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Philippe and the Skeleton Tuesday, July 5, 2005 • read strip Viewing 119 comments:

Seriously Onstad, I'd say 2005 was the best year of Achewood ever. You were just on the ball. Reading through I'm cracking up, or feeling some sort of emotion at every strip.

I concur.

how does this comic make you feel?


A comment left by chuchurocket was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, Norsef, riotdejaneiro, srmeowmeow, Vondicus, odei, scrumpton, HSE, Howard, NDCaesar, DougTheHead, atticusonline, Lumus, Brosaurus)

A comment left by chuchurocket was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, srmeowmeow, getawaykettle, rascaldom, DougTheHead, atticusonline, Brosaurus, mattylite, Madoushi)

Because it was a stretch?

A comment left by chuchurocket was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, srmeowmeow, greenery, getawaykettle, ActualTaunt, atticusonline, Art-Vader, Lumus, Brosaurus, Madoushi)

Is it terribly inappropriate to say I think chuchurocket was rad?

A comment left by chuchurocket was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by srmeowmeow, mattbeetee, Brosaurus, kestral)

That's odd, usually when I give someone a chubby its a stretch.

2004-2005 in my opinion. 2005 is funnier, but 2004 has the two best Nice Pete arcs.

The terror of small children is delightful!


The terror of small otters.....divine.

Philippe kneeled in fear.

The kneeling truly sells his terror

knelt. he knelt in fear.

I don't know if falling to your knees in abject terror is really the same as kneeling.

I agree, Phillipe went "weak in the knees from fear," he did not kneel voluntarily.

the horror, the horror...


bar-none, my favorite achewood strip ever. This is the strip I use as a barometer for my friends and their compatability with achewood.

Your avatar makes this comment look somewhat absurd.

I thought that was from the Mickey Pancake, but then I didn't remember so many shock lines.

Yes, Andrew. You should know that you are not allowed to say anything that wouldn't actually be screamed by a mortified Philippe. You are here for our amusement.

May I suggest 'AAAA! AAAAAAAA! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ', for example?

Completely. This strip is hanging in my home, immediately next to the door to my bed room. If someone doesn't like it, then they aren't welcome in my bed room. It's important.

"Extra stuff." That's some quality right there.

What's sad is that you can't tell whether LieBot is happy or sad or indifferent to the result here.

I sort of get the impression that he isn't happy or sad, he just has a "LIE COMPLETED" message scrolling around in his programming.

Do you know, I never thought of that. I guess he's a machine, he doesn't really put a great deal of thought behind it.

It is clear in this strip that Philippe does not understand the concept of a "LIE" bot. Poor little guy.

No one seems to. Maybe they've always pronounced it "Lé Bot" or something?

It's because he mixes it up. Look back through the archives, half of the time he's telling the truth.

I get the feeling that he's sort of thinking, "Huh. Well, wouldja look at that?"

I think he's just harvesting the discord caused by his disinformation.

That's because telling the truth half the time is THE BEST KIND OF LIE

Another interesting thing is the way that he is holding his sides as if he were laughing, but he is not laughing, just standing there in his bitching shoes, getting props from us plebs.

He maintains the pose for the entire strip. I see him as hooking his thumbs through imaginary belt loops, or around imaginary suspenders....

a SKELETON. So perfect.

Oh god, the intense screaming of Phillippe reminds me of how scared I was of skeletons when I was a kid.

I would have done this when I was about five or so.

Very true, I remember dreaming that my dad answered the door bell to find a skeleton on the door step just standing there, watching us.

I screamed enough to wake the whole house.

They hang out with Lie bot so much, but they just do not even get his prime directive at all, which is in his name.

Philippe's mouth opens differently now. Compare to https://achewood.com/index.php?date=10152001

He's also gained a button nose since then.

and 2 eyes made out of coal

Yet it's still kind of gross.

Oh, the terror!! Poor little guy...

The fact that he kneels in absolute mind numbing terror makes me gag with laughter.

Teodor really needs to stop leaving Philippe alone with that robot.

The problem is, no one other animal is responsible for Philippe. His bringing-up is so inconsistent. Of course, that can be a good thing sometimes - lots of different influences. And Lie Bot *did* get him eating healthy again with the whole dinosaur eggs and king piss thing...

It takes a dysfunctional village to raise a dysfunctional child.

I clicked 5 with wild abandon

Your avatar displays this perfectly.

A comment left by pogo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by beansdooma, rascaldom, Lumus)

Semantics is just glorified word choice.

So you say.

(I later gave up on this battle of terms, but not before the avitaricon and variations were invented.)

shutup shutup

The battle of the very sophisticated avatars.

He looks so adorable in Panel 4

You get the distinct impression he's just going to keep screaming until he passes out due to lack of oxygen.

Which will take about seven panels.

I like to imagine that he's perfected the method of screaming in abject terror while breathing IN. So he keeps screaming until he hyperventilates.

When I was Philippe's age, I was at this Mexican restaurant that my family goes to a lot. My dad told me that behind this decorative Mexican rug that was hanging on the wall, there was a mummy. My reaction was pretty similar to this.

But the good news is, the whiskey works.

Since the next seven panels also go AAAAAAAA!... I like to think that Philippe in this strip sounds a bit like the dude in the Godfather who finds a horse head in his bed.

"A man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous"


I'm asphyxiating. This is what...I...my...brother...when he was five...BwahHAH!

This strip even translates well to telling it to a friend, no visuals. That's class .


No child has ever felt terror like this before.

All children feel that terror, or they have had uninformed childhood(s).
It is the terror of Future Dead Person

Quite possibly my favorite ever. I would vote a 6 if I could.

Damn you, Lie Bot... damn you.

That door is shaped weird and would not open properly in real life.

How can anyone not love the Philippe vs. Lie Bot strips?

collapsing in sheer terror... poor Philippe.

Philippe is too old to believe in skeletons

Wow, This set up really could use a "review comment before posting feature." What I meant to say is Liebot is a smug, self-satisfied, vainglorious bastard.

Philippe here reminds me of snoopy.

Philippe's face actually ages from terror. That's what stress does.

In my acting class, we were working with emotion, specifically fear. "think of something terrifying." I let my mind wander for a quarter of a second. Skeletons are scary, I think.
I was reprimanded for my loud and inappropriate laugher.

this was the 1st strip i had the pleasure of coming across about 2 years ago.... i cracked up soooo hard. fan ever since.







Oh, I dunno. Extra stuff?

Don't worry we can keep this going. Now tell me all the anachronisms of the 13th century prostitutes in rural England.

I guess that would be that they wore digital watches or some such modern device which were clearly out of place for the time?

It was the pads with wings...nobody had wings in the 13th century...those crazy hookers.

Hookers wear feminine hygiene products?

The anachronistic ones do.




Oh shit wait let's make our avatars talk:


Hi, I am Philippe. Nice to meet you.


Are you guys available to perform at parties? This is pretty fantastic.

Oh yeah, yeah, we sure are...

but only if the party took place a month ago!

Car of pain etc

If only I had but one more Chubby to give.

Sixteen times.

A chubby for the doc.

Maybe we should have a reunion tour!

Well, that was weird. Anyway...

Look...some things were said....some images were posted. Let's put the past behind us and try to be pals.


Guys I really hatAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Hey I couldn't really read what you said. Did you get cut off or sometAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


Whenever I see this strip, I immediately want to pair it with this strip.

You mean like this?

Fucking. Hell. Yes.

Thank you for making this poor-with-computers guy smile, smile, smile.

the way that lie bot is in the last panel reminds me of a cold, emotionless killer.