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Lie Bot, what is the saddest thing Monday, November 5, 2001 • read strip Viewing 114 comments:

That really is the saddest thing

This is the strip that got me into achewood.

this is a gateway strip leading to harder ach

ewood strips.

nice save!

I don't know, the idea of 'ach' being the street-slang for 'Achewood strips' sort of appeals to me.

Kids all hiding their mouths when they say they're got fresh "ach," slipping each other a dollar bill and a sheet of ach at the same time, while they stand in front of a public information poster by Scott Adams informing them that "Achewood is not cool. This is what Achewood does to your body."

Old scottish dudes getting harassed

In Pitlochry's fair city
Where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Mhairi O'Muireadhach...

Pitlochry is, from what I remember, actually quite a dinky little town; hardly a city at all.

This is the best comment thread.

It was ...


that was hardly lolsworthy, sir

I can't help it if my name gives people false expectations.

People talking in front of school gyms in clothes from goodwill about how one day they were reading premium pay subscription ache off a strippers back in a penthouse of a Vegas hotel, and the next week were on the street with no internet, asking strangers if they knew about achewood, begging them to relate the latest strip to them. Even trying to get people who didn't know what it was to humor them "Hey...heh heh...so if you were a chubby cat named Ray with lots of money what would you say to a squirrel on crack?...just you know, supposing? heh,huh buddy?"

The Scott Adams poster is just a picture of Dilbert

me too!!

This is the first achewood strip that caused me to laugh until I drooled.

This is the strip I show all my friends when they ask me about achewood.

I also

This is what my very good friend showed me to convince me to read achewood regularly. Before that, I didn't really appreciate it. Now, it is one of my favorite things to read.


it's...it's Tourette's guy...get it..? alright, sorry, whoever lamed me. (honestly.)

We are gonna be out of BUTT and into the FUCK if we don't come up with that 36 dollars

the BUTT*

Poor little chicken :[

This is the greatest thing.

Lie Bot would make a great parent.

Yeah, Phillipe and Lie-Bot are the ones practically carrying achewood at this point. The other characters will take a while to develop and come to their own. but achewood probably won't be like we know it until The Party storyline.

first "5" strip, chronologically speaking.

I concur, Doctor.

Phillipe is covering his open mouth so he doesn't freak lie bot out.

After the liquor taste-test when Mr. Bear swears, this is the first 5 that made me laugh out loud. Does that make me a bad person? HA!

Seriously, this strip has the character development lacking in most other comics.

A comment left by digdugz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, TheGrouch, NeoNaoNeo, gkiyo, gnjdfsgk, STUART)

my idea of the saddest things in life was highly influenced by this strip

Kind of an Of Mice and Men quality to this one...

Yeah, agreed. It also reminds me of the seemingly autistic, math obsessed country hick from schoolhouse rock.

Great twist on Of Mice and Men. George is being honest with Lenny about his future/fate here.

oh man, these "the saddes thing" strips never fail to depress me.

A comment left by old_odanger was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, equinn2006, crumpetsandtea)

heh... this looks like a deep sigh.

the first time I read this strip I laughed so hard that I literally peed my pants......but just a little bit.

this is the one of the best running gags ever!

Always loved this set up

this one time on Independence Day, I told a little kid the fireworks were cancelled...by Santa Claus

This is really very sad. I am desensitized now, but I remember really thinking on this when I first read it and being quite sad at that thought, to the point of just sitting there thinking about it. Also very funny.


i do indeed like thes strip

Is so good.

Why would Philippe go looking for trouble like that?

I want to see many more of these.

This establishes that a retarded man who is crying and promising a broken egg that it will still be a chicken someday is not in fact the saddest thing.

Liebot sometimes throws some truth into what he's saying to make it even more confusing.

There really is nothing better than a deranged robot lying to a naive otter.


I printed this and put it on my Mom's fridge.

this strip has actually made me cry when i was PMSing

It almost got me that way too.


jeez! so sad!

nooo! :(

Achewood needs more Lie Bot.

"Nooo!" = "I hate you Milk Man Dan."

Personally, I love both comics.

I love Achewood more, but yes, Red Meat is awesome. First comic I ever really read online.

That strip is online? Awesome!

This comic crushed my soul the first time I read it, while at the same time its brilliance and perfection was apparent. As many times as it's cropped up during boring, randomized afternoons, I'm still not COMPLETELY desensitized...

This is still the best "Saddest Thing" strip. All of the other saddest things are Lie Bot lies. This is a rare moment of candor.

the fact that entropy is not reversible is truly the saddest thing.

There is still insufficient Data.

Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, Phillipe, ...

First strip by itself is pretty funny.

