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It's Just Business. Wednesday, March 3, 2010 • read strip Viewing 465 comments:

I'm disappointed in Ray. That's a first.

Too bad he's here to stay, just like tasty old herpes.

I hate that herpes is around. I mean, the clap doesn't sound like a walk in the park, but at least one gets a bit of boning out of it. No kiss is worth catching an incurable disease from. Fuck you herpes.

herpes = a completely different kind of dick move.

Man, we've gotten to the point were dickin' somebody can be a dick move.

What has become of us?

It has never been any other kind of move. How many caveladies do you think felt well represented in their relationship?

I will have you know I was once, too, a caveman and I always made sure to treat my ladies just -fine-. Hell, sometimes I even let them live.

Thank you Jayden

Also thanks Onstad... for confirming what I knew a long time ago : everyone spends their youth dishing out suffering to those around them, then spend the rest of their life getting it dished back with interest.

You know what? Fuck everyone who thinks orofacial herpes is that bad. You know how many people in the general population got herpes? A good majority, that's what. You know who almost always definitely has herpes? People who work in a hospital. That's right...they get it from contact with surfaces. You know why people think herpes is that bad? Because of stigma.

So...you're saying you have herpes.


Anyone who chubbied that post has herpes now, too.

Don't reply or you'll get herpes omg

it's okay I'm wearing a rubber

I have dental dams for occasions like these

youve been taking tips from vlad. mad props.

But are they Godiva-flavored. Is my question.

Herpes is caused by Surfaces.

hey thanks for actually using a brain, man

Herpes makes Swiss cheese out of your brains

Syphilis, sir. Syphilis.

I want to make a joke about Jesus bringing us herpes with his stigmata but I think I missed the window of opportunity.

[quote="thegoblins"]People who work in a hospital. That's right...they get it from contact with surfaces.[/quote]

The surfaces of all of the patients that hospital workers are always having sex with all of the time. Everybody knows that. For shame!

Thank you BBCode, for killing my joke by exposing your naked tags to the world. Kiss my ass, you inbred mouth-breathing cousin of HTML.* I hope your photon-based moonshine is wood alcohol, and does whatever is equivalent in your electron-based world to blinding you. Bastard. Your mother is a badly written Visual Basic macro which tries to print the string "hello farts!!!", but doesn't even manage that.**

*No, I don't hate it when it works.
**I had a couple of beers at lunch.

beer makes your opinions way more intense.

Yeah, assetbar's quote function doesn't actually take an argument.

The best you can do is bold their name and then do quote:
thegoblins' Quote:
People who work in a hospital.

Thanks, stereo.

I think herpes is bad because it can cause horrific brain damage.

Read this as "Because of stigmata" and I was all "I am not a religious man but I do not remember that part of the Bible"

Your feelings are the logical consequence to loving something on the internet.

A comment left by lateadopter was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by grayestnova, Jetbunny, LordPretzel, hoarday4)

Don't try to be angry. Don't try to second guess his motives for the sake of berating the guy who got the first spot. Don't do this. Don't go to this beach.

Proclaim it, Hateandwar, through our hosting services, that he which hath no stomach to this fight, let him depart; his passport shall be made, and chubbies for convoy put into his profile; we would not lame in that man's company that fears his fellowship to lame with us.

Oh, I read that as "breach." Never mind.

Wait a second! You might be onto something!

(am i doin it right y/n)


Yes, Ray forgot that Phillipe is five and allways will be.

At first I was also dissapointed in Ray. I spent some time thinking about it though, and I have to support what Ray is doing. When he tells Teodor he feels bad about it, he's serious. The end of the previous strip has a little *snif* when Ray decided he has to take down Philippe, it struck me as a not really almost crying, but definately a reflection of sorrow. Look how stressed and unhappy Philippe is now, up all night trying to think up new products. Ray's putting Philippe's company out of business so he can go back to being a carefree happy 5 year old.

I agree. It's a great lesson for all of the crypto-socialist, minimum wage, gimme everything crowd. Wait, that sounds harsh, not funny. *Snif*

The tragedy is that Ray is ending Philippe's childhood in his attempt to save it.

And granularsilica has discovered the ideal place on the internet for anger-driven political comments. someone tell youtube.

Ray is also yearning for a time when helmets and seatbelts were considered poofy.

Not just poofy, but nonexistent.

Only in jest, my friend, only in jest.

free market bitches.

Freemarket does not force people to be dicks, only provides the opportunity.

The thing is, Ray ain't had no hard-knock life, coming up. He had as pampered an existence as a kid could wish for, all with brand new tortoiseshell Vuarnets and Blue Nehi .

Beef, on the other hand, totally had a 'rocks tied to feet as shoes' upbringing.

Is Beef better because of his Circumstances or in spite of them? I dunno.

What I do know is that Ray is having some mad hypocrisy on the subject of kids being edified by comin' up hard knocks.


A real dick move

bonhomie is dead

Also Bela Lugosi.

Also Timothy Leary.

sad. he was my bonnest homie.

i poured out a cap full of my zima for your dead homie, nig.


By, "the Industry," Teodor is referring to the Circus Penis Army.

in my case it can be traced back to the internet.

No, no, fuck this. I don't like that. Ray, I don't like that.

Yeah, I've decided, I'm literally very disappointed in this comic. Let that color everyone's impression of my comments for this installment.

The colored section is below

Onstad, you're working some rough chuckling these days.

Chuckles. You're working some rough chuckles these days.

Da, da, is working the rough chuckling, is goot

You're all a bunch of Boden mummies letting your children express their creativity in the form of loud repetitive shouting while I try to buy gin in Tescos.
I am entirely of Ray's camp. Children do not have the right to establish uncontested monopolies in the area of mail order gifts and novelties. The fact that you people think that they do shows just how great the problem has become. My little cousin tried to make a cake out of raw flour, sugar, and tangerine segments. Did our local bakery shut down so the child could feel validated. It did not. It stayed open, my cousin went to play in the garden, and my aunt thew the gluey mess into the bin.
The only people who think it is a terrible thing to make a child cry are those who have never been near a child. I knew a small girl who cried because her father threw out an old kitchen flannel. It's people like you who are raising a generation who go on Pop Idol and act all surprised when Aretha Franklin doesn't walk out from behind a curtain and crown them Archduke of Music.

Fucking this, dude.

Kids are a bunch of sissies and pantscrappers nowadays, because apparently the current hot parenting method is "put on rose-tinted goggles, don thine kid gloves and let that little shit do as he please while we get fuck-off drunk".

And then you wind up with like, I don't know, kids what grow up tainted. Or something. Shit, I need a better metaphor there.

You get sent to jail for tainting kids.

Right in the taint.

Sad, tain't it?

That post sure was!


rim... that I... tainted?


loosely fitting blox. must be a circumstance form childhood too busy fighting to figure out how to latch one thing to another wit out it completely falling apart by the end

did you get a new keyboard?

no he got a new profile pic. that's not a keyboard silly!


I read the first few lines and I agree, but this isn't something Ray does. Lyle, yes, Todd, yes, T on a bad day, maybe even Connie, but Ray does not Gekko/Corleone Philippe.

Rat does for Ray what Ray wants done, or Ray gets someone to do for Ray what Ray cannot do for Rayself.

these guys?


ray does not Bullshit when it comes to Business. plus you know he'll take care of philippe one way or another, and giving someone a free ride to success on their first business venture as a five year old otter is not doing him a favor.

In summation, fuck you for thinking I even like little kids. Hate 'em. I would love to slap every crying, whining, precocious, bratty, snobby little sticky-faced pants-pissing troll from ages 1 to my age, but damn it all if Society ain't put a button on that, you know.

Hear hear.

dogg I am not disputin the facts but bear in mind that you were a little kid once too

I know, and I was some of those things. I was precocious at least; I didn't whine or cry too much because my parents taught me, in a reasonable way, that that is just something you don't do. Likewise with brattiness. I didn't piss my pants but I guarantee I was a sticky child because all children are. I'm trying to make up for what I was back then for unfairly casting aspersions on that whole age group.

