensti was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by splenditello, Scorpio_nadir, tripleG, Damiel_Billiams, joestrummer1)


Chocolate baboon? Yum!

Chubby for the maaaaaan

how in the name of hell is your middle school offering Black Studies courses?

are you some sort of savant?

if so, DAMNIT

I am in high school now!


Why didn't you go all the way and just take the first six letters Onstad mentioned:

you bad boy girl you.


Just because they have red hair and pale skin you use demeaning words against them?

Only a ginger can call another ginger ginger :(

Hey, i have ginger "friends"

You racist bastard, you hate them just because they're pale and have red hair.

But he's a ranga!


We don't like your kind round these parts boy.

Is there any worse feeling than a president smiling and telling you to leave his country?

I actually know someone named Reggin. I swear. He is SO white.

ooooh jeethuth chrith~!

I understand the four lames for "Nicgor", but why the two lames for this?
I'm simply just finding a solution to Onstad's question. I don't see anyone else helping.

I lamed it for no other reason than I thought it was a lame comment.

A comment left by sje46 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by snoozebar, I_Love_Kate, morbo)

That's just petty man.

It's not like I set out thinking "Man, I totally hope I get to lame Sje today"

I just don't understand why I keep getting lamed for no reason.

Is it because I'm white?

Would you rather be lamed for no reason or for every reason? Think about this.

Bah . . .fine.

Morbo hates your guts. That's all I know for sure.

But I love his guts!

(what are guts, again?)

White Power Bill hates White Power SJE.

White Power SJE hates...White Power SJE!

SJE is still a meme it would seem.

What do they print your power bill on? Blue paper?

What I'm getting at is, why do you have to mention that it is white?

[q]It's not like I set out thinking "Man, I totally hope I get to lame Sje today"[/q]

I thought you began every day saying that.

Experiment #2:

It's not like I set out thinking "Man, I totally hope I get to lame Sje today"

I thought you began every day saying that.

If this doesn't work I guess I'll have to RTFM.

Why can't SJE just wake up with the lames on him?

No matter if it is a bass or his own stomach, people always seem to be taking advantage of poor Beef!

B-B-Barry Bass? How did you get in there?



I don't remember Barry Bass being so....ethnic.

There! There's racist talk right here! There!

Hand me my hood and robe. I'm ready.

Oh man. Hand you a snuggie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xZp-GLMMJ0

Worst product ever

Man, I'd wear the shit out of one of those things. You crazy.

Really? and look like the clan after they accidently put some bright colors into the wash with their robes?

Why do you hate comfort? What did comfort ever do to you? Did comfort.... touch you?

I just have a different idea of comfort from most people. I cannot understand wanting to remove your clothes and sit around in your pajamas or crawl under a blanket. It seems profoundly unpleasant and uncomfortable to me on what a number of levels. I also greatly dislike sweaters, most long sleeved shirts, and being "bundled up".

Turtlenecks are, of course, simply an abomination.

What?! I love layers! I wear like seven layers in the winter! (oh and I think you can wear those ugly things over clothing). Man winters are hell of cold up here.

Allow me to give you a comprehensive list of what I wear in lets say -20 C

A wife beater
A t-shirt
Knee-high socks
Long sleeve shirt
Another pair of socks
Scarf, gloves, hat with flappidy ears, etc.

(Keep in mind that I weigh about 100 lbs and do not have much body heat, so I gots to layer up)

Anyway, if you have to wear a snuggie, you might as well just go down to a homeless shelter and get a anrmy blanket and just wear it everywhere.

This is one of the reasons why I hate cold weather. It is still unpleasantly cold here much of the time, but it's almost always in the manner that it is always tolerable as long as you have a coat. Still, I don't like having to wear a coat all summer.

You get your bare ass grease all over your couch if you wear those.

Snuggie is indeed the worst ever. Even moreso since the Snugglie was a baby-carrying device of the type that is commonly seen today on the chests of disinterested parents.

I'm told it was briefly a trend last year or so, but it horrifies me. There is even a Snuggie pub crawl happening with people wearing them out and custom Snuggie drinks and such. That is indeed a grand offense.

I was also informed that it's basically just a robe worn backwards.

Nope. Smittens are far, far worse.

My God, that is wretched.

Agreed. I hate bix for showing me that that exists.

I mean, I already hate mittens (fuck you mittens! You're just the inferior thalidomided-up cousins of gloves), but those are so much worse.

Oh man, imagine wearing both a snuggie and smittens at once. wretched indeed.

Also, I love regular mittens! Espesially if you can join them on a string to pass through ur jacket, just like in kindergarten. Man I miss kindergarten... life was so simple then...

This may be the most asinine product I've ever seen. I am laughing very hard now because it's a better option than utter despair.

Maybe we didn't know then that Barry was a Sassmouth Bass.

Beef's stomach works some straight gangster politics.

Old times, old chymes.

Oh my god, the best thing to say... ever!

Excellent, my good sir.

A comment left by johnnylandmine was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, aHatOfPig, Zoltan)

Dude, it was ONE comic strip. This is the SECOND comic strip the character has been in.

I agree though. It was a one-shot sort of thing. This shouldn't be a recurring character. It really doesn't add enough and it's already gotten stale. Really the only thing it can do is demand certain foods, threaten Beef if they are not provided or the wrong food is given to it, and occasionally comment on what it overhears about all of Beef's most private moments.

There just isn't enough there for a recurring character and even if there were, I wouldn't want it back.

See, this guy gets it.


It made me laugh 'out loud'. Beef's unexpected boakface in panel 6 justified this strip all by itself, if you ask me.

The last three strips have been golden. He's definitely on a roll.

I preferred the three before them. I've found the most recent three or so to be sub-standard or, at best, mediocre.

you know he's doing his best to hold it all in and maybe choke it back down.


True, but I don't even really remember what happened to me five minutes ago so this strip struck me as fresh and funny.

Oh man I think you are majorly underestimating stomachs Is that all you think they can do That is the real racism right here

Exactly. It's a good joke for one strip, but where the hell else can it possibly go?

This is why you don't write comics. This is exactly the reason.

I do write comics, I just keep them in a box under my bed and never share them.

If you were gonna be the next Todd McFarlane, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you.

This is why you don't publish comics. This is exactly the reason.

Yeah but this second strip is basically the first one in a different setting.

Roast Beef: "Oh like wowee my stomach is talking !"
Stomach: "I'm a sassy ebonics slang-using mother fucker mother fucker! What you eat is shit and I don't like it!"
Roast Beef: "Oh sorry uhm what would you like me to eat instead uhm sir ?"
Stomach: "Something bland and nutritional up in this hizzay aight!?"
Roast Beef: "Oh uh okay"
Stomach: "Hey remember that time?"
Roast Beef: "Oh yes I do remember that time"


Yeah. And the ending... uh, I'm still uncertain why he would want to throw up outside after eating lunch and hidden from Molly.

If it's her cooking or something then I think once it's in the stomach he's already past the worst of it. It's the tasting that's the real issue.

The puking face was great, but otherwise, yeah, same thing. Mildly funny the first time, not so much the second.

Well I guess its just a little rude to puke right in front of your girlfriend or something.

oh OH by the way, yesterday my um... lets say fella farted in front of me comfortably for the first time.
I laughed.

Whats more rude?

I can honestly say I have never heard of a more rude thing done to a woman by a man

I meant my laughing at him. The farting was not rude at all.
I might even say it was a privilage.
Well. No.

Farting during oral sex. It's not just for Mallrats .

I think the key thing here would be to be very understanding. It's gotta be hella embarrassing and it's not like anyone out there is actively trying to do this (unless they're into that in which case feel free to go off on their pervosexual bullshit).

I think it would be a lot worse if the girl farts during oral. And if its not during sex, who cares?

Oh man, I am such a catch.

It's worse when the girl farts during oral sex and you're 69ing her. Is so terrible.

Its worse when you are done and when you go to the bathroom you look in the mirror and find a small but apparent brown patch on your nose.*

*Not a personal anecdote.

Let's not escalate this further into things that have not happened personally. We know where it will end.

Actually, isn't the worst thing that could happen be to have someone give birth while you were performing oral sex on them? That seems deeply disturbing and gross on many levels.

Belgand has interesting ideas about the nature and speed of childbirth.

No, he just has a tongue far stronger than that of most men.

Just dont break the baby.

I drink your baby! *shhhlup* I drink it up!

Oh man that is the limit! Right there!! My guess is the mother would either really appreciate the distraction, or be terrified at what you are doing to her while she is trying to be in labour.

delivery porn, ftw!

i must say i find pregnant chicks pretty hot to look at. i mean like the ones that haven't gotten any wider, but just protrude a lot front-wise, and who look all young and vulnerable and stuff. dammit now i can't stop thinking about delivery porn.. dude omg, what if the guy's boning her, and then all of a sudden he feels something weird, and he pulls out and the baby comes out and he sees himself a couple inches deep in newborn va-jay-jay?

i'll probably get lamed for this. i.. i got stood up tonight. :(

Good things babies come out head first!

Unless they're born breech.

Are you seeking comfort from the assetbar men who would never, ever even remotely dream of standing you up? Your status as a sexy geeky Internet girl who is all about freaky sex and awesomeness? We are on to your tricks and they are killing your mother!

oh man if you were a dude that would be mad offensive... I am a walking talking double standard

did he propose afterwards?

I'm not sure but I think I would have.

you would feel obligated to?
"Ok, she's heard me fart, it's all downhill from here"

Partially that, partially "oh god, she laughed at my fart, I don't have to be ashamed of being a man around her"

because, honestly, a man is really nothing but a big bag to store flatus in

Carry on, my windward son.

I thought we'd all agreed as a society to pretend that farting is something that doesn't happen. If it happens you just go on acting like it didn't. For both genders.

Well when someone does a :( and its comically loud, you can't ignore it and pretend its your cell phone.

I mean there probably are people out there whose ring tone is a fart, but I am not one of those people.

that's what lazy dogs are for

You don't pretend it's something else. It just remains the unacknowledged elephant in the room. Nobody admits that it happened and we all just keep on living our lives.

Or he could politely go the bathroom and run the water like he's washing his hands while he loses it.

I mean, c'mon dude, put that in the toilet one way or another.

