If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
The Semiotics of Cultural Self-disregard Friday, December 18, 2009 • read strip Viewing 201 comments:

A comment left by troy_convers was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by gladi8orrex, colonelangus, Jorus, LexSenthur, slowcentury)

Do you mean, how did we come to this? Every time the wonders of science bring us new technology - television, sending moving images straight into our homes from anywhere in the world; the internet, connecting people all over the globe, enabling us to have a conversation with a group of people from all different countries, linking us to them in seconds; interactivity, where we, the receivers of content, can have direct control over what we see and what the powers that be send for us to watch - the second all these things appear, before their incredible potential as something beautiful can be fully realised, they get snapped up by "creatives" who boil their possibilities down to the lowest common denominator, appealing to the widest ranging masses but never really pleasing anyone, leaving us all with this hollow, empty disenchantment with the world we live in, despite all the advances we've made? Oh Crap! How did this happen!

Or do you mean, how did you manage to get first post?

The latter. Oh well, least I can say I did the 'First Post' thing, I'll serve my penance.
Now wheres the souvenir shop?

Hey, is that Robert Johnson...

this is why psychedelics are great

they take you to a world where things MAKE SENSE

Ray once again comments on something he just thought of in a Beerpiphany that happens to be something that Beef not only can't stop thinking about, but he tunes into every Thursday at 8/9 Central.

On BeefTV, Central time is one hour ahead of Eastern time

That...has not been my experience of psychedelics.

Oh hell now, this comment is just extremely excellent.

That doesn't look so good. I was praising heccibiggs' comment, not my own.

I'm not that arrogant.

Writing "that" comment would have cleared things up. But who can get mad at a gorilla, it's amazing you can even use English at all.

This comment, that comment, that comment over there...

sweet nug, eh?

I logged in for the first time in almost a year just to chubby this. Good job.

I stand corrected, the assiest thing on assetbar is "first posts".

not corrected.....correcty.

5 Stars for "Flavorous Jester".

RB and Ray BSin' after a couple of brews is where Achewood really shines.

A comment left by pumpinpedal was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by colonelangus, Jorus, streever, lateadopter)

Spanked by a monkey, huh?
The irony of role-reversal.




(no italics for me, sorry)


oh shit i read up here an i used sturgeon in my rap/song in a rhym to use for somthin man i feels like shit now. god fucking damnit

i dont blame you. sturgeon is a dumb word.

I say! How dare you--! Oh, nevermind.

the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturgeon wikipedia article reads like it was written by vlad. okay not that bad, but not by someone fluent in English in any case.

... k? I am not at all surprised or interested.

well you could always kill yourself to undo the situation of being aware of something you don't wish to be aware of.

Yikes. That sounds reasonable.


Troy_convers was happy to have achieved 'first post', an emotion I can hardly condone. You, however, are upset to have have been beaten to the achievement, which is even worse. Put simply, not only do you value ridiculous trivialities, but you are unable to obtain them. You are a drunk lunatic, gazing longingly though a shop window at an almost empty bottle of window cleaning fluid which one of the staff has accidentally left amid the displayed goods (the shop window represents life).

The person most deserving of the cleaning fluid is catachresis who regularly gets FRIST PSOT (first post) as well as the not-so-coveted 2nd post. Sure Asherdan's first posts got lamed a lot but catachresis made an art of doubling-up, here's a few I dug up in mere seconds: [https://tinyurl.com/1catachresis]this one[/url] and another [https://tinyurl.com/2catachresis]here[/url] and one more [https://tinyurl.com/3catachresis]for you[/url]. Commentary so innocuous it hides in plain sight like muted wallpaper. I wish Spinynorman got more first posts. I love that dude!