I wasn't sticky past the age of about 4. I attribute this to kleenex and OCDs.

I think the most common de-stickified age is around 7 or 8, because now you're getting to that age where you care a bit about your appearance, give in to extremely tame versions of popular fashions, etc.

Wait'll you get to the age in which you start getting sticky again.

14 wasn't the end of it??

The stickiness remains. Only the substances change.

I think Fran Lebowitz suggest somewhere that the stickiness of children might have something to do with them not smoking enough.

It is also the age of 'sub-standard underwear' anxiety-dreams. Isn't it? Isn't it guys?

Age is for the weak.

wErd. Man up and stay young.

my moms was tuff with me when I growed up

now im hardcore

how hardcore are you, plummet?

Im so hardcore I troll ladies on assetbar and not give a fuck

My mom was so tuff on me that my teeth grew out in little beaver-like...


fuck youuuuuu

you could get a job with a logging company. that would be a sweet job.

While the words that Ray says are a valid social criticism, they do not apply to his actual actions here. He's not giving "tough love" here, he is unambiguously stabbing Philippe in the back.

It would be like a father teaching a young man about the capriciousness of male-female relationships by stealing his girlfriend.

Think back to when Philippe ran for President. Ray yanked on his own testicles to save the kid's feelings there, which is certainly a good example of wearing the proverbial kiddie-gloves (this brings up a question, as mentioned below, of whether the current behavior is out-of-character for Ray). But there's quite a lot of space between that and running a smear campaign against his candidacy.

Should we paint the world to be sunshine and lollipops to children, who are honestly pretty obnoxious most of the time? Fuck no. This does not mean we should go out of our way to be cocks to them.

Hear, hear.

I would agree with you in any other situation, but I'm positive that Ray wouldn't seek to make Philippe fail, or make money on his expense. So I have a sneaking suspicion that this was Ray's plan from the very start.

No successful entrepreneur has ever succeeded on their first business venture. I'm sure Ray knows this. His plan was to have Philippe start a business only to fail in the end, with the purpose of teaching him that not all businesses are successful, and that despite our failures we need to keep trying to succeed.

It's probably more important of a lesson than any of Ray's other business knowledge, and if he hadn't taught it, he wouldn't be a very good mentor, would he?

Actually, his plan was to start a talked-to-vegetables business with Whole Foods. The Phillipe Business was a side venture. I doubt he's planning this all out.

I forgot about the genesis of the story. Maybe because it shouldn't be the basis of an entire goddamn arc.

The italics were for Onstar, not you.

Kids don't need "toughening up". Well, a bit. What they really need is better parenting. Parents who take responsibility for teaching a child how to behave, who care and listen and do their damn job. Parents who actually raise the child.

We need a series of PSA commercials explaining that children are neither pets, toys, nor younger siblings, but rather are goddamn children who need goddamn parenting .

I will stop swearing now. That rant has been building up since every female cousin I have started popping out children they're unwilling to invest the time and effort to actually raise.

it takes two things to even have a 50/50 chance of raising a kid right... education and resources... 90% of which is in the hands of 10% of the population in a certain populous country...

Look at all the boy geniuses standing in their rooms who know what being a grownup and raising kids is all about.

Beats me why some people have to use fallacies of reasoning to argue a point. Sure ain't my thing.

...He said, right after slyly insinuating that rich Americans make the best parents.

I what? I did? Oh shit I did. Well I didn't mean rich Americans. I meant just, like, middle class Americans. Educated Americans. You can even be rich and educated. It's just.. I think that most people with decent values and education don't hold onto their money as tenaciously as people with cruddy values and cruddy education.. as a result, most rich people in America are asses, and make crappy parents.

I think there's something to this. Works in Oz anyway.

Oh baloney, like until you pop out a kid you have zero common sense. Shame on you scorpio. There's dumb parents just as there are dumb people

But not here, right?

Please tell me they're not here. I feel so safe here.

popping out a kid... now there's an image. it's a weird world.

jus 4 u

(Sorry, nice-on-water, ahead of time.)

Fuck off, you little 20 year old shit. I know what you're trying to do, but don't even pretend that you have any fucking clue what it's like to raise a child.

I don't have kids, thank god, but I have people I know and love who have them, and what I've come to realize is that, ultimately, there's nothing full of more bullshit than childless people talking down parents.

where the hell do you get off

but if you're childless then how do you know you don't know? ? Isn't the whole premise of your argument that a childless person can not know? ?

Also, sharing your opinion doesn't do much for me... I don't know you... It would be better if you shared the reasoning behind your opinion. Basically I expect that your reasoning is going to be that people without friends with children can't know...

I didn't say I could raise a child completely. I said not everyone is dumb enough to completely destroy a little copy person of their self within hours of birth. And I'm sure you've thought the same of obviously bad parents, it's undeniable. I've never been a governor or mayor or president, but I can react badly to one if I feel they're not doing a good job. That's called an opinion.


I even mostly agree with you, having no children I have no fucking clue how hard it must be. I don't really want to find out, either.

But like nice-on-water said, people don't magically get smarter when they have kids, and they don't magically develop a behavioral compass that lets them detect when a child is or isn't being raised well.

So, I don't have kids, and don't want them. But I know a kid that's out of control when I see one (or, more often, hear one). And in some cases, I've been close enough to the family in question to see the parent(s) doing a piss poor job, too. I can tell this is so when I see a mother yell at her children to stop jumping on the furniture, only to be ignored. She threatens punishment, is still ignored, does not actually deliver said punishment but instead gives up and goes outside for a smoke as the kids continue jumping on the furniture. There is no authority in that relationship, no respect in either direction. The relationship is reluctant and custodial on the mother's part. This bothers me, and I see it as poor parenting.

Then again, this is not what we're talking about anyway. We all know the above example, or the Parable of the North Face Mom who thanks her child for ceasing to throw food at her, are bad parenting. What we're arguing about is my right as a non-parent to say so. For my part, I think that not being a parent is insufficient to invalidate my opinion, and that since I get caught up in bad parents' shenanigans because I'm related to those bad parents, I have as much right to bitch about it as anyone else who has to endure Jayden throwing fries at them in a wipe-down Italian restaurant.

Right. I can acknowledge an overwhelmed parent, and I can't even begin to relate with that massive responsibility because I've never had anything close to it, and it's a damn shame when it happens, it is. But downright negligent parents shouldn't be put on a pedestal just because they are parents. To some people it's like they're brave just because they had kids, ignoring the parenting part, which takes much more bravery, I'd wager. Any horny 14 year old can have unprotected sex; that's not bravery.

Don't sweat it too much. It's true the ability for basic self-reflection and insight is vital if you want to be a responsible, self-controlled and consistent parent, but it's also completely idiotic to expect that's the way it's going to play out. The main credentials for being a good parent are to be resourced enough to ensure you have time to spend with your kids. If you're working shitty hours all week to make ends meet, your kids will drag themselves up. If you put in the time, your kids will let you know where you need to be putting more effort in - it all comes out in their basic behaviours when they're little, and when they're older they'll just tell you what they want. All you have to do is work out whether or not that's reasonable and take it from there. Humans are pretty high functioning at an early age, and generally a lot more affectionate at this stage too, so it's not all bad. Just hard work.

P.S. I realize my prior response came out half "Yeah I'd know what I was doing as a parent" and half "Fuck you, I can tell a bad parent a mile away," but I didn't mean at ALL to suggest I'd have a clue either when raising a kid. I'd shit myself nightly.

Take my post above with a grain of salt; it isn't very serious, to be honest - there is no real logic in it. Hell, I was drinking when I wrote it (surprise).

In fact, I'm writing this before reading any of the responses.

Except aiu's. Sorry, aiu, I try not to discuss logic with paranoid schizophrenics on the internet. It's just this thing that I do. Glad to see you're on your meds, though - that's sincere.

It's okay, I can deal with being called a mean name by the Internet. Usually.

