+0 -0
A comment left by usagi21 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, dayvancowboy, biomusicologist, ohmygooses, TheLoneliestMonkey, NDCaesar, regrepsnefpoh)
A comment left by usagi21 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, dayvancowboy, biomusicologist, ohmygooses, TheLoneliestMonkey, NDCaesar, regrepsnefpoh)
+37 -0
Wow, people really hate that you two love this strip.
Wow, people really hate that you two love this strip.
+4 -0
So much anger in this strip, Ray is so sad at the end, but it makes me want to have a pizza party.
So much anger in this strip, Ray is so sad at the end, but it makes me want to have a pizza party.
+0 -0
A comment left by nurdbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by littlecat, dullard, colonelangus)
A comment left by nurdbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by littlecat, dullard, colonelangus)
+1 -0
I really don't see this as Ray being angry, more that he's telling someone he doesn't really like very much something that they need to hear, very badly. Besides, who wants diabetes to come to a pizza party?
I really don't see this as Ray being angry, more that he's telling someone he doesn't really like very much something that they need to hear, very badly. Besides, who wants diabetes to come to a pizza party?
+12 -0
Diabetes will be there whether Ray likes it or not.
Diabetes will be there whether Ray likes it or not.
+3 -0
So, you know when you go through the archives and read a funny comment and go to chubby it? Only to realize that you've already chubbied it?!?!?
yeah, well that just happened.
So, you know when you go through the archives and read a funny comment and go to chubby it? Only to realize that you've already chubbied it?!?!?
yeah, well that just happened.
+2 -0
im diabetic .. Do i have to leave my pancreas at the door?
im diabetic .. Do i have to leave my pancreas at the door?
+4 -1
I love fuck you fridays.
I also love telling people that "blank" is to "blank" as the head of a nail is to a hammer.
I love fuck you fridays.
I also love telling people that "blank" is to "blank" as the head of a nail is to a hammer.
+36 -0
I'm more partial to informing people that it was Voltaire who said "Well, then fuck them"
I'm more partial to informing people that it was Voltaire who said "Well, then fuck them"
+0 -0
Voltaire was at the Rumble in West Side Story. He was the one with the broken bottle of Chateauneuf.
Voltaire was at the Rumble in West Side Story. He was the one with the broken bottle of Chateauneuf.
+1 -0
It took me over a year to understand what Dr. Andretti was saying. In my defense, I'm usually not that slow.
It took me over a year to understand what Dr. Andretti was saying. In my defense, I'm usually not that slow.
+10 -0
Diabetes hits Ray's lifestyle over and over again, until the lifestyle is flush with the wood, as to prevent objects and/or persons from catching themselves on it.
Diabetes hits Ray's lifestyle over and over again, until the lifestyle is flush with the wood, as to prevent objects and/or persons from catching themselves on it.
+2 -0
Shouldn't it be the other way around though...?
Shouldn't it be the other way around though...?
+2 -2
and, just for good measure, fuck you diabetes. and fuck your inferior brand jogging shoes.
and, just for good measure, fuck you diabetes. and fuck your inferior brand jogging shoes.
+0 -0
Why does he need the mirror?
Why does he need the mirror?
+37 -0
If he were fatter, he'd need it to see his junk. As it is, maybe he's giving his belly a look at itself, as though that is where diabetes is lurking. "See this? I'm losing you!" Which is the effect of what he actually says to diabetes, so that's most likely.
That, or he's dissociating, and thinks Ray's belly, not Ray, is the one who needs to lose weight. Or it's just some more semi-surreal shit that Onstad threw in there to change the effect of the panel. Without the mirror, it would be a much sadder image, I think - just a fattish guy looking at his belly and seeing his own mortality.
Note that the mirror shows the correct reflection for how it's held, with the roll of fat and the belly button at a slight angle. I think it's cool how Onstad pays attention to such details. His minimalist drawing style is not an excuse to leave things out, but a way to put just the right things in.