Well Asherdan was trying to verbally rape all the virgin threads when about a year's worth of strips were first made accessible to Assetbarbarians. And I also wish Spinynorman posted again at all, much less first (non-homo).

hell, I'd be happy if spinynorman would post naked picts of himself. (homo)

Hey let's clear up this 'First Post' cobblers once and for all.
Someone has to post first, otherwise we'd have 1600 blank comment pages. Unfortunately, the First Post spot has been tarnished by all of the muppets over the course of time turning it into some bizarre badge of honour. Lame me all you want, I don't give a rodents rump, I did a first post wowee let's all throw turnips at Convers. Are you telling me that once a new strip is uploaded you all sit around waiting for some else to make the first move? That%u2019s just so, so, fucking sad on so many levels.
And there was I thinking Assetbar wasn't full of people absorbed in their own self-image.


the first post should always be an image of an erect penis.

lol. i kinda agree. chuppied

It's more quality than position. There exist good first posts - but they are rare and cherished with chubbies. Because usually some guy sees the blank page and can't resist urinating upon it.

Beef's expression in panel 9 is Hi-larious! Can even see Ray being totally mad at Beef for his silly expression!

It made it for me.

beef finally getting his sweet revenge on ray for that urinal trick he's been pulling for years

I wanted to 5 it for panel 9, but it would take no rating. AssetBar!!



Now I want to lame my own post.

Panels 7,8,9 are gold! GOLD I TELL YOU!

Beef in panel 9 is a design classic.

That's his third happiest expression.

Why can't it be like the good old days, Huh? Woodstock, Vietnam, Nixon. Our morals getting... what wait.

They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father, or President Truman. Decent men, who believed in a day's work for a day's pay. Instead the followed the droppings of lechers and televangelists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice.

You would've gone for the drugs and free pussy, too.

They'll cry "save us" . . . and I'll look down and say, "No."

A comment left by lucidz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Rhadamanthus, riotdejaneiro, Stonecrab, BrokeAccount, Jorus, lateadopter, nekrotal)


It strikes me that we haven't seen Vlad doing much making out recently. Is he having make outs we aren't hearing about? Is he part of some secret government make out squad?

its possible. im sure philippe is doing endearing/annoying things(also, other characters and their actions of choice) that we dont know about.

Did we ever actually see Vlad doing any making out?

He was all talk.

A comment left by pmbarrett was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by chivalress, Lumus, Lynnym, puguglypress)

Onstad's lack of total time-devotion to the wants of his fanbase... is truly the saddest thing

"Onstad's ... fanbase... is truly the saddest thing"

couldn't have said it better myself.


I think we need to find where lucidz lives and kill him.

. . . find where lucidz lives and kill him

But then you will no longer be where he lives.

look at his posting history.. he's obviously legit. boring, but legit.

no, his point will be you won't be where he lives because you killed him

what? his point is that I'm him because if I was dead then I wouldn't be where he is. but I'm not him.

what? no, he was talking about where lucidz lives . Which is something you can't do when you are dead.

... Do they have a different gauge track in Zeland or something...? I'm not tracking here... do you mean something I can't do, or something anyone in general can't do? oh ... wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. got it. lives. the opposite of dead. As opposed to live as in reside.... ohhh.... okay...

But then you will no longer be where he lives.

that's... that's just stupid! That's not funny at all! If it was funny I might have caught this jeux de mots. I swear. If I had some drugs right now, I'd dare not do them, lest this terrible humor somehow filter into my trip.

I've been a fan of the guy for years. I'm glad you looked at my posting history. I'm not just a damned troll, I was truly in love with the comic. Think of me more as a jilted lover :(

jilted lovers belong in the trunk on the way to the lake to visit the sturgeon

Roast Beef's flesh mitten/claw/flipper hand in panel #11

It's a paw. Cats have paws.

But cat paws almost lack a thumb digit, let alone an opposable thumb.

The Achewood cats definitely have them, or they'd have much problems with the various bottled liquors in the strip.

Also, I don't think Achewood cats' claws retract. They're more like human fingernails.

I'm gonna go with 'flipper'.

I tell you, it's a thumb.

Oooh! Hemmingway cat?

Hell, I'm startin' to wonder if she's actually a *cat*! She grabbed a frog outta my hand the other day and just popped it in her mouth like a damn Skittle. She has Thumbs...Sineufendo??? NOOOOOOOOOO!

Ap! Ap!

I tried to get a photo of my dear kitty's thumb-digit, in order to add to the debate.