At the moment, I can't. The registration on my van's plates is expired and I won't have money to renew it for another few weeks.

ITT: Two people on the internet get angry over a cartoon cat's opinions about parenting, and then talk about their life problems. This is assetbar.

thank you for providing the cliffs notes.

@ ratacattt

While your statements on wealth distribution are generally true on paper, mere comparison doesn't necessarily prove injustice (or inability).

Wealth is generally defined by economists as assets minus liabilities. Someone with a $30,000 per year who spends frugally and lives within their means may be more wealthy than someone with $100,000 who incurs serious deficit spending to live lavishly.

I've seen this firsthand in the inner city. Many families who could otherwise afford to support children often spend foolishly. They order pizza for dinner five nights per week, stock up on groceries at a local 7-11, and buy big screen plasma TVs with 40 DVD collections to go in their ramshackle homes.

I'm not denying the existence of the truly destitute. However, more education on stewardship in homes and schools would go far to ensuring that children can receive the resources they need for success.

You are denying the existence of the truly destitute.

or at least obfuscating it. also, distracting from the point that there is a huge wealth gap, and this does contribute in innumerable ways, both blatant and subtle, to a lower quality of life for pretty much all kids in the U.S., and you could easily go far as to argue that this contributes to death and destruction for millions of people worldwide; if American kids weren't quite so dense, they might not be off merrily engaging in that boondoggle of a humanitarian catastrophe that is Iraq... Maybe some warm and fuzzy PSAs could be run to clue the kids into the idea that they're each spending over a million a year of their descendants money for no purpose other than to waste their own lives and the lives of those who are caught in the Iraq quagmire... I wonder how such a PSA would go... I bet I could write a good one... mine would be rather direct, and would include the phrase "fucking nimrod..."

In 1924 a genius by the name of Clifford Hugh Douglas invented a new form of government called "Social Credit." Social Credit solves all the problems we as a nation now face. Robert Heinlein's first novel, unpublished in his lifetime, called "For Us the Living" is a poor read, but an amazing description of how life in the United States would be a totally workable utopia under a Social Credit government. Google and read! I did, and I have been converted from a life-long Libertarian to a Social Crediter. I still can't believe that I would ever abandon Libertarianism, but Social Credit opened my eyes.

Not that I have abandoned the social freedoms guaranteed by Libertarianism. Those are sacred, and held as so by Social Credit, as much as by any version of Libertarianism. Social Credit would end poverty, and yet, because it is not Socialism, would do a better job of encouraging private enterprise then Capitalism.

Just saying...

from what i read, it sounds like another great economic system devised by someone who has never created or run a business. it's like libertarianism and socialism had a weird, ugly, dead baby. you should definitely go back to the free market system (which is not at all what we have today, incidentally) because it would solve all the problems presented by this philosophy.

the bottom line is that when two people want to barter goods, services, work, money, whatever, no one else has the right to tell them how to do it, because their two interests are the only ones directly involved. if someone wants to work in a factory, he should decide if the wage is worth his time. if it's not, he should find another job. if he can't get another job, he should get more skills. he doesn't 'deserve' money in any sense beyond what his time, skill, or intelligence will command in a free market. whether he is able to buy what he produces is entirely irrelevant. if he thinks he can run a better factory, he should take the enormous risk of getting a business loan (like the other guy probably had to at some point) and try to compete. if he doesn't want to, he should figure something else out.

i had a socialist friend who worked at a subway and complained that if he churned out ten sandwiches in an hour, he should at least get most of the $50 or so that was paid for them, because he was the one doing the work. i pointed out that all of the components of the sandwich belonged to the employer, that people were only coming into the store because of advertising paid for by the employer, that if someone got sick from one of the sandwiches the employer, not him, would be sued and be shit out of luck, that if the sandwich market suddenly tanked the employer would lose his business and probably a lot more than that while my friend could just turn in his apron and look for work somewhere else. business owners take risks and should be rewarded when they do well, and no one else deserves what they earn, no matter how much it is.

of course that applies to a free market, which is unfortunately not what we have today, although i guess selling sandwiches is as close anything going to that. sigh.

this mess of a wikipedia article don't help me understand wtf social credit is about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_credit

explain it to me Randy. I know you linked to slide show on it many months ago, but that too was a mess that didn't help. I can do college algebra but I can't understand social credit.

As for the free market, no offense, but anyone who thinks the free market is acceptable is an idiot.

yes the business owner takes a lot of risk and should be rewarded for that risk, but the problem is that in the free market, the phenomenon of Increasing Returns dictates that the ROI is exponentially disproportionate to the initial risk which translated into plain English means that the factory owner soon comes to own the entire fucking world which is quite a different thing from the naively inaccurate utopian picture painted by free market advocates. There simply is no such thing as a free market that doesn't result in the majority of society becoming the slaves of the minority of society. There is no middle class in a free market. Sorry, but that's just how the math works out. Put on your dunce cap bobby and go sit in the corner.

that's awesome logic. i guess that's why everybody just goes out and owns a factory and gets rich and lives on a cloud. douche.

owning a factory in a free market doesn't mean anyone will come to own the world, it just means that he will be able to take his best shot at offering his market the best product he can. as he long as he does a good job, he will continue to thrive. when he stops doing a good job, his company will decline and fail (like GM should have, for example).

the risk inherent in owning a business is enormous. it's why probably almost no one on this board actually owns a factory, even the whiny bitches like yourself who pretend that deciding to own one automatically puts money in your pocket and a crown on your head (if it's that easy, why don't you do it?).

here's the other thing jackasses like yourself can't seem to grasp: they say 1 in 10 small businesses fails in the first year. this is not a random selection; you don't start a business and hope that you get picked to be the one that makes it. the one that succeeds does so because it beat out the others. in other words, the one that gets through that first year has something the others don't--a better product, idea, system, whatever. every successful business in a free market represents a person who has made a positive contribution as deemed by the customers who give their money to that business. so they fucking should be rewarded because they don't sit on their asses and play it safe.

the great thing about a company is that your interaction with them is voluntary--the only way someone in a free market could ever come to 'own the world' is if he's really good at providing everyone with exactly what they want, so much so that they decide to buy everything only from him. if he stops doing that, someone else who comes a long and does it better will gain market share, and take over.

increasing returns to scale in the real business world--and in a free market--only happen when you continue to a good job, and guess what--they aren't a problem, they are what drives innovation and progress, and keep businessmen doing fucking good jobs.

there are no slaves in a free market, because labor is a free market as well. people can earn whatever wage they actually *deserve* according to their skills and abilities. if someone's abilities are not worth more then $8/hour, then $8/hour, or whatever it is, however low or high, is a 'fair' wage, in the original sense of the word. how can you be a slave if no one is forcing you to work for anyone, and you choose your employer based on the abilities you've developed for yourself?

here's the amazing irony in all of this--you use the word 'slave' to describe workers in a free market society. but what are you? clearly you don't own a business, or else you wouldn't think what you think, so that means if you are employed that you work for someone else. you get paid a regular wage, on some scale, in return for the work that you do. you have a reliable stream of income (as opposed to someone who opens a business on his own and only makes money when he's selling). you clearly advocate a more socialist, less free society, where every citizen (except the ones who don't feel like working) must give a large portion of their earnings to their government because they must support government programs or go to jail. so instead of favoring a society where people must stand on their own merit, you prefer taking the fruits of people's labor and jailing them if they fight it--and you yourself refuse to leave you reliable, smaller income, and take a risk and start a business (and then make all that magic, instant money that some economist told you is out there) because the reality is you're afraid of what might happen. so not only are *you* a slave, but you choose to be one, and you like it, and you wish it on other people.

if you want to brand yourself a slave because you think someone, somewhere should be giving you more money for no reason, then that's your business. please don't destroy everyone else's freedom because you can't grow a pair and make the most out of what you've got.

