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The Amazon Package Friday, January 4, 2008 • read strip Viewing 233 comments:

A comment left by songbirdspectre was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, tekende, ishuta, dangelder, Moolah, pmoney187, Spoon, Thorfinn, tyrion18, MyrrDisparo, tibcoolbreeze, SaintTim, Pseudochron, riotnrrd, chivalress, nicklon, fireteddy, catgrl131, TheLoneliestMonkey, luasn, Sortelli, midgetron, MrPoopytime, Boredom_Man, Wolfslice, Panserbjorne, baseballfan, aperson, aparrish)

A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Aaronb1215, n00b, samuelthompson, billypooter, Wolfslice)

In an emergency survival situation, a Matthew McConaughey can be gutted and used as a makeshift shelter.

A comment left by tsrts13 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, The_Prophet, Thorfinn, farqussus, DougTheHead, atticusonline, charchar, Shinkicka, cjfoster)

A comment left by irreverend was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Howard, 762, TheSoulBear)

A comment left by anomalous3 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Moolah, n00b, shogun, mrblank91)

go *without* food. I suck almost as much as Bear Grylls

It was funnier with go for food. I'm just picturing Les Stroud sitting cross-legged in the pass lane at the drive thru at Arby's, just totally tripping out.

I love the episode where he gets dropped off in south central LA and has to make it to the Chick-fil-A in Beverly Hills on foot.

I've never seen either Grylls or Stroud's survival shows, but Gryll's biography on wikipedia can paint him as either a pretty hardcore guy, or someone who just seems to screw up dangerously all the time.

One of his sons is named Marmaduke.

You make the call.

That can't be, no one could name their son Marmaduke and live.

Wotan does that. Talks to ravens, that is.

A comment left by clever-nickname was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, phthoggos, Thorfinn, Ravenmancer, Hootplate)

Boo! Lame!

I completely though he was talking about Wu-Tang for a minute there. Which might kind of make sense.

The WHAT?!

Will Of The Aryan Nation? What?

Praise be to Woden, lord of the Hunt, and the allfather.

A comment left by digdugz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fell, kenthegod, Howard)

I was about to say the same thing. It's touching when Les remembers to bring his harmonica, to keep away the loneliness.

Ray Mears beats them both hands down. I mean, Ray doesn't just survive: he stays fat.

Well, I don't like Bear Grylls either, but to be fair his show is trying to demonstrate how to survive, rather than being about a man who goes out and survives.

I will agree that Les Stroud is an officer and a gentleman and should be given some kind of award.

Les Stroud has more practical tips for survival. Bear Grylls mostly wants people to climb things.

Based on the episode I saw he wants them to climb things and be really Christian while they do it too. Maybe I caught an off episode though. Maybe it was supposed to be about surviving the rapture or something, but I'm pretty sure it was Argentina. Hard to tell though.

He did climb Mount Everest when he was like 12 though, that's gotta count for something in the badassness department.

Les Stroud lived in the wilderness with middle age technology with his wife for a year. That is more badass than Mt Everest

"..and I thought Matthew McConaughey's acting only stunk on the outside"

that WAS the quip. why make redundant statements? I bet you think you should answer that rhetorical question too.

::lazy wave:: Yet you'll still give me a chubby.

Excuse me Goober Peterson:

A: I wasn't replying to you. It obviously hasn't come to your attention that replies are slightly indented. I was replying to the clown fish, as you were.

B: I didn't give you a chubby. You are more than capable of doing that on your own.

Matthew McConaughey can also be used to hold about seven lemons.

The hair of Matthew McConaughey, when shaven and collected, can be woven into a fine blanket with excellent insulatory properties.

A Matthew McConaughey can be stored in a giant condom for later use.


i was a long time sufferer of gladiator addiction. their golden shields and sharp spears and swords-glinting in the sunlight-drew me in to their world of carnage and violence. years later i would realize that my gladiator addiction stemmed from a lack of violent images in my childhood, and that the simple act of watching the movie 300 was a sufficient cure.

my name is Andrew, and I used to be a Glatiataholic. i am currently ten months sober.

A comment left by morelaak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sarmatron, stop, yomimono, Ghede)

sometimes, people have nothing to say about others' comments. sometimes, we begin to expect replies or epic amounts of chubbies. sometimes, i care enough.

and that's the deal.

