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Philippe 4 Prez Thursday, January 29, 2004 • read strip Viewing 70 comments:

A comment left by mr_pete was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Vladimir, Zeno, Darthemed)

NO. Phillipe will never understand because he is always 5.

If only you knew how prophetic this was...
We apparently all associate Cornelius with Soap box derbies.

Oh God, I just woke up after passing out after looking at your avatar.

A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by qleblat, Howard, RBisme, SotiCoto)

Truly, Mr. Bear is wise.

"I am such a fraud. This is so empty."

Wish I could double chubby. The connection between his comment and avatar went 10 months unnoticed, but you nailed it.

Damn fine work.

good for him. i hope he wins.

Philippe's ears are really highlighted in this strip.

A comment left by sstralka was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, ishuta, SSDDR, DeimosRising, GeyserShitdick, rowboat, king_of_pwns, Connellingus, farqussus, drycup, IggyMoonbeam, CanusDivinus, nipsy43, mugi, shortside40, nutmeg, Wulvaine, smilebuddha, anitrophaeron, Audhumla, Mastronaut, slalvation, Centipede_Damascus)

A comment left by geysershitdick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by TombsGrave, Epicurus, Satyr, aperson)

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, farqussus, Semiquaver, dinner, theplaidknight, Doc_Rostov, stormagnet, ovenface)

A comment left by slalvation was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, NeoNaoNeo, farqussus, PurpleRose, Cracklewater, Audhumla)

Satire of satirical cartoons. Enter the simulacrum!
(I am hoping silently that the link works)

Not.. so silently..

A comment left by wulvaine was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by phthoggos, fakead, sex_bicycle, dinner, bixschmix, stormagnet, pogo, aperson)

Man, seriously? I get down on stuff sometimes too, but I mean...you have a better plan?

We could all just die. Die to DEATH.

Not particularly, haha. I didn't really intend for that to be taken seriously.



Philippe is my better plan, he is AMERICA's better plan. He is the superlative president.

He's the presidentest?

*Democracy*-democracy? Not, representative, first-past-the-post, non-preferential, money-infected, lobbyist-infested Presidential "democracy"?

Don't blame me, i voted for Kodos.

Take your lame and never question Mr. Bear again.

You did't deserve all those lames. Republican-bashing is entirely valid. However, i think the problem is, you could say exactly the same about the Demmocrats.

Huh. I was half-thinking about writing "Demmycrats" to lighten the tone of my comment, i guess the double-M sort of seeped through...

god i hate seepage.

like the urine that is seeping through my pants.

The birth of a legend.

It's a shame that he could never be President, as is he is thirty years too young and was born outside of the US.

Didn't stop Harry Truman.

After seeing the final panel, how can you monsters not vote 5.

the "Goodthingatarians" are pro-things and anti-otherstuff. It's anarchy, basically.

Don't thank Phillipe: thank Anarchy!

Also, I am sending a write-in vote for Phillipe come November.

Well he is always carrying around that cookbook with him eh.

Philippe knows it is that easy

The Philipe arcs make life beautiful again.

The Philippe arcs are really good too.

But forget about those Philipppe ones. They are a tad... excessive.

Wow, I had to read this like five times. Nice.

I wish there was someone to vote for that was half as sincere and likeable as Philippe

Was I the only one that actually wrote Philippe in on the ballot?

A comment left by stuart was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, Hayzeus, invidious, NeoNaoNeo, InfiniteJest, flazisismuss, Semiquaver, fmercury, stormagnet, morbo)

rollin down the street in my Abrams, shootin up H, tradin' securities, poor folks havin' a gang war with my private security contractors, fuck yea

Well I guess if you wanna be all Negative Nancy about it...

A comment left by wulvaine was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, riotdejaneiro, Hayzeus, d3lvn, fmercury)

Car all emitting noxious fumes out the exhaust. Makin' CFCs look like Al Gore's farts.

Street all unpaved. All 5 foot potholes covered with plywood.

Can't argue with the idea of government staying the f*ck outta people's lives

Surprisingly, many people do argue with this idea. I don't understand why, but there it is.

A comment left by stuart was marked lame too many times and excluded.
(marked lame by Hayzeus, invidious, NeoNaoNeo, InfiniteJest, flazisismuss, Semiquaver, fmercury, stormagnet, morbo)

Haha, politics ! Life is hilarious!

(also, all but one of you (fmercury, who posted: subthread #1, comment #3) can pussyfuck off with your passive-agressive Internet bullshit)

The Libertarian Party is mega-nasty. It is DOGSHIT.

What's passive-aggressive about that? It's not like I lamed you anonymously.

Phillippe in '08. We know he won't cave for the special interests.

Unless the chainsaw lobbyists get to him.

This makes me so happy. So HAPPEEEE!!!

Phileppe running for president is actually one of my favorite subplots in Achewood.

I missed Mr. Bear

I would vote for Philipe. We wouldn't go to war, we would just hug the fuck out of everyone.

I would vote the shit out of any ticket which had Phillippe on it

Lie Bot would trick him into going to war

Kind of the saddest thing ever.

Philippe gets things done (to the extent that his limited resources allow).

I really like this. (It might be the vodka.)

...and that little Otter grew up to be...

...Karl Rove.


PS: this is now a period joke.

it's whom in panel 5

Constitutionally, Philippe can't be elected. Philippe is twenty years too young.

Philippe is five.

you think he gives a FUCK about the Constitution?

yeah right

Where can I get an Achewood absentee ballot? I fully support the Party For HUUUGS! He should get THESE KNIVES for VP.