Ya'll some smartypantses.

last time I checked the U.S., where I live, isn't a free market... it's heavily regulated... If it were a free market, then yes, I would be a slave... and there would be no middle class...

second point... you don't understand this 'increasing returns' concept. Look at your keyboard. QWERT. This key layout was designed to be as inefficient as possible for the user. Why are you using it? Answer: Increasing returns. Absent artificial regulation, the free market does not result in the best product at the lowest price. The free market disproportionately rewards those who come to market first, regardless of how sucky their product is... so much so that a key layout that was designed to suck can not be displaced...

Look also at the A/C distribution system in the U.S.... 110 volts... that's bullshit... it's totally inefficient as compared to 220 volts... The conductors have to be twice as large in a 110 volt system as opposed to a 220 volt system. 220 volts is in this and many other respects less expensive and safer too. Why do we keep going with 110? Answer: In a free market, the up front cost to change from 110 to 220 is too high, even though this cost would more than pay for it's self in the long run. The essence of the free market is a combination of throwing good money after bad, and the concentration of power in wealth in the hands of a small elite. The markets in the U.S. are some of the least regulated in the first world, and what do you see, you see wealth disproportionately concentrated in the hands of a few, to the point where much of the population is denied access to basic human rights such as health care. But hey, maybe if we eschew regulation even more, that will fix things. maybe. keep dreaming.

If you love free markets so much, why don't you go live someplace where there is artificial regulation in name only, some place like say Nigeria. See how much you like that.

i said several times already that we don't live in a free market. how, specifically, would a free market make you a slave?

as for your second point, we use QWERTY keyboards now because we're all used to them. obviously. in a free market, though, anyone can invent a better keyboard and start selling it. if it actually is better, it will replace the QWERTY. the problem with alternate keyboard layouts is for people who are used to the standard layout, an alternate one is not actually better, even if it is in theory more efficient. you are stuck on the idea that it would have been better if everyone had been trained on it in the first place. however, we live in the real world, and in the real world the QWERTY keyboard, being the best known, is the best one. anyone who wished to change that fact can develop their own keyboard, and if the improvement in performance is worth the effort to switch over, and if that person can demonstrate that as much is true and market it accordingly, then he can become rich and change the norm.

however, no one is going to (successfully) do that because there is no widespread market demand for a better keyboard layout. this is another reason why free markets work--they address actual problems, not theoretical ones, because actual ones need solving and make money, while theoretical ones do not. in a free market the 'problem' of the keyboard is ignored, and other problems that people actually want solutions to are addressed.

the same applies to a/c distribution. because it is the established standard, it is the best option for everyone. what you are concerned with is the idea that if people could have seen the future, they could have planned better. well no shit. but as it is, they came up with what worked best then, and because it became a standard, there was no compelling reason to change. if you want to custom-wire your own house, and rewire everything you buy, and so on and so forth, you could go for it. but because everyone operates on the existing standard, sticking to that standard makes much more economic sense then forcing everyone to change and making every existing household electrical appliance obsolete. the guy who can come up with an attractive, workable solution to that can, in a free market, guess what--make a ton of well-deserved money with his solution. if not one can come up with an answer, then there actually is no good reason to change--not in theory, but in actual practice.

what you seem to be advocating is not any political or economic system, but the ability to see the future. i think we all agree that would avoid a lot of problems and inefficiencies. short of that, i think it's best to let individuals make their own choices, since they are best acquainted with their own situations.

incidentally, government regulation is what *keeps* wealth 'concentrated' where it is right now. furthermore, in a free society, wealth is not distributed, it is earned by people, and since people are different they *should* have different amounts of money. and, health care cannot possibly be a basic human right, because it requires the time and resources of other people, and by definition you cannot have the right to someone else's time and resources without--yup--making that person a slave. that's not to say that our current health care system (not a free market) is any good, because it's largely not. but regardless of how passionate anyone is about health care or some of the bad situations out there, it can't ever be a basic human right on a strictly logistical level. i'm talking about in the real world, not in theory, because what happens in theory is meaningless.

also, the whole nigeria situation is kind of fucked up as a result of widespread corruption and due to, wouldn't you know it, excessive and unchecked power for the government.


ts;dr (too stupid didn't read)

Hey man. Some of us have things to do. These paint chips aren't eating themselves.

oh my god! shut up!! I have never wanted to talk to a stupid person less in my life!!!!

so okay.. I'll ask you this... with the QWERT... or the 110 vs 220... or the less efficient thing of everyone using their own car, vs public transit...

how much of a country's GNP will be wasted on inefficient ways of doing things before the free market kicks in? just on a theoretical level? Since you admit the free market isn't going to always bring about the most efficient system... you said as much in your incoherent rambling about 110 vs 220... so I mean, hypothetically speaking, how much of a country's GNP would have to be wasted on the inefficient 110 system before the free market kicks in and causes a shift to 220? .05%? 5%? 50%???

Now my next question is this... how do you know that the free market is always right? I mean, whatever number you came up with in the first question.. say it was 2%... say after 2% of the country's GNP is wasted on 110volts, the country's free market kicks in and causes conversion to 220... how do you know that there isn't some other paradigm other than the free market which might cause that shift to happen at 1%?

"sticking to that standard makes much more economic sense then forcing everyone to change "

yes... it makes more economic sense in the short term... You know what else makes more economic sense in the short term? Pay day loans... that's right... a loan whose interest and fees amount to 500% of the principle makes sense... UNTIL YOU HAVE TO PAY THE LOAN OFF.... Smoke much crack do you?

"regardless of how passionate anyone is about health care or some of the bad situations out there, it can't ever be a basic human right on a strictly logistical level. "

other countries seem to manage it, meanwhile the USA manages to spend trillions on wars... Explain to me why the US is so special that it can't manage to provide everyone with health care while other countries manage it just fine, while spending half as much as we spend on health care...

I'm thinking that one solution might be to logistically put a bullet in your head and enough other people who think like you until people like you start to reconsider just what is and isn't actually possible...

you're pretty dumb, but the sad thing is you don't realize how dumb you are. You aren't even beginning to have a clue about how dumb and uninformed you are.

It's awesome that you understand the political social and economic situation in Nigeria. How much time have you spent studying the situation in Nigeria? All of zero minutes? That's pretty impressive. I'll bet you understand the situation in all 200 countries in the world. You have it all figured out. You're frickin' brilliant.

You'll have to excuse me if I don't continue trying to answer your queries, but after only a few times back and forth I already have the distinct impression that I'm chasing my tail. Go read a book or something.

Awww ratacattt, you were doing so good with your extra t. You were approaching humanity.

oh come on so now you're an expert on niceness?

okay maybe I overreacted saying we should shoot people with dangerously stupid ideas.

maybe we should just put them in camps instead.

there, see... I'm moderating my position!

Have some more water. A sip won't do a body no good in this heat.

You're such a boring tosser, aiu.


I know, right! poor people is lazy people!

Yes, First World poverty does spring directly from sloth. Somewhere down the line, somebody was too lazy to do something. Even if Johnny, himself, never did anything to deserve such a shit life, you can bet his father or grandfather was a lazy piece of shit. And even if you are handed a rough lot in life because a lazy ancestor of yours made a life of mistakes, a little initiative can go a long way toward easing your inherited poverty in countries like the ones in which we all live.

Suffice it to say, wherever there is poverty in a First World country, there are lifetimes of poor decision making and laziness to blame.

And if you're wondering, I'm not guessing on this. I didn't hear this in college. I've been seeing it from the inside for as long as my brain has been understanding the things that have been happening in front of my eyes. I was born poor because my parents had monumentally poor decision making skills. I remain lower middle class because I lack initiative. It was their fault that I was born this way and my fault that I remain this way.


P.S. The only people who've ever tried to argue these points with me have been those who've come from backgrounds of financial stability. People who like to make guesses about things because they got a B in economics. If this statement does not apply to your background, I sincerely welcome your input on this matter. Consider this before you reply. Thank you.

god bless you.