Sheesh, it has only been 22 hours, 21 when you posted that. Take a pill of Chill, a snack of relax, a... drink... of... stop & think? meh. That last one was a bit of a stretch.

I was about ten years free of gladiators, but then American Gladiators came back to NBC... so now its off the wagon for me.

Sadly (or fortunately for you) that comeback was short lived.

I am compelled to take a screenshot of this. 5 lames and 5 chubbies. The public cannot decide whether a simple rehash of comic text is good or bad. Why do I even visit these comments?

it's at 7 and 7 now

A comment left by mattfish was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, quardox, Wolfslice, clintisiceman)

Now breaking even at 9/9... This may be some kind of record for indecisiveness.

Chubbied for parity. At least it's not a "FIRST" post

i was so tempted. i cannot lie.

also, this little game that's going on with my top comment:


It is the debilitating effect of your new avatar. We feel confused and alone.

And possibly Mormon.

Anything but Mormon!

I'm sorry that my fluorescent eye is so horrifying. Really. I love you all dearly.

Fuck, man! I barfed! I barfed because I looked into your eye!



I looked and it was 16/16. I had to chubby it just to disrupt the balance. It's like when you see a crunchy looking leaf on the ground and you go clear out of your way to step on it. We're dedicated to increasing entropy, whether we admit it or not.

24 and 24 when I hit lame. I don't know how I got any lames to hit, but it awaits chubbies now.

Yes, yes, we've all wasted our lives.

I just don't know about that McConaughey fellow.

I just don't know.

When I was young, maybe, but now...

A comment left by bourbonsamurai was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, daidai, softerworld, waldo913, Sprog, philosophe)

man what

Things that sit on the front lawn naked playing the bongos high as a kite, hopefully with said bongos stragetically placed in front of lap pinky, are never good for kids.

This should never have been adapted from the "I'm a big guy now" series. This should have stayed in the big guy range and not ventured younger.

Chubby for "lap pinky," which has now lodged itself in my brain and will be used frequently from now on.

Lap Pinky lodged in one's brain:

A Problem.

Not a Problem. A Solution.

Edith's book sure would have come in handy during my Ed Koch obsession of 88.

Let us hope that the Guliani thing is contained, but right now it is breaking out Nationwide.


Philippe has some strange fascinations, but we have to wonder if he bought these books because of philippe's current actions, or if he's seeing this shit coming.

Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

looks like i picked the wrong week to quit drinking.

Looks like I picked the wrong day to quick sniffin' glue.

God damn it. * quit.

Looks like you picked the wrong day to quit spellcheckin'

A comment left by halfdirt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by flazisismuss, Semiquaver, whoppin, charchar, mrblank91, HollyBones)

Man, I feel the need to point out that a spellchecker would have solved nothing, as "quick" is also a valid word. Unless you meant just checking your post. Which you probably did. I only rely on spellcheck because I am WEAK.

You got me there. Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit proofreading.

Can't we all just get along?

The answer is, quite possibly, yes. Still, chubby for the effort.

i watched this movie today.

atrusrand to hear you I would believe you never were a child

A comment left by poing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Daemon, straw, VandenBos, divot, madnes, biomusicologist, pmoney187, Dezufnocosem, Overmedicated, Thorfinn, KingPete, luasn, waldo913, Phat, radishes, joebot, mrblank91, retinarow, Doc_Rostov, lastlarf, Mastronaut, SPECTRE, morbo)




Your child may well be enthralled by retellings of U-571 and We Are...Marshall , and such accounts may teach them valuable lessons about determination and perseverance (though I would recommend against actually showing your child the former for its violent content). However, avoid covering films like The Wedding Planner and Dazed and Confused until your child starts asking those awkward prepubescent questions a few years down the line.

Here's a book I could use for the five-year-old otter in my life:

It's Just Like Boiling Your Brain in Hydrochloric Acid: How to Explain Why You Won't Be Watching "Happily N'Ever After" For a Third Time Today , by Edith Jackfruit.

For me, it's Don't Say the Words Daddy Uses While Driving When There's Company Over.

You just know that the Colonel was hella cussin' whenever he was in private.

Private, hell. He visited his franchises personally, and you could catch an earful for fucking up his gravy.

But then, he would teach you how to make it right.

At least he had his priorities straight. God Bless You, Colonel Sanders.

You could also catch an earful of his gravy if you were fucking him.