Unfortunately, my face is bleeding and my hand is a little too lacerated to get the card out of the camera.

David Lynch was an early devotee of "cheese-shaped" people programming:


It's well known that the pockets on her face were filled with a delicious Brie, kept gooey through body heat.

ugh man that is nasty that is dog shit if the dog ate several pounds of cheese previously.

She is basically an Un-Hot Pocket




maybe is problem with your browser

because I make new account and it is able give chuppies. of course it unable give lames because all used up and can't get new lames because can't rate strips and that's how you get lames.

also, publilic service announce:


You may use the above link to automatically read multiple strips, thereby allowing your new assetbar account to make as many comments as you like. (New assetbar accounts aren't allowed to make multiple comments until they've "read" an ungodly number of strips.)

Comment left by 55 ignored.

yeah pogo and you tell me what is password for sandman I see if I can log in and make chuppy with it

Yeah, like I'm going to give some stranger my password!

what? you're not required to use the same password on every account you have... just set it to something like 12345. I'm assuming that sandman is a throwaway account that you just created for testing purposes. I certainly wouldn't use the same password as my bank account, etc, on assetbar... that's an invitation to being hacked.


Be right back.

I love what Beef and Ray manage to say in panel 9 without talking--
Beef: Wow Ray a 6500 you think they'll let her drive it even though she's legally a vegetable
Ray: C'mon man, don't rub it in.

So Ray didn't pass his driver's test? I thought he had it in the bag.

As it turns out, the pope knew hella sluts.

Nasty Nuns 4 wasn't a porn, it was a documentary.

Nasty Nuns 4 makes Kinky Cardinals 7 look like Saucy Seminarians 3.

and let's not forget buttfucking bishops 12.

Papal Penis XVI was too silly for my tastes.

I much prefer Moaning Missionaries Part II.

Saucy Semenarians 3


Here is a man who is speaking sense.

Actually, I concur with Beef, but in a way that also says "Who cares?" I mean, people are fundamentally resourceful... they know to run when they see a lynch mob covered in asbestos coming at them. Anything else is a sophisticated form of fuckin'.

Chubbied for saving me the trouble of reading Civilization and Its Discontents.

That summary of The Surreal Life almost makes me feel less guilty about watching it. Almost.

if Ray's pissed off at that selection, just wait until he gets to the History Channel and catches "America's Most Assassinated Presidents !!"

that's only like, basically two of them. But, you know, whatever.

we had eight years to bump that number up, people. You have failed me.

Woah! You're working some rough chuckles these days!

we've never had an assassinated ex president. and I don't think Ronald Regan would have counted, him being already a vegetable during much of his post-office time.

Not to mention peri-office time.

Three. Don't be hatin' on McKinley or Garfield. Especially that McKinley, all Christianizing those poor heathen Filipinos, all undeserving of being assassinated by an anarchist.

Unless you forgot Lincoln, in which case, I just... I don't know what to do with that.

Out of the four assassinated presidents (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy), I'd say the most assassinated was Kennedy (based on autopsy photos and the number of reputed gunmen).

Attempts were made on another six (Jackson, T. Roosevelt, F. Roosevelt, Truman, Ford, and Reagan). That means that 10 out of 43 incumbents have been subject to attempted or successful assassination attempts.

Why would you take a job with a nearly 1 in 4 chance of getting shot at?

Oh yeah . . .


There are much less risky jobs wherein one can acquire the company of babes.


"Too Many Bitches": The Tiger Woods Story. Boston: Harper Collins, 2010.

Here is an unintersting story:

The day that Tiger's indiscretions were first made public, I said to that boy I live with:
"Hey, did you hear that Tiger Woods is having, like, nine affairs?"
to which he replied:
to which I giggled and said:
"Well, not nine. But you know, a few."

Then, what does Tiger decide to do but go ahead and make that hilarious overexaggeration of mine seem like a pittance. Thanks Tiger, thanks a lot.

Nine times.



Nine hundo times.

I refute it thus!



don't you just hate it when you crash into one of these with your car in the middle of the night.

she aint all that.

