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The Ass-Breast Test Wednesday, February 21, 2007 • read strip Viewing 140 comments:

Here Onstad attempts to make up for the overwhelming amount of catcock in his comic - Only to write a much longer in depth arc about gay cat porn.

A comment left by retardo was marked as spam and excluded. retardo: What a douche. (reported by Patware, Arcibi, mrn)

It's all about Roast Beef objectifying women and reducing their defining characteristics to a piece of their anatomy.

A comment left by afastidioushat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NYU, StagnantDisplay, dullard, keithcozz, zulko, motts, TheQuietYou)

Props to the swingin' naturals

Amen, ape brother.


A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, cuddlefish, spiderbethlehem)

that's cuz it's 2d and a cat. damn.

Onstad is just such a breast man, apparently, that he can't be bothered to spend the time drawing the representative ass.

What, you boys tittie-blinded? That's one fine ass!

I am a breast man, now would you rotate 180 degrees?

Oh look I am suddenly an an ass man how did this happen?

You, sir, have it all figured out. A winner is you.

The thing is, he said "everybody's got a rump." That is true, but not everybody has a nice ass. An ass is a fine thing, that must be of proper shape, form, and posture. It requires a delicate balance. When you're just into fat titties, you miss all the subtleties. It's like going from a fine wine lover to double fisting Colts.

I think you're safe; there's not much that's furry about the fat-tittied cat-girl. That, or I have the same perversion you do.

As for the other, Onstad may have made her ass unappealing on purpose, to convey Ray's lack of interest.

I am a breast man and that cat's breasts look nasty, so I'd say it's pretty even-handed. Cat parts should not be sexually attractive, anyway.

Technically it would have 6 nipples in an "egg-carton" sort of fashion and this is the only layout in which would bring me to erection this degradatory stylized objection is a large disappointment to all members of the scientific community and you will be hearing from my lawyer just soon enough until this matter is fully rectified until then I shall no more longer be patronizing this otherwise previously acceptable online-comic-strip ever at all again

Dude did you stone steal that tone from the "Cyclops" chapter of Ulysses man?

Well done.

I'd Pon-Farr that.

"After much deliberation, Achewood has come out in favour of fat titties."

THAT is what made me laugh the most.

As an ass man, this strip made me feel very low.

I think Onstad is trying to tell you something. Something about being of low mind.

As a lady with a nice ass, this strip also makes me feel very low.

Don't you listen. People like you and me and all the rest of the pro-assers have every right to our predilictions. It's not our fault our cocktail name sounds a bit less appealing.

Awww hell, titties is just fake ass rumps, dude! Read your Desmond Morris.

Right on, brothers and sister.

Right on.

My sole predilection is to the hind-quarters. Any confederacy of fat titties shall not compromise the body as I see it.

Why am I the only person who has chubbied this

Stand together, stand proud, fellow ass-people. Never ashamed. never surrender
Ass-pathos is the best pathos

As a Seattleite, I must reference Mix-a-lot. "Baby Got Back" was a chart topper for good reason, and "Put 'Em on the Glass" lives forever in shame. The lesson learned is that breasts are the poor man's ass, as Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life

As a fellow ass man, I console myself with the fact that gravity is on *my* side.

A comment left by lateadopter was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, ppccd, lordofring, equinn2006)

A comment left by ghostd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by bug, jocelynthepink, eRiUukFJk)

I misread that as "atheistic" qualities, which is sort of awesome. Also how dare you imply that womyn care about physical qualities in any way you oppressor (in response to the lames)

But why are most girls "ass girls?" Because unlike the morons who stare down a girl's shirt and she's stuck checking out his bald spot, checking out the other party's rear is much less likely to get you caught. By definition, the objectified party is facing away from you, and judgment can be levied and a decision made before you need to make eye contact again.

Yes! I had the exact same situation. *SIGH*.

Your "liberal" friend has never had a beer with a lesbian.

A comment left by fattybeaver was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ppccd, dickie_roxx, fathands)

Says you and your avatar.

You are assuming that fake tits constitute a "good rack."

i gave your avator a chubby, even though i'm a straight-up ass man.

that doesn't sound like how i meant it to.