I duno, it didnt offend me. I mean, my best friend on the other hand (a girl i might add) has absolutely toxic farts. I mean they just make your eyes water! Smell is way worse than loudness.

In the sixth panel, those lines on Beef's head denote the feeling of sudden nausea very well.

Nestor, please, for he was Captain Haddock's butler.

A comment left by theguitarhero was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Potatoes9000, tortoise, Thorfinn, lux, crumpetsandtea)

I have a feeling that as soon as your stomach gets wind of that you're gonna be in trouble.

If I were you I'd start chuggin' down the Pepto right now. Don't stop 'til you've drowned that bastard into submission.

That's funny because, as of right now, I'm nauseous. But it's because of a migraine.

Your stomach just outsourced part of the work. He was owed a favor for keeping quiet so the brain could get some solid rest in.

that IS funny.

stomach? wind?


Stomack L. Jackson?

Bernie StoMac

Digestive Organ Freeman

Belly Murphy

Chris "Tummy" Tucker

I find it interesting that Beef's stomach keeps requesting bland food. I mean, milk toast? That's what I'd recommend it you had a weak, nervous stomach (and I was from history). Can he not even handle oatmeal? Is Beef's stomach a complete pussy that still manages to be able to bully and control Beef?

That's exactly what you stomach would ask for. It doesn't have a tongue.

Not so much an issue of tongues, but that Beef's stomach can't handle anything even slightly rough. He's a wuss and I'm not afraid to call him on it. All bland, simple food. Dude's afraid to put in some work.

The stomach's request for milk toast actually made me imagine my grandmother making me some for breakfast, just for the fun of it. It's not necessarily a thing from history. All I'm saying is, milk toast has yet to have it's finest hour.

It's also kindof interesting that beef's stomach speaks louder than beef does.

Re: alt text, is that what Sorkin needed the shrooms for?

That is not the drug I pictured the king of ridiculously snappy dialog taking. Imagine if the Gilmore Girls were fueled by shrooms rather than the unilimited supply of coke you KNOW they got hiding just off screen. Just imagine that for a while.

All laughing at the movie Tron, looking at their own reflection in the mirror for 2 hours because they thought they saw it move once.

Hell of sitting in the parked passenger seat of their car upside down thinking they were invisible. All convincing their friends they were God because they can salve a Rubix Cube without pulling off the stickers.

Then waking up the next morning to find Rubix Cube stickers in the sink.

All using the word "salve" when they meant "solve"

You just made my day, three times.

Come on BBCODE. You can do it, don't make me look like any more of a failure.

This is what you get for petitioning BBcode.

It would be terrible if all of your organs were sentient. I can't even imagine what my pancreas would want.

ten million dollars and a plane to Venezuela, NOW!


A comment left by breastman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by glorify, Fermatprime, Scorpio_nadir, snoozebar, PopeDragunov, mrblank91)

Ah. I see you've been to first grade, too.

Roast Beef's stomach is a milk toast kinda guy.
Roast Beef's stomach is not a milquetoast kinda guy.

Roast Beef is a milquetoast kinda guy for getting his stomach milk toast.

Beef's stomach is a total dick.

coincidentally, his dick is a total stomach

Isn't that basically how starfish eat?

yes, but in a way that's hard to care about.

except in Japan

tentacle rape is a simulation for what happens when starfish eat

Modern Japanese culture is what happens when a reigon is exposed to high levels of radiation.

I expect equally strange fashion, entertainment and pornography to evolve out of Chernobyl sometime in the next couple of decades.

Dude, not cool.


Were the radiation Japan experienced likened to an epic weekend bender resulting in strange and hilarious anecdotes, Chernobyl would be by comparison an entire lifetime spent crawling from filthy gutter to filthy gutter sucking on purloined bottles of Night Train, a life wherein one would come to no longer question or care whose piss one were soaked in upon waking from yet another black-out.

You got that backwards.
Are you suggesting that the amount of radiation released in Chernobyl was more than the amount in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

You know, I'm going to skip over this looming, unnecessary discussion and just say you're both awful people.

It's so true, though!

It was indeed, many, many times over. That was not my point, however. Have you seen modern-day Nippon in the areas surrounding the bomb sites? Have you seen contemporary Chernobyl? At which do the lingering effects continue to ravage the minds and bodies of all those who dwell there?

There's also a delta-T of like THIRTY YEARS between the two sites.

This is very true.

e.g. "Some say that the Chernobyl accident released as much as 300 times the lethal radioactive fallout of the Hiroshima bomb." (via wikipedia)

Oh man I saw a documentary on children of Chernobyl, seriously not cool, not cool ! It made me cry so bad

He is, it was. Chernobyl is now a zoological paradise, whereas Japan is nutzoid-ville due to dense population packaging.

I'm quite surprised, frankly. I trust you, however. Is there a simple explanation for this? Like something along the lines of Japan having urnaium radiation, which is less harmful than plutoniumn radiation, which Chernobyl had (I know Nagasake was Plutonium though . .. right?) or is it too long or complicated to get into it?

Holy shit guys. Are we going to play the "which tragedy is worse" game? Are we really? Because it pretty much desensitizes us to disaster and violence, undermines the importance of whichever one was "better," and trivializes whichever one "wins."
Please, and I'm not joking, stop. Think about what you're saying.

The point I originally intended to make, which so eludes those ignorant of science , is that they were two of a fundamentally different nature. The bang and flash of an atom bomb is a very different beast than the unleashing of a nuclear Prometheus from his chains (and the fissile matter is of little import). So, too, is the aftermath.

The destruction unleashed by the Bombs was magnificent, but brief, and though it left us with many a fascinating tale and a terrible hangover, recovery was soon at hand. Chernobyl, however, was rendered a land of ghosts and broken souls, an over-grown wasteland unfit for the habitation of Man.

Unfortunately I'm ignorant of science.
Thank you.

What's science?

I don't know, I'm ignorant of it!

Not really dude. Several generations of Japanese suffered, and several more will continue to suffer, the physical aftermath of the bomb. Radiation levels are a lot lower from the bomb though; on that we can agree.

Please read over what I said. I'm not interested in which disaster is worse, but the explanation--if it's not too complicated--of why a weapon that is designed to kill as many people as possible only released 1/300th of the radiation that was released by a malfunction of a site that was designed (however poorly) to not release radiation.

The management wishes you'd pay attention.

Chernobyl Album

The jpegs are stunning, if overly large for here. This girl who maintains the site is amazing. I thought nearly everyone knew of her.


Do not neglect the moving-pictures:

You people are awful. And I mean fucking awful. When I mention you to your collective mothers, they hang their heads and sigh. Some of them even weep.

You are kidding, right?
I find it hard to believe that you're not kidding.

Partially. But the other part, where you compare nuclear disasters like a pissing contest, that part's pretty awful.

Jesus, I'm talking about the amount of radiation released.
And I really don't see what is immoral about saying a disaster is worse than another disaster anyway. And I did read this Quote:
Holy shit guys. Are we going to play the "which tragedy is worse" game? Are we really? Because it pretty much desensitizes us to disaster and violence, undermines the importance of whichever one was "better," and trivializes whichever one "wins."
Please, and I'm not joking, stop. Think about what you're saying.

No one is making Holocaust jokes here, and no one is saying or implying either event wasn't terrible. All we are talking about is which area is worse off. Like saying that WWII was worse than the Vietnam War because more suffering was involved. IS that really such a horrific statement? It's a true statement. A true statement that doesn't trivialize a thing at all.
And doesn't desensitize anyone anyway.
Yes, I guess if we talked about the issue in a certain way, it would trivialize, etc. But all I was talking about was radiation released.


I think the main difference is that there was not much fissionable material in the first atomic bombs (about 60kg), at Chernobyl there were several thousand tonnes.

Were in Chernobyl? How about Are ? As in
It's still sitting in there, ticking away.

A ton of plutonium, and hundreds, if not thousands of tons of uranium;(semicolon) not the Mickey-Mouse quantities used on Nagasaki.
The hope is that the unstable plutonium does not somehow decay/burn its surroundings to where enough of it somehow clumps together physically to unleash true hell on earth. Odds of that are probably remote.

But then, the engineers who designed and operated the original plant were true morons, and the odds of a meltdown were pretty remote until they deliberately initiated one, so in ex-Stalinist ex-Soviet Union, never say never.

Were as in a shitload of it got blown into the sky and fell down all over Western Europe.

And then it hurt some people. It hurt them real bad. Hundreds of thousands of hurting people.

Now are you happy Mr Weade?



In Soviet Ukraine, nuclear plant engineer you.

No, really the problem was that under the USSR this was all nationalized, meaning it were bureaucrats and politicians making design decisions, and a certain... eccentricity of the reactor was kept secret from its operators due national security.

Speaking of eccentric Russians when is Elbox coming back? He popped his cockhead back in here for a bit, but then he seemed to wilt away again.

His refractory period is becoming quite terrible.

You're right, and the reactors at Chernobyl used bricks of graphite as damping material, so when they caught fire, all the nuclear stuff went up in smoke. It warn't no explosion, it were an old-fashioned fire.

Nice handface. Oscar, is it you?

It's a technocratic language game that never actually discusses the human impact of the tragedies. I'm saying that without humanizing the victims and talking about what happened in specific terms instead of abstract, scientific ones, you de-emphasize the moral horror we should by rights feel when thinking or talking about the disaster. We are being numbed to catastrophe. If you go back and read the discussion, there are numerous examples of this kind of callous rhetoric.

A ton of plutonium, and hundreds, if not thousands of tons of uranium;(semicolon) not the Mickey-Mouse quantities used on Nagasaki.


Is there a simple explanation for this? Like something along the lines of Japan having urnaium radiation, which is less harmful than plutoniumn radiation, which Chernobyl had (I know Nagasake was Plutonium though . .. right?)


The bang and flash of an atom bomb is a very different beast than the unleashing of a nuclear Prometheus from his chains (and the fissile matter is of little import). So, too, is the aftermath.

You guys (for the most part) aren't talking about the human impact, you're talking about "which made the bigger boom." You don't have to be making Holocaust jokes to be trivializing a genocide or a catastrophe.