Looks like that just might be Beef's "Don't Fuck with Me" tie.


third position is pretty tricky to maintain normally. i can only imagine what it's like when you're in a coma.

there's a zing there.

Is that a joke about Nancy Pelosi?

Time's up Muthafuckers!


One wonders what kind of bowl Nostradamus was looking into.

for scrapings?

I would like to see Ray just crying into his hands as the horrible shows flit before his eyes in procession.

The secret to understanding today's strip is that Onstad has been writing good material for Dark Horse, according to his Tweetering.

I am implying that today's strip is not good material.

does someone find polemics NOT fun?

Polemic - Seamus Kowalsky

Ptolemaic - Copernicus.


There was a good panel there (#9)!

Maybe he is all tweetered out, material-wise .

There is no "La Scope, PA." There is, however a Latrobe, PA. Is CO trying to make a sly point about Rolling Rock (particularly now that it is owned by Bud)?

RR sucks. bud is average.

I love it when Ray gets progressively more discombobulated through a strip, like in this one or the previous one. That progression of facial expressions is freakin' comedy gold no matter how many times it happens.

After living in the Akron area for two godforsaken years, I don't see why lacy, sebaceous surface dander makes Ronald Petrakis any different from the rest of the people there.

I was born there. Devo is from there. Chrissie Hynde is from there. The Waitresses started out there. Some indie band appropriated the name of the city. C'mon, it ain't that bad...

As are Lux Interior and Jim Jarmusch. A friend of mine there said that they should have their own version of Austin City Limits called Akron Shitty Limits.

Oh, and Joe Walsh of the Eagles went to nearby Kent State.

My dad went there! Wait, is... is Joe Walsh My Dad???

S... son?

Man, say what you will about gladiator fights and women-stoning, at least people were upfront about being assholes then.

The only thing anyone needs to know about the human race can be learned by watching drivers slow down next to a car crash so they can get a better look.

You're supposed to slow down next to an accident.

After that, it's just a traffic wave .

Night aneurysms. Nice!

Not really.

As your body grows, you may experience something called...

Ooh, ooh [Waving hand at desk Mista Kotter, I know what semiotics is/are!

Only Beef could freestyle Nostradamus at the drop of a hat.

I'm pretty sure I'm on Ray's side here, though. At worst this is a sign Americans eat too much food and the media has no taste. Hardly worse than bear-baitin' and stonin' women. I have this conversation with my friend a lot who, whenever I say something sucks, responds monotonously "Yeah but also everything ever sucks forever though." A lot like Beef, actually.

I love Beef's surprised-sass face.

This one goes out to all the ladies gentlemen

I got work to do *bummmmmm pum-bumm*
Ain't got time-a be messin' witchu *bumm-bumm PUMMM*
*simble gentle-taps permiate. with a rythm like tass, tass, ticki tass, tass, ticki tass*
Cuz I'ma fighter
Put me in an office I pull an all-nighter *pow BAW-pow-pow(kick drums enter the mix)*
Step to me streets see what happens
Go to bed after wake-up the bloody sheets
Bash ya head on the side-walk (into submission)*chka chka chka POW BAW POW POW BAW(simbles still tapin' after thunderous kick-drums)*
Ya dad years later helpin' out
(Puttin' ya feet in third position)*thunder-crack, eruption of drums)*

Afterrr a tussle*taka-tum-tum taka-tum POW BAW POW*
with meee*bum bidda bum bum(fading)*
I'ma leave ya wollowin'
(like a sturgeon)
on land *pika pow pow*
*drums erupt in solo. water be movin' 'n spillin' like t-rex's ass be shakin'*

thas alls i gots for nah i mena it kinda incomplete but idc i gets aound to more pomes least m writin again. wrote pome abot a single parent earlier in teh week so's good to get back into teh creative bits cuz thas alls i got rly to attract women, so but i aint buggin it is wat it is

The specifications for the rhythm is my favorite part.

I must lack imagination because I have no idea what this particular piece is about. I needs someone to translate it. or maybe it's cause I am not musically gifted I can't imagine the music being expressed here?


best pome i ever red

As much a Glad plays it street, on occasion his prose belies Joycean rhythm. Note the following:

By the way next when is it Tuesday will be the longest day. Of all the glad new year, mother, the rum tum tiddledy tum. Lawn Tennyson, gentleman poet.

