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The Unwilling Voyeur Friday, August 29, 2003 • read strip Viewing 62 comments:

I think we learned a lot about Roast Beef and Ray in this series

I am still waiting for the day when I am better at having sex than a fake cat.

Yeah, ain't noone has topped Garfield yet.


Yes, but be glad that you haven't been topped by Garfield.

Would never happen: Garfield's totally a bottom. See here: https://achewood.com/index.php?date=05222003

I hear he's a master at asleep style.

The running "KILL THE LIGHT!" gag in this story arc always perplexed me, and I don't know why.

So the cops wouldn't see the light and think to check in the dumbwaiter.

I thought that it existed so that the reader could know who was speaking, placing Roast Beef. It doesn't really matter who is speaking on the left, but it is important that the reader knows that it is Beef's story.

Todd, who is high on the drugs and somewhat twitchy about being caught is shouting to kill the light.

I think it's Teodor

It's totally Lyle. Teodor wouldn't say "didja."

Nah, it's Lyle. He'd be the one most likely to catch the attention of the cops.

In the last comic Todd is told to kill the light

beef's lack of punctuation and smaller text would have made his dialogue recognizable even without the light, though

But then it would just be 6 panels of black, the illustrator's dream.

Yes, illustrators love...not illustrating anything. That is ideal for them.

That sounded kind of cockish, sorry.

I meant it more as that an illustrator could be paid to "illustrate" a strip by just going colouring 5 panels black.

a) In that panel alone, the reader finds out that there's at least 3 characters, and they're hiding in the dark. It sets up the gag for the one-time reader and ties into the previous strip for the devotee.

b) That panel is the one thing saving this strip from having no drawings whatsoever. It's arguable that aside from the bold lexicon and devil-may-care syntax of Achewood, the best part is the aesthetic genius of the strip. In particular, I find that facial expressions are one of the more frequent topics discussed on AcheWorld

T-t-t-t-todd, Vlad, Teodore, and Lyle

Doh. Next comic. >_<

I just realized that Vlad is in there with them.

I like how Ray won't put the cigarette because it was a " kind of expensive" brand - it didn't even have to be straight-out expensive for him to keep smoking it. Classy?

Props for capitalizing Do It and using 'maxed instead of climaxed.

Is SO nasty

so, wait, if someone says they are "maxin' and relaxin'" is that what they really mean? how odd.

Not to mention shootin' some b-ball outside of the school.

Ray is so classy at the sex, despite the fact that he locks his friend in the dumbwaiter to make him watch.

I must correct you. Ray is not "classy" at sex.

He is ruuuuuuuuuuuuude .

the pause in panel 3 is so necessary.

as a woman i question the logistics of this

A comment left by rad_chillies was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, Hipjiverobot, Gompo, goocifer, n00b)

I don't know about spelling out the name in smoke (though if you could do it with anything you could do it with a name like Ray) but it wouldn't be hard to steady the ashtray with your free hand. It's probably on her back or thereabouts anyway.


Duct tape the bottom of the ashtray to the fur...works everytime.

oh man that sounds...just nasty....SO nasty.

I don't think he could spell his name in smoke either.





This strip demonstrates how great the dialogue is in Achewood, since you can almost always tell exactly which character is speaking, even if you can't see him.

I was planning on making this exact post if no one else had.

I was planning on saying that I was planning on making this exact post if no one else had.

I fucked your dad!

You mean his dad that I...


well, there's also the fact that only one character stutters and only one says things like 'seeink'

Clearly, with Ray, sex is a all about him. Or about him and Beef, anyway.
Poor Melissa, trapped in a narcissistic cat's sex games with his unwilling friend.

Maybe he didn't intend to spell out his name. Maybe it just... happened.

Alt Text: It was in cursive, of course.

last panel makes it clear that no one is the fucking man to the degree that Ray is the fucking man

It's a good thing Phillipe was with Ray at the time

"KILL THE LIGHT" is said by a coke-head squirrel - guess that explains it?

Funny, I thought it was Teodor... Or possibly Lyle...

Teodor. He's just the kind to go all jittery and melodramatic in a crunch situation.

Fucking classic

I think we have the meaning of what a "trashy orgasm" is.

It could be trashier. acid-wash jeans still halfway on, sweat all runnin' down old uncle Ray's back, he on her mullet...

nat shermans! the luxury cigarette!

I guess the last panel makes sense because Ray's name wouldn't take long to spell at all.

I think the best part of this strip was when I realized Vlad was stuck with them in Panel 4.

So Cornelius is definitely here, since only he would say the first line. Obviously Vlad too, and Todd is the one with the stutter. "Didja" sounds like something Lyle would say, so he could also be the one yelling to kill the light, or that could be Teodor.

I scrolled down expecting some photoshop whizz would have posted a picture of ray makin' and maxin' with his name in cursive smoke but oh well...

I wonder if he wrote it like: -=Ray=-