You're a sociologist, aren't you?
(yes, that is supposed to be an insult)

He can't be. Sociology is not concerned with individuals. They are only concerned with collectives.

Ex-debater and philosopher, with a little bit of training in sociology.

And, you know, I don't think my argument is that ridiculous.

WEll, I was finally convinced that rape jokes and racist jokes and so on are bad, because of trivialization, but I fail to see how anyone is trivializing it though. I don't see why it's always necessary to include the human element. I don't know.

It reminds me of the time that the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, in 1945. What a horrible tragedy. There was a bright flash of light, blinding those innocent souls, and instead of a roaring sound there was a deafening silence. It was as if time stood still.

The few that survived had to sacrifice greatly to make sure that others live. Many people's skin was melted off, and shards of glass were imbedded in, glistening; there is no smell no wretched than the smell of burning human hair and skin. They walked like zombies, with their arms(well, the ones that still had arms) out in front of them. They couldn't see because the eyes had melted out of their sockets. They were like zombies, and not one of them was going to live more than a few hours.

The young boy gave them the uncontaminated water, and as soon as he did, each one collapse. It turns out that they were holding out for the water, for the final satisfaction that is hydration, before they could die in peace.

War is hell.

(are you happy now?)

Also, Barefoot Gen is a wonderful movie.

Also, I can't write at all. I tried, though.

oh self depreciation

well i thought it was good

Yes, I'm only doing this because I want to be a dick, and want you concede my point by being facetious.

And maybe the reason why your long narrative seems so disingenuous is because it's incompatible with the discussion you're tryin to have. Like, when you imply "can we go back to comparing the two now," it seems like there's no good way to incorporate a narrative about the scale of the human consequences because you shouldn't be talking about it in the first place. But maybe, you shouldn't be trying to compare two catastrophes in the first place, unless you have a very important reason (ie not just idle speculation). Like, you need to make a decision about advocating aid dollars - something that makes the comparison instrumentally valuable.

Re-reading my earlier comments, I need to clarify something. You're not awful people if I'm right. That was a silly, hyperbolic thing to say. I'm just trying to make the argument that it's insensitive and frivolous, and that you should reconsider even having this discussion. Saying "you're awful for saying X" is just antagonistic and makes it seem like I'm comparing it to active prejudice or something. I'm really just trying to say that you're not using harmless, neutral language, and that you should rethink some of your preconceptions.

Jehoshaphat, wrmeade, how many stout lads does it take to drag a needle out of your ass?

My long narrative seems disingenuous because I wrote it to mock you, and because I was not interested in thinking the victims at that point of time, but you seem to require that I think about them, when all I wanted to talk about is why a nuclear accident which is designed to be safe released more radiation than a bomb which is designed to kill as many people as possible. A scientific, non-emotional question. It's like I'm asking "How many children are raped in Canada a year exactly? How many in Great Britain?" because I'm interested in this, to see if the rates are different, so I can form hypotheses in my head over why this could be, and you're going "YOU ARE ENABLING A RAPE CULTURE". I'm not; you're completely misreading my intentions and the way the words are coming out of my mouth (hands). If I was going "Dude, like eight people were raped in my town of five-thousand. We're, like, the rape capital of the world!", I can understand why this could be offensive and trivializes the matter. Also, I am not as eager as you may think I am to discuss which tragedy is worse.
I like to learn things, and what I was trying to learn (even though I don't really care right now) is why Chernobyl was worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki in scientific terms. When you suggest that only people who can do something about a topic should talk about it, I am reminded of totalitarianism. IF I want to form a theory about the best way to spend AIDS dollars, there is nothing wrong with my asking questions about it, even though I have no say in the matter. There is nothing wrong with discussing emotional issues even if you don't need to; it is not a priori wrong. And in this case, what we were doing was not a posteriori wrong. [apologies if I'm using these terms wrong].

Resistance is Futile.

Now that's just mean


You guys (for the most part) aren't talking about the human impact

I say, fuck the human impact. Fucking humans created the problem, they deserve whatever impact they get. The rest of the creatures on the planet don't deserve it, though. I can't abide any so-called moral code that says "boo-hoo" if a person gets hurt but turns around and completely ignores the harm that people do.

No one's joking, take it easy dude, its a discussion

I'm joking, at all times, in all climes.
I joke lest I cry
I joke lest I kill.

I should take my own maxim seriously and realize that conversations like this never can and never will be successful on the internet.

Look, dude. Frankly, I don't think the conversation you're trying to have would be successful anywhere else. If you got a group of professional scientists together in a room and they were trying to figure out how Chernobyl happened, it wouldn't be surprising if they discussed the gravity of the situation by putting it into Hiroshima terms. And if they had to stop every five minutes to add the human element to their conversation, they'd never get anything done. Save that for the article in Scientific American .

Complaining about any perceived insensitivity of scientific language is pointless. It's not going to help the people that were effected that other people are talking about it "right." It's not like some racist who hates Japanese is going to listen in and think "Hey a bunch of smart-sounding people are talking about the atomic bombings as if the victims aren't human! I guess it's okay to kill Japanese people now!"

Sorry to rant but I get sick of people blaming the internet for when people disagree with them.

Some of the most interesting conversations I've had were over the Internet, all of which did not result in going around in circles and ad hominem. The internet is a fine place to discuss theory and ideas. And if rational people don't accept your views over the Internet, there's a high chance they won't accept it in real life.
What I'm saying is that teh Internet isn't full of idiots who don't know what they're talking about. There are plenty of intellectuals all over the internet, including here.

No, I don't like the internet as a medium because of communication problems, notably:
-asynchronous communication (the question/response or argument/response or comment/comment interaction isn't immediate and direct)
-typing as a means of communication is less effective for how I express ideas, except when I have a lot of time to refine what I want to say, probably due to the informality, ability to continue explaining if I don't think I've expressed myself well, body language, and inflection
-Physical presence (or at least voice cues) make it much easier for me to gauge your response to an argument, which makes interpreting the dialogue easier

Nobody said anything about "you guys are all stupid." I said you were horrible people, but I also recanted that.

As to the original topic: I guess, ultimately, I'm too goddamn lazy to go round up the relevant nukespeak/technocracy sources when no one is receptive to the argument at all and everyone just thinks I'm a giant douche for presuming to criticize you.

This is a stupid discussion. How about you all shut up?

How about you not... say... things that are true!?

The joke here is that: Tekende wants the Internet to have non-stupid discussions.

I accept stupid discussions on the internet as an inevitability, but a) this one has gone on far too long and b) I like to think that assetbar is above having stupid arguments on the internet.

I think the discussion has long ended, and the really stupid discussion is the discussion of the stupidity of the preceeding discussion.

Don't make me discuss the stupidity of the discussion of the discussion.

Don't make me get up off my sofa and turn the damn Internet off! You kids! Go outside and PLAY!


Oh come one now, you've been here FAR to long to thing b) is actually true, or ever has been.

I know. I don't know why I keep thinking that way.

I can't believe that not a single one of you heartless fuckers mentioned the Bhopal disaster.

I can't believe that not a single one of you heartless fuckers mentioned the Bhopal disaster.

Radiation freaks people out. For some reason conventional chemical poisoning or, say, The Rape of Nanking don't have that pizazz.


Whasa justa bitta of sport! So sorree!
No one canna takeah joke anymore!

I dont know the documentary on the children on chernobyl made me cry, but the doc on the rape of nanking made me think "how the hell can people do these things and why things like this happen all through history?"

I mean, take the spanish inquisition! what kind of a person does one have to be to not only stand by while people are tortured and killed in the worst way, but to actually cheer and be happy they are dead!?

I dont think killing is always wrong. Self defence and certain situations are exception, but torture and amusement from it are so wrong, always.

seriously I hope global warming kills us all, its just better this way.


oh man that rant made me kinda depressed.

But if global warming kills everything how will the squibbons ever become the dominant race?

A virus or a robot invasion would minimize damage to the biosphere.

Seriously, though, don't read Humanity if you value your happiness. Though I'm sure there are a million things this could be said for.

Man if I read that book when I was a teenager, I would have to have emotions hair.



Woooooo gotta love my employer (Dow)...

I actually was not and am not offended by this comment.

" I expect equally strange fashion, entertainment and pornography to evolve out of Chernobyl sometime in the next couple of decades. "



all wery vell and gut, but gentlemen, lend me your ears for a minute and answer me this - how then did the subculture of Furries come to be?

It is purely american and we have not been ionized...i Hope

1. Bears are awesome
2. I want to be awesome
3. I am a bear


That makes me think... which country do you think spends most $$$ on fetishes per capita? I think Japan, then America, then possibly Sweden.

In America $$$ is the biggest fetish.

In soviet russia $$$ fetishes YOU!

No way. Sweden doesn't seem too big on fetishes. I think Germany is up there though, probably #3, the Netherlands in at #4, and then England at #5. English types be hella repressed yo. Plus they have a storied history of being very into spanking fetishism in the Victorian era while Americans were more known for their rubber fetishes. To the degree that these were known, respectively, as the English and American vice.

Uh? Germany is a country of nymphomaniacs, but I don't think that naturally equates to sexual perversion. They're mostly hot enough to get along with getting off on that.

I was not aware that they were nymphomaniacs, but I was aware that they produce some of the finest dildos that are not made in Japan. Also, I think you strongly ignore the impact of Scheisse films. Even Achewood concurs on the crazy German obsession with his own excrement. Even if it mistakenly applies it to Austria.

Yes! how could I forget Germany! Man if the world made any sort of sense, only people in cold countries would be into furries.


Cunty, how do you feel about skull fucking?!

I think we all know that skull fucking is the greatest achievement of all mankind. Anyone who says otherwise is just in fear of its raw power and the distinct likelihood that if they sample it they will find that it consumes them to the exception of all else.

Unless you are not very well endowed and must resort to fucking the scull of some sort of rodent, which will definetly take away some of the effect.


What's step four?


I'm thinking about writing some more furry fan-fiction of influential writers of the 20th century.

4. ?????

Were you working at Goodwill around two PM on Saturday?

Sje already knows the answer to this question.....