...Mr. Rosewater.

try not to blame ur parents dogg id hab jus takin alla blame. makes you seem lil pathetic to toss (even halfway) blame to ya fam, however true it may be, wat m tryin say is dont blame ur mom. ur dad? okay. but not ya moms bro u should loves ur moms and be huggin' her n shit n like "its okay moms. i know u dint hab alotta options/wherewithal but thx for bein my mom"

get u some money to where u can kick some gas money/electrical to ya moms bro

shes ded lol to late

Dang. I just realized that all three things I've said on this board in the last twenty-four hours have been hella dark and droopy-faced. Spring has sprung and I have a song in my heart and here I am throwin' down some rough anti-chuckles on the internet.

Let the record show that only one of those three things has been in any way based on reality and also that life rocks.

S.O.-S.A.D.'s gloomy pall still drapes 'pon your shoulders. It will lift soon.

Yeah, alternarively, just fuckin' this .

neither pets, toys, or younger siblings, but rather experiments that require direct participation to achieve successful results...

Yes - Fuck Boden mummies (and while we're at it, Fuck Tesco) in fact Fuck anything left over.

Tesco is balls. Morrisons all the waaay.

Fuck you, man. Sainsbury's Massiv represeeeent.

Fuck all UK grocery stores >B]


Pathmark! Pathmark! Pathmark! Pathmark!

Er - Primark? Matalan?

Not sure what we're doing anymore.

Hell - but we're having fun!

Save-Mart beats all your asses with their Boston Creme Pie and the surprise free cake for your first birthday.

Pathmark is a series of dirty holes with food thrown into them in the greater NY metro area. I don't know from UK chains.

Pathmark saved my life every timer I went shopping. You gotta know where the good ones are. Takes a bit more effort than some goddamn "Save-Mart."

last time i saw or was in a pathmark was when i visited my gramma in NJ.



Oklahoma has Pathmark?

oklahoma doesnt have shit.

HUGE slam on Oklahoma out of nowhere.

abuse is not an effective way to strengthen children. ensuring that they take responsibility for thier actions will cause that.

This really puts the intense, sustained physical abuse I suffered as a child and the inevitably correspondent intense, sustained physical abuse which I now inflict upon my own child into crystal clear perspective.

Are you a lawyer? Would you please consider being one? Soon?

@ hatstand_mcq

I share your sentiments about modern whelping.

However, Ray is a Brutus. He created the new Phillipe, and before the polish had worn off the little guy's medallion, the mentor was polishing his knife.

For what reasons? Ego and greed, wrapped in a thin veneer of curmudgeonly moralizing.

"Competition abounds." If that's the lesson (and if it's true), another will always arrive to teach it.

T needs to team up with Phillippe and bury Ray's competing business. It is the right thing to do.

No, it is not, grotsnumble. See above.

I know that he is trying to teach him that life is tough, but overcoming challenges is part of life as well. Not only teach the kid some responsibility, but he will earn some confidence as well.

Cue a hundred billion references to the Four Yorkshiremen sketch.

36 hours a day etc

Oh we used to dream of making references to sketch comedy. Back in my day we had five year old Garfield strips which we had to paint on a scrap of paper with our own blood and we liked it.

Looxury! In my day, we'd wake up at 5 a.m. to read Marmaduke with nothing but a day old Li'l Abner scrap to eat and then off t'newspaper factory to read every Blondie and make sure there weren't any smoodges for 14 hours a day. Then our father would throw Best of the Borscht Belt records at us until bed time, and we THANKED HIM.

Records? Tha' had records? How we would dream of have the Best of Borscht belt records thrown at us. When I were a lad we'd wake up at 4 a.m. to look through some incomprehensible Punch engravings about the Spanish American war while our father sang 'Champagne Charlie' and played a banjo.

A banjo! Extravagance! Why, for entertainment around the roaring tire fire we lit every night in the parlor, we used to listen to ol' Da' pounding on a hollowed out log as we read medical journal illustrations that had used pig vomit and corneal fluid as printing ink!

...out of a rolled-up newspaper!

Medical journals! We read The Fleurs du Mal to the accompaniment of a lafftrack run through a distortion pedal and re-scored by Alan Berg while ole' Da gently dissected a rubber chicken on the kitchen table.

Ahh but you try and tell 'em that these days...

They won't chubby you!

THE TRUTH: I used to carry an onion on my belt because sometimes comics would spontaneously appear on the skin. Well, it never happened, but so my father and his father before him had believed. And so my son after me believes.

Or tea

Tell Philippe it was only business, I always liked him.

The cat thinks five-year-olds don't have enough crippling setbacks in their lives nowadays.

As if they do in the first place?

You'd be surprised if you were ever five. And lived in Achewood.

Actually, as I remember it, my young childhood was a gleeful little affair of tree-climbing and being an autistic little knobhead.

It starts going downhill when you learn what "dreams" and "aspirations" and "studying" are, because eventually you'll wind up with most if not all of your dreams dashed like cinnamon on an apple pie.

Although this is just personal experience etc., not objective at all.

No, I was pretty carefree too in that Hey Arnold kind of way. But Philippe's the one who ate chapstick, was kidnapped by Nice Pete, was sucker punched on Christmas, and was told to Shove It by someone he thought was his friend. It's a different ball game in Achewood.

I think Arnold was anything but carefree, he got into all sorts of weird shit and I'm fairly sure a head with such girth would lead to spinal complications.

Also, are you sure we can count the sucker punch? I think that was before Characterization. Of T, at least.

Well I meant in the way him and his friends ran around the city, unhindered by parenthood.

Not that I had the extreme of "parents who didn't watch their kids," but neither did I have the "parents who coddled their kids to asphyxiation." I had a good mix and one of the elements of that way an allotment of outside play time as long as we stayed within the condo area and didn't break any bones. And I did alright.

Okay, I am in control of this information.

5 year olds in those countries that are 3rd world.

Okay, fair, but we could hardly call Philippe a 3rd world kiddo muckin' about between some roots for some edible grubs or what-have-you. I was also under the impression that the conversation was pertaining to the western world.


5 year olds in 3rd world countries are mature like 15 year olds in 1st world countries

Getting drunk and booooooooning?

its funny that ray is trying to disguise his dickishness as tough love considering how his own mother wiped his ass for most of his life.

Ray probably should have gotten Beef's opinion before pursuing the matter any farther.


the irony, it burrrrrns us

in ray's mind, all mothers should be like his mother and all fathers should be like his father. maybe he's right

a world full of people like ray would be fun to visit, but i wouldnt want to live there.

Yes, I saw this comment on touamb and was wondering when someone was gonna bring it up here. Everyone seems to be arguing if Ray bringing Philippe up hard knocks is the right thing, ignoring the fact that Ray had an EXTREMELY easy childhood and is successful now. Whole thing reeks of hypocrisy. Remember folks, this is the boy whose mother would serve steak fries and duck when he was Philippe's age.

I am glad Chris Onstad put this comic up.
But I am not happy with Ray Smuckles' actions.

I don't know how to feel overall.

I think he's trying to make us hate Achewood so that we will all leave

not gonna work, O

If Ray keeps this sort of thing up, Philippe will be six before he knows it.

Ray hums a few bars of "Cat's in the Cradle", breaks down sobbing...

The boy was just like me
Yeah, he turned 6 just like me

Huh. Whatever, fag.

The magazines .

I fucking knew it.

Their secret plan to ruin society was detailed in that article that was unaccompanied by graphs, crosswords, or pictures of women. How could we have known?

Ray is starting to sound like Gladdi8orex?

1 d 2 r s

Brilliant use of silent panels here. Teodor is clearly still a bit out of it from a hard night's brainstorming.

sorry for double posting. I have a web site to share with the community. https://www.obd-2.com/ I nominate this site for worst marketing job ever. most cluttered disorganized web site ever. Scroll down (or more likely ctrl-f) to where you find the links... Chicago - Czech Republic - Deutsch - Español - Español Europe ... hilarious... it looks like the guy paid someone to translate his site or something...

Red plants...

That's how my brother died.

Touched a red plant in 'Nam.

Not funny, not cool.

Not. A good. Comic.




I lost my leg in 'Nom

Hey, no Lost spoilers! Some of us haven't seen the latest episode!