"your avatar gave me a chubby even though I am a straight-up-ass man"

Damn, but I wish I didn't recognise the rack in your avatar.

Is it--is it Kate's?

If anything, you just justified why it is easier to find a "nice ass" than a good rack nowadays.

But then I'd never say "nice ass" because it makes me think of donkeys.
Truth is: it is all about the hips, not the gluteus maximus .

Hell yes, man. The actual rump, I can give or take. But I am intensely attracted to a good pair of hips, which generally leads to an incredibly nice fundament besides.

If I was to be completely honest, I'd probably classify myself as a thigh man.

-salutes- Represent.

That explains your apparent attraction to me. You are unknowingly drawn to my thunder thighs.

Like a blind moth to a ten terawatt bulb...

I tried to find a photo on Facebook that proves I am not all talk when it comes to my thunder thighs, but the only thing that even vaguely shows them is one of me in a bikini, and I thought, posting that on Assetbar doesn't even fall within a three hundred mile radius of being a good idea.

Anyway, you have me on Facebook so you could probably find it if you really really wanted.


Even I 'm curious now.

Ah hell yes for thighs.

I was wondering when one of your jiggly icons was going to appear. But boob jobs aren't the only enhancement out there. Ain't you never heard of ass jobs?

I think in Victorian days men probably divided themselves between "ankle men" and "neck men."

men in islamic countries are divided between "eye men" and "bridge of nose men".

I think the amorous style of the Victorian period was how stiff and patriotic their ladies could be. "Lie back and think of England" - the woman is perfectly still, envisions the white cliffs of Dover, and there is no physical touching save vaginal penetration.

Anything else would be dishonourable. (Note the "u".)

On a completely unrelated note, Cliffs of Dover is an awesome piece of music. Chubby for fitting the phrase in there, even though it was probably not intended that way!

It is also pretty difficult to play on Guitar Hero III

but fun even when you fail like 15 times in a row and your hand is turning into some kind of crampy mess even though you play actual guitar.

I would fill a victorian woman with shame... among other things.

So, what else than your ding-dong would you stick into her?


A finger or two

A dildo

A tongue

That sort of thing

A baby?


Oversized novelty shoe-horn required.

I am more inclined to believe it's 'two eyebrow men' and 'one eyebrow men'.

Neck man all the way.

I am a neck and shoulder man. Right on.

i like a nice middle ground, man. stomachs and small of the back. tasty!

It's true man, chick gotta have a waist, or you're fucking a potatoe.

Which is fine, if you have a foot fetish.


(sorry, mom, sorry dad, sorry college.)

belly buttons.
love 'em.

I am for rude back dimples.

There is a disappointing lack of leg man reading achewood. Very disappointing.

(In Victorian times, this would be called a "limb" man.)

He admired her carriage.

Long live breast dudes!

I tried being an ass man for one day, but you can only stare at Vida Guerra for so long before you start to wonder what else is out there.

Wrong ass. And too much Flash.

Worth coming back from the moon for eh?


I wonder how this ass/breast switch will affect Ray's cake-sitting fetish.

i'm sure fat titties smashed into cake look slightly more appealing than a fat ass.

word to your mother

i don't understand the next to last panel.

Ray sees some fat titties, and he wants the girl with fat titties to know that he is a homeboy. He wants her to come find out who Ray is.

next step, bills under the eyes.

Ray is a homeboy. Let no one doubt this.

I have 'wrong' feelings about this strip.




Man, if Leonidas has yelled that as the Persian emissary I might have bought that DVD yesterday.

He said it, only using a kick to the chest to do so.

(Really, do kicks to the chest not indicate the kicker is a homeboy?)

These lady-cats have no tails.

Manx, maybe?
heh, because it matters so

See, this is where I realize that I have a basic disconnect from the sexual mores detailed within Achewood: I do not consider "breasts vs. ass" a serious distinction of personality or taste. But then again the things that make my little soldier rise to attention typically aren't even VAGUELY sexual on the one hand and most of them aren't physically possible on the other, so maybe I'm just a complete weirdo and this is actually a fairly common issue.