I don't. I didn't even go in because I was too afraid >_<

You two just need to get Achewood shirts and wear them to Goodwill. This will solve your creepy stalking.

sje should buy a white T-shirt at Goodwill. Then after the check-out process, thegoodwillgirl can write "The Miracle" on the shirt in sharpie, and sje can leave, knowing he has finally met thegoodwillgirl.

Or he could just wear an "SJE" nametag to Goodwill.

And I could wear a GoodwillGirl nametag! Though I suppose that would probably seem pretty redundant.

Yes, I am always working at Goodwill at 2pm on Saturday. Did you at least peek in from outside?!

My mom was driving me to the my dad's, and she stopped so she could get something . . .I didn't know that she was going in there . . .and when I realized it would have been awkward to go in for no reason.

She says youre selling a foosball table for real cheap?

You should go in and talk to her about the foosball table and the many things you could do with it together (such as play foosball, a noble endeavor) in person.

The foosball table is gone. :[ We sell things for cheap, we are Goodwill. Those are the rules. Does your mom shop at my store on the regular? What is her name? I probably know her.

I doubt she does. I know she has bought clothes there, but not in a while, probably before you started working there. She donates to it a lot.
She lives in MA, so I doubt she's in Londonderry too much anymore. HER name is Sue, though, and she's very tan.

I suggest a good name for the stomach would be Erskine.

I'd call it a meddling vittles bag.

I use that name often in improvisation or roleplay. Is there a real life Erskine i should know about?

I think you should know of this guy , and the Stomach could be called "Erskine Bowels."

This guy also used it for improvisation. Also as, like, his name.


oh noes they are on Asset bar


Let me get out my wizard hat and robe

I will cast magic missile, on the DARKNESS


Also fuck YES to this strip. I want to rate it a "fuck YES." "My boys down in renal" made me say "fuck YES" so that is why I want to give it a "fuck YES." I like Nick the Stomach as a kind of sideline character. Let's just hope there aren't major stories out of this because let's face it, a talking stomach would remind half of Assetbar of the Polly/Connie shackin' up episode and many didn't like that.

Actually, a story where Beef has to search for a specific kind of food across the country in a kind of "On The Road" meets "Fear and Loathing" type deal would be sick..

How would a talking stomach arc be in any way reminiscent of the Polly arc?

Just that people got tired of it. I don't know, it was a guess. Remember everyone getting antsy over Polly's character and how the arc really wasn't going anywhere special? Well, I know what I meant.

Also here is me petitioning for Onstad to update the "jump to a story arc" dropbox.

Yeah, we haven't really seen Cornelius since that arc have we? That could be a reason why Onstad's updating is so sporadic lately. I think he would like to be able to deal with Penny's character in a fitting way without totally making her introduction seem like it was in vain.

I, for one, hope Onstad doesn't delete Penny from the storyline. A lot of people seem to think she was irritating for some reason. I think the problem was that the first time we were meeting her outside of the context of her talking with Connie was the dinner meeting with Ray, and she just seemed to bring out all the snarkiness in Connie. In a way that seems true because here is this cultured guy Cornelius always hanging out with these Rude Dudes and does he ever feel like he has to vent his frustrations with the way they are?

It just shows how much the Achewood cast feels like dudes you hang out with. And if one of them has a new girlfriend everyone else seizes on her with eyes of jealousy and envy, both for the time she is taking away from the dude hanging out with the other dudes and the fact that the dude who gets to bone her and show her off is not you. I don't think Penny would piss off every other character in Acheworld. I think she just sees through Ray's occasional pretension. She might enjoy the company of the recently married and sometimes less tense Roast Beef, the skilled cook Teodor, discussing Blackberry Apps with Molly (I do not know that they would do this, I just did not want the one thing the two girls in the comic to talk about to wind up being the deals they got at Bed Bath and Beyond, and I figured a little bit of the consumer tech angle would have rubbed off Beef onto Molly by now), hell she might even be cool with Lyle because Lyle does not pretend for anyone. I don't know, I just would like there to be female characters besides Molly and Tina and I don't think Penny and Cornelius's relationship should just disappear into the wailing winds of retcon or be explained away with "Oh it was a May-December relationship that was doomed to not last because we have nothing in common."

Sorry if this is a rant.

Or maybe she should just cheat on Cornelius with Vlad and be done with it.

This, yes.

Or maybe she's been Lie Bot this whole time.

Lie bot!

Now That would be a moral outrage. bob? you there, bob?

I have the same concerns, really. I hope he finishes that arc good.


Well I don't want him to write her out, I just wanted it handled differently. I don't know how he would do that, he's the creator, not me obviously, but she just seemed to be a sounding board for him. Character-wise, yes, bully for Connie for finding a girl at his age etc. but she just didn't seem that exciting. I welcomed the change and the story in general but she wasn't as dynamic as I had hoped. I think Onstad can do great things with that if he ever revisits it. I just don't want it to be Connie talking to Connie.

This. Polly brought out the worst in Onstad's character writing; Connie in the later strips of that arc read almost like a parody of Cornelius Bear. ("Capital! Let us upturn a chair and leave the telltale tortoiseshell comb.")

I'm not convinced that Onstad knows where he's going with this arc (well, it's Onstad, so he probably doesn't -- he's said as much) but I'd rather give it the benefit of the doubt for a couple more strips.

What I'm trying to say is that the writing in these strips isn't so bad that it's better to abandon it, and if you think that it's locked into the one conceptual idea, I have three words for you: "Ana-Tomix Car Concepts."

This is very true. We all know his penchant for stream-of-consciousness story building. But I mean as it was, it didnt't go anywhere. I enjoyed their meeting, but the dinner with Ray went nowhere. A little but of surreality would help I think, but I have no idea how it could be done without reading like a parody of Achewood. Onstad can pull it off, hopefully; I'd hate to see a character get Chuck Cunninghamed by a great writer.

Oh, I was talking about the current, Beef's stomach arc, although I suppose that if he resurrects Polly it could go interesting places as well.

Whoopsie Goldberg. I guess you were, sorry.



This. Polly brought out the worst in Onstad's character writing; Connie in the later strips of that arc read almost like a parody of Cornelius Bear.

It only seems that way because that arc gave Cornelius a big batch of dialogue all at once. The truth is that everything Connie has said for the past few years sounds like a parody of Cornelius Bear. His blog contains some good examples of vocabulary's triumph over substance. I argue that the only problem with the Polly arc was that it took Cornelius's verbal style out of the realm of the one-liner (where he excelled as the literate foil to other characters' crudeness) and into a long form where his cleverness overstayed its welcome.

The other problem with the Polly arc, I suppose, is that Polly matched Cornelius's style too well. That made for some transcendant moments but didn't allow for any tension or conflict in the relationship. Conversely, the Roast Beef/Molly dynamic has flourished because they represent different forces--sometimes complementary, sometimes conflicting, but seldom serving as mirror images of each other the way Cornelius and Polly do.

Void America's opinion on the interpersonal dynamic between two cartoon bears is: more studied than the subject merits. Just read the cartoon and have fun.

Yes yes to both.

Yes yes y'all.

And it don't stop.

FeaturelessVoid is a chasm of absolute, horrifying nothingness whose weekly syndicated advice column, Gazes Also , appears in more than 250 papers nationwide.

Reprinted courtesy Universal Press Syndicate, some rights reserved.

i cant have fun w/some BITCH draggin me downz


like mary hemingway

She is a witty burlesque girl who can balance a spoon on her nose and pull a covered wagon with her teeth, who at the drop of a hat ran away with Cornelius for a night of down-hill racing... and yet you dare demand of her more dynamism? Demand? From such a Lady?

You scoundrel!


You know exactly what I meant you poltroon.

Lads! Lads! Let us remember that tomorrow is our good Lord's day, and we must not foul our souls with sins of the word. You may unleash your aggressions at the spittoon at a later time.

Fie! You may find it a trifle played but wholly appropriate when I say PISTOLS AT DAWN.

What did Dawn do to you?

She inappropriately trifled my hole.

She was a hideous ret-con and a dull, uninteresting character that made the last few seasons, already going well downhill, even worse.

Stop being surly about things.

Stop being a thing, Surly .

That happened recently. She stopped being a thing, in a manner of speaking. I see we're taking things to be allusions randomly here so I thought I would join.

Bringing it back to the beginning. I approve of the shape of your sail.

But that Dawn was a terrible addition to a show that reached its peak in season 3 and then steadily went downhill from season 4 on (not that there was not much to enjoy then, but it was still a case of each season being worse and worse... even as the writing and characterization was generally excellent) meaning that for the majority of its run its best days were behind it.

Oh I had no idea you were being serious, I thought you made Polly into Dawn and then blah blah blah. Sorry.

No, I am the one poster who likes Polly and enjoyed that arc. I enjoyed it more than the stomach strips. Aside from Sideburn Generator the last good one was Always Visit the Right Man.

You're right, I forgot you liked Polly and not the stomach. See, I liked the last stomach one, not so much the first, but only for the words: I don't really see a great arc coming from it unless Beef Pirsigs across the country for some food.

"Always Visit The Right Man" was good but the first few panels were stilted to me and just add to the argument that a two-tier comic thrice or four times a week > twice or thrice updated 5 tier comics.
The Sideburn Generator" was just a goof-off that I really liked, if only for "A SMILE FOR ROBERT! " and the strongly suggested leather cop hat. I've stated my passion for one-off comics before, and I'm hoping Onstad would just trim most comics to a two or three tier and make them one-off goof-offs.

My last favorite one would have to be "Phrase Out Of Water," and that was apparently old from the subscriber section. Before that, "Because I Got Depression" might be the last really really good one and that's pre-Christmas. But I do like these last few, certainly more than Ray's dinner party, and I'm banking on Onstad returning to form soon enough.

I was one of the only people who disliked "Phrase Out of Water" too. I am clearly in opposition to the majority opinion in a number of cases here. It does not trouble me and I hold nothing against you for liking these inferior strips.

But you still like most pre-2009 Achewood, I can safely assume, and that puts you in the majority. QUICK! HATE ACHEWOOD!

No. I feel no desire to be contrary just for the hell of it.

Bu-- Oh I get it.

I was afraid I was being set up for that, but I didn't have the effort to try and inoculate against it.

So you were being contrary to what you know you should've done and then became contrary to the claims of being contrary. It's self-destructive, bel.