Wow, I regretted that almost immediately. That was mega nasty. That was dog shit.

Or if he was fucking you... in the ear.

You and mysterymeat001 imply the character point this strip underscores: Teodor has become Philippe's de facto father. The other fellows chip in with editorial duties and online security and such, but for better or worse T has the largest hand in bringing up the little shaver.

What T doesn't seem to've considered is how he can make this work for him. Lonely as he is he should be setting Philippe up for play dates with the rich kids from Achewood Heights and making time himself with their au pairs.

The weird thing is, these all kinda sound like phases I went through as a five year old. Minus the Matthew McConaughey.

( Matt Damon)

Phillipe, do you like movies about gladiators?

I was just going to say that.

whoops didn't mean to chubbie you

I mean lame you. Darn

I mean I didn't even read what you said or click a response

Dammit, I made that response above. Sorry :(

It's okay. I forgive you, my son. You knew not what you did.

Forgive me Nikopol, for I have sinned;
I gave Dimsdale Spinynorman the comment.

As penance, I can but give you the deservèd Chubby.

oh dang't. 'DiNsdale.' Not the other one.

Ever been in a Turkish prison, Phillipe?

A full-on raging chubby to the person with the cojones to say the next line in this sequence.

Have you ever seen a grown man naked, Phillipe?

No one is brave enough to quote shit constantly on the Internet.

Except Matthew McConaughey.

Pilot: You ever been in a cockpit before?
Philippe: No sir, I've never been up in a plane before.
Pilot: You ever seen a grown man naked?

He'd like that last Robin Hood film then.

"Daddy, who was Robert Moses?" Yes, we've all had to face that question at one point or another. Now, finally, there is an answer.

"The Power Broker... For Kids!!!"

Next month, the Karo Kids Klub presents "L'il LBJ: The Path to Recess."

Not the mayor fascination!

Kids take mayors very seriously. I did.


Everytime you click on the link, Amaxon makes a contribution of one little ceasar's coupon to GAALD
(the Gladiator Action Awareness, Learning Division)

...Amaxon, eh.

Amaxon: The Greek God of Discount Shipping

A Max-On: Getting a hard on at the speed of light.

as "max" refers to a climax, i could only imagine this being another way to refer to orgasm, not merely becoming aroused.

as in "Now say I'm a security guard, hurry up dammit I'm about to get my max on!"

When I first saw the books, I thought Teodor was purchasing them for use on Ray. After reading the strip, I still think this would be a good plan of action.

Glad to see that Edith "Ron" Grapes' books are still in print. That volume sure helped ME out during Marion Barry's tenure in D.C.

Always wondered why they called her "Ron", though. Maybe it's a Wendy/Walter Carlos sort of situation?

I googled both Ron and Edith Grapes.

The only thing I could find was a toddler, I'm assuming named Edith, eating grapes on YouTube.




Hell of chubby for the Earthbound avatar. I'm having all sorts of flashbacks.

I recently tried re-playing Earthbound. I no'a like'a the game no more. When I am younger, sure, ok, but not so much now. Maybe I suck, maybe game suck. Who knows?

PS: It's me. I am the guy who sucks.

Plus, you got depression.

Phillipe suggests this with a knowing glint in his eye.

Matthew McConaughey is a gateway actor which can lead to harder and more dangerous actors, such as the Klaus Kinski .

Klaus Kinski is very popular at raves and in liberal arts college film classes. The combination of pretension and German techno is known to cultivate horniness in assholes.

your las bit confused me, please to be clarifying

falseprophet claimed that pretension (likely to be found among the people who would attend raves and film classes) and German techno music can together cause unlikeable people to be horny.

It's easier to gather statistical data on when people who are assholes are horny because they tend to announce it loudly to the room.

I like this Onstad fellow. He does good work.

I think achewood is a pretty cool guy. eh draws comics and doesn't afraid of anything.

I mean, once they get going on Mayors, they naturally turn to even more addictive elected officials, like Governors, Senators, and of course, Presidents.

It is a father's worst nightmare to find his son strewn out on the couch, eyes glazed over, C-Span blaring on the screen. When your child asks you to explain the voting process in detail, this is when you seek help.

Phillipe has well documented adoration and respect for mayors, it borders on the unhealthy

Teodor is still awaiting on copies of "Tales of a Fourth Grade Mike Golic" and "James and the Typhoid Peach"

Some even got on the Mayor!