If this strip had half as many panels and one-third the words, it would be old-style Achewood, and all y'all would say so.

Tangent: The spell-check in Firefox can differentiate between "all y'all" (correct) and "all ya'all" (wrong), but it thinks "Achewood" is an error.

Is there a way to change the firefox spellchecker to Commonwealth English? It's not that I mind American spelling so much, it's that I'm worried if I start confusing my brain I'll get even worse at spelling in general.

Let me help:

I - N
G - E - N - E - R - A - L

(nonchalantly taps ash from the end of his cigar)



Cheers mate!

Thank you.

The past: it's gone man.

I'm probably wrong but I think Chris here is somehow channeling his anger/disconmfort at his fans' growing doubts about the future of Achewood.

discomfort, even

because 3 exploding Todds are funny and 2 are not

I see four, is my internet broken>

it's called the free market. don't make a dick move over the little things.

Yes, dicks prefer to go under or through.

Well he better shape the FUCK up then.

As your local psychologist I highly approve of the "harden up, princess" technique. A colleague and myself are working on the finer points. However, let the natural environment take it's course Ray, don't force it's hand.

I think forcing the hand is the only option here. Personally I wonder when it became so that if you whacked your kid upside the head for being a little brat, you're a monster, and if you let it gleefully run amok like a baby elephant hopped up on sugar and thirteen different kinds of Shutthefuckupofine, you're parent of the year, round of applaus, approach the mic and take your fuckin' prize from the goodies basket.

Why is it backwards.

Because for the last decade or so the main people in the parenting business have been drawn from the pool of dudes whose big claim to history was proliferating sexually transmitted disease and establishing getting high as the core of social rebellion; who saw the Vietnam War and the fallout of Soviet privatization and said "Hey, that was awesome, when I grow up I want to do it all again but more nihilistic and pointless"; who decided that Ayn Rand was a genius because she called them awesome for sucking and decided the music of the Beatles should last forever because it's what they liked in high school. The only way society could handle these people having children was to treat them like Lennie when he gets in mouse-petting mode and hope enough of the offspring physically survived their years of minority to maintain the vast national psychiatric support system that's sure to be as vital to the beginning of this century as the electrical infrastructure was for the beginning of the last. Encouraging the aging toddlers to beat the crap out of their actual toddlers when they get angry is not productive .

proliferating sexually transmitted disease and establishing getting high as the core of social rebellion

Contraception set women and society free, and very few people got the clap (AIDS, why fuck a monkey?)
Pot and LSD got many off the treadmill long enough to re-evaluate careers and work. The rest I don't understand, and would probably be about other groups I didn't interact with.

I'm confused about how hippies are supposed to like Ayn Rand.

Not every Boomer was a hippie, although plenty who were hippies back when they had no money are libertarians now. There is a broad range of cosmetically different philosophies and ideologies represented among the Baby Boomers, the unifying theme behind all of them is self-indulgence and irresponsibility.

It's a false "generation" anyway, running way too long (1946 to 1964, I believe) and only identified by an increase in the birth rate. Hardly a good common trait, although useful for predicting school construction, I suppose. We need to at least talk "Early Boomers" (46-56) and "Late Boomers" (57-64).

Given that "generation" is sort of an arbitrary concept since people don't come in distinct waves but rather are bein' made pretty consistently all the time, describing the vaguely coherent social phenomenon that comes with a certain set of years works fine for me. 64 is definitely pushing it, though.

I'm confused about how anyone likes Ayn Rand

is it the part about someone specifically finding any value in any of Ayn Rand's ideas that confuses you, or is it the part about someone generally having any idea that's not 100% aligned with your own worldview that's causing the confusion?

I just saw Duke as Hank Rearden. Mind blown.

I choose option 3: she just was not that talented at making cheese, and who can like an inept cheesemaker?

She cooks meat, she cooks potatoes, but does she provide me with a good cheese? No. Her spread is inadequate.

The cheeseless spread of Objectivism.

The spread of Objectivism was, unfortunately, posthummus.


I shrug.

Let me look that up in my Atlas.

...he anthemicly chanted.

this cold, hard world turns beautiful children into people that look, think, and feel like us. for good or for ill.

How do you arrive at the alternative option?


Resist th' Powah,
you the one who's gonna die
come your time to die

You have no chance to survive make your time.

I'd love to continue this to "For great justice" but I should probably just not say anything oh fuck

You know what child will stay beautiful forever?

A dead child.

...in a cooler...

...surrounded by cod...

...with a candlestick...

...And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.

...Just like those levels in Earthworm Jim 2. Deep, man. Deep.

So, I just learned that the actual poem "Coming Through the Rye" is about fuckin'. I guess Holden was not too great at analyzing poetry?

That's one of the big themes of the book, I think. The very title is based on his misunderstanding.

Motherfucker just don't get it.

that's cool though... he still was at that age and also of that age where a kid could still have some naive innocence.

I really wish I had known/realized that when I read the book. It sort of makes me want to reread it now... but I didn't really like it the first time. I guess I wasn't able to relate. Which was weird, being an angsty teenager and all.

It's a sad feeling to read a book that so many other people have enjoyed and know that you're not really getting anything out of it.

Some books take rereading. Don't discount it because you didn't like it the first time.

You would say that, JD Salinger!

Seriously though, I am going to reread it.


Same goes for MY POEMS!


Not doing much lately, but here's a snippet from my Chicago poems:

THE working girls in the morning are going to work--
long lines of them afoot amid the downtown stores
and factories, thousands with little brick-shaped
lunches wrapped in newspapers under their arms.
Each morning as I move through this river of young-
woman life I feel a wonder about where it is all
going, so many with a peach bloom of young years
on them and laughter of red lips and memories in
their eyes of dances the night before and plays and

Eh, you've done better, Carl, not much of a fan of those loose women type. Spiritual tramps are as far as I go. Which reminds me a story I'm working on about this guy, and he's laying out on the beach, see...

Oh also I just found this quote:
"All reading is rereading."
...which was attributed to Henry James where I saw it.

No, and that was the point. ALSO! Written by Robert Burns.

The irony is that record players be louder, and grownups be drunker. They had to fight back twice as hard after magazines.

Let's all remember here that while Ray's opinion might be how you feel, it's uncharacteristic of Ray. So as we Assetbarbarians take sides against each other in the coming hours and days, understand this. I think we all agree most kids could use at least one slap in their kid-lives, but that Ray is not being Ray here.

Forgive my un-Salinger-like comments.

This is fair and true and agreeable.

Social commentary, pro, sudden out-of-character acting, con.

Exactly dude. That's my gripe.

I propose a toast. Failing that, a chestbump, or some other thoroughly heterosexual display of mutual agreement, recognition, and respect.

We could make a face at each other, like, something between a Man with No Name grimmace and Paul Newman smirk, that signifies total agreement, manliness and respect.


jesus christ it is a lion

get in the car



a cool-guy mini-nod?

Cool Dirty Hand HarryLuke approves.

Ray isn't being Philippe's friend, he isn't giving him tough love, he is his competitor. When Phillippe came to him to emulate him, Ray's kid gloves came off and his intrepid entrepreneur hat was put on. Ray is doing what Ray does, completely in character, he thinks of Phillipe as an equal in this arc, not as some 5 year old friend. Phillipe did *ask* him to make him like Ray.

Bullshit. Philippe is special. Philippe is five. Ray is unapologetically pro-Philippe in all ways. This is WRONG.

Did you hear they're remaking The City Of Lost Children, with Phillipe...


Cartilage Head plays Krank.
Ray plays One.
Chinese otter plays Miette.
Circus Penis plays the diver.

Ray is being pro-Phillipe in the best way he knows how: by showing him the "ropes". Not some of the ropes. The full Monty. Consider: a fellow might give you some instruction in a particular art, but show enough promise to rival him, and it is ON! Ray is teaching Phillipe. Not that Ray thought this through, it's how he lives. After all, who was Ray's role model of a "kindly dad"? Yeah, that's right. Nobody. Not Ramses. Not Beef's Pa, whoever he might be. Nobody. So, Ray is just doing what comes naturally, and not in any kind of vicious way: "It's not personal, it's just business."