Oh god please let's not talk about Dawn because I agree with everything you just said and will probably embarrass myself with some passionate observations.

Please, I wish to hear them. This is a place to geek out and nerd it up.

Dork it in?

I'm not certain whether this makes me think more about an awkward slang term for fucking or Evan Dorkin. I think both answers might be correct.

Why would you have passionate observations about dishwashing soap

Dove > Dawn

In terms of soap in general.

Don't call me Surly!

It took far too long for someone to bring this out. I am ashamed of the rest of you.

Good avatar/comment synergy, jeffspaulding. Beef all looking like Groucho Marx for that pun.

I just had mad visions of a spitting contest to get rid of aggression. But not on Sunday, it's a sin.

Surely Monday after the day's farming has been done.

all thequirky romcom antics are free, but the dynamism will cost you.

I think if more emphasis were put on this side of Polly's personality, she might have turned out to be more popular. The problem was that after her initial introduction, the first scene we got with her mainly consisted of her and Cornelius making fun of Ray for being Ray. Since most Achewood readers like Ray, we're not inclined to like a character who not only makes fun of him, but also gets Cornelius, a character who we also generally like, to join in.

Basically, she seemed like she had the potential to have a fun personality, but then one of the first things we saw he do seemed to pretty much bring out the worst of it. If we saw more of the fun adventurous ex-stripper side of her, and less of the snooty side that maliciously makes fun of Ray's mannerisms, maybe we'd have enjoyed her more.

Although the fact remains that she wasn't particularly funny either. Not that every character in Achewood has to be inherently funny, but most of the characters have fairly hilarious mannerisms in general. You can have a comic that's just Ray being Ray or Beef being Beef or Todd being Todd or Phillipe being Phillipe, and it can be funny just because their personalities are so entertaining. Polly's background gave her potential, but she never really did anything funny.

although she could have been making fun of ray in a good-natured way, as if to say to connie, "i realize your friend has set the dial to maximum awkward, but it's ok because i know that it is because he is a dude of exaggerated gregariousness and so i will overlook it and pretend to laugh at his jokes."

...which it seemed like she never did, if I didn't misread that arc.

Also, a plot with Connie dealing with that stripper-dom ie. ornery ex-boyfriend who is of the fighting spirit, threatening manager who lost a good worker, etc? Maybe? Too plot-driven? Too cheesy?

I think maybe not ridiculous enough. I mean, it would have the potential to be ridiculous and hilarious, but it also would have the potential to be like the rest of the Polly arc, where stuff happens that makes sense but isn't especially funny or entertaining.

I don't really have a huge problem with Polly, but the Ray dinner wasn't an especially great introduction for her and she didn't seem like she had the potential to be anywhere near as great as many of Achewood's other characters, even if there still was potential for entertainment.

I'd be okay if she just played a similar role for Cornelius that Molly does for Beef. The problem is that while Molly often brings out the best in Beef, Polly seemed to bring out the worst in Cornelius from what we saw of her.

I like Ray, but I also like making fun of Ray for being a shallow, pretentious git. I enjoyed the Polly arc. I enjoyed it a thousand times more than this dull stomach re-tread.

Exactly. We like you, Belgand.

I fall squarely in the "shape up or ship out" camp in regards to Polly. I don't like the idea of having another female character just for the sake of having one. Molly is a very good, well-rounded character and Tina at least serves a clear-cut villain role. Polly is just....there.

What it boils down to is that Beef's stomach had more funny lines in two panels than Polly has even yet mustered, therefore I hope this arc continues and I can't say I'd be bothered if Polly faded into the background.

I can't say I'd be bothered were you claimed by pistol-shot at dawn.

I hope a shot of Liquid-Plumr will suffice. I got laid off at the factory again and the government won't give me a gun anyway. 'Cause of last time.

The Government only rewards you for a crime if its big enough.


What if, say, you were slowly "collecting" crimes. Would it eventually be big enough? Just askin'. Man needs goals.

The Katamari theory of crime is one you should try out

Google does not help me with your suggestion.

This is because you were not in the 'cool' age bracket when Katamari Damacy came out. You were probably out scoring.

Allow me to sing you the theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpFFzWPzA2c This is what you will be hearing for the next four weeks

I have an unhealthy, but thankfully entirely non-sexual, love for the ducks in that intro. I cannot explain this.

It is, however, the ideal soundtrack to sexual relations. Just put it on repeat at "very loud" volume. For best results seduce your conquest by singing along.

Shape up or...ship up.

Sorry. Yes also I agree.

you guys, see, this is why chris onstad needs to accept my idea: where a mysterious young gypsy rabbit who wears naught but some essence de guerlain in her hair, and the decorations of her conquerors

anyway she falls in love with Teodor, and they have an old world wedding ceremony, and it is just a really good idea, okay?

so maybe sign my petition ?

Right now, i imagined a rabbit gnawing her conqueror naughty bits as trophy to show later.

Seriously uncool.

rubbed off? If you'll recall, Molly and Beef share a love of Java programming!

I like how Falseprophet straight up called Polly Penny in his rant

the dude was so enraged that he messed the names

Passive-aggressive selective memory loss.


God, I thought I was the only nerd whose nerd-ass mind went there immediately. Good to have a little company.

Hey, I've become unstuck in time in an increasingly implausible and unexplained fashion. Stop with the spoilers until I get back to my initial time-stream.

Yeah, when the fuck was that scene? STOP IT WITH THE SPOILERS.

If you haven't even seen season three yet, you deserve it.

In all fairness it's pretty easy to forget what has happened already on the show. It's certainly happened to the writers.

At this point we're lucky to even have a smattering of the original cast around and even the majority of them are stuck off in... well, in who knows where. This time-shifting stuff is just really screwing it all up. Like they decided to make this the new flashback/flashforward. The way that gave out so quickly certainly implies that they never planned things out. Not to mention how many times they apparently wrote in new characters because they liked someone's audition or how they wanted to kill off a character, but hadn't decided who yet. Doesn't speak to it having a solid arc or the early elements where all of these people are somehow related.

But yeah, you really need to be up to date. That is, assuming you weren't late to the party and are watching them on DVDs thus forcing you to always be a season behind and unable to watch the current season most of the time. I'm no up on the DVD schedule as I can't possibly imagine wanting to own or re-watch Lost.

Man I didn't even know this was about Lost until the last sentence. I used to watch that show, missed like half a season, and can't get back into it. No desire. It's so complicated.

I did watch the third season. I've watched EVERY season.

Dammit I just remembered.

Also it figures that Belgand would be a dick about LOST .

It would just figure.

"Also it figures that Belgand would be a dick about ____"

Sorry, belgand, I do like you but you got opinions. Maybe it's because of that that we all love you.

My opinions are indeed hard and vociferous, but that is the way of things. I am not a man to sit idly by and not care about any thing. That's what passion is.

Passion only manifests itself as "ornery" in me 72% of the time, though.

I'm practicing for the future as I desire to become a hybrid dirty and cranky old man. I will sass young ladies' boyfriends so hard that they are drawn to me at which time I perform the most unmentionable sorts of acts with them introducing them to areas of sexual activity that they never even knew existed.


Meh, I started watching with the first episode because it sounded like the only interesting thing that season. I've been with it all along and while it certainly came out there it's really just the case that the show has deep problems, but I keep watching it.

I was hoping that Brian K. Vaughn would help fix it up, but no. I can't even remotely detect his influence on the show aside from that tiny bit of placement for Y: The Last Man the other day.

Are you fucking serious? Did you watch tonight? It was a Darlton that was produced by Vaughan, and it was awesome.

Seriously I think you just disagree with the majority to seem cool, because you are the only person I know saying these things.

I don't try to sound cool. I know I am not cool.

I Tivo everything so, no, I haven't yet watched the most recent episode. I'll probably get around to it eventually.

I love Brian K. Vaughn's comics work, but I just haven't seen any influence of his style into Lost yet. Oh, and if you haven't noticed just about every member of the writing staff is given a producer credit on many shows. Especially the Simpsons.

If having negative things to say about Lost is something you have never heard before I cannot imagine that you have ever talked to anyone about the show or heard anything referring to it for many years.

That last part, yes.

I have heard negative things about it, of course, but most of the people still watching it (and therefore are allowed to have Opinions about it) say that this season has been good.

Those people are idiots then. Last season was starting to get better, but this season is a lot worse. The part where they keep introducing new characters almost every damn season and then killing off a bunch of them really is starting to bother me. It's barely even about the main cast at this point.

For the past few episodes this season it's been basically nothing but new cast members running around on the island and everyone else floundering around in LA in the future.

The story has also lost coherence. I don't think they have a goal in mind at this point. I mean, maybe Ben does, but that's it.

It is a flawed show. It is a flawed show that I greatly enjoy.

Yeah, we haven't seen Penny in a long time.

We need to have some bits about Teodor. Dude seems to need some play. When's the last time he got even remotely near anything? The closest he's had is directing Ray's junk and even then it was mainly a case of Tina doing all the work.

Sounds like a job for Circus Penis !

At least Beef didn't upset his appendix. That could get ugly.

When an appendix blows itself up, does it expect to get 72 appendix virgins in heaven?

Do I want to know what kind of appendix is not a virgin? No. No I do not.

And yet I'm thinking about it anyway.

I have the most absolutely HOT mpeg to show you if you are interested


Oh, that's not applesauce my dear...

It should consider itself lucky just to get out of someone's gut.
Would you believe 4 sanitary gauze bandages?

I'd believe a horrible tube through my nose sucking the blood out of my stomach. Screw you appendix. Fuck you!

I can't decide whether or not this funny. Let me think about that for awhile.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by InspectorGadget, _cheesekayke, salvar)

Wait, what does oasis have to do with it? They haven't been fuckin' writing any more songs, have they?

ib yall no me i m not 1 to kncok aniebodys husasle, but dam ib u ain't coamin' up in her wit yo weak shit 'n stinkn up deh jont. fuck

i m sry 4 2 b angly wiff u man damn were is my head at i poligies

Gladi8orrex for February 21, 2009, as translated by Cpnglxynchos. Three (3) comments by Glad and one by Mattylite gladi8'd:

Part One, The Statement:
i was talkin to my friend one time and i was on about crims* (as usual) and i said to him 'the world is so full of crime, dawg. everyone straight breaking the law.' and he says, 'true, true, but what i was forgetting (he says) was that overall, crims* are the minority.' and i said back to him, 'you have that backwards.'

we both lol'd at the joke oasis and continued to debate about crims. it was concluded that basically everyone is a crim 'cos of traffic violations. *shrug*

Part Two, A Rebuttal:
weight, wat duh 08 sis gad a dew with it? day haevnt' ben fuck & white many more songs, have thay/?