If he were fatter, he'd need it to see his junk. As it is, maybe he's giving his belly a look at itself, as though that is where diabetes is lurking. "See this? I'm losing you!" Which is the effect of what he actually says to diabetes, so that's most likely.
That, or he's dissociating, and thinks Ray's belly, not Ray, is the one who needs to lose weight. Or it's just some more semi-surreal shit that Onstad threw in there to change the effect of the panel. Without the mirror, it would be a much sadder image, I think - just a fattish guy looking at his belly and seeing his own mortality.
Note that the mirror shows the correct reflection for how it's held, with the roll of fat and the belly button at a slight angle. I think it's cool how Onstad pays attention to such details. His minimalist drawing style is not an excuse to leave things out, but a way to put just the right things in.
+0 -0
Wise comments, sir. Sorry to comment 8 months later, but well done.
Wise comments, sir. Sorry to comment 8 months later, but well done.
+0 -0
+10 -0
Ray citing Voltaire is one of the best moments in Achewood history.
Ray citing Voltaire is one of the best moments in Achewood history.
+4 -0
Ray uses an overturned cardboard box when he wants to take his old-school milk drinking on the road to a place that doesn't have front steps.
Ray uses an overturned cardboard box when he wants to take his old-school milk drinking on the road to a place that doesn't have front steps.
+9 -1
alt text: Dr. Andretti just cannot get the idea of that door being closed
alt text: Dr. Andretti just cannot get the idea of that door being closed
+4 -0
Yes. Perhaps as a Doctor, no door is truly closed to him.
Yes. Perhaps as a Doctor, no door is truly closed to him.
+1 -0
It's so sad the way he just tries to throw money at the problem...
It's so sad the way he just tries to throw money at the problem...
+25 -0
Screw You, Diabetes. FUCK You!
Screw You, Diabetes. FUCK You!
+0 -1
No-one likes you, Diabetes! No-one's ever liked you!
No-one likes you, Diabetes! No-one's ever liked you!
+0 -0
i love fuck you fridays!
i love fuck you fridays!
+36 -0
for about three years of my life, i did not know that neil diamond and neil young were two different people. that awkward neil-confusion phase is one of the few experiences everyone shares, but few discuss. it's just like when you thought that the word "astigmatism" was actually just "stigmatism" with the "a" added as a pronoun, and that those tiny little shiny bits in charcoal were actually diamonds.
for about three years of my life, i did not know that neil diamond and neil young were two different people. that awkward neil-confusion phase is one of the few experiences everyone shares, but few discuss. it's just like when you thought that the word "astigmatism" was actually just "stigmatism" with the "a" added as a pronoun, and that those tiny little shiny bits in charcoal were actually diamonds.
+0 -0
Wish I could give you double chubbies for the post/icon synergy.
Wish I could give you double chubbies for the post/icon synergy.
+0 -0
A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, goocifer, chivalress, luckypyjamas, shoinan, Magb, Audhumla, echidnaboy, skyliner)
A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, goocifer, chivalress, luckypyjamas, shoinan, Magb, Audhumla, echidnaboy, skyliner)
+22 -0
that certainly was the text in the last panel
that certainly was the text in the last panel
+0 -0
A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, goocifer, chivalress, brzbee, luckypyjamas, Magb, Direhaggis, Slab64, skyliner)
A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, goocifer, chivalress, brzbee, luckypyjamas, Magb, Direhaggis, Slab64, skyliner)
+0 -0
Ray really doesn't look at all like Neil Young in the second panel. That's Neil Diamond all the way.
Ray really doesn't look at all like Neil Young in the second panel. That's Neil Diamond all the way.
+0 -0
Pat is determined yet again to force his opinion on Ray, just look at the aggression in his stance. What a bastard.
Pat is determined yet again to force his opinion on Ray, just look at the aggression in his stance. What a bastard.
+1 -0
Pat is a dick
Pat is a dick
+0 -0
Achewood wins for narration.