Joyce, ULYSSES - Chap. 3 - Proteus

And yes

I wish I could chubby this comparison more than once.

beef for the win. can't fuck with that 16th century freestyle.

Roast Beef lays it down for for his hesitant friend.

new confident married RB is badass I feel like we've made some kinda of leap like from dragonball to dragonball z


Onstad, I think you watched Jersey Shore, but don't tell me that.

wat with bergerac? er

in the fan flow, onstad professes to be suffering from S.O.-S.A.D.

also, he has posted 3 new strips in the past 24 hours, but you can only see them in the fan flow.

Does anyone know what the s.o. stand for?

Shit Onna

Shit Onna Stolen-Ass Dog?

Shit Onna Sadwich. Don't you kids know anything?

Sorry, Our Stuff Always Disappoints.

stupid old seasonal affect disorder

The drawings of Ray in panels 2, 8, and 9 are unprecedented, I think.

I've actually definitely seen panel 2 because I remember going "What in the what is going on THERE."

Seriously, I just want to rate the strip. This feature hasn't worked for me in forever. WHAT IN THE DOGG.

maybe the assetbar programmers are also suffering from SAD.


One Red Meat comic was titled "The finish line for the human race."

help I'm trapped in my car my car is stuck in snow and I dropped my iphone in the snow and it's stuck I can't get it to switch off the browser so I can make a call I can't do anything I can't even make it visit different web sites all I can do is refresh the last site I was looking at which is this one. I'm somewhere near woodstock PA can someone please call the police for me and send someone to save me. I only have a half a tank of fuel left and it's freezing outside and I'm almost out of cocaine too.

What is flour-gut?

it's when you get more flour than your body is able to provide liquid to liquidify and your gut becomes blocked and the doctor has to perform an emergency flourguttomy

so shit

I go to use my roommate's new vacuum cleaner and it's not working. It's some new bagless model, and it's made completely out of clear plastic. So I can look inside of it and I can see that it has three containers which contain the dirt and cat hair, and they are all completely clogged.

how fucking stupid do you have to be to not be able to figure out when you vacuum is blocked with dirt, especially when it's made entirely of clear plastic?

people suck

it a dyson? man i love dyson ball i wanna 1 sumtime n ma life i wan a dyson ball

I wonder about that sometimes, if I was rich, would I buy an expensive vacuum cleaner or sport scar? I am not rick so I don't buy these things.

I mean... six or more hundo.. seems like a poor application of it to spend on a spesive vacuum cleaner (fuck you assetbar you not gettin no plus sign tonight) (normall I would type plus sign but here I type "or more")

right, I mean, money, is just value that was created by people working different jobs, the school teacher, the factory worker, the garbage man, and somehow, some of that value winds up in my pocket book

and if I am uber rich, to spend that value on luxiry doesn't seem right, because all them people psychologically trapped in those shitty jobs, to use the fruits of their efforts for my luxiries, doesn't seem right, you know.

I would think better application of my six hundo would be to purchase a high powered rifle with a scope and to shoot the president. although I think you might need several thousand for such an ideal rifle or something, or maybe a better way would be with a radio controlled model airplane loaded with explosives and a camera on it so you can be sitting many miles away sipping on a cola and you just radio control that fucker from 1000 feet down onto the stage where the president is giving a speech and before anyone can say anything or do anything BAM dead president. Altough it would work better if the president is replublican like Bush or Reagan I am not so much sure kiling obama would be a good idea. maybe kill a republican senator instead.