Part Three, The Slamming of the Door:
if y'all know me i am not one to knock anybody's hizassle, but damn if you ain't comin' up in here with yo weak shit and stinkin' up the joint. fuck.

Part Four, An Apology:
i am sorry for being angry with you man damn where is my head at i apologize.

(i cannot type glad. is so lol difficult.)

Worth a chubby, but I think you muted the fine malaprop/pun on Backwords-Backwards.

apallG xpted

same thing happened to my friend exactly two weeks after he turned thirty. his talked like don corleone, though.

That makes much more sense. All mumbling, "take Santino, Luca Brasi and Vinnie Boombatz an' mummmmuh-mummmuh wit dem.

don't forget the cannoli.

I love Italian food, but I have never had a cannoli. This is because wherever there are cannolis of any quality, there are tiramisus as well. How in the hell do I choose a cannoli in that situation. This is why I have also never had spumoni, despite eating Italian roughly 40% of the time.

Oh, tiramisu. Why won't you be my wife?

dude i haven't had either in so long. i plan on it soon though...i insist that it's a public place; a bar, restaurant, somewhere where there's people so i feel safe...

A comment left by belgand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, snidedk, IronDave)

Don't forget the RAW EGG.

I've got nothing against raw egg. What else can satisfactorily be used to Tartar up my beef? Well, aside from the obvious onions and capers.

I loathe Rocky for many different reasons, but drinking down raw eggs? That is hella raw and deserving of respect.

I gave you a chubby. It signifies my EXTREME AGREEMENT.

While the chubby is indeed appreciated EXTREME AGREEMENT is typically best expressed by a resounding high-five while a nuclear explosion goes off in the background (remaining entirely dismissive of the very real and painful human cost and the tremendous suffering entailed to express your similarity of opinion) before a searing guitar solo kicks in.

"YEAH!" may be shouted, but it is not mandatory.

I believe the correct spelling is Nester .


THIS. Yes. Yes.

its been a while since straight milk n toast

A comment left by seikel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by claynferno, mortshire, _cheesekayke)

Phil Lynott has been reincarnated as Beef's stomach? Doesn't quite sound like him. I think you might be mistaken.

I feel I should point out that seikel is making a reference to the Patti Smith song "Rock N' Roll Nigger." The song has its critics because of Smith's apparent attempt to take a very specific racial slur and expand it's meaning so that it refers to all people who are oppressed, or "outside of society" as the chorus repeats, and unite them under the banner of rock n' roll. Another interpretation of the song is that it's hard to be a rock musician if you're a woman. You're treated as a second class citizen by your peers.

The theme was revisited by John Lennon with his song "Woman Is The Nigger Of The World."

Hate to have to "explain the joke," as it were, but there it is.

My explanation sang "The Boys Are Back In Town". Guess which one is better?

Uh, probably the opposite of whichever one I choose? That's how it works with you, right?

Achewood has clearly come out in favor of "The Boys Are Back In Town". Let the record show that so have I.

I'm familiar with the song and the concept behind it. I just have no idea how it applies to Beef's stomach, therefore fucking LAME.

I believe stomachs should have good, honest names. Philippe's tummy is named Tommy , for example.

A comment left by niggar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mg7810, falseprophet, rowboat, Belgand, Prine)

It's, umm, easy? You can listen to ebonics while not liking hip-hop culture.
Also, screw you for having that name and writing that stupid comment.

Why can't I lame the jerk? I haven't used any lames on this page, I swear!

Lames don't replenish the same way chubbies do. Long ago, there were men who knew of a secret way to acquire more lames, but their words are lost to the ages. Now some speculate that lames are replenished from rating strips, or that it has to do with one's own chubby/lame ratio, but we shall likely never learn the truth...

Go back and rate some strips that you missed the first time. Then you'll have your lames.

And I got your back Sje.

Maybe.....help me here....maybe if hip-hop was all silent like street mime?

word. Onstad hates black people

Band Name: List of Airports in Moldova
Album: Accuse Them of Things


this is so funny.

i mean, seriously:
Artist: The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage
Album: "Chaos is an Impossibility."


Band: Ognes
Album: "You Don't Have A Billion Dollars."
and this for the album cover:


This meme is so 2007.

your mom is so 2007

Speaking of which, I made this cover... over a year ago


And I am too lazy to do another one.

I'm listening. What's that I hear....


You need higher standards.

Belgand is not down with the female gender.

I'm just saying that we have some mediocre cleavage on a not particularly attractive woman glimpsed in a still photo and everyone's breaking out with the fapping like a bunch of horny fanboys.

Belgand has the standards of female attractiveness of an Internet Person.

(As in that girl is so hot what are you talking about.)

Do you have something against fringes, sir? Because unlike the hatred of children and general misanthropy, that I cannot forgive.

Assetbar constant #1:


Assetbar constant #2:


Assetbar constant #3:


Not entirely true, but yeah, I find it amazing how often I will things that are not good. I suspect other people just have really low standards or something.

I mean, I am filled with a vast well of deep, serious, obsessive love for many, many things, but perhaps there is so much out there that I also run into a lot of the bad stuff too.

It's all Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crap. Of course, I'm also willing to take this the extra step that so many others lack and apply it to people. Assetbar is one of the few oases where the ratio is actually inverted.

I've got nothing specifically against fringe (or, to use the coarse American term, bangs), but I do have something against the increased prevalence of it these days among unattractive hipster girls.

My greater issue is that she is merely not particularly attractive. I see people walking around every day of my life that are decidedly more attractive and deserving of my digital lust.

It's not even hate, I just... I can't see what you all are getting so worked up about. I guess it's like discovering your sexual preference. All looking at a vagina or cock and being "Man, what is the fuss all about? I just don't have any interest in that at all."

Maybe she's just not my type.

well ooh, my-my, your Royal Fly-ness,
i dig your bangs.

not hers though. they are just not good.

Thank you for that. It was going on in my head the entire time.

I like bangs. They remind me of the early 60s. Bangs were more popular then, yes? Early 60s seems like a cool period to me.

Do you own a scooter? If not you are clearly living a lie. We can all see that now.

I will concur that bangs or not I am solidly in favor of mod minidresses and great boots.

My friend is in a band called "The Royal Bangs." Just wanted to share.

But....but medicore cleavage on not particularly attractive women gets me so hard.

Well then, I won't be one to say something against your rock-hard cat cock. Just try to put it to good use.

I'm not saying I'd drop everything and marry her or anything. She is a little weird looking. Basically, all I'm saying is that I wouldn't kick her in the head out of bed.

Chubby. In more ways than one.

I don't care!

Szozdy - Spend Very Little on Office Supplies.

And absurdly appropriate album art (alliterative also!): https://www.flickr.com/photos/randie/3290245864/

Oooh, I like mine:[IMGS OFF]

I must've missed that meme, so I don't know this game. But I'm just high enough to not be able to resist throwin' in.

Kind of a shoegaze/speed metal thing. That's what Ten Chocolate Reasons would be.

I guess I should have followed up on the explanation first. I didn't know there were rules. The rules netted me this:
I like mine better. I'll stick with it.

Oh. Well that didn't work. Anyway, the band was Radio Prague and the album was Fall From the Trees. I see how that game could be cool, but I was unlucky.

Radio Prague sounds like a pretty badass hardcore indie rock band.

Yeah, but it sounds too good. From a game like this I demand absurdity.

I will name my band Radio Prague and the first album will be called Welcome to the Self-Guided Tour of the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

NO. I called dibs on it already howl YOU CAN'T DO THAT.

I know I saw that post right after I made mine.


But anyway until the album is out then the name is up for grabs.

We can both do it, as I'm assuming that neither of our future bands will be too incredibly popular.

Maybe we could tour together!

Until one of you have actually been the aquarium in question you will not have a right to the name. I suspect that I shall get there first as I've been meaning to go for some time.

Cue It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World-esque race to get to the aquarium and thus secure usage rights to the theoretical album name

I'll race ya to Tracy Morgan's house! I hear he's got a great aqu...no.


That did truly make the fourth wall of reality seem just a wee bit thinner.


I have been to that aquarium.

i also have been to that aquarium. i beat megaman 2 on my gameboy at that aquarium and chased an angry young man with down's syndrome around that cool circular room with the never-ending current.

The Gameboy Mega Man games were travesties and you know it. All retreads of the original games, but with like, half the bosses.

why does everything have to be such a goddamn travesty with you, man?

Many things are not mere travesties, but out and out abominations.

I'm also a bit jealous that I never beat Megaman 1 on the Gameboy. You now know my secret shame #37 (of 427).

Seriously though, you are like one of those older gamers who hate it when their beloved game franchises make the jump to the next generation.

I bet you bitched about Ocarina of Time, didn't you ?!

I still do. It's not the jump to the next generation either. It's taking great games and putting them in 3d for no goddamn reason just because it was trendy and new and a great way to use technology that could barely manage to do it and made everything look really bad. Most of those early 3d games have really not held up very well you'll notice. The graphics look clunky and dated a lot worse than even early 80s arcade games or other heavily pixelated graphics.

But I thought we were addressing this with how Metroid Prime was inferior. I've really got nothing specifically against Megaman on the Gameboy, but it wasn't particularly great.

Also, it's not always the case that a game is made worse. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time came out great for a modernization of the classic game. I just think a lot of people, primarily Nintendo, decided that everything now had to be 3d and abandoned 2d gaming. This was often a poor decision.

Ocarina of Time is still vastly inferior to Link to the Past, which is still the best Zelda game ever made.

Not true, have you played the new generation 2d Zelda games? They aren't nearly as much fun as anything else in the series.

Nintendo has all but abandoned Mario's platforming roots, but it is almost for the better. The Mario RPG's are leaps and bounds better.