Achewood wins for narration.
+0 -0
Seriously. Who fuckin' says that????
Seriously. Who fuckin' says that????
+1 -0
Voltaire, obviously.
Voltaire, obviously.
+1 -0
This coming from Teodor, the man with like fourteen different wigs.
This coming from Teodor, the man with like fourteen different wigs.
+0 -0
the diabetes analogy made this a five
and everything else was fantastic as well
the diabetes analogy made this a five
and everything else was fantastic as well
+21 -0
Today's Blogs
Pat: Loaf-off!
Today's Blogs
Pat: Loaf-off!
+0 -0
Why would he sue the CatheterWish man.
Why would he sue the CatheterWish man.
+0 -0
Because "the smell was unbearable" meaning he couldn't hide there, so he feels the CatheterWish man is partially responsible for his capture.
Because "the smell was unbearable" meaning he couldn't hide there, so he feels the CatheterWish man is partially responsible for his capture.
+0 -0
"I vowed then and there that if I did not move more samples than Roger, I would quite simply tear his head off in the parking lot once evening came. Hands only. No mechanical advantage or levers. Step on his foot, cup the base of the skull, and pull up. My rule."
Yeah, Pat is crazy...
"I vowed then and there that if I did not move more samples than Roger, I would quite simply tear his head off in the parking lot once evening came. Hands only. No mechanical advantage or levers. Step on his foot, cup the base of the skull, and pull up. My rule."
Yeah, Pat is crazy...
+0 -0
Dr. Andretti does not think that this can wait.
Dr. Andretti does not think that this can wait.
+0 -1
Where is that DIABEETUS picture? Why has no one posted it?
Where is that DIABEETUS picture? Why has no one posted it?
+0 -0
[url]¤t=200px-Wlifbrimzombie.jpg" target="_blank">
[url]¤t=200px-Wlifbrimzombie.jpg" target="_blank">

+2 -1
+2 -0
Yeah, I see it. Thanks. That is exactly the picture I needed.
Yeah, I see it. Thanks. That is exactly the picture I needed.
+0 -0
Didn't someone else post this somewhere else?
Didn't someone else post this somewhere else?
+0 -0
yes...this hasn't been posted here about a hundred times... [/sarcasm]
yes...this hasn't been posted here about a hundred times... [/sarcasm]
+1 -0
tissue for your issue:
tissue for your issue:
+1 -0
dude don't have a sargasm
dude don't have a sargasm
+2 -0
I quote the last two panels fairly regularly, either aloud or as inner monologue.
Every time I take my blood sugar, I'm all "SCREW YOU DIABETES! FUCK YOU!"
I quote the last two panels fairly regularly, either aloud or as inner monologue.
Every time I take my blood sugar, I'm all "SCREW YOU DIABETES! FUCK YOU!"
+0 -0
Seriusly doc. FUCK YOU! You dont disturb a guy during his piss shivers.
Seriusly doc. FUCK YOU! You dont disturb a guy during his piss shivers.
+1 -0
I was out on a run the other day listening to The Yes Album and I felt just as awesome as Ray does in panel 5. I was all, "CAN YOU AFFORD TWO HUNDRED DOLLAR NIKES, DIABETES?! CAN YOU? NO! YOU CAN'T EVEN AFFORD THE TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PIECES OF SHIT I'M WEARING!"
I was out on a run the other day listening to The Yes Album and I felt just as awesome as Ray does in panel 5. I was all, "CAN YOU AFFORD TWO HUNDRED DOLLAR NIKES, DIABETES?! CAN YOU? NO! YOU CAN'T EVEN AFFORD THE TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PIECES OF SHIT I'M WEARING!"
A comment left by jesseadam was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, dayvancowboy, biomusicologist, Vondicus, ohmygooses, rascaldom, TheLoneliestMonkey, NDCaesar, regrepsnefpoh, Magb, pogo)