A comment left by samodrei was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, FirePowa8, catgrl131, Zem)


Every father looks sadly toward the day when his son comes into the great Sinful Knowledge of what Matthew McConaughey is.

Hey, don't laugh, Gladiator Addiction is a grave, very real issue in our modern society. It ruins lives.

(More specifically, it ends them.)

NOOO. My comment is now stripped of all credibility.

these comments go on your permanent record

if your comment is true, then what sort of relationship do most folk have with Gladiators?

(What? Oh, a death relationship.)

"What" is a much better word to use than "who" to talk about Matthew McConaughey.

From an early age, try to introduce gladiators slowly into the childs life. Denying them of gladiators entirely will only help provoke interest in them, as a sort of "forbidden fruit". They need to understand that while gladiators can be fun and useful for overcoming inhibitions, gladiator abuse and gladiator addiction can have severe consequences. It can also help if the family has a glass of gladiator with meals.

Make sure your child is aware that driving or operating heavy machinery with gladiators can have serious consequences, and that gladiators present during pregnancy are highly destructive and may harm the baby.

Chubby for the Klaus Nomi icon. Now you've got that Lightning song stuck in my head...

i had seen that video a while ago and could not for the life of me remember the name of him. thank you for reminding me.


Klaus Nomi is a fascinating character. How Chris Onstad discovered him in order to obscurely reference him in a "Heute auf deutsch" comic is beyond me.

Somehow, I think Ray is to blame for the Gladiator Addiction.

I had this with pirates, guns, skeletons, and a little bit firemen.

Dinosaurs. Androids. Warrior-angels.

Klaus Nomi, the golden ratio, and pathology.

death, the world's biggest sour jawbreaker and Tom Brokaw.

samurai, mad science/scientists, and thoughts of my own grotesque, cartoonish death.


Maybe it's because it was back in the 60s, but I was only fascinated by baseball, and stealing sips of my dad's beer.

Nah, born in 88 here, and it was pretty much the same for me.

Terminal illneses, Judy Blume (I was an advanced reader), Totally Spies (kill me, please), cream cheese, and meringue.

Godel, Escher, Bach

Well aren't you a strange loop.

soldiers, firemen, dudes with heavy machinery

Dinosaurs, Andalites, Darth Vader, Russian nesting dolls, the bad guys in James Bond movies, and Hackers (the movie, not the actual hacking).

I was a weird kid.

Soldiers, Cowboys, NINJA TURTLES.

death, radiation, and growing diseases in petri dishes in the basement (seriously, my dad helped me do this).

Also puppies and all things pink and purple.

Teenagers, ninjas, mutants and turtles.

This is the chubby you get when I am too damn friendly to give real ones

It deserves no chubbies, virtual or gosh-darn real ones; "mutants" & "ninjas" are in the wrong order. I saw it as soon as I had hit 'post', and the child inside me* started crying.

*=Arrested Development reference, if I can make it slightly less disgusting by clarifying THAT.
(my avatar probably isn't helping matters, is it?)

Your AD reference is on the vague side. Or do you mean the Man Inside You started crying?

But as to your original post: it is funnier as you wrote it.

Ghostbusters, archeology, and stickers.

Sharks, Energy weapons, and Jacques Cousteau

Dinosaurs, stuffed animals, Road Runner, D & D, Catholicism.

I really hope this recent trend of a lot of Cornelius in the strip keeps the hell up.

I have a pretty interesting he-said she-said story about Matthew McConaughey that makes this all the funnier to me, but I'm unsure if I should share since it's merely heresy.

I think you mean hearsay, but I like the idea Matthew McConaughey did something very bad in the eyes of the Vatican.

Actually it could go both ways!

i Know i am not the only one Intrigued.

yes snoozebar explain or face the achewood inquisition. our cheif weapons are surprise and a perfectl cooked bacon beignet. a perfectly cooked bacan beignet and a fanaticil devotion to onstad...

and terrible spelling, apparently.

Not only that, but it wasn't snoozebar , it was deovalente .

ohhhh the confusion.

Whoops, shameful drunken comment above! Move, along, ignore the drunken me of a week previous! He knows not what he says! Keep him away from the internets!

The book titles from this strip remind me a lot of the Chappie. For some classic Onstad: https://www.stanfordchaparral.com/jokes/show/62


This is a 'two-ron' comic.

oh crap it's a three-ron.

