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Beef as Lloyd Dobler Friday, January 21, 2005 • read strip Viewing 76 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Sleeps, ishuta, Zefiel, carbonbl, mikeronomicon, Thorfinn, DiamondMonster, wjon, magnumt, Mosana, Sargasm, atticusonline, Jeet, lk, aHatOfPig, chatterjee, cognitonaut, Setzkin, yingkaixing, trawser, Pigs)

I have to laugh every time I see your comments. There are almost always more lames than chubbies, and for no apparent reason.
hard luck, man.

A comment left by semiquaver was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, NeoNaoNeo, goocifer, salvagebar, K-JacK, sandswipe, ravindra108, Damiel_Billiams, Doc_Rostov, holly_golightly)

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by shoesandhats, zcross00, riotdejaneiro, mikeronomicon, VeniVidiEffluxi, jfenserty, tttt2, as, maxhorkheimer, Atmus, atticusonline, HolyQ, Direhaggis, Madoushi, Ubermensch, Pigs)

I screwed the pooch...up?

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by shoesandhats, zcross00, mikeronomicon, VeniVidiEffluxi, jfenserty, atticusonline, HolyQ, abe, skjames, Madoushi, unsentletter, Pigs)

I like your funny words. "Quit making the same mistake in your brain." This is how people should talk.

My Internet Explorer cold all displaying hell of chubbies.

This is how Vlad is talkink. Be getink with the programming man.

Chub'd and conceded.

Chubbied for grace and dignity.

Chubbied for the sheer fucking hell of it.

this was getting good then it turned into a love fest.



chubbies for any and all mentions of mothers!


not really.

Chubbied for Penis Landscape and probable reference to the Dead Kennedys.

no Dead Kennedys reference in the comment.. but they are the band which drew my attention to Penis Landscape. Oh how i love controversial bands and controvertsial artwork, however probably badly spelled. Also, thank you, kind sir!

You screwed the pooch's idea .

Man, that pooch is screwed up.

puppies are way cute.

No wonder there are so many puppyists.

He has history with the first round of clowns to discover this sandbox, where he apparently pooped a lot.

Ray totally thinks that Roast Beef would use Internet Explorer.

Exactly, Beef is more computer savvy than that.

No way in hell he'd use IE except to debug. Y'all are so correct -- it's all in Ray's mind...

IE is the only browser Ray knows about.

and that, for him, is okay. 'sides, if any virus ever attacked his machine, he'd straight-up huck it and get a new one.

i would chubbie a second if allowed for

hahahaha...hahahaha... There is no comment besides laughter.

This one always cracks me up, I love the parody so much. I wonder if Vlad backspaced or zoomed?

Mormons have an aversion to sandwiches

when I first read it, I thought Vlad said 'moron'.

A comment left by luckypyjamas was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by love_is_so_punk, jfenserty, Spenham, alzuna, _cheesekayke, robbingdog, yingkaixing, Satyr)

Rim shot!


I guess some Mormons didn't appreciate that.

six of them so far

oh well, can't please everybody

I'm not Mormon but I lamed it for being such a bad joke. I do live in Utah though... so maybe I've just heard it waaaaaayyyyyy too many times.

Man this mainly just makes me want a Subway sandwich...

Sex sells!

Don't saythings like that, Phillipe.

i'm eating one right now! i must have gotten it last night, but i don't remember... there's only half of it left. i had to pull off the tomatoes.


So let me get this straight. You are eating a sandwich that you do not remember purchasing, and has ingredients on it that you do not like.
You... I hate to point out the obvious, but, did you just steal my sandwich?

That comment made me laugh out loud. And then try to think of some witty sandwich related comment to add but fail because I have been drinking.


you should take an interest in sandwiches
(or sammiches)
try joining club sandwich

...i wish i had a jam sammich

Hahaha you're a genius

Comments like these prove that when Onstad does a three-panel, the rest of us crave to add more witty flavor. There is nae better comic.

The lapels of Beef's coat are curious.

It's a pretty solid parody of the cover for the movie Say Anything.


Except wasn't that scene at night?

No, early morning. Just around dawn...I mean...erm...I dunno?

A comment left by professorhazard was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by possums, tourach3, cavebaby, Mastronaut)

Thanks for clearing that up. I was totally blank on the reference.

This one gave me new belief in life.

A comment left by lazarusloafer was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by BionicVapourBoy, turnabout, chattyclasses)

Ehh. I'd vote for someone more morose-looking. Off the top of my head... Ed Norton after a whiskey bender?

Naw, at the end it would just turn out that he and Ray were the same person all along

For some reason Beef looks much taller and more dashing than usual in a Lloyd-Dobler-esque trenchcoat.

So does Craig Schwartz. John Cusack. Whatever his name is.

Malkovich. Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich.

Malkovich? Malkovich, Malkovich.

Molly really hates having better jobs suggested to her.

'Is Mormon?' has been my preferred way of asking any question even vaguely associated with Mormons since I saw this. Is so goot.

Roast Beef is wearing pants in Ray's mind. It's kinda shocking. No one really wears pants in Achewood.

Disagreement box!

Philippe's trousers are a staple of Achewood. And what about Teodor's crazy things? And pretty much all the characters tend to wear trousers at least occasionally.

Or, "pants", whatever.

Shorts and pantaloons, respectively--respectfully.

you and your disagreement boxes

haha solid chubby

Roast Beef always struck me as a guy who switches between firefox and lynx, depending on his needs.

Rock on, Beef. Rock on untill the end of days, with that laptop and coat.

The alt-text has found my new wave guy! I was wonderingb where he was.

... in_your_eyes.mp3 playing from the built-in speakers.

what a fucking Good movie.

I can't believe I was all like "holy shit its that john cusack movie from the 80s. man the 80s rocked for movies."

beef had her at "hello"

Any comic featuring references to "Say Anything" automatically win, even if they suck. And this one does it without sucking.

not to be confused with his wired laptop.