The Mario RPGs are great, but the 3D Mario games (haven't played Galaxy yet) are generally mediocre at best and have nothing in common with the originals.

New Super Mario Bros. was a great return to form though.

I haven't played the... new generation 2D Zelda? You mean The Minish Cap? That's the only one I know of and it wasn't made by Nintendo internally. I keep meaning to get that, but no, not yet.

Well that, the two Game Boy Color games (also from Capcom), and Phantom Hourglass.

Minish was good, the story tied together the Four Swords saga and the actual timeline very well. I've only played a little of the Game Boy Color ones so I can't judge, but Phantom Hourglass is boring as hell. I mean, a mediocre Zelda is better than the best of a lot of games, but it is just not that fun, which is a shame because it could have done a lot with the ending of Wind Waker and basically spoiled it with a "it was all just a dream...OR WAS IT?!" ending, which it ripped off from the much better Link's Awakening.

I never owned a Game Boy Color so, uh, I missed that whole era. I was barely even aware that they started making games intended for it. I thought it was just doing crappy fake-color for pre-existing games for a long time.

I thought Phantom Hourglass was technically more 3D and in the Wind Waker tradition. It's kinda on my list, but not a very pressing need. I hate that idea that I have to move entirely with the stylus and just tap to fight. Not my bag at all.

The off-island stuff is 3D, the actual gameplay is 2D with 3D textures.

These are all fair arguments, but none of them explain how you could possibly consider Ocarina of Time to be a less-than-stellar game. I might agree that it's not as good as Link to the Past (If I'd played that) but as a game it didn't suffer at all from the transition to full 3D. It had a great engine, pretty damn innovative and enjoyable combat for it's time, varied and entertaining dungeons and... well, I've never found the visuals to be lacking at all. I'm surprised that Majora's Mask brought enough to the table to qualify as an improvement.

I disagree with you. I thought it significantly less-than-stellar and found it to suffer greatly in the transition.

This is all a matter of opinion though and there is nothing to be had in arguing about it any longer. We disagree on this matter and there is no way to reconcile it that I can see.

I was going to stand up for Wind Waker, but then I remembered that we've had this exact goddamned conversation three times already.

Yeah, I wondered how it got going once again.

The music in Megaman 2 for the gameboy was EXCELLENT. They didn't have to make new songs for a shitty little gameboy game, but they did, and they were very good. Travesties all? I BEG to differ.

Look, anything belgand brands a travesty is merely, at worst, a mild annoyance.

Or even something that's actually awesome.


I'm not familiar with the music, but that's a valid point and I will accept it.

Maybe we should form a band together then. I also find the name "Radio Prague" to be delightful.

it reminds me of a Tintin comic.

We will be the shitty They Might Be Giants.
(Get the reference? Have a cookie.)

Um..."The End of the Tour?" "Rhythm Section Want Ad?" I give up. What's the reference?

the shitty beatles


You mean Dung Beatles

*ding ding ding*

John Linnell once said that They Might Be Giants are the shitty Beatles. (this is not true)

Yay I get a cookie! Apparantly, the shitty beatles suck.

actually TMBG are very good.

It is definitely not true. They are much better than the Beatles. Is like Beatles composed entirely of Ringo, but with more musical talent than that would imply.

I've stopped listening to your opinions a while ago. . . .

These Beatles they make, eh, some good pop songs, yes? But are so great? I say not so much. The Who? Much better band. Better songs, all musicians acclaimed as beink some of best in their field. Beatles are not bad, I am not going to be sayink that at all, but are overpraised.

For me is findink TMBG to be more enjoyable band to listen to. Care much more for them. You have right to opinion though and I not think less of you for holdink it. As I say, they write some good song, just not best thing ever being.

I just realized yesterday how awesome "Why Don't We Do It In The Road" is.
Also, Phish played the entire White Album in concert once, and that was only half the songs they did. And I actually quite enjoy it.

Whoah! Sje, I was just about to jump in on your side. But if you're gonna start talking 'bout some Phish I am outta here.

I don't even know any of their songs. I just thought that their covers weren't as terrible as most Beatles covers. I don't know if I lik ethe band.

You don't.

I take it back. Some are good (and I mean good for a live performance), and somne are utterly terrible (Don't Pass Me By, Helter Skelter)

You know, you can do things like that without telling us. I doubt anybody was on the edge of their seat waiting to hear.

Um... same to that comment. And this one, too, I guess.

Are you impugning "The End of the Tour"? Or even the lesser "Rhythm Section Want Ad"? This cannot stand.

If you're talking to me, the answers are "no" and "no."

I'm glad I saved a chubby. I was saving it for this.

Oh CHRIST that sounds bad i just realized

Shit, Hypercycle's new album is out? I gotta go bittorrent it!

Band: Giorgi Navalovski
Album: We Have Left Their Presence



Okay, guess that's not gonna work.

trying to straight-up save any flickr picture (or copying image location) and you will find https://l.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gif is what you're saving 'cos it's overlaid on every picture there. it also shows Yahoo! bought flickr. ('yimg') selecting the few words describing a picture up to the few before and then viewing source will get you the proper link to that action which is located near the end the chunk of that middle code.

Band name: Cruziohyla
Album: Enkindle and Melt the Soul

Our name was Pinehurst Circle. Our first album? To Do With Diligence.

Our album cover .

Don't mind us, we're just the future of cowboy electro.

Name: Mamuka Japharidze
Album: They will profit from misfortune or be miserable
Cover: https://www.flickr.com/photos/socialknitter/3293307086/

I think this game believes I am a terr'rist

A trrrst, you say?

Band: Montague Court Building

Album: Still Carry a Tune




Maybe you will see that picture, it's very elegant. This music might be some kind of neo-Steeleye Span thing, I dunno.


The font spoils it but otherwise, perfect.

It's indiecore, btw. Think The Shins meets Minor Threat, In The Aeroplane Over The Sea meets Damaged

(which is what my actual band would sound like if I could ever get an actual band together.)

i doctored your cover and got this:

Last time I tried to start a band this happened.

"Artistically questionable disco hits?"

Some body heard one Blondie song and mistakenly thought he had them figured out.

I think it might be pretty bleak.

Oh Sonovabitch! Look at the size of the fucker.

I did it again today, for a facebook note. Here's the wondrous result, assembled at work in MS Paint.
(Please work please work please work)


Okay, I promise this will be my last one but LOOK AT THIS IT IS SO GREAT


Lazer. The new side project featuring members of Ladytron and Mates of State.

Mine turned out as all kinds of awesome in perfect synchronization between all components.

Band: Collision
Album: Friends are born, not made


I'm not certain whether to use a pun on "made", but it wasn't in the original quote. Still... it works either way, but it just gives it that extra bit of coordination.

Yeah, that's pretty much perfect.

I have to wonder only if they are twins or there was time travel involved. Definitely not a clone as that would imply that they were made and that's clearly not the case.

I'm thinking twincest.

Fun fact about sje: I am a twin.

imoho, pics or gtfo.


Fraternal or identical? My girlfriend has a fraternal (or as I typically say, sororal) twin sister. I maintain that she is the younger because she was technically conceived a month later (note to peoples: just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you can't get double pregnant sometimes), but was born first, albeit slightly premature, when her sister was born.

Secondary question: tell me about your own experiences with twincest. It is a known fact that all twins do this.

I have both fraternal and identical twin cousins. On the same side of the family (my mother's).

Apparently the national average is about 1 in 33, so 2 of 6 pregnancies (all my maternal aunt/uncles' kids plus me) is a pretty unlikely event.

Kinda wonder if I have one of those dead twins hiding in my body.

I think twins are genetic. I'm not sure though.

one of my friends was supposed to be a twin. we don't exactly know what happened to it though...

I made you a twin...

But I ated it.

Fraternal. I have a twin sister. And, ha, she was concieved a week after me. She was born three minutes before me, but I'm still a week older, in my opinion. My sister retains she is older, because I am gross.


Not entirely. Apparently opposite sex fraternal twins are more common as well. That doesn't make any sort of sense to me and I specialize in genetics. Maybe if I diagram it, but I'm far too lazy. Still, odds should remain at 50% for both genders.

Could it be possibly be due to same sex twins being more likely to be identical, it steals them away? I wouldn't think so, but I dunno.

I can't find cites for that, the wikipedia page indicates that only about 44% of fraternal twins are male-female (instead of 50% like you would expect) but it is not cited.

Agreed. It is time of conception, not time of delivery. That just doesn't make any sense. That's just when you came out of the slit-n-slide. The time you were put into production is your true age.

It is a known fact that all twins engage in incest, eh? I don't believe you, but there were these super hot identical twins a year or two above me in high school who make me wish very hard that what you are saying is true.

Now, while on an instinctual, base level I fully understand that and can get behind it on an intellectual level I think that identical twins would be less interesting that two super hot, but non-identical people. I mean, why not get some variety going rather than just doubling up on the same thing?

But...but it would be two superhot girls doing the sexytimes with each other!

Yeah, true, but what about two different superhot girls?

Maybe it is more of an issue of comparison. Like trying two different cheeses from the same region, but different producers and appreciating the subtle differences.

I'm not saying it isn't very hot, but the brain says to go with a sampling rather than a second helping of deliciousness.

It combines two superhot girls having the sexytimes AND the thrilling taboo of incest.

I see no thrill in incest, but perhaps this is because I'm 1)not big on seeing it as a taboo 2)not the type to be thrilled by violating taboos.

How isn't it a taboo? It's like, a textbook example of a taboo. Society as a whole doesn't like it. Thus, taboo.

I see what you're saying, but in order for something to be taboo I believe you have to agree with social disapproval of it. It's more of an issue where "I see nothing wrong with this".

It's still taboo, you just think it's an unjustified taboo.

I think that it should be a taboo because it prevents cross-breeding and birth defects, but I don't think it is inherently wrong.

That just means that birth control is a good idea. I think that is a typical opinion of all people. I presumed that not having children was a given.

I see where you're coming from, but in my mind a taboo is only given power if you let it affect your behavior. I mean, yes, it will still exist in the minds of some people, but if you don't go along with it you will still be free.

Ah yes. Twincest. Easily one of the 40 hottest things women can engage in.