I might have Mayor Fascination.

What, they didn't have any copies of "Royalty and Urine: Early Preventative Measures" by Ron Coltrane?

What is Matthew McConaughey? Seriously.

He's not a mayor apparently.

I'm not even sure if i like mayors anymore..... this is the worst thing since i was unsure about kings.

Colonel Gentleman's List of Hollywood Actors Who Need a Smack in the Mouth :

Matthew McConaughey... Brad Pitt... Matt Damon... Tara Reid... Sean Connery...

Chubbed with reservation for the Venture Brothers reference. But why include Tara Reid and not, say, Tom Cruise or Samuel L Jackson? I'm no fan of hers, but she's no more mannish than the average Hollywood blonde with fakies.

Just for the outright weirdness of it, really. Plus, Colonel Gentleman was "a crazy person."

I gotcha. Sorry about those two lames you got. I've noticed that folks sometimes lame references they don't get, lashing out like Mensans challenged by a word problem they don't understand.

If the strip itself weren't genius enough, Cornelius's stance in panel 2 warmed my heart and made my day.

Where did he get a drink from?

Onstad hands them too him off-panel. He's on call.

Too? wtf. to*

I fail.

One of the coolest things about the Achewood forums is the much higher than average level of competence in grammar, spelling, and diction. Much higher than average for the population in general, much less the level typical on the internet.
on internet message boards.
Any animosity that your error may have engendered was subsequently obviated by your immediate mea culpa.

Gads, there is nothing worse than egregious editing failures on a post discussing literary execution.

So which of them were you really planning to go for? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING US.

The one that sucked the least.

He was holding it behind his back in the first panel.

I spent four years volunteering as a counsellor for Gladiator Addiction during my free time. Those were some long, cold nights... when I think of that time I always think of Keith. Clean and sober for six months, not one oiled bicept, not a solitary leather kilt. we all thought the days of concealed tiger pits and (at best) rudimentary stadium seating arrangements were behind him.

Then Ridley rolled into town. You all remember how it was, everyone all representing for Ancient Rome and suddenly what we did in this life echoed in eternity.

I got a call from Keith that weekend, asked me to meet him in a diner downtown. Soon as I got there, him and this new trick got up from their table. Seems they were eloping.

"I've been dying to tell someone! This is Bruximus..."


I ran into Keith a few weeks back. he looked well, all things considered; I didn't ask where "Bruximus" was. A year on the half back on the wagon, kid on the way and everything.

I wish him all the best.

Chubbied, with the assumption that the use of bicept instead of biceps was a typo, not a misspelling.

Chubbied for goddamn excellence .

In the great state of Illinois, one learns that mayors are not to be trifled with.

Village presidents, however, are always a joke.

how true this is.

chubbied for IL




Possession of Matthew McConaughey or McConaughey paraphinalia is not only dangerous but its against the law.

this is THE Amazon package.

chubbied for your To Write avi. rad, rad organization.

Mayor fallout is the main reason why people don't want mayor plants in their towns. Once it gets into the ground water it's game over, man.

I have a mayor plant in my town, and things have never been better. Fallout is unlikely, thanks to safety procedures, and the cheap stream of mayors has caused our local economy to catapult upwards. The fallout that does occur is rarely low enough to cause any damage over a lifetime even. We suffer more from celebrity fallout than mayor fallout. (Goddamn fame-burning plant.)

I have no idea what I'm doing anymore.

Your getting chubby'd is what!

Who is that on the cover of When Mayors Aren't Enough: Coping With Mayor Fascination and Fallout ?

I just have to say that Philippe is in way better hands with Teodor than his psycho mom. I can only hope Teodor will someday undo the damage... but then, Philippe is five. Philippe will always be five.

A comment left by n00b was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by spesimen, kenthegod, Ravenmancer)

another instance where proper punctuation makes a huge difference.

A comment left by mista_b was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, kenthegod, Ravenmancer)

Ruined everything forever.

McConaughey is a perplexing subject.

does anyone else think that xiaomimi has the best chubby-to-lame ratio

This strip deserves a higher rating.

this is the worst strip, it's not funny

I know you've been going through the archives a lot in recent months, trying really hard to act like a dick - but, yeah, this one ain't that great.

"father what's matthew mcconaughey?" did jay leno write this