I know this is a total cliche, but this strip is my very first achewood. After this, I sat and read through the entire archives. Amazing, is all I can say.

A comment left by paco was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, TwoRightFeet, antecen, lemnlime2, sevengin)

I find it hilarious that you got lamed for cruelty.

I think he gets lames for the avatar.

Why did I say this? Was the avatar something different six months ago?

Paco's avatar is one of the old defaults, I'm pretty sure, and I think it's been that way since old times.

No, it used to be, like, some kind of yearbook-looking photo of some Hispanic dude. Probably Paco, I guess.

I don't like that I remember these things. It seems like something better could fill that space in my brain.

I remember what you're talking about...was that defintely paco, though? Probably.

Still, if we're thinking of the same avatar, why would he have gotten lamed? Because he might have been a hispanic Jew?

I guess it's possible that his tiny picture looked Hispanic to me because of his name. I'm a terrible person.

No, I think we're remembering the same picture, and it looked like a hispanic guy. I just don't know why that would garner him any lames. It was pretty innocuous; actually, I always figured it wasn't him and that his name wasn't paco; maybe other people did too, and thought he was being a racist or something. I don't know. I have no fucking idea why I'm thinking about this so much.

Assetbar.... SECRETS

Y'all some... actually I have no idea what y'all are...

The saddest thing is that Philippe himself is a little retarded, and I can totally see him talking to the broken egg. I mean, in addition to the fry and the flower.

Philippe is five.

My roommate is hardcore achewood, and told me to get into the strip. I started at the start of the archives and, I find this hard to admit, did not enjoy it very much. This strip kept me reading until the entrance of Ray and Roast Beef, when achewood began its dizzying ascent into transcendent brilliance.

This, perhaps, is the birth of the signature Achewood style of humor. Brilliant.


Nooo! might be my single favorite thing about achewood, and arguably reaches a transcendent state of mystical perfection here .

What makes it even worse is that it is lie bot, and so this is not, in fact, the saddest thing. He is saving that for Phillipe's eulogy.

Of all the Achewood strips I've read, the Lie Bot "Saddest Thing" strips stick in my head the most. At inopportune times, my imagined voice of Phillipe screams "Nooo!", and I smile.

P.S. - Sorry, Jessica... :-)

I just came back to read this, and now I'm wondering who in the hell is Jessica??

Was I cheating on myself?? I think that is the saddest thing...

My only regret for having read the whole archive is not being able to reread strips for the first time.

I need someone in my life that can answer questions like Lie Bot does.

Liebot clutching his metal belly in delighted evil sends this over the top.


Actually, the saddest thing is when Phillipe learns that his flower-bride has only a year to live.

She was cut down in her prime.

The Saddest Thing of course is Creative Signs, Boston. It is a company given over entirely to the making of eye-catching signs for business use. The logo is a beige 'C' and a powder blue 'S' on a silver field.

The owner is one Gideon Cincinatti, 52, and he does not yet have a son.

I want to laugh. I want to cry. I want to throw up a little.

oh no
oh nohohno

At the grocery store today I saw a child sitting on a carton of eggs, telling them "everything will be okay, you'll fly away soon". I cannot shake the sentiment this reflects more heavily on our education system than the child.

It occurs to me that even if those particular eggs were destined to hatch, chickens cannot fly.

They sort of can.

a challenger approaches, jeez.

that is sad

That's a bit too sad for me.

Out of all the "saddest thing" strips, this is the one that really makes me sad.

Phillipe's arms in the last panel ALMOST look like a walrus style mustache. For me, that is truly the saddest thing

Philippe is some kind of masochist for asking these questions.

I am ashamed to admit that I once stole this story and passed it off as my own. I am a bad person and I repent.

Beef muscle meat can be 132-S-708 cut into steak, roasts or short ribs. Some cuts are processed (corned beef or beef jerky), and trimmings, usually mixed with meat from older, leaner cattle, are ground, minced or used in sausages. The blood is used in some varieties of blood 132-S-900 sausage. Other parts that are eaten include the 000-324 oxtail, tongue, tripe from the reticulum or rumen, gland (particularly the pancreas and thymus) referred to as 000-284 sweetbread, the heart, the brain chmm exam (although forbidden where there is a gre exam danger of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE), the liver, the kidneys, and the tender testicles of the bull (known in the US as 132-S-712 calf fries, prairie oysters, or Rocky Mountain oysters). Some intestines are eaten as-is, but are used more often as natural sausage casings. The lungs and the udder are considered unfit for human consumption in the 000-342 US. Beef bones are 132-S-815 used for making beef stock.

The true saddest thing is when the broken egg starts trying to console the retarded man,