No, this strikes me as Rayesque in the extreme.

I remember when Ray would melt when a certain little otter called his tee shot a hot tranny mess.

That is NOT the same type of cat that would backstab his five year old apprentice

Ray is not enjoying this, man. It just has to be done

Do you think Ray wanted to do this? Do you think Ray is deriving some sick pleasure?
He knows this is what's best for the massive little man. It breaks his heart to do it but he knows he has to. This is not the Ray who signed a cute amount of money for a cute little guy. This is the Ray who mercy killed a deer right in front of Phillipe.

Lyle also melted when Philippe said that.

I don't think that Ray is acting out of character at all. This is a guy who called his best friend a butthole because he got engaged to the woman Ray told him to get engaged to. He makes dick moves all the time.

Coming from a guy I'm guessing never got slapped.

You've not lived my life.

No but really, not that it's anyone's business, but my parents never had the need to hit me with their actual hands because it never came to the point where I'd do anything bad enough to warrant it. Watch me not ask if you ever got hit:

Watch me answer the question you didn't ask to someone who's not me!

Think about it.

Insert image of Todd's head exploding.

I question whether Ray even really knows what he is arguing by the time we've reached the final panel.

God damn you, magazines! Damn you to HELL!
(Magazines stole my youth.)

Bumper sticker: my other magazine is your magazine.


My other magazine is your youth.

But either work actually.

Can I have your other magazine...back?

I'd like my youth for your magazine.

Mind = Blown

Nick's face from about :10 on is my reaction.

good luck. good life.

That there's some serious shit. I mean, they're exploring the meaning of life .

Ray is Lie Bot, and what he is doing to Philippe is the saddest thing.

dybrar, your insightful words have given me a Moment of Clarity.

Ray is Lie Bot in this strip. Did Onstadt forget that he has a character who is already Lie Bot? Perhaps the time has come to broaden the focus of Achewood a little, have a lower-deck episode or even just a few guest stars.

Onstar what is your major malfucktion

i cunt hear you. i have an ear in fucktion.

Twat did you say? Bare ass me again.


Is it significant that the hens were four-legged?

How can you even ask that?

none of this shit makes any fucking sense

what is ray even talking about

Onstad is exploring something about philosophy. Damn if he hasn't managed to capture something terrible about the experience of being a parent.

It ain't complicated. Ray's saying that kids have had it too easy lately, and that they will never grow up towards great things if terrible shit doesn't happen to them.

winston churchill? why?

Gonorrhea, in comparison, is not very tasty

Ray proved himself a coward who would desert a massive little man.

Textchubby, since Assetbar doesn't approve of my gregariousness.

Listen T, we're going to have to beat children. We're going to have to beat them until their blood runs. That's just the way.

There was a time when a roundhouse kick to the face was "time out" enough, not anymore. When I was six my Dad threw my through a wall, that was an important lesson, I learned not all walls are load bearing, and the ones that are not are just some paper over wood.

That's SCIENCE. You can't get that from a book, because books are all about Harry Potter and the Sexy Vampire Slumber Party now.


This sounds like a juvenile version of the works of Ginsburg, Kerouac and Burroughs, and I like that.
This should be done. This should be a thing.

It was a reference to Wonder Showzen, and I really wanted to post an image of the "Beat Kids" logo, but, well, you know...[IMGS OFF] and all.

Ginsburg, Kerouac and Burroughs were all severely Beat
down as children.

So down they never grew up!

Give us this day
Our daily beat
And forgive us this day
our asynchronicity....

-==Ohh Mannnnnn!!!==-

Will he ever come back from Beatnik world? *snap*bongo beat*

I remember being a child. It is exactly the same as being a vicious, lying psychopath.

Except people are less likely to beat you up or throw you in prison

A vicious, lying psychopath who against all reason everybody cherishes and hugs.

I made my own strip to show my feelings about Ray's actions. [IMGS OFF] and https://i882.photobucket.com/albums/ac28/machineelf/mine.jpg

So what font does Onstad use?

He uses Interstate, or something like it - the one on American road signs.

liam neeson has a line in his tour de force portrail of rob roy where his son asks him "what is honor?" and he goes on to say that honor is something that "no man can give you and no man can take away from you. it's mans gift to himself" he continues on the subject when his boys follows up with "do women have honor?" liam smiles and says "they are the heart of honor". the whole scene is so moving. got me thinking.

liam neeson also says " i will find you and i will kill you ".

i am alot like liam neeson's characters

Here Gladi admits he is a talking magic lion.


i had heard abot narnia n not read teh books was eager to view when it was my in-flight movie (the wardrobe not caspian) so i sat back wit ma headphones n watched teh fuck outta it not espectin too much ya know but i lurved it n cant wait to netflix caspian up in here especial cuz ma baby regina put a track on it i hear but i dunno we will see


When she was a child, Laura Miller wanted desperately to visit Narnia -- C.S. Lewis' fantastic fictional universe in which animals talk and magic is an everyday occurrence. But when Miller re-read the "Chronicles of Narnia" series as an adult, she felt betrayed and tricked.In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, Laura Miller talks about returning to the Narnia stories to discover the wonder and mysteries they hold for adults.


Kenneth Branagh reads a selection from "The Magician's Nephew," one of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. And Laura Miller talks with Steve Paulson about her long relationship with the Narnia books. She read them as a child and loved them. Later she was put off by the Christian symbolism, but now feels the book are terrific for believers and non-believers alike. Miller's book about her experience with Narnia is called "The Magician's Book: A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia."

Laura Miller is the Cure of literary criticism

When I say I hate the Narnia books everyone's all like, "Well you have to get past the Christian thing" and I'm like, "I am past the Christian thing and it is still just a bunch of pretty bad books."

Try explaining to a fundamentalist slash evangelical that you're an atheist... Invariably, the concept doesn't register, and they start asking you "Why do you hate God? Why are you angry at God?"

There's something about being able to contemplate a perspective that's different from one's own which I guess I just sort of take for granted...

yay you

I'm not even an atheist. I just like my Christian propaganda to be worthwhile as anything other than Christian propaganda (see: Battlestar Galactica).

no, he admits to being irish.

Rob Roy was apparently less than 5 feet tall in real life. So you know.

ancient peoples were ask anybody. 5'3 fucking gigantic for 1400s peeps bro. true shit

Cheese fucking burgers, yo.

is that what happens between closed buns?

So he was actually called Rb Ry......

you'll get this one on the way home

Short vowels?

Look, someone was gonna take Philippe down eventually. It was only a matter of time. Better it be Ray, who at least understands the gravity of what he's doing, than some guy from the internet who cares nothing for Philippe (or worse, Nolan from the Internet, who cares for Philippe in completely the wrong way). Ray knows that what he's doing is going to hurt Philippe, but he also knows that he can use this to help Philippe in the long run. He is like a father who, despite wanting to give everything to his children, refuses them certain pleasures in order to teach them about the world.

Ray would be a terrible parent on the whole, but he is doing the right thing here.

So at any point while you were stringing together a sentence connecting the concepts "Ray" and "understands the gravity of what he's doing" did you suddenly get the sensation that something was terribly, fundamentally wrong? Like a vague feeling of unease, maybe, nothing you could place necessarily but something nonetheless distinctly there .

The very fact that he Dealt With Nolan because he was Paying Attention should tell you that this is not a Ray move.

So because a rich cat once threatened a paedophile, he is therefore always going to be kind to children?


Ray is really starting to sound like Ramses here.

Oh shit. You know what this means.

There can be only one. This means blood.

Ramses doesn't have to rationalize what he does. Kicking asses is always justified, he knows it, and anyone who doesn't isn't worth explaining to.

You know who'd come up with a wordy excuse about Society when caught doing something terrible? Pat. If he'd sink that low.

are you a sock puppet? who are you, with your 4 posts?

