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Vegetable Brain the Comedian Thursday, October 2, 2003 • read strip Viewing 70 comments:

It would be SO cool.

I feel the same way about Jay Leno

Hey, at least Pat can't look bad compared to the opening act...

Lyle and T look straight disappointed with Veg Brain. Philippe is eating it up.

I love that the four of them are each showing a different response to Vegetable Brain

Joy, dissapointment, anger, and confusion.

Scratch that. Teodor looks beyond disappointed. He looks like he's lost all hope. Like the world has just become too much for him.

I think he also feels sort of embarrassed, or... hmmm... pitying and mortified, for VB and for everybody present who is hearing this. That is also the way I feel about bad comedy.

exactly. it is like, 'you are the proprietor's cousin or something. or maybe nobody ever told you that you were not funny. maybe he hired you ironically.'

I feel that way about watching a movie with others that contains bad acting.

That is as close to crying as I've ever seen Lyle. Something from his childhood is being evoked by Vegetable Brain.

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, waddie, mania3, cbtbone)

actually, i think that's TOO FUNNY for vegetable brain. honestly.

v.brain is more like:

what's up with the sky being blue? why can't it just be GREEN?


what's the deal with eating? it's all like, why can't i just NOT eat?

eh? eh?


Beef's expression is great.

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Contrasoma, wittyname, GeyserShitdick, rowboat, mortshire, rascaldom, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, cbtbone, anitrophaeron, Madoushi, Mastronaut, pulkbaby)

deancain29: Vegetable Brain?
Collect-call commercials?
Large hair?
Jokes so bad a dove should be shot?

Dear. God. I. Am. Not. A. Religious. Man.
But. Please. Help. Me. See.
The. Connection. Here.

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by goocifer, GeyserShitdick, Flaaron, Tragic_Johnson, anitrophaeron, Darthemed)

Life is hard sometimes, isn't it? Maybe it's because you didn't want to see.

I have a feeling life is very hard for deancain. That, or he is spoonfed mush at precise times of the day.

its a little of both.

The man just straight-up takes the abuse being heaped upon him. It's almost dignified. Almost.

its all dignity brother. (*types in pants*)

Look! A sailboat!

Adventure? Excitement? A Jedi craves not these things.

This is a rad comment
It... is... rad.

A comment left by scramblesthedog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, gbeaton, choosebro)

Something in me feels there must be some deep symbolism to the fact that Pat has taken a rabbit under his newly-non-assholish wing, and here's an anthropomorphized rabbit bombing as his opening act.

I thought he was a rabbit, too, but then again I thought Teodor was a rabbit in the early days. Bear had hell of ears.

Alt text: One time Vegetable Brain rocked Reno

Sixteen days after Lyle initiated his bedtime story shenanigans, Phillipe is still wearing his Batman pajamas.

I had the same fixation with E.T. Underoos when I was six.

I had a pair of pyjamas when I was a kid that looked like Superman's costume, complete with cape. They were AMAZING.


Don't wear a cape!

I had Hulk Hogan pajamas for some reason? I have no idea why my grandparents thought they would be a good Christmas present. I didn't even watch wrestling.

complete with a big shiny wrestling trophy belt and a bandana? that don´t sound to comfy sleeping in

I can one-up that. I had a ninja turtle costume my mom made me that had green sweats, a bandana/eyemask, and a stitched plush shell. I used it - much to her chagrin - as pajamas once halloween was over.

I had an Esmeralda nightgown in Kindergarten. If i could find one I would starve myself until I was small enought to wear it again. It would be worth seeing spots and an IV in my wrist.

i feel this way about old clothes of mine as well.

Phillipe diggs.

i love it how onstad can make his comics go from pretty funny to utter brilliance with the last panel

Every time vegetable brain tells a joke a child dies from SIDS.

A comment left by envika was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, relaxing, cailetshadow, Mastronaut, Darthemed)

sudden infant death > hi-five

shit, that was dumb of me. thank you.


mr yuk is meeeeeean
mr yuk is greeeeeeen

A comment left by pa_ass_nts was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GeyserShitdick, dasilodavi, nutmeg, usversusthem, Mastronaut)

A comment left by envika was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by farqussus, cpnglxynchos, Mastronaut)

Given that pa_ass_ants said "IRL," probably not.

carrot top

Of course. But it could just as easily be Dane "Why Won't He Die" Cook.

I'm not sure, but I don't think Dane Cook was popular yet in 2003.

A serious question: Why does everyone seem to hate him now? I must have missed something.

1. His face.
2. His voice.
3. Those commercials he did for postseason baseball a couple of years back.
4. Because I'm supposed to.

Was I hopped off the Dane-Train (sorry) I think it was just because I got bored of him, but he was still popular. I didn't realize that a whole movement of Dis-Dane (sorry again) was brewing. I never thought he would be compared to the likes of Carrot Top *shudder*. I mean, the guy's pretty funny, or at least he used to be.

Also we don't watch much baseball up here in the frigid North, maybe that has something to do with it. I get just about enough baseball from watching shitty country singers twang out "The Braves Play Here" on PeachTree TV when I'm trying to watch The Office.

"Frigid North?" "The Braves Play Here?" I'm all kinds of confused about all that.

Anyway, everyone I associate with hates the man and with the rare chances he's had to make me laugh he has failed to do so. That's all I can say for sure.

You know what, I'm confused too. By frigid North I mean Canada. There is very little baseball in Canada, at least in my neck of the woods. And PeachTree TV is the station that replaced TBS Superstation for us up here. I guess it's broadcast from Atlanta so they always have advertisements for Braves games, sung by country singers.

Side note, we are currently carrying on two separate assetbar conversations on two separate strips. One about Dane Cook, the other about porn. I take it your work day is proceeding similarly to mine.

Bizarre. Yeah, between the mention of the Braves and "PeachTree" I thought you were just in a particularly frigid northern section of Georgia (hence my confusion). That's fucked up that they show Braves games in Canada. I was under the impression that most of you didn't even care about the Blue Jays, much less a similarly underachieving team from thousands of miles away.

And yes, I'm doing whatever I can to pass the time on the clock, up to and including talking baseball, mediocre stand-up comedians and eternally bouncing tits with a random Canuck on the internet. It's a living.

1. He's not funny.
2. He's NOT funny.

I love Philippe's expression in the last panel. He's so genuinely into Vegetable Brian.

While Teodor seems to be contemplating suicide due to his own adventures with mistimed sprinkler systems.

Just noticed the sign on Pat's door. :)

As did I. Well done!

Carrot top is so bad I even get uncomfortable when things I like make fun of him; like, I don't want to be reminded. Fortunately, Beef has the the most appropriate idea ever.

Kudos Beefie, kudos.

Philippe is going through a phase with that Batman shirt, apparently.

be it mayors, couches, or Batman, he is always interested in something.

Anything that makes fun of Carrot Top is ok with me, though I must disagree with Beef. It would be cool if every time he told a joke, someone shot Carrot Top.

Haha, the expressions in the last panel are good but my favourite is Ray in panel. He is so panicky about the fact that VB is telling jokes.

I love how Lyle's moustache appears to be wilting.

"hey! you got me all wet!" That punchline deserve a totally different joke. Lyle can´t belive some comedians still tilt their head waiting for the laughs, or in this case entertained otter smiles