What is #27?

Tragically, I was an only twin.

Yay me too!

My friends were born mad.

identical trannies?

Roast Beef has stomach cancer.

This could be the only comment on this entire board and I'd be happy.

does it seem that Beef's kitchen island has been pushed over on it's side?

I thought that was some sort of modern couch.

It's definitely an Onstadian couch.

It's an Ikea couch.

Ray bought it on a whim and realized the morning after that he hated it. (probably another shopping channel purchase he was gone for) so he moved it into the pool house where less people would see it and the folks that would would be grateful enough for it.

Achewood wouldn't load just now and I had to hit reload. Then it worked fine. It was the scariest moment of my life.


Right image wrong poster, where is our Deadpool?

Beef's stomach = Showbiz.

Funny stuff is where you find it. Please read this:
[url=https://www.27bslash6.com/magic8ball.html]Magic 8 Ball Wednesday[\url].


Funny stuff is where you find it. Please read this:
Magic 8 Ball Wednesday .

Roast Beef does not think it is rad to have bulimia but all things considered he can deal.

Sometimes something you eat late at night tastes better when it comes back as the morning edition.


Fuck me.

I am not going to lie to you, Acheworld. I see enough of Drew and Natalie Dee's cajolings for me to pay more money to see more of their MS Paint drawings at their sites. I was not pleased to see it at the top of this one.

augh, enough already with premium content at all, ever

there are so many hilarious free things on the internet, so I'm not concerned one way or another with it. I wish you comixXx people the best of luck, but I've made a couple of funny internet things in my time too, and didn't ask for any scrilla, nor did I plan on making any off of it, ever.
it is all about the art brahhhs

besides i think people would actively not seek out cafepress t-shirts with anything i drew on them

Also, this really should be a package deal. Subscribe to one, you're subscribed to them all, divy the profits out amongst them. I mean, who wants a million " premium fan flow internet webcomic # __ " charges showing up on their bank account?

and make it a lump thing



It is not lump thing, say this.

"Premium Fan Flow" charges I can explain. Thank God my wife doesn't know what "ABC Entertainment Srv" really means.

Grey's Anatomy has a premium fan flow service? I don't think I could explain my subscription to that to a spouse either.

That or it's American Born Chinese and refers to your bi-weekly rub-and-tug.

Really they should get a piece of the copyright pie that music and film makers do.

Just levy it straight out of the internet connection bill. Maybe only a millionth of a cent per person, but it would add up to a decent sum.

Holy Shit this is a great idea. I don't know why this isn't more of a debated thing. Or is it. Oh man, this is like basic copyright obviousness.

alright anyway which one of you pieces of fuq are going to be the first to sign up for autrepoupee premium fan flow?

you will see such sights
such sights
we have so much to show you
i have eternity to know your

Not pornography!

(Read that as shock and dismay at the idea of autrepoupee-porn or as calloused dismissal due to the lack of autrepoupee-porn as one may.)


No offense, but I have no desire to see your flow. That is basically the main horror of men that such things happen to something they otherwise desire.

It is not a main horror of mine.

Also why are you calling women things?

I am calling the vagina a thing. I believe that, spoken of independently as a part of the body, this is the correct form of address.

Yeah, women love when they are broken down into discrete parts. They like synecdoche too. So please refer to them as a piece of ass.

What do they have against Charlie Kaufman?

Is it Phillip Seymour Hoffman? Is he too creepy?


Yeah, I guess I can understand.

Why would anyone want a piece of ass? I would prefer the entire ass. And, barring unforeseen circumstances, the person whose ass it is.

Still, you conflate that interest in the vagina precludes interest in the woman. My claim is that flows of blood and bits of flesh tends to interfere with an interest in wanting to interact sexually with said organ, not a desire to engage in sexual antics with the woman in question.

Eh, I'm kinda full, honey. I just want a small piece of ass.


but you are a dude

Maybe he's merely expressing his intended ownership of Kate's.


Pah, nonsense! Whenever this subject has come up with paracoitas past, I've but given them an affectionate little kiss and assured them that I've seen lots of blood in my day.


In all fairness I have yet to find it an issue myself. Then again, taking birth control pills will often result in such a low flow that a lady will have trouble in finding appropriate remedies as she is in need of only the lightest of sanitary contrivances rather than the super extra-heavy models that seem to be in the majority of those for sale.

Menstrual blood makes a pretty decent lubricant

Plus there a lot of off-color jokes to be made afterward involving your cock and acts of murder.


you ought not have said that, tekende
you ought not have said that, mmhmm.

So Many Uses!

How Can You Not Buy?!

Looks small, is small!

Your dog will look at menstrual blood!

Is this a Tim and Eric reference?

Your pets will l oooooo k at Bowl!

B'owl, dammit, and yes, yes it is.

Dude, nobody ever asks for Scylla. Charybdis be gettin' all the attention all the damn time. I mean, all livin' in a rock and such. None of those flashy whirlpools or anything. Sometimes it makes you wonder why you even bother devouring passing sailors.

Actually, I'd kick down a few bucks for a t-shirt version of your Kid Vid/J.D. scenario.

you, my friend, will be the first to get invoiced five dollars from funnytshirts@bloggin.live.com .

be on the look-out!

Just show me where I need to enter my credit card number and SSN.

Beef is negotiating his way out of having drama pipes.

why is your avatar so good. shut up about it.


Oh, so that's who's doin' it.

And to think that some racist a-holes blame it on drug use, drop-out rates and absent fathers.

I blamed it on poor grammar and spelling.

I blame it on hippity hop music!

That is merely an outgrowth of a terrible culture. It has nothing at all to do with race as we find that people of all races are not immune to being tainted by its many horrors of music, fashion, and terrible word usage.

belgand, have you ever met a black person or are you too busy listening to Arcade Fire and stroking your tiny white internet ding-dong?

Oh Jesus oh God please don't make Belgand talk about the Arcade Fire. I will literally die. And I don't mean "literally die" in the way that it is so often used my imbeciles to mean "metaphorically die." I honestly believe that if Belgand starts tearing into the Arcade Fire my eyeballs will attempt to escape the sight of his words and tear through my brain and out the back of my skull, causing instant, brutal death.

My Black Studies class would hate you.

speak for yourself dipshit

This is what Roast Beef gets for going to a public school.

Why, because black people go there? Racist.

No because giant talking cats eat sass talking black people there.

i didn't find this strip humorous.

I find your face and/or vagina humorous.

i find your elbow humerus.

I wish I could chubby this so baaad

if you liken the avatar to vagina, you are neither a woman nor old. you are just plain fucking stupid/not humorous. :(

viddie well little brothers, viddie well.

Beef has an eating disorder now. Great.

no...basically, his stomach is making orders. it knows what it wants.

He had an eating disorder a long time ago. Remember, he doesn't really like... meals.

A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mercuri0us, Belgand, Damiel_Billiams)

A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mercuri0us, Belgand, catgrl131, Damiel_Billiams, miaou)

Beef's tummy and Philippe's Tommy The Tummy are hell of going to go around in circles.

Yeah, that phrase doesn't get funny no matter what you do to it. Even making fun of it isn't funny. It just sucks.

Godamnit Onstad, if you are never going to follow through on when you're going to update AT LEAST DON'T JERK US AROUND ABOUT IT. wtf happened to Achewood man.

would it be better if he didn't put up when he was going to update at all?

Yes, actually.

That does seem to be the general agreement.

Pretty much.

i didn't remember what the consensus was on the matter but i agree.

I'd be okay with that.

hurrah, frynapple

Hey at least it doesn't cost a hundred dollars per week to access this website. The level of ingratitude is astounding. You shouldn't say anything negative about what you aren't paying a hundred dollars a week to access.

Is there a webcomic site out their that someone is paying a hundo a week to access?

If so they are dumb.

As I say this, I'm eagerly awaiting the next installments of MS Paint Adventures. I know it'll be the end of the Problem Sleuth saga (the best of the three) but every since Problem Sleuth went Sepulchitude shit all as happened.

HAS happened.

Ray. Ray pays a hundo a week to his Select Exclusive Invite Only porn site..

I recognize the word 'hundo' from an Achewood strip.

I recognize you from the Assetbar Comment Board.

Oh come on. We have beaten this to death five times now.


Alright, then I believe it's fair for me to point out that your mother's ass has lost its tone in the past few months.

I think it's brave of you guys to finally come out with how you feel about Onstad's posting schedule. The silence on that subject needed to be broken. You are all heroes.

I think it's brave of Onstad to draw a cartoon, even though it means that sometimes people complain when it isn't good. To face such a horrific gauntlet of internet nerds every day must do something to a man.

Oh wait, he doesn't face it every day.

To face our complaints every three weeks or so, you know, whenever he gets around to it.

I'm seeing him toying with drawing one outside achewood of all you little freeloading whiners whining. Reeally crushingly terrible caricatures of each of you.

I'm telling you, this IS what he's thinking.

Yeah, I'm totally scared to start posting my own comic-styled drawings. Y'all some dicks.

I recognize the omission of the verb 'are' in a sentence from an Achewood strip.

Fuck you, that's my meme.

If this is a Glengarry Glen Ross reference I will be so proud.

Prepare to be unproud.

Dammit rowboat I'm so disappointed in you! I'm disappointed in you SO HARD.

Put down that coffee, coffee is for internet hipsters!

Secret fact: "fuck you" was not invented by David Mamet though his efforts to popularize it were substantial and are largely regarded as giving it the position it currently holds in our daily lives.

I meant that "Fuck you, that's my meme" made me think of "Fuck You, that's my name" from Glengarry Glen Ross . I know Mamet didn't invent swears.

Little cluster of Christian Bales all yelling at each other

Brain in a jar swearing at the sunset

In the comic, these phrases are usually prefixed with the word "All"

In the comic, catchphrase modifies you.

Hell of cutting, halfdirt.

I have actually done that before. More than once.

He started outsourcing all of the work to India. Part of the problem with late strips is because he's still having trouble adjusting to the time difference.

God, the stomach is such a douche, all making him cover the dishes he just washed in puke.

Man, it's his fault for washing the dishes in puke

maha, ah-haaaahahahahaha

Um, can I help you?

Alright, gotta give you this one, that was awesome.

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