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Hand-held fan Friday, January 4, 2002 • read strip Viewing 64 comments:

How would Ray react if it was him instead of Cornelius?

"Classic Lyle".

Yeah, his character is pretty much canon by this point.

He'd act dignified about it, pretend to blow it off, then never use the thing again.

He'd just sit there, not being a woman, and Lyle would be wrong

Wow, all of those are good answers.

Rap battle?

Whatever dude. You be all stanky and gross if you want to. I'm a sit here and be cool while you go and wash your socks in some old soup and get thrush so as a dog vomits when you go near. Perhaps I'll go to a club later. I'll get rutty with some of the ladies you compare me to, on account of my not smelling like half a racoon in a sack.

in the top five for sure. lyle has a really good point, and he makes his argument well.

A comment left by juancarlos was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by nighttoad, twentyfivepast, invidious, kylank, DeimosRising, equinn2006, rhymesforkids, nutmeg, bixschmix, joamiq)

A comment left by dboothe was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FuckYou, Overmedicated, kylank, JuanCarlos, Darthemed)

This is a hilarious misunderstanding.

I look forward to all of you imagining a terrified Dolly inside someone's testicle. That is not somewhere you want to wake up.

Seriously, juancarlos's misreading is truly histerical. Not only does he mistake the word, he still makes it work in an amusing manner. He jams that square peg into a round hole without even noticing the effort involved.

A square peg will easily fit into a round hole. It all just depends on the diameter.

Was your pedantry really necessary here, belgand? Was it?

1) Yes. Pedantry is always necessary and its own reward.
2) I never understood that expression. Honestly. Square pegs easily go into round holes. It's not really a function of shape. I find it to be a deeply confusing expression.

You don't understand the expression? You know those children's toys that tend to look like a little plastic workbench? And they have different shaped holes which are all about the same size. They have circles, squares, maybe a triangle or something. And there are corresponding plastic pieces that fit these holes, and children take the pieces and fit them in the holes, maybe with the assistance of a little plastic hammer. It builds shape recognition and hand-eye coordination. The pieces and the holes are designed so that each piece only fits its corresponding hole. Thus, you cannot put the square peg in the round hole, because the hole's diameter isn't big enough.

Anyway, I think you do understand the expression and are just being smug and difficult.

No, I understand the expression, but it's never really made a lot of sense to me. A square peg is the next best thing to fit into a round hole and fill it more or less completely. It only requires a slightly larger diameter as well. It just always seemed like a weird expression to me. Trying to fit the square peg into the triangular hole always seemed like it would be a hell of a lot more difficult and fruitless. Not trying to be difficult or anything, it's just how I feel. Perhaps I was speaking poorly earlier.

Not to mention that fitting a square peg into a slightly smaller round hole is a proven method of joining two pieces of wood without nails.

A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DR_MANFLESH_DESIRES_ANAL_PLAY_IMMEDIATELY, Vice, a_dude, hikikomori, monkeysauce, ralgnar, dr_sexlove)

Shut up man llamas are great.

Correction: llamas that look like Prince are great.
Seriously, have you ever seen the full-sized and complete version of your avatar? The similarity to Prince is pretty staggering.

I read this as "Vote five or I will come on you in the night." Hilarious!

Man why did 7 people lame this I don't even

I love this strip

Mr. Bear looks so indignant in the last panel.

cold turning the other cheek.

I'm not afraid to admit that I got a hearty chuckle out of this strip

Hehe, this one's awesome.

Nothing like driving an insult to the ground.

oh god it's so good

The alt-text: "Lyle travels through the living room, agitated by drink". If Lyle had a Homeric epithet, this would be it.

It truly is a wonderful alt text.

The alt-text is really where it's at in this strip.

Chubbied for "Homeric epithet."

Man, Cornelius Bear is such a badass, he doesn't even grab Lyle's finger and snap it off!

I wasn't feeling this strip, but that last panel ended me.

I just looked at it again... god damn.

Raise it proud and raise it high, Lyle.

What's worse? Being a dick to a stranger, or being a dick to a guy you know?

The Lyle flippin' the bird pin is my favorite one.

Oh, Lyle. So crass yet so adorable.

registered just to say that this is a 5

good job. five the HELL outta this biz.


The bird really makes this strip.

i can just imagine the awkward pause before the finger goes up

Surgeon General's Warning:
Fan use causes Ovarian Freezing and may complicate pregnancy.

Hmm....I'm feeling a bit odd at the moment because I just squawked. Like full on parrot-style. I read the alt-text and it just came bursting out. I...I need to be alone...

Fie on your rasied middle finger, Lyle. Fie!

bird at the end is perfect

Always punctuate with The Finger.

I don't know why, maybe it's the last panel, but I love this strip best of all.

man, this strip just totally sold me on Achewood.

This strip is unrelenting!

Lyle is being Lyle!

5 5 5

...oh god...it's just so uncalled for...

Whenever I completely drive an insult into the ground, I always make sure to punctuate it by flipping the bird and saying go straight to hell.

Any strip that ends with Lyle flipping someone off is an automatic 5 from me. Usually because it's so completely unnecessary but Lyle just can't resist adding JUST A LITTLE MORE insult.

Drunks are so sloppy funny

Lyle's "Bird" in this strip is entirely the anti-climactic gold that really makes me enjoy Onstad's humour. Sometimes by not trying to hard it's funnier on so many other levels.

Little does Lyle know his dolly-sittin' butt will someday trounce him in an all out test of supernal manliness.

It's interesting to think whether Onstad always had these future directions for the characters planned or if he just kind of winged it.

The fact that he takes a step back in order to flip Cornelius off makes it even better.

You can almost see beams of light flashing off that raised finger. A chorus of demons sings a slightly atonal C# from somewhere unseen.

Then Lyle decided, it would be a good idea to flip people off. All the time.

This is also my favorite comic so far. I just love how Lyle looks so pissed off while he's the one insulting Mr. Bear. That finger at the end is the perfect ending too. Just a totally unnecessary punctuation mark he throws in.