I don't know if they have special radar they use when the preseident is in the area to check for crazy ass radio control model planes they should have that because you know it would be easy

reminds me of another idea I have for robbing banks is you have radio control robot that you drives into the bank through the doors and it has guns on it and it is like "give me all your money mother fuckers" (it has speaker on it too) (with distorted sound so they can't recognize your voice)

and then the robot drives out of the bank and it has like a model airplane that launches off of it with the money, and the robot maybe it drives away and it hides somewhere until the coast is clear you can drive it back to the hideout later on but even if the robot gets caught it's no big deal because it's like ha ha I can build another robot you fuckers. and the robot it has self destruct dynamites built in so it can blows it's self up if they are about to catch it it has big voice that says "okay fuckers you caguht me now but you best step back because I'm about to blow this up" robot would have no mercy I tell you no mercy.

any fucker who robs a bank for a living just isn't putting any effort into it if they have not made themselves a robot helper I'm telling you.

probably just going to empty it next time they use it. Ain't no thing.

fuck you! Stop your trolling! Stop making excuses for the inexcusable!

IT'S ...

a penis!

So... Brittany Murphy died at age 32. Some hollywood actress. I really have no idea who she is. [IMGS OFF]

anyway. maybe she was found naked hanging from a tie in the closet with rubber bands around her clit and boobies. That would be cool if she died from auto-erotic asphixiation (sp?) because she was a sex freak. I mean, it wouldn't be cool that she died, but since she did die, I might as well be entertained by it anyway.

She had a mere heart attack. It was probably drug induced though, if it makes you feel better.

oh well. I should try to be more positive anyway. Hopefully she was ugly and a mean person. Those people deserve to die more than the rest of us.

She was relatively pretty by Hollywood standards and I don't know anything about her personality so I don't know man, I just don't know. Contact an expert about this.

ha ha ironic she died of natural causes but she was pretty by standards of industry that values fakeness and implants.

Natural but probably brought on by something unnatural, let me tell you.

why is roast beef dressed up like he just got from the office?

do they have any blow up dolls of dead people? Not just Elvis or Michael Jackson but like, regular dead people. Maybe with different versions so you can choose how long they been dead for? 24 hours / 72 hours / one week sort of thing. Of course, it would have to be like, how many hours after they buried them, right. Like Jackson, I think they kept him in a fridge for several weeks after he died, didn't they? By the time he got in the ground the worms probably were like 'damn, this one is stale already.'

it would be cool if they had a blow up doll of conjoined twins.

man, if there was conjoined twin sex workers, that would be awesome. sex with prostitutes is awesome because it's a dirty naughty thing to do, so that really gets my rocks off. then on top of that if it was sex with conjoined prostitutes, man, that would be like combing sex with lesbian twins along with sex with circus freaks AND sex with prostitutes ALL into one session. That would be so awesome. I bet they could charge OVER SIX HUNDO for a mere 20 minutes of that shit. I couldn't afford it but maybe some day. Glad, you can keep your fucking Dyson, the memories of sex with conjoined prostitute incestuious lesbian sisters would still be lingering long after your Dyson warranty has expired and it's all clogged up and smoked out with flea infested pet hair and used tampons. They could even be faking the part about being lesbians it wouldn't matter I wouldn't notice my mind would be so blown by it all nothing would bring be down or make me go soft. The only thing better would be is if we also had cocaine.

oh man but that would suck if it was one of those setups the cops do. You all ready to get your bone on with the lesbian conjoined twin sisters and then the cops bust down the door and they're like 'freeze' and they cuff you and it turns out the twin sisters is under cover cops, and they wasn't even really conjoined at all they was just regular twins and they was using duct tape under their specially knitted dual-noggin chullo. oh that would suck so close to your dream to have it snatched away from you by some knuckle head cops chasing after some pipe dream of solving society's social ills when all they are doing is creating more victims instead of solving the real underlying root causes of poverty and education and lack of opportunity, in essence a cycle of repression, making the faux-conjoined twin cops merely an instrument of repression and perpetuation of el sistema. fuckin' eh. whymI having such negative thoughts lately it don't make no sense I need to be more positive I need to affirm to myself that when I find my conjoined twin lesbian prostitutes that they will be for real not undercover cops and they will even be fore real lesbians not just faking it. god bless us every one.

assetbar is non plussed

I think we all felt that way by the time of the funeral

You are old when you are old enough to know how fucked up society is, which you know by being able to compare it to "how it was before"
Roast Beef and Ray are old

Tooooo much talking. However, the transition from panel 8 to panel 9 was awesome.