Anyway my basic point is that "THIS! IS! A HOMEBOY!" is totally an awesome phrase that I use all the time.

Dang, man. If you're still around somewhere, please elaborate .

Yes I am also curious. Perhaps that speaks to something slightly twisted in our psyches, xiaomimi.


You may guess freely as to WHICH of the things discussed it is. Choose wisely .

chubby for that link!

i think for girls it's a little simpler something like "why do i still find anal sex so arousing when tears are pouring down my face i am so mad every time i do it?"

Because you want to be debased and abused?

pogo's working the rough chuckles!

Oh, Swamp-Stick. I'm sorry to batter you about this right after you ducked out of the porn-conversation; it's coincidence, this is the page I'm reading today. But I just want you to know that there will never be enough lames for that .

dude wants a bj. wife says no.
dude asks. wife says no again.
dude pleads. wife says no; he won't respect her.
dude almost cries. wife says she'll do it.

afterwards, she asked if she did it alright.

"how should i know? i'm not the cocksucker."

i feel like men convert to breasts as they get older. am i wrong?

I have been a straight-up breast man since olden times.

Comments like this make me wonder when Onstad will let his kids read his comic. Maybe he'll give it to them in pieces to ensure their proper development, starting with "the saddest thing in the world".

Man, I hope I'm not the only one who read that as "truffles of the lady-boy community". Yeesh.

Bums are gross. :(

Is this the proper juncture for an emoticon?
Could that be a correct thing to do here?
Is it possible that this is relevant:


If not, apologies.

Nicely done, had to blur my eyes a little, then I saw them!

Actually, it's not true every lady gotta rump. There's some serious man-ass wimmin out there, not to mention plain old fat-ass wimmin.

Props to Onstad for real tits, not those bubbly, cartoon-lookin' things that people keep getting installed.
As a lady shaped like a candy bar, this strip proves i have nothing to offer except my sarcasm. I hope to god i'm just a late bloomer.
The previous thoughts have little relation to on another, but i didn't want two posts alone when they could come together, like brothers or huskies.

"Installed" is a good word for the process. Like a car part.


I'm not sure how to say this without being creepy, so I'll just say it in the hopes that you take it as nothing more than a kindly compliment and not a creepy internet come-on.

I respect a healthy amount of sarcasm and wit, and a more than decent brain, far more than any set of jumbly titties or bodacious booties. I have a tendency to end up attracted to the ladies sans assets, as those ladies appear to develop their brains in lieu of more visible pieces. So...good for you on being a sarcastic late-bloomer.

Oh jeez I feel weird now.

Yeah, as much as physical features are awesome, I've always been more attracted to a lady's personality as opposed to her personage .

In short, sarcastic nerdy chicks are way hot.

when it comes to TRUE love, an emotional attraction always precedes a physical attraction.

Is the girl cat with the titties supposed to be Meg White?

You suggesting that has doubled my appraisal of her.

Oh my god.


Look at her butt.

Fonda ain't got a motor on the back of her Honda.

What about your anaconda? Does it have any prerequisites?

This is one of my favorite comments, I just laughed my ass off. Sorry to all the ass-men out there- you can blame fineoakstructure for this

Your ass is mine .

Regardless, I'm a big fan of your name.

I write my thoughts in it every day.

Are ging and I truly the only leg men?

It seems the ass-lady forgot to get fully dressed.

prime j/o material?

The woman in panel 5 is INSANE with ass, this makes me say that she is so hot.

dont get me wrong, i could rest my head on some heavenly dirty pillows. but i guess i consider myself an ass-man. although, the whole neighborhood tends to catch my eye. ass, thighs, hips, all working together to cause me to forget where im at, so i accidentally walk into a wall or glass door. you know how it is.

Somehow, even as a mostly straight man, I find the anthropomorhic cat tits more frightening than the anthropomorphic cat cock. Maybe it's more confusing? Help please

I'm a nose man.

It has gotten me much greif.

Face/nose is very important.

This comment is to report I am an ass-man.

I evolved in quite the opposite way, strangely enough.