Who am I? Who are you ?

ay aye you

I don't like your girlfriend

chubbied for avatar/comment synergy.

I apparently overlooked stereo's response to my comment before; after reading it, I didn't get it at all, and wondered why it was chubbied.

I copied and pasted it into google, put the quotations around it (thanks, professorhazard!) because your comment lead me to believe it was actually a reference to something and not a non-sequitur, and hit search.

I see now that it was an honest and good reference to an Avril Lavigne song. I'll give it a chubby, too.

I am kinda curious who this smug fucker in my avatar is, though. Who is that guy? Did I invite him in? Do I know him?

I thought it was Shia LaBeouf, but now I think I'm wrong.

My guess is David Duchevny (?) of X-Files and Californication fame.

You guess wrong, my friend.

When Ray says 'Why you think record players used to be so huge and loud, and grownups so drunk?' does anyone else suspect that his entire view of the past is based on that one episode of Mad Men he sort of watched while making a late supper.

He was just waiting for Krunkman Chronicles: the Animated series to come on and he heard they made hell of martinis on that show.

All Napoleon sipping a G&T in Spain

Timmy has always cried when he peed his OshKosh. He has always had a carbon allergy. He has always done these things, ever since he read a magazine.

Ray sure has a way with words.

Yes, the world is hard. Why? Because parents tell their kids it's hard. The parents make it hard for kids and then their kids make it hard for other kids. It doesn't have to be hard.


Man, hella rage being poured out on this page. I don't think it's particularly cool what Ray's doing, but I'm gonna sit back and let the arc play out. Hopefully things will happily roll back to the status quo and we'll get a one-off strip of Todd faking a fatal childhood illness so he can use the Make-a-Wish Foundation to punch Bruce Willis in the groin Because He Is On Cocaine in about a week whenever Chris gets around to cartoonin in between signings and talks and generally living the hectic life of an internet playboy.

A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by erk070, QuietWyatt, exits2freeways)

would you settle for a Fuck You Thursday? if yes, fuck you. if no, fuck you, asshole.

Fuck this guy and his opinions!

We're hella sassy on this message board at the moment, and I for one endorse this heartily. Fuck all of you and your respective family members.

Now this is more like Assetbar of old



They're hearing me laugh (SNORT, REALLY) in the next cubicle -- I can't possibly tell them what's so funny, which makes it even funnier.

Just shout "Anus train, all aboard!"




Even the sick ones?? I endorse that.



hahaaa... yeah, go fuck yourself in the ass with a splintered broomstick, sucka!!

yeah.. fuck you asshole thursday for sure. but it's my friday, so who is lol-ing now?

This isn't the first time that Ray has tacked on some philosophy to justify a bad decision. I'm thinking "Cold Nachos" here.

That you boned?

assetbar wasn't working for me when I first checked the strip. I think it might have been taken away from us so that we would stop throwing our spaghetti.

I doubt that Onstad will say thank you, Jayden.

for me, assetbar wouldnt open up until the new comic postd to my google reader.

Hey scorpio hey scorpio it worked man I fooled them all . I dedicate it all to that guy on the internet who cheered me up a couple nights in a row.

Oh hey and damn that is some sweet beans now girl I never did finish that story about my old mom cold sassing the Top Chef in the restaurant but thats ok.

Hugs xiaomimi ::{{{{XIAOMIMI}}}}::

Folks, bust out some kegs of imported,




Is achewood becoming dinosaur comics? Only instead of the pictures always being the same, it's the concepts...

are you becoming dinosaur comics? only instead of the pictures being the same, its you mentioning dinosaur comics really often

Wish I read this first.

I like me my T-Rex and Utahraptor and Dromenecieiousus too but get off that DC kick, man, it is unbecoming.

he's talking about the tampon magazines

Is Ray sitting on some kind of Papal throne?

Late to the party. Oh my god is there no conversation that doesn't end up libertarianism vs socialism?!?!

I like how Ray can just start a sentence "The parable of..." it's great. Cuts the bullshit. Or not. Still, in Achewood world I feel that Roast Beef is a prime example of how old school parenting did not work.

I think most parents with whiny kids and/or dogs can get help from Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer.

I don't think Beef's parenting was old school as much as it was chaotic and negligent.

Someone help me out: Why are the images turned off??

Because of a problem?

This is the only worthy response to this.

I beg to differ. Other worthy responses:
1. because of THESE KNIVES!
2. because someone screwed a monkey.
3. because it is the saddest thing
4. because they are the images that I boned.

I have a better one.

5. Philippe is standing on them
6. cant you SEE them?

7. ...Boned?
8. because he is from Circumstances. (only if RB has been used)

9. Because of MY AXE
10. Because of news of the north

11. Because of my clits, love em, moist.

Fuck you!

(I love Friday)

I have a niece named Jaiden. Her mother is exactly as you describe. I suspect Onstad of espionage.

Either that or the fact that names like Jaiden are used by parents like that more often than a good old Tom or Betty.

Well, at least they realized it could be spelled with an "ai" rather than "ay". For some reason, the "ay" variant seems all the more abhorrent.

9-1-1 call: Rabid otter attacks SWFL man. Ray better watch out.

Remember Onstad's trip to Google that didn't end in any way other them him not talking about it any more? I think Google is using Onstad as a surrogate AI - a prototype - for developing an automated feedback/response based improvement of ad and service delivery. Slowly but surely they'll replace him with computers - and they'll use the forum feedback to see when you call tell if it was auto-generated or when Onstad really made it.

They're crowd sourcing the problem of passing a Turing test by tricking tons of people into evaluating a piece of art and evaluating on its subtleties, using their computing farms to analyze comment trends, ratings, etc.

Sometimes they have to spend a lot of time with Onstad to get the specific comic out they want to get a response for, to answer a specific type of question about how people respond to a subtle change in the presentation. That's when it takes the longest to get the next strip out.

It's just a theory - but post at your own risk.

BTW - the main way to defeat this technique is to talk about how original the strips have been lately

No one should be a cock to a five year old, ever.

But Ray is trying to parent from... HISTORY!

Ray is teaching Philippe the illusory nature of the marketplace, plus getting to play God and Devil in turn.

hint: (It's in his Contract

Let no man put asunder what I believe is thee proper attyre for childe-rearing.

Discipline! THAT'S the secret to raising children! GOD is that obvious!

Winston Churchill was actually his day and time's answer to one of those Sniffleprofin types. You want hard, ambitious men who played the game from small times and got toughened up by their drunken, abusive dads, you look at Hitler and Stalin.

Nobody with a carbon allergy is gonna exterminate European Jewry is all I'm sayin'.

right why would they want to exterminate a people they have so much in common with lol

Was this thing down for a while?

all weekend I think. It happens a lot.

that's what she said.

Soon as I wrote it, I could feel the "she said" coming. Nice play.

I tried to resist. I feel cheapened, dirty somehow.

That'll pass ... then you'll do it again, and again ...

its a TRAP!

because of Italians. Onstad told me so.

Ey, ohhh, take it easy there.

he said the building that the servers are stored in is italian, what?

::room full of Italians:: OHHH!

hi erryone

I has make beta version of assetbarista which displays images once again


click on it and it will ask you to install say yes

then maybe you should click on the monkey head and manage user scrip

and then disable assetbarista but leave enable TEST.assetbarista

and then try it out. when done trying it you can do opposite - disable TEST.asstbarista and enable the regular assetbarista.

still in alpha beta feedback welcoem


Last Post!! He he!!!

Not so fast.

Not so slow, moarlike

Ray you are not a rad friend. You...are...not...rad!

So here I am catching up on old stuff since I now have a functional computer, and I run across sketched stuffed animals acting out what I have recently realized is The Lesson of my childhood (aka "I came from Circumstances as did we all") : Drunk adults with large, loud record players will take away the things they gave you if thy realize you are good at and/or enjoying them.


(Being In My Cups, this realization has caused me to create an assetbar profile for the sole purpose of responding to something no one else is looking at any more.)