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TGI Judas Priest Friday Friday, October 13, 2006 • read strip Viewing 72 comments:

No one is ever ready.

Probably a kangaroo is the best representation of alacrity

That strip is a damn good one

well blow me down he wasn't sassing about liking the things

Not to knock you, but I am fairly sure that refers to a puma.

how could you do this to me

Just saying, the Puma logo is usually in puff embroidery whereas KangaRoos have a logo that is an applique.

my... my house of cards

Forget about your house of cards.

And I'll do mine.

A comment left by mountain was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by relaxing, zaer, Xaxx)

This conversation line has used up my entire quota of Chubbies for this page.

It's my favorite song on that album.

I also enjoy 15 step and All I Need. Did you catch the New Year's concert broadcast? I wissed it unfortunately.

*missed. wissed is probably better, though.

There is a link in my profile where you can find their webcast performance of 'Ceremony', which might be the best thing ever.

You know what's better than Radiohead playing Ceremony?

Joy Division playing Ceremony. Or New Order. Or even Xiu Xiu.
(get ready for the lames)

I dug on the Xiu Xiu version of Ceremony pretty hard.

If you really want lames then you have to actually come out and say that you do not like Radiohead. I will take the fall here. I do not like Radiohead.

Gotta say, Radiohead is really terrible. Well, at least the vocals and lyrics are terrible. The music is pretty standard.


I see Nude or Videotape as the worst songs on In Rainbows.

They just look bad because they're on the same album as Bodysnatchers

I totally love/hate that album.

On second thought, videotape is pretty sweet, and the album as a whole grows on you nicely with subsequent listens. It certainly has on me, albeit much slower than OK Computer

Everybody has managed to forget about Reckoner, one of Radiohead's best compositions period.

I can't listen to either of those songs all the way through. As someone who turns to OK Computer in times of trouble, it physically hurts me.

I think I just accidentally quoted The Beatles in my post about Radiohead.

Faust Arp did kick House of Cards ass on the album, but Radiohead...
nothing they have ever done is shitty.



and by out of i mean into. god that is embarrassing

your delicious embarrassment is Roygbiv.

i mean, All I Need.

I love how Beef knows it is a review of his life from those sentences

those sentences and the fact that it's anthony lane. the hell else does that guy do in shoes? every time i see him in a pair of nikes, he's talkin shit about someone's life.

Roast Beef dares to hope and is punished.

operant conditioning, dogg. CAN I GET A HELL YEAH FOR AP PSYCH?!

Anyone saying HELL YEAH about high school psychology classes, AP or otherwise, needs to be taken out and shot for the good of their parents, siblings, children, and any unfortunate hypothetical lovers.

Just sayin'

your avatar is an illustration of what you describe!

and harsh.

Was that excessive? It ain't personal about you, bra. All blame on the textbooks and not the students, until you mention projection or anger management and then I will beat you like a recent suicide beats a sumo wrestler, which granted might not be very physically painful for the sumo wrestler but is probably rather hard to explain to said athlete's friends.

freudian bullshit and a lame movie .


My mom's a therapist. I dare you to say anything , and she will have you guilt-trippin' balls.


I will take your mom to Freud school in the bris of pain

And Oedipus rears his ugly head, projecting his rage at his own suffocating mother... I don't know where this is going.

There. You've rendered an insecure adolescent girl speechless and destroyed her fragile self-concept. I hope you are happy, boredom_man.

The band teacher: in death as in life.

no, 'cos i learned that in regular psych.

Surely worse things could happen. I wouldn't mind a review of my life personally.

"oh man oh hilarious" made it for me.

Chubb'd for the Nomi avatar.

I like the way Snrub thinks.

after i read this the first time, i googled anthony lane and read a bit of his stuff.
it was a good use of my time.

Likewise. In fact I ended up checking out from the library his book of collected reviews and essays, Nobody's Perfect . Great stuff.

Diatoms are so small though, there really couldn't be very much offal in 'em.

Fossilized diatoms all fuse together into a chalky rocklike layer in the earth, in spots. I got a chunk, and though there's no offal, the dust it leaves on your hands and clothes could be the substance referred to.

ALT: The cat's life is denigrated by Anthony Lane.

I love this strip for personal reasons. Specifically my friend has those shoes and I can so picture Beef's skinny legs coming on up out of them. Oh man oh hilarious.

Nathan Lane? That's not very scary. Hold on, I'm getting a call.

I would like to say that this is my favourite stip. It is because of the hilarious juxtaposition between "judas priest friday the 13th" and a review of your life by a snarky and pretentious person.

For me a joke is really funny when I can't resist the urge to explain it, and therefore ruin it, for other people.

Panels two-three happened to me verbatim in 1997. Two dollars at Value Village. I wore the hell out of those 'roos. When I read this strip I feel much warm fuzziness.

oh shiiiiiiiiit

Nothin quite as funny as the irony that Beef is wearing shoes but absolutely nothing else .

Why does Lane even gotta do a thing?

According to Wikipedia , diatomaceous earth is used to make cat litter. That the shoes (and Anthony Lane I suppose) choose this descriptor to make the comparison makes me get way to o analytical.

I love a little Sturm und Drang in the morning. Goes good with earl grey tea and raspberry biscuits.

Fuck that.
Sturm und Drang in the morning; See the lonely boy in the evening.

This might be my single favourite Achewood. I can't quite work out why. Part of it has to do with just how distressed Beef is by the fact that Anthony Lane is reviewing his life, part of it has to do with the incongruity of the JUDAS PRIEST FRIDAY panels, but it's mostly inexplicable.

I have chubbied you, sir, because we agree. (see above).

Ah, I see you are of the female persuasion. Please accept this correction: I have chubbied you, o woman, because we agree. (see above).

I kind of get the feeling that Cornelius is based a bit on Anthony Lane, what with his witted verbose criticisms and whatnot.

i really want a pair of these shoes.

Don't stress too hard, Roast Beef, if it's really Anthony Lane it'll probably be chock full of delightful bon mots and you'll get to the end not knowing exactly what the hell he was trying to say about your life anyway.

"So was it... good?"

This sounds more like Christopher Hitchens. Except for the "delightful" part.

He is just having a good old time with the idea of those shoes.

Everyone's all over Beef's dismay, but I am really into his initial delight. All expecting to be in the news because he found some pirate gold in his thrift store kicks.


Can't believe they happen to be good fit